I bought it after seeing that astonishing replay where Honest Gaming capped Ruinberg by standing in a tiny bush inside the cap whilst at ~50m distance from the enemies
The ELC Even 90 was my 1st premium tank and is my primary credit maker, I love it, you can do so much wacky stuff in it that no other vehicle in the game can physically do. Hide in bushes that are tiny, be quick as a wasp and dart around the whole battlefield doing what needs to be done. The potential in it with the new equipment is nuts. I love this vehicle, glad you came around to it!
With what equipment are you running your ELC Even 90? Probably Low Noise Exhaust System in the first slot and what it the other two slots? I wonder if there would be something better than vents and CVS...
@@hunter1313 na I know the debuff from the tier X light update has shocked me too but slapping 240 dmg shells at tier IV is kinda fun if u know how to use the camo mechanics and after 1 shot u go to a other position and slap the next round repeat that till the game ends also use apcr for shoots over 250m because of the velocity advantage and +46% camo is also possible on the ELC AMX bis oh and my first shell is always he for the enemy scout 320 Hits if it pens but the Chace is high for that
This seems to be one of Honest Gaming's favorite tanks to troll/meme with. Even before Equipment 2.0, he was sitting in bushes right in the midst of enemies surrounding him while not getting detected. Some features of tanks are not well represented or measured by just the standard statistics.
I am truly surprised to see QB writing something like "FINE NO HILL. GG MEDS" at 0:12 at start of the battle. Every damn time I notice someone spreading toxicity like this, I check on their accounts and 19 out of 20 of them appear to be 46-49% winrate players...
@@sergeytrusevich6968 I play Wot Blitz and mines in Blitz is very similiar to PC, but smaller. Nowadays very few meds and lights dare to go hill. IMO the biggest problem is not that most are noobs, but that they are cowards.
Fun little bit of trivia for this tank: The EVEN was manufactured by Brunon-Valette for the French Government's ELC programme, basically a tiny, mobile, easy to produce tank destroyer able to take out tanks like the T-54/55 family of vehicles, it was a two-man vehicle light enough to para drop/glide to the battleground like the American M22 or British Tetrarch
Even before equipment 2.0 this was one of my favorite tanks. Now with the low noise exhaust, and the commander's vision system, it's just ridiculous how easy it is to outspot other light tanks. And big bonus, it's just so cute!
This isnt just a fun tank to play but my most played tank in my garage :) Thou I have broken 4K damage in it a few times it is in assist that it is incredible ! My personal record is 13 760 and have more then 40 games with more then 10K assist, it is a beast ......lol The Evil 90 as I call it is one of the few tanks then can deal with the wheelies regularly. I luv it so much that have purple vents & optics on it and now run the commanders vision system, less camo then your running (47%) but eating thru opponents camo is amazing. Oh and Quicky is out of his mind as I regularly make more then 100K credits every game and have made more then 250K without a booster running.
Fun fact: When you are "inside" a bush while having the cammo net activated, the actual cammo on this thing is that good, that you can only spot it at 50 mts (proxy spot).
You don't necessarily need a camo net for that, just make your concealment rate 50% or above and BOOM, you can only be proxy spotted. (Doesn't work for every bush though, some of them are less than 50% camo itself)
@@fregulski8268 It can go way higher than that when in a bush lol To the point it can actually cancel all viewrange and make it negative for some reason
Its been renamed the (ST)EVEN 90 in honour of the top memes from HONEST GAMING , 06WALLST in this tank. Check out his steven 90 vids, theyre hilarious.
I see Honest Gaming finally got to you. Also I find this vehicle to be a good credit maker when you focus on spotting and use standard rounds when I have the chance to fire.
9:50 There is a picture of the real life Even 90 sitting next to a 1960s VW Beatle. It is just as wide, just as long, and barely taller. It is INSANE just how SMALL it really is.
Actually, it's a small french clone of a beetle. Size - wise, it's closer to 2nd Gen Pontiac GTO. Large muscle car sized. But for a tank, that's stupid small. Also, the original design had a 250HP engine. Powered by gasoline and with a supercharger. It accelerated like the EBR 105 does in the game. What we have is actually massively de-powered. If you run premium fuel, grousers, and the turbocharger, its closer to real life. Very fast. 80kmh in real life. 37.31 hp/t
These and Bourrasques are good tanks. Both are among the best by win rate statistics. Though both are hard to play well, these perform only when fully packed and the player knows what he is doing.
the best part of LNES is that the 8% is added to its fireing camo too its not reduced like the rest of the camo which is kinda crazy, that is unless the numbers in the in-game stats are being miss represented.
