So, a FAQ so far is "Where are Slivers?" So I thought I would just address that in a pinned comment. Slivers have never had any sustained success at the game's highest levels, with only one PT Top 8 and one GP Top 8 in the entire history of the game. That's not enough to make a list like this. Also, the very design of slivers makes it so they pretty much only see play in tribal decks -- which, again -- have never been very good at premiere events, at least for the most part. The one exception to this is Harmonic Sliver, but Harmonic Sliver would need to do a ton to pull the dead weight of a bunch of slivers with 0 points, and a few 1-3.
@@NizzahonMagic How many points did Den Protector have? In the humans part you said it has 100+ points but it did not make the recent Warriors list that had a 36 poinst cap and Kalitas won with 69
I actually remembered the God creature type halfway through the video, and thought to myself "You know it's actually hilarious that all of these are better than Gods." Boy was I wrong. Great video as always Nizzahon.
I love how early magic has so much card advantage and unrivaled mana rocks like ancestral recall, time walk, the mox cycle, dark ritual, and so on, but the best thing to use that all on was fucking Serra Angel
Some top 10 suggestions: - top 10 errata'd cards; - top 10 sleeper hit cards (cards that took years before being broken, like Flash or LED); - top 10 block defining cards;
@@davidminor4213 I would say that Death Shadow is 3th, maybe lower. It took about 6 years to really take off (printed in 2010, spiked after Oath in Jan 2016 then again that year after E. Moon, but stabilized in 2017). Now Bazaar took 12 years (printed in 93, start being used in 2005 because of dredge). The other I think will be higher is Lion's Eye Diamond (I think it took off with Infernall tutor printing 10 years after its release, but I dont really know if that is the case, I know that it has bad for some years tho). @Mattman324 Dark Depths only took about 3 years to see play, it is from 2006 and Vampire Hexmage has printed in 2009 Cant remember any other from my head that took off only after it has not in T2 anymore
I know they're nowhere near close to even being on this list, but I LOVE Kavu. I think they're fascinating and really diverse, both in terms of what they do and how they look.
@@NizzahonMagic They were first released when I was in middle school, back in 2000-2001, but I remember I had a Kavu deck. It wasn't very good, but I enjoyed playing it. Mainly red and green with a decent amount of artifact support. I think the proverbial 'big gun' was the Yavimaya Kavu. I won a handful of games against my friends, but it certainly wasn't my best deck.
Holy COW that is a crap load of information to sort through! Excellent work, I know it probably doesn't mean much from a random person on the internet, but I'm glad you put that kind of effort into your data collection!
@@MrAskmannen The topics are so vast that I think that'd be pretty much impossible. At least not without making missing things out. In videos based on opinion of course that's the way to go. But this videos made with specific data would be easier to make with an algorithm.
I was shocked to see gods...mainly because I didn't realize there were more than 25 of them. My prediction for number 1 before watching the video was I was off by a few places. I also expected both beasts and goblins to make the list...especially beasts because of things like Thragtusk and Arcbound Ravager.
I was thinking beasts too but then remembered that the vast majority are just crappy green pack filler without quite as many absolutely bonkers members as, say, humans.
@@jacobbrown9894 Yup, I thought the same. You usually see at least one or two Limited fodder beasts per set, most of the time at common, so that weighs them down tremendously.
Merfolk were never a consistent deck, yes it exist and sometimes appear, but is that type of deck that always swim up to 9th place then die at the beach. Horrors have a lot of draft junk on them and even the ones that see play are in very narrow decks For demons, I think the problem has the first decade of the game since at the time Angels and Dragons are amazing for it Demons normally had drabacks that, at end of the day, were a deak break
My buddy runs a Lyra Angel tribal deck in cEDH. You may not think that a mono white Angel tribal deck could be powerful enough in cEDH but you would be HIGHLY mistaken!
