*NB: Please read our rules before commenting. Please alert us by emailing report@carteblanche.co.za should you see any comments or threads that contain the below: Racist and/or homophobic comments will not be tolerated and users will be banned immediately. 1. Hate speech, defamation & hostility inciting comments. 2. Harassing (incl. sexual), threatening, embarrassing, swearing at, or abusing of another participant. 3. Acting as employees of Carte Blanche.4. Spam links or comments. 5. Crude or offensive language. Your privacy is important to us. Please do not share personal details in the comments as they will be removed for your safety.
@@Deontjierealism is intellectual and racism is instinctive. Most mammals have the "tribal" instinct, even a dog can be "racist" but only humans can be realists
ANC of old greedy people, who don't have shame to our country. People who claim they fought for the country while they lie....all the real Heroes passed away and others are canceled by current ANC
believe me in Germany the price of Benzine as its called is just so expensive, its related to crude oil price, only difference is that they update the price weekly and not only once a month like in SA,even with bad exchange rate its on par to SA price,
Why do we need a Petro SA at all, it’s full of corruption, poor business decisions and a loss for Escom. They should be closed down totally. No refinery will ever become viable again an according to studies and Matashe doesn’t even want to reveal who the role players are.
😢 what a shame!! A whole minister & a grownman publicly telling us that. There's things that are a secret to us as citizens. Makes you wonder how much more is being kept from us daily. SHAMEFUL
How the ANC gets away with everything baffles me. Its like everyone has just become immune to it and nobody can do anything about it. Vote wisely next year fellow citizens! ♥️🇿🇦♥️🇿🇦♥️🇿🇦♥️🇿🇦♥️🇿🇦
Johan.Play a part in educating the black, less privileged masses in South Africa. To a level were they can watch along these documentaries with you and understand. Build the critical mass of SA so you aren't governed by dummer human beings. No mass education.No one to vote out the clowns killing SA
@@alfredchinaman5833 I gave up on that idea years ago already if people are going to follow an ideology and by that I mean any modern ideology without questioning anything then they are beyond my help.
@@gideondejongh838 You are the product of ideas, and a way of life shown to you by your parents and community. The black masses that Vote ANC, are for the most part not well exposed as you were. Its an issue solved by engaging the youth. Fixed over 2 or more generations. You can't just quit
@@gideondejongh838 If over 50% of the South African population... Could watch these documentaries and comprehend them, be articulate enough... Who would be voting for parties that field the likes of Fikile Mbalula and Gwede Mantashe in Cabinet? Who would say yes to being governed by people of such little ability?
The ANC degraded our reputation? It's the Banksters of our Country that's degraded the reputation of out country together with the legal and finance professionals who is taking us for a ride. Corruption can stop is the legal and finance professionals stop facilitating the corruption. You can't move large sums of money in the financial system if you dont have an accountant and a lawyer. People study about Ethics and Integrity but practically it means nothing.
The majority of our people are riddled with poverty, our un employment status worsens by the hour and the foundation of our future is crumbling , yes our educational system is crumbling. While the majority of our people remain in poverty our leaders blood pressure as well as their cholesterol readings ,sky-rocket as fast as what their bank balances plummet due to their lavish and criminalistic life styles , only to look for their next opportunity to take another slice of bread from a dying Childs mouth. Yet the majority of poverty riddled south Africans, that rely on NPO's and other charity organizations for food and water ,still go and vote the ANC into power. IT MAKES NO SENCE !!!!!! What will it take to end the undefeated streak of the greedy pigs. What will it take to change the minds of the poverty riddled majority to stop falling for the same empty promises?.
@@VGB1964 I will go further and say FW was also a figurehead and I don't wish to get banned by UA-cam again so people are welcome to do their homework. Same in the USA Biden is nothing more than a figurehead so the Yankees can decide for themselves if they dare to look under the the engine cap of their own political system. Very few countries in the modern world have actual leaders worth their salt.
Billions of rands getting wasted but funding is needed for NSFAS, SASSA, SAPS and many more. I hope we use our right/power next year. Deeply hurt and disgusted by the greed I've witnessed over the years 💔
ANC will never be ousted, black people will never stop voting for ANC as long as social grants are paid, who in his right mind who gets social grant will vote for the DA or other party, thats how the ANC controls the voting public in SA by paying out the social grants, and with giving out a yellow t shirt and food parcels at voting time,
As if NSFAS, SASSA and SAPS are not downright corrupt themselves. You cannot let a demographic with lower than average IQ and a deeply flawed value system rule such a resource-wealthy country.
I been saying that, Mantashe is not clean at all. For the fact his too old but doesn't want to step down let the country flow it tell a lot....( pitbull enxilileyo)
I would love to see carte blanche doing a story on BEE contracts and how did it benefit our country. The idea around it to help our people yes, the corruption that goes with those contract to in SA. I would love to see the people involve in those big contracts and the millions lost to self enrichment. How did that help out people ????We all know the problem we have in this country but no one wants to just get rid of this problem.
