Was the serpent the Father of Cain ? | Bible Stories

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2024
  • Was the serpent the Father of Cain ?
    The idea that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was the father of Cain has been a controversial one among some Bible scholars. In Genesis 4, we read about the birth of Cain to Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the Garden. There is no mention in Genesis that the serpent fathered Cain. However, some have speculated that the serpent may have had relations with Eve in the Garden, pointing to Genesis 3:15 where God speaks of putting enmity between the serpent and Eve's offspring.
    While creative, this interpretation has problems. Genesis 4:1 clearly states that Adam lay with Eve and she conceived and gave birth to Cain. The text presents Cain as the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, not the serpent. Additionally, Genesis 3 refers to the serpent as a beast of the field, not as a man or divine being capable of reproduction with humans. The serpent being the father of Cain contradicts the plain reading of Scripture.
    Jesus refers to the Devil as the "father of lies" in John 8:44, but this is likely a metaphorical description, not stating that Satan literally fathered lies. Overall, the Bible does not support the serpent fathering Cain. The text straightforwardly presents Adam as Cain's father. While the serpent clearly played a role in humanity's fall, Scripture does not depict the serpent as Cain's actual father. This video provides the Biblical evidence against this controversial view. Please like, share and subscribe for more Bible topic videos.


  • @springsoflifeministries6113
    @springsoflifeministries6113 Рік тому +16

    You forgot one important passage, when God was speaking to Satan after the sin was committed, God say, her seed will bruise your head and your seed with bruise his heel.
    So according to this passage Satan does have a seed, now all those other passages that you disregard fits in.

    • @EternaLivesMatter
      @EternaLivesMatter Рік тому +5

      He disregards a whole lot, but maybe he just does not know since he uses perversions of God's holy word.

    • @andyhandy3136
      @andyhandy3136 Рік тому

      We are born into sin, our natural birth we are the seed of Satan. Being born again we became child of God.

    • @D.W.C935
      @D.W.C935 Рік тому

      Well Friend His So called Seed ain't White People.

    • @Vonyea
      @Vonyea 4 місяці тому

      Thank You 😮

    • @kendbrowns
      @kendbrowns Місяць тому

      He actually forgot many important passages, but yeah leaving out Genesis 3:15 is a deliberate effort to deceive his audience, whether intentional or on some subconscious level I can't say 100%. How long until videos like this one will be AI generated and just drown out the truth by sheer volume, repetition and advantageous placement, cranking out the same lie that arguments in favor of the serpent seed doctrine, so called, begin in Genesis 4:1, when everything in chapter 3 lets you know that Eve was already pregnant before she knew Adam? Genesis 3:15 establishes a physical offspring for both Eve and "that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan (Rev 12:9)", which is then expanded upon throughout chapter 4 and then Genesis 6:1-4, eventually bringing us to Noah's maritime foray and the crucial question of exactly how Cain's offspring (Kenites/Cainites/Qayinites), survived Noah's flood. The answer may very well be found in Lamech's daughter Naamah, meaning beautiful in Hebrew, who we read in Genesis 4:22 is Tubal-cain's sister. While many scholars have puzzled over why Genesis mentions her name at all, considering Noah's wife in chapter 5 is left unnamed, one of the earliest and most accepted Jewish Midrashim, Genesis Rabbah, compiled between 300-500 A.D., names Noah's wife as the very same Naamah descended from Cain.

  • @tongakhan230
    @tongakhan230 Рік тому +6

    The serpent wasn't the one who talked. It was Satan.
    Revelation 12:9 identifies who the ventriloquist was.

    • @lionheartmerrill1069
      @lionheartmerrill1069 11 місяців тому +3

      You can say that again & they weren't eating apples. "Beguiled" Hebrew & Greek = morally, wholly seduced.

  • @stephenbanda7680
    @stephenbanda7680 Рік тому +3

    First serpent was not a snake as generally understood by many people.