Aaaaaah fairies. When lorwyn was a thing, I was addicted to fairies. So much that in warlords battle cry 3 my hero was a fey... I don't remember if it was a thief or ilusionist though
Top 10 Start of Game cards Leylines and stuff that interact with the board state from the start of the game. Not sure if theres enough since I've just thought of this while looking at the spoilers for 2020, but could be cool
TL;DR - not possible yet, but lets analise From my head I remember Leylines (11 now), Chancellors (5) and a land (gemstone cavern). After a quick search for "opening hand" I found 2 more, Providence and Sphinx of Foresight to a total of 19 (but neither of the two would have points). I think Serum Powder may count (it deal with mullingan) if its a "before the game start cards" Still, from the chancellor cycle only Annex has points (I think the green one may do points in the future tho). Cavern and Serum Powder also would have points. From Leyline Void and Sanctity are no brainers, but other than that only Singularity (PT Charleston winner and second place in PT Prague, both 2006) would have points. (maybe Anticipation will have points as well but I dont know what exactly he consider points outside GP and PT) So, only 6-7 would have points (depending on Anticipation). If both green and red did get points this time around it would be possible using as number ten an "almost there" card (he did this in the past),
I get that the methodology cuts out merfolk but they should have gotten on honourable mention. Should make a video about top 10 decks from a format of all time.
@@NizzahonMagic thanks for the reply :) , will definitely watch that video now. And yeah now that you say that i think i understand why . merfor is a far better tribal synergy and is good because the tribal synergys more then it is a good creature type.
14:49 Erebos wasn't the top performer of the Theros gods, that definitely went to Thassa. Most mono-black decks that played Erebos either only had a single copy or two in the sideboard. The mono-blue deck that won pro-tour Thassa played three to four copies. Erebos rode the coattails of Desecration demon, pack rat, and grey merchant.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was confused by him saying this. I was also confused by him saying that the multicolored god who did the best in the original Theros was Keranos since I don't remember him ever doing anything. Honestly the only one I actually remember doing anything was mah boi Xenagos.
I really liked Athreos and the rest of the OG gods (especially Erebos, obviously) back in the day and actually made a pretty deece lifedrain deck out of him and some other cards. Sadly no one else in my group liked them as much while they were in standard, so I didn't see much of their power. I think Karametra and Kruphix were the other ones that I saw as one of my friends really liked Bant, and played them. Otherwise they were just not good enough apparently for the rest of my buds. Now, apparently Athreos spiked with Teysa's printing and my investment in a playset of him paid off. Gotta watch out for what people think are the underdogs, I guess.
Very curious what the stats for Goblins are. I'm sure they suffer from the "way too many cards for points per card to be high", but I bet their point total is very high.
Lin Sivvi, defiant hero is considered a Meme commander in the commander community. Maybe the Rebel creature type just isn't strong enough, but if it was I'm sure she would be fantastic.
Puffin Entertainment - One Handed Gaming Its because Rebels havent gotten a lot of support since their printing. Ally tribal is basically the new, better Rebel
I think you mean Greek gods, not Roman. a Roman god would most likely be very warlike/combat because the Romans were so warring themselves. Most of the Greek gods that became Roman gods went through a bit of a personality change because of this. Like Zeus into Jupiter, both are the same god but Jupiter has a shorter temper and less patience. Also, his role wasn't as important to the Romans, whereas the Greeks he was a part of the big three (Zeus, Posidon, and Hades).
Thanks for the work. Interesting as always. I would like to know how you process the data for these lists. I can't really imagine you going throw the list with a calculator on your table. Did you write a program or something for this?
There's no program. Me going through the list with a calculator is closer to reality. I have an Excel spreadsheet where the scores for every card I have talked about in 180ish of these are, and then pretty much go through and physically add the cards I haven't calculated already.
@@a.velderrain8849 Blue Iconic is Sphinx, but its more recent compared with the mardu part. For Green it is Hydras (it has Wurm, but it also changed not long ago). I think its important to point that while white is the official white characteristic race its not something that WoTC like, being more correct to say that W does not have a characteristic race (because it is in every color) but they cant let it stay officially without one and both dwarves and Kithkin did not work
is there like a rule for what a cmc should be able to do in general? LIke 5 cmc card should win you the game in a few turns and a 3 cmc card should open paths to winning or something like that?
Oh, how the Gods have fallen. Comparing the newest God cards to the older ones is like comparing Zurgo, Bellstriker to Zurgo, Helmsmasher. Look how they massacred my boy!
I'm not sure if this would be completely subjective, or based on your usual methodology (I'd be fine with either) but have you considered doing a video on best deck match-ups?
I still think their best creature type is Homarids. They control the underwater oceans and everything like that and can pinch you with their crab arms. Have you ever had crabs? It is something you can't get rid of and it's just like the Homarids.