BEE never failed, but bad people used it very wrong to loot and feed their pockets....I've seen what BEE can bring it just needed better management and equality control to benefit everyone
BEE harms all South Äfricäns except for those who deceitfully bribe their way into winning contracts, or who have family members working for the BEE-awarding state.
BEE folk still get crumbs. You're still talking millions. People who are truly invested in exposing corruption would also look into the billionaires who get awarded these lucrative contracts instead of just brandishing black politicians only. Please do yourself a favor and actually read the financial reports of these SOEs instead of just relying on attention grabbing headlines to influence your worldview.
True, many young people never pay attention to such problems but let Jada Smith or so trend that's where the focus go. Mxm, this is too bad, the country is being destroyed.
@@thecatalyst_rsadeejacxy_rs473 Correct. I believe the problem starts at school. We have a very large 'uneducated' population, despite the fact that many might hold a degree from some institution. Why is home schooling attacked? These people that love to control others needs the population to be stuck with a subverted version of their so called education. Shaping young minds into something they can totally control.
Carte Blanche is amazing. I like in the U.S, and I always play CB episodes for my friends here just to show them what independent media we have in S.A.
but bro, they only had the DA's view on a matter that is quite political as much s it is a public interest matter. Surely this warrants other views not just the opposition views?
Due to the ANC's decay and corruption poor journalism now goes. No one talks about the fact that the same company is funding gas in Europe and no one has been sanctioned and the fact that the sanctions we are talking about are not primary sanctions but are secondary sanctions in that the parent/related company is sanctioned. Further that there is legal opinion that specifically says we cannot be justifiable sanctioned as no one else is including European countries.
It's the case of a serial delinquent. Like a house of card, it is all going to come crashing down. Eskom was hollowed out, and robbed blind... and now PetroSA (or even the new National Petroleum Co.) has Eskom over a barrel to fund the hollowed out PetroSA. It makes no sense that Eskom (a State Owned Entity) needs to pay fuel levies... as well as purchase fuel at retail prices from another SOE PetroSA...just to keep the lights on in the country.
We just complain and go about our days and that's the problem. Ministers should never even have the audacity to conduct themselves like this. We're a joke, a big joke. After we vote them out, it doesn't end there. we need justice as the people of this country.
its because mandela started all of this corruption, very few people see this story, mandela started all the corruption when he brought in affirmative action and took a fully running country from 4 provinces and made it 9 and called it job creation,,then BEE crept in, and now the country is called a 3rd world country,
And the plot thickens, the corruption goes all.the way to the top. I really hope and pray the rot gets exposed to all ordinary citizens. Thank you Carte Blanche for your involvement and shining the light of truth on these matters. Where the light shines, the darkness will be exposed and soon all will be revealed. For those of us operating daily in the light, tick your vote carefully in tbe next elections. Winds of change is blowing over this beautifull beloved country South Africa.
"If the ANC government does to you what the Apartheid government has done, do to the ANC what we have done to the Aparthied gvernment" Mandela said something along those lines. So why as the CITIZENS OF SOUTH AFRICA still allowing the ANC to still govern us and lead us to an endless pit?
The majority of our people are riddled with poverty, our un employment status worsens by the hour and the foundation of our future is crumbling , yes our educational system is crumbling. While the majority of our people remain in poverty our leaders blood pressure as well as their cholesterol readings ,sky-rocket as fast as what their bank balances plummet due to their lavish and criminalistic life styles , only to look for their next opportunity to take another slice of bread from a dying Childs mouth. Yet the majority of poverty riddled south Africans, that rely on NPO's and other charity organizations for food and water ,still go and vote the ANC into power. IT MAKES NO SENCE !!!!!! What will it take to end the undefeated streak of the greedy pigs. What will it take to change the minds of the poverty riddled majority to stop falling for the same empty promises?.
A vitally important video, well done! As a resident of the Garden Route region, I am deeply concerned about these issues, specifically the rationale (economic, social and environmental) of gas exploration and production off our coast
Okay, we know these things are happening, we have documentation, leads etc, but no prosecution? Why is it so hard to prosecute so many corrupt officials?
if you look at some of the state capture cases that have made it to court, they've all been thrown out because we don't have the forensic investigative skills anymore to build strong cases
This is sad, melting of Billions of rands in trusted peoples hands like a butter in hot plate; the saddest and painful part no one is held accountable. 😕😢
@gideondejongh838 I wish! The sad reality is that the majority of people keep silent, are ignorant, or too busy minding other countries' problems. They think it doesn't affect them, they are wrong.
