The REAL problem with Dead Man's Chest (and why it's still great anyway)

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @mylittlethoughttree
    @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому +17

    Hope this make for a decent video, here's some links!
    Patreon link:
    Instagram link:

  • @daltooinewestwood6380
    @daltooinewestwood6380 2 роки тому +668

    I just want to point out one thing. Jack never actually intended to trade 100 souls to Davy Jones. The whole reason Jack is a pirate is because he stole and freed an EITC shipload of 100 slaves. He knew the offer would be too great of an ironic punishment for Jones to refuse. He used the collecting of the 100 as a smokescreen for gathering a crew for his ship and getting enough time to find the heart

    • @mylittlethoughttree
      @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому +73

      Thankyou! That's what I guessed it would be, I just wasn't sure

    • @teesh871
      @teesh871 2 роки тому +2

      I had no idea so thankyou :)

    • @distinguishedallureproduct879
      @distinguishedallureproduct879 2 роки тому +25

      Agreed, the reason why Sparrow is such a legendary pirate is because his adventures or escapades are so far out there, but there is a inkling of a chance that if anyone could pull it off, it would be Sparrow, Davy Jones included. Anybody else, Jones would of stabbed them for insulting his intelligence with such a crazy deal, but with Sparrow, he just might, that said Jones also forgot that Sparrow has plans on top of plans going through his head

    • @windowsVD
      @windowsVD 2 роки тому +30

      One problem with that: the offer wasn’t Jack’s, it was from Jones. Jack basically had no choice but to play ball and take the offer or otherwise he’d be joining Jones’s crew. Honestly it wouldn’t be out of character that Jack legitimately considered trading the 100 souls in his place. Until the end of the third film, Jack has consistently demonstrated that he was willing to gamble with countless lives including the entire pirates’ cove to further his own plans and to ensure his own freedom.

    • @anrick1362
      @anrick1362 2 роки тому +12

      Ehh, I don’t think we can say that for sure. In Dead Man’s Chest, Jack was definitely okay with the idea of selling another person into slavery. He sent Will onto the Dutchman hoping that it would pay his debt. I think Jack was somewhat onboard with the 100 souls plan up until he met up with Elizabeth at Tortuga(she can use the compass to find the chest). It was only after he realized that he didn’t have to sacrifice 100 souls that he decided to go back on doing it.

  • @legofan4409
    @legofan4409 2 роки тому +88

    A detail I love is that in the first movie, when Norrington meets Jack for the first time and discovers he's a pirate, he says this to Elizabeth when she pleads for him:
    Norrington: "One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."
    Captain Jack Sparrow: "Though it seems enough to condemn him."
    At the end of the movie Norrington does a "good deed" by giving Jack a head start of one day before giving chase. Fast forward to Dead Man's Chest and Norrington tells Gibbs that he almost had them but the hurricane stopped him. Meaning that perhaps, if Norrington hadn't given Jack and his crew a day to sail away, he would have caught them. However, because he did his good deed he was condemned to a life of misery, bereft of all the status, respect and fortune he had before.
    It might be me reading a bit too much into it but it's likely that this is something that went through Norringtons head more than once as he had fallen from grace; if he only hadn't given them that one day, if only he hadn't done that good deed he'd have caught them and been where he should have been, on the way to the top and not stuck in the filth at the bottom...
    I see it as a really good motivation for him to go after the heart and also a good explanation to why he's not above petty tricks anymore as he will do anything to get back what he had, as he now knows that no good deed will save him.

  • @dpjPente
    @dpjPente 2 роки тому +109

    Lack of emotion? This film is literally packed with emotion, backed by a soundtrack that fits with every scene.

    • @monkey.brains
      @monkey.brains 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah, I believe the emotional connection people have is subjective but I always was invested in these characters and the actors' performances. If someone thinks it is unemotional it is on them!

    • @jadenalvarado4912
      @jadenalvarado4912 Рік тому

      It's probably an editing issue I think the davy jones stuff should of been saved for part 3. This sequel should of been its own thing

  • @kusholh7095
    @kusholh7095 2 роки тому +273

    Great video! I hard disagree that Jack's death doesn't land. It's 110% poetry and hits deep. Jack Sparrow is established in Pirates 1 as a trickster maverick who sweet talks and lies his way out of any situation, though never an outright malicious person. Escaping the cannibals is in line with this pattern. Jack gets into trouble, but is able to charm and cheat his way out. So in DMC when he's marked for death by an unstoppable force, the audience can see it going either way. "Nobody can defeat the Kraken" and "Jack always finds a way" are both true statements that the audience contends with throughout the movie. So when Jack dies at the end. It's not a wacky GOT subversion of expectations, it's unequivocal proof that Jack is a good man. It's the answer to the other big question DMC poses: "Is Jack a good man?"
    Elizabeth believes it, we already kind of believe it since he's so likeable, but he's really considering sacrificing 100 souls to save his own. He's terrified, as any of us would be. His struggle is totally relatable. And then in the final battle we watch him escape as he always does. He leaves his crew behind, and rows away. The Kraken killing all the crew. Land is in sight. But he can't bring himself to let them all die for him. He makes his return and fires the bullet causing the barrels to explode and fends off the Kraken. Giving the remaining crew time to escape. Jack dies because he came back. Jack dies because he has a conscience. And for a few moments in this movie, we get to see that side of Jack. The triumphant hero who returns to save his friends. A man brave enough to swing his sword into the mouth of a Kraken. All with a sense of humor... Is Jack a hero? I don't think one or two acts are enough to say that. But he's a believable person, struggling to make a hard choice. That's why so many people felt it when he died. Well that's what I think.

    • @efoxkitsune9493
      @efoxkitsune9493 2 роки тому +14

      Beautifully put, couldn't agree more

    • @mylittlethoughttree
      @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому +50

      I entirely agree with the reasoning. On paper, it's a beautiful idea! I just think the actual death itself wasn't executed great but more importantly, we only get 5 minutes of it before the film goes "he'll be back for the next film, don't worry" and that somewhat softens the blow

    • @kusholh7095
      @kusholh7095 2 роки тому +16

      @@mylittlethoughttree Yeah I won't argue with that part. It would have hit harder if we got to really believe he was gone for like a year until the next movie's trailer came out or something. Or if we just saw the characters trying to live in a world without Jack.

    • @windowsVD
      @windowsVD 2 роки тому +3

      I think this is a much more accurate assessment of Jack’s character. I’ve seen people constantly defend him and make him seem more noble than he really is, like claiming that he never intended to trade 100 souls for his freedom or that he was never going to sell out Will and so on, but all of those actions would be totally in character for him at that point. He wasn’t outright evil, but he was willing to gamble with as many lives as needed if it ensured his freedom. It’s only until the very end of the third film where this changes and he fulfilled his arc by cementing and accepting himself as a good man.

    • @samhains5421
      @samhains5421 2 роки тому

      I always thought he was rowing away to save the crew. He had the black spot on his hand and the Kracken is supposed to target the man with the black spot, as explained. When he saw it was doing no good and the Kracken was still going to sink the ship first, he went back to think of another plan.

  • @onemoreminute0543
    @onemoreminute0543 2 роки тому +49

    IMHO, Dead Man's Chest is the best Pirates movie and one of the best sequels ever. The way the plot is constructed with all the characters having their own motivations for wanting the chest was simply brilliant.

    • @Jimmymatthewb
      @Jimmymatthewb 2 роки тому +5

      I agree completely. To me, Dead Man's chest has the most intriguing plot without being confusing, excellent pacing, you're on the edge of your seat wondering if Jack really means to be as cruel as he's saying, or if he has some grand plan behind it all to make sure no one dies. And THAT'S what kept me so emotionally grounded.
      Jack's death was phenomenal because he was proud of Elizabeth. He looked at her as if she'd grown up, and done what she needs to do to survive, calls her a fellow pirate with a smile on his face and then jumps straight into the monsters mouth sword out. To me, that was excellently played out.
      This movie was really excellent in so many ways, and to me part three is where they took all these plotlines to such ridiculous, difficult to follow conclusions that I wasn't sure if much at all except for when Jack's conscience kicked in the moment he saw will was going to die because of him, and gave the heart, the thing he'd be after for so long, to will instead.
      And the entire pirates "code" scene, where all the pirate "lord's" are gathered together in part three. I mean it's just absurd. THEY'RE PIRATES for godssakes and they turn into a mirror image of the colonial Britain's with all of their rules and everything. I hated that.
      Ultimately though, it was a successful trilogy imo which tied up all loose ends that needed to be tied. 4&5 we're no go's for me. ESPECIALLY 4. Hated that movie.