Technically not EVERY Construct is an Artifact... Slag Fiend exists. Weird single cards from poorly designed sets aside though you are right. Faeries also had an actually pretty good tribal payoff in Homelands in Willow Priestess who can cheat them into play, but they completely lacked the ability to DO anything with that, and since it was Green and can never be reprinted no one cares for more modern takes on the tribe. Also Born of the Gods only had 5 gods. The last five were in Journey Into Nyx.
I'm kind of surprised the One Drop Slag "Power & toughness equal to the number of artifacts in all graveyards" Fiend never hit it big. It has issues in eternal formats but standard & block was LOADED with sacrificing and destroying artifacts shenanigans.
The tribal video looks at decks specifically that are built around creature type synergies. This video looks at all the decks that play a creature of a specific type, not just tribal decks. There is a bit of overlap, but not a lot.
@@NizzahonMagic oh gotcha! Yeah I noticed that there wasn't a lot of overlap so I was kind of confused my the best creature types wouldn't be the best rhymes. Thanks for clearing that up for me Nizzahon!
Kinda surprised Vampires didn't make this list cause IMHO Vampires are the best creatures when it comes to life gain and drain and there are plenty of OP vampires out there that you can do some whacky shit with, especially in EDH/Commander. Butcher of Malikir, bloodline keeper/Lord of Lineage(those that say he's not that great have obviously never seen what happens when you equip him with something like Helm of the host XD ), Olivia Volderren, Anowon The Ruin Sage, and ol Edgar Markov with that eminence ability are all great examples of the power of vampires.
If I were to an invitational card I'd want to be a Dwarf or Goblin, even though I am a 6'1" Human Shaman. I want red's exile and can cast this turn on an aggressive trigger, on attack, on damage, or eot opponent lost life.
my best friend plays a bitterblossom deck right now, and the only way I can win is my agro mill deck (those two words should not be in the same phrase). Truly busted card in earlygame.
How the hell does Den Protector have 100+ points? I mean, I get it, she saw tons of play in standard but you're telling me that she made some combination of 50 PT top 8s and/or 100 GP top 8s within that rotation. I even checked modern humans lists and none of them are playing DP so how does she have 100+ points? Also, I'm extremely surprised (and offensive) that Wizards were 4 spots ahead of humans considering most of the powerhouse wizards you mentioned were also humans cards like Snappy, Bob, Baral, Meddling Mage, Grim Lavamancer, Delver, etc.
By that logic several of the Faeries even higher up the list are also Wizards so it balanced back out. Obviously the truth is more complicated than that though, all of the smaller point value cards in each group have to be accounted for no matter how great the best card is and there's also the issue of Humans having about 1,500 more cards than Wizards, meaning 1,500 more opportunities for unplayable jank that just weighs the tribe's value down.
Its a mistake for sure, if not here it is on the Warriors list that had Kalitas at the top with 69 points while D. Protector did not make the list. Still, I do believe that it may have that amount since it has used in Abzam, "Mono"green Atarka and GW morph lists. Plus has used after theros rotation, just not as dominant. But yeah, or it has a big oversight in the warriors list or a mistake over here
Hot Take: Artifact Creatures are the best ones. Not because of power, but because of utility and ease of access. Literally any deck can run them and Affinity decks can win with them. Most of you have probably never been on the business end of an Affinty deck at it's full power. I have. Vintage. Bro beat my ass in 2 turns. It wasn't even close. He opened with a Mishra's workshop and a Black Lotus.
So, a FAQ so far is "Where are Slivers?" So I thought I would just address that in a pinned comment.
Slivers have never had any sustained success at the game's highest levels, with only one PT Top 8 and one GP Top 8 in the entire history of the game. That's not enough to make a list like this. Also, the very design of slivers makes it so they pretty much only see play in tribal decks -- which, again -- have never been very good at premiere events, at least for the most part. The one exception to this is Harmonic Sliver, but Harmonic Sliver would need to do a ton to pull the dead weight of a bunch of slivers with 0 points, and a few 1-3.
I have lost all respect for you as a magic professional and a human being.
@@bobdole8830 hahaha
@@NizzahonMagic How many points did Den Protector have? In the humans part you said it has 100+ points but it did not make the recent Warriors list that had a 36 poinst cap and Kalitas won with 69
Where did Zombies, Merfolk and Spirits rank?