Eish the corruption runs deep 💔 😢 I can only pray that the majority of the general public have a serious change of heart in voting next year, & this includes the Tribal leaders. SA's economy has been severely compromised & it's always the middle income & poorer folk that suffer the most. There has to be a huge change in governance & transparency is a must! Cry my beloved Country... 😢
how will it stop when a photo of mandela is standing so proudly on that white man's desk she is having an interview with, why have a photo of evil corrupt mandela on one's desk if u do not support ANC,
The DA. The hero we need but don’t want to acknowledge. We need to realise that next years elections are not about any particular party but voting for competitive competition. Parties need to realise that doing as they please comes at a cost.
In 1015 South Africa sold its R5 billion oil reserve without Treasury approval to a,dealer who then sold it to another dealer .No question asked and swept under the carpet .
re: _In 1015 South Africa sold its R5 billion oil reserve without Treasury approval to a,dealer who then sold it to another dealer .No question asked and swept under the carpet ._ I assume you meant 2015?
I agree. Just like Police Teacher Minister Cele. What a joke comrade deployment has become. They put they most incompetent people is positions of high power. Why is crime so bad? GBV? Cable thefts? Wheres the police??? Becos we have an idiot running the SAPS. Thanks to Cyril Rama-sofa.... Cele is Cyrils girlfriend/boyfriend.... I bet he was totally useless as a teacher also....
London Times article : “South Africa is the only country in the world where affirmative action is in the favour of the majority who has complete political control. The fact that the political majority requires affirmative action (BEE) to protect them against a 9% minority group is testament to a complete failure on their part to build their own wealth making structures, such that their only solution is to take it from others.”
This is a major concern, I once almost fell in a trap for business with Petro SA, when I heard of the retrenchments , it was the most shocking news ever.
Gwede Mantashe and the ANC do not have the country's interests at heart. Corruption in the ANC knows no bounds. When the ANC talks about "my people", they mean their cronies and not the citizens of SA
Because of Gwede Mantashe and the ANC lining their pockets, Eskom pays more for diesel than the price at the local pumps, who pockets the difference ????
I am extremely angry as a South African citizen, that there is very little transparency. The sooner Mantashe and the ANC is gone, the better. Cant wait for 2024 elections
Petrosa were awarded a state contract to supply fuel & oil to all State departments. The contract was awarded by NT for 3 years minimum. The government and ministers are enriching themselves!
Been living in the USA for 4 years now and planning to return to SA in 2 years to retire. Watching this once again showcasing the untouchability of corruption in SA, we could just as well just move across the border to Mexico to experience the same chaos. Thank you for keeping things real CB and keeping us updated what is really going on in SA.
And South Africans will still vote the ANC into power in 2024, I hope everyone who votes for the ANC makes the most of and really enjoys the next 5 years, remember, no complaining.
The majority of our people are riddled with poverty, our un employment status worsens by the hour and the foundation of our future is crumbling , yes our educational system is crumbling. While the majority of our people remain in poverty our leaders blood pressure as well as their cholesterol readings ,sky-rocket as fast as what their bank balances plummet due to their lavish and criminalistic life styles , only to look for their next opportunity to take another slice of bread from a dying Childs mouth. Yet the majority of poverty riddled south Africans, that rely on NPO's and other charity organizations for food and water ,still go and vote the ANC into power. IT MAKES NO SENCE !!!!!! What will it take to end the undefeated streak of the greedy pigs. What will it take to change the minds of the poverty riddled majority to stop falling for the same empty promises?.
Why is it that as soon as the Russians are involved in a deal with South Africa we see exposés on corruption? It was the same with the Nuclear deal about 10 years ago. Today we have an energy crisis due to the big Russian fear. I wonder if we would get any story like this if it was an American or French company coming in.
People in this country are so brainwashed against Russia, losing that nuclear deal has set us back 20 years and we can thank those greenies for loadshedding..
Arms deal under mbekhi and Zuma comes to mind along with the bank scams and the Guptas who were Indian but gigaba gave them a quickie citizenship deal....
We are soon going to Q up regularly for fuel like in most African countries. And we’ll have young boys selling by the roadside in 2-5L containers. It’s terrible what these ANC looters are doing to us
@tsv8664 Russian has more gas and oil reserves than any other country. Even the European Union still buys their oil and gas from them also american still buys nuclear fuel from Russia, why shouldn't we buy directly from the seller, we can't always buy from second sellers who will charges us more interest.
If the ordinary citizens as no right to what’s going on around them then it’s time to realise that those who are trying to keep these secrets then somehow they have fingers in this massive pie
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Racist and/or homophobic comments will not be tolerated and users will be banned immediately.
1. Hate speech, defamation & hostility inciting comments.
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Your privacy is important to us. Please do not share personal details in the comments as they will be removed for your safety.
What is the difference between a racist and a realist?
You can stick your rules where the sun don't shine.
@@Deontjierealism is intellectual and racism is instinctive. Most mammals have the "tribal" instinct, even a dog can be "racist" but only humans can be realists
Then they must import Russian oil which is cheaper anything else available anywhere. These scums won't get majority next year.