Was playing Karelia assault in my ELC and my team's having trouble push through. So I decided to make the Honest gaming play and just drove into the bush in their cap....That was one of the most satisfying win I had in this game.
Everything about this vehicle, like a few others in the game, is inaccurate compared to the real life ELC Even armored vehicles. Starting with the classification. It wasn't intended to be in the light tank category first off and secondly, it never made it past the testing phases as it never met expectations or funding needed. The original design was to be that of a tank destroyer. Only 10 prototypes were built (5 90mm gun and 5 30mm armed). The 90mm was a monster and capable of dealing with the likes of the IS-3 and IS-4. The specs given for the gun at the time trials started in 1956 gave it (90mm gun) a penetration of about 300mm, which is an over match for just about every tank in game. Accuracy was terrible beyond close range with a dispersion of around 14.3 feet vertically and 10 feet horizontally at approximately 451 meters (493 yards). I just wish the game was more historically accurate in terms of vehicles and based mainly off of world war 2 era vehicles.
I got mine the second day it was released. So far over 5K games in it. Binos, vstab and turbo. Full gold. Almost 700% crew (2 of them from my old ELC) - that is my set up. Love it to bits.
I had my ELC AMX 3 marked before they nerfed it to "really meh" levels. Luckily they released this thing so I could just drop my old crew right in there. It's just so much fun to play this little machine, really makes you feel like you outsmarted your opponents instead of outgunned them.
ELC AMX was my first tier 5 light tank when I first started playing in 2013. I loved it so much. I remember when I first got the AMX 12t and got put in a tier 10 matchmaking, I was like holy shit. old ELC AMX and tier 8 AMX 13 90 were my two favorite light tanks.
Lol a year ago saying to "ignore rammer and verts" was a heresy. Im also glad that the spotting equipment slot makes standard light tanks better far at spotting, compared to mediums or EBR.
Little attack frog is best little frog :) The reloading on it is JUST over 60 seconds to unload the third clip. That makes the burst dpm 1980 in ~70 seconds.
I LOVE the ELC. I received my only Raiders medal on Ruinberg, in ENCOUNTER from the south spawn. The enemies were 55m away and never spotted me, and luckily I was never proxied. That little line of bushes in cap have OP camo. I got the idea from Honest Gaming after watching him do it. This was before Equip 2.0 too.
I play the Vanguard variant on console and it is a blast. I use it as an active spotter, and distraction/assassin. The acceleration is a little slow so I almost never stop moving. Run up a ridgeline, use an e brake turn at the top to maintain momentum and slingshot back down. Pick targets of opportunity to finish off, which is often doable if you play smart because this thing is hard to hit by sheer virtue of its size. As a bonus, people hate this tank so much that you can often get them to do something stupid and chase you back into several of your tanks.... pure adrenaline rush hearing the rounds whizz by.
Always nice to get the win, when you deal top in damage dealt as a scout. As most players know, 90% of the time, you lose the game when a scout deals top in damage, as the big guns are NOT dealing their fair share of damage.
Its small size also allows it to hide behind things like a destructible woodpile and not be seen. I did that once to an ISU-152 at less than 200 meters. The woodpile also prevented me from getting the spotting damage, though. I was definitely the closest tank.
I have mine equipped with CVS as the main equipment, along with the optics and exhaust system. With top camo on crew, even scouts can't spot me while on a bush and will only do so due to proximity. You know you've done a scouting job well when you're top of the leaderboard with little damage dealt..
WHile sitting in a bush (and you would be surprised what qualifies as a bush sometimes) You can easily get 100% camo. This means you will not be spotted unless they enter your proxy circle. There are some hilarious positions that you can use on some maps that just completely confuse the enemy team because you can perma spot their flank while sitting RIGHT BEHIND them. It's the most fun tank in the game, hands down.
You should try swapping vents for the commander's vision system. This thing *is* the best premium light tank. The LT is not a light it's a medium in disguise, but if you want proper scout gameplay the EVEN is the best. Also, it is a very good credit maker when you dont play it like a quickybaby, 60k credit games with no effort, easy-enough 100k if you do damage, no need for premium consumables, no need for gold ammo unless you're fighting tier 10 heavies.
