Simon, I'm one of those people that believed (or thought I knew it as fact because I never verified it) that males and females have a different number of ribs and neeeeeeeever looked into it. I think I was taught that in Catholic school in Alberta Canada, but I don't know. I seem to remember some kid telling me, and then I asked a teacher about it. I'm pretty sure the teacher confirmed it. I hadn't thought of it in years, but yea, I was still under that impression. So, for the first dumb ass thing from the dozens and dozens of videos of yours that I've watched over the years, this one is so stupid it actually kind of hurts.
On the note of ribs... Yes, loads of Christians over here in the US believe the garbage that is their particular brand of holy text. Why they think their holy text is better than someone else's holy text, or why any of that ancient knowledge (the past WAS the worst people!) is even believed over things humanity has learned since then, is a complete mystery. People just like their sky daddy I guess.
The rib logic baffles me. The first time I encountered it, I had a student confidently explain the concept to me. My bemused first comment was "does that mean a man who loses an arm will have male children with one less arm?"
Some woman tried to tell us that at Sunday School once. We told our mother, she as a registered nurse walked over to her and in a dangerously calm voice called her an idiot and told her "keep to your lane" and stay away from science because she was "obviously incapable of understanding the basics".
I remember it being a "fact" only spread by students when I was in early primary school. I had clean forgotten about it until biology lessons and have never heard it mentioned since
Tangent here: I've not been well recently and have had to spend a disproportionately long time flat on my back on the floor. Whilst there, have been going through much of the Whistlerverse, including Brain/Business Blaze, Decoding The Unknown and The Casual Criminalist. So thank you to Simon and his many writers & editors for helping to keep me (sort of) sane whilst I got intimately familiar with the imperfections on my ceiling.
I know what you mean .... except for the ceiling part. I'm in chronic pain and the Whistlerverse is an excellent distraction for my mind. If I was able to bottle it and sell it, I could be a thousandaire. Allegedly. 😄 (BTW, I hope you're able to get off of the floor soon!)
I understand the mind stimulating effect of the Whistlerverse. A year ago my eyesight went weird. Nearly 3 months not being able to see properly, no reading, no videos, not even to be able to go for a walk on my own. Whistlerverse kept me as sane as I could be at the time. I hope you get better soon. Hope Simon realises the weird therapeutic effect of his work.
same, I finished chemo and watching all the whistleverse stuff during the past 8 months helped me be distracted and entertained during hospital stays, and long boring appointments/infusions etc.
"Good evening, we're Sperm Graveyard and the Ghosts of Funtimes Past! This first song is from our brand new album. It's called "Chicken Mayonnaise Sandwich." ONE TWO THREE FOUR!"
I appreciate Simon pointing out that it's important to listen to people you're training under. I have to train people at work and sometimes they act like they know better than me even though I've been here like a decade and they're brand new. Granted, this wouldn't be an issue if they genuinely do know something I don't, but so far, that hasn't happened. Like, I'm showing you how to dilute this chemical and how diluted it needs to me so we can use it, so you need to listen to me. If I come back and find you just poured straight concentrate into the spray bottle, I'm going to come give you a lecture before someone loses their eyesight or gets chemical burns (and that Someone just might be you if you didn't wear eye protection when filling the bottle). The concentrate is navy blue, and the diluted chemical is sky blue, so it's pretty damn easy for me to look at the bottle and see you didn't dilute it.
People didn't use to do this as much. Young people now have been taught to think too highly of their own thoughts, with no reason for doing that. It's really sad.
I was embarrassingly old when I found out men and women had the same number of ribs. I was watching an archeology program and they were trying to determine whether a skeleton was male or female. I said why don't they just count the ribs? My husband asked why and I said that men have fewer ribs than women. He asked me where I learned that. I had to wrack my brain to remember it was something I'd learned in Sunday school and never questioned, and that somehow had never come up since.
If it makes you feel better, there's a good chance "removed a rib" was a euphemism for the fact that humans don't have a baculum, a bone in the penis that many other mammals have but humans don't.
@@TheLithp I recently found out that washing someone's feet is an ancient Hebrew euphemism. I wish I knew that before my grandma passed so I could get her reaction to it 😂
Wait until you learn that eggs literally burst out of ovaries, chest-burster style. It's even more fun when they develop into a cyst, and THAT bursts into your abdominal cavity.
Wait until people find out that if you keep one or both of your ovaries after a total hysterectomy, until menopause, they still release eggs. Which are eventually reabsorbed by the body. Or as my friend put it, "your body basically gobbles them up like an unsupervised chicken."
I have PCOS and I can confidently say that it FUCKING hurts. Last time it happened was seven months ago and I was laid up for four days because moving was excruciating.
@@dragonwings36 yup! Mom had a full hysterectomy at 34 because of uterine polyps. Her periods were so heavy, she was chronically anemic. They told her she kept her ovaries so she wouldn’t go into instant menopause.
@@ItsJustLisa your poor mum! I only kept 1. We were aiming for both but mine had a giant cyst on it so it needed to go. Plus there was the whole endometriosis nonsense. Absolutely no regrets! I hope your mum is enjoying her no periods and that healing post surgery went well.
You know, I know you have writers and you just "read the script", but whomever edited this and added the memes today needs a raise. you fucking got me TWICE today.