The state of corruption in this country is disheartening
We have not reached rock bottom yet.
The state is corruption.
It's much more than disheartening.
then u still get white people who vote for them and even go further to get married to of them,
And we only know of about 10%
The ANC must go
Yes they must go, even those who manipulated the rand
Yes they must go, even those who manipulated the rand
They must go Far FAR AWAY!
If ANC can go, who is better than ANC? That's the problem we face as Country, we don't trust no one coz even D.A have scary scandals
@luyandajayjonsile2545 ANC have been in power for 30 years, its time to try another set of leaders, how else will we know whats better?
Get rid of the ANC!
The only solution
Add DA to the list and EFF and then we can talk.
They are straight up Mafias. Everything they touch becomes rotten.
@@gideondejongh838 Talk about what?
The best option out is to Emigrate.
So this is why we are paying crazy fuel prices to enrich the ANC!
ANC of old greedy people, who don't have shame to our country. People who claim they fought for the country while they lie....all the real Heroes passed away and others are canceled by current ANC
believe me in Germany the price of Benzine as its called is just so expensive, its related to crude oil price, only difference is that they update the price weekly and not only once a month like in SA,even with bad exchange rate its on par to SA price,
The corruption that goes on in this country is disgusting
The rot runs deep and wide.
And it is up to us citizens to stop it, through using our votes wisely to vote this incompetent government and its beneficiaries out of business.
runs to Rome@@malfan
I have 🚫 words...I'm ⚡🌬️
Why do we need a Petro SA at all, it’s full of corruption, poor business decisions and a loss for Escom. They should be closed down totally. No refinery will ever become viable again an according to studies and Matashe doesn’t even want to reveal who the role players are.
😢 what a shame!! A whole minister & a grownman publicly telling us that. There's things that are a secret to us as citizens. Makes you wonder how much more is being kept from us daily. SHAMEFUL
Is it any surprise? Anyone with common sense knows that something stinks.
State Capture 2.0, everything is being kept from us, intentionally.
Honestly speaking we need more capable state affairs
this is just a tip of the iceberg, we who vote for these corrupt officials allow this to happen world wide by voting for them,
@@melusishange3471 not while ANC is is control thy all are born corrupt,
How the ANC gets away with everything baffles me. Its like everyone has just become immune to it and nobody can do anything about it. Vote wisely next year fellow citizens! ♥️🇿🇦♥️🇿🇦♥️🇿🇦♥️🇿🇦♥️🇿🇦
Johan.Play a part in educating the black, less privileged masses in South Africa. To a level were they can watch along these documentaries with you and understand. Build the critical mass of SA so you aren't governed by dummer human beings. No mass education.No one to vote out the clowns killing SA
@@alfredchinaman5833 I gave up on that idea years ago already if people are going to follow an ideology and by that I mean any modern ideology without questioning anything then they are beyond my help.
South Africa has taken the same route as their Northern neighbours. And there is so much that his hidden
@@gideondejongh838 You are the product of ideas, and a way of life shown to you by your parents and community. The black masses that Vote ANC, are for the most part not well exposed as you were. Its an issue solved by engaging the youth. Fixed over 2 or more generations. You can't just quit
@@gideondejongh838 If over 50% of the South African population... Could watch these documentaries and comprehend them, be articulate enough... Who would be voting for parties that field the likes of Fikile Mbalula and Gwede Mantashe in Cabinet? Who would say yes to being governed by people of such little ability?
For all of this to stop, is for the people to stop voting for the ANC
They are Slaves of the ANC terrorist groups
I guess vote for DA instead?
I don't trust any political party in this country
Me too
And here you're campaigning for DA we're not dumb as you might think.
What fearless investigative journalism... Thumbs up
It’s sad but the ANC has degraded the reputation of SA. International investors think of us as a joke.
The ANC degraded our reputation? It's the Banksters of our Country that's degraded the reputation of out country together with the legal and finance professionals who is taking us for a ride. Corruption can stop is the legal and finance professionals stop facilitating the corruption. You can't move large sums of money in the financial system if you dont have an accountant and a lawyer. People study about Ethics and Integrity but practically it means nothing.
SA is indeed a joke.
The majority of our people are riddled with poverty, our un employment status worsens by the hour and the foundation of our future is crumbling , yes our educational system is crumbling. While the majority of our people remain in poverty our leaders blood pressure as well as their cholesterol readings ,sky-rocket as fast as what their bank balances plummet due to their lavish and criminalistic life styles , only to look for their next opportunity to take another slice of bread from a dying Childs mouth. Yet the majority of poverty riddled south Africans, that rely on NPO's and other charity organizations for food and water ,still go and vote the ANC into power. IT MAKES NO SENCE !!!!!! What will it take to end the undefeated streak of the greedy pigs. What will it take to change the minds of the poverty riddled majority to stop falling for the same empty promises?.
