I love how he uses both the Light and the Dark to tame them both. He tames them using his care for others, yet his love and inability to let go of those he cares about. Both compassion and passion in one, both Light and Dark, creating the ultimate balance that brought the Force itself to his knees
Anakin could never bring the force itself to it's knees considering Anakin was created by the force he brought the mortis gods to their knees but not the force
I'm willing to bet that the devs saw this, thought let's make anakin really fucking powerful because that's what he is and they wanted to see how good it would be in a "realistic" fashion and then decide to balance him after.
Dice was making Anakin's retribution ability just as powerful as we see it here and people got mad over it.... Ight bet watch Anakin bring two literal gods to their knees... And yeah he did use retribution in this particular scene
@@englishlady9797 Agreed. When Yoda tells Obi-Wan at the end of Phantom Menace that he fears Anakin’s training and future, I like to believe that was what is going through Obi-Wan’s mind, was Yoda’s opinion on Anakin being trained for this very reason.
@@englishlady9797 I did not dismiss it as a dream and I expressly talked about it to the other Jedi. But yes, I was somewhat concerned because Anakin cam very close to the Dark Side here. I've always been worried about how emotional Anakin can be.
He defeated the The Son and Daughter using the Low Ground! I'm pretty sure Obi Wan was scared as shit, wondering what he could do with the High Ground.
@@MaxxPlay99 Thats why after watching the entire Clone Wars Series then watching RoTS is even more emotional. See Anakin foreseen that he would become Darth Vader but the "Father" Erased his mind so that the "balance" would be restored by him, because had he not become Darth Vader and kill off the jedi vs the 1-2 Sith, there wouldn't have been balance. This is probably my favorite episode/scene in the entire Clone Wars, kind of shows the entire 1-6 lore.
*Force pushes Mace Windu out of the Council Chamber.* "I rag-dolled gods, you think you can stop me becoming Master?" Proceeds to sit in Windu's empty seat, whilst the rest just watch in stunned silence.
Yeah, because being a master is about maturity, experience, and emotional stability, not power. You don't give people high rankest because of power. That's why why have elected leaders in office, not the strongest guy in the room or the head of the military.
@@Obi-Wan_Kenobi The problem was never that they didn’t give Anakin the rank, but how Mace Windu communicated it. Compare these two: *“We acknowledge you ability and achievements, but do not yet feel you have the experience to achieve the rank of Master Young Skywalker. We look forward to officially granting you a seat in the near future.”* *“We do not grant you the rank of master... Take a seat, young Skywalker.”* The difference is night and day. They could have praised and encouraged Anakin, but instead Mace Windu put him down whilst sounding condescending and not acknowledging any of his efforts. There is a reason why rejection letters sound as nice as possible and still offer to take your application again next year/round. Palpatine pushed Anakin along, but the council didn’t need any help making themselves look like villains. And really why shouldn’t Anakin be treated nicer as the chosen one? They put all their hopes on him destroying the sith (not really “balance”, but okay). They can’t put a ton responsibility on the guy and NOT encourage him. Even Palpatine knew that.
@@vullord666 Master Kenobi is conveniently forgetting everyone on the Jedi Council already held the rank of General in the Grand Army of the Republic, and several Council members would be considered war criminals according to the Geneva Convention, including himself. But then Kenobi always was a hypocrite who twisted the truth to suit his own ends, and a coward when it came to standing up for what was right. He made no effort to defend Ahsoka Tano for instance. I could also call him an incompetent Master to Anakin and a bullying emotionally abusive ass. Both of which would be true. Kenobi doesn't have a leg to stand on with me. The problem is a) they didn't explain why he wasn't granted the rank of Master b) the Council had basically destroyed his chances of earning the rank the usual way by expelling his Padawan from the Order before she could be knighted, and c) proved themselves to be morally bankrupt hypocrites by asking him to commit treason shortly after this. "We don't grant you the rank of Master oh but can you spy on the Chancellor for us please? Then we'll whinge about you being too personally involved with the man, who we allowed to groom you from age 12. " You're seeing the problem I think
@@Obi-Wan_Kenobi How ironic, considering the Jedi Council was full of people who held the rank of General in the Grand Army of the Republic, and half of them were war criminals. Nor, might it be said were Council members elected by the Public, and considering how many military leaders have also become political leaders throughout human history, including the first President of the United States, your argument is pretty disingenuous. Ki Adi Mundi set flamethrowers to Geonosian nest hives, Master Pong Krell who caused the deaths of thousands of Clone Troopers when he mad them fire on each other, and even Obi Wan Kenobi, known for his false surrenders and making his soldiers kill unarmed opponents (that's known as perfidy under this little called the Geneva Convention). But hey, as long as they're "emotionally controlled" when committing war crimes. You Kenobi are a sanctimonious hypocrite, and a morally bankrupt coward to boot. Who asked Anakin to commit treason shortly after this scene and could not even admit to not having defended his Padawan when she was framed for murder. Oh, and before you rant about Anakin's lack of "emotional control" let us remember the amount of trauma he had from childhood enslavement and abuse, something a privileged twit like Kenobi could never even grasp. So you may be ableist as well.
Brilliant pun aside, considering she links to his power through the force it could technically be possibly, just not in her own. No one thinks she’s stronger than him on her own.
