I just bought a fake for $60. It looks just like her fake but let me tell you why I chose to buy a fake when I can afford a real. I personally like the look but I don't believe these designer bags, LV or anything else are truly worth the price. I used to be so against wearing fake anything but after working in a luxury department store and dealing with these bags first hand, besides slight leather quality, the price is really for the name alone. I've held $6,000 bags and the quality is not better than other brands that I own that are less expensive.
In my opinion and what I’ve learned in buying Louis Vuitton bags for years, the Ebene canvas has a color range. The canvas becomes more subdued the older it gets. It is also hard to compare a pre-loved authentic vs a what seems to be a newer replica for obvious reasons. I probably won’t be able to tell what a replica or authentic is because I do not go looking for those things on other people’s bags. I also believe it is none of my business what people do with their money, whether they buy replicas or authentic ones. What bothers me is people passing off replicas and selling them as authentics with expensive price tags to dupe people.
The way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the fake one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have 👜
I've owned luxary bags, and have paid too much when I could have invested in stocks or land. Everyone has a right to invest their money anyway that they choose. Love the video!
I like LV stuff, but it almost seems pointless to get one. The fake looks exactly the same as the real one. And I don’t want to spend money on something that is so easily copied.
Everything is easily copied even electric stuff. It’s more a principal question. I also own one fake Neverfull for going to the beach. Seriously, it’s to expensive to get everywhere sand. For me.
I own real LV bags, & the leather is the only way I could tell right off the bat. Even though I spend a pretty penny for my bags, I honestly don’t care about who owns what, & don’t pay attention to whether someone else’s bag is real or fake, or if it’s from Walmart.
I bought a fake one three years ago and I use it every day as a work bag and it still looks good. On the flip side, I have a real one that I used to wear every day and the canvas is tearing and the side strings are unraveling. I bought both at the same time.
Can I afford a 2k bag? Yes, seeing how close they are isn't worth buying one. Like who on earth is going to look at the round leather code behind the zipper?!? Honestly the real one doesn't even look good. They should come up with a better style.
There is nothing wrong with buying a fake designer bag! the fake one actually looks a lot better than the real one..and not to mention why waste thousands of dollars buying one purse when you can buy a replica and get more for your money? and to top it off the real one uses real animal skin so I think I prefer the fake one!
My mom and I both have the same bag and the color of the bags is completely different, I bought mine first and I kept it in the box, maybe used it once and when I showed it to her, our bags were completely different colors
The print on older Neverfulls is not as defined were as the newer ones are sharper. That is something to consider. The tone on two authentic's can slight vary as well. I don't think those are features to determine if your bag is fake unless you are comparing the year your bag was made to these features.
Another thing you forgot to mention, the flower print interior was changed around 2015. If its a 2017 model it would have the current stripe only print and the non cursive font on the pocket.
Omg the real one looks so cringy & “dusty”. I would be ashamed lol considering and seeing reviews where the real ones fall apart and the replica is still holding up. Ouch!
At this point, when no one can even tell the difference between the fake bag and the real one, it makes more sense to buy the replica if you don’t have disposable income. It’s just dumb to save up for an item that has tons of replicas that look identical. Most of us will just assume it’s fake anyway if you’re not wealthy. I can understand rich people spending thousands on designer items since they can afford it. (Not talking about the woman in the video; just people in general)
lol I got it wrong. The fake one looked better! I say do what y’all please with y’all money hunnyyyyyyy. I have a Lv bag but i don’t like using it because I’m rough:(
At the end of the day if someone doesn’t have the money to buy a bag that costs over €1000 and they are happy enough to buy a replica then they shouldn’t be shamed for it!
Canvas shade isn’t a good indicator to determine a fake. I’ve had many authentic pieces and some ebene prints are warmer and some are cooler, depending on the batch. The monogram can look more cool olive to a more warmer red-brown and the azur can lean to the warmer sand, taupe to cooler grey. Canvas has always varied in shades with all the prints.
Funny so many people say that they knew immediately..LOL. This is actually a very well made replica as you said. There are really bad ones but this will fool many people. It is up to each individual whether they want to spend money on a real or replica bag. I don’t care what someone else wants to buy but like you said it’s good to know if you are truly buying a real bag if you are being told it’s real. Great info, thanks for showing it to us!
