A Rant about Cheaters & Game Developers

  • Опубліковано 30 лип 2024
  • / coconutrts
    / coconutrts
    0:00 - Subtle Cheaters
    0:37 - Blatant Cheaters
    1:19 - Hostage Cheaters
    1:49 - BHVR's Biggest Mistake
    2:59 - The Harsh Reality
    4:23 - Do people play DbD for fun?
    6:09 - Game Developers & SBMM
    6:58 - Lack of Ambition
    9:35 - Developer Sunken Cost Fallacy
    10:05 - Are Gamemodes the Solution?
  • Ігри


  • @memesofdestruction5601
    @memesofdestruction5601 7 місяців тому +812

    they should shadowban all the cheaters like in the Fromsoft Games so that they will only play against each other, i wonder how fun that will be for them

    • @Sandthesand
      @Sandthesand 7 місяців тому +22

      Nice pfp

    • @johnySF
      @johnySF 7 місяців тому +99

      Considering how much access to background info cheaters seem to have, they would easily figure out what's going on and just get a new account

    • @HellIsForHeroes666
      @HellIsForHeroes666 7 місяців тому +10

      They already did a white list to prevent cheaters from showing up on fog whisper and big content creators games as often.

    • @RamzaBeo
      @RamzaBeo 7 місяців тому +3

      FORREAL… why haven’t they done this

    • @ClamChowder95
      @ClamChowder95 7 місяців тому

      They'd easily catch on.

  • @aflyingstarly5535
    @aflyingstarly5535 7 місяців тому +455

    The real problem with dbd is the ego. They will not admit they are wrong even though clearly it’s something that was bad for the game. Like SBMM and hillbilly overheat. I haven’t played in almost a month not because it’s not a good game but because there’s so many other games that feel fun and less stressful. The game almost feels like I’m being punished for doing well. Like I’m working at a job and my rewards for doing everything right is more work but same pay.

    • @Helperishere
      @Helperishere 7 місяців тому +14

      And if you do well it doesn't feel rewarding even then. I like the game. I'm great at it even. I just dislike how it's the exact same thing over and over again just in a slightly different shade. They need to completely rework how survivors escape and add more killer interactions with survivors.
      Identity V has better game development and that's shocking to me

    • @ailospjellok7475
      @ailospjellok7475 7 місяців тому +15

      i think you put out the best description, hillbilly overheat, one of the worst mechanics in the game, you get punished for doing well and/or wanting to have fun with one of the only killers that is genuinly pleasant to play because of his power.
      its almost like momentum is what you truly need to win in this game, and billys overheat just punishes you for building up momentum

    • @Blackheartgamer1
      @Blackheartgamer1 7 місяців тому +2

      Honestly Billy’s issue isn’t the overheat but rather the turn mechanics they implemented. He feels pretty terrible to play as and also a lot of stages have clutter all over the place making it hard to fully use his power. Not to mention the hit boxes and environment hit boxes doesn’t help either 🤷🏻‍♂️
      Also his add-ons suck 😑

    • @NinjaDildoShow
      @NinjaDildoShow 7 місяців тому +9

      If you're a Killer main, you ARE being punished for doing well. BHVR has made it blatantly obvious that they hate Killer mains.

    • @LightBoltDash
      @LightBoltDash 7 місяців тому

      ​@@NinjaDildoShow bruh aren't you guys ever gonna have enough of this tribalist bullshit already? It's not as simple as a black and white killers vs survivors mentality. Get off that tru3ta1ent gas. BHVR just hates their playerbase at large, with decisions go back and forth between punishing almost everyone involved.

  • @marcellodavis600
    @marcellodavis600 7 місяців тому +232

    My only wish is that I can see my mmr. Even better if I could see my lobbies but I would be satisfied with just seeing my own. I am tired of going from one match of absolutely destroying survivors/killer to another one of being completely decimated. I just want some quantifiable value to show me where I am in relation to others and see am I really playing that bad or is there other factors.

    • @xabrias
      @xabrias 7 місяців тому +7

      yeah, i get why we can't see others mmr's but our own ? i don't get it...

    • @whisperware
      @whisperware 7 місяців тому +11

      This was the experience that ultimately pushed me away from DbD, but I still keep an eye on it to see if the devs will come to their senses.
      I was having so many cases of being against really toxic permaloopers that never make a mistake and constantly taunt you, throw down pallets left and right without even really doing much strategy but because the abundance of pallets, long wall window loops, loops chained together, blah blah blah they are perfectly resourceful and will loop you for 5 gens no matter how many different strategies you experiment with to try to win it's never good enough or never the right decisions (at least for me maybe I'm just drooling trash). And then the very next game you get bubble blowing billy joe who blows up every gen he touches and the entire survivor team is dead before 2 gens are completed.
      The only thing I can say that would be a fatal flaw for me as a killer is I absolutely refuse to tunnel bc I'm concerned with everyone having fun and I know how shitty it feels to be focused and never get to play the game. I also used to win in the past quite a bit by going for max hooks but it seems like it's just impossible now. Like you HAVE to tunnel a person out of the game asap bc it's impossible to win against *four* good people. But when you have only 3 it slows their ability to progress a ton when one person is hooked, one person is rescuing, and one person is repairing.
      The pendulum swinging between searing agony and suffering, and absolute boredom due to a lack of challenge killed this game for me. I think it's bc of genuinely dogshit matchmaking and idk why they won't fix it. If I've been gone for seasons upon seasons I shouldn't be coming back and playing red rank survs who never stop playing DbD bc other video games don't exist

    • @themarcuschannel7534
      @themarcuschannel7534 7 місяців тому +3

      Ask a hacker, they can see MMR

    • @aragami9763
      @aragami9763 7 місяців тому +2

      most of the time as killer i feel like i destroy a team of duos or 4 solos and get crushed from 4 mans even ones that dont bring best stuff since they most the time don't have someone inefficient (that could be a cause of the perceived cliff in difference). And the ones that bring the best stuff often can be snowballed upon since they all want that pallet safe or flashlight safe

    • @aragami9763
      @aragami9763 7 місяців тому +3

      ​@@whisperware depending on how long ago you quit it might be worth trying it again since the endless looping isnt as big of a problem anymore on most maps anyway and with correct play with good perks you should get way more of the previous " loop you for 5 gens no matter what" type survivors.

  • @legit6353
    @legit6353 7 місяців тому +64

    there are 2 types of subtle cheater
    1 - sweaty tryhard who refuse to lose
    2 - expert gaslighter

  • @chandy.
    @chandy. 7 місяців тому +43

    "whatever happened to playing games just for fun?"
    i stopped playing dead by daylight, been enjoying myself a lot more since

    • @SaltyCatling
      @SaltyCatling 7 місяців тому +6

      With old matchmaking it was fun, now it is just "balanced" to be exacly the same every game

    • @NameIsDoc
      @NameIsDoc 7 місяців тому +4

      Sbmm was added and it sucked the fun out of the game

  • @nocturnalverse5739
    @nocturnalverse5739 7 місяців тому +448

    I play dbd just for fun. It's clear to me that plenty of people in the hardcore gaming community have some screws loose upstairs beyond depression and anxiety. All PvP games are competitive. Not all PvP games can be e-sports. PvP is, by definition, competitive whether anyone wants to admit it or not. Players will always want to be better than other players. But yeah, not sure what the devs are doing sometimes. As an average player SBMM has made the game better for me, I feel. Even solo Q survivor.

    • @mansrevenge
      @mansrevenge 7 місяців тому +44

      It's easy to tell how bad the problem is. Watch how many killers/survivors are showing off their pride charms. At least you know they're crazy before you even speak to them.

    • @SentryWill
      @SentryWill 7 місяців тому +92

      ​@@mansrevengePride charms are not valid indicators of skill or competitive spirit. They are free rewards given through code redemptions

    • @fallasleep3513
      @fallasleep3513 7 місяців тому +158

      @@mansrevenge you just admitted you’re scared of rainbows and colors and you’re trying to call other people insane 💀 My guy the call is coming from inside the house

    • @mansrevenge
      @mansrevenge 7 місяців тому

      @@SentryWill Okay. I don't disagree. That doesn't change the fact that if you place one on your character willingly, then you most likely have a mental disorder.

    • @mansrevenge
      @mansrevenge 7 місяців тому +6

      @fallasleep3513 meh. Rainbows have been used in haunted houses for decades. It's no wonder the clowns of today are wearing them, and yes it's still scary decades later

  • @SpookySkeletonGang
    @SpookySkeletonGang 7 місяців тому +112

    BHVR is afraid to fix things. They don't want to take any actions that are too drastic, so they do all these minor changes that don't actually fix any major issues. It's very frustrating to see.

    • @Seoul_Soldier
      @Seoul_Soldier 7 місяців тому +2

      It's a placebo.

    • @bluemyst42
      @bluemyst42 7 місяців тому +13

      Its crazy because I feel like drastic changes are the best thing for the game. That big redesign they did really shook up the meta and the game felt fresh and new, but then they stopped. I think it stems from them wanting the game to be and E-Sport or something. I wish they would balance perks at least quarterly, buff dead perks and nerf overused perks. Force the meta to constantly evolve.

    • @SutoEyon
      @SutoEyon 7 місяців тому +9

      What's even more frustrating is the time they actually take to make such changes. Do we really have to wait MONTHS or YEARS for a simple QoL feature or for a 2% increase in a perk stat value?

    • @Enigmater14
      @Enigmater14 7 місяців тому

      I disagree. All they have been doing is drastic changes that almost always end up being out of touch with what players actually need. (examples: Trickster recent initial buff, making healing insanely unviable, introducing perks and changes like Buckle up and MFT.

    • @ChokedByHalo1
      @ChokedByHalo1 7 місяців тому

      theyve been doing a lot of crazy changes like with the biggest patch or all of the new basekit perks for survivors. What are you talking about?

  • @kasianowakowska7984
    @kasianowakowska7984 7 місяців тому +41

    I think the sensation of perpetual dissatisfaction comes from the game's inherent repetitiveness. When a new killer is introduced, interest is briefly revived due to novelty, but once players grasp the mechanics, the game reverts to its usual state. Although there are alterations to perks and frequent adjustments to killers, the core mechanics of the game remain largely unchanged, contributing to the feeling of insufficiency.
    The developers appear reluctant to alter the game mechanics; it seems they fear change and prefer adhering to their established formula that has proven successful for seven years. This formula involves introducing six new perks, a new killer, and a new map every three months, rather than incorporating fresh mechanics not solely reliant on a killer, making them seem less ambitious.

    • @NinjaDildoShow
      @NinjaDildoShow 7 місяців тому +4

      Also, sweaty Survivor mains complain so much that they get every new Killer NERFed into the ground a month after release. God fucking forbid that Killers actually KILL Survivors and win a match!

    • @chances3163
      @chances3163 7 місяців тому

      @@NinjaDildoShow Don't turn this into a killer vs survivor situation you sound like a butthurt loser.

