I watched this debate when it was shown live. Weeks and months go past, i kept watching it coz there are some things Nacola said that i really need to fix myself as a Christian. Thank you Nacola. Thank you Pastor Manasa
Vinaka Vaka Levu na Host.....dua GA na ka au raica enai vakamacala ni lotu ni vanua....sa tutu dua na tamatamatani vei vakalolomataki levu kei na veivakacalai levu koya dou sa yavutaki kemudou toka kina qori..... vinaka Tala Manasa.....God Bless you Sir for standing on the TRUTH.
You got some logic points Timoci. Im trying to question my christians principal as to why i am still a slave in this morden day eventhough i am a Christian
@@jonelabanacagi1885😅😅000000000000000000000000⁰000000⁰00000000000000000000000000000000000⁰00000000000000000000000000⁰000000000000000000000000000000000000⁰0000000⁰000 o lo oi00 . . ?🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😢
Really love this discourse between two different approaches to a wholistic human being. It is the end goal that really matters, even though the methodology of how to get there differs???. All different paths lead to the top of the mountain.
IPERIU 6:4-5 Ni sa dredre sara me vakavoui tale me ra veivutuni ko ira ka vakararamataki eliu, era a tovolea nai solisoli vakalomalagi, ka rawata na Yalo Tabu, ka tovolea na vosa vinaka ni Kalou, kei na kaukauwa ni bula ena muri mai, a ra sa qai vuki tale; ni ra sa vakota tiko vakai ira na Gone ni Kalou ki na kauveilatai, ka beci koya e na matanavotu.
Stay firm Mr Nacola we simple people can naturally relate to your very simple message..this so called pastors are torturers n thiefs n thugs n ignorant fools who think the simple thing is hard to know...
Marau o Viti ena debate va qo .Totoka Sa kau laivi na Tamata ko vakacalai Viti ,na veiwekani , na lotu , na Vanua Frank Bainimarama Rejoice Viti Rejoice Down with the Opressor long live Fiji 🇫🇯 Vinaka Talatala Manasa Vinaka Mr. Nacola vei au you Distinguished Gentlemen are saying the same concept, thought and awareness
Timoci Nacola is just in another level, sega ni yacova rawa tiko o Manasa Kolivuso All Timoci Nacola is trying I.e. to liberate people from Church bondages
Isa, thank you very much for what God and help to see and hear from NACOLA MASSAGE, I hope God will open our eyes to see alot of things that was been told to us by old Christian church . God bless😊
Lotu gives the true facts about giving money. The old testament says to the Israeli Jews to give tithes to the church. Jesus said in the new testimony to give to the poor only is to give unto the lord. That's the part that most Christian believes in the Lotu Vanua ideology. Thanks to both pastors and Viti FM. God bless Fiji...
Debate Levu!. Dredre ga me da veilomani vakalevu.Liu tiko ga na kalou levu kina noda bula, bula taka vakalevu na nona vosa ka vunau taka na nona itukutuku vinaka. #GbFiji💕
There's a law of opposite it's called the" law of polarity " everything has its opposite . There's a right and left side , hot and cold , up and down ,negative and positive ,we can think good or we can think bad but we cant think both at the same time
Kolivuso could not accept the facts of what the Lotu Vanua ideaology….in this context….The idea of Christianity is always supreme to his explanation… A quote from The book of Mathew…to reflect his leadership in his own denomination….Na dredre ya…e vaka e Jiloma dredre Sara…. Then try to divert the facts…”tauyavutaki Ena mavoa”…. The pastor could not get the facts straight…. All back to the old wound…..old wound…. Na maca mai na bilo wai… To the point Mr. Nacola…The way we should really worship this Creator God…. If we do not do it from, home, we can’t do it at church…. I see Kolivuso gobal with laughter…..E vaka e jilo dredre na vakasama Dina ya….. Form of worship…. What are you saying…. Kolivuso is contradicting your own explanation…. Idea of Vakalolo….lasutaka…… Now you bringing the idea of Meke…. To suite the way you worship in your church….. Duidui saraga……
@@oceantui1414 Na wekaqu na mavoa sara ga qoka e dusia tiko na I Talatala Kolivuso. Anti- Colonialism oya ni da sega ni ciqoma rawa na veisau e kauta mai na colonialism. E tekivu vakacava na kaliraki ni noda qele na I Taukei. O keda ga na I Taukei e da veiliumuritaki ka mai soli kina se volitaki kina na veiqele taucoko vaka i Taukei. E sega ni dua na vavalagi e volitaka na noda qele ena I sevu ni gauna. E mai create taki na Deed kei na Title ena vuku walega ni kena mai soli na veivakadonui mai vua e dua na I Taukei. Era qai vaka lawa taka ga na qele ke sa mai taukeni ena taudaku vaka I Taukei.
Na christianity e sega ni kauta mai na rarama e ra kauta mai na veisau ko yali tu gona qo noda I tovo na I taukei...varogoca vakamalua na ka e vaka macalataki tiko se bera ni ko vola e dua na ka...
This is unbelievable....the different bottom line of the two Pastor...I loved every concept from Rev. Kolivuso but since it a debate, respected matters coming through....Good Host❣
E na yaco. mai na gauna mai muri au na sega ni vola na noqu vosa ena wai ni volavola se samuqawa. Au na vola na noqu vosa ena dela ni yalo sa malumu. Ena yaco ena gauna ni veilewai era kaya na tamata ni ra a vakatavuvulitaka na yacai Jisu kara veivakabulai kina? Qai Kaya ko Jisu vei ira, dou lako tani,au sa sega ni kilai kemudou. Sa kerei meda vakavinavinaka taka ga na Kalou na Yalo Tabu baleta nio koya e qaravi keda tiko ena vei siga. Ia kevaka eda sa sega ni vakavinavinaka taki koya, eda sa vakacacani koya. Sai koya oqo nai valavsla ca e sega ni bokoci rawa
Dina sara ga, bau professional vakalailai na host qo, laivi rau saraga me rau vakamacala, da qai vakarorogo, na mai TV se vakamacala e dua takoso tiko o host.
Sovereignty of man and sovereignty of God are two different thing altogether and you can’t serve Man but to serve GOD AND GOD ALONE!! Man can NEVER be sovereign!! Vinaka Talatala Manasa. That’s why it’s so vital to read the bible and ask God to give you the Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge of who He is. False prophets are coming out right now so be careful people. READ THE BIBLE SO YOU CAN REALLY KNOW THE TRUTH!! Don’t listen to someone or anyone who say that there is no GOD. THERE IS ONLY ONE ☝🏾 GOD!!. Again READ YOUR BIBLE AND PRAY EVERYDAY people. It is my prayer that GOD open y’all minds, eyes and soul to reveal to you WHO GOD is .
Sovereignty '...the quality or state of being sovereign, or of having supreme power or authority. the status, dominion, power, or authority of a sovereign;royal rank or position; royalty. supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community...' Genesis 1.28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Man was given sovereignty/dominion over the earth. Kalou saraga e lesi keda me da matanataki koya e vuravura, ka vakatakila na Nona kaukauwa e vuravura. Again, ke vosa ga, yaco na ka e vosataka, then we should be able to do the same. Ni dua e cakava qo ni kua, tamata aa kaya ni vakatevoro, ia na Vosa e tukuna vinaka tu ni o koya e sa lesi keda me da rawa talega ni cakava.