Yea, putting my bias aside, I can see why Slivers weren’t on your list. It just makes sense, cold and logical sense 😭😭
I actually remembered the God creature type halfway through the video, and thought to myself "You know it's actually hilarious that all of these are better than Gods." Boy was I wrong. Great video as always Nizzahon.
My friend has a locust god commander deck
"One of them's, well, a pig." True
All praise the pig god
Best line from Nizzahon so far.
Call him MR. PIG
@@Sushi_Burrito kinky~~
I love how early magic has so much card advantage and unrivaled mana rocks like ancestral recall, time walk, the mox cycle, dark ritual, and so on, but the best thing to use that all on was fucking Serra Angel
Don't talk abuot Serra Angel like that you monster
I moved to Kentucky so I could marry my Serra Angel bride.
Some top 10 suggestions:
- top 10 errata'd cards;
- top 10 sleeper hit cards (cards that took years before being broken, like Flash or LED);
- top 10 block defining cards;
For sleeper hits:
Bazaar of Bagdad
Death's Shadow
@@Ninjamanhammer Phyrexian Dreadnaught, hopefully One with Nothing one day;)
Shadow is definitely #1 sleeper. Thing in the ice could make that list too
@@davidminor4213 Thing In The Ice didn't take that long to see play though. You know what did take a few years? Dark Depths.
@@davidminor4213 I would say that Death Shadow is 3th, maybe lower. It took about 6 years to really take off (printed in 2010, spiked after Oath in Jan 2016 then again that year after E. Moon, but stabilized in 2017). Now Bazaar took 12 years (printed in 93, start being used in 2005 because of dredge).
The other I think will be higher is Lion's Eye Diamond (I think it took off with Infernall tutor printing 10 years after its release, but I dont really know if that is the case, I know that it has bad for some years tho).
@Mattman324 Dark Depths only took about 3 years to see play, it is from 2006 and Vampire Hexmage has printed in 2009
Cant remember any other from my head that took off only after it has not in T2 anymore
I know they're nowhere near close to even being on this list, but I LOVE Kavu. I think they're fascinating and really diverse, both in terms of what they do and how they look.
Would be nice to see more of them. We got like 1 in Dominaria.
@@NizzahonMagic They were first released when I was in middle school, back in 2000-2001, but I remember I had a Kavu deck. It wasn't very good, but I enjoyed playing it. Mainly red and green with a decent amount of artifact support. I think the proverbial 'big gun' was the Yavimaya Kavu. I won a handful of games against my friends, but it certainly wasn't my best deck.
Kithkin may not have made it into your list, but they made it into my heart haha
Holy COW that is a crap load of information to sort through! Excellent work, I know it probably doesn't mean much from a random person on the internet, but I'm glad you put that kind of effort into your data collection!
Do you have an algorithmic way to manage points at this point? You've got to have a database with every top 8 decklist at this point, right?
I'd reckon he knows enough about the game to have hunches about what's best and then check it out to make sure
I kinda wanna know this too, because there's a lot of lists I'd personally want to see that frankly wouldn't make worthwhile videos
@@MrAskmannen The topics are so vast that I think that'd be pretty much impossible. At least not without making missing things out. In videos based on opinion of course that's the way to go. But this videos made with specific data would be easier to make with an algorithm.
Well the introduction of these 5 new gods did make them eligable for this list so I don’t think they’re too mad about it
I'm surprised he didn't at least briefly mention that yeah lol.
So a Top 10 Gods list is in the works?
Probably down the road, once the new ones have some time.
It seems Magic is sticking with Gods, seeing at there are more in Spark. So there should be plenty of them to do a video in the future.
I'm curious as to top 10 worst Eldrazi.
I was shocked to see gods...mainly because I didn't realize there were more than 25 of them. My prediction for number 1 before watching the video was I was off by a few places. I also expected both beasts and goblins to make the list...especially beasts because of things like Thragtusk and Arcbound Ravager.
I was CERTAIN beasts would make this list.
I was thinking beasts too but then remembered that the vast majority are just crappy green pack filler without quite as many absolutely bonkers members as, say, humans.
@@jacobbrown9894 Yup, I thought the same. You usually see at least one or two Limited fodder beasts per set, most of the time at common, so that weighs them down tremendously.
