  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • From the adventuring part of episode 11 for dimension 20's Fantasy high junior year. Kristen and Trackers talkback
    About me
    Im Ikaros, Im a simple little frog hopping across my network of lilypads. I play games, talk about things i like and just vibe.
    You can catch me live on my twitch from time to time on
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  • @frognation_
    @frognation_  5 місяців тому +1

    I made a love letter to the intrepid heroes. Do check it out here

  • @freezi-drink
    @freezi-drink 5 місяців тому +116

    Beardsley's rule: if there is a left field, something will come out of it, and if there is no left field, one will be constructed

  • @mynameiskrysta
    @mynameiskrysta 5 місяців тому +68

    Yelling world star while throwing hands at your ex on fake-christmas vacation is the most high schooler thing that anyone’s done in fantasy high school

  • @Idk_uzy
    @Idk_uzy 5 місяців тому +83

    I feel like Kristian really did have a point about the extravagance. Im not religious but trackers current church kinda reminds me of like mega churches who do crazy stunts or have huge events like concerts and festivals. And it makes you wonder like why? It’s cool but it feels like you are more so buying people’s worship for the church, rather than garnering genuine worship for the god, in this case Galicaea. We all know that Kristen finds it hard to find the right words so “does it feel real?” doesn’t sound great, but I think what they meant was “is the worship, and your (trackers) faith, still genuine or is it just monetary/ transactional?” Like think about what Lou/fabian said, they joined a prayer circle, that they once said they’d never join, because there was hot chocolate. Also didn’t tracker not so long ago call out Kristian on their nonchalant behavior towards her god and the unseriousness/sillyness? that granted, does tend to bite Kristian in the ass? I don’t believe Kristian was saying that you can’t have fun while worshipping. But rather is the worship of Galicaa serious? Or bought?

    • @trailblazer225
      @trailblazer225 5 місяців тому +10

      I think Kristen definitely has a point, but Tracker definitely does too. Like, it's all well and good to stand on principle because you don't want to compromise the purity of your cause, but if your goal is to reclaim and transform the cultural conception of a certain god then you do need reach for that. Like, you don't want to compromise your morals or do things that you think are actively harmful because, "The ends justify the means," but trying to make your movement more popular at the expense of losing some of that gravity and control is just inevitably going to be part of the process. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the only way to keep a movement truly "pure" and not have anyone view it differently than you do is for you to be the only member of the movement.
      I think that's also part of what Tracker was calling out Kristen for, that this is the kind of trade-off you have to make when you have boots on the ground and your worship goes beyond just an idea to actual practice. I think this is part of what Tracker meant when she said, "You were looking for something Helio-shaped, because you never confronted the parts of Helio that worked for you." Like, Kristen wants purity of purpose AND popularity, but she is avoiding thinking about the things you have to do to get from one to the other.
      I think ideally what you want in a movement is a trusted right-hand person to act as its moral compass and always advocate for the most ethically pure means, and then a leader who knows when to take that path and when to compromise for the ultimate good of the movement's purpose.

    • @drbeard4505
      @drbeard4505 5 місяців тому +6

      @@trailblazer225Yeah like Kristen has still not put a single, single thought towards what the new church of Cassandra is going to look like or how she's going to run it, or who she is going to get to help run it since as is frequently mentioned she's still an apprentice cleric. Like what is Tracker supposed to do, start a holy war? If the elves are willing to budge and accept Tracker's movement peacefully that's got to be a good thing even if it is a little bougy.

    • @amandajohnson3531
      @amandajohnson3531 5 місяців тому +4

      ​@@drbeard4505 But we also have to keep in mind that Tracker wasn't the only one who worshiped her Goddess in her way. She just worshiped the lesser known aspects and is bringing more awareness to it, while Kristen has to build an entire religion from the ground up. With how fast it has grown, I think there is a legitimate worry of how much of this is just Elven adults indulging their kids with the expectation that they're going to move on. From there it's the worry of what happens when they, or at least a majority, moves on which is the funding gets cut and Tracker realizes that her change wasn't as big as she thought. Or they don't move on and the Elven court starts taking this change in religion more seriously and, considering what we've seen of the Elven court, would probably mean that things won't stay peaceful. Kristen is terrified of what the long term of her religion will be, and I do feel Tracker is being short sighted in how what's happening to her religion now will affect the long term.

  • @Spiritoftherain
    @Spiritoftherain 5 місяців тому +17

    Fig: "I turn into Kristen and I do a backflip!"

  • @kuroneko4102
    @kuroneko4102 5 місяців тому +13

    FIRST !!!!