We were taught at school about hypothermia and NOT rubbing the limbs but to wrap them in a blanket and warm them SLOWLY. At the beginning of every school year we all got to watch the same short video/film - 1970s, New Zealand - about the signs of hypothermia and how to treat it. Largely to do with people going off hiking, sking or camping and recognising if one of their group was suffering and how to treat it.
Can I upvote this comment harder to get more of all TFS related content? I’m waiting for ”Sweet Mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz” personally
It's easy for Simon to say he doesn't worry about the statistics or a particular video doing well. With 12 million channels, he's got to be making profit from *somewhere* at any one time.
I never even heard of rubbing a hypothermic person before, but the moment he said it, I pictured the horrible damage that would occur if you rubbed a frostbitten area! And even if you could safely warm the skin surface that way, it's not going to do anything for their core body temperature!
I was horrified when taking my anatomy and physiology classes for my biochemistry major in undergrad I was classes with people going into nursing. More than one person each term tried to say they could tell if our skeletal model was male or female because of ribs. My poor professor wanted be told where they ended up as nurses so he could avoid it.
As a child of fundamentalist parents, yes, we were told men had fewer ribs than women. It was even taught in my Christian school. I didn't know this was false until my 20's.
I also have fundamentalist parents and I have never even heard of that. Closest I have heard of is people talking about where the original rib might have been.
I love the DBZA memes. If you don't care for anime but have a great sense of humor, Dragonball Z Abridged. Also the random Venture brothers memes. *Chef kiss*
According to one of the banned books God did make the first woman also from dust. That'd be Lilith. She didn't want to submit to Adam so God turned her into a succubus and kicked her out of the garden. Or so the story goes anyway. Eve was then created from Adam's rib so that she would be submissive to him.
@tripsaplenty1227 exactly, the brain is actually pretty resilient, and able to reassign different parts to deal with damaged or missing sections. Exactly what the life of a surviver of brain damage is like depends greatly on what was destroyed. The victims of lobotomy are a classic example, having part of the brain damaged / destroyed to calm a patient down, mostly non lethally. If part of your brain is unused, it will get repurosed to other things. In particular someone who is blind will use their visual cortex to enhance other senses. Studies have been done were they did multiple brain scans and other tests on a volunteer who was blindfolded over multiple months (iirc).
Simon saying "the sun is too bright aaaghh" is me every damn day in this forsaken desert of Las Vegas XD I'm Minnesotan by birth (mostly Scandinavian heritage), and tanning in the sun fuckin hurts me lol
We've actually been trained on that fact about not rubbing person in hypothermia's limbs during our first aid training for driver's license. You're supposed to use the thermo blanket (or any other blanket) and wrap the person in it so they get warm on their own.
@@theAessaya definitely not mandatory in the EU unfortunately. I'm in Ireland and got my license less than 2 years ago, I didn't have to learn any first aid.
14:30. As a non-religious person, I thought men had one less rib than women, but this was because I assumed the story in the Bible was invented because of an observed difference between male and female anatomy. Primitives observe a fact in nature and make up a story to explain it... it never occurred to me that there wasn't an observed anatomical difference before they made up the story.
As a religious person, I remember that I had been told this at some point, with that same logic attached to it (observation->explanation). Then I found out that was all made up, and I thought "Why didn't they just say that Adam had 13 ribs?" 😂
Nah brother, the moment you start reading random icebergs from reddit and passing them as content, that's when creativity is truly dead. Y'all still golden on my book.
I remember hearing the rib thing at Sunday school.. It's stored next to people being turned into pillars of salt for looking back. I probably believed it when I was 8.
As the son of a theologian (unfortunately), the reason for Eve being made from Adam's rib is to be his companion. She's his, she came from him, she's literally a part of him. However, there are books that weren't included in the Bible that suggest that Eve was Adam's second wife and his first wife (Lilith) was made from the dust and....didn't turn out as well. When you consider that the Bible as its currently structured was picked and chosen from over 200 texts (or "books" in keeping with the Bible's structure) by a bunch of dudes in the 16th Century (and then redone in the 17th century at the behest of King James I of England) trying to merge multiple religions into one to ensure conversion, some of the head scratching parts make sense.
From a conservative Christian woman (not American): IT'S A SYMBOL! We were made as equals. Not from the head to manage our men, nor from the feet to be walked over. But as support, depending on what is needed. It also means that men are supposed to protect us so that we can be who we can. At least, that's how my grandfather explained it to me... Perhaps he was just awesome..
@movingforward3030 ewww. What a gross idea. Men and women are not equal in that explanation. It's mens fault women are unsafe and needed to be protected(from the world Men built), but also the idea that Men need to be supported and not protected. We are all human and thus need the exact same thing in that regard.
@@movingforward3030it’s not that he was awesome, per se, it’s that he was willing to bend the actual import of the symbol - which has always been that woman was made by a male-identifying father figure god as a component part of, and is therefore subservient to, man, in the same manner as men are a component part of and subservient to their god - for a female audience, so she wouldn’t recognize the inherent contradiction in the symbolism and rebel against the religion. Men (and indeed women) have always been willing to bend the rules to make them more palatable, that’s why so many conservative Christians believe in there being exactly 10 commandments when neither of the two primary lists of commandments agree on either the order or the number of commandments, and also believe in Jesus being raised bodily into the heavens when 2 of the 3 synoptic gospels completely omit that imagery and the 3rd was very obviously changed likely centuries after the fact to better support what doctrine had by then evolved. The OP comment had it right… today’s doctrines of faith are entirely a curated interpolation and synthesis of many historical beliefs all meant to serve the shifting needs for power of those who held that power, consistently presented as “conservative” fact when nothing of the original has actually been conserved.
