  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • I really love raising chickens. There is so much more to this small homestead animal than just eggs. They offer so many wonderful gifts to a farm!
    Each day that I take the time to observe them...I learn something new about them…about myself. They look so still and peaceful in a world that is constantly moving.
    When I decided to leave the city and move to a quiet countryside farm, I had no idea what simple gifts this life would give me.
    The intelligence of a chicken is often underestimated…I’ve observed all sorts of behavior that make me raise my eyebrows. One of the most fascinating things I’ve ever seen happened when I was watching a mother hen sitting on a clutch of eggs. She was making sounds and communicating with her chicks even before they hatched!
    This small creature does a lot of work around a homestead. They scratch through the dirt looking for a meal, all the while fertilizing the soil, and helping to control the bug population.
    On my farm, all the animals coincide together and each has a job that they perform quite well. It’s actually a beautiful cycle of life and makes me so grateful that I can be a part of it.
    As I watch all these different animal species live together in harmony, it makes me wonder if their will ever come a day when this world might follow in their footsteps. Cause even though we may come from different places and speak in different languages, I pray that one day we all learn to speak the language of love a little more gently.
    And I’ve realized that you don’t have to be in the perfect environment, on a perfect farm, in the perfect countryside to live a perfect life. Distractions will find you no matter where you are.
    The habit of living a simpler life starts within.
    It starts with being grateful for what you have been given and finding beauty in the mess of it all.
    Gratitude is a chain reaction to happiness and is quite contagious if you ask me!
    With love and lots of chickens,
    Jackie Ritz