Hallo mein freund of Germany Being I a portuguese citizen, in my opinion , our republic after 25th April is a Great JOKE! Corruption, Hipocrisy and more things !
The 25th April "Carnation Revolution" of 1974 was not a great thing. It's when the communists and their sympathisers took power and sold out the country. More problems arose after it than before. The country has lagged since then the last 40 years. At least before it we were structured and respected internationally.
Na minha opinião, o hino nacional mais lindo e entusiasmante. Sou bisneto de portugueses e amo está pátria como se eu fosse nascido na "terrinha". Deus abençoe o povo português.
Portugal one of the biggest empires ever (10th in land mass), first and longest global empire 1415-1999 and you put pictures mainly of football and beaches...lol
The nice thing about the Portuguese is how ignorant most are of their own history. Born from Spain in 1132, the Spanish regained rule over Portugal from 1580-1640, making your claim erroneous. The Treaty of Tordesillas also gave Spain more than half of what is today Brazil for the first 200 years of Brazil's history. The Spanish also took the Philippines from Portugal as well. Russia has always been larger than any other country, and the Soviet Union was the largest empire ever. Portugal is now a "has been" on the world stage. The Portuguese language, a dialect of the Iberian Peninsula, falls behind Spanish, the 5th most spoken language, to 6th place (thanks to Brazil).
Steve Barbi And you know about our story? The guy is right about the time, Macau was given to China in 1999! And Portugal wasn't born from Spain. Back then, there was no Spain, only several independent kingdoms. Hell, since the birth of our nation, we were fighting the spaniards. And the treaty of Tordesilhas gave Spain control of territories to the left and Portugal to the right
Yes, I know a lot more about your "history" (not "story) than you do. "Hispania" has existed since the Roman conquest 218 B.C., and the Condado Portucalense was part of Gallaecia, then the Kingdom of Asturias, which became the Kingdom of Leon, which then merged into to the Kingdom of Leon-Castile. And as far as any intelligent person knows, Galicia, Asturias, Leon, and Castile are all in Spain (also known as Hispania or "Espannia" or España or "Espanha" or Espanya. So, you must have grown up under Salazar, when he closed the schools for 5 years creating a whole generation of ignorant Portuguese peasants who never studied and never learned anything about their history. Here's a run down for you:First County of Portugal9th century868 - Establishment of the 1st County of Portugal, a fiefdom of the Kingdom of Asturias, by count Vímara Peres, after the reconquest from the Moors of the region between the Minho and Douro Rivers. Count Vímara Peres founded the fortified city that bears his own name Vimaranis, later Guimaranis, present day Guimarães, considered "The Cradle City" of Portugal.873 - Vímara Peres dies and his son Lucídio Vimaranes becomes Count of Portugal. After his death the county passes to the hand of count Diogo Fernandes.871 - The city of Coimbra is reconquered from the Moors. Hermenegildo Gutiérrez is appointed Count of Coimbra.878 - The region of Coimbra (today, Central Portugal) is incorporated in the Kingdom of Asturias by the Count Hermenegildo Gutiérrez.886 - Al-Mundhir becomes Umayyad Emir of Córdoba.888 - Abdallah ibn Muhammad becomes Umayyad Emir of Córdoba.10th century909 - Alfonso III of Asturias is deposed by his sons yet also proclaimed Emperor.910 Alfonso III of Asturias dies and his kingdom is divided among his sons into the dependent kingdoms of Astúrias, León and Galicia.Ordoño II becomes King of Galicia with the support of the Count of Portugal.911 - Count Hermenegildo Gutiérrez of Coimbra, dies and his son Arias Mendes becomes Count of Coimbra.912 - Abd al-Rahman III becomes the Umayyad Emir of Córdoba.913 - An expedition commanded by Ordoño II, then vassal king of Galicia, into Muslim territory takes Évora from the Muslims.914 Ordoño II of Galicia, becomes King of León, after the death of his brother García I of León.The capital city of the Kingdom of Asturias is moved from Oviedo to León, from now on Kingdom of León.916 - Ordoño II of León is defeated by the Emir Abd al-Rahman III in Valdejunquera.918 Battle of Talavera