It was in 1998 or 99. A friend dragged to me to that show of a band I never heard of. That wasn't an unusual thing. We were going to shows in our area all the time. Sometimes three shows across town in one night. Anyway. Nashville Pussy opened. I liked it, so I went straight for the mosh-pit. Bela-B from Die Ärzte was there, I was a little starstruck and I made sure to bump into him as often as I could. Then Turbonegro played. It was one of their last shows before their split. And it was obvious why. Hank was wasted. But good. So good. Just like everyone else on stage. I didn't know a single song but it was still one of the best concert-experiences of my life. On our way back home my friend put on the Apocalypse Dudes album. It was the first time I listened to it, and it would be the only album I would listen to for the next months. An absolute masterpiece. It belongs right in the Top 10 of the best rock albums of all times. 25 years later and I still listen to this album from start to finish at least once a week. Oh, and I named my cat Hank.
I also named my rabbit hank, well actually there is 2 of them, One is black named hank and one is brown named hãnk, hank is happy to sit his fat ass inside all day, but hãnk, man hãnk is wild, has to be free and run around outside, finding all the girl bunnies he can, and some of the boy bunnies if he gets the feeling.... Now, you tell me that isn't just the way it is for all of us.... RIP Hank, I miss you.
This band saved rock and roll through the 90's and 2000's. Join the TurboJugend NOW! Come Back Hank!! Rock and Roll needs you. TurboJugend need you. Rock and Roll needs you.
When watching turbonegro videos, I can never get over the feeling I’m watching American rock and roll grittiness mixed with a European modeling fashion commercial
It's their style. Image is oftenly half the fun, however Turbonegro rocks so much it's 100% music and the way they act and show themselves is just a bonus. Don't take them too seriously, cause they are not trying to.
I like how flagrantly silly, kitschy and tacky Turbonegro are - feels more alien to Scandinavian cultural sensibilities than the black/death metal scenes of Norway and sweden are to be honest
i love how they all showed dup to the first dress rehearsal as if they are going to be in different bands... but they had one tube ov salmon lipstick and said 'yeah... this. this works!'
They were so right, Be as offensive as humanly possible on stage!.. They brought it in Spades…(Twice).. I so Loved that Great Band.. Miss that Great Band.. Cheers guys!.
I'm sorry I just have to laugh, the bit with the horses is hilarious, they're just walking around the arena, they didn't even bother to go to a field like! haaha! i love turbo!
Kjære Medborger og broder Synd at vi aldri møttes selv om vi var i slekt. Vi delte en felles interesse i Cornelis Vreeswijk liv og virke. Ditt liv var som et "tomtebloss", gnistrende og sprakende, som et ekte Rock & Roll show. "Og når alt er forbi, høres ingenting lenger. Ingenting. Og det høres" (Valkeapä) Hvil i fred Hans Erik.
One funny thing about the Euroboy is that he is such a geek as seen in the Norwegian documentary. However, as soon the boy gets a guitar, a cowboy hat or a Nazi helmet, he is suddenly about the coolest thing there ever was: elegantly highkicking et c. ad inf: the lad is a rock'n roll Monster!
Happy Tom, the Bassist, explained it once to the world: "A turbonegro is a large, well-equipped, armed black male in a fast car, out for vengeance. We are his prophets."
This was the first song I ever heard by them... I bought the cd when it first came out... but then I let this girl I slept with borrow it... big mistake... never saw it again...
Founding member Thomas Seltzer once said, "A turbonegro is a large, well-equipped, armed black male in a fast car, out for vengeance. We are his prophets."
see your point, it was probobly one of the songs that insperd the song. You should also check out: Iggy Pop And The Stooges, whit Search and Destroy. Some of the same guitar liks, and it sound in general much like turbonegro. in my opinon you get: get it on, if you combine the two songs :) cheers
Rip Legend! A master of his craft
So true. I was lucky enough to wet him, so I’d like to add that he was a real gentleman as well
And those high kicks-
the whole band dude..................
