Llais Caerfyrddin. LocalMotion

  • Опубліковано 4 чер 2023
  • lais Caerfyrddin 2022 yw’r prosiect cyntaf i gael ei gynnal o dan LocalMotion Caerfyrddin, sy’n cydweithio i greu’r dref hapusaf a mwyaf llewyrchus yng Nghymru. Wrth galon eu cenhadaeth y mae creadigrwydd a diwylliant, sy’n fodd o wella llesiant a darparu economi decach a mwy cynhwysol.
    Llais Caerfyrddin yw’r cam cyntaf tuag at wireddu’r weledigaeth, ac mae’r grŵp craidd* wedi cynnal cyfres o ddigwyddiadau a gweithdai creadigol o amgylch Caerfyrddin, gan siarad â thrigolion lleol am eu gobeithion ar gyfer dyfodol y dref.
    Trwy deithio o gwmpas gyda Pod Siarad, mae preswylwyr yn cael eu hannog i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau creadigol sy’n mynegi eu meddyliau a’u barn am Gaerfyrddin. Y nod yw defnyddio creadigrwydd yn arf i gysylltu â phobl leol a rhoi’r cyfle iddynt siarad yn agored, gan felly alluogi’r grŵp i ddefnyddio adborth cymunedol dilys i adeiladu gwell dyfodol.
    Llais Caerfyrddin 2022 is the first project to take place under LocalMotion Carmarthen, who are working together to create the happiest and most prosperous town in Wales. At the heart of their mission is creativity and culture as a means of improving well-being and delivering a more equitable and inclusive economy.
    Llais Caerfyrddin is the first step toward achieving the vision, which has seen the core group* hosting a series of creative events and workshops around Carmarthen, speaking to local residents about their hopes for the town’s future.
    Travelling around with a Pod Siarad (Speak Up Pod), residents are encouraged to take part in creative activities that express their thoughts and opinions about Carmarthen. The aim is to use creativity as a tool to connect with locals by giving them the opportunity to speak openly, allowing the group to use genuine community feedback to build a better future.