where Muslims under Abd al-Rahman III defeat the Christians.Pope John X recognizes the orthodoxy and legitimacy of the Visigothic Liturgy maintained in the Mozarabic rite.924 - Fruela II becomes King of León.925 Sancho Ordonhes, son of Ordoño II of León, becomes vassal king of Galicia until 929.Alfonso IV becomes King of León.Ramiro II, son of Ordoño II of León, was the first to bear the title King of Portuguese Land.926 Ramiro II takes residency in the city of Viseu.Mendo I Gonçalves, son of Count Gonzalo Betotez of Galicia marries Mumadona Dias (daughter of count Diogo Fernandes and Onega) and becomes Count of Portugal.The Umayyad Emir Abd al-Rahman III, faced with the threat of invasion by the Fatimids, proclaims himself Caliph of Córdoba. Under the reign of Abd al-Rahman III Muslim Al-Andalus reaches its greatest height before its slow decline over the next four centuries.928 - Gonçalo Moniz, grandson of Count Arias Mendes of Coimbra, becomes Count of Coimbra.929 - Abd al-Rahman III proclaims himself Caliph in Córdoba and transforms the Emirate of Córdoba into an independent caliphate no longer under even theoretical control from Baghdad.930 - Ramiro II leaves his residency in Viseu.931 - Ramiro II becomes King of León.938 - First document where the word Portugal is written in its present form.946 - The county of Castile becomes independent.950 Countess Mumadona Dias of Portugal divides amongst her sons her the vast domains, upon the death of her husband Count Mendo I Gonçalves.Gonçalo I Mendes, son of Mumadona Dias and Mendo I Gonçalves, becomes Count of Portugal.Ordoño III becomes King of León.953 - Big Moorish incursion in Galicia.955 - Ordoño III of León attacks Lisbon.956 - Sancho I becomes King of León.958 Sancho I of León is deposed.Ordoño IV becomes King of León.959 - Countess Mumadona Dias donates vast estates to the Monastery of St. Mamede in Guimarães.960 - Sancho I of León is reinstated as King of León.961 - Al-Hakam II becomes Umayyad Caliph of Córdoba.962 - Count Gonçalo I Mendes of Portugal rebels against Sancho I of León.966 Count Gonçalo Moniz of Coimbra rebels against Sancho I of León.Vikings raid Galicia and kill the bishop of Santiago de Compostela in battle, but his successor St. Rudesind rallies the local forces and kills the Viking King Gundered.967 - Ramiro III becomes King of León.971 - Another minor Viking raid in Galicia.976 - Caliph Al-Hakam II dies, and Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir takes over in the name of his protégé Hisham II, becoming a military dictator usurping caliphal powers and launching a big number of offensive campaigns against the Christians.981 - Count Gonçalo Moniz of Coimbra dies.982 - Bermudo II becomes King of León, having been acclaimed by the Counts of Galicia and anointed in Santiago de Compostela.987 Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir lays waste to the now Christian Coimbra.Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir seizes the castles north of the Douro River, and arrives at the city of Santiago de Compostela. The city had been evacuated and Al-Mansur burns it to the ground and destroys the Church of Santiago.Count Gonçalo I Mendes takes the personal title Magnus Dux Portucalensium (Grand-Duke of Portucale) and rebels against King Bermudo II of León, being defeated.999 Alfonso V becomes King of León.Mendo II Gonçalves, son (or grandson?) of Gonçalo I Mendes and Tuta, becomes Count of Portugal.Countess Mumadona Dias dies.1057 - Ferdinand I of Castille-León conquers Lamego to the Moors.1058 - Emir Al-Muzaffar al-Aftas (Abu Bekr Muhammad al-Mudaffar - Modafar I of Badajoz, Aftid dynasty) pays the Christians to leave Badajoz, but not before Viseu being conquered by Ferdinand I of Castile-León.1060-1063 - Council (Ecumenical Synod) of Santiago de Compostela.1063 Ferdinand I of Castile-León divides his kingdom among his sons. Galicia is allotted to his son Garcia.The Taifa of Silves is annexed by the Taifa of Seville.1064 Ferdinand I of León-Castile besieges Muslim Coimbra from 20 January until 9 July . The Muslim governor who surrendered is allowed to leave with his family, but 5,000 inhabitants are taken captive, and all Muslims are forced out of Portuguese territory across the Mondego river.The Mozarabic (Christian) general Sisnando Davides, who led the siege of Coimbra, becomes Count