Anton Hallergren yeah but he got cocky then lost to kenobi but if he had won or even never fought him and instead trained and learned for a few more years he would’ve become the most powerful force user ever so yeah more powerful then a Aboloth. Probably on pare with the force priestess. But he did complete his mission bringing balance to the force when he finally killed Sidious
@@justinschreiber813 you think anyone could become that strong in "a few years"? It would probably take him thousands of years to reach his full potential
@@protalghulnist4126 Anakin is mortal; the force does not prolong life without taking it from others. If he did reach it, it would be within his human lifespan.
The funny thing is that Anakin's full potential as shown here is higher than the light and dark side embodiments combined . So if he trained to reach this power normally he would've been a god and could have saved Padme with little effort. Without having to rely on sidious or anyone else.
anakin balanced it when he threw palpatine off allowing himself to be killed leaving only palpatine and luke left. One for the darkside and one for the light side. Rey essentially debalanced it with her actions. If anakin was jesus then Rey would've been antichrist
I like how obi wan knew exactly what anakin was thinking. When obi wan said “their powers are too great for us save Ashoka.” He knew anakin was thinking of saving obi wan, and then they would fight the son to save Ashoka.
The weird thing is both are revealed to have their lightsabers. Why not just use the force to give them to them? Ahsoka even had an arm free. She could have just reached for it.
@@juanjoselezcanoluparello1510 I did. Except you're missing the point. In order for them to do that they would have had to break their focus on holding onto them and instead focus on blocking the sabers. In that window they could have gotten free.
Darth Vader Seems like you don’t know yourself then. You were able to split time and space to try and resurrect your hot wife. Palpatine was afraid of your powers in the novel Lords of the Sith because. YOU kept your midichlorian count in Canon, your suit being state of the art technology aswell.
@@sheluvprada He didn't keep his midi-chlorian count after his injuries. Full Potential Vader would absolutely destroy his injured self, even if his injured self was blood-thirsty...
Matt Lanter with one of his best vocal performances on the show as Anakin: ON YOUR KNEES!!!!!! Daisy Ridley with her wooden acting as Rey Skywalker : And I... I'm all the Jedi. See a diference here?
rey would pull some joseph joestar “your next line is” omega uno reversec card bullcrap with her amount of plot armor and fricking kill anakin with a bag of sand
+Fellipe Fischer actually, äs i understand it:: being granted the rank pf master would have given him access to restricted areas of the jedi archives. indeed, this is exactly why he was so obsessed with mastery. he wanted to search through arcane knowledge to find techniques tbat could save his wife. the council didnt know exactly what he was up to, but knew he wanted mastery for the wrong reasons. "i know there are things about the force theyre not telling me."
As I remember the Jedi Path book, the main requirement (if not the only one) to become a Jedi Master would be that Anakin had to train Ahsoka to the rank of Jedi Knight. That's how Obi-Wan became a Council member when Anakin became a Jedi Knight.
+99thJediWarrior In the Lego version of the episode Alter of Mortis, The Son drops a banana peel and the Father slips and falls down the stairs and the Son starts laughing at him then he turns into a demon and flies away.
Philip Murray well it’s explained in one of those big ass books that make for every movie that, dooku always knew anakin was more powerful and even knew Palpatine plan well for the most part he knew anakin was supposed to beat him but he didn’t know he was going to die. What he thought the plan was he to flee to the republic being a humbled man and gain sympathy from the people. Then anakin was to betray the Jedi kill pretty much all of them then the republic would win against the separatists then slowly dooku would rise though politics and become what Vader is in the movies pretty much the number two right behind Palpatine. And Vader would be number three in command he would train the remaining Jedi and darkside users to become part of a small armor which anakin would lead against any opposition to dookus, and Palpatines empire. So dooku would just have been a politician still a Sith be he would just focus on running his empire while anakin and his army fight any wars that need fighting
+DumbTroll Does Stuff! Very true, and I think after awhile Anakin (Vader) realized this. Which is why he set up so many things to trump Sidious. Awkwardly enough sidious could not see his apprentice killing him. Which ironically was the same mistake the previous sith lords made.
***** even with motivation force lighting would destroy his suit and kill him although Vader quick burst speed will give him one chance to kill the emperor but if he fails he will die
I love the imagery and symbolism in this scene. Anakin must choose between the light and dark. He must save his master or his apprentice. Then he chooses both, showing he is both good and evil. Both a master and an apprentice.
"Huh duh duh Lucas doesn hav a clue about wha he want to doo wit Sturwaurs" Said the dumbass whinny fans of the Original Trilogy who think Starwars should be something magical like Harry Potter or Kingdom Hearts. I swear they make Anakin from episode 2 sound less whinny (they even created a cringe worthy insult for him called "Whinikin" or some shit like that) compared to all the bitching about Lucas "raping their childhood" they do. If anything this makes Lucas more of a creative writer with the Clone War Era when you have an arc like this. This also adds more mystic to the lore then simply have a black and white Rebels vs. Imperials that these assholes want every time Starwars comes out as seen from Episode 7. I mean how dare Lucas try to freshen up Starwars' lore then have the same old shit every time. Sorry about my rant, its just these assholes sometimes ruins it for us true fans who acknowledge the flaws and good things about both eras (Clone Wars and Rebel vs Imperials). This shows you how great of a character Anakin really is compared to Luke as he isn't the most perfect guy which is the best thing about him.
