First year gardening I got to meet lots of turtkes and they LOVED tomato treats when passing through but later I read this. Tomatoes? Tomatoes contain several properties that have the strong potential to harm your turtle/tortoise. These properties are Oxalic Acid, Glycoalkaloid and Solanine Oxalic acid: is a precursor to calcium oxalates, a potentially poisonous substance that contributes to the toxicity of antifreeze. It binds calcium. Oxalates and oxalic acid bind with calcium, leading to MBD (metabolic bone disease). They also form tiny crystals d throughout the body that cause pain, stiffness and impaired organ function. Solanine: is a glycoalkaloid poison found in the nightshade family, Solanine has pesticidal properties, and it is one of the plant's natural defenses. Solanine poisoning causes gastrointestinal and neurological issues. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, burning of the throat, itching, thyroid problems, inflammation and pain in the joints. Glycoalkaloid : a poisonous alkaloid element found in the tomato plant. Tomatine is found in the green parts of the plant, such as the leaves, stems, and unripe fruit. The ripe red tomato has only very minimal levels of tomatine and will have little to no impact in humans. However it has a larger impact on pets. Symptoms are similar to those of solanine. These chemical compounds are not always toxic in nature, but certain glycosides can cause complications in animals that ingest them. Symptoms of glycoside toxicity include diarrhea, vomiting, and heart failure. Glycoalkaloids are toxic compounds that cause a burning sensation in the mouth. Alkaloids can interfere with the nervous system. Solanine poisoning results in gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and heart problems. Turtles and Tortoises require a ca:p ratio of 2:1, if the Phosphorus is higher than the calcium, it will bind with the calcium and prevent your pet from absorbing it. Tomatoes have a ca:p ratio of 0.2:1. A food containing a ca:p ratio of 1:1 can be moderate or a sparingly fed food given that it does not contain another property that interferes with calcium absorption. Tomatoes not only contain several toxic properties but are not a nutritionally balanced food. They contain 20% vitamin A while red leaf lettuce contains 125%. There are so many healthier options, why risk your turtle’s life. If you choose to feed tomatoes to your pet, do so knowing that it may be causing pain, discomfort and other more serious issues
He’s a cutie enjoying a pieace of tomato ❤️🐢
What a handsome guy !!!🐢💞💕💜💗what is his name?
So cute❤
Fun fact: If you rub the ‘happy button,’ happy feelings come 😼 You’re Welcome
First year gardening I got to meet lots of turtkes and they LOVED tomato treats when passing through but later I read this.
Tomatoes contain several properties that have the strong potential to harm your turtle/tortoise.
These properties are Oxalic Acid, Glycoalkaloid and Solanine
Oxalic acid: is a precursor to calcium oxalates, a potentially poisonous substance that contributes to
the toxicity of antifreeze. It binds calcium.
Oxalates and oxalic acid bind with calcium, leading to MBD (metabolic bone disease). They also
form tiny crystals d throughout the body that cause pain, stiffness and impaired organ function.
Solanine: is a glycoalkaloid poison found in the nightshade family, Solanine has pesticidal properties,
and it is one of the plant's natural defenses. Solanine poisoning causes gastrointestinal and
neurological issues. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, burning of the
throat, itching, thyroid problems, inflammation and pain in the joints.
Glycoalkaloid : a poisonous alkaloid element found in the tomato plant. Tomatine is found in the
green parts of the plant, such as the leaves, stems, and unripe fruit. The ripe red tomato has only
very minimal levels of tomatine and will have little to no impact in humans. However it has a larger
impact on pets. Symptoms are similar to those of solanine.
These chemical compounds are not always toxic in nature, but certain glycosides can cause
complications in animals that ingest them. Symptoms of glycoside toxicity include diarrhea, vomiting,
and heart failure.
Glycoalkaloids are toxic compounds that cause a burning sensation in the mouth. Alkaloids can
interfere with the nervous system. Solanine poisoning results in gastrointestinal and neurological
symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and heart problems.
Turtles and Tortoises require a ca:p ratio of 2:1, if the Phosphorus is higher than the calcium, it will
bind with the calcium and prevent your pet from absorbing it. Tomatoes have a ca:p ratio of 0.2:1. A
food containing a ca:p ratio of 1:1 can be moderate or a sparingly fed food given that it does not
contain another property that interferes with calcium absorption.
Tomatoes not only contain several toxic properties but are not a nutritionally balanced food. They
contain 20% vitamin A while red leaf lettuce contains 125%. There are so many healthier options,
why risk your turtle’s life.
If you choose to feed tomatoes to your pet, do so knowing that it may be causing pain, discomfort
and other more serious issues