of Coimbra.The Hispanic calendar is adopted.1065 - Independence of the Kingdom of Galicia and Portugal is proclaimed under the rule of Garcia II of Galicia.1070 - Count Nuno II Mendes of Portugal rises against King Garcia II of Galicia.1071 - Garcia II of Galicia adopts the title King of Galicia and Portugal, when he defeated, in the Battle of Pedroso (near Braga), Count Nuno II Mendes, last count of Portugal of the Vímara Peres House.1072 - Loss of independence of the Kingdom of Galicia and Portugal, forcibly reannexed by Garcia's brother king Alfonso VI of Castile. From that time on Galicia remained part of the Kingdom of Castile and León, although under differing degrees of self-government. Even if it did not last for very long, the Kingdom set the stage for future Portuguese independence under Henry, Count of Portugal (Dom Affonso Henriques).And you don't know that Portugal reverted to Spanish rule under Felipe I from 1580 until 1640. So, Portugal was reborn from Spain again in 1640. Que bruto, coitado burrinho analfabeto!!!
Steve Barbi Born from Spain? What utter rubbish. Spain didn't exist at this point, and not for another 350 years. The first county of Portugal existed under the Kingdom of Asturias, the first Christian kingdom in peninsula since Umayyad rule. This is where the reconquest against the Islamic occupation began. It was followed by the Kingdom of Galicia, later the Kingdom of Leon. It held the Roman named city after the county of Portucale, Celtic-Latin Portus Cale meaning Port of Cale, from which our name originates. Spain however, and the whole idea of an unified kingdom of Spain did not exist at this point, and did not exist for almost 400 years after. The Latin name 'Hispania' from which España, the name of modern Spain is derived, is the Roman Latin name for the Iberian Peninsula in its entirety, and also held within it the Roman province of 'Lusitania'. Technicalities mate... Spain (adopting the old Roman name for the peninsula, not greedy at all) came into gradual existence beginning with the marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile resulting in the eventual unification of the crowns of Aragon and Castile, the starting point of unification which was completed in 1497-1516 (or thereabouts), formalities aside. There was no Spain prior to that. These Kingdoms were not Spain. So how then could an already existing Kingdom of Portugal come from Spain? I understand under technicalities you feel obligated to call an entirely independent state that preceded Spain by almost 400 years, as Spain or born of Spain, but that is incorrect. It does not become correct simply because a newly unified super state opts the name of the peninsula for itself. People should have some respect for the Portuguese identity.
adoro Portugal, são as pessoas e a cultura e estou a planear viajar para lá um dia porque está na minha lista de desejos. Um grande abraço e saudação de Assam, Índia🇮🇳❤️🇵🇹
Portugal precisa restaurar-se por completo. E isso só ocorrerá quando for restaurada a monarquia, com o Chefe da Casa Real Portuguesa, a Casa de Bragança, assumindo o título de Rei de Portugal. Para além do benefício de adquirirmos um Árbitro Neutro na política, isso inclusive, trará adicionalmente divisas para o país, haja à vista o incremento que trará ao turismo.
Ian Berwick "AKA: the new DeroVolk" By the way nice anthem Portugal We forgive you About a few years Ago (You know u invaded Indonesia) Greetings from Indonesia!
No offense to Indonesia but as a Portuguese i must say: "Timor-Leste queria independência da Indonésia desde o primeiro segundo em que a Indonésia o conquistou"
What are you talking about?? Indonesia invadead Timor Leste and slaughtered thousands of people. We just helped the timorese people gain their independence from you, bunch of killers and heartless indonesians, and you even have the nerve to say you forgive us??!! Excuse me??? You make me sick
That was under Suharto and it was just a brief state of corruption and then things stabilised after that.The slaughter or whatsoever I don't know I'm not Indonesian is miniscule compared to the occupation of the Portuguese which is centuries of rule.Thankfully,the Aceh people had the support of the Ottomans and the Malaccan Sultanate or else the colonialists would have took over my country Singapore and neighbouring Malaysia.