    • @alexrexed307
      @alexrexed307 7 місяців тому +1

      I agree, imo the best PTB they had was the one that added moris as part of the game mechanics, downing every survivor to murder one, having a last standing survivor with specific buffs, it didn't come into play often, but it was just such a new thing and players pushed it away because it was too different. (if I remember correctly) They even said that moving forward they will use ptbs as ways to test out mechanic changes, but they never bothered to do it again. I still wish they pushed that mori update

    • @xIronwafflexx
      @xIronwafflexx 7 місяців тому +1

      Maybe get good at playing killer, and don't rely on broken powers/perks to get your kills. Most of the stuff they "nerf" needs to be nerfed, because it's either brokenly op, or it is insanely unfun to play against. You can cry all you want about killers getting nerfs, but if they are left to be broken, you will just run out of survivors willing to play the game. So many people just kill themselves on hook as it is, to avoid really unfun games. Imagine if all the killers were as strong as nurse and blight. This game would die in a month. @@NinjaDildoShow

  • @Haxx601
    @Haxx601 7 місяців тому +103

    The only problem I have with sbmm is it absolutely does not reflect a players skill. Most players I run into while solo queue are very bad players but yet they are in my matches because all they did was hide and escape which increased their mmr. Time in chase, healing/saving teammates and playing the objectives should be taken into account more for a better determination of a player’s skill.

    • @Haxx601
      @Haxx601 7 місяців тому +13

      Also behavior needs a ranked and a casual mode because catering to the two player bases is killing the game right now. They either need to go full casual or full comp or make two different modes where certain changes can be implemented without affecting the other player base.

    • @SaltyCatling
      @SaltyCatling 7 місяців тому +14

      @@Haxx601 Making ranked and casual sounds good, but nothing stops people from playing competetive in casual. Specialy when someone lose in ranked they will sweat in casual to compensate

    • @ailospjellok7475
      @ailospjellok7475 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Haxx601 i mean only one of those routes is going to earn them money in more than one way, so they are going to axe the casual players extremely hard if they have to come to terms with reality, but imagine if they actually made a casual and ranked gamemode separation, where casual you can just have as fun as you want with less constant updates for meta balancing and just letting people be as overpowered as they want

    • @Haxx601
      @Haxx601 7 місяців тому

      @@SaltyCatling you raise a good point from my perspective it would greatly lessen the sweatiness in casual because the vast majority of people that play more competitively will be in ranked. Obviously they can keep the mmr system in casual so it doesn’t become a pub stomp for higher skill players. but basically it would just allow them to make changes to one game mode without affecting the other. Essentially casual would just be what the game is now.

    • @Haxx601
      @Haxx601 7 місяців тому

      @@ailospjellok7475 ya that’s exactly what I was thinking it would just allow a little more diversity in the gameplay experiences and allow players to experiment more.

  • @SilverW01f
    @SilverW01f 7 місяців тому +83

    One of the big reasons there's a "lack of ambition" is that they're only addressing the symptoms and not the sickness itself. The truth is that DbD's core gameplay loop is far too binary. There's isn't enough room in the game's core systems to make meaningful or interesting changes. If you look at the core mechanics from a ground-up perspective, the major flaws in the systems start to become apparent. For example, health states. There are three health states - healthy, injured, and downed. The upside of this system is that it's simple and easy to intuit, but the downside is that it's incredibly binary, and makes balancing lethality perks tricky at best. The only option to make a killer more lethal is to give them the ability to insta-down. Which, if done wrong, could lead to incredibly frustrating and unhealthy gameplay. If survivors had more health states, there would be more room to make adjustments to a killer's lethality without completely breaking the game. That's not to say that giving survivors more health states is a good idea with the game in its current state. All I mean is that when the devs initially designed the game, they clearly didn't look at a lot of their base mechanics from the perspective of giving themselves the chance to fine tune and tweak. Even movement speed needs to be closely monitored because 0.2m/s could be the difference between a survivor making a palette or not. How are you supposed to properly balance a game whose core mechanics are so rigid and yet so fragile?
    This is why a lot of people are asking for Dead By Daylight 2. They realize that the changes that need to be made to Dead By Daylight aren't feasible from an adjustment standpoint. A lot of the game's core gameplay could be improved upon if they put the time and effort into rebuilding the game from the ground up instead of trying to make surface level changes to the current game in the hopes it will magically make the game more fun. It won't. The problem isn't the perks, or the killers, or the playstyles. Killing yourself on hook is the result of an archaic mechanic that almost no one ever uses for its intended purpose anymore. Their time would be better spent looking at their game as a whole and asking what worked and what didn't and making something that lives up to the game's true potential.

    • @monsterdilf
      @monsterdilf 7 місяців тому +8

      This is the best observation and one which I always say on stream.
      The big issue here is the CORE DESIGN and Mechanics of DBD are just destined to fail. They're rigid, flaky, half-baked and BECAUSE of that all they seem to be able to do is treat the symptoms but not actually address the issues. Either because they're prideful (which I think is the case, given Oddbulb/Hag,) or because they're literally not creative enough (aka Scott Jund can literally solve the 3gen issue but they cannot.)
      But-- they just released DBD Pinball so maybe all their creativity is just utilized making DBD's giant ass micro economy and not actually focusing on the game

    • @monsterdilf
      @monsterdilf 7 місяців тому +7

      Hell, even the way we do mindgames has been destroyed by Chucky because the original way (using the killer's red stain to track them,) is such an old, useless, and frankly boring means of doing it that this is why Chuky has so much power. He can peak corners like survivors. That is game changing for a lot of killer players, and game destroying for MANY survivor players.
      Scratch marks. Loud noises (the screaming on the hook to distract the killer.) They are all old, useless, not well thought out mechanics that NEED to go.

    • @aizensosuke873
      @aizensosuke873 7 місяців тому +2

      Can you please articulate your definition and vision of "balanced" gameplay? Accusing the devs of not giving themselves room to fine tune their work when they've been fine tuning their work for the last seven years really shows how self-contradictory and obtuse the loudest and bitchiest of DBD players are.
      If there's anything that is "unhealthy," it's these convoluted hyperboles. This game's popularity exploded for a reason, and it's not because of it's "BiNaRy" gameplay loop (learn how to properly use that word).

    • @lumiko5183
      @lumiko5183 7 місяців тому +6

      I agree. It seems like people get really excited for the new stuff and when they realize that the base game is still the same, they get bored again. You use the funny new perks or killer for a couple of games and get insta tunneled out, your team gives up at 5 gens, you get 0 hooks etc so you feel like you have to swap back to your usual (meta) build to have any chance at actually succeeding in the game. The meta is just way too narrow and a lot of the mechanics in the game like opening chests and doing totems are nowadays almost completely obsolete and a waste of time, which means that there is no point in doing anything else than just gen rushing (and tunneling). I don't know who said it first but people will optimize the fun out of any game if they get the chance, and unfortunately for DbD the most optimal ways to play are very much unfun.

    • @monsterdilf
      @monsterdilf 7 місяців тому +2

      @@aizensosuke873 Did you post this entire reply from the bridge of your nose?

  • @that80ssongyoulove84
    @that80ssongyoulove84 7 місяців тому +69

    I believe most people in the community don’t like this game. I think the majority of players try to convince themselves they are having fun, but don’t actually remember what having actual fun feels like in a video game. I started playing old and new retro games and come to the belief that most modern games are built by numbers. The heart of creating and sharing that creation is mostly gone, it’s all about buy our product that needs a day one patch to even start.

    • @aizensosuke873
      @aizensosuke873 7 місяців тому +2

      Do you have any evidence to support your claims of "the majority" of the community not liking this game?

    • @bigoof6369
      @bigoof6369 7 місяців тому

      Gen xer here

    • @djackson9247
      @djackson9247 7 місяців тому +9

      @@aizensosuke873 OP said "I believe" and "I think". Evidence is not required for an opinion.

    • @chaytonthethird7714
      @chaytonthethird7714 7 місяців тому +1

      for some reason people think there’s a certain way killers have to play every time (which they will never be satisfied and shit talk anyway). This has been my experience with so many streamers or people in after game chat. Really frustrating with Windows especially enabling autopilot gaming on top of senseless shit talk

    • @db2921
      @db2921 7 місяців тому +2

      @@chaytonthethird7714your side is just as annoying
      Always killers are some perfect players that are always getting “abused” because they are told how to play
      Refusing to admit that yes how killer plays affects how ppl will play the game
      Killers want 100% kill rate and feel bad that they get countered just like so many crying survivors. Both sides just moan about each other not getting everything they want

  • @SunderMun
    @SunderMun 7 місяців тому +20

    Sunken cost fallacy really does describe this dev team a lot. I remember when they forced a new UI that nobody had asked for into the game that looked awful, were criticised for it looking bad and being less functional that what we had before, and then proceeded to defend it endlessly.
    Of course, this did force them to add fucntion to it, as justification for the change, but in no way was it necessary to do it prior to adding new details.
    And that's just an incredibly minor change that had overall very little impact. SBMM, which they lied about what it took into account for months, before admitting that it really was just about survival/kill rate and nothing else, etc, was another example but this time with much larger ramifications. The impact of them even stating SBMM had been implemented completely changed the way the game felt and their inability to accept they'd never be able to gauge skill in an asymmetrical game really caused a lot of problems, especially when it compounded with the community's questionable takes.

    • @fart63
      @fart63 7 місяців тому

      I think the new UI is way better

  • @WaxFeather
    @WaxFeather 7 місяців тому +15

    I played dbd much, but after a few dozen matches of subtle and not so subtle cheating, I started getting paranoid, asking "are they cheating?" or "was that gen too fast?" among other questions often, made me doubt myself. Stopped wanting to play entirely over the cheating being so common.

    • @NameIsDoc
      @NameIsDoc 7 місяців тому +1

      The average Gen time is 37 seconds with a genrush build. That is entirely too fast IMHO

    • @WaxFeather
      @WaxFeather 7 місяців тому +3

      @@NameIsDoc that's a single rotation to listen to all the generators for progress lol

    • @nsreturn1365
      @nsreturn1365 7 місяців тому +3

      now you know why people joke around that the game has only 3 gens to do for survs....

    • @Default_Claudette_Morrel
      @Default_Claudette_Morrel 7 місяців тому

      As a cheater I can tell you that there is currently no cheat for fast gens. So you are legitimately getting beat if it’s “fast gens”. The only work around this is if they bring hyper focus and make it so that it hits all the hyper focus tokens.

    • @WaxFeather
      @WaxFeather 7 місяців тому

      @@Default_Claudette_Morrel I know for a fact that's a lie lol.

  • @LayZKimochi420BlazeIt
    @LayZKimochi420BlazeIt 7 місяців тому +26

    I play dbd for the exciting, chaotic moments that happen in matches whether I'm survivor or killer. I think way too many people are obsessed with surviving every single match or killing literally everyone, I just like the rush.
    Even so those moments aren't possible when there's cheaters ruining all the joy or gen speed making killers not want to chase multiple people and instead just tunnel someone out.

    • @Seoul_Soldier
      @Seoul_Soldier 7 місяців тому +1

      The developers are ruining the game. Survivors stack second chance perks and generator regression perks are basically dead, so killers feel the need to tunnel one survivor out ASAP just so they don't have to sweat their balls off for 15 minutes straight. A game should be fun 80% of the time, not chasing hypothetical moments that you may only see once every 10 trials.