Midichlorians are good, they do not explain what force is, but they explain why some people can use force and others can't, it also explains why some people are stronger than others
Ethan Lam actually no Lucas write the script and paid for every episode of the clone wars if not the most,he said he wanted to get all of his ideas he had for the prequels out for the clone wars
I don't get why they say, "i like prequels Anakin" or "clone wars Anakin is the best" He is literally the same character, the thing was, that he is extremly complex, and hard to develop in just three movies, to show the good and bad of Anakin, the movies showed the "darkest" parts of Anakin, showing how conflicted and angry he truly was, like when he went on a rampage and kill an entire village, and the clone wars shows that "heroic" part of Anakin, that guy who does everything to protect the ones he loves and holds so deer, the reckless hero, and a jedi, a good friend. The series show the hero. The movies show the villian.
Though that doesn’t mean the show hides his darkness. During that slavery arc and when the council lied to him. The shows shows more his good than bad, but has his darker moments in it. Which makes sense bc you can put more development into a show
Imo, the movies just did his and pretty much every character poorly. They jumped around (huge time skips and over massive events) way too much and never gave us intimate time with his character. All I ever saw in the prequels were glimpses of Anakin’s life and none that were really defining to his character (more the opposite. The prequels pretty much just showed him being worst and made everything obi wan said in the original trilogy feel like a straight up lie). I think the prequels just tried to cover way too much time. It’d be like if episode 4 was about Luke as a toddler, episode 5 about him as a teenager, and 6 him as an adult. It doesn’t work. To show a character in a limited space (which movies (even multiple) by definition are) it’s MUCH better to focus on single time in their lives (an important and defining one) and then if necessary refer back to important moments from their past in conversation. The prequels just tried to cover and accomplish way too much in too small a space. Ironically, clone wars had the space to be a series that focused on Anakin from birth to death, but STILL chose to cover only a small period of time and showed just how much content there was in that small space (and how much lore it added to the entire franchise).
@@second2noneonyt From the above scene it is clear that it is more than that. It is sort of a mindset. Spiritual balance that makes him master of both light side and dark side.
Whenever someone says Rey is more powerful than Anakin I just show them this clip. Did Rey bring two literal gods to their knees? The best she did was kill a decrepit old man with his own attack.
@Rudra Mazumder in my personal opinion (ik I'm dumb) terms of power with the force 1. ANAKIN 2. LUKE( From legends) 3. Darth Sidious(not sure if I spelt his name right) 4. Idk maybe Kenobi? He stayed strong to the light side no matter how much darkness entered his life and fought Vader well enough that when they tried to use the force on one another they there each other across the room
@Rudra Mazumder In Legends until The end Of The Empire Luke was the most Powerful jedi to ever lived Probably Could kill the Ones In mortis If All of the did not die
Beyond just the realization of being the chosen one I think this is one of the very few times Anakin made an effort to tap into the force as a whole, rather than use it for utility purposes. This was one of the most powerful moments with Anakin in Star Wars not just in use of the force but who he was as a person.
it's a shame how much palpatine held Anakin back from. He just made two gods his bitches. I'm pretty sure Abeloth was the only other to do something like this.
I always said that the best thing about this guy is that he managed to became both "The greatest hero" as Anakin and "The greatest villain" as Vader. Best character ever
I like to think that part of being the Chosen One required him to become everything that's good AND evil to balance things out. Edit: This view made me like his character even more than I already did.
So, this is the scene that EA used as inspiration for Anakin's 4th ability, Retribution, in Battlefront II. I love this little homage they paid to the show, lots of respect to EA for putting this along with the animations in there.
The suit did dampen his abilities to control the force. However it is said the chosen one would bring balance to the force completely and the force does have a light and dark side.
One thing that all the lore has stated is that Anakin always focused more on the physical aspects of his training as a Jedi. Imagine what he could do if he had focused on his force training. Oh, and didn't have 70% of his body destroyed.
Anaithnid001 actually it's been stated that his body being mostly destroyed had nothing to do with him not meeting his potential, it was that he couldn't let go of his past and his inner turmoil. He was pretty much dead inside
I wonder where you got that? Because midichlorians live on living tissue, and.. well, you know what happened to Anakin. His potential was greatly diminished because of the damage done to his physical body, and then there was the inner turmoil.
I believe in later retcons, Deni is right. I mean, 90% of the Sith in history are missing fairly significant portions of their bodies, yet are still powerful. I think a better way of looking at the midichlorians is like atoms, they pass through the body, and force users simply draw them in and utilize them, but all have their limits on how much they can draw. (like most mages), Anakin has a much higher threshold because of his unique connection with the force, and the fact that he's half midichlorian himself. (Shmi you kinky woman!). However, it has repeatedly been shown that without inner peace (OR FURY), one can't draw on the Force properly, which means his self doubt limits him. Man, I need a life. >.
But Darth Vaders voice didn't come from Anakin. It came from the voice synthesizer from the suit I think since Anakins vocal cords were damaged to the battle.
In the PS2 game he kills Obi Wan then kills Palpatine within 10 minutes, it was a surprise attack but he still did it really easily In an actual battle, Anakin at the point of Mustafar would've lost, remember that no one has ever defeated Sidious, Vader threw him down a reactor shaft instead of fighting him, the closest we get is Starkiller defeating him in The Force Unleashed, but Starkiller immediately says "No, it's a trick, he's more powerful than you can imagine!" Mace defeating him also didn't count, because Mace defeated him in a **lightsaber** duel which is not what Palpatine is, Palpatine is a master of the force and amazing with a lightsaber, Sidious likely would've killed Mace with ease before Anakin showed up and he saw his chance to create Vader
@@spacejesus6581 Windu would have killed Palpatine. He manipulated Anakin into thinking he could save Padme with the dark side. In order to keep his wife alive and so sidious could show him the ways of the dark side, he cut windu's hand off to save Palpatine.