Yes, for years your WRONG video on the ELC Even 90 was one of the most hilarious WoT videos out there. Glad you took lessons from Honest Gaming on how to rule in the Even90 ;)
he had the gold loaded the reload is long enough that if he loaded HE the SU might have moved to a safe spot or maybe an HE shell might hit tracks or the gun barrel so it would be a 50/50 type of deal
@@le_floofy_sniper_ducko at 13:15 he empties his magazine and spots the 130 as his reload starts. If only would have added another 2 to 3 seconds. You are right if he was fully loaded.
@@matthewcooney7713 the fact still stands that he was far enough away that HE could be eaten by the barrel or tracks like the same effect when a Grille 15 barrel blocks HESH for 0 damage besides maybe gun damage
Bought this back when it first came out. Didn't really get into it. But only so much I can do with the ELC Bis, which I love. Have been playing this alot recently and it is a good sneaky tank. Glad to see you came around on it.
I use a similar build on my manticore, but use experimental optics, low noise exhaust and CVS in scouting slot. Gives me 477 view range, but with CVS it seems to be enough. Concealment is 45.77, exhaust in scouting brings it up to 47.77. It is more of a passive spotting build and I like it. I do not have BIA yet on the crew, would be 46.7 camo and 488 spotting with it.
Lol I purchased it bcs of the new equipment and I think it's amazing with low exhaust system, vents and optics Just saw your old video about this tank yesterday I think you can read my mind
I bought this yesterday for xmas. It's a blast!! It's so tiny, so fast, and so lethal. I even put the traction system (console) on it, giving it 10 percent increase to speed and rotations!!! It's freakin hilarious! 77 kph!
the most ridonkylous thing about this tank is: even the teeny tiniest bush is enough to give you full cover. so fun driving into an complete unobvious bush at the start of the game and dont get noticed and permanently spotting the enemies on the flank. until somebody accidentally gets too close to your bush and proxy spots you. this tank is the perfect meme.
Watch Steven Wallace (06wallst, Honest Gaming) for the most memy bushes and most outrageous caps where the enemy tanks driving into the cap circle don't see him ;)
Never seen a play like that on mines the fact no tank went onto island is totally perplexing. Normally you’d be wiped out in the 1st minute. Now wheelies are gone in most games has allowed other lights to play now...
Many people undervalue the element of tank size in WoT. One much less obvious example is T-34-1, a tier 7 chinese MT that is excellent despite of having an unreliable gun. One thing that this tank has over other meds is that this medium is smol a f and often times when you aim you can only shot its rounded decently protected turret instead of its hull. Perfect to hide in small hills/stones and bushes. You can park and wiggle forward-backward at the side of a german HT and most of them will struggle to hit you because the only thing they can shoot is turret.
As long as there is no Hotweels-Toy around and the enemy Light is not interested in you. you can sit in a bush and snipe. But as soon as the rush you, you are screwed.
4tankers recently did a vid on Equip 2.0 and lights, were he mostly puts mufflers on all the lights o.0 And since there's a disco on Equip this weekend, I've even changed out cam nets for mufflers on some TDs and such ;) So maybe I'll end up selling most of my cam. Also, he did a vid today on the E25 with cam AND a muffler, which means he barely gets "lit" even when shooting at a closer range o.0 I'm going to test my new E25 (yes, I gave in to peer pressure and got one, since they're selling them) cam net, binos, and muffler, and see how if goes ;) Thanks for sharing, QB
This is a tank that I am very much considering buying.. I just started playing today, I bought the skods 56 because it seemed like a pretty good vehicle, especially to start out using and to grind out credits for other tanks at lower tiers... but, this little guy looks like sooo much fun 😂 I really think I'm going to buy him next time I have some extra money.
I play it like Full Passive scout: -Good crew (amx 13 105 famale crew with full cammo and both vision skills). -Commander Vision System -Binoculars -Low noise exhaust system Play only in platton with good tds players or arty. Win.
The exhaust system does nothing while stationary. It only works during movement. ELC is hilariously tiny and almost impossible to see when given a good crew and all the camo addons.
Nice battle! I have just started playing this tank again - and indeed with Eqp.2.0 it now makes some sense to be more aggressive. But still, 1vs1 against other LTs - it has no chances if on the other side there is a good enough player - once you are clipped out, you have to run for your life. I haven't got yet so nice battle, but I think I am slowly getting used to this tank and feel much more comfortable with so abysmal DPM and gun handling.