    • @onemoreminute0543
      @onemoreminute0543 2 роки тому +2

      @@Jimmymatthewb 3 is still a good film, but I think it is a bit bloated in its runtime and plot scale - I was exhausted by the end! 😂 Though the opening scene is BRILLIANTLY done
      To be honest, I didn't mind 4 too much. In spite of the lack of familiar characters and Verbinski's direction, the writing was still pretty solid.
      I think 5 is a load of crap. It doesn't help that the original writers left and Depp was having his Heard troubles in the background. It's got the worst portrayal of Jack, boring side characters, and perhaps one of the worst retcons ever which butchers 3's ending. And it ends on a major teaser which will probably never be resolved.

  • @liamhobbs1401
    @liamhobbs1401 2 роки тому +76

    I've been watching the series recently and something I noticed is how Elizabeth's character flip flops from scene to scene whether she hates pirates, trusts Will, admires Jack, etc. In one scene she hates pirates, the next she's the Pirate King.

    • @distinguishedallureproduct879
      @distinguishedallureproduct879 2 роки тому +17

      NGL, Elizabeth was the one person who didn't have anything going on, I was hoping that once she became the Pirate King, she would stay the Pirate King to Will Captain of the Flying Dutchman (Could of been a interesting spinoff)

    • @BuzzabeelYT
      @BuzzabeelYT 2 роки тому +15

      tbf Elizabeth is the outsider in all of this. Every other character had some connection to pirates (Jack being one, Will’s dad, etc.,) but Elizabeth’s first encounter with pirates was being kidnapped by them, then them fawning over her clothes like animals. Of course she has complex feelings for Jack and pirates. They’ve saved and betrayed and helped and used her over and over again. Her entire arc is the D-plot at best, but becoming Pirate King showed that she’d finally fully rejected “normal” life and her father’s wishes. It was built up over three movies of her figuring out who she was, like when she reverted back to “lady behavior” and fainted expecting the pirates to pay attention like they were gentlemen or her father. Elizabeth is the only one of the trio who had to learn from the ground up what it meant to be a pirate.
      …of course then dead men tell no tales happened where they immediately character assassinated her.

    • @badomens8465
      @badomens8465 2 роки тому +2

      @@distinguishedallureproduct879 i still can't believe people loved that scene where will leave her in an island,they literally ruined her arc

    • @xenon8117
      @xenon8117 2 роки тому +1

      @@badomens8465 What was that?

  • @ThePonderer
    @ThePonderer 2 роки тому +83

    Some really good points made. I WANT Will and Elizabeth’s relationship to work (and I am invested in Will rescuing his dad), but all the emotional grounding feels like it’s saved for the third film.

    • @mylittlethoughttree
      @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому +24

      That's a good way of wording it. In the context of the entire trilogy, this is a brilliant movie. Viewing it as a standalone piece, it has issues

    • @michaelhawkins7389
      @michaelhawkins7389 2 роки тому +1

      @@mylittlethoughttree Can I ask why you have chosen to turn off comments on your "The Half Blood Prince is better than you think" vidoe?

    • @mylittlethoughttree
      @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому +7

      @@michaelhawkins7389 thanks for pointing that out! I don't know why they've been disabled. It's frustrating because, re-enabling them, none of the old comments that used to be there have returned. Now it's just a video with zero comments. Scrolling through my other videos, I found other ones that had them disabled too. It's not clear why youtube has done this, probably a glitch, but it's really, really annoying

    • @michaelhawkins7389
      @michaelhawkins7389 2 роки тому +2

      @@mylittlethoughttree oh it was youtube ? :( I hate youtube sometimes

    • @medicgaming9117
      @medicgaming9117 2 роки тому +1

      @@michaelhawkins7389 UA-cam practically has a monopoly on entertainment made by people who aren’t rich.

  • @nemowindsor8724
    @nemowindsor8724 2 роки тому +40

    I love this film best because it is the most Emotional for me. Will’s quest to save his father, Jack compromising his freedom because of his fear of death (including sacrificing the Pearl, whom he loves so much), Norrington’s downfall and most of all, Davy Jones and his tragedy - all of this was very emotional for me and what drives me to rewatch it ore than the rest. Really good piece though, I appreciate your breakdown.

  • @frde2190
    @frde2190 2 роки тому +26

    I’m not the biggest fan of this film but damn the cgi on Davy Jones is really good

  • @PerpetualJoy
    @PerpetualJoy 2 роки тому +18

    I thought a good portion of Will's sadness at the end was him believing that Elizabeth loved or at least fancied Jack enough to kiss/cry for him. So there is tension there and tension with Elizabeth because she killed him to save everyone else and has to think about that.

  • @randieshanesings
    @randieshanesings 2 роки тому +15

    Such an important point about most films - no matter how good the other elements are, if there isn’t an effective emotional through line to connect with, we can’t CARE enough about it for it to matter. 100%

  • @HombreDufff
    @HombreDufff 2 роки тому +6

    If you think about it, Elizabeth true love was always the sense of liberty: the pirate life! Thats her arc. Escaping from the rigid, boring and unbalanced world of royalty, were men rule and women have no vote nor saying. And she saw Will as a gate to it. But she never 100% truly loved Will.

    • @stackels97
      @stackels97 2 роки тому +5

      Totally agree, she was more of a 'pirate' than Will ever was.

    • @traumer9622
      @traumer9622 2 роки тому +1

      THIS! And she rejects it at the beginning of this movie, telling Jack they aren't alike because of her superior morals, but he tells her the truth about herself, that she wants to act on selfish impulse. And in the end, she confirms it by her actions and he by telling her to her face "Pirate." And she accepts that in the third movie, which to me is just beautiful.

  • @G_Kchrst
    @G_Kchrst 2 роки тому +8

    Dead Man's Chest is the best POTC film, fight me.

    • @lightforgeddemon4476
      @lightforgeddemon4476 2 роки тому

      I mean i would say the third one is the best but judging how is technically a 2 part movie ill agree(only in this circumstances doe)

  • @SquirrelComposer
    @SquirrelComposer 2 роки тому +21

    I’ve always loved this movie and I’m so relieved that dead man’s chest is getting the attention and even respect it deserves. Great video.

  • @tombrich2
    @tombrich2 2 роки тому +9

    i always thought people loved the 2nd one! honestly this move was my childhood! its amazing!!

  • @teesh871
    @teesh871 2 роки тому +12

    You know what I reckon would have been PERFECT was...there was such an amazing relationship between calypso and davey Jones. They had so little screen time together but the bits they did have was just filled with beautiful chemistry, longing, and dare I say it sexual ten sion. And they did so well setting that up and worked so hard at there was a bit where one of the crew out of nowhere whispers in calypsos ear and that's how she was completely our of character for a comic relief but it works somehow. That might have not been their fault...Orlando and kiera were relatively early in their career and maybe just lacked as much chemistry which can't really can't be manufactured...but even if they injected a little bit of that energy into will and Elizabeth's relationship I think it would have landed so well. I think they relied on Elizabeth and will being conventionally super attractive...when you don't even need that when you have that kind of energy that calypso and Davey Jones had. As like...2 separate actors and together they were amazing. I'm not saying they're not attractive...just that it didn't really matter that much. Even if it took longer to pull off...I wonder if it would have been worth investing time and energy into setting that up would have hit so much better. Sorry I'm not a film critic that's just my two cents. Calypso and Davey...I was into it man.

  • @skyholmes5322
    @skyholmes5322 2 роки тому +10

    I still think dead man's chest was the last great potc movie. The third was good, but it wasn't great

  • @juliand.breakdown463
    @juliand.breakdown463 2 роки тому +9

    For me dead mans chest hits way Harder then curse

    • @delix787
      @delix787 2 роки тому +1


    • @etangbose4755
      @etangbose4755 2 роки тому

      Hard to go back to curse, barbsosa just isnt a good villan retroactively, yk hes gonna be in the rest and davy jones and beckett are better

  • @tralala688
    @tralala688 2 роки тому +8

    I hope you'll make a video on the third one. Many people don't like it, but I actually think it's rather underrated and aged really well.
    P.S. I think POTC 2-3 are actually one film in 2 parts.