The sun coming out like that was as though some unearthly being had turned up to smite Simon, and then just gave up cos the processing of paperwork for official smite work is just unbearable... :P
That opening line is 100% Simon being a grumpy old man. I was waiting for a litany of complaints: “The sun is so bright… ugh, have I ever had the best tuna sandwich of my life and it’s all downhill from here?”
I did hear an interesting theory about the "Adam's rib" story: The word "rib" in that context might have actually been referring to the baculum, or penis bone. Most mammals have one, but humans don't. So the story of Adam and Eve might have been partially an attempt to explain where that extra bone went.
1:15 - Mid roll ads 2:35 - Chapter 1 - The female reproductive system is a closed unit 5:30 - Chapter 2 - We only use 10% of our brain 8:15 - Chapter 3 - If someone is hypothermic you should rub them vigorously to help warm them up 14:10 - Chapter 4 - Men & women have a different number of ribs 17:05 - Chapter 5 - Shark cartilage supplements can cure cancer
I had all my toes affected by dry gangrene (long story). My doctors actually recommended bone broths and other high-cartilage foods as something to help surrounding the amputation process. Couldn't tell you if it actually helped, but everything went really well. I even got to keep 2!
I’m a woman. I’ve had three children. I knew that my ovaries are not attached to my fallopian tubes. But until this video, it never occurred to me that sperm might live long enough to exit my fallopian tubes and wind up wiggling around all willy-nilly in my abdomen. I am fully embarrassed enough to say, “Ew”.
And of the select several women I have mentioned this to, and even one two men who were eavesdropping, several made 😱 faces, and one man told me to, “Never speak those words together again”. 😂
Kinda wish the abridged version would stop popping up everywhere. Can't even have a conversation about dragonball anymore without T4S being people's only talking point.
@@Markcrazeerthe word used is tzela which could mean rib, or side, it’s not entirely clear what the exact translation is meant to be, granted both iterations of genesis are rife with systemic sexism particularly when you account for Lilith getting kicked out of Eden for wanting equality of the sexes
@@melissamargolese8782 with lilith in the picture whatever they meant with tzela it is absolutley not witchever understanding would let eve see herself as an equal. because that was the mistake that caused lilith to act out. the woman should be bellow the man, missionary style.
The whole ( holy/holey ) book is based on the mistranslation of mistranslations of mistranslations of the exaggerations of the exaggerations of someones made up stories to try to control those around them.
Blinded by the light... Shook up like a ru....blah blah in the night, blinded by the light!! xD God was shining his light down on you Simon, just to brighten up yo day, how thoughtful:) btw the first part of this is about Cocai... huh? I didn't say nothin' xD
The amount of ribs brought to you by a Roman Catholic grade school who's nuns also beat my older brothers left hand with a hard wood pointer ever time he tried to write with it!
Most politicians don’t follow the constitution anyways but apparently it done something right millions & millions of people try to get over here for a reason.
Well the wars started (and lost) by your country in the middle east has millions trying to come to us as well. Stop doing so much drugs and poverty and safety in latin and south america mig get better ;)
The word that is translated as rib can also be translated as side, which makes more sense to me. He took a side of the man to make the woman, n that is why they complement each other. I could be wrong, but i think it means a side of man's nature rather than a physical side. There's a lot in the bible that people don't fully understand. There's mysteries, n people try to understand them, but sometimes arent successful.
16:27 if i remember correctly the first woman according to the bible (Lillith) was also made from "dust". but she refused to worship Adam and be a "proper" wife, so god deleted her and created Eve from the rib so she would always feel guilty and be dependent on Adam.
I've heard that it was translated as "rib" specifically in the King James bible, while the word in the original text was closer to "side" or "half", which it was translated to everywhere else. Considering society in that era considered women to be less than men, it would make sense that King James would want the bible to support that by making Eve seem lesser than Adam because she only came from a single rib.
My two left "floating ribs" are severely deformed. This is the result of my being hyper ambitious in army basic training. We were performing an obstacle course. There's no practical reason for these. They are, I assume, just for something fun to do that day. One obstacle consisted of a log, 24 inches in diameter, sitting horizontally on supports so that it was about six inches from the ground. You were supposed to step onto that log and throw yourself over another log which was also sitting horizontally on supports, but it was about five feet from the ground. I jumped, landed on my chest, and fell off. I was determined to clear that obstacle, so I did it again. I didn't have to; I could have gone around it, but I was stubborn. So I did it again, with the same result. I did it about twenty times, and broke my ribs. Ouch.
The rib thing... When you first said it I remembered a time when I thought it was true, and then realized that I hadn't re-evaluated that belief in the last 25 years. Honestly, I never think about the number of ribs anybody else has and probably never would have realized that thought was still hanging around. Thanks, I guess.
At the 16:27 mark, UA-cam decided to interrupt this video with an advertisement for cookies in which a Keebler elf magically creates fudge cookies from nothing. Paired with what Simon was discussing, I imagined God as a Keebler elf doing the same in creating Adam.