My first game with this on release on Lakeville (the one with the big mountain and middle lane) I got 5k spotting from middle of the map. Though I feel the British lights come close to ELC now with the exception of Senlac which is a British t92
"three showel length"
For those who gets confused by the imperial units: it is about 21 banana.
Ah thank you. I was confused of how long it is
I thank you kind sir
Come mister tally man, tally me banana
@@mikkoperttola6035 DAYLIGHT COME AN MI WAA GOO HOME
You have forgotten another unit. 3 shovel length = 1/24 Togg II
9:56 "the tank is what, 3 shovel's length"
That's imperial measuring standards for you.
A true Kriegsman measures his adversaries in shovels.
I'll Forgive the UK
oz to measure booze are nice tho
@@artlix4790 I'll have two Australias of beer, please
I bought it after seeing that astonishing replay where Honest Gaming capped Ruinberg by standing in a tiny bush inside the cap whilst at ~50m distance from the enemies
Quicky could learn a thing from Honest Gaming.
Same for me
@@488Knight Honest Gaming could learn from Quicky not to shout straight at the microphone.
Would be nice if qb featured one of wallst's ridiculous even 90 replays on the chanel...
@@Paciat chill man
when this carries more ammo than the Manticore...
If you use the LT as a TD sniper, WG will increase ammo
@@cuongvu8470 why would you?
Also pls no
@@Bango1488 can say that again.
A tank big as this probably uses handgun ammo. :D
Yesterday i realized that wheelchair carry 56 shells. I was like 🤔 where they store them?!?
The ELC Even 90 was my 1st premium tank and is my primary credit maker, I love it, you can do so much wacky stuff in it that no other vehicle in the game can physically do. Hide in bushes that are tiny, be quick as a wasp and dart around the whole battlefield doing what needs to be done. The potential in it with the new equipment is nuts. I love this vehicle, glad you came around to it!
The AMX ELC bis cann do allmost the same but with big alpha
@@TheLtVoss long time ago can do this, now is just pice of garbage :)
With what equipment are you running your ELC Even 90? Probably Low Noise Exhaust System in the first slot and what it the other two slots?
I wonder if there would be something better than vents and CVS...
@@hunter1313 na I know the debuff from the tier X light update has shocked me too but slapping 240 dmg shells at tier IV is kinda fun if u know how to use the camo mechanics and after 1 shot u go to a other position and slap the next round repeat that till the game ends also use apcr for shoots over 250m because of the velocity advantage and +46% camo is also possible on the ELC AMX bis oh and my first shell is always he for the enemy scout 320 Hits if it pens but the Chace is high for that
@@TheLtVoss jep, was great in 2013/2014 ...
9:50 Please make "shovel for scale" a new meme, just like "banana for scale" was...
thine pp is half a shovels length
Or lets just make Shovel the new unit of measurment like "the elc even 90 is only 2.5 shovels long and 1.5 shovels high"
they use everything BUT the metric system
@@snorman1988 I feel like that's a compliment if anything
That's literally imperial system. Chose an object or part of your king's body and use it as measure
Honest Gaming made me buy this tank, I love it especially with equipment 2.0
I also bought this because of him
@zcommando me tooo
His 100% base cap while 100m away from half a dozen enemy tanks the other day was hilarious.
Steven90 FTW!
I would reveal myself, but it would ruin the meme.
Good to see you again Steve. Only you are qualified to teach this tank imo.
QB finally realizes where the meta is.
Steven 90
This seems to be one of Honest Gaming's favorite tanks to troll/meme with. Even before Equipment 2.0, he was sitting in bushes right in the midst of enemies surrounding him while not getting detected. Some features of tanks are not well represented or measured by just the standard statistics.
yep, a legend.
I am truly surprised to see QB writing something like "FINE NO HILL. GG MEDS" at 0:12 at start of the battle.
Every damn time I notice someone spreading toxicity like this, I check on their accounts and 19 out of 20 of them appear to be 46-49% winrate players...
But it's true. The meds were mostly noobs
@@sergeytrusevich6968 I play Wot Blitz and mines in Blitz is very similiar to PC, but smaller. Nowadays very few meds and lights dare to go hill. IMO the biggest problem is not that most are noobs, but that they are cowards.