Totoka na veitalanoa. Vica na Dina lelevu au rawa ni tomika ena yasana ruarua. Sa na qai tukuna ga ko gauna ocei e dina, ia meda ‘open minded’ tikoga ka sarava na vua ni vei vakabauta vovou eso. Dua na ka au raica tiko ena gauna qo (o au edua au susu ena lotu va Karisito -AG) ni veigauna kece edua e tukuna ni vaka lomatarotaro taka edua na ka ena vuku ni vakabauta va Karisito, sa totolo sara me beitaki ni sa vakabauta na tevoro, ni dua ga e coqa se lomatarotaro taka na ka e cavuta edua na I Talatala sa tukuni sara ni coqa na Kalou--Eda sa lecava ni Kalou se YaloTabu e rawa ni vosa vei keda na tamata kecega! Totoka talega na noda raica na noda I valavala kei na noda I vakarau na Kawa I Taukei. Ni da raica, eda rawa ni kaya ni levu na noda I tovo e va Kalou baleta ni solia saraga vei keda na Kalou. Kevaka eda kaya nira qaravi tevoro tu eliu a noda qase, ia me da sa kua ni vakamuria na noda I tovo eso me vaka na lakovi kei na tekisau taki ni dua na goneyalewa, vaka bogi va, sa kua talega ni cilivi na luveda tagane! Sa qai dua na cakacaka levu se cava? Na taro levu talega e a taroga na wekaqu o Mr Nacola se kevaka e inspire taka na volai ni Vola Tabù na YaloTabu, na cava na vuna e sa mai duidui kina na kena I vakadewa eso? Na cava na vuna talega eduidui kina na veimata lotu ka da dui boletaka ga na noda doctrines eso? Qo na veika edodonu meda vakataroga ka kakua ni da sa mai kuitaki taucoko tu ga. Ia e leqa li ni da na vakataroga na veika oqo, eda sa na tag taki meda Rebel...Na noqu comment toka madaga qo, au sa na varau rebel baleta niu luve ni Talatala😀 Ia e vakasama Titobu dina kevaka eda dabe meda vaka sa mataka. Vinaka vakalevu Lavo Nacola kei Talatala Qase Manasa na veitalanoa totoka kei Mr Radua. Da Kalougata kece tiko💪🏾
Na vakasama kevaka e dua na Jisu ka inspire taka na Yalotabu e na volai na vola tabu e sega vakadua ni cala baleta ni ya e vosa kina na i vola tabu....ia e kaya talega na i vola tabu...ni Yalotabu e na solia mai na Kalou kevaka e da muria na nona i Vunau (10 commandment)..baleta ni taro tiko a Nacola ka iko nanuma ni dina na vakanananu qoka me vaka iko sa kaya oti...lack of knowledge...taro ga me tarogi se knowledge cava e tukuni tiko qoka...sa i koya ga na noda vei kilai kei Jisu..o ya ni da wilika ka cakava na nona i Vunau...
A dua ga na lotu e mai vakadewataka ko Jisu... ka ratou tauyavutaka o ratou na nona tisaipeli... cakacaka na tevoro me vaqeavutaka ena nodratou vakamatei ira taucoko... ka tauyavutaka e vuravura e dua na lotu kara ubia ni lotu nei Jisu... Catholicism... ia e sega ni na taqomaki na dina ni Kalou... era protest kina na vei Talatala eso ka tauyavutaka na lotu eso... Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, etc... sa dodonu o ira na veimatalotu kece oqo mera ciqoma taucoko na veidina eso era sa basika mai... ka leqa ni ra sa dui tu taka tu ga na nodra veiyaca ni lotu🙏
Intresting indeed "the bible plus nothing the bible minus nothing"noone can add or take away from what is in the bible...once someone starts to do those 2 things thats a very scary path to go down
When Adam and Eve took from the tree of knowledge they then knew they were naked then God Allah Na Vosa The Word cast them out of the garden of Eden. I think When you think you know everything and your Educational experience knowledge takes control of your mind your thinking, it blocks the holy spirit from guiding your spirit. I Pray that we all let the holy spirit into our lives and guide us. No matter how educated man can be no one can say you are wrong and you are right. Only God Allah Na Vosa The Word is the beginning and the end the Alpha and the Omega. My God is your God. Love one another no matter what my brothers and sisters ❤.
Totoka E rawa ni dina ruarua God is wide so deep so high who can fathom his boundaries. Navosa ( I am that I am that I am) lia tamata o Esua nai Vakabula / Saviour vakaotia na nona cakacaka ni Veivakabulai/ Redemption john 3-16 druka o Mate lesu tale vei Jiova / Yahweh me nona ligana i matau. Soqoni vatakece ya na Kalou na vanua, manumanu /tamata Flora n fauna wai kei lomalagi The Universe Fiji the land n People Americas the land n People Europe the land n People India the land n People Afrika the land n People Stewardship given by the sovereign God to manifest develop in the timeframes set by him alone. Na 3 na taro ya 1 Who am i eg. Kaiviti/ nationality 2 Where do i come from eg. Vanua/ o Rewa 3 Where i am going eg. the afterlife. Kaloumana tiko e Viti ena vukumudrau na lesilesi Both a True n sincere Reverend Manasa for theology n Mr. Nacola for originality n freshness
Dua ga na ka au raica vei keda na Tamata kece lotu vakarisito nikua. Wili kina nai Talatala kei keda kecega na lewe ni lotu. Sa da biuta tale na ka dina e vinakata na Kalou meda bula taka. Ya sai koya na wilika nai volatabu ka bulataka. Keda sa vakayagataka tale tiko na noda vuku vakatamata me sa mai vaikuritaka tale tiko na dina ni vosa ni Kalou. Dua na kena i varaitaki sa lauri tuqo vua na wekada qo o Timoci. E sa bau confusing saraga na nona i vakavuvuli. Na veivakavalai ena kena veta i cake taudua. Au kerei keda na dau wilika nai Volatabu. Dolava taucoko matani yalomu mo rawa ni rogoca na ka e via tukuna tiko vei iko na kalou. Biuta laivi na vuku e tiko qori. Laiva na yalotabu me vakabulici iko. Au ni sa bau via matata vakalailai ya kemuni na veiwekani. Ke o Vakabauti Jisu Karisito ni a kunekune taki ena kaukauwa ni yalotabu, dei tiko. Kakua nio mai rawai rawarawa ena vei Vakacalai kei na vuku vakatamata ga sa sinaita tu na noda vuravura nikua. Ni qai kalougata tiko. Da veilomani tikoga vakalevu. Vinaka.
E vuqa na vanua vaka Africa,ese bula vinaka tu na qaravi kalou vu ni nodra vanua,sa kauta saraga mai na valoloma,bula druka,na poverty ena kena veta duadua era ,ka vakaloloma nodra bula.Oya na vua ni qaravi kalou vu.
Vinaka vakalevu JIM era na madua ko ira era sega ni kilai ira era sa mate ga nira sa bula lako sa lotu ga ni vaqara i lavo era na cata ni tukuni vakadodonu vei ira sa sega vei ira na yalotabu era sa loma katakata ni vu ni nodra kaukauwa nai lavo.
Tim 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in the latter times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Nacola is a clear example of those deceived by demons. Trying to replace Jesus with Demon Na Vosa
Christianity introduced white supremacy bringing white jesus into our traditional customs,na dina ni kena rairai o YAHUSHUA HAMASHIACH all praise,esa veicalati saraga kei na ka tukuni enai vola tabu,na kenai taba e lili vavoki tu qori nomuni veivale vei vale ni lotu veiyasai vuravura ei taba ga kei dua na tamata a bula dua na gauna yacana o CESARE BORGIA,e luvei pope elexandra vi of rome,e boroa nai taba oqori o da vin ci na yaca e kilai tani kina nai taba qori na SALVATOR MUNDI,na lasu levu e volai tukutukutaki ni kena vukici nai taba dina kei YAHUSHUA me dua na tamata vulavula,varau raica oqo dua na dina................Revelation 1:13-15 [13]And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. [14]His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; [15]And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters................HE IS A BLACK MESSAIAH FROM THE TRIBES OF JUDAH.....raica na tikina e 14 e tukuni na roka ni uluna-sikoa,kei na TEXTURE ni uluna-ulu dina vaka na vutika ni sipi,WHITE WOOLY HAIR,dua ga na kawa tamata ena delani vuravura qo e vaqo na drau ni uluna,THE BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE,....tikina e 15 tukuni ni yagona e vaka na roka ni parasa(BRASS) is brown in colour,kevaka iko vakama ena vuki me loaloa.....sa veicalati sara vakalevu ena kenai taba da raica tiko nikua...........QO NA KENA PAROFISAI TAKI......Matthew 24:4-5,11,24 [4]And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. [5]For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. [11]And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. [24]For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.............KIDAVA VOLEKA NI VURAVURA KECE RA QARAVA TIKO NAI TABA OQO KEI JISU A.K.A CESARE BORGIA.........THAT IS THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF........... Revelation 13:15 [15]And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.............. NANUMA TIKO,O JISU E BASIKA MAI VEI NA KAWA I JIUTA...........Jeremiah 14:2 [2]Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up..............KJV 1611 BIBLE,THE ORIGINAL BIBLE........OIRA NA TAMATA VULAVULA QO RA SIOVA NAI VOLA E TUKUNI KEDA KARA QAI VEISAUTAKA NA DINA E TU KINA.............Job 30:30 [30]My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.........Song of Solomon 1:5-6 [5]I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. [6]Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.........IO RAICA QO,OIRA NA KAI IJIPITA ENA GAUNA E LIU ERA KA LOALOA SEGA NIO IRA TIKO KINA ENA GAUNA OQO,OIRA QO ERA QAI LAKO KOSO MAI ME KOVEA NA VANUA OYA SARA TU SARA KINA NIKUA,YA NA VUNA IKO NA RAICA NA VEI STATUES E IJIPITA RA VOROKA TANI NA UCUDRA BALETA E UCU RABARABA VAKAI KEDA,RAICA NA PAINTINGS SA I TABA KECE GA NI TAMATA KAWA LOALOA...............Matthew 2:13-14 [13]And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. [14]When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:..............WHY EGYPT???????.......kea vulavula o jisu meratou qai dro i ijipita na vanua ni tamata loaloa kea sa kidavi makawa tobo vei ira na sotia nei eroti vakamataei,io oqo e sega,o ratou na veitamani lroka ni yago loaloa ya meri joseva kei na gone lailai o jisu ratou lai vuni i IJIPITA me ratou veicurumaki kei ira na ijipita(blend in)ka dredre sara me ratou na tobo nira loaloa kece tiko,TAURA RAWA................IO NA DINA OQO E SEGA NI VATAVUVULITAKA NA CHRISTIANITY,GET OUT OF CHRISTIANITY
Vinaka na duidui vakasama.Me da qarauna de na Qai mai Kalou vei keda na soqosoqo lewe ni lotu eda dui Lewena, kei na ira na So na kenai talatala vaqara ilavo.