  • @greatchronicle
    @greatchronicle Рік тому +1

    Please sir, how do I contact you ? I need to ask u an important question

  • @IminHIGHpursuitofthelivingGod
    @IminHIGHpursuitofthelivingGod Рік тому +12

    Spiritually the serpent became Cain's father when he ignored the creators warning not let sin in his heart. When Cain disobeyed that warning he became just like what Jesus called his people during his ministry on earth.
    John 8:44
    44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
    Anyone believing that he serpent had sex with EVE and had Cain that's a natura butt lie. But any human who chooses to continue in sin belongs to the serpent that old thing called the devil!

    • @rickyretardo6367
      @rickyretardo6367 Рік тому

      Why is Eve's seed literal flesh and blood, and the serpent's seed spiritual? Why were her punishments having to do with reproduction?

    • @simongarribaldi9267
      @simongarribaldi9267 Рік тому +2

      Physically too. Our DNA was distorted. The Blood of Jesus restores us.

    • @Hyberlol
      @Hyberlol 3 місяці тому

      Your a fool. You aren't strong enough to resist the spiritual warfare that Satan wages. Spiritual warfare is intellectual warfare. You cannot over come the brainwashing that Satan's children attacked you with.

    • @kendbrowns
      @kendbrowns Місяць тому

      Are you kidding me right now? That's the laziest and most ignorant take I've heard on this subject in a long time. Having an opinion about the sin in the Garden of Eden that's different than your own Sunday school level approach to Scripture is not a sin, nor is it anti-Semitic. If you want to believe that Adam and Eve were seduced by an apple into giving up paradise in an environment full of every kind of food they could ever hope for, not even knowing if it tasted good or not, then that's between you and God, but to imply that I belong to the Devil for having a more nuanced take is completely hypocritical. Judge not, lest ye be judged. If you truly believe as you say then you should be praying for your fellow Christian, not condemning their soul and ridiculing their faith. Furthermore, only a small percentage of adherents to the serpent seed doctrine believe that Cain's offspring were the Jews, and in fact it was Jewish rabbis that first concluded said doctrine, so calling it anti-Semitic is ridiculous. Cain's offspring are called Kenites, or sons of Cain in Hebrew, and the reason Christ continually calls certain Jews children of the Devil is because the Kenites lived among Judah and over time it became impossible for most people to tell one from the other, which is why we're told to identify the sons of Cain by their actions as opposed to their physical appearance, with a few exceptions that I won't bore you with today. The serpent in Eden is no mere snake but a class of angel called the Seraphim, or fiery flying serpent in Hebrew, believed by some Bible scholars to outrank the Cherubim and even the Archangels, although this is open for debate. You'd have to really be ignorant to think that Eve and the fallen angel Lucifer, as a Seraphim angel, couldn't have sexual relations resulting in Cain, when just three chapters later we learn of the fallen angels that followed Lucifer in rebellion and have their own sexual encounters with the daughters of Adam in Genesis chapter 6:1-4, resulting in the Nephilim bloodlines being unleashed on the antediluvian population, just like Cain unleashed on Abel. As Christ said, both Cain and his generations were murderers from the beginning, and their father is the wicked one. It doesn't say that they belong to the Devil or that he is their spiritual father, whatever that even means, but instead calls them a generation of vipers. The word 'generation' is where we get the word gene(s), so there's nothing spiritual implied whatsoever. Also, the word seed means sperm, so again, you have to really twist Scripture to conclude any reference to a spiritual offspring. It's quite clear from Genesis 3:15 that just as the woman's seed was physical, so too is the serpent's seed, and the two would be at war until the end, beginning with Cain killing Abel, who is then replaced by Seth. Finally, Genesis 3:16 clearly implies that Eve is already pregnant with Cain in chapter 3, which gives Genesis 4:1 an entirely different meaning. The entire reason that God tells Eve in Genesis 3:16 to submit to Adam is because failure to do so would mean that only Cain's bloodline would continue, and Christ then could never be born of flesh as a descendant of Cain via Lucifer and Eve, as Cain is the first Nephilim. If you still choose to call this explanation a "natural lie", that's your business, and you won't hear me judging your faith or your salvation simply because you happen to be in error. Grow up.Thanks and God bless.

  • @kirkwallace-cy7fu
    @kirkwallace-cy7fu Рік тому +1

    Can you explaine to me the tatement made when Seth was born, I am still waiting for the answer, and what about the parable of the tares and the wheat

    • @kendbrowns
      @kendbrowns Місяць тому

      They can't explain because they are in error.