@@surstromming8065 I refuse to go hill in that game, I was sick of getting slapped so I don't chance it. I go lighthouse only anymore in a med/light
@@sergeytrusevich6968it is still no reason to write such toxic nonsense
Fun little bit of trivia for this tank: The EVEN was manufactured by Brunon-Valette for the French Government's ELC programme, basically a tiny, mobile, easy to produce tank destroyer able to take out tanks like the T-54/55 family of vehicles, it was a two-man vehicle light enough to para drop/glide to the battleground like the American M22 or British Tetrarch
Very cool!
"...due to my tiny size..." QB that was to much information 4 us
Even before equipment 2.0 this was one of my favorite tanks. Now with the low noise exhaust, and the commander's vision system, it's just ridiculous how easy it is to outspot other light tanks. And big bonus, it's just so cute!
Looked at the title and thought it'd be about the E-50M ☹️
wishful thinking lol
Didn't he made that one already a while ago??
This isnt just a fun tank to play but my most played tank in my garage :) Thou I have broken 4K damage in it a few times it is in assist that it is incredible ! My personal record is 13 760 and have more then 40 games with more then 10K assist, it is a beast ......lol The Evil 90 as I call it is one of the few tanks then can deal with the wheelies regularly. I luv it so much that have purple vents & optics on it and now run the commanders vision system, less camo then your running (47%) but eating thru opponents camo is amazing. Oh and Quicky is out of his mind as I regularly make more then 100K credits every game and have made more then 250K without a booster running.
nice flex
@@broodjekaas6048 lmao was gonna say something to that effect
you lost me at ">100k credits every game" - cool story bro
I'm guessing the 13.7k is combined because the even 90 can only carry 45 rounds
@@daxie__3210 He's talking about assistance by that point
Fun fact:
When you are "inside" a bush while having the cammo net activated, the actual cammo on this thing is that good, that you can only spot it at 50 mts (proxy spot).
it can get above 100%
You don't necessarily need a camo net for that, just make your concealment rate 50% or above and BOOM, you can only be proxy spotted. (Doesn't work for every bush though, some of them are less than 50% camo itself)
@@meglablandata For that last bit you need the cammo net.
Watch honest gaming's video on his epic game where he caped hiding in bushes.
@@fregulski8268 It can go way higher than that when in a bush lol
To the point it can actually cancel all viewrange and make it negative for some reason
Its been renamed the (ST)EVEN 90 in honour of the top memes from HONEST GAMING , 06WALLST in this tank. Check out his steven 90 vids, theyre hilarious.
O7 to the Shenanigan Battalion my friend
Good call. (St)Even 90 is the best!
I see Honest Gaming finally got to you.
Also I find this vehicle to be a good credit maker when you focus on spotting and use standard rounds when I have the chance to fire.
I think it’s high time Quickybaby got into a training room with Honest Gaming. He could learn a helluva lot from him. This tank is just a PURE MEME.
9:50 There is a picture of the real life Even 90 sitting next to a 1960s VW Beatle. It is just as wide, just as long, and barely taller. It is INSANE just how SMALL it really is.
Actually, it's a small french clone of a beetle. Size - wise, it's closer to 2nd Gen Pontiac GTO. Large muscle car sized. But for a tank, that's stupid small.
Also, the original design had a 250HP engine. Powered by gasoline and with a supercharger. It accelerated like the EBR 105 does in the game. What we have is actually massively de-powered. If you run premium fuel, grousers, and the turbocharger, its closer to real life. Very fast. 80kmh in real life. 37.31 hp/t
I hope everybody who enjoys playing this thing keeps enjoying them
Cuz I absolutely hate playing against these and the Borrasques
These and Bourrasques are good tanks.
Both are among the best by win rate statistics.
Though both are hard to play well, these perform only when fully packed and the player knows what he is doing.
the best part of LNES is that the 8% is added to its fireing camo too its not reduced like the rest of the camo which is kinda crazy, that is unless the numbers in the in-game stats are being miss represented.
Quickybaby - Plays a teir 8 premium. "I don't think you play this tank for credits."
Was playing Karelia assault in my ELC and my team's having trouble push through. So I decided to make the Honest gaming play and just drove into the bush in their cap....That was one of the most satisfying win I had in this game.
