Emio - The Smiling Man Part 11 - Talk with Kamihara about new suspect, tracking down missing people

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • 0:00 Boot up, replayed phone call between me and Detective Kamihara about needing to talk
    2:03 When Kamihara first picked me up, he was acting friendly... but when he realized I have something serious to talk about, he takes me seriously... especially when I bring up that I possibly found Eisuke Sasaki's tie in Detective Kuze's apartment so...
    5:33 Kamihara stops the car and I go over all of the strange things relating to Kuze and the case such as the motorcycle found at the crime scene the night Eisuke died, Eisuke's missing tie in Kuze's apartment, the fact that she withheld this information from her work partner, Kamihara, and the purple hair clip... but Kamihara defends Kuze each time, and gets especially mad when I suggest that Emio never visited Kuze, since Kamihara believed she was genuinely terrified
    16:30 After Detective Kamihara drops me off, I do a bit of thinking and take in the sights before heading to Todoroki Motors...
    20:02 Only to find out that they're closed until noon, so to kill time, I decide to ask around Kamematsu to see if I can find the apartment that Minoru Tsuzuki used to live in, but didn't get anywhere until, after seeing those kids with the paper bags on their heads again...
    27:14 I call them over for a chat and, while they are creeped out by me, especially since my fly was down... they tell me the story of the haunted apartment that was covered in blood where you could hear screaming AND laughter... but they never learned where it was, as their parents never told them, so I had to ask around some more
    35:44 After arriving in a new area, I tried to talk to an office lady, but she couldn't hear me due to ongoing construction... so then, after waiting for them to go on break, I talk to one of the head foreman about whether or not they knew Minoru Tsuzuki, which they did... but he didn't recognize the police sketch of Minoru (despite the Todorokis confirming it)... yet recognized the police sketch of Makoto Kuze
    47:03 Back at Todoroki Motors, I talk to Mrs. Todoroki, wanting to get more information... but when I tell the truth and say that I'm looking for Minoru because he's the main suspect of the death of Eisuke Sasaki, Mrs. Todoroki tells me to leave...
    54:59 Just in time for Mr. Todoroki to come back, so we tell him what happened... only for me to also tell me to leave as well, as he would never accept that Minoru would kill someone... but, determined to solve the case, I convince them to share what they know so that we can find out whether Minoru is innocent so we can save him, under the condition that I bring Minoru back regardless
    1:04:03 As Mr. Todoroki asks Ms. Todoroki to draw a map to where Minoru's apartment is, I ask the two to reconfirm that the police sketch of Minoru Tsuzuki looks like him... and they reconfirm that it does
    1:11:33 As I find Minoru's old apartment, it's too run down to get close to investigate... but when I try to leave, I notice an old man in a purple suit staring at me, so I try to talk to him... but he rambled on and on about random stuff until his daughter comes along and takes him home (this part was annoying because I didn't know what to do and didn't realize he kept repeating stuff)
    1:31:38 Went to go back to the construction site to ask more questions, but they're on break, so went back to the city to kill time and ran into Mama Shoko, who correctly deduces that Kamihara and I had a fight... but we chat a bit about how this just means Kamihara really trusts me before she heads to work and I head back
    1:35:58 At the construction site, I ran into the foreman once again, but he's about to leave, so I ask again to confirm which sketch looks like Minoru Tsuzuki... which prompts him to get the work driver to also collaborate in saying that the police sketch of Makoto Kuze is the one that looks like Minoru Tsuzuki, not the other way around
    1:39:09 So, in order to get more information, I ask what kind of person Minoru Tsuzuki was, and if any event in particular stood out... which the two remember that, while Minoru usually walks home from work, he once asked for a ride... and asked to be dropped off in an area in the middle of nowhere called Yamabana Pass, which is where I'm going next