    • @flohzz6644
      @flohzz6644 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Seoul_Soldiergen Regression perks are dead?
      Are you going against killer with 1 perk?
      Every single game is pop, pain res and lots of the time jolt, eruption and other slow downs as DMS and dead lock
      So what the fuck are you talking?
      Gen regress perks are more common than ever before

  • @chea1004
    @chea1004 7 місяців тому +7

    sunken cost fallacy is so accurate bcs instead of taking a NEW direction, we got so many bandaid updates (e.g. basekit deliverance, basekit borrowed time, ALMOST got basekit unbreakable at some point) and its like.....bhvr....it kinda helped but ppl are still not having fun bcs of X Y and Z

  • @Exonarium
    @Exonarium 7 місяців тому +29

    The reason so many Killers swapped to the strongest ones like Blight/Nurse is because they actually provide you with the feeling of being the power role, something that got lost over the years of (bad) updates. When playing those you don't get clowned on by survivors like you would with a simple M1 killer because they pose a threat and do more than follow you from pallet to pallet like a bot. Something that I noticed has gone missing is how intimidating Killers once were years ago, not just from the actual factor or being scared (dbd used to be a horror game and actually quite scary at times..) but also from their powerlevel. Maps getting brighter and more open leads to less jumpscares, survivors used to have a scared/intimidated appearance but since the update some time ago they look like they're about to beat up the Killers, new perks are constantly added just to be annoying (head on, power struggle, background player+flashlight, blast mine, etc.). Same goes for the other side, Killers having some incredibly awful and unfair perks/addons (4x gen defense perks, tombstone Myers, alchemists ring, mother-daughter ring, and many more, most iridescent addons in general).
    One big issue is that it only takes one Player/one group to get a chain of toxicity started where one side gets destroyed and in retaliation plays unfun the next match which in return makes someone else play like an ass the next game and so on until you end up at a point like right now where all the Killers you see at higher mmr tunnel, camp and play Blight/Nurse/Wesker and survivors bring nothing but meta perks and rush gens. DBD simply has too many options (perks, addons, playstyles) for people to be assholes towards each other and unless that is changed the game will never be in a healthy or fun state for either side.
    At this point DBD feels less like a back and forth game but instead a simulator where your entire objective is to play more unfair/unfun than the other side.

    • @ROLittleRuRu-zl8rf
      @ROLittleRuRu-zl8rf 7 місяців тому +1

      The game is in an unfixable state, they should just give up on DBD and make DBD 2 at this point
      Why? cause the current DBD is a spaghetti code nightmare and it's pretty much impossible to create anything new and fresh without the whole game breaking on itself
      And don't you dare give me the excuse that they can't do it, when they made meet your maker and death garden (which btw way, was a waste of time and resources that could've gone towards DBD 2)
      That's pretty much it, just make DBD 2, reduce the number of DLC from 4 to 2 or even 1 and just work on DBD 2, cause DBD is just slowly dyeing and wont even get to see it's 8th anniversary

    • @Seoul_Soldier
      @Seoul_Soldier 7 місяців тому +3

      @@ROLittleRuRu-zl8rf They won't make DBD 2 because they would have to renegotiate all of their licenses. It is NOT going to happen, just give it up.

    • @ROLittleRuRu-zl8rf
      @ROLittleRuRu-zl8rf 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Seoul_Soldier welp, Guess the game is dead

    • @NinjaDildoShow
      @NinjaDildoShow 7 місяців тому +2


    • @Sprachitektur
      @Sprachitektur 7 місяців тому

      Playing Killer is fucking easy I get 3k or 4k at least 80% of the time

  • @SuperDKNation
    @SuperDKNation 7 місяців тому +11

    I find it funny when someone brings up flashlight burn and Nurse in the same sentence. Never have I seen a survivor burn a Nurse and didn't end up dead two seconds later. They bring her up because bringing up the real target of flashlight burning, Wraith, would instantly invalidate the argument.

    • @usedhalfcart
      @usedhalfcart 7 місяців тому +2

      i agree. wraith didnt need flash burn at all.
      i have seen flashlight burning nurse, but only in high level (competitive) play. and its just one guy with a flashie actually doing it in safety.

    • @samtar2756
      @samtar2756 7 місяців тому +1

      The flashlight burn against Nurse had two main uses.
      1. You start burning her after the first blink, preventing her from charging the second one and forcing her to fatigue.
      2. A teammate holds a beam on the Nurse to prevent her from blinking at all, allowing a tunneled survivor to get extra time.

    • @SuperDKNation
      @SuperDKNation 7 місяців тому +1

      @@samtar2756 1) the burn was not instant, it took nearly the whole blink window to do. In other words it could only be done when the Nurse was performing a full 2nd blink. So being in a location where she was landing, her not doing a short 2nd blink, and able to keep the beam on her. Yeah, real useful and common. Not at all as rare as burning an invisible man with a bell.
      2) people act like her blinks disappear when burn. You are not wasting the Nurse's time you are wasting gen time.

    • @samtar2756
      @samtar2756 7 місяців тому +2

      @@SuperDKNation 1. Pretty common since simply holding the beam on her would make her unable to start charging an another blink. Blinks for the first time > You shine the flashlight on her as she is landing (If you have the los) > she is now unable to start charging a second blink > fatigues
      2. You are wasting the Nurses time as she has to go and dispatch the flashlight user before she can continue tunneling as she is literally unable to charge blinks while someone is holding beam on her.
      If you arent aware of her not being able to begin charging a blink while someone was holding beam on her and dont believe me that this was a thing, you can check the wiki.

  • @dean_n64
    @dean_n64 7 місяців тому +33

    I wish I knew who I heard the quote from originally, but I do love the quote, "Be the killer or survivor you want to face."
    If you wouldn't want to face 4 slowdowns, or ftp + Buckle Up (just examples of community hated builds) dont bring those builds, play what you want to play against

    • @clusterfeld8192
      @clusterfeld8192 7 місяців тому +15

      The result would be that most of the time the players you play against will still use these build, but since you dont do this you will keep losing to an unfair disadvantage which feels really unfun. That is why noone does this.

    • @dean_n64
      @dean_n64 7 місяців тому

      ​@clusterfeld8192 Yeah, it's a problem with both sides escalating the issue, I used to go perkless and try for a 2k during boon meta, fast forward to now I just added thrilling tremors to my build and use more of the weaker perks and my matches got much easier. On survivors side I can still run strange builds atleast (Vigil+ Better Than New + Desperate Measures + Leader currently) Killer its Dark Devotion, Thrilling Tremors, Hysteria, Forced Penance on Trapper)

    • @kevinbissinger
      @kevinbissinger 7 місяців тому +12

      That only works for people who don't play to win.

    • @ailospjellok7475
      @ailospjellok7475 7 місяців тому +7

      you do realize that this wont solve anything right? people will complain because the competetive and casual community is forced together, so while one side wants to have fun, the other wants to get to a higher rank, only one side would be willing to do this, and after seeing that only sometimes do others not bring extremely cringe builds, will give up

    • @dean_n64
      @dean_n64 7 місяців тому

      I mean its an online game at the end of the day, you're free to bring whatever you want

  • @guppywithaglock3550
    @guppywithaglock3550 7 місяців тому +36

    (As a killer main)I feel that Behavior, in all retrospect, needs to stop releasing new killers/survivors for a wave or two. Having that portion of the team instead bettering the overall gameplay of the killers we already have is paramount. If they looked at killers not as a general statistic, but instead as individual values and balanced/reworked them accordingly, I'm positive there won't be a massive influx of blight/nurse players anymore. People play the better killers like Blight, Nurse and Wesker, because (most) other killers just suck. You have to be gimmicky with them to be decently viable, but otherwise are out-tooled by new killers. Freddy is one case, where his power is slow-down, which helps in loops. However, it has many, many cons (survivor has to be asleep, they can plainly see the puddle and react, etc.) that weigh it down. Then there's Clown, who has Freddy's slowdown, but more pro's (ranged, hard to react, no pre-requisite for use).
    Another thing is the killer add-ons. Why does Blight have all (on a scaling of EVERY ADDON FOR KILLERS) the best addons imaginable, yet PH's addons are worthless and Demogorgon's are pathetically weak? Nurse and Wesker have decent ones, but compared to the rest of the cast, there's no downside to using them. Doctor's addon's make some sense, but then you have Onryo's, who only has like 3 good addons.
    Behavior, I know you won't see this, same with anybody else with any sort of power or voice in the DBD community/game development. However, I plead with you. I beg of you. Make other killers be more interesting and supported to play. I want to see old killers, re-imagined or re-worked into better, actually scarier being of the Fog. Trapper and Billy are more just annoyances, Freddy is never played more than 1 game, and the Twins' should be deleted. Also, have more integrity when it comes to security. At least tell us that your server integrity is the equivalent of a gas station gloryhole (AND WORK ON IT) instead of waiting until last-minute and telling us to "deal with it yourselves".
    In regards to any changes I wanna see, I'm gonna post a reply that has them, so go find it. Again, my opinion from my perspective on the game.
    Edit: As of yesterday, January 9, they brought about changes on the PTB, covering some of the changes that I posted. Between Billy getting his Overheat turned off, as well as Blight recieving a well-rounded addon nerf.

    • @Exotac
      @Exotac 7 місяців тому +6

      It needs to be far more than "a wave of 2". If BHVR were smart they would declare no more perks coming into the game for at least half a year if not a whole year, and only maybe 2 killers a year while they focus their efforts on reworking old ones.
      Its like when League of Legends used to release a champion a month. They figured out pretty quickly that it both wasn't sustainable and would bloat the roaster to an absurdist degree. So they reduced it to 5 champions, if that, a year, and have since focused efforts on reworking older characters and actually doing the thing BHVR CLAIMS they're doing by focusing on maintaining appropriate win rates for each selection, in their case 48%. And as a direct result, as much as the internet gives LoL shit, its one of the most balanced PVP games there is (outside of the absolute heights of Master Rank). Every character in the game is viable and sits at somewhere between a 47-52% win rate, with the upper half of that mostly reserved for characters who are "OP".
      But, nothing like that will ever happen with DBD. Because that would mean they couldn't bank on that quarterly spike in DLC sales revenue. BHVR has made it abundantly clear over the years that they care more about maintaining profit margins than actually making the game as good as it should be able to be. Which is ironic, because if they had just done the latter the game would be raking in a LOT more money because it would be capable of sustaining an actual consistent playerbase instead of the perpetual revolving door cycle of Major Patch > If Patch is good, Players Spike > Lull > Players drop off. > If Patch was bad, players never spiked and game loses 30% of its playerbase until the next Patch.

    • @pokerusfreak8194
      @pokerusfreak8194 7 місяців тому

      they wont, because that costs money and doesnt make it instead. sad truth

    • @byletheisner8269
      @byletheisner8269 7 місяців тому

      i agree with all of this, but on a more casual note, i also hate four killers a year. the excitement of getting somebody new is completely gone because it happens so much. and if they keep going at this rate, they're going to run out of unique ideas guaranteed.