@@spacejesus6581 nobody ever defeated sidious, sure. But anakin never fought sidious. Anakin on Mustafar would have lost to sidious. As we can see in a force push clash, anakin and obi Wan were equal at that point. And lightsaber dueling wise, that's a bit harder to gage, since obi Wan trained anakin and they've fought alongside each other for over a decade. So, they know each other's styles inside and out. Obi Wan has impenetrable defense, and anakin has unstoppable offense. I believe dookus account of anakin during his final moments fighting him was that anakin was so fast, he was like a blur of blue light. Sidious mastered basically all forms of lightsaber dueling. He ties with Yoda in skill, and is beaten by windu due to windu having a very rare and unique fighting style. Palpatine is a jack of all trades for dueling, while anakin is one of the best duelists in his lightsaber form ever. So really, it depends on how well Palpatine can defend and counter, because anakin is way more aggressive than almost anybody in lightsaber dueling. Which we of course see on Mustafar. I give anakin the edge in lightsaber dueling. Force wise, of course Palpatine. He's naturally powerful and is super practiced and knowledgeable. It's his specialty. Anakin is however naturally, basically the strongest force being ever. Just doesn't know how to tap into all that. Give anakin a few years and Palpatine dies. If anakin had Vaders experience and skill in both lightsaber dueling, and using the force, Palpatine would be so unbelievably screwed.
@@spacejesus6581 Do not forget that Sidious was scared of Anakin just for a single second when Vader learned Padme was dead. The raw power and immense hatred Sidious felt coming from him startled Sidious. But he had installed many fail safes to keep Vader in check. The suit could be turned off at a push of a button and if that didn't work the suit was vulnerable to Force Lightning. No one who thinks they can't be defeated installs that many backup plans against a single person. In an actual battle Sidious would have the advantage in a Lightsaber duel, yes but Sidious' own arrogance and pride would never allow himself to not prove his mastery of the Force against the supposed "Chosen One" and in that fight he'd lose instantly. Ironic really, Lightsaber combat is something Sidious engages in only to mock his enemies' believing that his might with the Force is so immense that he can topple anything with it. He is a near unstoppable swordsman but because of his pride in the Force he would give up his advantage against Anakin only to get schooled hard at his own game.
He says "only the Chosen One could tame BOTH my children." Both. The Daughter represents the Light Side while the Son represents the Dark; only the Chosen One could tame them BOTH because only the chosen one can bring BALANCE to the Force, both Light and Dark.
Notice in this scene how Anakin's normal hand is aimed towards the Daughter while his robotic hand his aimed towards the Son. Don't know if it was on purpose or not, but still a detail I find interesting.
I always knew the Force had to be something bigger than just light and dark. Same goes for Anakin; he was the chosen one set to bring balance to the Force. He had to transcend the Jedi and Sith interpretation of the Force and see it as what it truly is. This scene did that for me. Watching him here showed me why he was the Chosen One. Too bad we never got to see him reach his full potential :(
Rajiv Injety when you realize that the story of star wars is the Shakespearean tragedy of Anakin Skywalker it makes since. This is him at his height and all of promise but as in all tragedies he has to fall. But he does redeem himself.
Interesting how Anakin’s first focus is Ahsoka and then Obi-wan. Obi-wan is his master, and he knows what his master is capable of. At the other hand, Anakin can’t help being protective over his padawan, even if he knows she can manage as well. Refusing to save one and saving them both is so in character. Because Anakin is attached to them with heart and soul. He is protective over them, just like he is with the ones he loves.
Anakin Skywalker Mission Report 1247: Went to alien planet made out of the force with master Kenobi and Padawan. Met with beings who are literal embodiment's of the force. Choke slammed them and forced them to bow to me; both at the same time. Also used the force to rotate the entire planet simultaneously. Anakin - "Master Windu did you see my latest mission report? Any chance we could talk about me becoming a master surely what I did must count for something?" Windu- "Do I look like the mission filing department young Skywalker?"
Mace: “it doesn’t prove anything Skywalker, you’re still not ready for the rank of master. Call me when you can tame this “ThE fAtHeR” too and THEN you MAY OR MAY NOT earn my trust ” Anakin: “I literally hate you...”
There are so many memes here. *The entire event was wiped from their memories* “The archives must be incomplete” “Unfortunately for you, history will not remember it that way” “You shut your face you raving lunatic. Take a seat, young Skywalker” The clone wars also revealed just how narrow minded the Jedi (literal space wizards) were in their thinking of how the force worked. The thought of retaining a sense of self after death was downright impossible to them (not unlikely, but so impossible it was more likely Yoda was being mind controlled by the Sith when he heard Qui Gon).
+HarderUploadz You could say that Sidious set it up this way, Sidious never liked anyone being stronger than him or having that potential. He always crippled them somehow, or had an ace in the hole.
Yah.. Rey is just all the Jedi (Light Side) and Palpatine is all the Sith (Dark Side).. But Anakin Skywalker or Darth Vader is the embodiment of the Force itself.. (I mean Restorer of the Balance to the Force)
"On Your Knees!" Am I the only one who got the chills there? I mean, you could hear the pure rage just burning in his voice. I seriously LOVED this whole arc.
think about it.. this scene mirrors the entire arc of anakin- starts at day, climaxes at night- ends back at day Anakin started in the light, fulfilled his prophecy in the dark, and passed on in the light
this scene alone proves it that Anakin being the chosen one is a big deal .Thus palpatine return completely undermines the fact that Anakin is the chosen one
Dude. The "blood test" still couldn't confirm whether he was the Chosen One or not. Also DON'T hate on Midichlorians. This CONFIRMS that he's the chosen one.