15 god's from the Theros block alone, 8 from Amonkhet, and a final 5 in war of the spark.
I'll admit, I forgot about war of the spark god's.
You wanna know which is the most powerful creature type?
Miguel Monje
This post was made by Thoptergang hahaha
I have a super goofy thopter deck and it's actually won quite a few times haha
SERVO (no flying)
The most powerful creature type is clearly Storm Crow!
Bitter blossom is legal?
Also I’m surprised demons, merfolk and horrors didn’t make it
Bitterblossom was only ever banned in Modern and has been unbanned for ages, you don’t hear about it because it’s only marginally useful these days.
zSNAX lastTAP merfolk have only been in one pro tour top 8 not many horrors or demons are good
there are alot of very old and very bad demons, horrors and merfolk
Merfolk were never a consistent deck, yes it exist and sometimes appear, but is that type of deck that always swim up to 9th place then die at the beach. Horrors have a lot of draft junk on them and even the ones that see play are in very narrow decks
For demons, I think the problem has the first decade of the game since at the time Angels and Dragons are amazing for it Demons normally had drabacks that, at end of the day, were a deak break
Great video! Didn't expect the #1 spot.
I'm surprised to not see Merfolks and Goblins.
There are lots of bad ones. They both made the list about tribal decks though.
the thumbnail speaks for itself..
My buddy runs a Lyra Angel tribal deck in cEDH. You may not think that a mono white Angel tribal deck could be powerful enough in cEDH but you would be HIGHLY mistaken!
I didnt think eldrazi scored only at nr5, i thought maybe number 2 or 3
Aaaaaah fairies. When lorwyn was a thing, I was addicted to fairies. So much that in warlords battle cry 3 my hero was a fey... I don't remember if it was a thief or ilusionist though
nice list. Number one being god is very flavorfull
my 3 best types:
1. Elementals
2. Zombies
3. Goblins
You forgot Eldrazi...?
Kuba Bendlin is elves are better
Roxy Toxic I agree a good elf deck can beat all of these
I didn't think Angels would be that high up the list. Cmc 4-6 creature beatstick cards usually aren't very common in competitive decks.
Though they tend to be the kill condition.
Control decks
Top 10 Start of Game cards
Leylines and stuff that interact with the board state from the start of the game. Not sure if theres enough since I've just thought of this while looking at the spoilers for 2020, but could be cool
TL;DR - not possible yet, but lets analise
From my head I remember Leylines (11 now), Chancellors (5) and a land (gemstone cavern). After a quick search for "opening hand" I found 2 more, Providence and Sphinx of Foresight to a total of 19 (but neither of the two would have points).
I think Serum Powder may count (it deal with mullingan) if its a "before the game start cards"
Still, from the chancellor cycle only Annex has points (I think the green one may do points in the future tho). Cavern and Serum Powder also would have points. From Leyline Void and Sanctity are no brainers, but other than that only Singularity (PT Charleston winner and second place in PT Prague, both 2006) would have points. (maybe Anticipation will have points as well but I dont know what exactly he consider points outside GP and PT)
So, only 6-7 would have points (depending on Anticipation). If both green and red did get points this time around it would be possible using as number ten an "almost there" card (he did this in the past),
"Well, the gods are all mythic. Nah, there aren't 25 yet, right?"
15 in og theros block, 5 in amonkhet, 3 in hour, 6? In war of the spark, more in theros 2, more in kalheim, and every changeling creature is a god.
Ah shit, my bad, old comment. Lol
I get that the methodology cuts out merfolk but they should have gotten on honourable mention.
Should make a video about top 10 decks from a format of all time.
I did do a video on best tribal decks ever, and merfolk are there
@@NizzahonMagic thanks for the reply :) , will definitely watch that video now. And yeah now that you say that i think i understand why . merfor is a far better tribal synergy and is good because the tribal synergys more then it is a good creature type.
14:49 Erebos wasn't the top performer of the Theros gods, that definitely went to Thassa. Most mono-black decks that played Erebos either only had a single copy or two in the sideboard. The mono-blue deck that won pro-tour Thassa played three to four copies. Erebos rode the coattails of Desecration demon, pack rat, and grey merchant.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was confused by him saying this. I was also confused by him saying that the multicolored god who did the best in the original Theros was Keranos since I don't remember him ever doing anything. Honestly the only one I actually remember doing anything was mah boi Xenagos.