Nai katini ena gauna e liu sa duidui sara ena gauna qo,na vutuniyau nei dua nai talatala oa nodra cakacaka vakaukauwa nona lewe ni lotu,veivalolomataki levu,matai sega ni kawa va livai,karua kana mai na buno nodra na vavakoso,GOD DONT NEED MONEY,HE OWNS IT WHY HE NEED MONEY FOR,talatala ga sa gadreva nai lavo,SHAME......Deuteronomy 14:22-27 [22]Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year. [23]And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always. [24]And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee: [25]Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose: [26]And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household, [27]And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee.....(tamata ga ra qai vukica na i katini mei lavo ka yacova mai nikua)OIRA DINA NA KAWA VA LIVAI NIKUA OIRA NA KAI HAITI DUA NA YANUYANU MATANITU VOLEKA E MEREKE.........keo kilai wyclef jean dua na rapper dau lagasere mai mereke tamata loaloa,koya mai haiti koya na kawa va livai,oira na tamata loaloa ni mereke AFRICAN AMERICAN era kawa kei jiuta JUDAH
Set kece nomu vakamacala...yaco ga va na "kawa ni Livai"...sa lai levu tale na claim sega ni prove taki qai veilecayaki...nomu sa lai elevate taka tale na skin color loaloa...sa rauta mada na veivakaduiduitaki ni duidui tamata. Biuta rawa qo na nomu "racism Ideology i vale ni veka...sebera ni vakaleqai iko!!!!!
Original bible is the KJV 1611 AND APOCRYPHA,apocrypha qo nai vola e vamacala taka tiko o navosa,au kila nina kavou vei iko CMF, e tiki ni vola tabu ea kalici tani mai nai vola tabu dina ena yabaki 1885,ya na vuna ona sega ni rawa mo vamacalataka ea basika tu mai vei na wati KENI ni a tolu ga na tamata ea bula tiko i vuravura ena gauna ya .ivi.atama.keni baleta sa mate o epeli,e tiko kece vana i vola oya va bibi nai vola nei ENOCH inoke na luveikeni........Genesis 4:16-17 [16]And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. [17]And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.............(THERE WERE PEOPLE IN THE LAND OF NOD BEFORE ADAM AND EVE)........qo gona ra sega ni rawa ni vatavuvulitaka na CHRISTIANITY SCHOLARS ka ga ra vatavuvulitaka na lasu,me vaka nodra dau marautaka tiko na siga ni sucu CHRISTMAS,varaitaka mada mai nai vola tabu nia tukuna.o YAHUSHUA sega ni jisu me marautaki nona siga ni sucu,iko na sega ni kunea vanai vola tabu,IO DUA GA NA KA VAI VOLATABU AU SA BIUTA YANI QO ONI QAI LEWA NOMUNI BULA...........Jeremiah 10:2-5 [2]Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. [3]For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. [4]They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. [5]They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good..........(YADRA MAI) oira na heathens ya oira na yago vulavula,qo e nodra i tovo era kawa mai vei ISOA(ESAU).na kawa vata ga ra mai vesumona taki keda vana CHRISTIANITY nodra lako mai viti,ia ubi tu ga mai na vosa ni kalou.ALL PRAISE TO THE MOST HIGH YAHAWAH........qo se parofisaitaki makawa tu mai sa yaco tu nikua.....YADRA MAI VITI
Talatala Manasa waraka na taro, i Maikeli iko sa coqa na lawa ni nomudrau veitalanoa, mo sauma ga na taro, kua nise vosa tiko o Timoci sao via takosovi koya
Na gauna ni veilewai era kaya keimami dau vakatavuvulitaka na yacai Jisu kara vei vaka bulai ena yacai Jisu. Qai Kaya ko Jisu,dou lako tani au sega ni kilai kemudou. Baleta? Na vuna qo.E dua nai valavsla ca e sega ni bokoca rawa na tuakada o Jisu?Ni da vosa vakacacataka na Yalo Tabu,na cava na kenai balebale?Na gauna qo e dodonu me vakavinavinaka taki ga na Kalou na Yalo Tabu ena vei siga baleta nio koya e qaravi keda tiko ka tu raviti keda ena vei siga. Oqo na vosa ni turaga(Jisu).Na gauna ni vakavinavinaka,ena 6 na kaloko ena yakavi ena vei siga (ni vakarau cava e dua na siga)
Sa ca tale na yalo I talatala manasa ...sega ni mai ca ni yalo na kena veitalanoa taki na kalou...kevaka iko qarava na kalou iko na sega ni ca na yalomu
Na mataqali veitalanoa vkaoqo me kakua ni kau mai ena 'social media'. Au sa kerei ira kece tiko kina na dauveiqaravi kece ena noda veivale ni walesi kece e Viti. Au sa kerea kina ki na matanitu me tarovi na caka2 'qo. Qo sara ga na vanua ena marautaka ka na caka2 vkalevu dua2 kina na tevoro ena vuku ni nodra na vkacalai kina e lewe vuqa. Na tevoro e rui qase2, lawaki ca ka ni kila vkavinaka tu o koya ni oqo sara talega na vanua ena rawa ni ra na coriti kina e lewe vuqa na tamata tabu saka yani. E vica na tikina au na via vkaraitaka yani eke. 1. Matai na Vosa ni Kalou e tabu ni dauveiletitaki....baleta ni na kauta mai vei keda na veisei & na veilecayaki (1Koronica 14:33). 2. Kena i karua vei keda keda kece na soli 'comments' tiko mai ena tutuna 'qo okati talega kina vei iratou na tolu o 'host' & rau na rua.....oi keda kece 'qo eda tamata dauveivakaisini kece ( Jeremaia 17:9). Na tikina bibi ga au via vkaraitaka tiko yani eke oya ni vosa ni Kalou e tabu ni veiletitaki qai vkabibi ni vkaraitaki tu va'qo ena matana levu ena 'social media'. Sa kena levu. Vinaka.
"My people perish due to lack of knowledge" here you see the difference between those who read the Word of God and apply context and those who have gone about their own way applying their own interpretations. "The Word became flesh and dwelled among us". The Word is the Son = Jesus Christ!. Read all about it in the book of John.
Timoci does have the knowledge about Truth ...and the name he claims as WORD than Jesus is the way he knows how to identify the Truth than the english-created name (J)esus (with the purpose) to obscure the [fobididen] Hebrew Name.
What Is Jesus' Real Name? Indeed, Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. It means "Yahweh [the Lord] is Salvation." The English spelling of Yeshua is “Joshua.” However, when translated from Hebrew into Greek, in which the New Testament was written, the name Yeshua becomes Iēsous. The English spelling for Iēsous is “Jesus.” This means Joshua and Jesus are the same names. One name is translated from Hebrew into English, the other from Greek into English. It is also interesting to note that the names "Joshua" and "Isaiah" are essentially the same names as Yeshua in Hebrew. They mean "savior" and "the salvation of the Lord." Given how translation factors into this debate, must we call Jesus Yeshua? Think of it this way: Words for the same object are said differently across languages. While the dialect changes, the object itself does not. In the same way, we can refer to Jesus by different names without changing his nature. The names for him all mean 'the Lord is Salvation.'" In short, those who insist we exclusively call Jesus Christ Yeshua are overlooking the fact that how the Messiah's name is translated is not essential to salvation.