I like the 10%- brain, by comparison it more to having a spacious but limited storage space, one person can just stuff it with junk, the other person would "organize" it more bettter, the other would just toss the junk way, etc of a combination of them all. The storage unit are somethat identical to another, but everyone inherently uses it differently.
Is there a term for being addicted to phrases. Can't stop singing mesothelioma, or saying "incominnnng" and whistling whenever my kid starts telling me a story. Also saying "wannanow" but that's another thing altogether
I'll be honest, I never questioned the rib thing. Told it ever since I was a child, and even as I grew older and further away from the church, I never bothered to look. And with the floating ribs, probably never would think otherwise.
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😮 fmri how did you know that Simon? Still don't know what it is😅
Simon, I'm one of those people that believed (or thought I knew it as fact because I never verified it) that males and females have a different number of ribs and neeeeeeeever looked into it.
I think I was taught that in Catholic school in Alberta Canada, but I don't know.
I seem to remember some kid telling me, and then I asked a teacher about it. I'm pretty sure the teacher confirmed it.
I hadn't thought of it in years, but yea, I was still under that impression.
So, for the first dumb ass thing from the dozens and dozens of videos of yours that I've watched over the years, this one is so stupid it actually kind of hurts.
I need Vessit to make half sizes! I would literally never buy anything else for shoes
@@bornagain_cynic get soles
On the note of ribs...
Yes, loads of Christians over here in the US believe the garbage that is their particular brand of holy text.
Why they think their holy text is better than someone else's holy text, or why any of that ancient knowledge (the past WAS the worst people!) is even believed over things humanity has learned since then, is a complete mystery.
People just like their sky daddy I guess.
"The sun is so bright" -Simon's staff after escaping the blazement and seeing the sky for the first time in 9 years
This is my favorite UA-cam comment in several months
Hahahaha yeah!!
If anyone's seen "The Salton Sea" you know the scene.
Why would anyone want to leave the blazement? 🤔
@@daxleone Especially when they get three meals of moisture and mold
As an ex- Florida Man, I'm happy to report that I now have the use of 11% of my brain.
Blame it on the Blaze!
The rib logic baffles me. The first time I encountered it, I had a student confidently explain the concept to me. My bemused first comment was "does that mean a man who loses an arm will have male children with one less arm?"
Some woman tried to tell us that at Sunday School once. We told our mother, she as a registered nurse walked over to her and in a dangerously calm voice called her an idiot and told her "keep to your lane" and stay away from science because she was "obviously incapable of understanding the basics".
@@raylouis7013 your mom rocked!!!
I have heard people 100% seriously say the want to get plastic surgery BEFORE they have kids so their kids will have better noses 🤦♀️
@@UnicornsPoopRainbowsdumb people mistake cosmetic surgery for epigenetics. Surgeons should be required to to explain the difference.
I remember it being a "fact" only spread by students when I was in early primary school. I had clean forgotten about it until biology lessons and have never heard it mentioned since
Tangent here: I've not been well recently and have had to spend a disproportionately long time flat on my back on the floor. Whilst there, have been going through much of the Whistlerverse, including Brain/Business Blaze, Decoding The Unknown and The Casual Criminalist. So thank you to Simon and his many writers & editors for helping to keep me (sort of) sane whilst I got intimately familiar with the imperfections on my ceiling.
Tangent is a way of life here.
I know what you mean .... except for the ceiling part. I'm in chronic pain and the Whistlerverse is an excellent distraction for my mind. If I was able to bottle it and sell it, I could be a thousandaire. Allegedly. 😄 (BTW, I hope you're able to get off of the floor soon!)
I have an extra firm mattress on the floor. I do all my (very cautious) stretches and exercises on it.
I understand the mind stimulating effect of the Whistlerverse.
A year ago my eyesight went weird. Nearly 3 months not being able to see properly, no reading, no videos, not even to be able to go for a walk on my own. Whistlerverse kept me as sane as I could be at the time.
I hope you get better soon.
Hope Simon realises the weird therapeutic effect of his work.
same, I finished chemo and watching all the whistleverse stuff during the past 8 months helped me be distracted and entertained during hospital stays, and long boring appointments/infusions etc.
"Good evening, we're Sperm Graveyard and the Ghosts of Funtimes Past! This first song is from our brand new album. It's called "Chicken Mayonnaise Sandwich." ONE TWO THREE FOUR!"
I read this in Sex Bob-omb's drummer's voice from Scott Pilgrim.
@@Draggonny So did I. What black sorcery is this.
@@Draggonny 🤣🤣
I appreciate Simon pointing out that it's important to listen to people you're training under. I have to train people at work and sometimes they act like they know better than me even though I've been here like a decade and they're brand new. Granted, this wouldn't be an issue if they genuinely do know something I don't, but so far, that hasn't happened. Like, I'm showing you how to dilute this chemical and how diluted it needs to me so we can use it, so you need to listen to me. If I come back and find you just poured straight concentrate into the spray bottle, I'm going to come give you a lecture before someone loses their eyesight or gets chemical burns (and that Someone just might be you if you didn't wear eye protection when filling the bottle). The concentrate is navy blue, and the diluted chemical is sky blue, so it's pretty damn easy for me to look at the bottle and see you didn't dilute it.
Whiner lol
People didn't use to do this as much. Young people now have been taught to think too highly of their own thoughts, with no reason for doing that. It's really sad.