Authentic Canvas changes with each batch so that isn't a telltale sign. I have an authentic DE Neverfull MM with the red interior as well and a rep of the DE Neverfull MM with the rose ballerine and they are spot in next to each other. My authentic is 10 years old and the gold has worn off the hardware in some spots. Nobody is going to be looking inside my bag, authentic or rep, to see the datecode. To me the quality has gone down in the authentics. I think the rep in this video is in better shape. I thought the one with the wrinkled leather around the top was the rep.
Very informative. It's a shame that the quality of the replica is just as good if not better than the original. On top of that who in the hell is going to be that close examining your bag.
I’ve looked on the resale sites, but prefer to buy them from the store. I don’t want the headache of taking a chance on a resale bag only to later find out it’s a fake.
Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these superfakes are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.
I can tell a real Gucci, Prada, Burberry from a dupe. I can't tell the differences of an LV. This is why I don't buy Louis Vuitton bags. When you think about bag style and quality, who is duping whom? The real designers charging exorbitant prices or a medium/small company giving you the same look and quality for a thousand less.
Sheryl Smith, Interfaith Minister & Fiber Artist yeah exactly, that's what I thought,, i've seen youtube videos of leather works here replicating a $1000 LV wallet for just $70😏
I agree with you on the prices for the real bags, but many fake-makers are associated with criminal activity. Check out this video: ua-cam.com/video/Is9Hxn7Wr5w/v-deo.html
Different authentic bags will have different shades of color. Different places they’re made, different date code batches, they’ll vary year to year. Same goes for the crispness of the print & stitching so color is not a good way to tell the difference. Interior shade of color will also vary for the same reasons as the outside. When it comes to stitching, the replica will often be better (sadly LV doesn’t have the best craftsmanship anymore). Pocket size & hardware color will also vary year to year & where it was made. Basically the only way to tell anymore is the date code tag which the replicas are also getting extremely good at that now. At some point you’re gonna rum into someone with a real bag that looks just like that fake one. It really can’t be based on what you were basing it on other than the date code. Or on the ebene, some reps the zipper inside will be red when it should be brown & the cinch tab may be turned the wrong way so that’s one of the only ways to tell as well. The authenticating websites are even being fooled the date code stamps are so good now & I’ve seem quite a few they’ve authenticated & they’re fake🤷🏻♀️
The replicas are getting better and better. 20 years ago it was pretty easy to spot a replica. My LV pieces are all authentic and purchased from the LV store in San Francisco back in the 80’s and 90’s. I get asked often if they are real.....😊
The color tones of the canvas shouldn't be the basis for judging authentic vs real. Even in store, they said some DE bags don't have the same color tones. They said that it varies depends on age and usage of the bag and sometimes even with the manufacturing. I've read posts where they say some DE bags in the LV store wouldn't have the same color tones.
Then what’s the point of buying a real one ☝️ when you can save soo much and plus even if I wear a real one people are still gonna think that I’m carrying a fake one 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Does the color of the canvas change over time? It would make sense as to why the real was more dull looking than the replica, as the real bag is from 10 years ago.
I have 4 pieces in monogram I bought in LV boutique myself within 2-3 years, and color of canvas is different, the newer items are more saturated, so with time it fades. My point basically that you cannot rely on fact of color difference, especially when you do not have like 2 brand new bags in front of you. And without comparison with real one it is difficult in this case to say immediately “this is fake”
At first glance I know which is the fake one because of the strap size. But I wouldn't know from the canvas because I saw and own several authentic Damier ebene with different color tones
I work with leather and honestly....LV uses real leather but the quality isn't that great as so many love to say. I've made leather bags for a few years now and learning about the quality of leather and walking into a LV store and touching them I was in complete shock!!! The leather is poor and they use a gloss on top of it for longevity. The metal hardware isn't that great it's just really good paint. The replica bag actually falls like quality leather. Educating myself about leather, threads and bags I just can't pay that much for a LV it's really just the name in this case.
THANK YOU !! I was waiting to see this comment, to add to this I've been to the china & bought directly from their stores, y'all need to do your research on these "high end" bags a lot of them are being made there & sown together in the places they get stamped at. You're literally all getting scammed by big design houses but to each their own.