2:45 Vader’s breathing, chills. And the “let them go” and “on your knees!” just amazing. I’ve always loved in shows and movies when “the chosen one” has an inner godly voice when their powers and true potential are fully unlocked and unleashed.
From what I understand, Anakin was indeed the Chosen One. But his prophecy was open to interpretation, since most of the Jedi Council (including Yoda) didn't know what the Prophecy meant by "bringing balance to the Force". I believe he was meant to destroy both the Jedi and the Sith. That and while he was meant to bring balance to the Force, the Prophecy never said anything about Anakin having to be a Jedi to do that. Even Obi-Wan, with his heartbroken speech on Mustafar, couldn't honestly prove that Anakin had to be a Jedi to destroy the Sith or bring balance to the Force. That and Yoda DID say that the Prophecy could have been misread. Which could mean that maybe only what they know about Anakin's path could have been only HALF of what was read or maybe completely misinterpreted by the Jedi as a whole. Let's not forget the fact that Jedi have many visions of the future. But just because you see them doesn't mean they always happen.
+99thJediWarrior the truth is.... all that "light" "dark" side is bullshit , i mean we all know if there is no dark there is no light and the same for the light, so what is the hole point on being in a side , if they know none of them can actually "win"
+99thJediWarrior The Prophecy may have been about Luke in fact. The Prophecy said that the Chosen One will be born in times of need: there was peace when Anakin was born, but the world had just fallen when Luke was born. Also, in my opinion we must agree that Luke saved Vader and made him be Anakin again. The redemption may have never happen if it wouldn't be Luke, and so the balance may have never be brought.
Corinutza Darie Nope, it's not. It has been confirmed by Lucas himself that Anakin was indeed the Chosen One. Everyone who says Luke is the Chosen One is WRONG.
+99thJediWarrior If balance doesnt chose sides there was balance in the force after Anakin was done there was 2 sith and 2 jedi and then complete unbalance in the end of 6 because Vader actually ruinsthat when he kills Sidious. So Anakin was indeed the chosen one and brought balance to the force Vader on the other hand ruined that balance.
Itsasecret Not exactly. He brought balance by effectively destroying (or severely weakening) both sides of the Force. As Vader, he killed several Jedi to the point where the Order was almost non-existent. As Anakin, he killed several Dark Acolytes and even Dooku and Sidious.
To be fair they inherited their father’s power and have the potential he had Luke in Legends was a God after becoming Grandmaster of his own Jedi Order He even went up against the Mother, in the future with aid of the Jedi and Darth Krayt’s One Sith in Legends But yes Anakin was the true Chosen One, he just never had the chance to achieve that power But he still fulfilled his destiny with his children as catalysts that helped him turn back to the Light and Destroy the Sith
Anakin is The Chosen One. Luke and Leia are his Legacy. Luke fixed the Jedi Order... Hence why in legends [even with third (fourth?)] Jedi Purge Luke's order never fell afterwards. Leia Was the Legacy of Padme and Anakin in the sense of trying to clean up politics.
@@user-dx8nl9qm9d You're right. Even when it was nearly fully wiped out in the time of Kade Skywalker, Luke still persisted as a guide and assured the future.
So many chills in that scene... Anakin, standing in the middle of Force hurricane, controlling Light and Dark sides of the Force itselves, storm is coming, night changes day, even this double voice - Clone Wars shows us what it is: Anakin being the Chosen One.
There is so much in this scene done well. I haven’t seen anyone mention it but even the subtlest details add so much. The daughter is the embodiment of good and while she is holding obiwan in place, he is in no pain. It looks as though the son is squeezing ahsoka’s arm so tight it hurts her because he enjoys making people suffer
I wonder what Obi Wan was thinking at 2:00 he looks scared. And did anybody hear Darth Vader’s breathing at 2:44 as he forced the dark side to his knees. There’s a lot of foreshadowing in this episode. Ashoka’s vision and Obi Wan’s talk with Qui Gon and what the Father said about Anakin, how his selfishness would result in his downfall. Plus you hear Vader’s theme a lot in this episode. The music itself is awesome. This shows how powerful Anakin truly is.
+ManiaMac1613 There is a reason for that. Anakin was much like Windu, he often tapped into the Dark Side for power. Windu was able to balance it well, Anakin not so much. This scene is a perfect example of him using his anger for strength in order to save this Master and Padawan. If you remember correctly, he does the same in Ep 3 to try and save Padme.
2:00 That moment when Obi-Wan realised just how powerful Anakin truly is. He could have become one of, if not, the most powerful Jedi if he was only trained better and from a younger age.
I mean, if he can Control the pure light side and the pure dark side, then, he gotta be more than that. The father was the force aswell. In my opinion Anakin got stronger than the father, Abeloth or any other force user.
If Anakin had reached his full potential instead of having his limbs chopped off and getting barbecued he'd have become more powerful than any Sith or Jedi had ever dreamed of. Especially if he was a balanced Gray Jedi instead of committing himself to either side. I think what the Force wanted him to do was kill Palbatine but then unite the Jedi and the one remaining Sith. Returning the Jedi to their original ways where they used both sides of the Force. But instead a complicated family soap opera happened and Anakin never unlocked his full power.