  • @Kagara
    @Kagara 2 роки тому +6

    dead mens chast is one of the best movies i have seen

  • @michaelhawkins7389
    @michaelhawkins7389 2 роки тому +6

    I think Dead men's chest is a better film then Worlds End and the other Pirate films, I would even say it's an improvement over The Black Peal

  • @anrick1362
    @anrick1362 2 роки тому +6

    I just hope you eventually talk about the biggest problem with At World’s End. Surprisingly I haven’t found too many people who have brought it up. Most critics of the movie will complain about it being too long or confusing. My major gripe with the movie is how so much of what was set up doesn’t get a proper pay off.
    AWE spends so much time hyping up the brethren court and how much power Becket has amassed. But when the finale comes around, we aren’t shown the pirate lords(aside from the main cast) participating in the fight. Becket brings in this giant armada to show off how unstoppable he is, and again we are never shown any fighting involving these ships. What a waste. I feel blue balled(and before anyone mentions it, no, smoke from wrecked ships in the background does not make this better. Any supposed fight with the armada is never brought up and especially isn’t seen. Film is a visual medium, and it would be far more satisfying to see the fighting than have it implied).
    The worst offense of all is Calypso, and this is really bad since she’s the center of the entire plot. The main reason the brethren court is uniting in the first place is so that they can release Calypso and so she can fight off Becket and Jones. And...all she does is make it rain and create a whirl balled again. For crying out loud, she’s the Goddess of the seas; so much more could’ve been done.
    Solution: show the pirate lords battling a few British ships, meanwhile Calypso is showing godly wrath to the rest of the armada. Giant waves, multiple whirlpools, creatures of the sea coming out of the ocean attacking the British. Just go all out with it. The main battle between the Pearl and the Dutchman should be left intact, but Calypso, the pirate lords and the armada cannot be ignored.
    It’s just very frustrating to spend two hours setting up important elements of a story, only to not give them proper pay offs in the end. To me, At Worlds End is still a fun movie(the last good PotC film), but man is it seriously flawed.

  • @kevin-iq1bi
    @kevin-iq1bi 2 роки тому +12

    By far my favorite movie in this franchise, maybe my favorite of all time. Its just fun and sets up amazing lore.

  • @protein3266
    @protein3266 2 роки тому +4

    honestly, who's saying this wasn't a great movie? 1,2 and 3 are incredible movies.

  • @jasonsenter1646
    @jasonsenter1646 2 роки тому +2

    I would argue that this film actually does hit me in the heart for me to remember the experience. Maybe not for all the things you pointed out (main thing being Wills and Elizabeth’s relationship being very underwhelming, I definitely agree with you on that one but it’s not like we didn’t get a bunch of other amazing things to distract us from how bad that was so that honestly wasn’t all that bad) but I will never forget Davy Jones from this film and how he was one of the most badass and overall compelling villains of all time.
    I feel like that this film purposefully didn’t try too hard to focus on Wills and Elizabeth’s relationship because we already had a movie about that, we didn’t need another. Instead this movie decided to be more centered around Jack. I thought people would be happy with this because everyone I ask thinks Jack is the main character of these movies (while I would argue it’s only really this movie). Also did I mention that Norrington gets an amazing backstory in this film? He’s so relatable, and works so hard to get his life back that when he does, it’s actually really satisfying to watch (other than in doing so allowing the villain to win and the main character to die). And Davy Jones is just so badass like I’ve said before. His theme is one of the best themes of this entire franchise.
    Anyways are there actually a lot of people out there who don’t like this movie? If so I want to know why. I always hear how people view this series as each sequel being worse than the previous one but I would argue that this movie is debatably better than the original. It’s at least more memorable than the first one for me. Mainly because of Davy Jones, Jack Sparrow, and Norrington but all of the side characters got a lot of good moments too. The first film may have been more perfect story-wise but this film was perfect because of how original and creative it was. It didn’t really need to be perfect to be perfect if you know what I mean.

  • @TorridPrime217
    @TorridPrime217 2 роки тому +5

    I think the biggest issue is the tonal inconsistency. The film is incredibly dark and grim, both for it's subject matter and concepts, with a lot of heavy themes and ideas; but throughout the film, there's a large amount of incredibly cartoony sequences and events, most -if not all, of which take the wind out of the sails of the more serious moments, leaving it feeling all weirdly tonally disjointed

    • @StoryTeller796
      @StoryTeller796 2 роки тому +3

      Not for me though. If anything else, the comedy is a breath of fresh air for me. Especially as I grew older and watched more serious and darker shows like Vampire Dairies or Star Trek, I started to become more and more appreciative of how PotC balanced the two tones.

    • @delix787
      @delix787 2 роки тому +3

      I love the dark and grimness! 💀

    • @StoryTeller796
      @StoryTeller796 2 роки тому +2

      @@delix787 Same bud, same.

      @ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣΖΑΧΑΡΑΚΟΣ 2 роки тому +4

      But that is not really an issue. The first pirates film also had dark and grim moments accompanying the comedic ones (literally dead people hanging just to set an example, the story of Will's father and much much murder) The series was always combining the two elements and it never was a habit of the sequels. The only argument i could give to my point is that the first film simply was more subtle about it. All in all i believe "issue" is the wrong word here. I believe its just the style of these movies, its fine if one doesn't like it, but complaining about a pirates movie being silly and serious at the same time is like complaining about a lord of the rings movie "trying to be epic all the time". Now when it comes to silly moments taking away from the serious moments i believe there is no objective answer because its an argument whose answer changes depending on who you ask. Personally i believe the movie to be well paced and balanced regarding its two elements. That is something that i cant blame the movie for

  • @weldy00
    @weldy00 2 роки тому

    A FIlmento shoutout 0.o I love that guys stuff (yours too)! Its hard to seperate the nostalgia from how much I like these movies, but they are definitely some of my favorites, thanks for covering them!

  • @delix787
    @delix787 2 роки тому +7

    For anybody who is always praising the first movie to be the best. I have been studying 1-3 and I constantly re-watch them. Pirates of the Caribbean does not go downhill in writing after the first movie. That is your business to believe that opinion everyone else goes with.
    Dead man’s chest gave the characters more depth! Elizabeth and William barely have anything to work with in the first movie. William’s relationship with his father that was hinted in the first movie of his father‘s existence. Paid off wonderfully. William’s character had way more in depth now and you have something to truly care about him for. You get both perspectives when you understand their Reunion! Bootstrap didn’t want Will to become a pirate like him, he wanted him to have a free life from the pirate life. William had a hard time accepting he was half Pirate but when he accepted his life and his father… He has a new journey to stab the heart of Davy Jones to set his father free.
    And you’re implying William is better in the first movie just because he wanted to save the girl he loved? William in the second movie now has Elizabeth as a lover. And now a new journey to rescue his father someone else he cares about. And this became a difficult situation when bootstrap told Elizabeth at world‘s end. William has to make a decision. Either don’t kill Davy Jones so he can be with you. Or he does kill Davy Jones and set me free, but he won’t be able to be on land for 10 years. If I were him I wouldn’t pick me! :/ The emotional weight on William’s character gets better and better.
    Elizabeth in the first movie was just a damsel in distress girl. She wasn’t useless in the first movie but you get the point. In the second movie, Elizabeth learned to wield a sword and she used it in the battle. She pulled a gun to Beckett‘s head.. went on her own journey to save will.
    She has grown a lot since the first movie who was just an innocent girl! Elizabeth got better as a character in 2 and 3!
    As for Jack sparrow. He does not become a joke at all in all 3 movies.
    Jack sparrow is at his best in the second movie and in the third movie. There was a moment in dead men’s chest… Where Jack didn’t know what he truly wanted so the compass couldn’t locate what he desired. So when Elizabeth went on her journey and then found Jack.. Jack used her for his advantage! He took advantage of Elizabeth’s feelings by telling her if you want to save Will you have to want to find the chest of Davy Jones! In order to get will back.. That’s why Jack gave her the compass. Jack knew if he couldn’t figure what he wanted out he was going to get it out of Elizabeth. Since Elizabeth now wants to find the chest of Davy Jones to save will. This gives Jack the huge opportunity to find the chest to stab the heart in it. But instead he wants to control DavyJones before killing him. Jack sparrow is not stupid! When will was trying to stab the heart towards the end of the second movie. Jack knows just because Davy Jones is dead, does not mean the Kraken will be stopped as well. And you’re telling me Jack is dumb after part 1??
    As for Beckett. He was a well executed villain who uses dialogue and negotiation to control people. The Reason why Beckett didn’t fire his cannons at worlds end. Was because it would be totally out of his character to use weapons. Beckett uses certain words to get through people and how to control them behind the scenes. Beckett at the end of the movie had nothing left to negotiate with. Davy Jones was dead, Jack sparrow is alive and well. Will Turner is now the new captain of the Flying Dutchman. Beckett had literally nothing to use against on people. He was caught in shocked and he decided to die..
    Anyways I could defend the Gore Verbinski’s Trilogy all night. His trilogy is an underrated trilogy. It had great character writing and amazing detail of its depth.
    Also Will vs Davy Jones!!! 😈😈😈
    when Will challenging Davy Jones.
    Davy Jones asks him how do you know about the key?
    Will replies and says, that's NOT part of the game is it? 😏 You can STILL walk away!! 😏
    As for pirates 4/5 they are not even Canon they are filler movies. The story ended at worlds end! ☠️