    • @guppywithaglock3550
      @guppywithaglock3550 7 місяців тому

      Maps passively have more bushes and objects that he can hide his traps in. The latest maps released have little to no support for him, and leave his traps in the open.
      On top of that, make his trap re-arm time a bit faster. Shouldn't take the same amount of time as placing a trap to re-arm one. Because of this, everyone runs the purple bag addon.
      Also, fix his trap's model. I can't trap the exit gates of the newest (the Alien) map, and certain walls won't let you put traps near them.
      The Wraith
      Wraith's in a pretty good spot. Buff up the numbers on some of his addon's, and make his breathing a bit louder and reach a farther distance. He's the best, easily-accessible stealth killer in the game atm, and has the quietest warning (until you hear his bell, which is already way, way too late).
      Overheat is not bad, makes chainsaw sprint spam not viable, and forces having to use M1. No problem there. I'd say increase the amount of overheat gained overall, but bring back his old add-ons and their values. He plays better without his current addons at the moment, and is depressing to see new billy's struggle to learn him.
      Her addon's need to be nerfed quite a bit. Range and distance addons need to have more of a downsude, possibly longer cooldown off of a blink, or maybe she moves slower, going from 3.8 to 3.5m/s. I think slowing her down will make her gameplay a bit more methodical, as she won't directly catch up to the survivor just by walking, nor will she keep up. She'll have to utilize her blink, which in all cases is broken already.
      Nothing to see. She's played at top-tier levels of play, and is beginner friendly. I'd say, if anything, increase the time to reload, and unbind it's interaction with Iron Maiden. The only time that perk sees use is on her and Trickster, and it's only for increased reload speed.
      Micheal Myers
      make survivors take longer to fully "stalk-out". I feel that he usually loses his tier 3 by the endgame because all the survivors are fully stalked. Changing this will enable a bit more preservation in play, especially when bringing in tombstone addons. Or, if you may be so inclined, a 2% haste buff for every survivor fully stalked. Trust me, I'm cookin' on that one. Makes survivors more worried about letting him stalk them, and gives the killer more freedom to use tier 3, as it would encourage stalking more survivors, and help a bit when he can't stalk anymore.
      Make her lunge out of her teleport last a bit longer, or give her a small 5% haste for 3 seconds on teleport. I've had lots of situations where survivors could trigger my trap and be able to outrun my attack. Make the trap a threat. Also, make it so hag's traps near the hook disappear, alike Skull Merchant's drones.
      destroy the queen piece addon, replace it with something else. Onryo has the same effect as a green rarity addon, and Doctor is already efficient at spreading Madness. Also, make his Shock Therapy action quicker. PH's ability is an injury, and is able to activate a lot faster than Doctor's Shock Therapy, and it's not a guarantees hit at all. Survivors have plenty of time to move away from the blast, if not away from the whole loop altogether. (Also, can you make it so the doctor illusions move? Only thing they do is give the killer a gist of where the survivor is, but give them a real scare when an illusion is moving to them.)
      Make him tantrum when he hit's survivors with 'Off-the-hook-Borrowed-Time'. He has a very strong tunneling kit, and he can tunnel pretty efficiently addonless, and his addon's only support his tunneling and camping playstyle. Also, make his terror radius the same as Weskers, or give him a lullaby. Should help a bit with anti-camping strategies. To give him that special shine, make some of his addons add charges to his chainsaw when he does certain interactions (Breaking a wall/pallet, kicking a gen, vaulting), and massively increase the charge time for his chainsaw. He can chain his chainsaw back-to back with little to no assistance, and his addon's only further better this. Meanwhile, giving him faster charge speed and a immediate charge after kicking a gen or breaking a pallet/wall makes him more of a threat mid-chase. Otherwise, survivor's current strategy is to pre-drop every pallet and loop the 2 nearest windows. Having faster loop denial will definitely (and heathily) increase Bubba's kill rate and player enjoyment.
      get rid of his wake-up and sleep mechanic entirely. Survivors being immune to chase effects in this day-in-age is illegal. Survivors stay asleep, as that's when Freddy attacks. Having every survivor "microsleep" like Quentin is a bit of a stretch, especially when they bring their tools and perks in the dreamworld as well. Instead, all survivors are in the dreamworld, permanently.
      Make dream snares and dream pallets basekit, with a switch button like clown, and well as increasing the number of charges to 20 (I'm cooking.) Whenever Freddy puts a dream pallet up, it takes 2 charges. Whenever a survivor drops a dream pallet, they are hindered by 5% for half a second, and Freddy is not stunned nor blocked off by it (I've been stunned by my own pallets, several times. Dbd is best buggy game). Dream snares are a bit wider as well, making them more obvious in the open, but unavoidable in most loops. Also, Freddy teleporting to a generator also kicks it, applying any of his generator-perks on fully teleporting.
      Make traps have a longer timer, but not interrupted by chase. I've had my caged survivors jump into chases to stop the timer on their traps for more time, which is annoying and sad.
      Make her carry 2 basekit, and her able to resupply at a puppet-box. Her running out of traps mid-game is brutal, and can kill precious momentum for the final generator. Having the threat of her refilling her traps will make survivors paramount on not entering chase, as well as trying to keep pressure on survivors throughout the match.

    • @guppywithaglock3550
      @guppywithaglock3550 7 місяців тому

      can you, idk, make an addon to visualize where hus bottles go? Clown's bottles have weird throwing properties, and it helps new people learning Clown to train for that obscene throwing arc. Also, make his yellow gas activate sooner. Having to wait 5 years for it to activate only for the survivor to make it to the next loop hurts, especially since Clown doesn't have much in his kit already.
      Also, special interaction between his yellow and purple. If a survivor runs into both bottle types, the hindered effect is dramatically increased, up to 25% and lasts for an extra .5 seconds.
      Make her attack out of her phase a special attack. You're welcome.
      Have his Feral Frenzy attacks base-kit affect a survivor's deep-wound state, either by extending the time to heal, or by reducing the bar by a significant amount, by 15 or 25%. Survivors should be afraid to be in chase with deep wound, not encouraged to body-block for somebody else without consequences.
      make her power have better consistency. I've missed several shots because the "balls" in her corrupt purge don't hit a survivor. Noticable extremely in wide spreads. Otherwise, slow her down from 4.6 to 4.4 while in corrupt purge, and increase the duration of it by 10 seconds.
      Ghost Face
      make his cloak NOT GIVE YOU AWAY. Several times I've had my position revealed because the little tail-ends of the jacket/cloak float past my cover and gives my location away to survivors. Also, make his cloaked attack a special attack.
      Make his teleports faster, his portals able to function with his ability without having to be "opened", and give him a small haste buff on exit. Has an issue connecting hits after teleporting when EVERYBODY IN THE MAP CAN HEAR HIM MOVING WHY IS HE SO LOUD. Also, rework his addons. Make his addons more focused on the functionality of his portals, as well as a charge speed addon for his Shred attack. Shouldn't take 5 seconds to fully charge an attack that has that bad of hit registration.
      Make survivors see blood in a 12m radius. Dwight's need to see the absolute pool they leave by their lockers, and should be encouraged to fix that ASAP. In other news, give his blood a noise notification when too much piles up, amd then the pile dissapates. Blood should not be on the ground for 30 minutes at a time, and survivors shouldn't feel bad about making a mess. Also make turning speed an addon, at the cost of his charge speed or duration. Helps newer players get used to his movement in Demon Dash, as well as for better movement than "running my head into a wall for 3 minutes to turn left"
      Make his harpoon shoot a bit faster. Should be a bit kore hit-scan than projectile, considering it is a gun. Also, make his chained-melee a special attack. Also, make his terror radius larger. Like, a lot larger. Like, 45m.
      Also, bring back his ADS addons. Need my insta-aim back Behavior.
      Pyramid Head
      increase turning speed while not moving and charging his ability. And Tormented survivors scream every few seconds (flavor-wise, why would somebody being tormented be silent). Also, whatever values he has on his addons, double them. Make one of them make his trail thicker.
      Also, for fun, make his iridescent have "Whenever a survivor rescues a survivor from a Cage of Torment, the rescuing survivor is inflicted with Torment"
      Also, let PH put his trails closer to the generator and exti gates.
      Give him the Billy patch. Nerf his addons, change his iridescent addons, and take off 2 charges off his ability. Also, make his ability charge from the start of the match. I can load a game and hit a survivor in less than 5 seconds. That's absurd.
      change their lore, make them Irish, not French. Also, make Charlotte faster after switching from Victor. Also, reduce the time for Victor to recover from a pounce. Also reduce the time to swap to charlotte. Also make Victor run to Charlotte if placed close to a occupied hook. Also rework their addons to make Charlotte better while Victor is on a survivor. Also, make Victor last longer on a survivor. Also, make Victor base-kit able to knock tools out of survivor's hands on pounce. He wants all the toys, after all.
      Make his knives shoot faster and farther, but bring back recoil. Also, alike Huntress, unlink Iron Maiden from his reload speed. Instead, buff his reload speed addons while decreasing his basekit reload speed.

  • @robwigglezz944
    @robwigglezz944 7 місяців тому +34

    Seems like everyone is just chasing the dragon to a time when no one was good at the game

    • @HeBe3y4uu69
      @HeBe3y4uu69 6 місяців тому

      The game still feels this way in low mmr lobby

  • @Moostelle
    @Moostelle 7 місяців тому +5

    out of every game i can think of that lacks a ranked/casual queue split, DBD by *far* is the one that wants to be competitive the most. i'm so surprised that, if they're willing to split the queue, it's not for a ranked mode.

  • @bobydocky9641
    @bobydocky9641 7 місяців тому +4

    I think dbd introduced the 1 hour timer to protect the cheaters from coconut at this point

  • @faffywhosmilesatdeath5953
    @faffywhosmilesatdeath5953 7 місяців тому +1

    All the baggage attached to DBD aside, finding out the creator of CS got fed up with people complaining and gaslit the players into thinking they had immaculate ping is fucking hilarious

  • @ToxicSoul03
    @ToxicSoul03 6 місяців тому +2

    i stopped playing DbD. I’ve never been happier while gaming. Let that game and it’s community stay. It’s beyond saving. I just don’t want them infecting the games I play.

  • @ariesvega3337
    @ariesvega3337 7 місяців тому +3

    As a competitive person i find a major problem in not knowing if i was beat by a perk, a cheater, or bad design when i play and get annoyed when other people think I'm cheating when i use perks to identify where to go and how to play.

  • @RamzaBeo
    @RamzaBeo 7 місяців тому +3

    Bro I’m literally forced to run chase hag with speed perks to actually catch up to survivors…. The amount of subtle cheaters in this game right now is abysmal

  • @jaredwhitten2876
    @jaredwhitten2876 7 місяців тому +4

    It never feels like enough cause most chapters feel half baked and it takes years for them to make any changes to previous perks and killers to finally finish them and by that time 4 more half baked chapters are out

  • @casedistorted
    @casedistorted 7 місяців тому +2

    After I ran into a guy 4-5 years ago playing only Myers called BigBlackMori, who would troll and tunnel and camp on hook only
    One survivor every game until all were dead, then make fun of people in endgame chat every game and on Steam.. (he still has the same name on Steam many years later iirc), I realized there are psychopaths who love DBD and eve online because they can cause psychological harm to others.