@@paveesfox375 are you messed up in the head to not only make fun of someone's fake name on the internet, but also thinking "Pavees Fox" is a better name?
+Sean Conness Considering this came out four years before Rebels, it's the otherway around. +Ethan Ohana No, they're not the same species. The Grand Inquisitor is a mortal Pa'uan from Utapau. The Son is a nigh-immortal, shapeshifter demonic manifestation of the Dark Side.
No! I don't even care about plot anymore! if Anakin didn't get promoted to straight up 'Master' after that I don't know what the Jedi Council is looking for
DarkKingNRS power doesn’t make you master. Also Anakin would’ve became one, if he wasn’t forced there prematurely by palpatine. (Which is a smart move by him, he knew Anakin deserved it, so he forced him in prematurely to make the Jedi council reject him first)
@@lastaeon174 Anakin couldve destroyed the whole jedi council if he had the prior training to his full potential like this lol. Honestly this whole chosen plot thing was the best thing ever in star wars, becasusew when i was first watching it i had no idea. I thouhgt of chosen one means he gonna be badass and kill all the sith and bring balance. But then i realized when ive seen the 6th episode, no, it meant to kill off the JEDI because there were a shit ton of them back then, and like 2 sith, and once the jedi were gone, there were 2 sith and no jedi, well then the sith got destroyed lol.
They also didn't know about the mortis events. At the end of the arc the father wiped Anakin Ahsoka and Obiwans memory and sent them away from mortis, so none of this happened in their minds, so they didn't know about it
I just noticed that the son and the daughter are the Fanged God and the Winged Godess from the nightsister legends. particularly "Wild Power" by Talzin
And that's when you realize that the Nightsisters are actually following BOTH sides of the Force, not just the dark side. I would argue that the Nightsisters have a better grip on the Force than EITHER the Jedi or the Sith.
+Starflame mm, although most of their attacks involves the dark side and their healing abilities are of light. you could say they're a bit stronger than even grey Jedi, but the problem was that the night sisters never completely submitted themselves to any side, like how malgus was known for being the most powerful warrior for submitting himself utterly to the dark side.
@@starwarzchik112 They are very weak though. Only Talzin is sidious/yoda level, and only a very few are maul level.(e.g. mighella, charal) The rest are just jungle cultists with no telekinetic ability whatsoever, only able to slightly enhance their physicals and heal through chanting.
Yeah people like to say that Luke is because anakin failed but those are just the casual movie watchers. The chosen ones destiny is to bring balance to the force and since the Sith seek unbalance they must kill the Sith while Luke helped, it was anakin who killed the Sith bringing balance. While Luke did become more powerful then his father it’s only because he was cut down by Ben kenobi. And Luke wouldn’t have been able to do this since he’s not the chosen one so he cant balance/master both the light and the dark. So basically anakin had the potential to become as powerful as Luke is in the light and as powerful as Palpatine is in the dark. Which we see right here
I like this scene because it shows what someone can do when connecting to the force, and not worrying about the 'dark' or 'light' sides. And this is also where we see Anakin with the highest amount of force potential in the show or movies. It was state that he lost a fair amount of his power after Mustafar. Now granted, some of that was because of the internal conflict, but a large part of it was the loss of his limbs and the massive injuries. These did leave his connection to the force damaged, so the iconic Darth Vader was actually weaker than Anakin, if not by much. In any case, this is the point where we see the true power of the force, as something that transcends light and dark.
+Truly Human Actually Vader is more powerful than Anakin, as confirmed in the novel Lords of the Sith. Neither Anakin or Vader were able to achieve their full potential because of what happened on Mustafar. But for as powerful as Anakin Skywalker had become by the time of RotS, Darth Vader surpassed him shortly thereafter. This is the only time we see a glimpse of Anakin's true power and only because he was using Mortis as a catalyst to tap into the Force.
1:34 I like how Obi-wan remembered that Anakin’s midichlorian account was way higher than any other Jedi or Sith, and told him to use the planet cause it’s the force, wanting to see how powerful Anakin truly can be
This “what if” story was covered in issue 7 of TCW magazine: 1. Turning Point: Having turned Anakin to the dark side by showing him a vision of his future, the son cements his position on Mortis be retrieving the blade that killed his sister....and slaying his father with it! Mortis, already overrun by the dark side, begins to fall further into ruin and despair! 2. Loose Ends: Twisted by the visions of his future self, Anakin overcame by grief, rage...and a new sense of purpose! All he cares about is returning to the galaxy...and tying up the loose ends who refuse to bow to his whims. Loose ends like Obi-Wan and Ahsoka! In the cave of the dark side, with lava all around, Anakin casually disarms and abandons his former Master to the fiery depths. At the ship, Ahsoka is not quick or quiet enough to escape his flashing blade! 3. Back to Reality: It doesn't take long for Anakin to fix the ship, now that he is freed of...distractions. Soon he - and the son, tagging along back to the physical universe - are headed deep into the heart of the galaxy, with only one thing on their minds: order. True order, born of conquest and fire! Only when Anakin is the disputed ruler of the galaxy will either of them know peace... 4. Yoda and Sidious - United!: Anakain and the son's first stop is Coruscant. Yoda and Darth Sidious can both feel their unstoppable malevolence approaching in the Force - and for the first time in an age, the Sith Lord feels fear. The Jedi Master, too, knows that Anakin is a challenge that must be met and conquered quickly, or he risks losing everything! The unlikely pair meet Anakin and the son on a landing platform, all pretenses dropped. Combat is engaged. Force lightning flickers everywhere, and blades crimson, green and blue flash in the Coruscant rain. But, Anakin, imbued with the very essence of the dark side, is too powerful for these Masters of good and evil. He strikes them down, and grows even more powerful then before. Jet-black clouds swirl the skies and refuse to clear, and Coruscant is plunged into eternal night! 5. Emperor Skywalker: Without pausing for a breath, Anakin stalks through the Senate, which is in session. With a crushing display of inhuman power, he cats down whole swathes of floating Senatorial pods, and levitates himself onto the central dias...where he declares himself the ruler of a new Galactic Empire! The son watches and is pleased. Order will be his...Forever. Source: The Clone Wars Magazine: Issue #7
In this episode he was the strongest he has ever been, he used both of the dark and light side. Truly was the chosen one, unfortunately the jedi council is what led him to his own demise and Sidious merely gave him a little push and he fell completely.