  • @stephenbanda7680
    @stephenbanda7680 Рік тому +2

    in the third chapter it is said that the serpent was more subtile above all cattle. Meaning this Serpent had more knowledge than all other creation and it could talk to Eve.

  • @byrdma12
    @byrdma12 Рік тому +4

    The seed planted in Eve were the lies of Satan, not Cain. The lies that are being manifested now daily, man believing he can be like God. Receiving great knowledge but never coming to Truth. Man is at the Eve of distraction and he still forges ahead, believing he will out-smart God and live forever. God save us all from ourselves.



    • @viktorgadany7595
      @viktorgadany7595 Рік тому +1

      True, because Satan also is described in the book of revelations as the dragon.



    • @SERD52
      @SERD52 4 місяці тому +1

      Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

  • @mengsooho
    @mengsooho Рік тому +3

    1 john 3 :12 (TPT) We should not be like Cain, who yielded to the evil one...."

  • @melialex57
    @melialex57 Рік тому +4

    How beautiful My Brother you always explain us the scriptures, to the point I Greatly wanted to know since I was a little boy… Light, Love, Blessings Greatly Thanks

  • @Yahsef-777
    @Yahsef-777 Рік тому +3

    the serpent seed came from the fallen angels who took women for themselves, the watchers who were appointed to watch over mankind after lucifer was kicked out of heaven to earth, all this took place when adam fall came, it came at the same time the fall from heaven took place, then the watchers were put in place to watch mankind, then after children started to populate the earth, the watchers transgressed and also fell, 2 orders of angels fell, the fall of lucifer and his legions and the watchers and their legions

  • @saloterota1898
    @saloterota1898 Рік тому +5


    • @SonetLandman
      @SonetLandman Рік тому

      You need to watch the video to the end. Do not jump to conclusions in the middle of a video. The seed of the sepent theory was explained and laid out and debunked as rediculous towards the end of the video.

  • @GLang-kq5lw
    @GLang-kq5lw Рік тому

    Genesis 4 V 7 helps for better understanding: If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not well, sin lies at the door.
    And it's desire is for you, but you should rule over it.
    That means, God warned Cain to watch and not to sin, Cain had a choice, but he choose evil.
    Cain was tempted by sin (jealousy), he had a choice to say no.

  • @KayLeb-rj4bf
    @KayLeb-rj4bf 5 місяців тому

    See also 2 Corinthians 11:3; Ezekiel 28:13.

  • @sharonHossan3887
    @sharonHossan3887 Рік тому +6

    This is why he sinned and killed his brother.

  • @Luke10.25-gospelJesustaught
    @Luke10.25-gospelJesustaught Рік тому +2

    I comes from God saying to the serpent that he is cursed and that He would put enmity between the womans seed and the serpents seed. He shall bruise your head but you shall bruise his heel.

  • @kirkwallace-cy7fu
    @kirkwallace-cy7fu 6 місяців тому

    I am utterly confused, if seth was said that seth was in the image and likenes, is not this plain English, the statement needs no explanation also, why is it convenient to leave out the life of Adams' doughtets, why is that so

  • @lionheartmerrill1069
    @lionheartmerrill1069 11 місяців тому +1

    Cain can't be found in Adam's generations/genealogy.

  • @kirkwallace-cy7fu
    @kirkwallace-cy7fu Рік тому

    Again I am asking, if the Angels mated with humans then why the evil one was exempted from the same act, I feel that eve was the cream of creation, and if not, then the the whole scriptures are tampered with, remember, who reconstitutes or rearranged the criptures (King James amongst other authers)

  • @LightSeekers777
    @LightSeekers777 Рік тому +2

    I guess if you believe it's in the DNA now whether you're on the winning team, it would take the responsibility of repentance and OBEDIENCE out of the equation. I think the truth is, it's ALWAYS been about a circumcised heart towards God and OBEDIENCE, or loving SIN so much, you'd rather have your Sin, than God!

  • @sharonHossan3887
    @sharonHossan3887 Рік тому +1

    Yes ,I heard this since I was a little girl and I am 58 years old.