  • @Bloodyscissors
    @Bloodyscissors 7 місяців тому +3

    I started playing again a few weeks ago and noticed the last couple days now that my MMR is back up that suddenly there are a lot more survivors that are just suspiciously hard to catch. I played against good survivors that knew how to hug walls and win mindgames on the way back up but these ones just seem to defy logic. Every time I lose line of sight on them they gain ground. Running in a straight line in an open field I don't gain any ground on them. Its always just enough to get them to the next pallet/loop. Seem to get at least one of these every other game so I just ignore them and go after the teammates which feel normal to chase. I always check to see if they're running speed boosting perks and they never are. It easier to catch people running Hope in the endgame than these subtle cheaters.

  • @rosariamareridt8647
    @rosariamareridt8647 7 місяців тому +4

    Whats also annoying is when a glitch happens which makes it look like cheating. I've had my sprintburst extend and it only stopped when I vaulted. I have no idea how it happened and I did die that match. Between actual cheaters and random glitches how do you distinguish that, both as a dev or as a player?

    • @LillidieGurke
      @LillidieGurke 6 місяців тому

      Are you the person I left on hook because I saw that and thought you were cheating? If so, I'm sorry.

  • @Free_Hugz
    @Free_Hugz 7 місяців тому +2

    I don't mind losing in dbd but these days you can't tell if people are cracked and just good or if they subtle hacking

  • @Sigma13Angel
    @Sigma13Angel 7 місяців тому +2

    This game is a paradox. It's a party game that people take super seriously and this results in cheaters and bm. SBMM exacerbated this issue and we've reached a saturation level that means no new update truly feels novel or groundbreaking. The game is still quite healthy in terms of player count and is as balanced as ever, yet it often feels like this is not the case.

  • @rabbidguarddog
    @rabbidguarddog 7 місяців тому +3

    I recently got into pokemon tcg and the way the card game tries to keep everything balanced is by rotating out cards every year. For example, pokemon tcg cards that have an E on them in the bottom left of the card, will no longer be tournament legal when 2024 kicks off.
    I bring this up as an example because I want to know why bvhr couldn't rotate their killers and rotate their perks like this in some way as well. Because oh boy, I never ever see blight getting nerfed, nurse doesn't get nerfed. Like oh my god I just imagined a world were bvhr released 2 chapters a year, not 4. And i feel like if they were a bit more fair and organized maybe these releases could be more in tangent, like the new killer can be top of the line (maybe) and the new survivors could have fun and balanced perks. And then those other 2 releases where we would have full chapters, could instead be just game balancing. Oof.
    TLDR: why can't bvhr have health patches more often I guess I'm not sure anymore 😢 if you read my whole comment tysm.

  • @JoshRhodesRC
    @JoshRhodesRC 7 місяців тому +27

    I play DBD for fun. I don't take it seriously. Though it is annoying to see cheaters every now and then.

    • @NinjaDildoShow
      @NinjaDildoShow 7 місяців тому +2

      Heh, you must not play often, because I see them every day.

    • @JoshRhodesRC
      @JoshRhodesRC 7 місяців тому +2

      @@NinjaDildoShow I've seen 3 0r 4 in the last couple months. I travel for work so I don't get to play as much as I'd like to. Most hotels I'm in have shit quality for internet so bringing a gaming laptop on the road isn't much of an option lol. Just play when I'm home either on PS5 or my PC.

    • @NinjaDildoShow
      @NinjaDildoShow 7 місяців тому +2

      @@JoshRhodesRC you just made me think of something; if I play less, I'll experience fewer cheaters, and probably enjoy the game more. Thanks Josh. Safe travels.

  • @samant7101
    @samant7101 6 місяців тому +2

    The whole thing really has changed, back in the early-mid 2010's or even late 2000's everyone took pride in being super competitive and sweat, to the point where being casual was seen as being an idiot or a coward, nowadays it has completely flipped on its head, being casual and casual stuff are ultra normalized, while any game or anyone who is even mildly competitive is shamed and mocked.
    This video, the comments, and the tcm developers are all great examples of the bias being shifted from in favor to heavily against competitiveness, you just can't be a competitive player without getting hate just because you think winning and evolving is fun.
    And by far the weirdest part is the linguistical separation of "competitive" and "fun", people always speak and talk with "competitive" and "fun" as separate concepts that are exclusive to each other which is bullshit, even the phrase "just for fun" is taken to mean casual as if competitiveness can't be fun or even can't be valid, anti-competitive bullshit has seeped into basic language, thats how bad it is.
    Competitive players are almost always playing "just for fun", everyone likes winning, so being able to win more often and more consistently is very fun, that is the fundamental truth of competitiveness that casuals dont understand or even don't think is valid.
    Casual players can be (and often are) toxic in a casual way because they are casual, just look at the countless casual players who will cry and hate you for doing basically anything that helps you win and that will spam the word "tryhard" and "no life" and "fatherless" and so on because they are a sore loser until all the words lose their meaning (they already have tbh).
    I really hope this wave of anti compretitiveness is just a temporary thing.
    Casualness and competitiveness are both good and valid and fun. Games or communities can be competitive and good and valid and fun.

  • @chea1004
    @chea1004 7 місяців тому +1

    ALSO happy new year coco :] thanks for all the content n hard work u put out in 2023!!!

  • @SirGlacius1
    @SirGlacius1 7 місяців тому +22

    That guy Patrick, lead designer, gave us "Boon: Circle of Healing" free "Self-care" itineration. The one we all hated. Him, Almo, and the product manager who eliminated events in dbd better start listening to players because they've been the worst for the game.

    • @ghostflame9211
      @ghostflame9211 7 місяців тому +9

      That’s the same guy who compared dbd to hockey so… yeah.

    • @remo3291
      @remo3291 7 місяців тому +4

      It's shame. A lot of people always saying devs devs devs, but I bet the coders behind the game are cool people, they simply got fucking incompetent bosses....

    • @joekobra6174
      @joekobra6174 7 місяців тому +1

      Also that dummy tickle me pickle almo was the one who introduced breakable walls yet another thing to slow killers down when they are already limited i absolutely hate those devs and the company only reason they are ontop of the world is because no competition licenses and of course the most useless thing cosmetics which are expensive its a business they dint care about you they want your money plain and simple

  • @emmascrackbox1330
    @emmascrackbox1330 7 місяців тому +3

    my only issue with dbd is that as a one of the many players from south africa, we lack local servers and not enough attention is brought to this having to play with 200 to 400 ping every match, which becomes frustrating very quickly to ourselves and those we face in matches due to hits not meaning to hit when they do or killers/ survivors teleporting around due to lag, wish they actually pay attention to us and help with this issue 😢

  • @xIronwafflexx
    @xIronwafflexx 7 місяців тому +1

    The number of 110 killers that move at 120 is insane

  • @Orthane
    @Orthane 7 місяців тому +1

    The biggest problem is the exact same problem TF2 suffers from ever since the Bot Crisis. If you're genuinely just good at Sniper, too bad buckaroo you're getting kicked, reported, and accused of cheated. If you're truly just juicing the Killer it will be impossible to tell if you're just really good or maybe you have 2-4% more movespeed than you actually should. I guarantee everyone, but especially Killer players have been in a situation where they asked out loud "How is this person so fast?!" Because you just cannot seem to catch up even when it feels like you should have. Where they cheating or just really good? Who knows, because it's impossible to tell unless the cheater makes it obvious.

  • @darlox999
    @darlox999 7 місяців тому +4

    I stopped playing dbd since last may and I still enjoy your videos(monologues and experiments).

  • @samuellundberg3376
    @samuellundberg3376 7 місяців тому +8

    Sadly enough cheaters will always be a problem, either children that are too young and stupid to realize they are cringe or mentally ill adults that are genuine sociopaths. Some games handle it better than others, unfortunately enough DBD is not the best at it

  • @FlamingFruitcake
    @FlamingFruitcake 7 місяців тому +2

    I want them to make a game mode where you can’t pick your own perks. You HAVE to use that specific survivor/killer to use their perks.

  • @MsGhoulz
    @MsGhoulz Місяць тому

    It can't be a coincidence that I multiple times just watched someone be the last survivor and coincidentally run to the exact location the hatch spawns.
    They freakin stopped and were facing it directly too.

  • @Falafelsz
    @Falafelsz 7 місяців тому +3

    Just the idea of bringing out a new killer, a new survivor, 6 new perks, and possibly a new map every 3 months seems like a huge challenge. If they reduced it to 2 perks or even 1 perk each side and lowered it to 3 new killers a year seems like it would free up enough room to help with everything. Guessing they don't because need to show something each quarter.

    • @The_B_Button
      @The_B_Button 6 місяців тому

      I can't imagine the DBD community will like that though, they're using to paying 10 dollars for a Survivor, Killer, and 6 perks. Getting less without reducing prices will make people cry.

  • @anomaly3215
    @anomaly3215 7 місяців тому +11

    damn imagine broadcasting to the entire world "i hate my life and I'm completely alone" like these hackers are 😭

    • @ClamChowder95
      @ClamChowder95 7 місяців тому

      A lot of them are kids. They're just dumb and bored. Now grown people doing that? Oh boy, I do not want to meet them.

    • @Chill__Soull
      @Chill__Soull 7 місяців тому

      HEY, I'm not a hacker ☹️

    • @Default_Claudette_Morrel
      @Default_Claudette_Morrel 7 місяців тому

      As a hacker, I’ve never been happier 😂😂.

  • @nirn_
    @nirn_ 5 днів тому +1

    Imagine if there were an iri toolbox, which allowed to do gens faster (via a lot of hard skill checks or smth like that) but if you miss a skill check or go from reparing generator you as a survivor will be put into a dying state. Like high risk high reward situation. If killer manages to find you or interupt you, you downed, but if you sneaky you get to do one generator fast. (I think that could be a rework of a brand new part too)

  • @TowerdefenseRules
    @TowerdefenseRules 7 місяців тому +1

    They don't add new items, They change game mechanics that nobody has asked for, the lack of ambition is them releasing more cosmetics than focusing and changing perks. When they do change perks they end up taking away but not giving compensation. The lack of maps and them being transparent with the community. anytime I play a hit and run killer with no pallet control i just get frustrated so this is still something they don't adress.