I really liked Athreos and the rest of the OG gods (especially Erebos, obviously) back in the day and actually made a pretty deece lifedrain deck out of him and some other cards. Sadly no one else in my group liked them as much while they were in standard, so I didn't see much of their power. I think Karametra and Kruphix were the other ones that I saw as one of my friends really liked Bant, and played them. Otherwise they were just not good enough apparently for the rest of my buds. Now, apparently Athreos spiked with Teysa's printing and my investment in a playset of him paid off. Gotta watch out for what people think are the underdogs, I guess.
Athreos was really good i made a deck during theros block was a pretty good deck
I was hoping God was going to be on this list when I was at #3. Also, very surprised that Merfolk didn't make the list.
Merfolk have been very tied to tribal decks for the most part, and that puts them at a disadvantage compared to creature types that see play all over
I know it may be a tall order, but could you do a top 10 infinite combos video, Nizzahon? 😁
Yep, I plan to at some point. It honestly wouldn't be as much research as this was haha.
Very curious what the stats for Goblins are. I'm sure they suffer from the "way too many cards for points per card to be high", but I bet their point total is very high.
Constructs is the characteristic race of colorless and Eldrazi is their iconic creature.
Change my mind.
Makes semse to me
Eldrazi: Colorless Mana.
Construct: Generic Mana.
i can see that
Or they would be if colorless actually had a thematic identity the way the colors do.
Lin Sivvi, defiant hero is considered a Meme commander in the commander community. Maybe the Rebel creature type just isn't strong enough, but if it was I'm sure she would be fantastic.
Puffin Entertainment - One Handed Gaming Its because Rebels havent gotten a lot of support since their printing. Ally tribal is basically the new, better Rebel
I’m surprised that slivers did not make this list
They have never had any sustained success at the highest level.
I'm surprised Merfolk weren't on this list.
There's a _lot_ of very old, VERY bad merfolk.
I wonder where Slivers are in all of these creature types :O
I think you mean Greek gods, not Roman. a Roman god would most likely be very warlike/combat because the Romans were so warring themselves. Most of the Greek gods that became Roman gods went through a bit of a personality change because of this. Like Zeus into Jupiter, both are the same god but Jupiter has a shorter temper and less patience. Also, his role wasn't as important to the Romans, whereas the Greeks he was a part of the big three (Zeus, Posidon, and Hades).
You posted this at 11pm Tuesday for me
Lin-Shivvi got her mustache going. And i say: Good for her!
Wow I really thought slivers would be somewhere on this list.
Yeah fr, also vampires
Thanks for the work. Interesting as always.
I would like to know how you process the data for these lists. I can't really imagine you going throw the list with a calculator on your table. Did you write a program or something for this?
There's no program. Me going through the list with a calculator is closer to reality. I have an Excel spreadsheet where the scores for every card I have talked about in 180ish of these are, and then pretty much go through and physically add the cards I haven't calculated already.
what are the representive races and iconic races for every color ?
White: humans
Green: elves
Red: goblins
Black: zombies
Blue: Merfolk
White: Angels
Green: Dinosaurs? Beasts? Elementals maybe?
Red: Dragons
Black: Demons
Blue: Leviathans
Apparently Hydras are the iconic green creature... huh.
@@a.velderrain8849 sphinx not leviathans
@@a.velderrain8849 Everything else looks correct but I believe blue's iconic is actually Sphinxes.
@@a.velderrain8849 Blue Iconic is Sphinx, but its more recent compared with the mardu part. For Green it is Hydras (it has Wurm, but it also changed not long ago).
I think its important to point that while white is the official white characteristic race its not something that WoTC like, being more correct to say that W does not have a characteristic race (because it is in every color) but they cant let it stay officially without one and both dwarves and Kithkin did not work
is there like a rule for what a cmc should be able to do in general? LIke 5 cmc card should win you the game in a few turns and a 3 cmc card should open paths to winning or something like that?
Calling it now, Humans number 1.
Puny humans, thinking they can compete with GODS
@@bronzeager1298 they do have more points than Gods.
is it just me or is the wizard @7:41 Cheng from Community?