@@texspringfield9049 The issue with this debate is simple. CHRIST is the 🔑; the missing puzzle. Timoci ideology is more concerned of the name of the object rather than the nature of the Object (Jesus Christ). His nature is to SAVE! (The Lord is Salvation). We have the answers right infront of us finely printed and conserved by the Holy Spirit. Timoci is doing the devil's work by confusing the masses and leading them astray from the Truth. People need a Savior and the answer is simple.
YAVU-" Na yavu levu e tucake tiko kina na lotu VANUA, me kauta lesu tale mai na SPIRITUALITY ni VANUA, se na nona veikilai va Kalou na vanua, koya e vakadagodago ena tamata, me vakalesuya tale vei keda na kawa i taukei nikua meda kilai keda- me vaka edua na kawa i taukei e tu na nona i tovo, tu na nona i valavala tu talega na nona i valavala ni nona veiwekani kei na nona kalou e veisemati kei na nona dra vata kei na nona bula"" QUESTION- HOW FAR BACK SHALL WE GO TO RESTORE WHAT WE LOST? WHEN IS OUR STARTING POINT? KERE SAU NI TARO?
Ok tala timoci is confused is he trying to combine bad and good together. Lotu ni vanua , and Christianity is two different things. His saying his trying to bring back the old god but we itaukei know that there were a lot of gods(mana) that was present in the past , #10:48 time Tala timoci maybe trying to build up a unique god called (na vosa) . He said in #11:12 to #11:52 that good was already with us . In past during cannibalism. That's true but half of fiji wasn't all that good ,what happened when christianity came to fiji , it just made that good in us all brighten up made our eyes open, after that cannibalism was never to be seen again all christianity (the words of god) did was that just to end all the evil and and put the good in us all. Talatala Timoci is in a right path of trying to preach the good he was true that there was good in the past , but the good In all the itaukei people become brighter when gospel reached our shores , time #19:35 his explaining about a god , so his explaining about the lord (na kalou), he still believes in god but still confused (veilecAyaki). Time #24:58 he said that the gospel wiped out all the people that was doing evil in the world isn't that a good thing ? And is bigger then the wars of the Babylonians and the Persian did that's totally different those two fought and killed for pride and territory Not good of all people. Time #25:48 timoci talks about the good in us all itaukei people in the past but he mentioned a god wht god is that ?? 26:00 we itaukei was born with a the same principle in the bible , and then he said we were born with vanua principle, so what his saying is we were born with manners , love , respect, unt we all human beings born with goodness in us. Time #27:13 again he's mentioning how christianity wiped out all evil . And burning of all these demonic practices in the villagers isn't that good . Wiping out this habit of demonic practices , tala timoci is confused his trying to preach the goodness before christianity came into our lives that's TRUE but all Christianity came here to wipe out domonique practice, all christianity did was to get that goodness to the whole of fiji .we itaukei cant do that in the past, Tala tala timoci is confused his preaching about good in us itaukei. But christianity already done that work for him preaching us the word of god . Ok take this for instance what if christianity didn't arrive on our shores and someone like talatala timoci was born on the cannibalism period . Will he able to preach the goodness , no not at all his knowledge is based on what he learned from the bible. If christianity didn't arrive into our shores no one would have stopped us (itaukei) people from demonic practices ,and preaching goodness at that moment and in that period of time is impossible. Christianity and the word of god had to Force goodness and light into this country .
Patrick Morell Good question, its really confusing when our history was written by white man..I don’t think we were that bad..There were a lot of tribal wars, so canibalism could have been a metaphor.
@@joelidakunimata6117 Dont fool yourself...outside history accepts cannibalism as a trait fijians were good at. For your information, white people too ate humans in the past...did they hide that identity?....NO!!!...let that sink in that puny mona of yours...
I watched this debate when it was shown live. Weeks and months go past, i kept watching it coz there are some things Nacola said that i really need to fix myself as a Christian.
Thank you Nacola.
Thank you Pastor Manasa
Nacola u r very simple n intelligent the way you translate n contextualize the Bible which the others can't simply understand..get them Nacola
Vinaka Vaka Levu na Host.....dua GA na ka au raica enai vakamacala ni lotu ni vanua....sa tutu dua na tamatamatani vei vakalolomataki levu kei na veivakacalai levu koya dou sa yavutaki kemudou toka kina qori..... vinaka Tala Manasa.....God Bless you Sir for standing on the TRUTH.
Nona dodonu!!
@@patrickmorell8189 bro au nanuma na wekadaru comment jiko qo e mataqali vata kei talatala Atu kei Alipate Naitini😂😂😂
Host naba dua, vinaka sara vakalevu Mike, vinaka sara vakalevu vei kemudrau na turaga talatala, totoka vakaoti na vamacala 💯💯💯
Mr Nacola your insight is explicit n clear he's only offended because he's affected by the clear truth u talk about..
Brother Nacola...
Kemunu sa liberated, God is Spirit........
💯 eye opener for the masses Timoci
A big vinaka vakalevu!!!!! For the two man of God!!! It was a good discussion!!! Just wanted to hear more from Jim!!!vinaka tauvu!!!!
You got some logic points Timoci.
Im trying to question my christians principal as to why i am still a slave in this morden day eventhough i am a Christian
Dina saraga
Na dina ga qai laurai na gauna ni veilewai levu,every man will be equal in the eyes of the Lord
Veilewai cava oiko seo tukamu sa lesu mai kina o viti era bobula ena I vola era vola na kai valagi
O jisu ga na dina....vinaka talatala manasa ❤❤🌿🌿🌿🕊🕊🙏🙏🙏👑👑👑
🎉 still a❤
Somebody show this to MaiTV for a host tips💁🏻♀️
@@jonelabanacagi18854:57 😅
@@jonelabanacagi1885😅😅000000000000000000000000⁰000000⁰00000000000000000000000000000000000⁰00000000000000000000000000⁰000000000000000000000000000000000000⁰0000000⁰000 o lo oi00 . . ?🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😢
True Mr Nacola u sound very clear n right n simple to understand...free from slavery n fooling..
Isaa vei kemuni na wekaqu...me sa da semati keda donu ga vua na Kalou e na i vakataotioti ni gauna qo..vinaka💖
God Blessed you Pastor Manasa❤️
Vinaka tau Jim..wananavu nomuni vamacala❤
Nacola u sounds great u r using pure godly common sense
Really love this discourse between two different approaches to a wholistic human being. It is the end goal that really matters, even though the methodology of how to get there differs???. All different paths lead to the top of the mountain.
Jesus said i am the way the truth and the life...no man comes to the father except through me.
There is only one path and that is Jesus Christ.
IPERIU 6:4-5
Ni sa dredre sara me vakavoui tale me ra veivutuni ko ira ka vakararamataki eliu, era a tovolea nai solisoli vakalomalagi, ka rawata na Yalo Tabu,
ka tovolea na vosa vinaka ni Kalou, kei na kaukauwa ni bula ena muri mai,
a ra sa qai vuki tale; ni ra sa vakota tiko vakai ira na Gone ni Kalou ki na kauveilatai, ka beci koya e na matanavotu.
For the word of God is living and powerful, sharper then any two edged swords.
"HEBREWS 4:12"
Good point Timoci. Educate them, they dont know about the religion history....
very true my braca
Confusion of the highest order !!! Shout out to the moderator for being neutral and patient.
Stay firm Mr Nacola we simple people can naturally relate to your very simple message..this so called pastors are torturers n thiefs n thugs n ignorant fools who think the simple thing is hard to know...
Marau o Viti ena debate va qo .Totoka
Sa kau laivi na Tamata ko vakacalai Viti ,na veiwekani , na lotu , na Vanua Frank Bainimarama
Rejoice Viti Rejoice
Down with the Opressor long live Fiji 🇫🇯
Vinaka Talatala Manasa
Vinaka Mr. Nacola vei au you Distinguished Gentlemen are saying the same concept, thought and awareness
Timoci Nacola is just in another level, sega ni yacova rawa tiko o Manasa Kolivuso
All Timoci Nacola is trying I.e. to liberate people from Church bondages
Isa, thank you very much for what God and help to see and hear from NACOLA MASSAGE, I hope God will open our eyes to see alot of things that was been told to us by old Christian church .