Timbro 69 US federal law states it’s illegal to purchase replica items although it clearly is not enforced at state level. The US Customs & Border Patrol website states: Legal Implications - It is illegal to purchase counterfeit goods. Bringing them into the United States may result in civil or criminal penalties. Purchasing counterfeit goods supports criminal activities such as money laundering and trafficking in illegal guns and drugs. Remember, if it seems like a steal, it is.
Great comparison! I also compare some fakes vs real for fun and education. Some fakes I love some I don’t. The most recent batches of fake Damier ebene Neverfulls have the update Matte leather as well.
Great job comparing them! I have the real DE MM with ballerina pink. I absolutely love it, but that fake,,,looks so similar! Yikes! I had mine authenticated and I am like you, I only have bought preloved as of now. At least they keep their value!
Also the on the side where the stitching is the squares are suppose to match up symmetrical. Pause at 1:59 and you can see the fake bag doesn’t line up on the bottom
Wrong, my authentic DE Neverfull MM does not line up symmetrically unfortunately. I never noticed until I watched a lady who was doing a review on her new authentic DE Neverfull MM with the rose ballerine interior. Hers didn't line up so I went to go look at my 10 year old one and it didn't either.
WRONG. That's like saying a Volkswagen is as nice as my Audi. Just because they are the same parent brand, doesn't make them the same. A real Gucci, Prada, Givenchy is far superior to a fake,. I don't know about LV. I'm not a fan and don't own anything from LV
To each their own. I personally wouldn’t rock or waste my money on a replica if I can’t afford a real one. I would just buy what I can afford. I think it’s just a personal preference . They do look very similar.
I'm sorry, but a real designer bag equals rent and some places including utilities plus cellphones. They are just too expensive for the average consumer.
Sandra Virgile unless you save up for it as a very special gift Yes it might take a few years but still it would be worth it if it’s your dream bag my dream bag is a Hermès Birkin I’d save up for it
The date code is not good in the fake because the inside lining of the neverfull changed in 2015. A real bag made in 2017 would have the newer inside lining. Still a very convincing fake.
Great video! Although I love Louis Vuitton I think the biggest downside is that I always wonder if it’s real or is it fake?! And in my opinion Neverfulls are heavily overpriced considering that it is not even leather but coated canvas. It only has leather accents. But nevertheless they are beautiful.
I noticed you didn't mention the way the dark checker squares were cut in half on the fake bag along the outer side seam I think that was instant obvious thing I noticed about the differences of the two bags an easy sign I would say to notice a fake as well as if the logo name is cut off along the seams I would defenantly question the bag as well i think i also noticed there is an extra stitch on the triangular shape part of the bags handles count them from the bottom point up I believe there should only be 4 stitches not 5 but I'd have to review to be sure of that Appreciate your time thx
I bought a second hand one. It’s a neverfull mm. I have a serious doubt about if it’s a fake one or not because I have the feeling the straps are larger than it supposed to be. Not longer, larger. It is 12mm large (0,9 inch). Does anyone who has a neverfull mm can tell me how large are the strap on their bag please ?
I don’t minded replicas as long as there made well , oh ever I’ve at the most only paid 350$ for a bag never went over that price and I’ve owned to Gucci bags but I sold my whole purse collection and I’m down to two bags one being a Frye and one Marc Jacobs bag !!
Why I just walk in to Coach or Kate Spade stores and get my real bags. Plus I still have money left over...if I buy LV will do the same walk in their dpt store get it directly from them. So I don't have to worry if FAKE or AUTHENTIC.
The monogram canvas...do the canvas colors vary? I have a monogram wallet that I purchased from Louis Vuitton and the monogram Galleria that I purchased from The Real Real . The browns are totally different. The wallet is a warm color; the bag is an odd darker monogram
Light, temperature and the way the materials are stored will impact on the overall end colour of a material. It would seem unnatural if every bag was exactly the same shade in colour (unless it was chemically processed to be the same shade).
Great information to know. This is a thought maybe if most of these designers would come down on those prices which are redilous more women would be able to afford them. Yes there are those who can pay those outrageous prices but most cannot. We all know that's not going to happen.
