I've added a few dents from all the moving around and fitting things together. Not having enough space to work on both halves at once is not optimum. I decided to wait until final assembly to patch the dents and finish the caulking around the windows. Hopefully the weather will be warmer by then, and I can fuss about the details outdoors. Was not sure what to do about the floor, so I painted it for now. Vinyl tiles were going to be too heavy. I picked up some much lighter rolled linoleum that should work well.
Giving so much inspiration. I have a Outsunny 72apmh battery pack and a Engwe Ebike battery. I don't know if there is a licenced 12v charger for it.... Worried it'll cause problems with a compatible charger. That said, my outsunny generator pack has a plug socket. Just need to get a solar panel. Point being, this video and you trailer rocks. Do you have plans available to share, please sir?
better go for a small vertical wind turbine... solar works only in daylight, when you mostly ride... wind turbine [set on the trailer] works all the time... and when on the move, doesn't even need wind...
I use nylon screening over the phone and I used to see if there's a primary.You can get a super primer and and seal it all together.So that the nylon screw acts to reinforce the the foam and really
nice build, but I'm not into ''mini campers''... I use the same trailer you do, just to carry stuff... a bigger [2.000 w/h] solar generator, a wind turbine as alternative source, and a 35lt freezer... making ice I can keep fresh veg in a soft padded bag, and having the extra power I can charge power tools [a small chainsaw for example] a tent or a hammock will be my choice of shelter...
I have done tent, hammock, and even slept in my pack raft. Double track trailer, single track trailer or no trailer at all, and just load the panniers with ultralight gear. It's all good, and I will continue to use that gear depending on the situation. The camper is more of an all in one glamping solution. No matter where I sleep, I always bring my Eno hammock just for a place to chill. Love your wind turbine idea.
I've added a few dents from all the moving around and fitting things together. Not having enough space to work on both halves at once is not optimum. I decided to wait until final assembly to patch the dents and finish the caulking around the windows. Hopefully the weather will be warmer by then, and I can fuss about the details outdoors. Was not sure what to do about the floor, so I painted it for now. Vinyl tiles were going to be too heavy. I picked up some much lighter rolled linoleum that should work well.
bob ross = legend
i like the little awning.
concept look cool too, albeit can't stand in it still better than most out there
Fun video inserts and edits. I also enjoy your relaxed commentary. Great progress.
This looks amazing 😍
You have a new subscriber 👌
Giving so much inspiration. I have a Outsunny 72apmh battery pack and a Engwe Ebike battery. I don't know if there is a licenced 12v charger for it.... Worried it'll cause problems with a compatible charger.
That said, my outsunny generator pack has a plug socket.
Just need to get a solar panel.
Point being, this video and you trailer rocks. Do you have plans available to share, please sir?
No actual plans, but I covered the design and dimensions in the first video, along with some drawings.
better go for a small vertical wind turbine... solar works only in daylight, when you mostly ride... wind turbine [set on the trailer] works all the time... and when on the move, doesn't even need wind...
@@makestuffwithjohn you did indeed, thank you sir
Update, it has AC power output on the Outsunny power station ☺
I use nylon screening over the phone and I used to see if there's a primary.You can get a super primer and and seal it all together.So that the nylon screw acts to reinforce the the foam and really
Looking great big bro!
nice build, but I'm not into ''mini campers''... I use the same trailer you do, just to carry stuff... a bigger [2.000 w/h] solar generator, a wind turbine as alternative source, and a 35lt freezer... making ice I can keep fresh veg in a soft padded bag, and having the extra power I can charge power tools [a small chainsaw for example] a tent or a hammock will be my choice of shelter...
I have done tent, hammock, and even slept in my pack raft. Double track trailer, single track trailer or no trailer at all, and just load the panniers with ultralight gear. It's all good, and I will continue to use that gear depending on the situation. The camper is more of an all in one glamping solution. No matter where I sleep, I always bring my Eno hammock just for a place to chill. Love your wind turbine idea.
The bike should be part of the camper. Atleast put a fAbric trailing edge
Use wooden. Scures on the foam before glueing.use screen to reinforce foam
Very nice!
Take this to shark tank
I might need one of those if they take my SSI away.