  • @DooriChan
    @DooriChan 7 місяців тому +25

    I started off being a killer main, playing casually. I had fun and despite having a hard time learning at first, I think I got up to an iri rank on like, my 3rd month of playing or so. Was really proud of myself, despite not even originally trying to get a high rank. My perks setups were not at all meta and I was having fun with the builds.
    Nowadays I feel like I can't get ANYTHING done with the funny casual builds. Match after match I just end up getting absolutely demolished with barely a chance to even fully test out the builds because I have the luck of being put against survivors who take the game super seriously. I don't care about grade progression but when you can't get anything done, it gets super frustrating. I've never really been one to get riled up by PVP games before but recent killer gameplay has broken me a bit. I get salty. I get blinded and stunned and looped fruitlessly for a few too many times in a game and I give up and go AFK (and the survivors clown on me while I'm AFK of course bc no one has manners nowadays ig).
    So yeah. I just play survivor mostly, these days. Since I'm not alone at least I can feel like I can somehow contribute, even if it's very little. I love this game to bits, still. It's certainly more fun than fucking Overwatch these days. Just sucks that I can't play against more like-minded people instead of all the meta-geared rank climbers. No shade to those people, you do you. I just don't want to do that and I think I'm not the only one who doesn't. Just a minority ig.

    • @turdferguson5932
      @turdferguson5932 7 місяців тому +2

      So your idea of remedying your killer games that go bad is solo q survivor? Tell me you're at least a 2 person swf lol I have only played a couple matches with a full swf and there was one of us that took the game so seriously they were yelling at me to do certain things better even though they died immediately. I also played a solo q match recently where a couple awkward things happened to me end game that caused me to die and my fellow survivor harassed me for about 15 minutes straight because I died even though they lived (I wasted a BT hit by running into a wall then screamed in a locker with xeno perk) good luck to you as survivor! I've had nothing but brain dead gameplay and teammates for years lol it's only gotten worse unfortunately.

    • @DooriChan
      @DooriChan 7 місяців тому

      @@turdferguson5932 Guess I've been lucky then. I have a couple friends who play DBD as well but one of them basically quit the game and the rest are... well, extremely toxic to whoever isn't a part of the friend group. So I've had a better time in solo q altogether.
      Like yeah, sure, I sometimes still get yelled at for not bringing meta or messing a save up or whatnot, but as long as I feel like I tried my best I'm able to not let that affect me as much. Can't feel that way on killer anymore since despite trying my best I end up with nothing left to show for it. As a survivor I'll still have gathered bloodpoints, maybe even if I died I managed to help enough to get even one or more others to escape.
      Sorry about your experiences, man. Best of luck to you, hope you can find a group that matches your mentality better!

    • @NameIsDoc
      @NameIsDoc 7 місяців тому +1

      ⁠honestly just remove soloq HUD from swfs. They don't need it they are on discord.

    • @usedhalfcart
      @usedhalfcart 7 місяців тому

      I really don’t wanna sound condescending, but stop trying to get those 4Ks with fun builds and try for hooks or another goal. if you ranked up with serious decent builds, the system is more likely to place you into a sweatier lobby. of course it’s gonna be harder, if you’re just having fun while they’re trying. I really hope it doesn’t discourage you from continuing to try fun builds, the system really sucks and discourages people having fun honestly. gl in ur games :)

    • @DooriChan
      @DooriChan 7 місяців тому +5

      @@usedhalfcart It's not that I'm even trying for 4ks, I'd be happy with even 1 dead but there have been a lot of games where I can't even get a single hook. :'D Thanks for the encouraging words tho!

  • @jacobthesquirrel4169
    @jacobthesquirrel4169 7 місяців тому +3

    I feel like the old MMR gave the game variety because you never knew what to expect. One match you could get stomped, another match you could be going up against some memers, maybe the next match you go up against noobs. It felt a lot more like friends playing and just an overall fun time. Was it annoying at times? Of course it was. But having every single match have people with the exact same skill level, it makes it feel like you both need to put in your all to win, making each match more exhausting and more repetitive as people try to optimize to win. A lot of the "fun" with the game now is more-so an addiction, similar to how people think gambling is fun.

  • @soulbounddoll1826
    @soulbounddoll1826 7 місяців тому +2

    The only thing I don't like about dbd, is the sometimes very frequent matches against players way way above my skill level only to drop down back to players I could kill with my eyes closed. It's either a 4k every match or 0k every match. Anything in-between is rare and hard to come across. I hardly ever feel like matches are fair or hard fought. I'm either bored because the survivors get 0 gens done inbetween 3-5 hooks or i can barely get 1 hook before 4 gens are completed and there's only 1 left. That... is the worst part. Before sbm I'd sometimes and rather frequently have matches that were really fair. I'd catch and kill some and some others would escape. Now... it's like the game doesn't know where to put me and just wavers in-between putting me against gods or guys that can't even hit skillchecks right. That's my biggest issue with dbd.

  • @justinpat2
    @justinpat2 7 місяців тому +2

    Playing this game as a solo Q survivor, it feels miserable, it does feel like I survive maybe 1 in 50 games if im lucky, every game feels like the killer is using cheap tactics to secure the W, hard tunneling, leaving me on the ground when theres 1 other survivor left so he can guarantee the 4k (held hostage for 5+ minutes) , it feels like killers average a 4k, it's gotten to the point where I only play the game because of sunk cost fallacy, I'm addicted to leveling up my characters even if I hate the game just because I've played the game for so many years and used to enjoy it a lot, most games I'll select a challenge get the challenge done and then purposefully die on the hook because I know there's no way in hell im escaping, so why bother, might as well atleast get a challenge done. It feels like im a toy for a killer mains enjoyment most of the time. It also feels like everytime a survivor perk is even somewhat good, it's nerfed into the ground, atleast old deadhard was fun to use and felt like it gave us a second chance sometimes even tho most killers would just bait it out and it wouldn't do anything, but god forbid we get 6 inches of distance 1 time in a chase. removing MMR might actually make the game more bearable, I know that's what killed call of duty for me.

    • @justinpat2
      @justinpat2 7 місяців тому

      There seems to be a massive number of very strong killer perks that never get nerfed, ill have a gen at 95% completion, a dude gets downed near me, BOOM gen explodes loses a huge amount of progress, guy gets hooked BOOM gen explodes again and loses even more progress, gen that was about to be finished is now at 30%, they literally have an addon on myers that allows him to instantly kill you even if u were never hooked once, if survivors had something a fraction as powerful as that, killer mains would cry and scream from the rooftops and it would be nerfed, they would give a reason like this "we found that when survivors used this perk in a chase it sometimes allowed them to have a second chance and it can be frustrating for the killer to catch them, so were taking away all usefulness of this perk to allow the killer an easier less frustrating time in chases" ISNT THE WHOLE POINT OF A PERK TO GIVE YOU AN EDGE, I DONT GET THE KILLER CODDLING

  • @kyleannen731
    @kyleannen731 7 місяців тому +9

    I know it's popular to highlight survivors cheating, which absolutely does suck, but let's not forget about subtle/obvious killer cheaters too. It really does go both ways.

    • @Porkwhitemeat
      @Porkwhitemeat 7 місяців тому

      Not really though. I see atleast 1 survivor cheater a month that I know for sure is cheating and I'm sure dozens more unnoticed. I can count on 1 hand how many killer cheaters ive seen since 2016.

    • @flohzz6644
      @flohzz6644 7 місяців тому +4

      ⁠@@Porkwhitemeatyou say you don’t know how many survs cheating you haven’t noticed, but for killers you’re not saying this 😂
      0 sense

    • @Porkwhitemeat
      @Porkwhitemeat 7 місяців тому

      @@flohzz6644 thats not at all what said moron. The vast majority of survivors that i know for sure are cheating are subtle ones. Obviously i dont know the ones i dont suspect but i know for a fact a lot of people using wall hacks. I see them on aura perfectly mirroring movements on the other side of shit theres no way they can see. Not holding check spots just perfectly timed counter movements.

    • @Default_Claudette_Morrel
      @Default_Claudette_Morrel 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Porkwhitemeatthat’s cause the killers are even more subtle (as a cheating killer). A killer doesn’t need anything to be able to get 4K besides aura reading. They know where to go at all times and can never lose in loops. That’s all I equip and I’m able to beat even the best of the best swfs.

    • @Porkwhitemeat
      @Porkwhitemeat 7 місяців тому

      @@Default_Claudette_Morrel "even more subtle" nah,,,,I've seen a handful of people I thought were using walls.

  • @marcofooladi3052
    @marcofooladi3052 7 місяців тому +7

    I don't understand what is so scary about making dbd more balanced or more competitive? I know that most people play casually, but we shouldn't forget the dedicated players who want to compare their skills against other players. That's why I think they should add a ranked mode.

  • @giuseppejoseph8890
    @giuseppejoseph8890 7 місяців тому +2

    I regularly run the reworked Distortion and I really think it levels the playing field against Killers that cheat (TO AN EXTENT!) My new build is Distortion, Calm Spirit, Bite the Bullet, and Self-Care. Distortion and CS work well to counter aura-reading builds and anything that makes Survivors scream. BTB and SC is also my go-to in Solo Q because I'm not relying on randoms that can't be bothered to heal or do it right after unhooking me (as if the Killer isn't coming back.) Now, earlier I said Distortion & Calm Spirit works to an extent... that's because that build will make it very obvious if a Killer is cheating. Distortion completely blocks ANY form of aura reading as long as you have at least one of the three tokens. Calm Spirit completely prevents your Survivor from screaming aka giving away their location. Add them together with BTB and SC and it becomes incredibly obvious if any Killer is cheating because they cannot see/ hear you. Let's say a Killer has Nurses Calling and I run to heal near them with three Distortion tokens... they'll eventually find me but only if I spend all three tokens in that spot. I've had at least four Killers run across the map and around a corner, looking right at my character and striking me when they had no business being there. So far only two of those four reports were handled by Behavior (or so they claim action was taken.) None of those Killers had any aura reading perks and tell me how any Killer can appear out of nowhere in an area with a completed generator only to ready their strike when your Survivor isn't even in view? That's not skill and it's SUS AF. It's cheating clear as day. Behavior needs to do what the GTA V servers do if you are caught cheating... you get placed in a restricted lobby with other cheaters and your character automatically gets a DUNCE hat placed on their pretty little head.

    • @JakeobE
      @JakeobE 7 місяців тому

      Distortion and Calm spirit, for when you REALLY hate the idea of being chased and learning to get better.

    • @giuseppejoseph8890
      @giuseppejoseph8890 7 місяців тому

      @@JakeobE Sadly I've resorted to pulling back to see if anyone even bothers to touch even one generator at this point. I'm getting lobby after lobby where people just don't do anything. It made me rethink my build but it's only helped a little bit.

    • @dracophoenixttv
      @dracophoenixttv 7 місяців тому +1

      @@giuseppejoseph8890 Yeah low mmr will get you that. people who do nothing.

    • @giuseppejoseph8890
      @giuseppejoseph8890 7 місяців тому

      @@dracophoenixttv I notice a complete switch when I play Killer. I need to be sweaty and pick my targets wisely because some manage to pop gens without ever coming into view while their "looper" somehow speeds up mid chase and didn't have any speed perks.