Wow that number 1 is too perfect
Since the advent of MTG countless decks have been build around Goblin theme. I would say this make them a pretty good creature type.
See my Tribal decks video if you want some goblin talk
I knew Eldrazi would make the list
Is there a list of point totals for types not in the vid?
What about merfolks? Those seem so overpowered
Oh, how the Gods have fallen. Comparing the newest God cards to the older ones is like comparing Zurgo, Bellstriker to Zurgo, Helmsmasher. Look how they massacred my boy!
WURMS are the best! love me some wurms
I'm not sure if this would be completely subjective, or based on your usual methodology (I'd be fine with either) but have you considered doing a video on best deck match-ups?
Sad to see no slivers on here
I was so sure that angels would be #1. I suppose it wasn't a bad guess, but I was still wrong :p
Heliod, Sun-Crowned will certainly keep gods up there.
@nizzahon it would be nice when u mentioned phoenix if you could have said how much points they would have gotten
Surprised no vampires
Well, guess I'll make a 5 color God tribal deck.
Make sure to drop a Morophon in there
Lux cannon video.. Its the most fascinating card to me in the game..
Humans being lower on the list than Rebels took me by surprise. I was under the impression that most Rebels were also human in Masques...
They were. But there are so many other humans that it is a drop in the bucket.
@@NizzahonMagic ah of course that makes a lot of sense! Thanks for pointing that out!
Top 10 best creature types. Number 1: Goblins. That’s all for today’s video, thanks for watching!
Bruh elves kick goblins butt every time
Edit: Could you not tell that it was a joke?
I still think their best creature type is Homarids. They control the underwater oceans and everything like that and can pinch you with their crab arms. Have you ever had crabs? It is something you can't get rid of and it's just like the Homarids.
I'm genuinely surprised that Slivers didn't make the list
Probably forgot
I don't see how though, seeing as one of the newest legendary creatures (modern horizons) is literally a sliver that gives cascade
Very few slivers have seen play atvthe highest level.
Wait, no squirrels?!
Are you counting Shapeshifters that have Changeling??
No. But if I did it would make no difference, as all creature types would get the same increase.
@@NizzahonMagic fair enough
You misspoke slivers as number 2 and goblins as number 1
That may have been the case if there weren't so many bad Slivers and Goblins. It's the same problem Humans had, putting them so low on the list.
There are so many terrible goblins.
I literally can't believe they thought printing The Scarab God was... an OK decision? what kind of playtesting is this..
He single-handedly tended to hose Ramunap decks, so there's that.
I was surprised not to see zombies
Technically not EVERY Construct is an Artifact... Slag Fiend exists. Weird single cards from poorly designed sets aside though you are right.
Faeries also had an actually pretty good tribal payoff in Homelands in Willow Priestess who can cheat them into play, but they completely lacked the ability to DO anything with that, and since it was Green and can never be reprinted no one cares for more modern takes on the tribe.
Also Born of the Gods only had 5 gods. The last five were in Journey Into Nyx.
I'm kind of surprised the One Drop Slag "Power & toughness equal to the number of artifacts in all graveyards" Fiend never hit it big. It has issues in eternal formats but standard & block was LOADED with sacrificing and destroying artifacts shenanigans.
Mattman324 The last was in War Of The Spark, before that Hour and Amonkhet
@@davidminor4213 From the original 15, mate. Context is everything.
Mattman324 ok thanks. Cheers
Yeah i hadnt thought of the god creature type in spite of the latest god eternals.
Thought zombies would make the list for sure
Very surprised vampires and zombies weren't on the list
Damn I completely forgot how many gods there actually are out there
I'm surprised Fairies and Rebels beat out more common creature types with a lot of good cards like Zombies and Goblins.
Problem is, they both have lots of bad cards too
So how does this differ from your recent video about Tribal decks?
The tribal video looks at decks specifically that are built around creature type synergies. This video looks at all the decks that play a creature of a specific type, not just tribal decks. There is a bit of overlap, but not a lot.
@@NizzahonMagic oh gotcha! Yeah I noticed that there wasn't a lot of overlap so I was kind of confused my the best creature types wouldn't be the best rhymes. Thanks for clearing that up for me Nizzahon!