  • @Laurie0601
    @Laurie0601 8 місяців тому +1

    Heteropaternal superfecundation

  • @TheH42G
    @TheH42G Рік тому

    Thank you for this thought-provoking clarification.

  • @daysofnoah
    @daysofnoah Рік тому +1

    "Nothing this straight forward can be so simple" ???? Next you'll be telling everyone the gospel of Jesus Christ isn't the gospel of Jesus Christ... Change the channel folks. The word of God means what it says. This entire video is a violation of Deuteronomy 4:2.

  • @kirkwallace-cy7fu
    @kirkwallace-cy7fu Рік тому

    My question is qhere did the Evil came from ???????????????????

    • @simongarribaldi9267
      @simongarribaldi9267 Рік тому

      Corrupt DNA of the serpent created Cain. Cain was the son of Lucifer. "He was a murderer from the beginning"

  • @antoninorex5857
    @antoninorex5857 Рік тому

    Why are they only now pointing this verse out???

  • @Hyberlol
    @Hyberlol 3 місяці тому

    You dont need to use the Targums to bolster the fact that Eve became pregnant with satans child. Zen Garcia is the only person I know of who uses that argument.

  • @kirkwallace-cy7fu
    @kirkwallace-cy7fu Рік тому +1

    The devil corrupted the bloodline of humans, it was trouvh the lineage of set that the messiah came, Noahs' blood was not contaminated., and what about the sin fruit been perpetuated as an apple, the thruth is always an offence

  • @SamStGeorge
    @SamStGeorge Рік тому

    Simply put?!?!? NONSENSE. because whoever mention thius forgets the inhereted sin of ADAM

  • @ChristianTorch363
    @ChristianTorch363 Рік тому

    You don’t think this topic is wrong? I’m sure this is just for clicks.

  • @MaryPhiri-lu8gg
    @MaryPhiri-lu8gg Рік тому

    if was the son of the serpent who was the mother ofcain am confused can you explain to me well

    • @simongarribaldi9267
      @simongarribaldi9267 Рік тому

      Eve is the "Mother of all Living". Adam is not the father of Cain. This channel is suspect.

  • @kirkwallace-cy7fu
    @kirkwallace-cy7fu Рік тому

    Question, was joseph jesuses fartber ??????

  • @byrdma12
    @byrdma12 Рік тому +1

    The parable of Jesus concerning seed states the seed is the word of God. Seed is words or ideas. If you believe false teachings you receive the seed of Satan. Be careful when listening to messages from men. Believe in God’s word only. God bless you and protect you from false teachings. Satan still deceives today. Walk away, don’t listen to his lies. Don’t indulge your itchy ears.

  • @TeresaPraisesYAH-qc9tm
    @TeresaPraisesYAH-qc9tm 7 місяців тому

    Zen Garcia. Joye Pugh.

  • @ghostownaproach
    @ghostownaproach 8 місяців тому

    Where else in scripture does God offer redemption to any serpent seed? None that I know of. But God is very kind to Cain and tells him that he must overcome sin and that if he does rirgt, then all will be well with him. Nowhere does God offer such opportunities to Satan or fallen angels or their offspring the nephelim giants. The reference to children of the devil in the New Testament is in the context of whoever you choose to serve, he is your father, not because they are physically descended from Satan. Such offspring are only evil and cannot be redeemed but Jesus taught Nicodemus as one who could be reached, just like Cain.

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 4 місяці тому

      Wanna see a fallen angel? LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
      Only one Gospel:
      The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
      to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

    • @ghostownaproach
      @ghostownaproach 4 місяці тому

      @@qwerty-so6ml 2 Peter 2:4 KJV
      For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
      Jude 1:6-7 NASB
      And angels who did not keep their own domain but abandoned their proper dwelling place, these He has kept in eternal restraints under darkness for the judgment of the great day, [7] just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these angels indulged in sexual perversion and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.

  • @Vonyea
    @Vonyea 4 місяці тому

    This thought was reverence in my thoughts 💭🤔

  • @shaniquefergusonneath2081
    @shaniquefergusonneath2081 Рік тому

    I will have to read these scriptures on my own and pray on it a little more I’ve heard person said it before though

  • @Hyberlol
    @Hyberlol 3 місяці тому

    Satan was the father of cain. Abel was Adam's son. Cain isnt even in Adams given lineage.