God bless😊
Manasa Kolivuso this whole world don't revolve around you
Your gesture is very childish in every way.
Lotu gives the true facts about giving money. The old testament says to the Israeli Jews to give tithes to the church. Jesus said in the new testimony to give to the poor only is to give unto the lord. That's the part that most Christian believes in the Lotu Vanua ideology. Thanks to both pastors and Viti FM. God bless Fiji...
Debate Levu!. Dredre ga me da veilomani vakalevu.Liu tiko ga na kalou levu kina noda bula, bula taka vakalevu na nona vosa ka vunau taka na nona itukutuku vinaka. #GbFiji💕
We worship God in Spirit and Truth by the Operation of the Holy Spirit in every hour,minutes,and seconds.✝️❤🙏🕎
Vinaka Vakalevu Mike Radua- Totoka na Host qai matata na Vata Vata e soli kina vei rau me rau veiwaseii.. me da Na Lotu Dina vakayalo ka VakaiDina❤️❤️
There's a law of opposite it's called the" law of polarity " everything has its opposite . There's a right and left side , hot and cold , up and down ,negative and positive ,we can think good or we can think bad but we cant think both at the same time
God’s glory is man fully alive!
Kolivuso could not accept the facts of what the Lotu Vanua ideaology….in this context….The idea of Christianity is always supreme to his explanation… A quote from The book of Mathew…to reflect his leadership in his own denomination….Na dredre ya…e vaka e Jiloma dredre Sara…. Then try to divert the facts…”tauyavutaki Ena mavoa”….
The pastor could not get the facts straight…. All back to the old wound…..old wound….
Na maca mai na bilo wai…
To the point Mr. Nacola…The way we should really worship this Creator God…. If we do not do it from, home, we can’t do it at church….
I see Kolivuso gobal with laughter…..E vaka e jilo dredre na vakasama Dina ya…..
Form of worship…. What are you saying…. Kolivuso is contradicting your own explanation….
Idea of Vakalolo….lasutaka……
Now you bringing the idea of Meke…. To suite the way you worship in your church…..
Duidui saraga……
Coz we cannot be yoked together...BELIVERS and Unbelievers rua na opposite force yavavala jko qori...
boica mai na gusumu .se kei mara mai bati😂😂😂😂
Kera sega ni dua vata keina veisau a ra kauta maii na christianity i na noda vanua mera sa luvata talegaa na kenaii sulu ra daramaka jiko.
Taura matua na nomu vakamacala mai qori, na Christianity gona qori voleka ni ra butakoca kece kina na noda kele nai taukei...
Via luva i sulu luva sulu ga ko iko kei bumu!!!😲😲😲
@@oceantui1414 Na wekaqu na mavoa sara ga qoka e dusia tiko na I Talatala Kolivuso. Anti- Colonialism oya ni da sega ni ciqoma rawa na veisau e kauta mai na colonialism.
E tekivu vakacava na kaliraki ni noda qele na I Taukei. O keda ga na I Taukei e da veiliumuritaki ka mai soli kina se volitaki kina na veiqele taucoko vaka i Taukei.
E sega ni dua na vavalagi e volitaka na noda qele ena I sevu ni gauna. E mai create taki na Deed kei na Title ena vuku walega ni kena mai soli na veivakadonui mai vua e dua na I Taukei. Era qai vaka lawa taka ga na qele ke sa mai taukeni ena taudaku vaka I Taukei.
Na christianity e sega ni kauta mai na rarama e ra kauta mai na veisau ko yali tu gona qo noda I tovo na I taukei...varogoca vakamalua na ka e vaka macalataki tiko se bera ni ko vola e dua na ka...
Yadra mai VITI yadra mai. 🙂🙂🙂
O iko ga o moce tiko
Vinaka pastor god bless
This is unbelievable....the different bottom line of the two Pastor...I loved every concept from Rev. Kolivuso but since it a debate, respected matters coming through....Good Host❣
Mike is hosting
E na yaco. mai na gauna mai muri au na sega ni vola na noqu vosa ena wai ni volavola se samuqawa. Au na vola na noqu vosa ena dela ni yalo sa malumu. Ena yaco ena gauna ni veilewai era kaya na tamata ni ra a vakatavuvulitaka na yacai Jisu kara veivakabulai kina? Qai Kaya ko Jisu vei ira, dou lako tani,au sa sega ni kilai kemudou. Sa kerei meda vakavinavinaka taka ga na Kalou na Yalo Tabu baleta nio koya e qaravi keda tiko ena vei siga. Ia kevaka eda sa sega ni vakavinavinaka taki koya, eda sa vakacacani koya. Sai koya oqo nai valavsla ca e sega ni bokoci rawa
Maikeli Radua , Waikete Tailevu VITI FM ko rogo ka kilai levu tu.
Vinaka Tailevu na Host.
Tai!!! Taitai!!!
Totoka vakaoti na nomu host Mataqali Mike.Duidui sara ga o Talatala Manasa kei talatala Atu Vulaono.
Dina sara ga, bau professional vakalailai na host qo, laivi rau saraga me rau vakamacala, da qai vakarorogo, na mai TV se vakamacala e dua takoso tiko o host.
Sovereignty of man and sovereignty of God are two different thing altogether and you can’t serve Man but to serve GOD AND GOD ALONE!! Man can NEVER be sovereign!!
Vinaka Talatala Manasa.
That’s why it’s so vital to read the bible and ask God to give you the Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge of who He is.
False prophets are coming out right now so be careful people. READ THE BIBLE SO YOU CAN REALLY KNOW THE TRUTH!! Don’t listen to someone or anyone who say that there is no GOD. THERE IS ONLY ONE ☝🏾 GOD!!. Again READ YOUR BIBLE AND PRAY EVERYDAY people.
It is my prayer that GOD open y’all minds, eyes and soul to reveal to you WHO GOD is .
'...the quality or state of being sovereign, or of having supreme power or authority. the status, dominion, power, or authority of a sovereign;royal rank or position; royalty. supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community...'
Genesis 1.28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Man was given sovereignty/dominion over the earth.
Kalou saraga e lesi keda me da matanataki koya e vuravura, ka vakatakila na Nona kaukauwa e vuravura.
Again, ke vosa ga, yaco na ka e vosataka, then we should be able to do the same.
Ni dua e cakava qo ni kua, tamata aa kaya ni vakatevoro, ia na Vosa e tukuna vinaka tu ni o koya e sa lesi keda me da rawa talega ni cakava.
False prophets sa tu makawa tu bera ni ko sucu.
Lotu Vanua really shakes their comfort zones, laurai levu sara ga vei Kolivuso, Dua vei rau e nomo toka ga...
Signs of the last days..
U r right Mr Nacola
Kalou ni lewevuqa....
Tamata taucoko bula e vuravura.....Jisu e noda Tui, Turaga ka i vakabula.......
Totoka na veitalanoa. Vica na Dina lelevu au rawa ni tomika ena yasana ruarua. Sa na qai tukuna ga ko gauna ocei e dina, ia meda ‘open minded’ tikoga ka sarava na vua ni vei vakabauta vovou eso.
Dua na ka au raica tiko ena gauna qo (o au edua au susu ena lotu va Karisito -AG) ni veigauna kece edua e tukuna ni vaka lomatarotaro taka edua na ka ena vuku ni vakabauta va Karisito, sa totolo sara me beitaki ni sa vakabauta na tevoro, ni dua ga e coqa se lomatarotaro taka na ka e cavuta edua na I Talatala sa tukuni sara ni coqa na Kalou--Eda sa lecava ni Kalou se YaloTabu e rawa ni vosa vei keda na tamata kecega!
Totoka talega na noda raica na noda I valavala kei na noda I vakarau na Kawa I Taukei. Ni da raica, eda rawa ni kaya ni levu na noda I tovo e va Kalou baleta ni solia saraga vei keda na Kalou. Kevaka eda kaya nira qaravi tevoro tu eliu a noda qase, ia me da sa kua ni vakamuria na noda I tovo eso me vaka na lakovi kei na tekisau taki ni dua na goneyalewa, vaka bogi va, sa kua talega ni cilivi na luveda tagane! Sa qai dua na cakacaka levu se cava?