@jeffdroog Yeah, ur probably gonna kill someone or injure them too.
@edenrose1224 Or it's because most people are actually stupid lol If they're who built the country,I'd argue they didn't do a great job.
The older you get, the more you realize how stupid 20 somethings are.
I demand a 10-minute-long tangent on how you grabbed the wrong cup on your way to work this morning 😋
Was just thinking that! Surely it’s his daughter’s cup?
That's probably gonna be in one of his other videos :D
His kid probably told him to take that cup. He’s a good dad
This is at least the second video he's uploaded from this day, and I REALLY want to hear the story. It's almost certain to be adorable.
Someone else pointed out it looks like a GamerSupps cup. Smells like Fact Boi might have a sponsor code soon!
In the US we don't call them "anti-tramp bars" they are known as "hostile architecture"
Yeah... the language evolved in the states. It didn't in Britain...
I was embarrassingly old when I found out men and women had the same number of ribs. I was watching an archeology program and they were trying to determine whether a skeleton was male or female. I said why don't they just count the ribs? My husband asked why and I said that men have fewer ribs than women. He asked me where I learned that. I had to wrack my brain to remember it was something I'd learned in Sunday school and never questioned, and that somehow had never come up since.
If it makes you feel better, there's a good chance "removed a rib" was a euphemism for the fact that humans don't have a baculum, a bone in the penis that many other mammals have but humans don't.
@@TheLithp As if the bible guys would have known this...
I heard about men having one less rib in Sunday school, but the same people said the universe was 6000 years old so I was skeptical. ✌🖖
@@TheLithp I recently found out that washing someone's feet is an ancient Hebrew euphemism. I wish I knew that before my grandma passed so I could get her reaction to it 😂
Better to learn late than never.
Dave great job! Seeing Simon almost yak will entertain me for days. 😂😂😂
Stfu and listen with fact boi killed me lol😂
With Alpha Fact Boi lol
I read you're comment right as that popped up.
Wait until you learn that eggs literally burst out of ovaries, chest-burster style.
It's even more fun when they develop into a cyst, and THAT bursts into your abdominal cavity.
Wait till they hear about retrograde menstruation
Wait until people find out that if you keep one or both of your ovaries after a total hysterectomy, until menopause, they still release eggs. Which are eventually reabsorbed by the body. Or as my friend put it, "your body basically gobbles them up like an unsupervised chicken."
I have PCOS and I can confidently say that it FUCKING hurts. Last time it happened was seven months ago and I was laid up for four days because moving was excruciating.
@@dragonwings36 yup! Mom had a full hysterectomy at 34 because of uterine polyps. Her periods were so heavy, she was chronically anemic. They told her she kept her ovaries so she wouldn’t go into instant menopause.
@@ItsJustLisa your poor mum! I only kept 1. We were aiming for both but mine had a giant cyst on it so it needed to go. Plus there was the whole endometriosis nonsense. Absolutely no regrets! I hope your mum is enjoying her no periods and that healing post surgery went well.
Dave is a legend at taking pot shots in this one. Awesome work Dave.
You know, I know you have writers and you just "read the script", but whomever edited this and added the memes today needs a raise. you fucking got me TWICE today.
Legitimately every day this week I’ve found another Simon Wistler channel!
Sam! That "Incoming" visual you strung together was premium stuff.
Not Sam, Julian. 😁
@@corvidsRcool When you see the gay porn (or hetero porn, for that matter), you know it's a Sam edit.
@@MikeP2055 LOL I just read the credits.
@@MikeP2055 Our father taught us to be proud of our..
Sad Keanu with Simon's head, in the background, seated on hostile architecture... Chef's kiss.
We were taught at school about hypothermia and NOT rubbing the limbs but to wrap them in a blanket and warm them SLOWLY. At the beginning of every school year we all got to watch the same short video/film - 1970s, New Zealand - about the signs of hypothermia and how to treat it. Largely to do with people going off hiking, sking or camping and recognising if one of their group was suffering and how to treat it.
I really did not expect Hellsing Abridged to make an appearance in this- that's some top tier meme work 😂
They've used DBZA as well! Such wonderful work!!
I love it when they use Hellsing Abridged.
Seras was on the yearbook too
Can I upvote this comment harder to get more of all TFS related content? I’m waiting for ”Sweet Mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz” personally
Who knew that Simon was such a survivalist, camping tips as well as tangents
It's easy for Simon to say he doesn't worry about the statistics or a particular video doing well. With 12 million channels, he's got to be making profit from *somewhere* at any one time.
I never even heard of rubbing a hypothermic person before, but the moment he said it, I pictured the horrible damage that would occur if you rubbed a frostbitten area! And even if you could safely warm the skin surface that way, it's not going to do anything for their core body temperature!
I was horrified when taking my anatomy and physiology classes for my biochemistry major in undergrad I was classes with people going into nursing. More than one person each term tried to say they could tell if our skeletal model was male or female because of ribs. My poor professor wanted be told where they ended up as nurses so he could avoid it.
Dave’s stuff is my fave. He’s such a storyteller, and also his garden paths make me laugh out loud. Good job, Dave.
As a child of fundamentalist parents, yes, we were told men had fewer ribs than women. It was even taught in my Christian school. I didn't know this was false until my 20's.
I also have fundamentalist parents and I have never even heard of that. Closest I have heard of is people talking about where the original rib might have been.
