Hope you all enjoy the Read! 👇 After the release of Terminator Zero... we really, really need this as an anime 2.5 gen animation mini series of 12 OVA episodes of 90 minutes long each or more... if Arnold and Peter Weller can't come back as actors as a movie anymore... lets make a damn anime spinoff far better than even Terminator Zero of this instead! 😍🤩 Or sequel to it all over in America again post Zero! Using their acting & personalities in voices or A.I support to make them Grand legends among legends themselves... or even a true sequel to Robocop Rogue City mixed in with Terminator Resistance as a spinoff to both as a game to play both cyborgs & human factions... now that... would make my & our childhood dreams from the late 1980s & late 1990s all come true! = If done right by that company that made those previous two games! 🤗 They're both amazing! Instead of fighting a normal T-800 Terminator... Robocop should be up against a T-850 instead... which is twice as fast, twice as strong, 3 times more advance in new extra sensors in back lore, three times more intelligent in combat data & human anatomy in capabilities... and almost 3 times more durable, against armour piecing projectiles, plasma weapons, under pressure, melting point resilient and being shot at by other weapons & explosives. The T-850 is the same design as the original T-800 endoskeleton, but far better on par with Robocop in durability, strength and more... like the original being like a PS5, but the 850 is a PS5 Pro! 😅🎮 Making it a perfect candidate of a threat towards Robocop and others meeting their match! Instead of the story taking place over the cause of a few days in events told... it goes on for months at a time... allowing the Terminator to secretly create more of itself in the past with collecting resources and tools to aid in its mission all over for Robocop to worry about... as it prepares for Judgement day, taking our important targets all over and protecting Skynet's past self & system core & facilities from ever being destroyed with backups. So by the time we get to the final confrontations, Robocop & his allies will be fighting other deadly Terminators & HK hunter killers. While Robocop remains the same design overall but gets upgrades to help him survive more punishment, faster speed and strength to battle against Skynet's forces. From the start, Robocop is being beaten around like a ragdoll with just rare blind luck in plot to survive his encounter in winning like the other vids online in confrontations... but by the end, he's on par with them in new features, tech and weaponry. They should hire me for story telling for a script as an advisor in worldbuilding... I guarantee you all that I can help make Terminator better, greater and more realistic again! Anyways: Thanks for this... much appreciated here, not perfect but still amazing non the less... Keep up the Great Work should you ever come back to this with a sequel or other future projects. And if you ever want me involved in future ideas and support... just respond in comments, and I'll see what I & we can do next. 😎😉 Hashtag/#: I'll be back!... Trust me! 💀🔫😏👍✔ OCP gets blown up like Cyberdyne Systems to prevent the rise of Skynet by Robocop and his allies. Helicopter pilot of OCP flying nearby: We're losing profits down here!!! 😨 OCP CEO table officials, special forces & OCP security guards. 😱 Everyone else as normal people: 😆
Quite a cliffhanger there, excellent storytelling
great work again!
Thanks again!
Hope you all enjoy the Read! 👇
After the release of Terminator Zero... we really, really need this as an anime 2.5 gen animation mini series of 12 OVA episodes of 90 minutes long each or more... if Arnold and Peter Weller can't come back as actors as a movie anymore... lets make a damn anime spinoff far better than even Terminator Zero of this instead! 😍🤩 Or sequel to it all over in America again post Zero!
Using their acting & personalities in voices or A.I support to make them Grand legends among legends themselves... or even a true sequel to Robocop Rogue City mixed in with Terminator Resistance as a spinoff to both as a game to play both cyborgs & human factions... now that... would make my & our childhood dreams from the late 1980s & late 1990s all come true! = If done right by that company that made those previous two games! 🤗 They're both amazing!
Instead of fighting a normal T-800 Terminator... Robocop should be up against a T-850 instead... which is twice as fast, twice as strong, 3 times more advance in new extra sensors in back lore, three times more intelligent in combat data & human anatomy in capabilities... and almost 3 times more durable, against armour piecing projectiles, plasma weapons, under pressure, melting point resilient and being shot at by other weapons & explosives.
The T-850 is the same design as the original T-800 endoskeleton, but far better on par with Robocop in durability, strength and more... like the original being like a PS5, but the 850 is a PS5 Pro! 😅🎮
Making it a perfect candidate of a threat towards Robocop and others meeting their match!
Instead of the story taking place over the cause of a few days in events told... it goes on for months at a time... allowing the Terminator to secretly create more of itself in the past with collecting resources and tools to aid in its mission all over for Robocop to worry about... as it prepares for Judgement day, taking our important targets all over and protecting Skynet's past self & system core & facilities from ever being destroyed with backups.
So by the time we get to the final confrontations, Robocop & his allies will be fighting other deadly Terminators & HK hunter killers.
While Robocop remains the same design overall but gets upgrades to help him survive more punishment, faster speed and strength to battle against Skynet's forces.
From the start, Robocop is being beaten around like a ragdoll with just rare blind luck in plot to survive his encounter in winning like the other vids online in confrontations... but by the end, he's on par with them in new features, tech and weaponry.
They should hire me for story telling for a script as an advisor in worldbuilding... I guarantee you all that I can help make Terminator better, greater and more realistic again!
Anyways: Thanks for this... much appreciated here, not perfect but still amazing non the less... Keep up the Great Work should you ever come back to this with a sequel or other future projects.
And if you ever want me involved in future ideas and support... just respond in comments, and I'll see what I & we can do next. 😎😉
Hashtag/#: I'll be back!... Trust me! 💀🔫😏👍✔
OCP gets blown up like Cyberdyne Systems to prevent the rise of Skynet by Robocop and his allies.
Helicopter pilot of OCP flying nearby: We're losing profits down here!!! 😨
OCP CEO table officials, special forces & OCP security guards. 😱
Everyone else as normal people: 😆