Excellent! I would also add use the tongue! Ah dee, ah dee ah dee. I did the Farkas exercises for getting a trill. Using those syllables helped my trill to “jump” and from then on it was easy to regulate. Don’t forget to match valve trills to lip trills, same speed for both.
Super Peter!
Freue mich über deine Beiträge immer sehr!
Dennis Brain fand Trillerübungen sehr förderlich für die Ausdauer.
LG Hans
Maguinifico 🎼🎶🎶📯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Excellent! I would also add use the tongue! Ah dee, ah dee ah dee. I did the Farkas exercises for getting a trill. Using those syllables helped my trill to “jump” and from then on it was easy to regulate. Don’t forget to match valve trills to lip trills, same speed for both.
Oh, for English subtitles.
Wish there were an English translation.
Enable the subtitles and from "settings" set to auto translate to English ... it's not great but you might get the gist.