Everything about this vehicle, like a few others in the game, is inaccurate compared to the real life ELC Even armored vehicles. Starting with the classification. It wasn't intended to be in the light tank category first off and secondly, it never made it past the testing phases as it never met expectations or funding needed. The original design was to be that of a tank destroyer. Only 10 prototypes were built (5 90mm gun and 5 30mm armed). The 90mm was a monster and capable of dealing with the likes of the IS-3 and IS-4. The specs given for the gun at the time trials started in 1956 gave it (90mm gun) a penetration of about 300mm, which is an over match for just about every tank in game. Accuracy was terrible beyond close range with a dispersion of around 14.3 feet vertically and 10 feet horizontally at approximately 451 meters (493 yards). I just wish the game was more historically accurate in terms of vehicles and based mainly off of world war 2 era vehicles.
I got mine the second day it was released. So far over 5K games in it. Binos, vstab and turbo. Full gold. Almost 700% crew (2 of them from my old ELC) - that is my set up. Love it to bits.
Ah yes, the Steven 90.
even before even 90 was a beast, i had several games with 8k spotting, i did plays i wouldn't do with other scouts. one of my all time favourite!
I had my ELC AMX 3 marked before they nerfed it to "really meh" levels. Luckily they released this thing so I could just drop my old crew right in there. It's just so much fun to play this little machine, really makes you feel like you outsmarted your opponents instead of outgunned them.
Exact same here :)
ELC AMX was my first tier 5 light tank when I first started playing in 2013. I loved it so much. I remember when I first got the AMX 12t and got put in a tier 10 matchmaking, I was like holy shit. old ELC AMX and tier 8 AMX 13 90 were my two favorite light tanks.
Yeah Quicki, thats the same reason i enjoy playing the Rhm Wt so much.:
-Insane Camo.
"..absolutely dicussing!.." followed by "..so I'm using it..." XD
The camo is so good on this thing (even before 2.0) that we call it the "Evil90" :)
I don't always need to camp, but when I do, I camp hard. And in an Even90, of course
It was strong as a scout before, it's stronger now. If this had 2000 DPM like most wanted it to have back in the day. It would be broken AF now.
My new pickup line, “baby you’re a low noise exhaust system.”
i just realized i can fit this tank on my bed and still have room for myself
I do the same thing on my Manticore, 52%+ camo and 495 view range is brutal, i ignore the rammer and verts because they are just not needed.
Lol a year ago saying to "ignore rammer and verts" was a heresy. Im also glad that the spotting equipment slot makes standard light tanks better far at spotting, compared to mediums or EBR.
Little attack frog is best little frog :)
The reloading on it is JUST over 60 seconds to unload the third clip. That makes the burst dpm 1980 in ~70 seconds.
I LOVE the ELC. I received my only Raiders medal on Ruinberg, in ENCOUNTER from the south spawn. The enemies were 55m away and never spotted me, and luckily I was never proxied. That little line of bushes in cap have OP camo. I got the idea from Honest Gaming after watching him do it. This was before Equip 2.0 too.
Defuq. ELC has always been quiet assasin. Maybe with new equipment Löwe's spot range has reduced but before that it was also 230-240m.
I play the Vanguard variant on console and it is a blast. I use it as an active spotter, and distraction/assassin. The acceleration is a little slow so I almost never stop moving. Run up a ridgeline, use an e brake turn at the top to maintain momentum and slingshot back down. Pick targets of opportunity to finish off, which is often doable if you play smart because this thing is hard to hit by sheer virtue of its size. As a bonus, people hate this tank so much that you can often get them to do something stupid and chase you back into several of your tanks.... pure adrenaline rush hearing the rounds whizz by.
Many people won't admit when they're wrong. You do. Good on you!
Many ppl are idiots.
Honestly, when the tank was released I bought it for the memes, but damn. I didn’t expect to have such a good time in it
Always nice to get the win, when you deal top in damage dealt as a scout. As most players know, 90% of the time, you lose the game when a scout deals top in damage, as the big guns are NOT dealing their fair share of damage.
Its small size also allows it to hide behind things like a destructible woodpile and not be seen. I did that once to an ISU-152 at less than 200 meters. The woodpile also prevented me from getting the spotting damage, though. I was definitely the closest tank.
All I can think of is honest gaming and his Bush and cap tactic in that one map.
sooooo walast made u change your mind that guy is a beast with his vk, kv5 trains and his elc meme
I have mine equipped with CVS as the main equipment, along with the optics and exhaust system. With top camo on crew, even scouts can't spot me while on a bush and will only do so due to proximity. You know you've done a scouting job well when you're top of the leaderboard with little damage dealt..