@@swampfox984 Wait, as in, the original design had one more rib than the "final version" does? That's wild 🤣
Goddamn, the memes and editing were strong with this blaze. Lots of chuckles have been had.
Dave went in BLAZING during that shark bit and I am for it!
I love the DBZA memes. If you don't care for anime but have a great sense of humor, Dragonball Z Abridged.
Also the random Venture brothers memes. *Chef kiss*
Another video with the mystery cup whose back story probably involves Simon's kids being adorable! Please give us that tangent, Simon!
It's gamer supps
Its a gamer supps cup, branded for the youtuber russian badger, i have the same cup
@mrcory1236 so do I. It's not a bad beverage if your into your caffeine
According to one of the banned books God did make the first woman also from dust. That'd be Lilith. She didn't want to submit to Adam so God turned her into a succubus and kicked her out of the garden. Or so the story goes anyway. Eve was then created from Adam's rib so that she would be submissive to him.
Book of Enoch I think
Absolutely terrible science fiction
@@captainspaulding5963 Just some fanfic anyway.
@@filipbaxa71 indeed!!
But there ARE people who have survived with large chunks of their brain missing. Not just metaphorically speaking, either.
Ego sum
yeah but they aren't the same.
@tripsaplenty1227 exactly, the brain is actually pretty resilient, and able to reassign different parts to deal with damaged or missing sections. Exactly what the life of a surviver of brain damage is like depends greatly on what was destroyed. The victims of lobotomy are a classic example, having part of the brain damaged / destroyed to calm a patient down, mostly non lethally.
If part of your brain is unused, it will get repurosed to other things. In particular someone who is blind will use their visual cortex to enhance other senses. Studies have been done were they did multiple brain scans and other tests on a volunteer who was blindfolded over multiple months (iirc).
Technically all you need is a brain stem to be alive. You'd just be a body though, like an empty shell.
Simon saying "the sun is too bright aaaghh" is me every damn day in this forsaken desert of Las Vegas XD I'm Minnesotan by birth (mostly Scandinavian heritage), and tanning in the sun fuckin hurts me lol
We've actually been trained on that fact about not rubbing person in hypothermia's limbs during our first aid training for driver's license. You're supposed to use the thermo blanket (or any other blanket) and wrap the person in it so they get warm on their own.
Yeap dry and "external slow warming "
First aid training to get a driver's license? Where are you from, because that's definitely not a thing in the US, though it seems like a great idea.
@@pioneercynthia1 Eastern Europe. I believe it is mandatory across the EU.
And yes, it is absolutely a good idea.
@@theAessaya definitely not mandatory in the EU unfortunately. I'm in Ireland and got my license less than 2 years ago, I didn't have to learn any first aid.
@@violet7773 aight, I guess it's a local thing then. Still, it should be mandatory!
I just can’t get over the sippy cup Simon is drinking presumably wine out of.
Another spectacular Blaze brought to us by the HOLLLEEE Trinity. Love your work ❤❤❤
Several teachers told me the rib myth. I was today years old when I realized it was a myth.
Love the Team Four Star cuts added in. This channel understands the Pecking Order.
Can we please make the lower right screen tangent timer, a regular thing. It’s absolutely HILARIOUS!😆
It’s actually annoying. We all know Simon is gonna go off script; we don’t need a timer to keep track of it.
14:30. As a non-religious person, I thought men had one less rib than women, but this was because I assumed the story in the Bible was invented because of an observed difference between male and female anatomy. Primitives observe a fact in nature and make up a story to explain it... it never occurred to me that there wasn't an observed anatomical difference before they made up the story.
As a religious person, I remember that I had been told this at some point, with that same logic attached to it (observation->explanation).
Then I found out that was all made up, and I thought "Why didn't they just say that Adam had 13 ribs?" 😂
Simon you have started a Collection of so Many channels we need to get you your own Network
5:29 😆😂 I needed that comedic outrage
I had to pause to laugh at that reaction for a solid minute. Fact Boi and I, same page.
Nah brother, the moment you start reading random icebergs from reddit and passing them as content, that's when creativity is truly dead. Y'all still golden on my book.
The editing by Julian was *chefs kiss*
"stfu and listen" I need this on a shirt, asap.
We need merch with all the "... With fact boi" memes
I remember hearing the rib thing at Sunday school.. It's stored next to people being turned into pillars of salt for looking back. I probably believed it when I was 8.
As the son of a theologian (unfortunately), the reason for Eve being made from Adam's rib is to be his companion. She's his, she came from him, she's literally a part of him. However, there are books that weren't included in the Bible that suggest that Eve was Adam's second wife and his first wife (Lilith) was made from the dust and....didn't turn out as well. When you consider that the Bible as its currently structured was picked and chosen from over 200 texts (or "books" in keeping with the Bible's structure) by a bunch of dudes in the 16th Century (and then redone in the 17th century at the behest of King James I of England) trying to merge multiple religions into one to ensure conversion, some of the head scratching parts make sense.
From a conservative Christian woman (not American):
We were made as equals. Not from the head to manage our men, nor from the feet to be walked over. But as support, depending on what is needed. It also means that men are supposed to protect us so that we can be who we can.
At least, that's how my grandfather explained it to me...
Perhaps he was just awesome..
