Every thing in hands of the almighty God who will reward you in feature wipe all ties you are a good LADY and belongs to better family such things happens to someone who have Heekma Eemaane and this two wards are gifted from the almighty God never mine you are QURANIC havige without these no we're sorry EBRIMA BOJANG Gambia
But this Haddy Demba did not know exactly who leaked her naked picture before she said jocob and now modou.
This is not even a topic to discuss on social media.
So sad 😭
Gambia oo Gambia 😢
Any thing without secret is against religion Islam Muslims as we say doing such to each sad but hence humanity is concern forget evere
Every thing in hands of the almighty God who will reward you in feature wipe all ties you are a good LADY and belongs to better family such things happens to someone who have Heekma Eemaane and this two wards are gifted from the almighty God never mine you are QURANIC havige without these no we're sorry EBRIMA BOJANG Gambia