Mantashe and Zuma are only skilled enough to act as goatherders or blessers & rapists - no more.
@@fredperry523 In their f u lifetimes, the both have never Worked 1 day, nor built any fn thing..
How is it possible that Gwede has been instrumental in all major decisions of the anc,since Mandela took power.
He has made SA a kleptocracy.
He’s likely a billionaire by now
Madiba was a figurehead nothing more. Now you are welcome to go deeper down that rabbit hole.
@@VGB1964 I will go further and say FW was also a figurehead and I don't wish to get banned by UA-cam again so people are welcome to do their homework. Same in the USA Biden is nothing more than a figurehead so the Yankees can decide for themselves if they dare to look under the the engine cap of their own political system. Very few countries in the modern world have actual leaders worth their salt.
This is what happens when you hand over a country to a terrorist regime,, .......
Billions of rands getting wasted but funding is needed for NSFAS, SASSA, SAPS and many more. I hope we use our right/power next year. Deeply hurt and disgusted by the greed I've witnessed over the years 💔
ANC will never be ousted, black people will never stop voting for ANC as long as social grants are paid, who in his right mind who gets social grant will vote for the DA or other party, thats how the ANC controls the voting public in SA by paying out the social grants, and with giving out a yellow t shirt and food parcels at voting time,
As if NSFAS, SASSA and SAPS are not downright corrupt themselves.
You cannot let a demographic with lower than average IQ and a deeply flawed value system rule such a resource-wealthy country.
I can't wait to see Mantashe's long list of fraudulent deals come to light one day.
Nothing will come of it, nothing...
@@LeonKotze70 Less than.
aaaand do what? ? ? this is South Africa and South African politics where nobody accounts for anything
I been saying that, Mantashe is not clean at all. For the fact his too old but doesn't want to step down let the country flow it tell a lot....( pitbull enxilileyo)
It's pointless, ANC protects its own
Gwede is the face of corruption
Gordhan too, that snake in the grass
And the belly😂
only him ????????
Hahahaaaaa 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sad fact is these same "unhappy communities" will get t-shirts and KFC next year and vote ANC again
Dont forget the one day without loadshedding and definitely not the one pothole they fixed.
Just t-shirt for village senior is enough
True story and when they get fed up the burning of schools and clinics will start,putting vulnerable communities at risk,story of our lives
Dis hoekom ons ore van ons kop af betaal vir brandstof om Gwede se sakke te vul😡😡
I would love to see carte blanche doing a story on BEE contracts and how did it benefit our country. The idea around it to help our people yes, the corruption that goes with those contract to in SA. I would love to see the people involve in those big contracts and the millions lost to self enrichment. How did that help out people ????We all know the problem we have in this country but no one wants to just get rid of this problem.
BEE never failed, but bad people used it very wrong to loot and feed their pockets....I've seen what BEE can bring it just needed better management and equality control to benefit everyone
BEE harms all South Äfricäns except for those who deceitfully bribe their way into winning contracts, or who have family members working for the BEE-awarding state.
@@stlouisix3 No No No.....please go find more info, you mistaking
BEE folk still get crumbs. You're still talking millions. People who are truly invested in exposing corruption would also look into the billionaires who get awarded these lucrative contracts instead of just brandishing black politicians only. Please do yourself a favor and actually read the financial reports of these SOEs instead of just relying on attention grabbing headlines to influence your worldview.
@@LuzukoBanganiwell said Luzuko💯👌
Sad thing is that as South Africans we'll once again just let it happen
Very sad indeed. We need to vote for system change. It's the only way to save our beautiful country.
True, many young people never pay attention to such problems but let Jada Smith or so trend that's where the focus go. Mxm, this is too bad, the country is being destroyed.
@@thecatalyst_rsadeejacxy_rs473 Correct. I believe the problem starts at school.
We have a very large 'uneducated' population, despite the fact that many might hold a degree from some institution.
Why is home schooling attacked?
These people that love to control others needs the population to be stuck with a subverted version of their so called education.
Shaping young minds into something they can totally control.
@thecatalyst_rsadeejacxy_rs473 facts
Lord have mercy on South Africa 🙏
Pray for votes, not mercy, people only change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.
It's too late, friend.
Greedy Mantasher and his colleagues are perfectly evolved for the slurping of gravy.
I agree.
A most uninspiring individual.
Carte Blanche is amazing. I like in the U.S, and I always play CB episodes for my friends here just to show them what independent media we have in S.A.
Carte Blanche is the only mainstream independent media since all the others are bought and paid for.
its only this channel who is not for the ANC,all other news media and newspapers in SA are state runned comp, meaning thy follow the ANC,
but bro, they only had the DA's view on a matter that is quite political as much s it is a public interest matter. Surely this warrants other views not just the opposition views?