It was in 1998 or 99. A friend dragged to me to that show of a band I never heard of. That wasn't an unusual thing. We were going to shows in our area all the time. Sometimes three shows across town in one night. Anyway. Nashville Pussy opened. I liked it, so I went straight for the mosh-pit. Bela-B from Die Ärzte was there, I was a little starstruck and I made sure to bump into him as often as I could. Then Turbonegro played. It was one of their last shows before their split. And it was obvious why. Hank was wasted. But good. So good. Just like everyone else on stage. I didn't know a single song but it was still one of the best concert-experiences of my life. On our way back home my friend put on the Apocalypse Dudes album. It was the first time I listened to it, and it would be the only album I would listen to for the next months. An absolute masterpiece. It belongs right in the Top 10 of the best rock albums of all times. 25 years later and I still listen to this album from start to finish at least once a week. Oh, and I named my cat Hank.
I have a rabbit called Hank ☺️
I also named my rabbit hank, well actually there is 2 of them, One is black named hank and one is brown named hãnk, hank is happy to sit his fat ass inside all day, but hãnk, man hãnk is wild, has to be free and run around outside, finding all the girl bunnies he can, and some of the boy bunnies if he gets the feeling....
Now, you tell me that isn't just the way it is for all of us....
RIP Hank, I miss you.
U gae?
@CHRII m a black rabbit..STINA-z9t
Greatest live band ever! Saw them 3x in Vancouver BC Canada. RIP Hank
coolest band in the history of rock
@AJ ! ?
Hank bro, thanks for so much good music you made, the old turbonegro with you will be remembered forever !
This band saved rock and roll through the 90's and 2000's. Join the TurboJugend NOW! Come Back Hank!! Rock and Roll needs you. TurboJugend need you. Rock and Roll needs you.
Euroboy is a killer guitar player. Love the Alice Cooper hommage. Very cool. Saw Alice live in 2008 in Canada. Love this band. Great songwriting!!
When watching turbonegro videos, I can never get over the feeling I’m watching American rock and roll grittiness mixed with a European modeling fashion commercial
R.I.P Hank🤘thanks for rocking with us brother🎩
R.I.P. Hank, you legend!
thanks for the emotions and the energy you gave us, rip hank
Rest in peace Hank von Helvete.
He's in Hælvete now
The greatest moment in Norwegian music history!
THIS SONG IS WAY BETTER LIVE, I've seen them live when they performed this song, love those guys
love that first guitar solo, remember practising that as a kid till my fingers bled
the best group from scandinavia, regards to all from Spain.
This was and still is a masterpiece ! Thank you
It is!!
Hank +🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
it always will be. energizing!
Wouldn't of known these guys if weren't for Bam. Love turbonegro!! R.I.P. Hank
It's their style. Image is oftenly half the fun, however Turbonegro rocks so much it's 100% music and the way they act and show themselves is just a bonus.
Don't take them too seriously, cause they are not trying to.
I like how flagrantly silly, kitschy and tacky Turbonegro are - feels more alien to Scandinavian cultural sensibilities than the black/death metal scenes of Norway and sweden are to be honest
R.I.P a big influence for the Filth Rock N Roll!
saw them live, great band !
a fine equestrian display......with Rock and roll......I like it!
They look so bored and sleazy; effortlessly cool!
this bands awesome
the "like it, love it" part almost sounds like they're arguing about it
Yes I Do!
the riff songs like a ramones song, " i just wanna do something to do tongiht
Still love "TURBONEGRO", and R.I.P. Hank von Hell❤⚓️🌬💋💨
with hank it was so much better! i love him and his awesome voice! :D
RIP to Hank. One of the best frontmen ever!
Прекрасно! Подонки из подонков - настоящие кумиры молодёжи! Обожаю!
'Like it, love it, like it, love it'
- Alice Cooper
i´m in love with TURBONEGRO
yeah me too
RIP Hank
Hank is by far the cutest chick in this clip!
Apocalypse dudes, uno de los mejores discos en este estilo de musica.
legends forever..cowboy guitarr the best ever..hard to belive they are Norway Brothers the
Norway ever
best band of the world.
RIP, Hank von Helvete. Too much energy. Fattest rock song, ever.
love euroboy and runes guitar tone. brilliant
Rest In Peace Hank.
Gracias, QVMT por mostrarme éste grupo.
love the riff on this song
its lifted from the dictators the next big thing
Like it!🖤 RIP. 😢❤️
This is my #1 jam and 1/2... This vid rocks more than anything, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
RIP. Thank you for changing my life.
i love how they all showed dup to the first dress rehearsal as if they are going to be in different bands... but they had one tube ov salmon lipstick and said 'yeah... this. this works!'
