Interesting comparison that, I was there a couple of year's ago for the first time really to have a look at the shed that I'd never seen. Despite being summer it absolutely poured it down like a monsoon. I hid in that little shelter that was at the bottom of the bridge adjacent to the shed side which I presume has gone now!
@@TheMichaelWilcock2016Railways I mean, has Network Rail allowed preservation groups to save it from destruction? They saved the Taffs Well signalbox after all. The only other I know of, is the Aberthaw box.
Thanks for sharing Mike. Fascinating to see how it changed. Sad to see the wagons all stored today as well
Interesting comparison that, I was there a couple of year's ago for the first time really to have a look at the shed that I'd never seen. Despite being summer it absolutely poured it down like a monsoon. I hid in that little shelter that was at the bottom of the bridge adjacent to the shed side which I presume has gone now!
You've come a long way 😢
Some changes are not for the better!
A far cry from the Barry Railway GWR pre-grouping days. I hope the signal box has survived.
No signal box, as shown on this video!
@@TheMichaelWilcock2016Railways Perhaps they meant dismantled and taken to a heritage railway
@@TheMichaelWilcock2016Railways I mean, has Network Rail allowed preservation groups to save it from destruction? They saved the Taffs Well signalbox after all. The only other I know of, is the Aberthaw box.
Aberthaw box is still there; well it was yesterday 04.11.21 !
U must be joking.. They rip them out first
Do they donate semaphores to Heritage railways/museums or will they have scrapped these?
"They" are Network Rail, so sorry I don't know.
@@TheMichaelWilcock2016Railways Oh no. ._.
Excellent video 👍
Any idea what a Central Trains 150 was doing at Barry ?
FA Football at Millenium Stadium; Bournemouth v Lincoln..extra stock brought in for 38,148 supporters?
Shame nice the old bits. Character