Long live Portugal!
Greeting from Macau
Portugal: COME BACK!!!
Barney Stinson
Portugal: *Looks on with horror* Oh, hi China! I wasn't saying anything. How about that trade deal we were talking about?
much love!
@Barney Stinson *invades portugal*
@Barney Stinson macau was portugal's colony 😂
Viva Portugal🇵🇹
from Japan🇯🇵
It was Beautiful Country
From Macau🇲🇴🇵🇹
it wil be better i promise
Muito Obrigado
Viva Macau Tambèm !
i am also from macou too
@@darius-m3p Quer dizer que antes da transferência 😢
The reason why there is 20 dislikes because they were crying and missed the like button
Or because they want their gold back
Maybe some hatters
Or they are spanish.
yo u have the best pfp
Or they were from Angola or another country that was colonized by Portugal and suffered under the Estado Novo regime.
Long live Portugal ♥️🇵🇹
From Spain 🇪🇦
Long live Spain from a Portuguese living in Canada.
Greeting from Thailand
Long live PORTUGAL
Thanks, long live Thailand too🇵🇹🤝🇹🇭
Congratulations on your National Day! Love and respect to Portugal from Denmark.
Love and Respect for Portugal! From Italy ^_^
One of my favorite anthems, I just love the melody and the power of the orchestra.
Orchestras work so well for any anthem.
Portugal is a great country.From Ghana.
*coffin dance intensifies*
Congratulations for your national holiday today Portugal from your friends in Germany
Hallo mein freund of Germany
Being I a portuguese citizen, in my opinion , our republic after 25th April is a Great JOKE! Corruption, Hipocrisy and more things !
The 25th April "Carnation Revolution" of 1974 was not a great thing. It's when the communists and their sympathisers took power and sold out the country. More problems arose after it than before. The country has lagged since then the last 40 years. At least before it we were structured and respected internationally.
@@MaSsiVeGaming1 exactly
Lets celebrate a day that destroyed Portugal and the african provinces
Viva Portugal🇵🇹
From Korea🇰🇷
Às armas! Às armas!
Still the most beautiful national anthem I've heard.
Na minha opinião, o hino nacional mais lindo e entusiasmante.
Sou bisneto de portugueses e amo está pátria como se eu fosse nascido na "terrinha".
Deus abençoe o povo português.
Saudações do Brasil, ó Nação valente e imortal
From Ecuador ❤
Live Portugal
Muito belo ! Abracos do Principado de Monaco
Muito lindo hino de Portugal maravilhosamente incrível um forte abraço dos irmãos espanhois da osca pirineús aragão
Long live Portugal, from Hong Kong!
I love Portugal from Greece
Glória a portugal!
Saudações do Brasil!
Viva Portugal desde o Brasil
Viva Portugal!
From Portugal.
viva a portugal!
greetings from the UK
we shall always stand with you, from 1373 to the end of time
Not a funny fact. This song was originally written to be a war propaganda against UK
. _.
Respect from Brazil for Kingdom of Portugal
Joao Victor Florentin da Silva Portugal isn’t a monarchy anymore
Brazuca é foda mesmo ! Só passa vergonha...
Our great father, Portugal. Greets from Brazil
Viva Portugal from America! 🇵🇹
Greetings and best wishes from the USA!
Ok let's go ignore some mistakes in words..
Great video for my country!
Esta é a Ditosa Pátria Minha Amada
Viva Portugal!
I love this anthem
I love how the guy on the Segway gives the camera the finger. A regular Zé Povinho.
The steriotype we know about Portugal today: They made Brazil and they have the best Football(Soccer) player in the world (Ronaldo)
That's actually very sad, but the stereotype we have about America is not better: Fire, hamburguer, fat guys, children with guns....
We also have and love COD (Bacalhau as we call it here) and Pastéis de Nata (a very good dessert, search up).
Greetings from Portugal 🇵🇹
Very good Anthem. greeting from 🇮🇩
🇹🇱:what did you say?