God Damn, This is epic!!!!!
They were so right, Be as offensive as humanly possible on stage!.. They brought it in Spades…(Twice).. I so Loved that Great Band.. Miss that Great Band.. Cheers guys!.
Agree =p I saw them perform this song at Valle Hovin 10-July-2007. Warmup for MetallicA
By far the greatest version of this band!r.i.p hank
I'm sorry I just have to laugh, the bit with the horses is hilarious, they're just walking around the arena, they didn't even bother to go to a field like! haaha! i love turbo!
this song ROOOOCKS!! turbonegro is fantastic!!
Beginning like a Ramones - I Just Want To Have Something To Do
Make me a Shirlay
RIGHT. ON. Original mothetfuckaaarrr
Just read the TRBNGR book.. fucking brilliant book that i want to recommend to every turbonegro fan out there!!!
Best punk band imo
like it, love it! GET IT ON!
Ti ho visto in Italia nel 2003 a Bologna e poi è stata solo magia vi amo turbo
I live about 50 kilometers away from Hank's home place:D Turbonegro rocks!
GREAT, SIMPLY GREAT!! love turbonegro
Kjære Medborger og broder
Synd at vi aldri møttes selv om vi var i slekt. Vi delte en felles interesse i Cornelis Vreeswijk liv og virke. Ditt liv var som et "tomtebloss", gnistrende og sprakende, som et ekte Rock & Roll show.
"Og når alt er forbi, høres ingenting lenger. Ingenting. Og det høres" (Valkeapä)
Hvil i fred Hans Erik.
RIP Hans🖤
yeah i was thinking that too....there was parts too that reminded me of alice cooper's "im eighteen"
RIP Hank! 🖤🎩
Hardcore punk + glam rock + seventy hard rock + feeling y creatividad a raudales = Turbo Negro.
hank von helevete is such a iconic figure
It doesn't get much better than this!
This is the soundtrack of MY life.
I like the music, but damn those videoclips are nutts and these guys are just plain creeps O_o (with good guitar skills)
the singer in Turbonegro is the one and only Hank Von Helvete. He doesnt play with Scars on Broadway. Now you know =D
yeah, actually they do. I spend 2 weeks there in 2001 and had no problem communicating with people
The perfect song and video
I love this song
They're not gay. Just wearing lipstick. Their music is raw as fuck!
+frank niegas it actually was a hype back in the time, highschool memories man
Turbonegro RULEZ! Viva la Turbojugend!
Haha, the dog in the it a presa ? ..looked a little bit like it, but maybe not xP
Never ever gonna forget hank. As a finale pn a consert he put a firework in his buttcrack on stage.
R.I.P Hanky
One funny thing about the Euroboy is that he is such a geek as seen in the Norwegian documentary. However, as soon the boy gets a guitar, a cowboy hat or a Nazi helmet, he is suddenly about the coolest thing there ever was: elegantly highkicking et c. ad inf: the lad is a rock'n roll Monster!
Happy Tom, the Bassist, explained it once to the world: "A turbonegro is a large, well-equipped, armed black male in a fast car, out for vengeance. We are his prophets."
This was the first song I ever heard by them... I bought the cd when it first came out... but then I let this girl I slept with borrow it... big mistake... never saw it again...
this is a cool video=)
This is really a kick-ass song!!^^
I like it. Sounds like Something to Do by the Ramones, which they are fans of.
Like it, love it
Founding member Thomas Seltzer once said, "A turbonegro is a large, well-equipped, armed black male in a fast car, out for vengeance. We are his prophets."
super awesome man i loved it
I like it!
the guy who is driving is realy cool, all of them are just from their appearance!
Euroboy smokin' the strings ... as usual
Ohh how cute! 😄😍😘😚
Bye Hank, you fuckin legend. See you on the other side.
Always amazing!
love the video! so cute. XD
you are cute
see your point, it was probobly one of the songs that insperd the song.
You should also check out:
Iggy Pop And The Stooges, whit Search and Destroy. Some of the same guitar liks, and it sound in general much like turbonegro. in my opinon you get: get it on, if you combine the two songs :) cheers
RIP Hank💔
Get it on!, come on!
Dinamita pura 👽👽👽👽
love the intro riff!