Due to the ANC's decay and corruption poor journalism now goes. No one talks about the fact that the same company is funding gas in Europe and no one has been sanctioned and the fact that the sanctions we are talking about are not primary sanctions but are secondary sanctions in that the parent/related company is sanctioned. Further that there is legal opinion that specifically says we cannot be justifiable sanctioned as no one else is including European countries.
@@southpaw63 actually if you watch the piece they have independent investigators + local community members
Corruption Corruption Corruption that's all the anc knows
Why on earth is this country so corrupt!!....this really is so frustrating!
Because the dumb masses are on ANC's payroll. In other words no independent thought as Plato explained.
Because the voters support corruption.
we are a common wealth member again thats whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
@@smr4712 so?
_Why on earth is this country so corrupt!!....this really is so frustrating!_
It's not *the country,* it's the *ruling party.*
When are these thieving ministers going to be taken care of?
Gwede is corrupt
The entire ANC NEC is compromised.
Like they all are.
All of them. They make me sick
The whole ANC dear
@@CarsUnderHammer 😂on point!
Useless Anc has sold us out, our reserves.
Useless? They know exactly what they are doing and it was the plan all along.
It's the case of a serial delinquent.
Like a house of card, it is all going to come crashing down.
Eskom was hollowed out, and robbed blind... and now PetroSA (or even the new National Petroleum Co.) has Eskom over a barrel to fund the hollowed out PetroSA. It makes no sense that Eskom (a State Owned Entity) needs to pay fuel levies... as well as purchase fuel at retail prices from another SOE PetroSA...just to keep the lights on in the country.
We just complain and go about our days and that's the problem. Ministers should never even have the audacity to conduct themselves like this. We're a joke, a big joke. After we vote them out, it doesn't end there. we need justice as the people of this country.
such a beautiful country with so much potential, ruled by corruption is such a shame, very sad days indeed
we are rulled by the UK and the USA.
Gwede's also a big crook. He's one of Jacob Zuma's little minions.
You are only scratching the surface.
Great job as always CB
Another shameful example of corruption and lack of accountability. We urgently need a government of integrity that is committed to serving the public.
It's astounding how the ANC under the leadership of Zuma and Ramaphosa has decimated this country over only the last 15 years. RIP South Africa.
Yes, It's done.
its because mandela started all of this corruption, very few people see this story, mandela started all the corruption when he brought in affirmative action and took a fully running country from 4 provinces and made it 9 and called it job creation,,then BEE crept in, and now the country is called a 3rd world country,
Regrettably South Africa has been in decline throughout both of the named President's time at the head of the country.
@@joecruisergame Over SA WASTED
It started under Mandela, it is not a new thing...
We need an episode on Currency Manipulation now, we really need to get a grasp of what really transpired.
Am seeing there is some of your family members who goes to a traditional healer and using evil spirits to block all your luck and destroy your life😂
We're not likely to get that one, Private sector is corrupt free😂😂. Media houses don't cover their friends
@@psychic1AliKarimreadigs another racist 😂😂
The big problem in South Africa is Gwede
Sad part about greedy people like this is they dont care if everything falls apart. Aslong as they & their people are sorted for life$
This is brilliant reporting.
And the plot thickens, the corruption goes all.the way to the top. I really hope and pray the rot gets exposed to all ordinary citizens. Thank you Carte Blanche for your involvement and shining the light of truth on these matters. Where the light shines, the darkness will be exposed and soon all will be revealed. For those of us operating daily in the light, tick your vote carefully in tbe next elections. Winds of change is blowing over this beautifull beloved country South Africa.
You guys rock. You have so much guts. There is no storie that you don't takkel. You are absolute heroes.
Skokkend!! Dankie vir julle mense wat die dinge vir ons oopmaak.
"If the ANC government does to you what the Apartheid government has done, do to the ANC what we have done to the Aparthied gvernment" Mandela said something along those lines. So why as the CITIZENS OF SOUTH AFRICA still allowing the ANC to still govern us and lead us to an endless pit?
The majority of our people are riddled with poverty, our un employment status worsens by the hour and the foundation of our future is crumbling , yes our educational system is crumbling. While the majority of our people remain in poverty our leaders blood pressure as well as their cholesterol readings ,sky-rocket as fast as what their bank balances plummet due to their lavish and criminalistic life styles , only to look for their next opportunity to take another slice of bread from a dying Childs mouth. Yet the majority of poverty riddled south Africans, that rely on NPO's and other charity organizations for food and water ,still go and vote the ANC into power. IT MAKES NO SENCE !!!!!! What will it take to end the undefeated streak of the greedy pigs. What will it take to change the minds of the poverty riddled majority to stop falling for the same empty promises?.
its the UK doing it to us..
@@nomalungelongcete5875 and of course the ANC .. criminals.. all you can do is nothing with your emojis, do u think u are something now lol?