    • @mylittlethoughttree
      @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому +4

      Well a lot of this does confuse me, I won't lie 😆 I never said Jack is dumb or a joke. I entirely agree he is a great character, maybe less so after the trilogy, but I'd have to rewatch to judge. I'm not sure where you're getting the sense I was saying that. I also don't think the writing went downhill. I think it's a beautifully crafted plot with great character HOWEVER not enough emotional weight. As your example suggests, most of it doesn't pay off until the 3rd film.
      I don't think Elizabeth is at all a damsel in distress in part 1. The fact she couldn't fight then doesn't mean she's at all weak, however I agree she evolves well in this film from someone who was very young into someone more mature, who strikes out, finds the chest....then doesn't do much for a long time until she brilliantly chains Jack to the ship. I think our difference of opinion here is that you feel part 2 is better because the characters show more depth, whereas I feel that's just exactly what a sequel is supposed to do: deepen the character that the first film introduced to us.
      I cared more about their romance in part one because there was some complexity and dynamic to their interactions. They had issues with eachother: the class difference, their past, Elizabeth choice between the social expectation of Norrington and Will. The fact she thinks it would be awful if Will was a pirate. In part 2, all of that is resolved, so their just in love...nothing else. We're just told their in love but shown little dynamism between them.
      I think Dead Man's Chest is a great film, but it feels incomplete without the third film to add the weight. For that reason, as fun as it is, I think Black Pearl works better, however I'll never begrudge anyone for telling me I'm wrong, certainly not when they make a convincing argument, as you have done

    • @delix787
      @delix787 2 роки тому +2

      @@mylittlethoughttree The entire long paragraph of my opinion is a public look out for everyone who keeps downplaying the Trilogy. I apologize but it’s not anything personal for you. It’s for anyone who criticizes videos like yours who stands up for the sequels. I’ve been trying my best to help defend the trilogy with my long paragraphs of analyzing haha. I’m saying I support your video for defending the sequels. And for anyone who wants to be negative towards them.. My long paragraph will be here to defend them. :D
      But I’m a different kind of human being. I’ve always been drawn to stories that people doubt sometimes. Dead man’s chest personally for me is perfect besides that filler island seen that felt like a studio interference… even if curse of the black pearl is by a fact a better written movie in the Trilogy.. it’s sadly just a movie that I just can’t love as much when it comes to the character writing… I also cared about Elizabeth and William who I do believe are not their best in the first movie. But thank you so much for taking your time to read everything I put down in your video.

    • @mylittlethoughttree
      @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому +1

      Oh yes, you are right, makes far more sense when I read it again 😆

  • @Confident69
    @Confident69 2 роки тому +7

    I think this is not only the best POTC, this is the best Pirates film of all time and one of top 100 films of the whole 2000s

  • @jolo6051
    @jolo6051 2 роки тому +3

    To be honest, I've always remembered the movie for Davy Jones, the Flying Dutchman crew and all of Jack's interactions with other characters.
    Yeah, I love the film for the film, but Davy Jones playing his organ is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Dead Man's Chest. :)

  • @ryans3795
    @ryans3795 2 роки тому +2

    Dead man's chest is satisfying all the way through, favorite pirates movie.

    • @ryans3795
      @ryans3795 2 роки тому

      Much of the criticisms get resolved in the next film which was written and filmed at the same time.
      I think the main criticisms result from a two part movie.

  • @delix787
    @delix787 2 роки тому +8

    I’m sorry to break it to you but the curse of the Black Pearl is my least favorite in the trilogy. I rewatch the trilogy every few months. And to me I just don’t find it as deep or as interesting compared to dead man’s chest or at worlds end.
    Curse of the Black Pearl is still a well written amazing film. It’s just I’d rather choose having William struggle on trying to save his father from Davy Jones along side using very clever strategy and dialogue during the dice liar game on Davy Jones to get the key from him.. VS William in the first movie who just wants to save Elizabeth….
    I love darker storytelling and when steaks are becoming higher! Dead man’s chest gave me everything.. Elizabeth was a useful damsel in stress female lead in the first movie. But I would rather choose her character development in the second movie compared to her in the first movie.
    Elizabeth pulled a gun on Beckett’s face. She went on her own journey to save William. Who also taught her how to defend herself with swords. And that paid off well at the end of the movie! Her development is miles better in (Dead mens chest) compared to herself in the first movie who just takes the fall for William to protect him from Barbosa.
    Jack sparrow’s dialog and clever intelligence grew (MORE) in (dead men’s chest) and (at worlds end) and you cannot convince me otherwise. If people think he became a joke after the first movie that sounds like a (YOU PROBLEM) Jack sparrow is pretty intelligent in the second movie on being a master at manipulation and taking advantage of people around him to get himself out of a situation in order to save his life and possibly everyone else’s. He just knows how to play the game like that….. You can’t trust Jack sparrow on making the right decisions because he’s supposed to be ahead of the game on everyone’s perspective on him. If Jack was easy to follow with answers he wouldn’t be Jack sparrow lol.
    Not to mention what’s with this opinion on people saying Jack sparrow was someone you should not mess with?? Jack sparrow literally wants you to mess with him so he can use that to his advantage to pull you in under his string, for you to doubt him in order to rise up above everyone else. You were caught in his illusion the entire time so he can be superior at the end of the situation and screw you over. If Jack sparrow was someone to NOT mess with, just like Davy Jones.. Then you wouldn’t be caught in Jack sparrow’s illusion on being the worst pirate in the world..
    No seriously if Jack had the same fear approach as Davy Jones…. Then all you would have to do were to look at Jack sparrow for a few seconds and be so scared of him, Everyone would just run away.. literally what’s the fun in that for Jack Sparrow?! If he was someone to not mess like people claim. Then (WHY) do people keep on assisting 100% on messing with Jack Sparrow?? Please answer that man lol. That literally makes no sense…
    You have to mess with Jack sparrow to be caught in his illusion of doubtfulness so he can be the superior person in the situation and also getting out of a dangerous situation. He literally pulls you in as a fool because people were messing with them. Like come on?! 😂

  • @Kitty255Again
    @Kitty255Again 2 роки тому +2

    I just saw a comment by Daltooine Westwood and they talked about Jack collecting souls which made me realize how lucky Jack was to actually hire some crew because the Kraken targets them first at the end.

  • @delix787
    @delix787 2 роки тому +7

    The only problem with this movie is the filler island scene. Besides that I’ve never had an issue with this movie! Dead man’s chest is the best written movie within the trilogy. ☠️☠️☠️

    • @touchingisjustthefirststep
      @touchingisjustthefirststep 2 роки тому

      "filler" there is no filler these movies are original storylines not adapted from anything

    • @anrick1362
      @anrick1362 2 роки тому

      @@touchingisjustthefirststep you got the definition confused. Filler is anything unnecessary added in that doesn’t advance the plot.