@movingforward3030 ewww. What a gross idea. Men and women are not equal in that explanation. It's mens fault women are unsafe and needed to be protected(from the world Men built), but also the idea that Men need to be supported and not protected. We are all human and thus need the exact same thing in that regard.
Rib also isn't an accurate translation.
@@movingforward3030it’s not that he was awesome, per se, it’s that he was willing to bend the actual import of the symbol - which has always been that woman was made by a male-identifying father figure god as a component part of, and is therefore subservient to, man, in the same manner as men are a component part of and subservient to their god - for a female audience, so she wouldn’t recognize the inherent contradiction in the symbolism and rebel against the religion. Men (and indeed women) have always been willing to bend the rules to make them more palatable, that’s why so many conservative Christians believe in there being exactly 10 commandments when neither of the two primary lists of commandments agree on either the order or the number of commandments, and also believe in Jesus being raised bodily into the heavens when 2 of the 3 synoptic gospels completely omit that imagery and the 3rd was very obviously changed likely centuries after the fact to better support what doctrine had by then evolved. The OP comment had it right… today’s doctrines of faith are entirely a curated interpolation and synthesis of many historical beliefs all meant to serve the shifting needs for power of those who held that power, consistently presented as “conservative” fact when nothing of the original has actually been conserved.
The books left out of the bible were left out because they were found to be unreliable.
Thanks Dave .
Julian did great with the bumpers 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The sun coming out like that was as though some unearthly being had turned up to smite Simon, and then just gave up cos the processing of paperwork for official smite work is just unbearable... :P
That opening line is 100% Simon being a grumpy old man. I was waiting for a litany of complaints: “The sun is so bright… ugh, have I ever had the best tuna sandwich of my life and it’s all downhill from here?”
I did hear an interesting theory about the "Adam's rib" story: The word "rib" in that context might have actually been referring to the baculum, or penis bone. Most mammals have one, but humans don't. So the story of Adam and Eve might have been partially an attempt to explain where that extra bone went.
Considering the amount of euphemisms in the old testament for sex organs, I've always thought this theory had merit.
The editing on this one is next level! The god spund when the light blinds Simon right after the bible 🎉❤
I can’t wait for part seven of this series!
1:15 - Mid roll ads
2:35 - Chapter 1 - The female reproductive system is a closed unit
5:30 - Chapter 2 - We only use 10% of our brain
8:15 - Chapter 3 - If someone is hypothermic you should rub them vigorously to help warm them up
14:10 - Chapter 4 - Men & women have a different number of ribs
17:05 - Chapter 5 - Shark cartilage supplements can cure cancer
Never been this early, 50 seconds after upload.
Let's go Fact Boi and Dave
I had all my toes affected by dry gangrene (long story). My doctors actually recommended bone broths and other high-cartilage foods as something to help surrounding the amputation process. Couldn't tell you if it actually helped, but everything went really well. I even got to keep 2!
I was taught at school in science. That women have more ribs than men. Nineties after x rays have been around for a hundred years.😂
6:49 Without skipping a freaking beat, an ad started that said "Estrogen is destroying men's bodies...."
I almost fell out of my chair laughing! 😂😂😂
I’m a woman. I’ve had three children. I knew that my ovaries are not attached to my fallopian tubes. But until this video, it never occurred to me that sperm might live long enough to exit my fallopian tubes and wind up wiggling around all willy-nilly in my abdomen. I am fully embarrassed enough to say, “Ew”.
And of the select several women I have mentioned this to, and even one two men who were eavesdropping, several made 😱 faces, and one man told me to, “Never speak those words together again”. 😂
The Cell Saga memes are killing me 🤣👌
Not just Cell Saga, the abridged version!
@@captainspaulding5963 Hah, I love how one of the editors is clearly a big DBZA fan.
@@BruceBoyde yessss! And I'm 100% here for it 😂
And I’m here for you being here for Abridged memes.
Kinda wish the abridged version would stop popping up everywhere. Can't even have a conversation about dragonball anymore without T4S being people's only talking point.
Simon that was the most appropriate boomer response ever.
Dbz abridged meme *chefs kiss* thank you!
EDIT: Hellsign Abridged too. Omg!!
The thing about Eve being made out of one of Adam's ribs seems to be based on the mistranslation of the concerning passage.
what does ot actually say? or do we just know its wrong. also that sounds like a covenient way to cover up systemic sexism.
@@Markcrazeerthe word used is tzela which could mean rib, or side, it’s not entirely clear what the exact translation is meant to be, granted both iterations of genesis are rife with systemic sexism particularly when you account for Lilith getting kicked out of Eden for wanting equality of the sexes
@@melissamargolese8782 with lilith in the picture whatever they meant with tzela it is absolutley not witchever understanding would let eve see herself as an equal. because that was the mistake that caused lilith to act out. the woman should be bellow the man, missionary style.
The whole ( holy/holey ) book is based on the mistranslation of mistranslations of mistranslations of the exaggerations of the exaggerations of someones made up stories to try to control those around them.
I love how often db and helsing abridged gets referenced. Never gets old
12:11...I ask myself this question so much my soul is almost destroyed. People's inability to listen is wild.
I was not expecting the Kratos as Mal bit 😂
Well done, Julian. Brilliant memes for this one! And a banger of a script by Dave!
I'm missing most of the ribs on my front right side and my right hand has 2 bones in each finger instead of 3. Birth enhancement. Great video! 😊🌎❤️🕺🏻🐶
Some day far in the future, your skeleton will confuse the hell out of some archeologists. That's spectacular!