Emojis have meanings. Pls don't bulish me
How can transactions that involves Taxpayers money be confidential, specific for members of parliament.
Commies, that is how.
A vitally important video, well done! As a resident of the Garden Route region, I am deeply concerned about these issues, specifically the rationale (economic, social and environmental) of gas exploration and production off our coast
Would be nice if the people actually benefited from projects like this
it's gone top far that no one bothers hiding it anymore
Yep because they know no matter how corrupt they are they hold the majority of the masses by the short hairs.
Corruption and rot around every corner!
You are not wrong.
Thank you for a most interesting and well researched report. This is a real eye-opener.
Okay, we know these things are happening, we have documentation, leads etc, but no prosecution? Why is it so hard to prosecute so many corrupt officials?
Because they have friends in high places.
All under the same umbrella.
@@Meraikie Exactly.
if you look at some of the state capture cases that have made it to court, they've all been thrown out because we don't have the forensic investigative skills anymore to build strong cases
Npa is captured by the anc
And yet the international price equates to around R11! Now we know where our “taxes” are going 😡
Excellent presentation and well researched
This is sad, melting of Billions of rands in trusted peoples hands like a butter in hot plate; the saddest and painful part no one is held accountable. 😕😢
People need to wake up and start asking questions and demanding answers.
Wrong ask questions and beat the answers out with baseball bats.
@gideondejongh838 I wish! The sad reality is that the majority of people keep silent, are ignorant, or too busy minding other countries' problems. They think it doesn't affect them, they are wrong.
@@CharlieC738 Hey one can dream.
Dream on.
Or .... Emigrate.
@@joecruiser because the grass is greener on the other side?
What hasn't the ANC destroyed?
🤣 so true
Eish the corruption runs deep 💔 😢
I can only pray that the majority of the general public have a serious change of heart in voting next year, & this includes the Tribal leaders.
SA's economy has been severely compromised & it's always the middle income & poorer folk that suffer the most.
There has to be a huge change in governance & transparency is a must!
Cry my beloved Country... 😢
how will it stop when a photo of mandela is standing so proudly on that white man's desk she is having an interview with, why have a photo of evil corrupt mandela on one's desk if u do not support ANC,
The DA. The hero we need but don’t want to acknowledge. We need to realise that next years elections are not about any particular party but voting for competitive competition. Parties need to realise that doing as they please comes at a cost.
South Africa may be in bad shape but a pro apartheid party isn't the solution. Down with the DA 👎🏿
This was strategic
That's why shell is investing in our country
Close all the taps and make us monopoly of your petrol and Gas industry
In 1015 South Africa sold its R5 billion oil reserve without Treasury approval to a,dealer who then sold it to another dealer .No question asked and swept under the carpet .
re: _In 1015 South Africa sold its R5 billion oil reserve without Treasury approval to a,dealer who then sold it to another dealer .No question asked and swept under the carpet ._
I assume you meant 2015?
Everything is swept under carpet just like during apartheid
There are still things that citizens are not clear of like who killed the Cradock4😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Gwede gives high-ranked-mafia vibes
I agree. Just like Police Teacher Minister Cele. What a joke comrade deployment has become. They put they most incompetent people is positions of high power. Why is crime so bad? GBV? Cable thefts? Wheres the police??? Becos we have an idiot running the SAPS. Thanks to Cyril Rama-sofa.... Cele is Cyrils girlfriend/boyfriend.... I bet he was totally useless as a teacher also....
Every ANC voter is complicit in the crimes of the ANC and the destruction of this beautiful country and her people.
Another ANC NEW SOUTH AFRICA BEE success story ...viva comrades viva .
This is heart breaking,it's like the ANC is dragging south Africa down the hill.Every institution and corporation is riddled with corruption.
The main reason not to vote ruling party
Shame poor S A
How do people still vote for the ANC? We are the ones who are suffering. The ruling party has mess up this country.
Time to vote the ANC out, everything they have touch they have criminalized
London Times article : “South Africa is the only country in the world where affirmative action is in the favour of the majority who has complete political control. The fact that the political majority requires affirmative action (BEE) to protect them against a 9% minority group is testament to a complete failure on their part to build their own wealth making structures, such that their only solution is to take it from others.”
This is a major concern, I once almost fell in a trap for business with Petro SA, when I heard of the retrenchments , it was the most shocking news ever.
Gwede Mantashe and the ANC do not have the country's interests at heart. Corruption in the ANC knows no bounds. When the ANC talks about "my people", they mean their cronies and not the citizens of SA
Look at his stomach! Disgraceful Minister
It's not normal that stomach
I'm not even surprised
Why are All these corrupt elite's Still Alive?
Let's vote wisely next year........
Because of Gwede Mantashe and the ANC lining their pockets, Eskom pays more for diesel than the price at the local pumps, who pockets the difference ????