I have the same setup as you, it's a total troll tank, although sometimes i swap exhaust and CVS on the main slot for shits and giggles 😁
WHile sitting in a bush (and you would be surprised what qualifies as a bush sometimes) You can easily get 100% camo. This means you will not be spotted unless they enter your proxy circle. There are some hilarious positions that you can use on some maps that just completely confuse the enemy team because you can perma spot their flank while sitting RIGHT BEHIND them. It's the most fun tank in the game, hands down.
i think the low noise exhaust system should increase the camo by 8% AND reduce the proxy spot distance of your vehicle by 25%
Haven’t seen a quicky baby vid in a while....nice goatee. Wasn’t expecting that
You should try swapping vents for the commander's vision system. This thing *is* the best premium light tank. The LT is not a light it's a medium in disguise, but if you want proper scout gameplay the EVEN is the best. Also, it is a very good credit maker when you dont play it like a quickybaby, 60k credit games with no effort, easy-enough 100k if you do damage, no need for premium consumables, no need for gold ammo unless you're fighting tier 10 heavies.
Even without the directive and exhaust, with a concealment crew this thing can still do some crazy bush work 👍
When I’m sick and don’t feel like using my iPad I watch lots of quickybaby vid to take my mind of it
The greatest ELC Even 90 meme is when you ram them for 3/4 of their health in an LT-432.
Yes, for years your WRONG video on the ELC Even 90 was one of the most hilarious WoT videos out there. Glad you took lessons from Honest Gaming on how to rule in the Even90 ;)
When he was engaging the 130 I was thinking he could have used the HE instead of GOLD rounds
he had the gold loaded the reload is long enough that if he loaded HE the SU might have moved to a safe spot or maybe an HE shell might hit tracks or the gun barrel so it would be a 50/50 type of deal
@@le_floofy_sniper_ducko at 13:15 he empties his magazine and spots the 130 as his reload starts. If only would have added another 2 to 3 seconds. You are right if he was fully loaded.
@@matthewcooney7713 the fact still stands that he was far enough away that HE could be eaten by the barrel or tracks like the same effect when a Grille 15 barrel blocks HESH for 0 damage besides maybe gun damage
Been playing this tank since day 1 and it was a great scout even before new equipment. It has always been a lighter not a fighter.
Elc is too adorable to ignore. The sneaky stuff you can do with it makes it so entertaining to play.
Bought this back when it first came out. Didn't really get into it. But only so much I can do with the ELC Bis, which I love. Have been playing this alot recently and it is a good sneaky tank. Glad to see you came around on it.
I have this tank with the CVS and it's completely filthy how much this thing can break some maps, specially Phororovhka.
I use a similar build on my manticore, but use experimental optics, low noise exhaust and CVS in scouting slot. Gives me 477 view range, but with CVS it seems to be enough. Concealment is 45.77, exhaust in scouting brings it up to 47.77. It is more of a passive spotting build and I like it. I do not have BIA yet on the crew, would be 46.7 camo and 488 spotting with it.
Lol I purchased it bcs of the new equipment and I think it's amazing with low exhaust system, vents and optics
Just saw your old video about this tank yesterday
I think you can read my mind
Every will be awesome, until you hit a tree while running from enemies XD
I bought this yesterday for xmas. It's a blast!! It's so tiny, so fast, and so lethal. I even put the traction system (console) on it, giving it 10 percent increase to speed and rotations!!! It's freakin hilarious! 77 kph!
the most ridonkylous thing about this tank is: even the teeny tiniest bush is enough to give you full cover. so fun driving into an complete unobvious bush at the start of the game and dont get noticed and permanently spotting the enemies on the flank. until somebody accidentally gets too close to your bush and proxy spots you. this tank is the perfect meme.
Watch Steven Wallace (06wallst, Honest Gaming) for the most memy bushes and most outrageous caps where the enemy tanks driving into the cap circle don't see him ;)
Never seen a play like that on mines the fact no tank went onto island is totally perplexing. Normally you’d be wiped out in the 1st minute. Now wheelies are gone in most games has allowed other lights to play now...
Many people undervalue the element of tank size in WoT.
One much less obvious example is T-34-1, a tier 7 chinese MT that is excellent despite of having an unreliable gun.