    • @touchingisjustthefirststep
      @touchingisjustthefirststep 2 роки тому

      @@anrick1362 if it's part of the story then no

    • @anrick1362
      @anrick1362 2 роки тому

      @@touchingisjustthefirststep filler can be part of the story, so yes. The word filler doesn’t just apply to the kind you see in anime adaptations of manga. I love the cannibal island sequence, but it’s for sure filler.

    • @touchingisjustthefirststep
      @touchingisjustthefirststep 2 роки тому

      @@anrick1362 but there is a reason why he's on that island

  • @viewtifulmorannp6185
    @viewtifulmorannp6185 2 роки тому +2

    Yeah, i always loved Dead Man's Chest (Even with its goofy sort of out of place humor) but i always felt it lacked something that the first movie had.

  • @redringofdeathgamer
    @redringofdeathgamer 2 роки тому +4

    Always liked this movie and never tried to defend it. Was never sure why I liked it and never cared that others didn't.

  • @rinmathews9337
    @rinmathews9337 2 роки тому +4

    I didn't get that the title "Dead Man's Chest" was a pun until watching this video.

  • @draad3112
    @draad3112 2 роки тому +2

    In my opinion, what made this movie and its sequel great and memorable (to me) is Davy Jones, which you briefly covered. To be short, Davy Jones is a round character, with a simple but effective tragic arc, perfectly voiced and acted by Bill Nighy, and lastly, a theme song that embodies this character perfectly, mixing a tragedy and anger in an epic melody. This masterpiece of a villain, so unique, carried this movie and the next, and set extremely high expectations for future villains of the franchise (that ultimately fell short).

  • @diegodiaz6876
    @diegodiaz6876 10 місяців тому +1

    One thing that I wish happened was Jack and Will working together like they did in the first movie. I didn’t like how they pitted them against each other.

  • @aquilamxp6267
    @aquilamxp6267 2 роки тому +2

    I agree with the Bloom's acting being too blend, particularly the Elisabeth stuff. However, with his father, it does work much better. I found some real emotion there to be honest.

  • @reginaldgickington4793
    @reginaldgickington4793 2 роки тому +2

    It is worth noting that the prison with the crows pecking the guy to death is not at all Norrington's. Canonically it's a Turkish prison.

    • @mylittlethoughttree
      @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, I assumed it was elsewhere, but the cut from Elizabeth and Will in chains, to other people in chains suggests some sort of thematic link...unless I'm reading too much into it

  • @SentryUwU
    @SentryUwU 2 роки тому +10

    it is still a 10/10 movie (especially when we compare it to the modern garbage....)

  • @delix787
    @delix787 2 роки тому +7

    12:13 this movie was easy to follow what are people talking about?! At world‘s end is the real messy movie but I don’t care it’s such a damn fun movie..
    Dead man’s chest has a very simple plot.. Jack sparrow is the master at controlling peoples hearts to get what he wants and out of a situation. He screwed over Will so Jack can save himself… But it worked in his favor for his reunion to meet his father.. William even told Jack you screwed me over but because of you I was reunited with my father after such a long time.. Elizabeth was caught in Jack’s illusion of trusting him to get Will back that had nothing to do with him which was a lie. Will being on Davy Jones ship had everything to do with Jack lol. Jack left on good terms with Elizabeth and William in the first movie. Elizabeth had every right to believe Jack…. It was Jack who took advantage of her feelings to find the chest by telling her if you want to find will you need to find the chest of Davy Jones! But it was an illusion so Jack can get closer to find the chest of Davy Jones to control him. But to also go back and save will after Jack got what he wanted.
    If people don’t understand these movies that’s their problem. But I understand every movie! That’s why I rank 2>3>1 ☠️☠️☠️

  • @Shinyworldwide
    @Shinyworldwide 2 роки тому +2

    i mean who comes up with a 3 way fighting scene in a water wheel that is rolling down a hill? it's fantastic!

  • @traumer9622
    @traumer9622 2 роки тому +2

    Elizabeth is the only person not searching for the heart, but I don't think that is a problem at all. Her journey to me in this is one of self discovery. We got teased in the first movie that she is fascinated by pirates, yearns for freedom (the kind of freedom Jack has) and is willing to do whatever is necessary, just like Jack (her getting him drunk and burning the rum, offering her hand in marriage to save Will...).
    Here she is forced to ask herself what price she is willing to pay for this freedom, what she is willing to do to get back to Will and be free. And just like Jack points out, there is an element of selfishness in her. A part of her JUST wants to be free. E.g. every time she mourns her almost-marriage there is subtext of her just wanting the get laid. By the end of the movie, she decides to act one selfish impulse AND trick Jack to his death - she kills him for everbody to survive, just as she kisses him to satisfy her lust for him. But that act (seemingly) takes both Jack (the embodyment of freedom to her) and Will from her. In that way her arc is deeply tragic.

  • @Tiresias55
    @Tiresias55 2 роки тому +2

    Bloated runtime is a little harsh, but critics tend to be incredibly harsh for anything that isn't a masterpiece. If this movie does have a problem, it has to be that it is filled with a cast of such big personalities, and each has their own emotional plotlines to follow and root for. Will wants to free his father, which overshadows his longing to be married with Elizabeth. Reuniting with Will is Elizabeth's goal in the film, which is under-represented. Jack Sparrow is trying to escape his debts, and of course you have the Tiadama and Davie Jones subplot. I feel that Will's mission regarding his father probably should have taken priority, with the other character's struggles being downgraded to subplots. But still, was a fantastic movie, and was a brilliant set up for At World's End, a phenominal ending to the franchise. (I don't view POTC 4 and 5 as being part of this.)

  • @EpicMovieCompilations
    @EpicMovieCompilations 2 роки тому +1

    It’s not a pure sequel. At World’s End literally completes every thread left hanging, including your problem with Will and Elizabeth’s closure. I for one really am invested in their relationship by the end of the third film, but Dead Man’s Chest offers a fresh perspective. Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth’s brief romance is such a cool detour. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are one movie, remember this. It’s designed like Lord of the Rings.

  • @jenlindley7780
    @jenlindley7780 2 роки тому +4

    There is no problem with this movie!!!

  • @maxcasteel2141
    @maxcasteel2141 2 роки тому

    I was ready to throw hands when i first glanced at the title but then i saw it was you and knew you wouldn't be doing this movie dirty and then i saw the full title :P great vid!

  • @kaneelliott9104
    @kaneelliott9104 2 роки тому +4

    They need people like you to review films like this before they come out so they can do some last min filming and editing

  • @stevestolarczyk8972
    @stevestolarczyk8972 2 роки тому +1

    I think you really put your finger on the real issue with the movie. Well done.

  • @DarthTingleBinks
    @DarthTingleBinks 2 роки тому +3

    I feel all the problems with the emotional weight not really being there is intentional, as Dead Man's Chest is the first part of (in my humble opinion), the best 2 parter in history, even better than Infinity War and Endgame.
    Edit: I do really love Infinity War, however. Endgame is... alright. Like it's good, but it's extremely overrated. I don't even think it's in the top 10 MCU movies. And if it is, it's near the bottom.

    • @onemoreminute0543
      @onemoreminute0543 2 роки тому

      I agree with you. I think DMC and AWE blow Infinity War and Endgame out of the water, even if the latter arguably dragged on just a little too long

    • @traumer9622
      @traumer9622 2 роки тому

      Yes and also the best trilogy of all times next to Lord if the Rings, imo

    • @DarthTingleBinks
      @DarthTingleBinks 2 роки тому

      @@traumer9622 I do like Lord of the Rings a bit, but not... That much. It's good. Granted, I have not yet seen the extended editions, which I plan on doing, but there's a lot of other stuff I want to watch first.