There are many ways to interpret this scene, but I always thought the Father was supposed to represent the wisdom and ignorance of the Jedi. In many ways, he is wise; he understands that knowledge of the future can taint the rational outlook one must have in the present. But he is also ignorant of the very things he sees before him. Anakin symbolically represents the potential for balance in the Force by subduing both the Son and Daughter. Yet he doesn’t stop to analyze how Anakin did this. Anakin used his emotions, his pain, fear of loss as well as his desire for serenity and peace to accomplish this, which represents the need to incorporate both elements of the Force to achieve balance. Both he and the Jedi never acknowledge his human emotions, which is why the Father doesn’t understand why Anakin doesn’t selflessly accept the heavy burden of taking his place, as it would mean leaving his loved ones, just as the Jedi don’t acknowledge the need for love and affection Anakin has, which leads to his betrayal.
Fuck dude i would love it if they made a story that takes place in a parrallel universe, where anakin never became darth vader, therefore achieving his full potential (which i believe would surpass any force user to have ever lived, including Luke skywalker) and then Luke became evil. Fuck that'd be so good.
"Including Luke Skywalker" The full potential of the *Chosen One*, the most powerful force user of all time, the one who should bring Balance to the force, was weaker than Luke Skywalker? Why do u even say his Name? He was strong, yes, but still. Not even Close to Yoda, Sidious or not even half the way to Anakin.
Actually Lucas has stated that while Anakin is the chosen one who brings balance, Luke in terms of raw power is the strongest force user in all of Star Wars. Interesting differences between him and his father
@@rayo146-x8x LOL Anakin would be the Father, the balance. Its like that shot of Kylo and Rey Fighting over the lightsaber in TLJ. In Clone Wars Son and Daughter similarly push at each other with the Father in the middle.
Anyone else hear the Vader breath sound when Anakin roared "ON YOUR KNEES!" ? It took me watching that now to hear that. I didn't notice it the first time. Ooooohhhh CHILLS! LITERAL, CHILLS!
So many things I love about this scene. 1. Never has any Star Wars show/movie gone so in-depth with the lore than this. 2. The symbolism of the scene with light and dark, master and apprentice, daughter and son. All dualities of one another. 3. How they used Anakin in this story arc was masterful. Turning him from his usual self, to his darker side, to a literal embodiment of the Force’s will. 4. The idea is extremely interesting AND terrifying of the Celestials. The idea of a race so powerful in the Force is amazing.
OKAY, Can we all agree that THIS is the Definitive Anakin Skywalker? Seriously, Why couldn't the Movie version be anything like this!? He's a lot more likable, skilled, and a 100% Less whiny!
good actor, bad direction what the clone wars did merely validated anakin's annoyance with the jedi (Especially with Windu, who fucked up the potential chance of Ahsoka staying in the Order and his continual distrust for him both prior and afterwards)
1:52 Music, visuals, sound design, and writing all come together. This is what makes great scenes that RESONATE. Just because something is big or loud doesn’t mean it’s memorable. This scene is wonderful to look at, listen to, and provides a story detail that connects all of Star Wars. This is why the clone wars was such a good show. I’m so glad they revived it.
My theory is that this was supposed to be anakin's destiny, replacing the father and balancing the force. Once he refused he set his path to fall, which is why next episode the brother shows him the visions of order 66 and becoming Vader
I don't know if that's it, because he was still needed to help in the Clone Wars, even if it was it wouldn't he still be needed to stop Dooku? We saw what ended up happening anyway, I just don't know. And didn't Qui-Gon say to Obi-Wan that it was a dangerous place for Anakin to be?
@@juliemcintyre428 no facing dooku was setup by palpatine to face his dark side and he was testing Anakin to see if he was a worthy apprentice that’s why he killed dooku so Anakin could take his place
This scene shows anakin/vader is the most powerful force user their is in sw history. He manipulates both the avatar of the dark side and light side. Darth sidious is not the most powerful Sith Lord anakin skywalker is. He changes the rotation of the planet to night showing he physically moved a planet.
+Dr Chopper In both continuities, Sidious was the most powerful sith lord. Anakin was only able to accomplish what he did here because he tapped into Mortis and it temporarily boosted his connection to the Force. Under normal circumstances, he is canonically inferior to Sidious and remained so due to his injuries.