    • @dracophoenixttv
      @dracophoenixttv 7 місяців тому

      @@giuseppejoseph8890 That happened to me today early one person full on teleported it was a clear lag switch then I was told oh they can't their on console by their swf then oh they just have bad wifi and I am like you just admitted they lag switched. I had them dead to rights on hags map swamp hate it. they where about to be downed and then about to swing run into wall gone. I still managed to kill the lag switcher. team just kept insulting me in eg how abd I was etc... tunneling etc.. like it is insane how sweaty killer has to play. THe person that did so was a p100 ttv I am a ttv not that it matter but dang. and the not effort a survivor has to put in they can hold w pre drop not much to punish it. especially on wide loops Zeno can somewhat but their power gets taken away in swf easily. however I have been enjoying dead mans switch, dead lock and thrilling tremor plus ultimate weapon slows down the game much easier.

  • @jay2theMFd
    @jay2theMFd 7 місяців тому

    This was some really good content my dude. I personally wish they'd just do two chapters a year winter and anniversary. Spend the rest of the year FIXING things and making the game better

  • @joeygallo-rodriguez2114
    @joeygallo-rodriguez2114 7 місяців тому +4

    From a survivors perspective I feel like a lot of the issues on that side is just how strong the killers feel now, with the change to all the old perks there aren’t many viable ways to get away from a killer anymore and killers just feel faster, not to mention all the fake hits a lot of them get on top of the looping pallets that used to be safe you could loop 2-3 times only getting one loop then having to drop it and run to an even less safe pallet. I play killer too but I win nearly 100% of my killer games and only about 40% on my survivor games when it used to be nearly 100% in both categories

    • @GG-kn2se
      @GG-kn2se 7 місяців тому +3

      Literally. Even strong perks that support your team are worthless because you’re just gonna get tunnelled, so you have to go meta.

    • @Default_Claudette_Morrel
      @Default_Claudette_Morrel 7 місяців тому +1

      Same. Playing killer seems so much easier and getting more wins.

  • @Demonsouls1993
    @Demonsouls1993 7 місяців тому +3

    problem is the devs dont care if they did then they wouldnt let their shitty ego get in the way

  • @itzthapunk
    @itzthapunk 7 місяців тому +2

    I ran by a generator that was clearly 5%. Did a short loop, downed the Ace and hooked him not more than 15 seconds overall. Come back to that same gen and it was 95%. BBQ showed that 2 were across the map and the only one near was Nea. Been happening a lot more lately but not as much as TCM.
    Just been exploring other games, cheaters ruining it for everyone.

    • @Default_Claudette_Morrel
      @Default_Claudette_Morrel 7 місяців тому

      Yeah you’re making this up 😂😂😂. As a cheater there is currently no cheat out there for fast gens, behavior code team was able to patch that over a year ago. The only work around this is if the cheater brought the actual legit perk HYPERFOCUS and enable that each skill check ticked the token. That little short loop and chafing Ace, downing and hooking him was enough time for the gen to be worked.

  • @donaldfrederick501
    @donaldfrederick501 7 місяців тому +1

    Had played just for fun. The few times I notice examples of cheating by survivors I just remove the fun by standing by exit gates for gens to finish, open gate and end the match... Yeah, once "cheaters" see I'm not interacting with them at all, they typically just leave quickly so to start with another.

  • @NinjaDildoShow
    @NinjaDildoShow 7 місяців тому +4

    *I think a lot of cheaters are devs trolling Killer mains, because they hate them.*
    *It's never enough because BHVR doesn't listen to the community, so they just change whatever they feel like changing, they don't play the game, the game is made with spaghetti code so every time they change things something else breaks, and most of the player base are spoiled Survivor mains who have been carried and catered to since the game's inception.*

  • @nicememes7570
    @nicememes7570 7 місяців тому +4

    I will say as a mid rank killer, ever since the cheater esque perks got put in, the amount of hackers have gone down for me personally

    • @NinjaDildoShow
      @NinjaDildoShow 7 місяців тому +1

      You would never know that for a fact though. They could just be better at it since they've had so much practice.

    • @nicememes7570
      @nicememes7570 7 місяців тому +2

      @@NinjaDildoShow yeah but if anything mft proved that you can reliably catch people boosting their stuff subtly enough

    • @NinjaDildoShow
      @NinjaDildoShow 7 місяців тому +2

      @@nicememes7570 still doesn't matter though, because nothing will be done about it.

    • @nicememes7570
      @nicememes7570 7 місяців тому

      @@NinjaDildoShow I never recommended a solution

  • @MachClip
    @MachClip 7 місяців тому +2

    my problem with dbd is just that instead of fixing old things they just bring out new stuff. Im happy to see new stuff, but this just means everything else takes even longer.

  • @salicyl3350
    @salicyl3350 7 місяців тому +1

    It is insane to me how patient the DbD playerbase is with BHVR. The smallest features that shouldve been minor hotfixes/patches YEARS ago are celebrated as the biggest blessings from BHVR just because they are starving us of actual good changes. I remember how thrilled people were when BHVR FINALLY added a Perk search bar. Or when you were finally able to auto-complete Bloodwebs. People may say that its because of DbDs spaghetti code, but the colorblind controversy made me doubt that. People have been asking for YEARS for colorblind settings, but they were only added a few weeks after mainstream media caught attention of a "certain developers" stupid remarks regarding that. As soon as public outrage hit they announced colorblind settings and they were added in the next patch. You cant tell me that that was soooo hard to do, with how fast they did it. Another example wouldve been instablinds. Killers were complaining about them since release, but they were only nerfed when McCote got embarrassed by them at a public event. And I truly believe that BHVR does not understand DbD itself. You cant tell me that they know what theyre doing, yet are releasing killers like Skullmerchant. 3 genning has been an issue for quite some time, so lets add the best 3-gen killer, thatll be fun, right?

  • @solareclipse1055
    @solareclipse1055 7 місяців тому +7

    Genuinely just make it against the law to cheat, you wanna cheat? Fine. But if you’re caught get in the slammer.
    You can say it’s harsh but like, just don’t do it.

    • @solareclipse1055
      @solareclipse1055 7 місяців тому

      For the content one, i think its just ppl looking at negatives, buckle the people, MFT, Release Skull Merchant etc instead of the positives which are as you said fun perks for survs and killers, lots of licenses, 2 of which are hard to fathom being Chucky and Nicholas cage, reworks to lots of perks and killers and maps.
      I think we just consume content really fast and always look at the negatives snd outcry, which then means they have to work more, and ultimately i think they cant keep up with it.

    • @doworian
      @doworian 7 місяців тому +3

      uh... no?
      cheating (unless for monetary gain) should never be jailed for, unless we all lived our lives online to the point where it mattered so much. and no, i'm not in defense of cheating. i believe that anyone who cheats should be permanently banned from said game, and put on a watchlist for other games.
      in korea, they have a system where you must verify with your real ID when creating most gaming accounts. they do this to combat excessive gaming from people in the country who ruin their lives by playing too much, and not focusing on real life. if you are caught cheating, you're fined and most certainly permanently banned from ever creating accounts ever again. this is from personal experience, and i think it makes more sense to do things this way.

    • @bradychapman5645
      @bradychapman5645 7 місяців тому

      I like the concept, + it takes resources from these big gaming companies to stop the hackers, therefore, they would probably be willing to lobby (legally bribe members of Congress) for this law to pass so they can push out more skins and useless dlc

    • @bradychapman5645
      @bradychapman5645 7 місяців тому

      But if that means less hackers but more skins I won’t buy anyway, I’m cool with it

    • @RatKingTerry
      @RatKingTerry 7 місяців тому

      I'm glad people like you have no power in real life, I've never used cheats in video games online but you're delusional

  • @Meow-od7ps
    @Meow-od7ps 7 місяців тому +3

    Hey coco I know this is not related to this topic but since u just uploaded I think this is my only chance where someone like you will be able to read my comment I think I have a solution for old players and new competitive players comming to dbd I know we have all heard of being ranked and casual to the game but I think a better way to go about this to bring newer players too the game but also keep the current players is to bring a competitive mode and casual mode but in the casual mode they will have the old unchanged perks such as old dead hard and old ds but in competitive mode have the newer versions I feel like this would help dbd grow not only as a game but also keep the community less toxic if you do read this comment I would like to know how u or your community would feel about this even tho bhvr probably wont change it I have just had this idea on my mind for days and I feel like it would be perfect for the community.

  • @SoulFire9001
    @SoulFire9001 7 місяців тому +1

    Does there exist a timelapse of lag complaints throughout CS updates? That would be funny to see

  • @RafaelLorenzo
    @RafaelLorenzo 7 місяців тому +1

    I promise you I've been playing against cheaters this whole week. Lots of people disappearing on corners all day long.

  • @NeocrimsonX
    @NeocrimsonX 7 місяців тому +4

    Common bhvr L

    • @NeocrimsonX
      @NeocrimsonX 7 місяців тому +1

      A chase meta isnt possible with the way they balance the game are they high lol.

  • @paulhamernick9185
    @paulhamernick9185 7 місяців тому +3

    It is a party game! Always has been. Anyone who takes it to the competitive level is pushing themselves out of what the game was meant to be. Horror and randomization are the core elements that has made this game successful. I agree SBMM was a bad idea. It should have been scraped after they came out with the bot training mode for new players. Still enjoy the game, but I only play 10 hours a week.

  • @alpha-tomahawk532
    @alpha-tomahawk532 7 місяців тому +2

    I wonder why companies keep resorting to "easyanticheat" on their games when it long since proven why it is called "easy"... Every single game that runs it is or was plagued by cheaters at some point of its life, and considering the consistancy you'd think of bad rep for the creators of this anti-cheat, yet companies still keep using this cheater-welcoming soft for their games...

    • @VernulaUtUmbra
      @VernulaUtUmbra 7 місяців тому

      Easy Anticheat isn't for the players, it's for the Shareholders. The Devs/Management can point to it and say "We *are* doing something" despite the fact that it does nothing at all

    • @Default_Claudette_Morrel
      @Default_Claudette_Morrel 7 місяців тому

      As a cheater, I can tell you that EAC works just not as fast as some may want it. There are certain things that will proct EAC and some that don’t, teleporting, extra speed etc will proct EAC and the account will be banned in a few days. Cheaters however have a way to “hack” a new account and get right back into it.

  • @taylozen
    @taylozen 7 місяців тому +2

    ive had _so_ many games where i felt like everyone was moving faster than usual, it sucks though because i havent played long enough to know if they're speed cheating for sure

  • @mansrevenge
    @mansrevenge 7 місяців тому +3

    This is what you get when you put pride flags in video games. Kids beware

    • @j0hnicide
      @j0hnicide 7 місяців тому +1

      wdym the hackers are usually saying racist and anti gay shit to get a rise out of streamers

  • @1sunshin3
    @1sunshin3 7 місяців тому +3


  • @TBC256
    @TBC256 7 місяців тому +1

    I sometimes look back at the community servers in games like CS 1.6 or CoD2 where you would regularly meet the same people, chat with them and such... The skill difference was usually enormous but that was not a problem. The modern matchmaking systems usually match you with no-names you probably never gonna meet again. That in itself wouldn't be a problem but then there are players who carry their grudges into following games.

    • @c1ownh4rd
      @c1ownh4rd 7 місяців тому

      Hey bro from 00s :)) wanna hold b?