Even then you can't tell because even in authentics the canvas color changes depending on where it's made. There is a comment above explaining all of that.
I always buy my Vuitton at the store ... Actually I moved to Gucci because Louis Vuitton burn their bags when unsold. That’s crap! Wasted fine leathers....
My last bag I bought receipt usually have LV on it but I’m thinking about buying bag off FB Market place but her receipt looks like a regular store receipt, no LV on it and she just bought it 2 months ago. I’m scared or am I being paranoid?
Hey, I just bought a real LV neverfull from the LV website and the inside is not in cursive and I have watch several other videos and it is not written in cursive. Does anyone know why?
I just bought a fake for $60. It looks just like her fake but let me tell you why I chose to buy a fake when I can afford a real. I personally like the look but I don't believe these designer bags, LV or anything else are truly worth the price. I used to be so against wearing fake anything but after working in a luxury department store and dealing with these bags first hand, besides slight leather quality, the price is really for the name alone. I've held $6,000 bags and the quality is not better than other brands that I own that are less expensive.
I have both real and a fake one, and it amazes me that I get more compliments on my fake one than the real one😅 I ain’t to bougie🤷♀️I slay both💁🏻♀️💅
In my opinion and what I’ve learned in buying Louis Vuitton bags for years, the Ebene canvas has a color range. The canvas becomes more subdued the older it gets. It is also hard to compare a pre-loved authentic vs a what seems to be a newer replica for obvious reasons. I probably won’t be able to tell what a replica or authentic is because I do not go looking for those things on other people’s bags. I also believe it is none of my business what people do with their money, whether they buy replicas or authentic ones. What bothers me is people passing off replicas and selling them as authentics with expensive price tags to dupe people.
the fake one looks well made and nicer sad to say lol
I agree if you can't tell the differences, why pay the differences.
Yes.. I know. We are so marketed! Big time consumers and keeping up with the Kardashians
The way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the fake one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have 👜
Exactly... the best comment in here thus far!!
I think the fake looks more authentic l than the real one. The quality of the fake seems to be much better.
Lol the fake looks better
The fake looks so good ,100 % thought that the fake looks real LOL 😆
I've owned luxary bags, and have paid too much when I could have invested in stocks or land. Everyone has a right to invest their money anyway that they choose. Love the video!
I think the fake one look better than the real one.
I like LV stuff, but it almost seems pointless to get one. The fake looks exactly the same as the real one. And I don’t want to spend money on something that is so easily copied.
I agree as well
Everything is easily copied even electric stuff. It’s more a principal question. I also own one fake Neverfull for going to the beach. Seriously, it’s to expensive to get everywhere sand. For me.
But the fakes are associated with criminal activity. Check out this video: ua-cam.com/video/Is9Hxn7Wr5w/v-deo.html
I own real LV bags, & the leather is the only way I could tell right off the bat. Even though I spend a pretty penny for my bags, I honestly don’t care about who owns what, & don’t pay attention to whether someone else’s bag is real or fake, or if it’s from Walmart.
I bought me the same fake bag love it
& still save me a lot of money at the same time.
I bought a fake one three years ago and I use it every day as a work bag and it still looks good. On the flip side, I have a real one that I used to wear every day and the canvas is tearing and the side strings are unraveling. I bought both at the same time.
I’m sorry but your friend is very smart and the fake ones look more real than the real one
I swear the fake looks more like the real one. I could even see the leather of the supposed real one looking squeezed
The fake looks wayyyyyyy better than the authentic.
Not smart. The replicas are associated with criminal activity. Check out this video: ua-cam.com/video/Is9Hxn7Wr5w/v-deo.html
The fake looooks waaaay better then the real..I want my 1,300 back
Can I afford a 2k bag? Yes, seeing how close they are isn't worth buying one. Like who on earth is going to look at the round leather code behind the zipper?!? Honestly the real one doesn't even look good. They should come up with a better style.
The fake looks better
That Neverfull is an EXTREMELY good dupe
Love this. Sometimes the quality of the fakes seem better, looking at the wrinkling around the leather on the top edge of the authentic.