Na taro levu talega e a taroga na wekaqu o Mr Nacola se kevaka e inspire taka na volai ni Vola Tabù na YaloTabu, na cava na vuna e sa mai duidui kina na kena I vakadewa eso? Na cava na vuna talega eduidui kina na veimata lotu ka da dui boletaka ga na noda doctrines eso? Qo na veika edodonu meda vakataroga ka kakua ni da sa mai kuitaki taucoko tu ga. Ia e leqa li ni da na vakataroga na veika oqo, eda sa na tag taki meda Rebel...Na noqu comment toka madaga qo, au sa na varau rebel baleta niu luve ni Talatala😀 Ia e vakasama Titobu dina kevaka eda dabe meda vaka sa mataka.
Vinaka vakalevu Lavo Nacola kei Talatala Qase Manasa na veitalanoa totoka kei Mr Radua. Da Kalougata kece tiko💪🏾
Na vakasama kevaka e dua na Jisu ka inspire taka na Yalotabu e na volai na vola tabu e sega vakadua ni cala baleta ni ya e vosa kina na i vola tabu....ia e kaya talega na i vola tabu...ni Yalotabu e na solia mai na Kalou kevaka e da muria na nona i Vunau (10 commandment)..baleta ni taro tiko a Nacola ka iko nanuma ni dina na vakanananu qoka me vaka iko sa kaya oti...lack of knowledge...taro ga me tarogi se knowledge cava e tukuni tiko qoka...sa i koya ga na noda vei kilai kei Jisu..o ya ni da wilika ka cakava na nona i Vunau...
totoka vaka oti..dina taucoko
A dua ga na lotu e mai vakadewataka ko Jisu... ka ratou tauyavutaka o ratou na nona tisaipeli... cakacaka na tevoro me vaqeavutaka ena nodratou vakamatei ira taucoko... ka tauyavutaka e vuravura e dua na lotu kara ubia ni lotu nei Jisu... Catholicism... ia e sega ni na taqomaki na dina ni Kalou... era protest kina na vei Talatala eso ka tauyavutaka na lotu eso... Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, etc... sa dodonu o ira na veimatalotu kece oqo mera ciqoma taucoko na veidina eso era sa basika mai... ka leqa ni ra sa dui tu taka tu ga na nodra veiyaca ni lotu🙏
Signs of the last days...veisei ni lotu
Truth Manasa iko lasu, kana Ena buno Ni yadremu.....iko kana tiko nodra buno na Tani.
Cakacaka yani mo bula
@MrKatonivere Objections 😂
hosea 4:6 My people are perish for lack of knowledge 😊
jim lee uro hahaha
Intresting indeed "the bible plus nothing the bible minus nothing"noone can add or take away from what is in the bible...once someone starts to do those 2 things thats a very scary path to go down
Rusa tawa mudu ga na wekaqu .
When Adam and Eve took from the tree of knowledge they then knew they were naked then God Allah Na Vosa The Word cast them out of the garden of Eden. I think When you think you know everything and your Educational experience knowledge takes control of your mind your thinking, it blocks the holy spirit from guiding your spirit. I Pray that we all let the holy spirit into our lives and guide us. No matter how educated man can be no one can say you are wrong and you are right. Only God Allah Na Vosa The Word is the beginning and the end the Alpha and the Omega. My God is your God. Love one another no matter what my brothers and sisters ❤.
Pro14:12. There is a way that seems right to man but in the end leads to death.
Lasulasu ga o iko.Jisu ga cecere. Amen Amen JISU. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
E rawa ni dina ruarua
God is wide so deep so high who can fathom his boundaries.
Navosa ( I am that I am that I am) lia tamata o Esua nai Vakabula / Saviour vakaotia na nona cakacaka ni Veivakabulai/ Redemption john 3-16 druka o Mate lesu tale vei Jiova / Yahweh me nona ligana i matau.
Soqoni vatakece ya na Kalou na vanua, manumanu /tamata
Flora n fauna wai kei lomalagi
The Universe
Fiji the land n People
Americas the land n People
Europe the land n People
India the land n People
Afrika the land n People
Stewardship given by the sovereign God to manifest develop in the timeframes set by him alone.
Na 3 na taro ya
1 Who am i eg. Kaiviti/ nationality
2 Where do i come from eg. Vanua/ o Rewa
3 Where i am going eg. the afterlife.
Kaloumana tiko e Viti ena vukumudrau na lesilesi
Both a True n sincere
Reverend Manasa for theology n Mr. Nacola for originality n freshness
Dua ga na ka au raica vei keda na Tamata kece lotu vakarisito nikua. Wili kina nai Talatala kei keda kecega na lewe ni lotu. Sa da biuta tale na ka dina e vinakata na Kalou meda bula taka. Ya sai koya na wilika nai volatabu ka bulataka. Keda sa vakayagataka tale tiko na noda vuku vakatamata me sa mai vaikuritaka tale tiko na dina ni vosa ni Kalou. Dua na kena i varaitaki sa lauri tuqo vua na wekada qo o Timoci. E sa bau confusing saraga na nona i vakavuvuli. Na veivakavalai ena kena veta i cake taudua. Au kerei keda na dau wilika nai Volatabu. Dolava taucoko matani yalomu mo rawa ni rogoca na ka e via tukuna tiko vei iko na kalou. Biuta laivi na vuku e tiko qori. Laiva na yalotabu me vakabulici iko. Au ni sa bau via matata vakalailai ya kemuni na veiwekani. Ke o Vakabauti Jisu Karisito ni a kunekune taki ena kaukauwa ni yalotabu, dei tiko. Kakua nio mai rawai rawarawa ena vei Vakacalai kei na vuku vakatamata ga sa sinaita tu na noda vuravura nikua. Ni qai kalougata tiko. Da veilomani tikoga vakalevu. Vinaka.
Confused tiko
Two lines running parallel both not far from Truth.
Vinaka na debate qo, the Fijian people will choose which way and future generations will see the fruits
Io dina saraga.Qai noda na digidigi.Na ka da cakava me da taura ga na ka e noda ena veiwasei totoka qo ka.
E vuqa na vanua vaka Africa,ese bula vinaka tu na qaravi kalou vu ni nodra vanua,sa kauta saraga mai na valoloma,bula druka,na poverty ena kena veta duadua era ,ka vakaloloma nodra bula.Oya na vua ni qaravi kalou vu.
Vovodea o Iko kolivuso,Lai sarava vinaka tale na nomudrau veitalanoa,vaka mo sa katakata qai levu nomu coqa na veitalanoa,waraka nomu gauna..
Au a diva walega me rau a tarogi vata kei Rev Ili suwai se ko Rev Kadavaki mai na koronivuli ni vulitalatala
Vinaka vakalevu JIM era na madua ko ira era sega ni kilai ira era sa mate ga nira sa bula lako sa lotu ga ni vaqara i lavo era na cata ni tukuni vakadodonu vei ira sa sega vei ira na yalotabu era sa loma katakata ni vu ni nodra kaukauwa nai lavo.