One thing that this tank has over other meds is that this medium is smol a f and often times when you aim you can only shot its rounded decently protected turret instead of its hull. Perfect to hide in small hills/stones and bushes. You can park and wiggle forward-backward at the side of a german HT and most of them will struggle to hit you because the only thing they can shoot is turret.
As long as there is no Hotweels-Toy around and the enemy Light is not interested in you. you can sit in a bush and snipe. But as soon as the rush you, you are screwed.
4tankers recently did a vid on Equip 2.0 and lights, were he mostly puts mufflers on all the lights o.0 And since there's a disco on Equip this weekend, I've even changed out cam nets for mufflers on some TDs and such ;) So maybe I'll end up selling most of my cam. Also, he did a vid today on the E25 with cam AND a muffler, which means he barely gets "lit" even when shooting at a closer range o.0 I'm going to test my new E25 (yes, I gave in to peer pressure and got one, since they're selling them) cam net, binos, and muffler, and see how if goes ;) Thanks for sharing, QB
I'd love to see how the driver is supposed to sit in there lol
Got this during the tank trade-in this summer. IS-6 + 500g = ELC EVEN 90. This is way more fun.
QB starting to look like a character out of Red Dead Redemption
This is a tank that I am very much considering buying.. I just started playing today, I bought the skods 56 because it seemed like a pretty good vehicle, especially to start out using and to grind out credits for other tanks at lower tiers... but, this little guy looks like sooo much fun 😂 I really think I'm going to buy him next time I have some extra money.
I play it like Full Passive scout:
-Good crew (amx 13 105 famale crew with full cammo and both vision skills).
-Commander Vision System
-Low noise exhaust system
Play only in platton with good tds players or arty. Win.
I hope they add the double gun variant of this tank to the game haha
The exhaust system does nothing while stationary. It only works during movement. ELC is hilariously tiny and almost impossible to see when given a good crew and all the camo addons.
ELC be lookin’ like WALL-E.
What equipment did you use? You mentioned the Exhaust System; what other two items were mounted? Please let us know.
Cool little neato tonk.
How the fuck do they fit 40 rounds in that thing.
Nice battle!
I have just started playing this tank again - and indeed with Eqp.2.0 it now makes some sense to be more aggressive. But still, 1vs1 against other LTs - it has no chances if on the other side there is a good enough player - once you are clipped out, you have to run for your life. I haven't got yet so nice battle, but I think I am slowly getting used to this tank and feel much more comfortable with so abysmal DPM and gun handling.
I don't understand.
My job as a light tank is to be the eyes to my team. Not my job to deal with other light tanks.
@@michaeltrivette1728 not only: also neutralize enemy LTs. When I play tanks like LT-432 against ELC Even, I try to spot it and destroy.
"not too many artillery" = a number less than 1
I still don't understand how 3 crew fit in this thing. Maybe a driver and a commander in that weird turret...which would move about his hips perhaps
It's performing the same role as the T-50-2 of the old days, minus being turned into garb by power creep. Truly a skill-based tank.
I have all camo crew, BIA, food, vision gear, camo net and binoculars on the elc.
The ultimate is Type X heavy vs Even 90 in Himmelsdorf. Just hug and they can never put their guns down low enough to shoot back.
try the AT8 with the 10 shell drum gun for a fun game
I literally bought this tank today and a couple hours later, quicky released this video
That T92 driver has the longest name i've ever seen in WOT
QB forgot the Even90 is the smallest reverse sidescraper in the game
Qb: 3 shovels length
Wg: note that shit down NOTE IT NOW
His biggest stoke of luck was that no enemy scout or medium went to contest the west at the start of the game. He had it all to himself.
For now I am running this tank with a vents - coated optics - commander vision system combo. I want to be a better spotter, than sneaky assassin.
Quicky's slowly turning to a certain Hollywood celebrity.
I added low noise exhaust to 432 too...more fun as well
ELC Even is a must have tank in your composition in Tournaments.
Mind the M56 Scorpion wich comes with easy 56% camo from crew but stationary.
Hey QB have a look at honest gaming's elc even 90 epic game wining an encounter cap with tanks all around him.
My first game with this on release on Lakeville (the one with the big mountain and middle lane) I got 5k spotting from middle of the map.
Though I feel the British lights come close to ELC now with the exception of Senlac which is a British t92