  • @jonathanfeldheim6554
    @jonathanfeldheim6554 2 роки тому +2

    IMHO thematically the movie lacks that usual emotional arc because it's sort one long 1st act setting up the 3rd film, which cycles back through and zips up everything laid out in part 2, ending 2 with the Kraken, only to be killed off offscreen, plus only having Barbosa return in the last moment of 2 but to be a main character in 3.....awesome

  • @geekexmachina
    @geekexmachina 2 роки тому +2

    Good analysis, this franchise is interesting in that it is based on a themepark ride so the story was pretty much built from scratch. It would be an interesting comparison between this and cutthroat island which was less successful.
    As an aside the action sequences like this are very common in shonen films and series (like one piece or naruto or bleach) certainly the narrative structure seems similar to the “hero’s journey rather that 3 or 5 act traditional structure, which i think helps keep the complexities and character driven elements in check.
    I agree there needed a but more emotional beat to the film but also a greater sense of urgency and importance. Will / his father may have benefited flashbacks to establish their relationship and drive higher stakes but also increase of the consequences in the plot. I think a real grounding beat would be the tragedy of davy jones as taken from the flying dutchman story it should be a love story tragedy with some scenes which generate sympathy or even pity for him to play off his villainy. You find in the black pearl conflicting feelings to the characters which gives them psychological weight. This investment helps carry and complexity in plot,

  • @cowboyhank456
    @cowboyhank456 2 роки тому

    I completely and utterly agree. I don't know how UA-cam knew I just rewatched this movie coming away with a massive sense of confusion, but this points out exactly what I've been thinking ever since, which is that it indeed lacks any emotional anchor. The plot, in essence, is very simple and doesn't have much depth, but the fact that there's so little meaningful dialogue in terms of actually conveying what's happening, nor making you _feel_ what and why these characters do what they do, makes it the whole experience entirely forgettable - however enjoyable this film actually is to watch.
    It _is_ ridiculous, and that can be fine, if it adheres to the rules set within its universe, but without anything to make you care about what's happening, your mind just starts to wonder and I just have such immense trouble finding something to hold on to - to make me invested in _why_ all these things are happening. A shame, really, because I can see the intentions, and how this a form of art in its own, weird way, but in the end it just falls quite short of what could indeed be something great.

  • @sarasamaletdin4574
    @sarasamaletdin4574 2 роки тому +1

    Personally I am a huge fan so to me the points you said, Will and Elizabeth’s romance, Willa and his fathers relationship and Jacks death land for me emotionally. As well as all the themes and in light of the next film, Becketts victory. Elizabeth and Jack’s relationship was also interested to me and pretty shocking to me at that age. But it’s good to see this film form a perspective of people who might feel these are problems.

  • @patm407
    @patm407 8 днів тому

    I always (controversially) liked At World’s End better than Dead Man’s Chest and I think this video does a great job explaining why. As you said, this movie constructs plot well but it feels like we’re skating from scene to scene without real consequence.
    In AWE you feel emotional weight from the first scene. People are being lined up to be hanged!! There’s a genuine sense of impending doom and a need to do something about it that DMC lacks. The connection between Davy Jones and Calypso is well done, and they spice up Will and Elizabeth’s romance by bringing tension and consequences into it. Seeing the Kraken dead, Gov Swann and Norrington dying, and even Will becoming captain at the end, it all just…hits.
    DMC is definitely a better movie technically. AWE’s plot is disjointed and flawed, but it has impact, and DMC really lacks that

  • @wafflingmean4477
    @wafflingmean4477 Рік тому

    I think there's two crucial changes they NEEDED to make.
    1. There's a deleted scene of Will and Bootstrap essentially catching up and bonding a bit more than we saw in the theatrical release. It's one of my favourite scenes in any of the movies. It would really have helped to feel the weight of the relationship more.
    2. Not many people know the backstory between Beckett and Jack. It's in deleted scenes for the third film but it is never addressed at all in the second. Jack used to be a privateer working for the East India Trading company before he was a pirate. Beckett hired Jack to transport slaves, who Jack then chose to set free. Beckett branded him as a pirate and therefore forced him into a life of at least more direct crime. And due to his literal brand burned onto his skin, Jack could never return to normal society. This life he thrives in is one that was forced upon him (in the deleted scenes in the third film he actually thanks Beckett for this). Meanwhile Beckett failing to deliver his cargo (or perhaps being outed?) severely damaged his political position at the time. I think Elizabeth needed to force that information out of Beckett when she had him at gunpoint. There was appropriate intrigue set up for this because Beckett heavily implied a troubled past between the two when he spoke to Will (when Beckett held up the brand). Will would have told Elizabeth about this. Throughout the whole film, Beckett feels like less of a threat and less present in a way because his actions feel more... transactional. He just wants Will to grab the compass so he can find the chest and force Davy Jones and the Kraken into submission. Pretty cool, but power for its own sake is less intriguing than knowing Beckett is specifically gunning for Jack this whole time. Knowing it's personal for Beckett changes the perspective on all of his actions. Does he just want the compass, or is he trying to lure Jack into a trap? Beckett offered Jack a pardon and employment as a privateer (that reward was eventually given to Norrington). In the normal version of the film, the tension comes from whether or not Jack will take the offer. But with full knowledge both the audience and Jack know Beckett would never follow through on that bargain. These letters come across as more of a veiled insult and a threat, which doubles as a carrot to keep Will under his thumb. The whole purpose of the letters change, and Beckett now feels like a looming threat that will come sooner or later, rather than maybe being able to be pushed away somehow.
    Also as a bonus change they should have leaned more into the idea that Bootstrap has been cursed twice. He should be something of an anomaly on the Dutchman. For around a decade he was the only man on board aside from Davy Jones himself who was literally unkillable. The rest just had their lifespans extended. This would have been a very tense scenario. Perhaps the balanced power dynamic between them has led to Bootstrap becoming almost a co-captain figure, with some speculating he intends to seize the Dutchman for himself without even having to bind himself to the Dutchman in the way Jones has. But due to the events of the previous film that whole dynamic would have been just been changed, since Bootstrap has lost his curse of undeath he shared with Barbosa's crew. Bootstrap could have been navigating his way through a suddenly far more precarious position in which Jones could kill him at any moment to secure his authority, which could have played into why Bootstrap was the one to reach out to Jack. Come to think of it if they could teleport someone onto the Black Pearl why not just send the whole crew to kill or abduct Jack? Perhaps the reason Bootstrap is the one who went there was because he specifically wanted to set Jack on a path to destroy Jones.
    I just feel like that would have given more of a presence to the Dutchman itself and its crew. I never felt as connected to them as I did to the Pearl and Barbosa's crew, despite Bill Nighy's incredible performance.

  • @DocM.
    @DocM. Рік тому

    0:21 I thought my phone was falling over 🤣🤣🤣
    Great video, love your work! ❤

  • @wavelengthrenegadereef9143
    @wavelengthrenegadereef9143 10 місяців тому

    Maybe that's why I seem to live this movie so much more than everyone else. I can categorically say that DMC is my favorite Pirates movie, full-stop, no hesitation. And maybe it's just... because I actually felt invested. As fragile as the threads showing Elizabeth and Will's relationship may be, and as shallow as Will and Bootstrap's interactions may have felt to others... I felt the full weight of each of them. Maybe I just... saw through Orlando Bloom's deadpan nature a bit more, because I empathized with Will very heavily the whole way through. I empathized with Jack and his fear of the Kraken, because every time it appears, including the final time, it _always_ succeeds in its deadly mission. Will has two conflicting goals, and both feel real to me. Elizabeth has only one that really feels... off, to me. If her entire goal is to marry Will, then why is there the whole thing about her suddenly falling for Jack? That whole thing just feels forced and unnecessary, she should be seducing him out of manipulation rather than actual desire in my opinion. But other than that, everything else in the whole movie feels right to me.
    I'm on the spectrum, so maybe it's just my overly logical nature winning out. I get so invested simply because (barring the Elizabeth-and-Jack thing) everything makes perfect logical sense to me. And, seeing as I am... that might be why Bloom's acting is no problem for me. I'm not very expressive myself, I glean more meaning from words than from expressions or body language, so his deadpan nature is just fine because his words ring true.
    The maelstrom scene in World's End and the underwater march in Curse are the only other moments in the series that gave me chills, as the plans of the characters are suddenly thrown into disarray by an unintended, unavoidable turn... but it happens _constantly_ in DMC for me. The first appearance of the Dutchman, of Jones, the scene with the organ, the flogging, _every_ time the Kraken appears... all of it makes me tense up in a way no other film in the series does, because I understand all of the motives and all of those scenes are just so jarringly at odds with the idea of the characters ever getting what they want.
    I dunno. Just my two cents. I love this movie. I just did a full rewatch of the entire series over the course of the past week and a half or so, and DMC was _still_ the one that affected me most intensely. Barring the cannibal island, that could've been shortened in favor of more development elsewhere I think, but... other than that, it's glorious.
    In fact, contrary to most opinions on the series... I think Black Pearl is the weak link of the trilogy. It's the least memorable one to me. Every time they get to Isla de Muerta for the first time, I have a moment of "Wait, is it over already?" before I remember that they go there twice. It just... doesn't have the same weight as the other two, at least for me.
    Yes. Other two. It's a trilogy and I will not hear differently.