Jesus said preach the gospel unto the ends of the earth
Drau veivutu kei Jim Nacola
Na katini e warai ni saumia rawa o talatala. Bale beka ni dina o Nacola. Vinaka. Yadra Viti
Tim 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in the latter times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Nacola is a clear example of those deceived by demons. Trying to replace Jesus with Demon Na Vosa
Seti calacala
Qori na lotu mai Papiloni, sa da ulukau ga na itaukei na veiba taka na lotu e kau mai ,e sega ni noda
Christianity introduced white supremacy bringing white jesus into our traditional customs,na dina ni kena rairai o YAHUSHUA HAMASHIACH all praise,esa veicalati saraga kei na ka tukuni enai vola tabu,na kenai taba e lili vavoki tu qori nomuni veivale vei vale ni lotu veiyasai vuravura ei taba ga kei dua na tamata a bula dua na gauna yacana o CESARE BORGIA,e luvei pope elexandra vi of rome,e boroa nai taba oqori o da vin ci na yaca e kilai tani kina nai taba qori na SALVATOR MUNDI,na lasu levu e volai tukutukutaki ni kena vukici nai taba dina kei YAHUSHUA me dua na tamata vulavula,varau raica oqo dua na dina................Revelation 1:13-15
[13]And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
[14]His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
[15]And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters................HE IS A BLACK MESSAIAH FROM THE TRIBES OF JUDAH.....raica na tikina e 14 e tukuni na roka ni uluna-sikoa,kei na TEXTURE ni uluna-ulu dina vaka na vutika ni sipi,WHITE WOOLY HAIR,dua ga na kawa tamata ena delani vuravura qo e vaqo na drau ni uluna,THE BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE,....tikina e 15 tukuni ni yagona e vaka na roka ni parasa(BRASS) is brown in colour,kevaka iko vakama ena vuki me loaloa.....sa veicalati sara vakalevu ena kenai taba da raica tiko nikua...........QO NA KENA PAROFISAI TAKI......Matthew 24:4-5,11,24
[4]And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
[5]For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
[11]And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
[24]For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.............KIDAVA VOLEKA NI VURAVURA KECE RA QARAVA TIKO NAI TABA OQO KEI JISU A.K.A CESARE BORGIA.........THAT IS THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST THE BIBLE SPEAKS OF........... Revelation 13:15
[15]And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.............. NANUMA TIKO,O JISU E BASIKA MAI VEI NA KAWA I JIUTA...........Jeremiah 14:2
[2]Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up..............KJV 1611 BIBLE,THE ORIGINAL BIBLE........OIRA NA TAMATA VULAVULA QO RA SIOVA NAI VOLA E TUKUNI KEDA KARA QAI VEISAUTAKA NA DINA E TU KINA.............Job 30:30
[30]My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.........Song of Solomon 1:5-6
[5]I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
[6]Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.........IO RAICA QO,OIRA NA KAI IJIPITA ENA GAUNA E LIU ERA KA LOALOA SEGA NIO IRA TIKO KINA ENA GAUNA OQO,OIRA QO ERA QAI LAKO KOSO MAI ME KOVEA NA VANUA OYA SARA TU SARA KINA NIKUA,YA NA VUNA IKO NA RAICA NA VEI STATUES E IJIPITA RA VOROKA TANI NA UCUDRA BALETA E UCU RABARABA VAKAI KEDA,RAICA NA PAINTINGS SA I TABA KECE GA NI TAMATA KAWA LOALOA...............Matthew 2:13-14
[13]And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
[14]When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:..............WHY EGYPT???????.......kea vulavula o jisu meratou qai dro i ijipita na vanua ni tamata loaloa kea sa kidavi makawa tobo vei ira na sotia nei eroti vakamataei,io oqo e sega,o ratou na veitamani lroka ni yago loaloa ya meri joseva kei na gone lailai o jisu ratou lai vuni i IJIPITA me ratou veicurumaki kei ira na ijipita(blend in)ka dredre sara me ratou na tobo nira loaloa kece tiko,TAURA RAWA................IO NA DINA OQO E SEGA NI VATAVUVULITAKA NA CHRISTIANITY,GET OUT OF CHRISTIANITY
YAHUWAH nodra Kalou noda Qase ka ra kauta mai
Truth hurts!
!! Earth is God’s by ownership but Men by Stewardship!! Vina’a talatala Manasa, Ameni.. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Vinaka na duidui vakasama.Me da qarauna de na Qai mai Kalou vei keda na soqosoqo lewe ni lotu eda dui Lewena, kei na ira na So na kenai talatala vaqara ilavo.
Nai katini ena gauna e liu sa duidui sara ena gauna qo,na vutuniyau nei dua nai talatala oa nodra cakacaka vakaukauwa nona lewe ni lotu,veivalolomataki levu,matai sega ni kawa va livai,karua kana mai na buno nodra na vavakoso,GOD DONT NEED MONEY,HE OWNS IT WHY HE NEED MONEY FOR,talatala ga sa gadreva nai lavo,SHAME......Deuteronomy 14:22-27
[22]Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.
[23]And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always.
[24]And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee:
[25]Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose:
[26]And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household,
[27]And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee.....(tamata ga ra qai vukica na i katini mei lavo ka yacova mai nikua)OIRA DINA NA KAWA VA LIVAI NIKUA OIRA NA KAI HAITI DUA NA YANUYANU MATANITU VOLEKA E MEREKE.........keo kilai wyclef jean dua na rapper dau lagasere mai mereke tamata loaloa,koya mai haiti koya na kawa va livai,oira na tamata loaloa ni mereke AFRICAN AMERICAN era kawa kei jiuta JUDAH
Set kece nomu vakamacala...yaco ga va na "kawa ni Livai"...sa lai levu tale na claim sega ni prove taki qai veilecayaki...nomu sa lai elevate taka tale na skin color loaloa...sa rauta mada na veivakaduiduitaki ni duidui tamata. Biuta rawa qo na nomu "racism Ideology i vale ni veka...sebera ni vakaleqai iko!!!!!
Na Kawa ni livai part ga o Wyclef jean sa bau lasa saraga 🤣😂😭
Original bible is the KJV 1611 AND APOCRYPHA,apocrypha qo nai vola e vamacala taka tiko o navosa,au kila nina kavou vei iko CMF, e tiki ni vola tabu ea kalici tani mai nai vola tabu dina ena yabaki 1885,ya na vuna ona sega ni rawa mo vamacalataka ea basika tu mai vei na wati KENI ni a tolu ga na tamata ea bula tiko i vuravura ena gauna ya .ivi.atama.keni baleta sa mate o epeli,e tiko kece vana i vola oya va bibi nai vola nei ENOCH inoke na luveikeni........Genesis 4:16-17
[16]And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
[17]And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.............(THERE WERE PEOPLE IN THE LAND OF NOD BEFORE ADAM AND EVE)........qo gona ra sega ni rawa ni vatavuvulitaka na CHRISTIANITY SCHOLARS ka ga ra vatavuvulitaka na lasu,me vaka nodra dau marautaka tiko na siga ni sucu CHRISTMAS,varaitaka mada mai nai vola tabu nia tukuna.o YAHUSHUA sega ni jisu me marautaki nona siga ni sucu,iko na sega ni kunea vanai vola tabu,IO DUA GA NA KA VAI VOLATABU AU SA BIUTA YANI QO ONI QAI LEWA NOMUNI BULA...........Jeremiah 10:2-5
[2]Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
[3]For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
[4]They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
[5]They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good..........(YADRA MAI) oira na heathens ya oira na yago vulavula,qo e nodra i tovo era kawa mai vei ISOA(ESAU).na kawa vata ga ra mai vesumona taki keda vana CHRISTIANITY nodra lako mai viti,ia ubi tu ga mai na vosa ni kalou.ALL PRAISE TO THE MOST HIGH YAHAWAH........qo se parofisaitaki makawa tu mai sa yaco tu nikua.....YADRA MAI VITI
Totoka vakaoti lotu vanua...
Even non religious people 'tithe'. It's a life principle, non just Christian
Talatala Manasa waraka na taro, i Maikeli iko sa coqa na lawa ni nomudrau veitalanoa, mo sauma ga na taro, kua nise vosa tiko o Timoci sao via takosovi koya
Na gauna ni veilewai era kaya keimami dau vakatavuvulitaka na yacai Jisu kara vei vaka bulai ena yacai Jisu. Qai Kaya ko Jisu,dou lako tani au sega ni kilai kemudou. Baleta? Na vuna qo.E dua nai valavsla ca e sega ni bokoca rawa na tuakada o Jisu?Ni da vosa vakacacataka na Yalo Tabu,na cava na kenai balebale?Na gauna qo e dodonu me vakavinavinaka taki ga na Kalou na Yalo Tabu ena vei siga baleta nio koya e qaravi keda tiko ka tu raviti keda ena vei siga. Oqo na vosa ni turaga(Jisu).Na gauna ni vakavinavinaka,ena 6 na kaloko ena yakavi ena vei siga (ni vakarau cava e dua na siga)
Na kalou gata E Kenai I balabale ni vosa ni kalou E gata ,sharp E mucu Nai selewau batirua
Kalougata e dua ga na vosa - (one word)
Kalougata e dua ga na vosa - (one word)
Sa ca tale na yalo I talatala manasa ...sega ni mai ca ni yalo na kena veitalanoa taki na kalou...kevaka iko qarava na kalou iko na sega ni ca na yalomu
I like the 43.05 to 43.07
Pastor..Iko.Sega nio kidava rawa jiko na Nona Vakamacala.
Every road leads to Rome and so does every religion
Dua ga na Lotu ,nikua sa milioni
I think im gonna give 100/100 to Rev Manasa ... and
10/100 to Tala Timoci
Its funny how people say 'no offense " just before or after offending them...
