Birthing Your Eternal Awareness: Tiny Space Initiation from Drunvalo

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Within each of us, there exists a sacred inner space - a primordial seed of consciousness that has been present since the dawn of creation itself. Known by many traditions as the "tiny space" or "eternal essence", it is a luminous realm nestled within the energetic heart center.
    This guided meditation for unveiling the tiny space is based on the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek, who has shared this ancient knowledge to help awaken humanity's connection to its infinite core.By reworking and offering Drunvalo's meditation in new forms, the aim is to make this transformative inner journey more accessible to a wider audience.
    The meditation provides a rare opportunity to consciously journey inward and make contact with this timeless aspect of your being. Through transcending the layers of your inner universe, you can unveil and activate your connection to the tiny space - an infinitely vast source of light, wisdom and cosmic awareness.
    Traveling there initiates a profound homecoming, allowing you to experientially rediscover your own infinite, deathless nature. The tiny space contains the imprint of all that you are and all that you have experienced across countless lifetimes. It is the womb from which your soul essence emerged, and the sanctuary to which you can return to realign with your eternal awareness.
    Whether you seek transcendental insights, healing from your ancient roots, or simply a deeper understanding of your fundamental self, unveiling the tiny space can be a profoundly illuminating and transformative experience.
    This meditative initiation offers a powerful opportunity to birth a renewed connection with the undying spark of divinity that lives within us all.Unveiling Your Infinite TruthAt its core, this meditative journey is an initiation into unveiling the infinite, eternal truth of your existence.
    By consciously traversing the inner layers of your body and energy field, you can uncover a sacred "tiny space" that lies within your heart chakra - a primordial seed and repository containing the totality of your soul's cosmic journey.
    This hallowed inner realm, which has remained present since the dawn of creation itself, holds the imprint of your divine, deathless nature. Making contact with your "tiny space" allows you to experientially reunite with the undying spark of source consciousness from which your being originally emerged. In doing so, you birth a profound remembrance of your true self beyond limiting identities.
    Whether you seek expanded awareness, emotional-spiritual healing, or a deeper understanding of the infinite essence that dwells within, unveiling this primeval dimension offers transcendental insights and initiates an awakening to the immortal, unbounded aspect of your existence.
    By courageously journeying inward, you meet the seed of your infinite consciousness - and emerge reborn into the cosmic truth of your eternal, divine nature.