Long live Portugal greetings from spain huesca Aragón
Dos teus* egrégios avós. Greetings from Brazil
Brazuca é foda ! Só passa vergonha...🤢
@@jcewbank6911 vai se fuder seu lixo
@@luanpereira5966 mais um brazuca que não pode ver uma vergonha que já quer passar né ? E fica caladinho aí na sua favela ! 😃😃😃
@@jcewbank6911 fedorento tuga fedorento dá pra sentir seu cheiro do outro lado do oceano 🤢
@@jcewbank6911 homem peixe kkkk
Linda música
Saudações do Brasil
Portugal one of the biggest empires ever (10th in land mass), first and longest global empire 1415-1999 and you put pictures mainly of football and beaches...lol
And palacios architecture and others, is richer than France, for example, he could have put palacios and its interior.
The nice thing about the Portuguese is how ignorant most are of their own history. Born from Spain in 1132, the Spanish regained rule over Portugal from 1580-1640, making your claim erroneous. The Treaty of Tordesillas also gave Spain more than half of what is today Brazil for the first 200 years of Brazil's history. The Spanish also took the Philippines from Portugal as well. Russia has always been larger than any other country, and the Soviet Union was the largest empire ever. Portugal is now a "has been" on the world stage. The Portuguese language, a dialect of the Iberian Peninsula, falls behind Spanish, the 5th most spoken language, to 6th place (thanks to Brazil).
Steve Barbi And you know about our story? The guy is right about the time, Macau was given to China in 1999! And Portugal wasn't born from Spain. Back then, there was no Spain, only several independent kingdoms. Hell, since the birth of our nation, we were fighting the spaniards. And the treaty of Tordesilhas gave Spain control of territories to the left and Portugal to the right
Yes, I know a lot more about your "history" (not "story) than you do. "Hispania" has existed since the Roman conquest 218 B.C., and the Condado Portucalense was part of Gallaecia, then the Kingdom of Asturias, which became the Kingdom of Leon, which then merged into to the Kingdom of Leon-Castile. And as far as any intelligent person knows, Galicia, Asturias, Leon, and Castile are all in Spain (also known as Hispania or "Espannia" or España or "Espanha" or Espanya. So, you must have grown up under Salazar, when he closed the schools for 5 years creating a whole generation of ignorant Portuguese peasants who never studied and never learned anything about their history. Here's a run down for you:First County of Portugal9th century868 - Establishment of the 1st County of Portugal, a fiefdom of the Kingdom of Asturias, by count Vímara Peres, after the reconquest from the Moors of the region between the Minho and Douro Rivers. Count Vímara Peres founded the fortified city that bears his own name Vimaranis, later Guimaranis, present day Guimarães, considered "The Cradle City" of Portugal.873 - Vímara Peres dies and his son Lucídio Vimaranes becomes Count of Portugal. After his death the county passes to the hand of count Diogo Fernandes.871 - The city of Coimbra is reconquered from the Moors. Hermenegildo Gutiérrez is appointed Count of Coimbra.878 - The region of Coimbra (today, Central Portugal) is incorporated in the Kingdom of Asturias by the Count Hermenegildo Gutiérrez.886 - Al-Mundhir becomes Umayyad Emir of Córdoba.888 - Abdallah ibn Muhammad becomes Umayyad Emir of Córdoba.10th century909 - Alfonso III of Asturias is deposed by his sons yet also proclaimed Emperor.910 Alfonso III of Asturias dies and his kingdom is divided among his sons into the dependent kingdoms of Astúrias, León and Galicia.Ordoño II becomes King of Galicia with the support of the Count of Portugal.911 - Count Hermenegildo Gutiérrez of Coimbra, dies and his son Arias Mendes becomes Count of Coimbra.912 - Abd al-Rahman III becomes the Umayyad Emir of Córdoba.913 - An expedition commanded by Ordoño II, then vassal king of Galicia, into Muslim territory takes Évora from the Muslims.914 Ordoño II of Galicia, becomes King of León, after the death of his brother García I of León.The capital city of the Kingdom of Asturias is moved from Oviedo to