The voice, the face, the facts, the legend!
Need more hellsing abridged memes sprinkled in. That hits right in the childhood
I spent the entirety of the first bit laughing at the horror of these men 🤣🤣🤣 that's an amazing animation as well
Listen here Dave, just because you're right doesn't mean we won't take that as a personal attack. This is 'Murica.
He's demonstrably wrong, but don't let that influence you.
@@capslockbusted About what? It's a 20-minute video.
Blinded by the light... Shook up like a ru....blah blah in the night, blinded by the light!! xD God was shining his light down on you Simon, just to brighten up yo day, how thoughtful:) btw the first part of this is about Cocai... huh? I didn't say nothin' xD
The amount of ribs brought to you by a Roman Catholic grade school who's nuns also beat my older brothers left hand with a hard wood pointer ever time he tried to write with it!
I KNEW that slap was going to fade to Ralof
Something about Police Girl being below Simon at 16:27 is very funny to me
Now, say…her…name…
Lovin the Hellsing memes Julian
I love all the TFS clips in the edits.
The paramedic was ahead of the game, taking youtube seriously in 2009 (3-4 years after it started) is wild to me.
Hey Dave. No need for the performance anxiety. You do an awesome job!
This is a strong contender for weirdest Blaze opening. 😂
good job trio, keep up the good work
Most politicians don’t follow the constitution anyways but apparently it done something right millions & millions of people try to get over here for a reason.
Well the wars started (and lost) by your country in the middle east has millions trying to come to us as well. Stop doing so much drugs and poverty and safety in latin and south america mig get better ;)
The word that is translated as rib can also be translated as side, which makes more sense to me. He took a side of the man to make the woman, n that is why they complement each other. I could be wrong, but i think it means a side of man's nature rather than a physical side. There's a lot in the bible that people don't fully understand. There's mysteries, n people try to understand them, but sometimes arent successful.
You’re absolutely correct, Simon. Young people think they know best, and, as I will be 54 next month, I consider you one of those young people. 🤣🤪🤣
Does Danny even write for this channel now. It seems like so long since he has written one
He escaped the basement
Or simon forgot to feed him
Kevin and Dave killed and ate him
Shhh, raid shadow legends might be listening
Dave pushed him out as he pushed his way in.
16:27 if i remember correctly the first woman according to the bible (Lillith) was also made from "dust". but she refused to worship Adam and be a "proper" wife, so god deleted her and created Eve from the rib so she would always feel guilty and be dependent on Adam.
I've heard that it was translated as "rib" specifically in the King James bible, while the word in the original text was closer to "side" or "half", which it was translated to everywhere else. Considering society in that era considered women to be less than men, it would make sense that King James would want the bible to support that by making Eve seem lesser than Adam because she only came from a single rib.
Betcha Einstein didn't know what happened to rogue sperm either... betcha.
I bet he loved a chicken mayo sandwich.
Well shit. Im sensing a Gamersupps ad comming at some point
I recognize that Russian Badger cup
btw Simon
What flavours you sippin?
Can you please do a brain blaze on the whole glitter conspiracy!!! Who is the biggest glitter buyer
My two left "floating ribs" are severely deformed. This is the result of my being hyper ambitious in army basic training. We were performing an obstacle course. There's no practical reason for these. They are, I assume, just for something fun to do that day. One obstacle consisted of a log, 24 inches in diameter, sitting horizontally on supports so that it was about six inches from the ground. You were supposed to step onto that log and throw yourself over another log which was also sitting horizontally on supports, but it was about five feet from the ground. I jumped, landed on my chest, and fell off. I was determined to clear that obstacle, so I did it again. I didn't have to; I could have gone around it, but I was stubborn. So I did it again, with the same result. I did it about twenty times, and broke my ribs. Ouch.
The rib thing... When you first said it I remembered a time when I thought it was true, and then realized that I hadn't re-evaluated that belief in the last 25 years. Honestly, I never think about the number of ribs anybody else has and probably never would have realized that thought was still hanging around. Thanks, I guess.
Ah brain blaze, 85% cutaways and editing gags and 15% content that I came for.
At the 16:27 mark, UA-cam decided to interrupt this video with an advertisement for cookies in which a Keebler elf magically creates fudge cookies from nothing. Paired with what Simon was discussing, I imagined God as a Keebler elf doing the same in creating Adam.
I like the 10%- brain, by comparison it more to having a spacious but limited storage space, one person can just stuff it with junk, the other person would "organize" it more bettter, the other would just toss the junk way, etc of a combination of them all. The storage unit are somethat identical to another, but everyone inherently uses it differently.
Is there a term for being addicted to phrases. Can't stop singing mesothelioma, or saying "incominnnng" and whistling whenever my kid starts telling me a story. Also saying "wannanow" but that's another thing altogether
sounds like echolalia
He thinks he's so bad ass giving his opinions while holding such a fruity container. I love it!!
I'll be honest, I never questioned the rib thing. Told it ever since I was a child, and even as I grew older and further away from the church, I never bothered to look. And with the floating ribs, probably never would think otherwise.
I stopped believing that men had fewer ribs as soon as I could understand Biology class
5:15 , I am eating sc...scrambled eggs... I mean, left over taco beef added, but.. Thanks I guess?