Its time to pack our bags.
I am extremely angry as a South African citizen, that there is very little transparency. The sooner Mantashe and the ANC is gone, the better. Cant wait for 2024 elections
Also Blade
Our kids are depressed because they rejected their applications only in May😢😢😢😢😢😢
Yhooooo "Cry our beloved country "😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
To painfull to watch ! One hears billions of Rands being thrown around like confetti !unbelievable.
Am from Kenya.. This is wat happens in our continent
Just when you think the anc can’t steal and destroy more they find a way.
Apartheid between ANC and the poor !!
The way Pravin is always left out of these scandals is amazing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
That's Captain invincible, man made Mbalula apologize
It's really amazing
Yhooooo uPravin 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
T-shirts are been handed out again, NHI and the new SOE. This country is going down the drain.
Petrosa were awarded a state contract to supply fuel & oil to all State departments. The contract was awarded by NT for 3 years minimum.
The government and ministers are enriching themselves!
Been living in the USA for 4 years now and planning to return to SA in 2 years to retire. Watching this once again showcasing the untouchability of corruption in SA, we could just as well just move across the border to Mexico to experience the same chaos. Thank you for keeping things real CB and keeping us updated what is really going on in SA.
And South Africans will still vote the ANC into power in 2024, I hope everyone who votes for the ANC makes the most of and really enjoys the next 5 years, remember, no complaining.
Sadly for them, is like giving them permission to ruin your life and your country. People really need to wake up.🙈 😢
The majority of our people are riddled with poverty, our un employment status worsens by the hour and the foundation of our future is crumbling , yes our educational system is crumbling. While the majority of our people remain in poverty our leaders blood pressure as well as their cholesterol readings ,sky-rocket as fast as what their bank balances plummet due to their lavish and criminalistic life styles , only to look for their next opportunity to take another slice of bread from a dying Childs mouth. Yet the majority of poverty riddled south Africans, that rely on NPO's and other charity organizations for food and water ,still go and vote the ANC into power. IT MAKES NO SENCE !!!!!! What will it take to end the undefeated streak of the greedy pigs. What will it take to change the minds of the poverty riddled majority to stop falling for the same empty promises?.
@@DijanNajid very sadly so, each will be held accountable sooner than they know. 🙏🙏🙌🙌
@@DijanNajid only when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change will there be change.
Why is it that as soon as the Russians are involved in a deal with South Africa we see exposés on corruption? It was the same with the Nuclear deal about 10 years ago. Today we have an energy crisis due to the big Russian fear. I wonder if we would get any story like this if it was an American or French company coming in.
Have you already forgotten that ZUMA used the French company?
@@shawnberry6110 Not at all. However there is no francophobia in South Africa's media landscape. The same can't be said about Russia.
People in this country are so brainwashed against Russia, losing that nuclear deal has set us back 20 years and we can thank those greenies for loadshedding..
Arms deal under mbekhi and Zuma comes to mind along with the bank scams and the Guptas who were Indian but gigaba gave them a quickie citizenship deal....
Was thinking the same, I wonder who's funding all of this
This is similar to what is happening here in Namibia with our own Namcor .
We are soon going to Q up regularly for fuel like in most African countries. And we’ll have young boys selling by the roadside in 2-5L containers. It’s terrible what these ANC looters are doing to us
Don't forget to include EFF
The said thing is that they don't make no bones about it. It's like they don't care anymore. No remorse whatsoever.
And don't forget to include all the political parties
Nothing wrong with gazprop as a partner the scary part 😢 is the level of unabated corruption running freely
Seriously, you have nothing against a Ruzzian company close to Putler!?
@tsv8664 Russian has more gas and oil reserves than any other country. Even the European Union still buys their oil and gas from them also american still buys nuclear fuel from Russia, why shouldn't we buy directly from the seller, we can't always buy from second sellers who will charges us more interest.
@@tristanmay4948 well said. The west is always trying to impose their will on others using the threat of sanctions
Very sad indeed….
We as public should start resist otherwise we desirve what we get. What this government is doing is creminal
Greed is the problem.. 2024 I’m voting for someone else
I guess the media can only do so much, by putting such issues on air. 🤷♂️
Every country has the government it deserves. - Joseph De Maistre
The love of money is a root of all evil 😢
I can't believe that the people stealing from the state dont realise that they can not take whatever they have stolen with them when they die.
cANCer is killing SA
This is upsetting!
There is nothing left to grab 😢
We are not Zimbabwe yet so we still have a distance to go.
That is why his stomach is over ballooning 😢😮beyond it's limits.
This man Gwede Mantashe has no pulse strue.
If the ordinary citizens as no right to what’s going on around them then it’s time to realise that those who are trying to keep these secrets then somehow they have fingers in this massive pie
That flame is more symbolic than you think...
I'm glad some of us are TRULY awake
Anc stealing everything like always