  • @disneyfied-sundquist7349
    @disneyfied-sundquist7349 2 роки тому +1

    You're in for the long-run Mate. Look forward to hearing your "At World's End" Analysis

  • @cdp124
    @cdp124 Рік тому

    I agree with a lot of the points made here, and would like to add that a lot of emotional context (and just epic-tier writing) was traded for momentum with the removal of certain deleted scenes.

  • @WarriorDan
    @WarriorDan 2 роки тому +1

    Regarding double-crossing as it relates to character consistency and general contextual plot consistency, you should try analyzing Knives Out, as that's another film that does a lot of similar (but still different) interesting things with how it handles those concepts. Characters consistently double-cross each other there too, but it's always consistent with who they are as a person and what they want. Almost all the information is conveyed to the audience, albeit often in a not-strictly-linear fashion, or very subtly, making it often hard to distinguish what's important to keep in mind, and what's not. Knives Out is likewise not a perfect film, but it's still very clever in most of its execution.

  • @jadenalvarado4912
    @jadenalvarado4912 Рік тому +1

    It should of been its own sperate sequel and not been shot back to back. They should of saved the Davy Jones stuff for part 3 and have part 2 be its own arc and slightly build up to davy problems

  • @lightforgeddemon4476
    @lightforgeddemon4476 2 роки тому +1

    I have a problem with ppl criticising this movie in particular, they are so fixed on the characters, blaming orlando bloom for being bland or bad, judging every little part of the plot than saying is too messy or unnecessary complex, beckett being straight up hated just bcs he is an ambitious person who is mortally corrupt and does anything for power(like c'mon is basically a British politician that has connections with a trading company, what would u expect from his character? Anti slavery and honest man?) and so on. I never once felt while watching the movie for first time that the plot is messy, it shows very early the stakes and the motivations and is somewhere expected to end up in a big fight, the only thing not expected however is norrington adding up to the players table, which is great and spontaneous thus granting a more fresh vibe to the plot. Elizabeth is basically useless in the third act bcs she was meant to be a side character in that particular arc but plays *the* role(maybe norrington too)in setting the third movie in action so i forgive the writing for that. The dynamic is flawless in my opinion, bcs is a fucking race not some deep emotional conflict as many ppl complain the movie to be lacking. Will and his father are borderline strangers(remember he was like 8 when he was found by Elizabeth and to my own speculation he was a lot younger when his dad left) so what the fuck does the audience want? A crying scene? Hell i personally loved their dynamic bcs it portraits their relationship without any dramatic value. Jack is jack- i cant stretch enough how much this franchise is basically him(johnny depp ). Maybe JD' acting and flavour casts a shadow over the other actors performance( except Bill nighy) idk exactly. The only "bad" thing i found about this movie is the cannibal island(maybe bcs i watched this movie for like 20 times and i consider this part to be the most slowed pace in the movie, only beaten by jack and his crabs in the 3rd instalment(honestly the fuck was i watching-it made 0 sense)). Overall the movie is great and i suspect whoever is criticising this movie looks too deep inside or simply doesn't like the theme on which is built( add the genre too)

  • @VirtualShogun
    @VirtualShogun 2 роки тому +4

    I could have done without the cannibal island plot, other than that I enjoy this film.

    • @delix787
      @delix787 2 роки тому +2

      I usually just skip that scene and enjoy the rest of the cannon.

    • @etangbose4755
      @etangbose4755 2 роки тому +1

      I dont mind it bc of the “then i became there cheif” line from the first movie, funny to think its happened more then once

  • @wraith1117
    @wraith1117 2 роки тому +1

    Capn Jack parading about shouting "I've got a jar of dirrrrrt, I've got a jar of dirrrrrt, Guess what's inside it". was worth the price of admission alone. lol. To be honest. Every thing about the Pirates deal was made up from a ride at Disney. That it made it as far as it did, and still made money has to say something. Also. As much as Jack would normally do something sneaky to blow off a real fight. I thought it was cool that when come face to face with the Kraken. Jack went head long into it like going into a real fight. May seem trivial. But I thought it spoke for quite a bit.

  • @positivelyliv
    @positivelyliv Рік тому

    The most interesting thing about Bootstrap, to me at least, is that him turning up as a crewmember of the Dutchman is a fantastic pay-off to the idea that Barbossa sent him to Davy Jones' Locker for his insubordination prior to the events of CotBP. That's it. He is such a flat character otherwise and pretty much only exists to motivate Will throughout DMC and AWE because...he's his Dad? And being his Dad means he's worthy of being saved? Okay, sure Jan.

  • @ZombishTurkey
    @ZombishTurkey 2 роки тому +1

    the thing with this movie is it's a 2 part thing with at world's end. it's a story that evolves over the two movies, and that's the problem. it's intended to be seen together, so it fails as a movie when looked at singularly. it's a bridge to at world's end, and thats the issue.

  • @reesehendricksen269
    @reesehendricksen269 Рік тому

    I still love how Davey Jones is the best Lovecraftian villain put to screen to date, all by accident too.

  • @shacuras8201
    @shacuras8201 2 роки тому +1

    How can you talk about this movie without mentioning it's best scene, the trade ship Will is on getting sunk by the Kraken. With that amazing soundtrack.

  • @ghostlyjudge
    @ghostlyjudge 2 роки тому +2

    one of my favorite films in the series

  • @alexcross7583
    @alexcross7583 2 роки тому +1

    Norrington was really done dirty in the 3 movie, he was such a big character in the first and second, then he was only in 4 scenes in the third movie and one of them was his death scene,it's one of the reasons I hate the third one, that and the story makes no sense, the second has to be my favourite that fight on the wheel was class

  • @SelphieTheNutter
    @SelphieTheNutter Рік тому +1

    I do like your videos but in this case I think you're not giving the film the credit it deserves. For a start, boot strap bill turner was refranced in the first film. Barbosa strapped a cannon to him and sent him into the depths of Davy Jones Locker for being loyal to Jack. He sent that medallion to will to punish Barbosa and the pirates that mutanied aagaint Jack, that says a lot about how loyal he is. Clearly not a detail a lot of people noticed or they'd have had a lot more Symphony for Boot strap, especially after seeing it first hand when he sells himself to Davey Jones for eternity to save his son.
    You say no emotional attachment to will and Elizabeth? Anyone who says that never developed a bond with them in the first film or they would be happy to see them in a relationship. We've already seen them flirting and falling in love, the honeymoon phase is over and they are now together, that's not a bad thing. The new love story is now focused on Davy Jones and Calypso the opposite version of Will and Elizabeth, The tragedy of love. This focus switch serves a perpose because Will is going to be the new ferryman of souls in the 3rd film. The reason it doesn't focus on will and Elizabeth is for that future plot. We see Davy Jones Stab will in the 3rd film out of shear spit for both Jack and Will. (anyone who was paying attention would have seen Davy Jones notice Will and Elizabeth where in love, this is part of the reason he stabs wil). The 3rd film is set up beautifully by this focus switch, for a battle of lovers, with will and Elizabeth winning and will giving the crew of the duchman perpose by fulfilling their duty to the dead. Elizabeth waiting for him to return unlike the tragedy of Davy Jones and Calypso.
    You say will seems to have forgotten about his dad by the end of the film. Yet you see him throwing the knife his dad gave him (the knife will used as a symbol for his vow to save him from Davy Jones) into the table, which for anyone paying attention said he was the most troubled out of everyone there, he was both grieving for Jack and stewing over how to save his farther. I think in this respect your hate for Orlando Bloom has clouded your judgement, Will was never the most emotional Character in the series from the start. He bottled up his feelings for most things from the beginning with justice being the 1 exception.
    You and everyone else speak about Dead Man's Chest like it's a stand alone film and it's not, it's the continuation of a story. Like you said, the consequences of Will and Elizabeth freeing Jack at the end of 1. The back story of how Jack got the Black Pearl. The continuation and back story of Davy Jones (one that everyone knows of but aren't sure of the details). This film isn't ment to be seen as a stand alone film, it's a plot filler, a link in a chain that ties the past (film 1) with the future (film 3)
    Pirates 1,2 and 3 are ment to be seen like Lord of the rings. Originally Lord of the rings was written into 1big book. But the book was so big that it was a struggle to read from cover to cover, so it was split into 3 sections, the Fellowship, Two Towers and Return of The King. Pirates is no different, it's one story split into 3 sections because if it was put into one film, few would watch it from start to finish.