León, from now on Kingdom of León.916 - Ordoño II of León is defeated by the Emir Abd al-Rahman III in Valdejunquera.918 Battle of Talavera where Muslims under Abd al-Rahman III defeat the Christians.Pope John X recognizes the orthodoxy and legitimacy of the Visigothic Liturgy maintained in the Mozarabic rite.924 - Fruela II becomes King of León.925 Sancho Ordonhes, son of Ordoño II of León, becomes vassal king of Galicia until 929.Alfonso IV becomes King of León.Ramiro II, son of Ordoño II of León, was the first to bear the title King of Portuguese Land.926 Ramiro II takes residency in the city of Viseu.Mendo I Gonçalves, son of Count Gonzalo Betotez of Galicia marries Mumadona Dias (daughter of count Diogo Fernandes and Onega) and becomes Count of Portugal.The Umayyad Emir Abd al-Rahman III, faced with the threat of invasion by the Fatimids, proclaims himself Caliph of Córdoba. Under the reign of Abd al-Rahman III Muslim Al-Andalus reaches its greatest height before its slow decline over the next four centuries.928 - Gonçalo Moniz, grandson of Count Arias Mendes of Coimbra, becomes Count of Coimbra.929 - Abd al-Rahman III proclaims himself Caliph in Córdoba and transforms the Emirate of Córdoba into an independent caliphate no longer under even theoretical control from Baghdad.930 - Ramiro II leaves his residency in Viseu.931 - Ramiro II becomes King of León.938 - First document where the word Portugal is written in its present form.946 - The county of Castile becomes independent.950 Countess Mumadona Dias of Portugal divides amongst her sons her the vast domains, upon the death of her husband Count Mendo I Gonçalves.Gonçalo I Mendes, son of Mumadona Dias and Mendo I Gonçalves, becomes Count of Portugal.Ordoño III becomes King of León.953 - Big Moorish incursion in Galicia.955 - Ordoño III of León attacks Lisbon.956 - Sancho I becomes King of León.958 Sancho I of León is deposed.Ordoño IV becomes King of León.959 - Countess Mumadona Dias donates vast estates to the Monastery of St. Mamede in Guimarães.960 - Sancho I of León is reinstated as King of León.961 - Al-Hakam II becomes Umayyad Caliph of Córdoba.962 - Count Gonçalo I Mendes of Portugal rebels against Sancho I of León.966 Count Gonçalo Moniz of Coimbra rebels against Sancho I of León.Vikings raid Galicia and kill the bishop of Santiago de Compostela in battle, but his successor St. Rudesind rallies the local forces and kills the Viking King Gundered.967 - Ramiro III becomes King of León.971 - Another minor Viking raid in Galicia.976 - Caliph Al-Hakam II dies, and Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir takes over in the name of his protégé Hisham II, becoming a military dictator usurping caliphal powers and launching a big number of offensive campaigns against the Christians.981 - Count Gonçalo Moniz of Coimbra dies.982 - Bermudo II becomes King of León, having been acclaimed by the Counts of Galicia and anointed in Santiago de Compostela.987 Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir lays waste to the now Christian Coimbra.Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir seizes the castles north of the Douro River, and arrives at the city of Santiago de Compostela. The city had been evacuated and Al-Mansur burns it to the ground and destroys the Church of Santiago.Count Gonçalo I Mendes takes the personal title Magnus Dux Portucalensium (Grand-Duke of Portucale) and rebels against King Bermudo II of León, being defeated.999 Alfonso V becomes King of León.Mendo II Gonçalves, son (or grandson?) of Gonçalo I Mendes and Tuta, becomes Count of Portugal.Countess Mumadona Dias dies.1057 - Ferdinand I of Castille-León conquers Lamego to the Moors.1058 - Emir Al-Muzaffar al-Aftas (Abu Bekr Muhammad al-Mudaffar - Modafar I of Badajoz, Aftid dynasty) pays the Christians to leave Badajoz, but not before Viseu being conquered by Ferdinand I of Castile-León.1060-1063 - Council (Ecumenical Synod) of Santiago de Compostela.1063 Ferdinand I of Castile-León divides his kingdom among his sons. Galicia is allotted to his son Garcia.The Taifa of Silves is annexed by the Taifa of Seville.1064 Ferdinand I of León-Castile