  • @reaper6725
    @reaper6725 7 місяців тому +1

    I've encountered two blatant blatant hackers. One guy was so fast I couldn't catch him in a straight line when I had noed and bloodlust 3.
    The other had no perks in endgame speed but he knew where everyone was, he vault and used bamboozle

  • @natebriggs542
    @natebriggs542 7 місяців тому +2

    coco, this is a bit off topic but i was wondering if youve seen this recently, last night and a few other times when i was playing killer last night in specific when i was playing legion, i went to pull a survivor out of a locker in frenzy and they pushed me several feet back, and when i checked their build they did not have head-on, ive had a similar issue where i try to pull a survivor out and i hopped in the air. im just wondering if you or anyone else have seen this, i have a clip of this from xbox

  • @TheReZisTLust
    @TheReZisTLust 6 місяців тому

    I posted a clip of a downed claudette in basement either teleported or went invisible but dissapeared from the stairs as i hooked another, and i still feel confused and not sure

  • @SaruWaza
    @SaruWaza 7 місяців тому

    Sorry, I have it in the tip of my tongue but I can't remember: which is the song at around 3:00 ?

  • @polarice5
    @polarice5 6 місяців тому +1

    I've been playing dbd since like 2018, and the increase in toxic playstyles is evident. Maybe it's just correlated with the increase in playerbase, but I'm doubtful. Killer players feel like they have a chip on their shoulder, like they need to dominate the competition to prove something. Many swf squads are casual and goofy, but there are others where victory isn't enough. They seek to humiliate and embarrass the killer player.
    Why? Well, whenever I encounter toxicity, whether on my team or on the other, I ask. "Why did you bully the killer? Why did you feel the need to slug us all for 3 minutes when you had already won?" The answers I get vary, but more often than not, I get embarrassment in return. "I'm having a bad day. I'm not in a good mood. Sorry." It astonishes me how often I get an actual apology when I ask earnestly why they were was so cruel in their playstyle.
    To summarize, I think you're right. I think dbd has become too competitive for its own good. People have become bored with just goofing around and feel the need to flex their skill in such a way that it humiliates their competition, forgetting that a human is on the other side.
    I don't believe there is a way to fix this beyond all content creators encouraging their fanbases to be rays of positivity. I do my best to be positive and encouraging in matches. Drop a gg if the killer had a rough match. Laugh about something. If someone is toxic, don't join in, and DO NOT be toxic back. Talk to them in chat. Ask them why they're being so cruel, and that it is not kind. The world is a cold, cruel place. We don't need to contribute to that in our video games.
    If someone has read this far. I appreciate you, and hope you will be a ray of positivity for others.

  • @Titankerberos
    @Titankerberos 7 місяців тому +1

    I think the main issue is, cheater wise, you can't stop them given they're just people who take pleasure in harming others, so you can't win on that front.
    The second issue on DBDs content is, DBD has never felt finished, it feels like they got to a stable alpha state and then never moved forward.
    In a way the community is the issue on this front given they don't want the game to change much, but seeing stuff like the anti camping, barrowed time becoming base kit and so on is actually really good for the game given it makes it feel like there is actually more to do, more in the game.
    The best way it could be fixed is with more interactions and rebuilding killers, survivor side, if you aren't being chased, the game is basically a pre alpha game of wait and hit the button, killer wise, they did well on that end but if they alter the game the killer has to change to fit the alterations.
    Perks feel like garbo and an after thought, somewhat useful but somewhat useless, boiling down to just the best perks and really making the game very easy to spot that it has issues. Many perks even feel like they should be basekit for both killer and survivors.
    DBD's main issue can be summed up as, the devs started making money off of something that wasn't finished, so now they don't want to alter anything since it is built now in a way to maximize profits, but the game itself isn't finished enough to be monetized and it's why everything is starting to feel the same.

  • @AnimusArmatus
    @AnimusArmatus 7 місяців тому +1

    I miss OG dbd, when you didn't tunnel bc you were showing that you were a gentleman by letting them have another chance. You weren't screwing yourself over, and it wasn't because the game was perfectly balenced then, both sides were plating to have fun. I haven't played in a while because I just don't feel like I'm having fun anymore, on either side- I can't convince myself that's WHY I'm playing.

  • @SarahLuvs2game
    @SarahLuvs2game 7 місяців тому

    you make many great points about this whole thing Coco and regarding what we should do to fix it is really hard to say because of just how toxic and misunderstanding this community is to one another some people may suggest more perk changes others may say they should change the 3 month chapter releases to 6 months i think the part that keeps this game from seriously finding it's peace and being more efficient is because BHVR chooses to use data charts to make decisions rather then understand the community's perspective on it all and this lack of communication is further when the one place they occasionally talk with people is reddit of all places reddit and what makes it all more ironic is that back in the day BHVR did have some communication with people but then after all the toxicity coming from everyone they stopped discussing things head on realizing similar to the ping choice CSGO made they come to this reality that no matter what they do most people will just decide to complain rather then analyze their choice and try to see the perspective

  • @middox239
    @middox239 7 місяців тому +1

    honestly i hope one day we can get a vote system to kick a certain player if cheating is suspected or to ping the game live so the devs can review it faster

  • @mosshivenetwork117
    @mosshivenetwork117 7 місяців тому +1

    Happy New Year!

  • @alphaseries7251
    @alphaseries7251 7 місяців тому +1

    Near the end of "Lack of Ambition", they seem to just be adding rather than changing and fixing old things up. They need to know that their player base isn't going to disappear just because they aren't dropping a new flavor of syrup. I'm sure the players are going to be a lot happier if their old flavors got a little better. As for "Do people play DbD for fun?", having fun is as subjective as comedy. That's it. Also, it's funny a dev from TXCSM said what he said when one of their updates was two pay-to-win characters. One being 5x stronger than the other.
    I'm just really tired of game devs thinking there's only one side to their game when there's actually more than that. Goes to show they aren't actually the type to put more than 2 hours on a game they made. Skill is entirely a different thing. They for sure wouldn't know first hand what the hell will be happening at the "top" .

  • @CaptainDoomsday
    @CaptainDoomsday 6 місяців тому

    The most frustrating thing about BHVR's stubbornness is that it seems to be tempered with impatience. If an idea is bad, throw it in the vault and just remember it's there incase an opening to use a refined version comes out. Sadako recycles Old Freddy's intermittent visibility just fine, and the Overdrive Hillbilly mechanic seems like a great rehashing of Overheat's mechanics. I'd even argue that Old Freddy's kit could be reworked into an interesting "Sandman" Killer with some appropriate buffs.
    BHVR isn't just afraid to roll back bad decisions, though; it's stubborn to the point of seeming hostile to the community at times (Almo's outburst about colorblind options comes to mind), and if DBD didn't have the INSANE luck to acquire a licensed Killer early while every competitor met with misfortune, leaving it uncontested now, it'd be in a really bad spot.

  • @DaChimpster
    @DaChimpster 7 місяців тому +2

    I only play for archives because they incentivize me to play with different unique perk builds and I get rewarded for it. The only issue is I get it all done in 1-2 hours then I have to wait multiple days just for more. Also a vote kick system in dbd might be nice, who knows. Unfortunately knowing the community they would abuse it tbh

  • @goldenbeaver157
    @goldenbeaver157 5 місяців тому

    4:07 this hits hard, especially someone who used games like Minecraft, Fortnite, and Geometry Dash etc to get away from my chaotic environment in which I grew up 😢

  • @jaida3377
    @jaida3377 6 місяців тому +1

    If dbd gets to a point where every other viable killer strat is dead and chase is meta it will either be the absolute best or worst state of the game thus far.

  • @jayjack
    @jayjack 7 місяців тому +1

    played my first killer game in a long time yesterday and there was a survivor that moved way faster than me the whole time. it made me wonder just how bad this game needs anti-cheat if i cant even play one game without issues

  • @KlausCiocannis
    @KlausCiocannis 7 місяців тому +1

    This game is going downhill at an almost unstopable speed. The increase of mmr cap was the last thing they needed to do in order to make me quit for good. Tried these changes before quitting, perhaps it wasn't that bad. Huge mistake. Never touching dbd again

  • @Yuichi_Tatsuya
    @Yuichi_Tatsuya 7 місяців тому +1

    I literally just faced a hacker mikaela yesterday and it was so annoying. I couldn’t get a single hook because she would constantly teleport to the hook and sabotage it. And if I was lucky enough to get there first she would teleport directly under the hook to keep me from getting one. Sucks man

  • @hogarthhuge
    @hogarthhuge 7 місяців тому +1

    I think partly blaming cheating on perk design is absurd. Cheaters will find other excuses. BHVR should never let cheaters limit their creativity by designing the game around them, they need to design correct cheat detection for them.

  • @TheFightQueen
    @TheFightQueen 7 місяців тому

    The fact that the games average player base has actually been increasing over the holidays makes me wonder how many folk that play the game actually pay any real attention to the likes of Otzdarva and others. I always assumed the day Otzdarva showed fatigue would be the day everyone quit yet it seems to be only the content creators who have issues with the game in its current state!
    Anyone I speak to who isn’t a content creator talks about how the game is in one of the healthiest states it’s ever been in and the roadmap for this years DLC might just be the best yet. I don’t know, maybe attaching your content career to one single game for 8 years straight would make anyone feel fatigue, who knows!

  • @navnatiomproduction4597
    @navnatiomproduction4597 7 місяців тому +1

    I feel like this is a very volatile moment for dbd if the next update is more of the same or low quality, I feel like the community is on the verge of exploding

  • @yumithehunter6292
    @yumithehunter6292 7 місяців тому +1

    If your game has so many cheaters a dc penalty shouldn’t be enabled

  • @Mammongus
    @Mammongus 6 місяців тому +1

    I had a game just 2 days ago where one survivor was way faster than all the others. I could catch everyone but them, I couldn't even get bloodlust on them for the amount of distance they'd create every time they went around a corner. I called them out post-game and they said "I just hug loops tighter than you do". Like nah fam.

  • @VernulaUtUmbra
    @VernulaUtUmbra 7 місяців тому +1

    I feel like DBD's major problem is that it's got so many core issues with the game itself, and the Devs/Community keeps on thinking that adding more content to it is going to fix it.
    - We've got a massive gap between the high tier items/killers/perks on both sides, leading to samey matches.
    - Perks aren't "Fun things to use", the way the game is set up is basically "How do you want to keep the other side honest?".
    - Cheaters make the game impossible to take seriously as either a Competitive game or a Casual one.
    - BHVR doesn't know if they want this to be a fun drinking game with friends or a super serious e-sport. Neither are being supported and neither are working well at the current moment.
    New game modes, new killers, new perks, don't do anything to fix those issues. Whenever a new Killer comes out it's basically "This is the new Blight/Nurse/Wesker" or "Do they have perks that go well on Blight/Nurse/Wesker". Maybe 2v8 breathes some new life into the game due to being able to play Killer with a friend and the combos that come with it, but it's likely not going to.

  • @Tedforsure
    @Tedforsure 7 місяців тому +1

    *When I tell you I actually play Dbd for fun and it is always boring until a new update comes out.*