  • @kirkwallace-cy7fu
    @kirkwallace-cy7fu Рік тому

    We need to get to matter of tranpatency as it relates to the teaching of the gospel, or we will be held accountable. Christ said that the law of moses was fulfilled in him and for that he was accused as blaphemeus and was crucified.

  • @vanessafrazer8373
    @vanessafrazer8373 10 місяців тому

    The word. Lord. Means baal

  • @qwerty-so6ml
    @qwerty-so6ml 4 місяці тому

    One Gospel:
    Gospel of Reconciliation.
    Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
    to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
    We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
    If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
    Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

  • @ernestjoseph6219
    @ernestjoseph6219 Рік тому +2

    I believe there was a PRE FALL life in the garden in which Adam and Eve procreated children in the likeness and image of God as being perfect creatures without no labor pain and GOD visited them daily in the garden which the enjoyed deeply. But, the account of the POST FALL must be related as testimony for future generations to be aware of our sin status as human beings in desobedience to GOD and we need a Savior to take us out of the mortal state which is contrary to the PRE FAL state in which they were in complete harmony with GOD. Therefore, if we consider Cain as their first child, where then Cain found his wife? So, the sentence attributed to both Adam and Eve were consequences of their sins at POST FALL state living in sin while the PRE FALL children were protected by GOD and Adam and Eve were to leave the Garden of Eden away from the tree of life.

    • @babiltamang123
      @babiltamang123 Рік тому

      Cain found his girl in out of the eden thats mean cain married his sister because bible says adam have other sons and daughters out of the eden

    • @JohnRogers0014
      @JohnRogers0014 11 місяців тому

      There are PreAdom if you read Gen 1 & 2 as two separate creations stories as the ancient Christians believe. .

    • @babiltamang123
      @babiltamang123 11 місяців тому

      Only adam and eve had to leave eden then cain born and cain married .you say cain married the girl which is in eden that is not fact

    • @babiltamang123
      @babiltamang123 11 місяців тому

      Because god didnot give permission to enter eden garden then

  • @alephtav7344
    @alephtav7344 Рік тому

    OF EVE

  • @RonaldTolar-pg8uh
    @RonaldTolar-pg8uh Рік тому

    Easy answer ? NO !

  • @kavya1638
    @kavya1638 8 місяців тому

    If they call it anti-Semitic, you know you're on the right track.

  • @Thefreeseeds
    @Thefreeseeds Рік тому

    yes he is. the father of cain

  • @elizabethsaquing6401
    @elizabethsaquing6401 Рік тому

    ShabBAT Shalom!

  • @kiminicole4573
    @kiminicole4573 Рік тому

    Yes lemme answer

  • @AmmieVise
    @AmmieVise Рік тому

    Both Cain and Abel were reptiles, Elohim destroyed the project

  • @keyformuslims4027
    @keyformuslims4027 Рік тому +1

    The two trees in the Garden of Eden represent people. One is Jesus (The Tree of Life) and the other tree is Muhammad (The Tree of Good and Evil). God speaks in alegories. One of these two trees have poison. The Serpent is Allah (God of Islam). Why? Allah’s commands are to DESTROY DISBELIEVERS BY JIHAD. Allah wanted to be like the Most High God. Allah’s agenda is to take God’s throne so this is why the Quran book allows Muslims to sin (e.g. polygamy is allowed). The Serpent is Allah (i.e. Satan) who told Eve “You will be like the Most High”. Cain represent Islam. Abel represents Jews. Seth are Christians. God revealed to me the mystery. The Bible shows life but the Quran book has INSTRUCTIONS from Allah which are “Good & Evil” (i.e. we must not follow Islam cos Satan is behind the name of Allah).

  • @PriscialOAH
    @PriscialOAH Рік тому

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  • @odettetenney409
    @odettetenney409 11 місяців тому


  • @colincocks1335
    @colincocks1335 11 місяців тому

    No, Adam was

  • @stephenbanda7680
    @stephenbanda7680 Рік тому

    in the third chapter it is said that the serpent was more subtile above all cattle. Meaning this Serpent had more knowledge than all other creation and it could talk to Eve.