besieges Muslim Coimbra from 20 January until 9 July . The Muslim governor who surrendered is allowed to leave with his family, but 5,000 inhabitants are taken captive, and all Muslims are forced out of Portuguese territory across the Mondego river.The Mozarabic (Christian) general Sisnando Davides, who led the siege of Coimbra, becomes Count of Coimbra.The Hispanic calendar is adopted.1065 - Independence of the Kingdom of Galicia and Portugal is proclaimed under the rule of Garcia II of Galicia.1070 - Count Nuno II Mendes of Portugal rises against King Garcia II of Galicia.1071 - Garcia II of Galicia adopts the title King of Galicia and Portugal, when he defeated, in the Battle of Pedroso (near Braga), Count Nuno II Mendes, last count of Portugal of the Vímara Peres House.1072 - Loss of independence of the Kingdom of Galicia and Portugal, forcibly reannexed by Garcia's brother king Alfonso VI of Castile. From that time on Galicia remained part of the Kingdom of Castile and León, although under differing degrees of self-government. Even if it did not last for very long, the Kingdom set the stage for future Portuguese independence under Henry, Count of Portugal (Dom Affonso Henriques).And you don't know that Portugal reverted to Spanish rule under Felipe I from 1580 until 1640. So, Portugal was reborn from Spain again in 1640. Que bruto, coitado burrinho analfabeto!!!
Steve Barbi Born from Spain? What utter rubbish. Spain didn't exist at this point, and not for another 350 years. The first county of Portugal existed under the Kingdom of Asturias, the first Christian kingdom in peninsula since Umayyad rule. This is where the reconquest against the Islamic occupation began. It was followed by the Kingdom of Galicia, later the Kingdom of Leon. It held the Roman named city after the county of Portucale, Celtic-Latin Portus Cale meaning Port of Cale, from which our name originates.
Spain however, and the whole idea of an unified kingdom of Spain did not exist at this point, and did not exist for almost 400 years after. The Latin name 'Hispania' from which España, the name of modern Spain is derived, is the Roman Latin name for the Iberian Peninsula in its entirety, and also held within it the Roman province of 'Lusitania'. Technicalities mate...
Spain (adopting the old Roman name for the peninsula, not greedy at all) came into gradual existence beginning with the marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile resulting in the eventual unification of the crowns of Aragon and Castile, the starting point of unification which was completed in 1497-1516 (or thereabouts), formalities aside. There was no Spain prior to that. These Kingdoms were not Spain. So how then could an already existing Kingdom of Portugal come from Spain?
I understand under technicalities you feel obligated to call an entirely independent state that preceded Spain by almost 400 years, as Spain or born of Spain, but that is incorrect. It does not become correct simply because a newly unified super state opts the name of the peninsula for itself. People should have some respect for the Portuguese identity.
Respect Portugal from India 🇵🇹🇮🇳
long live Portugal. from Indonesia
That's true: This guy is the new Derovolk.
Camrad Frang He is similar good as DeroVolk.
Lindo hino
Viva Portugal!! Feliz dia de Portugal!! Feliz dia de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas!!! Que enorme orgulho!!! 10 de Junho!!!💙🇵🇹🏡💪🔝💫👑🐐🌍♾
Deus, Patria, Rei.
“Fidelidade, aquele que entre nós é o primeiro”
Love this passionnate anthem
Macua = Portugal
Greetings from Australia,
Viva portugal nenes soy de republica dominica hablo español :D PORTUGAAAAAAAAAL
Eu sou admirador árabe da seleção português do futebol
سلام عليكم
I forgot how good was this anthem with good interpreters
adoro Portugal, são as pessoas e a cultura e estou a planear viajar para lá um dia porque está na minha lista de desejos. Um grande abraço e saudação de Assam, Índia🇮🇳❤️🇵🇹
Here is our very own guitar
This anthem is so fuckin powerful
0:49 Our Lady of Fátima, pray for us.
Respect Portugal from the Philippines
Love ❤and Respect for Portugal from Bogura.