There is nothing wrong with buying a fake designer bag! the fake one actually looks a lot better than the real one..and not to mention why waste thousands of dollars buying one purse when you can buy a replica and get more for your money? and to top it off the real one uses real animal skin so I think I prefer the fake one!
The cost of LV is around $300, the rest is pure profit
I have the same bag and my is fake, I love it and I get a lot of comments on it.
The canvas isn't a telltale sign as authentic DEs have different colours as well. colour depends on the batch they're made.
They are getting better and better at making dupes, unless you’re a professional, there’s really no way to tell. Wow!!!!!
My mom and I both have the same bag and the color of the bags is completely different, I bought mine first and I kept it in the box, maybe used it once and when I showed it to her, our bags were completely different colors
It has been shown by other UA-camrs that the colors can be different with authentics depending on when & where they were made/purchased...
Wait i really thought the fake bag was th real LV, the real LV bag stitching and trim looks wrinkled?!
Christine Stevens that’s what I thought!!
The quality of the bags are not as good as the more vintage bags. Lv has changed!
The print on older Neverfulls is not as defined were as the newer ones are sharper. That is something to consider. The tone on two authentic's can slight vary as well. I don't think those are features to determine if your bag is fake unless you are comparing the year your bag was made to these features.
Another thing you forgot to mention, the flower print interior was changed around 2015. If its a 2017 model it would have the current stripe only print and the non cursive font on the pocket.
The fake one is more pretty yikes i was very surprised when you said which one was fale
Omg the real one looks so cringy & “dusty”. I would be ashamed lol considering and seeing reviews where the real ones fall apart and the replica is still holding up. Ouch!
At this point, when no one can even tell the difference between the fake bag and the real one, it makes more sense to buy the replica if you don’t have disposable income. It’s just dumb to save up for an item that has tons of replicas that look identical. Most of us will just assume it’s fake anyway if you’re not wealthy. I can understand rich people spending thousands on designer items since they can afford it. (Not talking about the woman in the video; just people in general)
I think the fake one looks way better I would buy the fake one! ❤️
Carla H right. The leather trim around the top of that real one looks bad
Carla H so true😂🤣🤣
lol I got it wrong. The fake one looked better! I say do what y’all please with y’all money hunnyyyyyyy. I have a Lv bag but i don’t like using it because I’m rough:(
At the end of the day if someone doesn’t have the money to buy a bag that costs over €1000 and they are happy enough to buy a replica then they shouldn’t be shamed for it!
Totally agree
Canvas shade isn’t a good indicator to determine a fake. I’ve had many authentic pieces and some ebene prints are warmer and some are cooler, depending on the batch. The monogram can look more cool olive to a more warmer red-brown and the azur can lean to the warmer sand, taupe to cooler grey. Canvas has always varied in shades with all the prints.
Wow the fake is beautiful! Thanks for your video
Funny so many people say that they knew immediately..LOL. This is actually a very well made replica as you said. There are really bad ones but this will fool many people. It is up to each individual whether they want to spend money on a real or replica bag. I don’t care what someone else wants to buy but like you said it’s good to know if you are truly buying a real bag if you are being told it’s real. Great info, thanks for showing it to us!
Authentic Canvas changes with each batch so that isn't a telltale sign. I have an authentic DE Neverfull MM with the red interior as well and a rep of the DE Neverfull MM with the rose ballerine and they are spot in next to each other. My authentic is 10 years old and the gold has worn off the hardware in some spots. Nobody is going to be looking inside my bag, authentic or rep, to see the datecode. To me the quality has gone down in the authentics. I think the rep in this video is in better shape. I thought the one with the wrinkled leather around the top was the rep.
Very informative. It's a shame that the quality of the replica is just as good if not better than the original. On top of that who in the hell is going to be that close examining your bag.
Thank you, my thoughts exactly.
Color changes depending on where it was made, also serial number has a lot to do with it.
The fake one looks better!
Tracey Johnson it does
I was thinking the same thing 😂
yes! even the checker print is stitched to MATCH up whereas the real one isn't. That is a shameful Authentic one
I’ve looked on the resale sites, but prefer to buy them from the store. I don’t want the headache of taking a chance on a resale bag only to later find out it’s a fake.
