Goat Rally🚦 Oradea🚗 2 aug 2023 Road to Split fast car super cars tunning racing

  • Опубліковано 1 сер 2023
  • În 2 august 2023 în centrul Oradiei, pasionații de motoare puternice și mașini de lux in cadrul evenimentului #Goat #Rally #Road to #Split #GoatRallyTour #GoatRally #RoadToSplit #fastcar #supercars #tunning
    An unforgettable journey from start to finish, the Road To Split took us through three countries, weaving a trail of adrenaline, camaraderie, and pure automotive passion. With pit stops in Sibiu, Cluj, Oradea, Budapest, and finally landing in the stunning coastal city of Split, the adventure was nothing short of spectacular
    Pasionații de mașini și aventură sunt invitați să participe la Goat Rally 2023 alaturi de milionari Calin Donca , Vlad Stoica etc , la un eveniment spectaculos care promite să ofere o experiență unică în inima României. Cu destinații impresionante în România, Ucraina și Croația, precum Sibiu, Cluj, Oradea, Budapesta și Split, Goat Rally 2023 va fi un raliu plin de aventură și distracție. La eveniment vor fi prezente peste 20 de masini unicat de tip #Porsche, #BMW, #Ferrari, #Lamborghini #Mercedes si multe altele, carsofinstagram speed car racing cars
    GOAT Rally isn't just about the cars. It's about the community that has blossomed around this shared passion. The camaraderie that was forged during those long stretches of road, the impromptu conversations at rest stops, and the laughter that echoed through every city square-it all solidified the fact that GOAT Rally is more than an event; it's a family. It's a community of like-minded individuals brought together by their love for supercars and good life
    Car and adventure enthusiasts are invited to participate in Goat Rally 2023 with millionaires Calin Donca, Vlad Stoica, etc., in a spectacular event that promises to offer a unique experience in the heart of Romania. With impressive destinations in Romania, Ukraine and Croatia, such as Sibiu, Cluj, Oradea, Budapest and Split, Goat Rally 2023 will be a rally full of adventure and fun. More than 20 unique cars of the type #Porsche, #BMW, #Ferrari, #Lamborghini #Mercedes and many others will be present at the event.
    Az autók és a kalandok szerelmesei részt vehetnek a Goat Rally 2023-on Calin Doncával, Vlad Stoicával stb. milliomosokkal, egy látványos eseményen, amely egyedülálló élményt ígér Románia szívében. A Romániában, Ukrajnában és Horvátországban olyan lenyűgöző úti célokkal, mint Nagyszeben, Kolozsvár, Nagyvárad, Budapest és Split, a 2023-as Goat Rally kalandokkal és szórakozással teli rally lesz. A rendezvényen több mint 20 egyedi autó lesz jelen a #Porsche, #BMW, #Ferrari, #Lamborghini #Mercedes és még sokan mások.


  • @AdiSavescu
    @AdiSavescu  10 місяців тому

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