Greetings to Portugal from Ukrainians... already in Portugal)))))
Aaaah Portugal, winning Malacca by luck in 1511. Nevertheless, we can eat Devil's Chicken now in Malacca! :P
heróis do mar
nobre povo
nação valente e imortal
Heróis do mar, nobre povo
This anthem is so cool.
Love Portugal from South Korea❤
Viva Portugal
Glórias eternas à Portugal! Desde Brasil! 🇧🇷
Contra os bretões marchar, marchar.
É “Contra os canhões”**
@random guy Eu sou português e é canhões não bretões
@random guy Sei lá, tas me a perguntar se tu és português? Ahahha
@Lucas Lagarto Em 1890 era o Hino da carta constitucional, do Reino de Portugal
I hope you live until future from philippines
@Love dogs China, leave Filipinos alone
sad moment of this anthem when macau must be back to PRC
Heróis do mar, nobre povo, Nação valente, imortal, Levantai hoje de novo O esplendor de Portugal! Hue Hue Hue!
Portugal precisa restaurar-se por completo.
E isso só ocorrerá quando for restaurada a monarquia, com o Chefe da Casa Real Portuguesa, a Casa de Bragança, assumindo o título de Rei de Portugal.
Para além do benefício de adquirirmos um Árbitro Neutro na política, isso inclusive, trará adicionalmente divisas para o país, haja à vista o incremento que trará ao turismo.
Um abraço de Macau🇲🇴.
Tenho saudades de Portugal 🇵🇹 .
Naçao valente e imortal e herois do mar
Viva Portugal 🇵🇹 and viva Cristiano Ronaldo !!! From France 🇫🇷 and Greece 🇬🇷
jeez,thats surely a chill anthem huh
looks like a marine lo-fi to conquest the seas.
The Best Anthem in the Whole history,
0:33 Was that the Finger ? ? ?
No it is a victory symbol with the fingers
Ahhhh Thnks ~@@joaotiagoferreira1180
De: España
Para: Portugal
portugese man maggelan tried to sail to the east indies .....and sailed to the phi. islands what happened next?
Viva Portugal!
Ian Berwick "AKA: the new DeroVolk"
By the way nice anthem Portugal
We forgive you About a few years Ago
(You know u invaded Indonesia) Greetings from Indonesia!
No offense to Indonesia but as a Portuguese i must say: "Timor-Leste queria independência da Indonésia desde o primeiro segundo em que a Indonésia o conquistou"
"We forgive you" hahaha
Aaron Penyami They just help the people from East Timor...
What are you talking about?? Indonesia invadead Timor Leste and slaughtered thousands of people. We just helped the timorese people gain their independence from you, bunch of killers and heartless indonesians, and you even have the nerve to say you forgive us??!! Excuse me??? You make me sick
That was under Suharto and it was just a brief state of corruption and then things stabilised after that.The slaughter or whatsoever I don't know I'm not Indonesian is miniscule compared to the occupation of the Portuguese which is centuries of rule.Thankfully,the Aceh people had the support of the Ottomans and the Malaccan Sultanate or else the colonialists would have took over my country Singapore and neighbouring Malaysia.
It's is the best 😁 country .many love from Nepal 🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵
Deixei meu coracao em Portugal!!!
Sou brasileiro e descendente de português. E falo que se Portugal precisar estarei pronto a defender a minha pátria mãe
Portugal hoje e sempre
Saudacoes do México, irmãos portugueses 🇵🇹🇲🇽🇵🇹🇲🇽🔥🙌😎 SIUUUUUU!!
thank you guys in the comments for thanking my heritage.
Neigbours 🇪🇸🇪🇺
What messi hears in his nightmares:
This is what Messi hears in his nightmares
Where did you take that Segway scene?
Hail 🙋♂️Salve Europa
My friends Kate and Andy Chalmers live there
greetings from pakistan kashmir
Portugal and England forever
We love you and respect you portugal people from Kurdistan 🌹
Meu Deus como é bom ser português
Ronaldo from Portugal..
I am from Bangladesh i ❤️ so much Poland really
These is the Portuguese anthem bro xD
Are you out of your mind?
Do you know any other melodies similar to this anthem?
Recepect of 🇬🇷
Well maybe we were enemies for 400 years but respect to our neighbors in the north 🇲🇦❤🇵🇹