Kinda surprised Vampires didn't make this list cause IMHO Vampires are the best creatures when it comes to life gain and drain and there are plenty of OP vampires out there that you can do some whacky shit with, especially in EDH/Commander. Butcher of Malikir, bloodline keeper/Lord of Lineage(those that say he's not that great have obviously never seen what happens when you equip him with something like Helm of the host XD ), Olivia Volderren, Anowon The Ruin Sage, and ol Edgar Markov with that eminence ability are all great examples of the power of vampires.
He's talking about competitive Magic. Life gain decks aren't competitive and neither is Commander
@@cutecommie life gain decks aren't competitive? Are you sure we're talking about the same game here?
Soviet Loli Officially competitive yes. But Martyr Proc is no joke
What does “isn’t a creature” imply? That text confuses me on how the card works
Gonna have to provide more context, no clue what you are talking about!
If I were to an invitational card I'd want to be a Dwarf or Goblin, even though I am a 6'1" Human Shaman. I want red's exile and can cast this turn on an aggressive trigger, on attack, on damage, or eot opponent lost life.
I was going to make a comment about mt-MRCA aka mt-EVE aka "Mitochondrial Eve", but James beat me to it. Dammit.
my best friend plays a bitterblossom deck right now, and the only way I can win is my agro mill deck (those two words should not be in the same phrase). Truly busted card in earlygame.
Aggro mill? Sounds like shinanugans are afoot! 😁
It's "characteristic" and iconic races, not representative, that might have added to the confusion.
Also, Rebels are a class. Not just Wizards.
But it's a cool video (I forgot to mention that, it's good work)
Yeah, funnily enough in the last video I used the correct terminology, but not in this one -- so I probably just caused more confusion!
what about zombies, elementals, merfolk?
Edit: i found 2 of those in best tribals.
No mention of Baneslayer Angel for angels?
I find it strange that there exists almost as many Eldrazi as constructs, angels or even dragons...
Delver of Secrets. """Human"""
I am disappointed you didn't have slivers on this list do to their versatility
Alright, so since Friday top 10 is specifically the best-performing Tribal decks, top 2 are Rebels and Humans (1 and 2 respectively), free.
Add faeries at number 3.
What about slivers
Surprised Demons didn't make the list
Why isn’t Fungus on this list? Or Ooze?
Not enough success
How the hell does Den Protector have 100+ points? I mean, I get it, she saw tons of play in standard but you're telling me that she made some combination of 50 PT top 8s and/or 100 GP top 8s within that rotation. I even checked modern humans lists and none of them are playing DP so how does she have 100+ points?
Also, I'm extremely surprised (and offensive) that Wizards were 4 spots ahead of humans considering most of the powerhouse wizards you mentioned were also humans cards like Snappy, Bob, Baral, Meddling Mage, Grim Lavamancer, Delver, etc.
By that logic several of the Faeries even higher up the list are also Wizards so it balanced back out. Obviously the truth is more complicated than that though, all of the smaller point value cards in each group have to be accounted for no matter how great the best card is and there's also the issue of Humans having about 1,500 more cards than Wizards, meaning 1,500 more opportunities for unplayable jank that just weighs the tribe's value down.
Its a mistake for sure, if not here it is on the Warriors list that had Kalitas at the top with 69 points while D. Protector did not make the list.
Still, I do believe that it may have that amount since it has used in Abzam, "Mono"green Atarka and GW morph lists. Plus has used after theros rotation, just not as dominant. But yeah, or it has a big oversight in the warriors list or a mistake over here
No merfolk or goblins???
I know right! 🤷
No vampires? Sadness
Sad that Cats didn't showed up. :c
I am shocked Demons didn't made the list.
Yeah, vampires too
I thought Zombies and Vamps would be in the list
They both should be! Tons of Vampires in Core 2020.Maybe an updated list in the future would include them.
@@Protagoras614 I hope so!! hahahaha
I figured they weren't going to be, but god damn was I hoping my two favorite tribes would make it.
Hot Take: Artifact Creatures are the best ones. Not because of power, but because of utility and ease of access. Literally any deck can run them and Affinity decks can win with them. Most of you have probably never been on the business end of an Affinty deck at it's full power. I have. Vintage. Bro beat my ass in 2 turns. It wasn't even close. He opened with a Mishra's workshop and a Black Lotus.
Did not guess the number one at all. Thought wizards would have been a few spots higher.
Nephilim and Kavu for the memes