Tradesy authenticates and it's very good I love it you can even buy new ones a very good prices and authentication is free after 500 you spend
Wow, the fake looks really good. It's hard to tell.
Most designer bags are out sourced to China now- that why China can make almost identical bags.
I thought the real was the fake!!! Jajajajaja 🤣🤣👏
Honestly, the replica its way more gorgeous!
Could never tell the difference, I own both real and fake LV and I sometimes prefer the fakes.
Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these superfakes are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.
I can tell a real Gucci, Prada, Burberry from a dupe. I can't tell the differences of an LV. This is why I don't buy Louis Vuitton bags. When you think about bag style and quality, who is duping whom? The real designers charging exorbitant prices or a medium/small company giving you the same look and quality for a thousand less.
Sheryl Smith, Interfaith Minister & Fiber Artist yeah exactly, that's what I thought,, i've seen youtube videos of leather works here replicating a $1000 LV wallet for just $70😏
I agree with you on the prices for the real bags, but many fake-makers are associated with criminal activity. Check out this video: ua-cam.com/video/Is9Hxn7Wr5w/v-deo.html
Different authentic bags will have different shades of color. Different places they’re made, different date code batches, they’ll vary year to year. Same goes for the crispness of the print & stitching so color is not a good way to tell the difference. Interior shade of color will also vary for the same reasons as the outside. When it comes to stitching, the replica will often be better (sadly LV doesn’t have the best craftsmanship anymore). Pocket size & hardware color will also vary year to year & where it was made. Basically the only way to tell anymore is the date code tag which the replicas are also getting extremely good at that now. At some point you’re gonna rum into someone with a real bag that looks just like that fake one. It really can’t be based on what you were basing it on other than the date code. Or on the ebene, some reps the zipper inside will be red when it should be brown & the cinch tab may be turned the wrong way so that’s one of the only ways to tell as well. The authenticating websites are even being fooled the date code stamps are so good now & I’ve seem quite a few they’ve authenticated & they’re fake🤷🏻♀️
Yes to all of this.
The replicas are getting better and better. 20 years ago it was pretty easy to spot a replica. My LV pieces are all authentic and purchased from the LV store in San Francisco back in the 80’s and 90’s. I get asked often if they are real.....😊
The fake looks better lmao
The color tones of the canvas shouldn't be the basis for judging authentic vs real. Even in store, they said some DE bags don't have the same color tones. They said that it varies depends on age and usage of the bag and sometimes even with the manufacturing. I've read posts where they say some DE bags in the LV store wouldn't have the same color tones.
The fake looks nicer lol
FYI Luxury goods usually use the Country of Origin but not the City of Origin.
Then what’s the point of buying a real one ☝️ when you can save soo much and plus even if I wear a real one people are still gonna think that I’m carrying a fake one 🤣🤣🤣🤣
💯 that’s the crazy thing about it all even if it’s real people still gonna think it’s fake, like they know how much is in your bank account
Exactly. 😂 Man please. I’ll rock a fake one and pay my 60-90 for it. And that’s that on that.
Actually I think the stitching on the real bag looks shoddy compared to the fake.
Totally agree.
I could tell the fake right away, but id still take a fake haha.
Does the color of the canvas change over time? It would make sense as to why the real was more dull looking than the replica, as the real bag is from 10 years ago.
Very good replica . I would buy the fake one .no problem at all 😘🤫🤔
I have 4 pieces in monogram I bought in LV boutique myself within 2-3 years, and color of canvas is different, the newer items are more saturated, so with time it fades. My point basically that you cannot rely on fact of color difference, especially when you do not have like 2 brand new bags in front of you. And without comparison with real one it is difficult in this case to say immediately “this is fake”
Great info. Thank you!
At first glance I know which is the fake one because of the strap size. But I wouldn't know from the canvas because I saw and own several authentic
Damier ebene with different color tones
the fake bags or more shiny and too perfect
I work with leather and honestly....LV uses real leather but the quality isn't that great as so many love to say. I've made leather bags for a few years now and learning about the quality of leather and walking into a LV store and touching them I was in complete shock!!! The leather is poor and they use a gloss on top of it for longevity. The metal hardware isn't that great it's just really good paint. The replica bag actually falls like quality leather. Educating myself about leather, threads and bags I just can't pay that much for a LV it's really just the name in this case.