  • @docbrown2045
    @docbrown2045 2 роки тому

    All the issues you described with this film - I didn't have them at all, or maybe I did but didn't know or care, since I was just a little boi when I saw it for the first time.
    For me it's probably the most entertaining one in the franchise. It's not the "by template" best like the first one, or not my favorite like the third one, but most entertaining for sure. I will rewatch it again a hundred more times and gonna love every single moment of it.

  • @wattsnottaken1
    @wattsnottaken1 2 роки тому +1

    I love this movie. I have to watch it at least once a year

  • @dianeovercash6739
    @dianeovercash6739 2 роки тому +1

    Does anybody else think Elizabeth is really, really annoying?

  • @katieh.1084
    @katieh.1084 Рік тому

    DMC and AWE are my personal favorites out of them all. They are so epic and soundtracks was the best I've ever heard in any film. They are essentially one film split in two, so if you are trying to separate them then I could see why some have criticize them individually but as a whole they are brilliant! IMO, Davey Jones and Lord Beckett are truly the best villains in the franchise. I will always remember seeing these films in the theater multiple times, I couldn't get enough of them. I hope you do a video about AWE sometime.❤🏴‍☠️

  • @suzannax
    @suzannax 2 роки тому +1

    😂 Poor Orlando and his expressionless face.
    Tbh I thought it was just a fun film at the time, but I suppose that's what's interesting about re-watching them and hearing other perspectives.

  • @DD-zh4by
    @DD-zh4by 3 місяці тому

    The problem is the cartoonish physics. When he falls off the mountain it breaks the film

  • @ryuk5673
    @ryuk5673 2 роки тому

    Holy crap it took you a long time to say that.
    Good point. the film is amazing but at times is too light hearted for its own good.

  • @kimmccarthy7747
    @kimmccarthy7747 2 роки тому +3

    Well, right off the bat, they didn't give Will and Elizabeth the happy ending the fans wanted. After setting them up as the greatest couple in a long time of movies, this film splits them up, and they never get back together again in the long end the way fans wanted. Will's death in the third film and the ten year separation just ruined it for most of the fans I knew back when it came out. There had been a budding fan writing collective right after the first film, and after World's End, it dried up. I saw nothing more at cons about the franchise for a very long time. Add to it Jack's come down and loss of his crew, and this depressing mess was not what fans wanted. You hear a lot today about how fans accept or not a film, well, already back then they rejected this ending for a trio of characters they had really loved. Barbossa's return at the end was the best thing, the only thing, I really was thrilled by in this film.

    • @delix787
      @delix787 2 роки тому +1

      Nah! I loved their relationship. Their final goodbye at the beach breaks my heart!! 🥲💙

    • @nkbujvytcygvujno6006
      @nkbujvytcygvujno6006 Рік тому

      @@delix787 Nah! Nobody asked your opinion. If it doesn’t have anything to do with the comment, you make your own comment instead of piggybacking of someone else’s looking for attention ☺️🙏💕

  • @ZombishTurkey
    @ZombishTurkey 2 роки тому

    another reason why beckett isn't out of nowhere is the EITC is eluded to a couple times in the first movie.

  • @DMSBrian24
    @DMSBrian24 2 роки тому

    When I was a kid I kinda got lost because of how much shit was going on, I had a general idea of the plot but really couldn't figure some things out... that said, as an adult, this is not an issue at all for me and in fact, I feel like it adds chaos and more mystery, the plot is very convoluted but satisfying as more is revealed. Anyway, I loved this movie almost as much as the original, and after having rewatched it more recently, I don't like it any less.

  • @ozthebeeman
    @ozthebeeman Рік тому

    I only had one problem with the film. it was too long, that's it. I think it's good everywhere else and perfect in some areas like the villain, but it was just too long

  • @briansinger5258
    @briansinger5258 Рік тому

    Satisfying, artistic consumer products…are not consumer products.
    What’s the point of using government to enforce intellectual property rights and throttle distribution, if your empire is just going to make cathartic art that connects people to god and one another? You can only sell that once.

  • @petecowley3481
    @petecowley3481 2 роки тому

    What actually is the massive fortress Jack finds the drawing of the key inside? Who owns it? How did he know the drawing was there? Where is the fortress? Why did Jack want the key before he knew Jones was coming for him?

  • @Bat_Dad_116
    @Bat_Dad_116 2 роки тому

    Dead man’s chest was and still is my favorite pirates movie.

  • @SkinScapeHub
    @SkinScapeHub 2 роки тому

    Bruh no one’s out there saying the things you are saying they are , pirates is class end of.

  • @saifmohamed9592
    @saifmohamed9592 2 роки тому

    This film is pure fun and my personal recommendation for a sequel's recipe.

  • @tylerhackner9731
    @tylerhackner9731 2 роки тому +2

    Love your videos and analysis

  • @djtoxicdhg
    @djtoxicdhg 2 роки тому

    I hope 1 day we get pirets 6 and jony dep atleest makes a aperins in it dus not half to be a kea rool but atleest show him som love that's all the fans truly onet at the end of the day.

  • @sentientmustache8360
    @sentientmustache8360 2 роки тому

    Dead man’s chest has always been my favorite one

  • @elboel7339
    @elboel7339 2 роки тому

    Am i the only one that didn't know people don't like it? I love this movie, more then the first one. In this video you were talking like ''Yeah it's okay i guess'' and acting like everyone else thinks the same but i have never heard anyone say they don't like it

    • @mylittlethoughttree
      @mylittlethoughttree  2 роки тому

      Ahhh well I didn't want it to come across that way, I love this movie! I just also think it's flawed. Over the years, I feel people have appreciated it more and more but originally, yeah, there was a lot of dislike for it. I think how things went with the 4th and 5th film has led people to re-evalute their originally negative feelings towards the 2nd and 3rd

    • @elboel7339
      @elboel7339 2 роки тому

      @@mylittlethoughttree Ohhhh, thanks for the clarification

  • @tslomka6272
    @tslomka6272 2 роки тому

    The giant hamster wheels scenes are stupid. Outside those 2 parts it is a great movie

  • @friday13michael
    @friday13michael 2 роки тому

    My Order: 1, 3, 4, 2, 5
    Why?: Unrealistic action scenes that are over the top (like the unrealistic flip you showed at 2:30 and other scenes like it that flood the movie).
    2 has a good movie in it, but it needs to get rid of the absolutely ridiculousness. I can handle a bit, not this level, though.

    • @etangbose4755
      @etangbose4755 2 роки тому

      4s escape seen at the begging doesnt bother you?

  • @rileylallier429
    @rileylallier429 Рік тому

    I really dig the film. I think it's only a few notches behind the original

  • @LazyKingAus
    @LazyKingAus 2 роки тому

    crazy i thought this movie was boring.
    im getting to the point in the video where you discuss the driving force of the movie. which for me was the turn off of the movie. all characters seem to be pointless. Will and Elizabeth dragged the story along. jack just showed why he should have just taken another coin from the first movie. Introduction of davy jones but no real threat of davy jones. the fact the kraken can swim extremely powerful and fast yet can not keep up with jack. Honestly im glad people enjoy it. but there is no driving force for this film unless you are a fan.

  • @Starwarsfearsome
    @Starwarsfearsome 2 роки тому

    Am I just finding out people didnt like this movie? I loved this movie and i thought most people did too.

    • @etangbose4755
      @etangbose4755 2 роки тому

      Well you either love the series and love this one of don’t really care for it and hate it