I recently purchased a J-link-edu/mini to data tracing via SWD (TDO pin).. however I can't seem to get Eclipse+OpenOCD (0.11) configured correctly to connect and stream data. The J-Link site shows the chip is supported, but perhaps it's only via Keil/IAR? I think ST Micro's STM32CubeIde is Eclipse-based, and that has SWV Trace capability. I assume standalone Eclipse would have that too? Any suggestions where to start in getting the OpenOcd to connect/stream via SWD? How much is the 5-day course?
starts at 0:40
Do you have these slides available?
I recently purchased a J-link-edu/mini to data tracing via SWD (TDO pin).. however I can't seem to get Eclipse+OpenOCD (0.11) configured correctly to connect and stream data.
The J-Link site shows the chip is supported, but perhaps it's only via Keil/IAR? I think ST Micro's STM32CubeIde is Eclipse-based, and that has SWV Trace capability. I assume standalone Eclipse would have that too?
Any suggestions where to start in getting the OpenOcd to connect/stream via SWD?
How much is the 5-day course?