Na mataqali veitalanoa vkaoqo me kakua ni kau mai ena 'social media'. Au sa kerei ira kece tiko kina na dauveiqaravi kece ena noda veivale ni walesi kece e Viti. Au sa kerea kina ki na matanitu me tarovi na caka2 'qo. Qo sara ga na vanua ena marautaka ka na caka2 vkalevu dua2 kina na tevoro ena vuku ni nodra na vkacalai kina e lewe vuqa. Na tevoro e rui qase2, lawaki ca ka ni kila vkavinaka tu o koya ni oqo sara talega na vanua ena rawa ni ra na coriti kina e lewe vuqa na tamata tabu saka yani. E vica na tikina au na via vkaraitaka yani eke. 1. Matai na Vosa ni Kalou e tabu ni dauveiletitaki....baleta ni na kauta mai vei keda na veisei & na veilecayaki (1Koronica 14:33). 2. Kena i karua vei keda keda kece na soli 'comments' tiko mai ena tutuna 'qo okati talega kina vei iratou na tolu o 'host' & rau na rua.....oi keda kece 'qo eda tamata dauveivakaisini kece ( Jeremaia 17:9). Na tikina bibi ga au via vkaraitaka tiko yani eke oya ni vosa ni Kalou e tabu ni veiletitaki qai vkabibi ni vkaraitaki tu va'qo ena matana levu ena 'social media'. Sa kena levu. Vinaka.
Basika so na dina mai vei Timoci baleta nai katini
Pastor Kolivuso
Sa mai vei tawa sei na bula eda kilai kina nai taukei me baleti kemuni na vei mataqali lotu
🙏 respect
Good sharing.
Kua ni vabalavutaka tale nai vamacala,tukuna ga mai nio sa via qarava na tevoro
But avoid foolish questions,and genealogies,and contentions,and striving s about the Law,for they are unprofitable and vain.❤✝️
Lotu kei na vanua dina taucoko kai.
Jim really hit the one tenth...
Jesus said preach the gospel unto the ends of the earth...where your treasure is, is where your heart desire
He did! 100 points to him for that!
Vinaka na vaka macala ruarua....
"My people perish due to lack of knowledge" here you see the difference between those who read the Word of God and apply context and those who have gone about their own way applying their own interpretations. "The Word became flesh and dwelled among us". The Word is the Son = Jesus Christ!. Read all about it in the book of John.
Timoci does have the knowledge about Truth ...and the name he claims as WORD than Jesus is the way he knows how to identify the Truth than the english-created name (J)esus (with the purpose) to obscure the [fobididen] Hebrew Name.
What Is Jesus' Real Name?
Indeed, Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. It means "Yahweh [the Lord] is Salvation." The English spelling of Yeshua is “Joshua.” However, when translated from Hebrew into Greek, in which the New Testament was written, the name Yeshua becomes Iēsous. The English spelling for Iēsous is “Jesus.”
This means Joshua and Jesus are the same names. One name is translated from Hebrew into English, the other from Greek into English. It is also interesting to note that the names "Joshua" and "Isaiah" are essentially the same names as Yeshua in Hebrew. They mean "savior" and "the salvation of the Lord."
Given how translation factors into this debate, must we call Jesus Yeshua? Think of it this way: Words for the same object are said differently across languages. While the dialect changes, the object itself does not. In the same way, we can refer to Jesus by different names without changing his nature. The names for him all mean 'the Lord is Salvation.'"
In short, those who insist we exclusively call Jesus Christ Yeshua are overlooking the fact that how the Messiah's name is translated is not essential to salvation.
@@texspringfield9049 The issue with this debate is simple. CHRIST is the 🔑; the missing puzzle. Timoci ideology is more concerned of the name of the object rather than the nature of the Object (Jesus Christ). His nature is to SAVE! (The Lord is Salvation). We have the answers right infront of us finely printed and conserved by the Holy Spirit. Timoci is doing the devil's work by confusing the masses and leading them astray from the Truth. People need a Savior and the answer is simple.
The Bible is the word of God.God is my Lord Jesus is my Saviour.Read the Bible and pray to God and he will show you what to do .
Totoka na Host Tau Mike
Jst cant stop laughing at 38:13 😆😂😂
Hahahaha. Sa qai lasa dina.
YAVU-" Na yavu levu e tucake tiko kina na lotu VANUA, me kauta lesu tale mai na SPIRITUALITY ni VANUA, se na nona veikilai va Kalou na vanua, koya e vakadagodago ena tamata, me vakalesuya tale vei keda na kawa i taukei nikua meda kilai keda- me vaka edua na kawa i taukei e tu na nona i tovo, tu na nona i valavala tu talega na nona i valavala ni nona veiwekani kei na nona kalou e veisemati kei na nona dra vata kei na nona bula"" QUESTION- HOW FAR BACK SHALL WE GO TO RESTORE WHAT WE LOST? WHEN IS OUR STARTING POINT? KERE SAU NI TARO?
Gauna se bera ni cabe mai kina na Lotu Vakarisito.
Ok tala timoci is confused is he trying to combine bad and good together. Lotu ni vanua , and Christianity is two different things. His saying his trying to bring back the old god but we itaukei know that there were a lot of gods(mana) that was present in the past , #10:48 time Tala timoci maybe trying to build up a unique god called (na vosa) . He said in #11:12 to #11:52 that good was already with us . In past during cannibalism. That's true but half of fiji wasn't all that good ,what happened when christianity came to fiji , it just made that good in us all brighten up made our eyes open, after that cannibalism was never to be seen again all christianity (the words of god) did was that just to end all the evil and and put the good in us all. Talatala Timoci is in a right path of trying to preach the good he was true that there was good in the past , but the good In all the itaukei people become brighter when gospel reached our shores , time #19:35 his explaining about a god , so his explaining about the lord
(na kalou), he still believes in god but still confused (veilecAyaki). Time #24:58 he said that the gospel wiped out all the people that was doing evil in the world isn't that a good thing ? And is bigger then the wars of the Babylonians and the Persian did that's totally different those two fought and killed for pride and territory Not good of all people.
Time #25:48 timoci talks about the good in us all itaukei people in the past but he mentioned a god wht god is that ?? 26:00 we itaukei was born with a the same principle in the bible , and then he said we were born with vanua principle, so what his saying is we were born with manners , love , respect, unt we all human beings born with goodness in us. Time #27:13 again he's mentioning how christianity wiped out all evil . And burning of all these demonic practices in the villagers isn't that good . Wiping out this habit of demonic practices , tala timoci is confused his trying to preach the goodness before christianity came into our lives that's TRUE but all Christianity came here to wipe out domonique practice, all christianity did was to get that goodness to the whole of fiji .we itaukei cant do that in the past,
Tala tala timoci is confused his preaching about good in us itaukei. But christianity already done that work for him preaching us the word of god . Ok take this for instance what if christianity didn't arrive on our shores and someone like talatala timoci was born on the cannibalism period . Will he able to preach the goodness , no not at all his knowledge is based on what he learned from the bible. If christianity didn't arrive into our shores no one would have stopped us (itaukei) people from demonic practices ,and preaching goodness at that moment and in that period of time is impossible. Christianity and the word of god had to Force goodness and light into this country .
Do you believe that Fiji was that bad?? Or because they told you so??
Patrick Morell Good question, its really confusing when our history was written by white man..I don’t think we were that bad..There were a lot of tribal wars, so canibalism could have been a metaphor.
You are wrong on 27:13. He mentioned how those missionaries killed the Chiefs and their people who doesn't want to accept Christianity. So so sad
@@joelidakunimata6117 Dont fool yourself...outside history accepts cannibalism as a trait fijians were good at. For your information, white people too ate humans in the past...did they hide that identity?....NO!!!...let that sink in that puny mona of yours...
Rogo vinaka na Vakamacala Talatala Manasa,May God Bless Yourselves and Your Family...👉🙏👈💖💖
Sega ni taucoko.. tiko ga enai kovu
Totoka na veitalanoa!
Christian believes in One God in 3 person. (Holy Trinity)
Totoka..vnka vklevu sara Timoci Nacola..
Vinaka na con
It's so funny that he says he doesn't believe in the Bible but he keeps on quoting Bible verses. Contradiction at its best. Vinaka Viti FM
He interprets the bible in different way..
@@jken8892 I think he's genius
He says that Most of the versus of the Bible have been changed. Sad to say that some bible scholars around the world have echoed the same thing.