After looking at how crappy and bunchy the leather looks on the real compared to the fake I fully agree with this comment.
THANK YOU !! I was waiting to see this comment, to add to this I've been to the china & bought directly from their stores, y'all need to do your research on these "high end" bags a lot of them are being made there & sown together in the places they get stamped at. You're literally all getting scammed by big design houses but to each their own.
Good for you honey I’m the same way if you can’t pay retail or resale just buy what you can afford hate trademark fakes
Girl pliz thay look The same 🤔Is good forpeople that don’t have the budget to get the real one
not illegal to buy for personal only to sell
Timbro 69 US federal law states it’s illegal to purchase replica items although it clearly is not enforced at state level. The US Customs & Border Patrol website states: Legal Implications - It is illegal to purchase counterfeit goods. Bringing them into the United States may result in civil or criminal penalties. Purchasing counterfeit goods supports criminal activities such as money laundering and trafficking in illegal guns and drugs. Remember, if it seems like a steal, it is.
Great comparison! I also compare some fakes vs real for fun and education. Some fakes I love some I don’t. The most recent batches of fake Damier ebene Neverfulls have the update Matte leather as well.
Great job comparing them! I have the real DE MM with ballerina pink. I absolutely love it, but that fake,,,looks so similar! Yikes! I had mine authenticated and I am like you, I only have bought preloved as of now. At least they keep their value!
Also the on the side where the stitching is the squares are suppose to match up symmetrical. Pause at 1:59 and you can see the fake bag doesn’t line up on the bottom
Wrong, my authentic DE Neverfull MM does not line up symmetrically unfortunately. I never noticed until I watched a lady who was doing a review on her new authentic DE Neverfull MM with the rose ballerine interior. Hers didn't line up so I went to go look at my 10 year old one and it didn't either.
I'm sorry but the people buying the real bag is being duped because the fake one is better than the real one.
I wanted a fake bag but couldn't find one...hubby got me a real one. After looking at this video I hate myself lol.
By your comment it's very obvious you never had a authentic because there's MAJOR differences in quality.
WRONG. That's like saying a Volkswagen is as nice as my Audi. Just because they are the same parent brand, doesn't make them the same. A real Gucci, Prada, Givenchy is far superior to a fake,. I don't know about LV. I'm not a fan and don't own anything from LV
They aren't better because many are involved in criminal activity. Check out this video: ua-cam.com/video/Is9Hxn7Wr5w/v-deo.html
tanishaj38 that part
I would love to buy a real LV, but I would not be able to pay for my house and car if I'd get one. Lol
Fake look nicer lol
U don’t have to be careful just go to the flagship store for purchase
I knew immediately which was the fake one. I own a few authentic LV’s and the color and the DE canvas print gives it all away.
So scary! Great video! Also on the fake, if it was made in 2017 it would have the block interior writing.
Great point! Thanks for sharing!
You can see immediately by the colour. But I own a lot of DE prints. The original print is more decent.
I’m ok if the replica is of good quality
Are you aware of the criminal activity associated with the replicas? Check out this video I recently found: ua-cam.com/video/Is9Hxn7Wr5w/v-deo.html
To each their own. I personally wouldn’t rock or waste my money on a replica if I can’t afford a real one. I would just buy what I can afford. I think it’s just a personal preference . They do look very similar.
I am scared. I just purchased a neverfull DE preloved. I am scared is gonna be fake 😳
I'm sorry, but a real designer bag equals rent and some places including utilities plus cellphones. They are just too expensive for the average consumer.
Sandra Virgile unless you save up for it as a very special gift Yes it might take a few years but still it would be worth it if it’s your dream bag my dream bag is a Hermès Birkin I’d save up for it
The date code is not good in the fake because the inside lining of the neverfull changed in 2015. A real bag made in 2017 would have the newer inside lining. Still a very convincing fake.
The fake one looks much better, and better finishings.
Danilo Mira I absolutely agreed!
Absolutely. The trimmings on that real one is a wrinkly mess.
I agree completely. Fake one looks so much better.
