  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @dwfan91-
    @dwfan91- 3 місяці тому +1

    Great ranking!

  • @thetimeshadow6769
    @thetimeshadow6769 23 дні тому

    I think if more people rewatched Empire Of Death, they would appreciate it more.

  • @polgarauk5606
    @polgarauk5606 3 місяці тому +1

    I find it interesting that people enjoy different things and I love that Doctor Who does that. The only one I agree on is 73 Yards 😂
    My list which is personal to me and I am not disparaging your list at all.
    9 - Rogue - I just really didn't enjoy it, it had a couple of good moments Rogue himself being one of them but the rest was just meh for me.
    8 - Space Babies - I just really enjoyed it sorry not sorry 😂
    7 - Devils Chord - it had it's good moments but Maestro was just too over the top for me and really got on my nerves.
    6 - Church on Ruby Road - I just enjoyed it, loved the Goblins and loved the goblins song.
    5 - Empire of Death - on the whole ok with some tense moments some disappointments in it but some great character moments in it too.
    4 - Legend of Ruby Sunday - had me on the edge of my seat, some great set ups and reveals as the episode before the finale it did it's job in an enjoyable way admittedly the finale wasn't a great pay off.
    3 - 73 Yards - loved the whole thing sorted it all out in my own head and that made it a good episode for me plus Millie Gibson absolutely shines in it.
    2 - Dot and Bubble - I loved the whole episode the way it made me have to rethink myself my own echo chamber and why I didn't see the signs even when thrown in my face brilliant.
    1 - Boom - I absolutely loved this episode from start to finish. It had me gripped, chewing my nails. The little girl didn't bother me because she reminded me of my own children who have Autism and her reactions is exactly the way my kids would react because of the way they view the world. This is not Stephen Moffat at the top of his game no but it is the episode I know I will not skip in rewatch and having watched it several times now I know I will continue to enjoy it.
    Totally different from your own but we all see things differently and that is the joy of shows like this it brings something different to everyone I just don't enjoy when people have to get nasty about others choices just let them be wnjoy what you enjoy and live and let live really 😊

  • @Paul_Ernst
    @Paul_Ernst 3 місяці тому +2

    A good list. I would put 73 yards on top but otherwise I agree. I found that watching Empire of Death a second time helps make it make a bit more sense - its an OK episode, just not good for a finale.

  • @Blazing_Ninja
    @Blazing_Ninja 3 місяці тому

    Here’s my list:
    9: Space Babies (for same reasons as you)
    8: Empire of Death. It was a big let down for me, and some moments are boring on rewatch.
    7: 73 Yards. There were too many mysteries at the end.
    6: The Legend of Ruby Sunday. It was good, but EOD let it down.
    5: Rogue. It was nice to have a classic Doctor Who story.
    4: The Church on Ruby Road. This also felt more like a classic Doctor Who story.
    3: Boom. I like it a lot more on re-watch
    2: Dot and Bubble
    1: The Devils Chord
    Edit: Make the red writing on the thumbnail white instead of

  • @F5ss
    @F5ss 3 місяці тому

    Pretty good list, let me see what mine would be
    9:Space Babies (for same reasons as yours)
    8: Empire Of Death (I was really exited for sutekh but bro that was do dissappointing)
    7:The legend Of Ruby sunday (first part, not much happens, and the suspense is ruined on a rewatch.)
    6: 73 yards (Oh, now were getting controvercial, I really really didnt like this when I watched it. Too many mysteries left unanswered)
    5: Boom (just kinda meh, yeah)
    4: The church on ruby road (yeah cant believe im giving this to the goblin episode, but its kinda so goofy its good, and the defeat of the goblin king was seriously the only win that actually felt earned, not like.with sutekh and that leash)
    3: the devils chord (fun doctor who)
    2:rouge (fun classic doctor who)
    1: Dot and bubble (fun doctor who with a great ending)
    The top 4 are pretty much more conventional doctor who stories which I like

  • @atone404
    @atone404 3 місяці тому

    luv ur reviews dewd

  • @Limes_not_Lemons
    @Limes_not_Lemons 2 місяці тому

    Most of the episodes I dislike are purely from cut lines, not even full scenes, just cut lines.
    The finale sucks to me cause they only had one line establishing that the rope made molecular bonds therefore Sutekh couldn't remove it. The dance sequence is super out of nowhere but there was a cut line where the doctor said music suddenly returning will make things go weird for a few minutes, building up the musical number. I can't remember the rest but RTD keeps cutting crucial information that would only add a maximum of 30 seconds of run time each, and it either ruins the landing of certain episodes or just makes certain things make no sense at all. The season wasn't bad, I'm still watching it. I mean series 11 made me stop watching completely until Jodie's finale, then I rewatched some of her actually good episodes in hind sight. But season 1 definitely had more holes in it than the average post 2005 series would, more misses than hits. Season 2 has more guest writers though so here's hoping that it'll be better than this was. Good but could be far far better

  • @Jayforeman3047
    @Jayforeman3047 3 місяці тому

    As a gay man, The Devil’s Chord and Rogue are everything I ever wanted in Who episodes and I’m so glad to have seen them in my lifetime!

  • @nathanyip9865
    @nathanyip9865 3 місяці тому

    Not as good as PeterMCRA

  • @13rycedave16
    @13rycedave16 3 місяці тому

    The show was garbage in my opinion. Every episdoe the doctor looses and is just an idiot. He looss in the first episode and saves the monster killing children instead of saving the children. Theres also a whole episdoe were he trying to just do it with another dude instead of helping his companion who is doing all the work the whole episode and even then she doesn't do much. I think all the doctor does in this whole show is cry and complain about the situation instead of fix it. He never solves any of his problems and is the most useless doctor and really doesnt help anyone. In episode 2 he gets beat by that music lady then saved by the beatles, which shows hes incompetant and cant do anything.Even the best episodes of the show which arn't that good, don't even have the doctor in them. 1/10 a far cry from who the doctor is.