Great video! Although I love Louis Vuitton I think the biggest downside is that I always wonder if it’s real or is it fake?! And in my opinion Neverfulls are heavily overpriced considering that it is not even leather but coated canvas. It only has leather accents. But nevertheless they are beautiful.
Thank you for this very informative and helpful video. I’m completely new to LV so I have a lot to learn before I even consider the resale market.
I noticed you didn't mention the way the dark checker squares were cut in half on the fake bag along the outer side seam I think that was instant obvious thing I noticed about the differences of the two bags an easy sign I would say to notice a fake as well as if the logo name is cut off along the seams I would defenantly question the bag as well i think i also noticed there is an extra stitch on the triangular shape part of the bags handles count them from the bottom point up I believe there should only be 4 stitches not 5 but I'd have to review to be sure of that Appreciate your time thx
Thank You, I couldn't find the code, but there it was, thanks to your helpful info! :)
I bought a second hand one. It’s a neverfull mm. I have a serious doubt about if it’s a fake one or not because I have the feeling the straps are larger than it supposed to be. Not longer, larger. It is 12mm large (0,9 inch). Does anyone who has a neverfull mm can tell me how large are the strap on their bag please ?
Its fake if its large. A cheap fake at that. you can have those for less than 20$. It you paid more than that, you got rip off.
I don’t minded replicas as long as there made well , oh ever I’ve at the most only paid 350$ for a bag never went over that price and I’ve owned to Gucci bags but I sold my whole purse collection and I’m down to two bags one being a Frye and one Marc Jacobs bag !!
Please check out this video on fakes and the criminal activity they fund: ua-cam.com/video/Is9Hxn7Wr5w/v-deo.html
The biggest obvious difference is the length of the handles... Normally replicas have larger ones.
I could see the fake one straight away it was obvious! The leather handles on the fake are thicker and that's a dead giveaway.
Great video. Very helpful info.
Why I just walk in to Coach or Kate Spade stores and get my real bags. Plus I still have money left over...if I buy LV will do the same walk in their dpt store get it directly from them. So I don't have to worry if FAKE or AUTHENTIC.
The monogram canvas...do the canvas colors vary? I have a monogram wallet that I purchased from Louis Vuitton and the monogram Galleria that I purchased from The Real Real . The browns are totally different. The wallet is a warm color; the bag is an odd darker monogram
I have heard that the monogram canvas color can very. Sometimes it’s more of a khaki green and sometimes more of a true brown.
Light, temperature and the way the materials are stored will impact on the overall end colour of a material. It would seem unnatural if every bag was exactly the same shade in colour (unless it was chemically processed to be the same shade).
All the canvas colors change depending on where it was made and etc. The DE, DA and the Monogram all change so don't sweat it.
I guessed right away from the coloring and the straps.
Nicole, can you compare your Neverfull with a D& B shopper & a Coach Tote?
I sure can! I have a Tote comparison video in the works 😉
Great information to know. This is a thought maybe if most of these designers would come down on those prices which are redilous more women would be able to afford them. Yes there are those who can pay those outrageous prices but most cannot. We all know that's not going to happen.
Can't tell unless they side by side
Even then you can't tell because even in authentics the canvas color changes depending on where it's made. There is a comment above explaining all of that.
I always buy my Vuitton at the store ... Actually I moved to Gucci because Louis Vuitton burn their bags when unsold. That’s crap! Wasted fine leathers....
That’s crazy they should do a liquidation or clearance store and sell them cheaper
What they do????
The only thing leather on the Neverfull is the handles and straps. The rest is canvas.
HAPPY GUY They don’t always burn them. Sometimes they offer them to their employees as a discounted price.
My last bag I bought receipt usually have LV on it but I’m thinking about buying bag off FB Market place but her receipt looks like a regular store receipt, no LV on it and she just bought it 2 months ago. I’m scared or am I being paranoid?
Hey, I just bought a real LV neverfull from the LV website and the inside is not in cursive and I have watch several other videos and it is not written in cursive. Does anyone know why?
I know they have changed the interior to not have the fleurs anymore either just the stripes so maybe they changed the font too.
@@TheSnflwr thanks. I actually prefer the cursive font. I hate they changed it.