Anakin is only able to do this because of the mortis amp. Therefore he can't do it under normal circumstances. If Vader DID reach his potential, he could of done this normally, and probably casually. But he didn't.
kok namm No shes not god damnit. Stupendous wave is giving wrong information to thousands of people. Shes not the most powerful. The Bedlam Spirits are. Even The Father is more powerful than Abeloth.
Love how the environment transitions from day to night to day again, mirroring Anakin’s own journey from the light to the dark and then to the light again; only returning to the light once Anakin has brought balance. Hadn’t picked up on that till now.
"On. Your. Knees!" The commanding deliverance of that line...Outstanding, truly.
just after,you hear vaders breath
+Alexandre De Carufel wow never noticed that part. good ear
+Alexandre De Carufel I don't hear it, and I'm using headphones to listen :S I've played it like 3x now
siNAtikGaming right as the dark son is hitting the ground you can hear darth vader breathing.
***** Yeah Alexandre De Carufel spotted it I was just letting those who couldn't hear it find it easier.
Father: Ahsoka or Obi-Wan?
Anakin: Yes.
I'll go option c both
Option C: deathwish
@@ljimperial7973 "Hey, my bad, homie. I picked 'C'. Ain't that a bitch."
I love how he uses both the Light and the Dark to tame them both. He tames them using his care for others, yet his love and inability to let go of those he cares about. Both compassion and passion in one, both Light and Dark, creating the ultimate balance that brought the Force itself to his knees
very perceptive
And the obvious symbolism on the ground during the shot, literally floating opposite of each other.
Passion is hardly the dark side
It’s not the Jedi way but I would dare say it is still light
If anything is dark here, it would be Control, assertion
Indeed. Quite befitting of the true chosen one.
Anakin could never bring the force itself to it's knees considering Anakin was created by the force he brought the mortis gods to their knees but not the force
"Now fulfill your promise and let us go."
"Ah, but first. I wanna show you today's sponsor raid shadow legends!"
I’m laughing harder than I should be
Oh God hear we go
Not raid shadow legends
I'm dying lmao
Anakin use Retribution.
Anakin use Heroic Might.
Anakin use Pull Dominance.
Anakin defeated The Son.
Anakin defeated The Daughter.
I see you are a man raised on the Battlefront
NeroMarkuz and people telling me rey is more powerful than this
Yoda no Mary sue's don't count
NeroMarkuz anakin in battlefront 2 is weak af now
Not it's
Heroic might
Battlefront 2 devs: what abilities should Anakin have.
Clone Wars: watch this
I'm willing to bet that the devs saw this, thought let's make anakin really fucking powerful because that's what he is and they wanted to see how good it would be in a "realistic" fashion and then decide to balance him after.
We atleast need Ashoka and kit fisto in bf2 mods just aren’t the same but the devs gave up on bf2 saying it was “finished”😐
@@jnw29 we need Windu. I don’t care if they run out of ability ideas or whatever, *_I need him_* 😆
Dice was making Anakin's retribution ability just as powerful as we see it here and people got mad over it.... Ight bet watch Anakin bring two literal gods to their knees... And yeah he did use retribution in this particular scene
Imagine how proud Obi-Wan must have been at that moment
He looks scared if anything, and later on basically dismissed what happened in Mortis as a dream.
@@englishlady9797 Agreed. When Yoda tells Obi-Wan at the end of Phantom Menace that he fears Anakin’s training and future, I like to believe that was what is going through Obi-Wan’s mind, was Yoda’s opinion on Anakin being trained for this very reason.
@@englishlady9797 I did not dismiss it as a dream and I expressly talked about it to the other Jedi. But yes, I was somewhat concerned because Anakin cam very close to the Dark Side here. I've always been worried about how emotional Anakin can be.
He defeated the The Son and Daughter using the Low Ground! I'm pretty sure Obi Wan was scared as shit, wondering what he could do with the High Ground.
@@Obi-Wan_Kenobi Hello there!
“You can’t save both”
“How about I do anyway”
You can't save both
Hold my lightsaber
2:01 When Obi-Wan realizes he's apprentice is the most powerful being in the galaxy and is real the chosen one. Speechless.
Could be why he doesn’t kill him , in revenge of the Sith
@Nylex The Clone Wars show takes place before Revenge of the Sith. Yes it was made before the film but lore-wise it's chronologically before RotS
Nylex Obi-Wan knows that Anakin is the master of the force, because of this scene.
@@MaxxPlay99 Thats why after watching the entire Clone Wars Series then watching RoTS is even more emotional. See Anakin foreseen that he would become Darth Vader but the "Father" Erased his mind so that the "balance" would be restored by him, because had he not become Darth Vader and kill off the jedi vs the 1-2 Sith, there wouldn't have been balance. This is probably my favorite episode/scene in the entire Clone Wars, kind of shows the entire 1-6 lore.
Nylex no it wasn’t dumbass if you look Anakin has short hair here so this is between EP 2 & 3
Anyone else hear Darth Vader breathing at 2:43 when he puts the son on his knees? God I loved this show.
Dude that's awesome I never realized that
Yeah man! When I first saw the video, I have
thought it was just me, but I replayed that part and it's actually Vader's breathing
You have some superhuman hearing, pal.
+Jade Hudson NICE CATCH! You have really good hearing man! May the force be with you!
I noticed that too! I thought I was the only one 😂
Meanwhile: “You’re on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master.”
*Force pushes Mace Windu out of the Council Chamber.* "I rag-dolled gods, you think you can stop me becoming Master?" Proceeds to sit in Windu's empty seat, whilst the rest just watch in stunned silence.
Yeah, because being a master is about maturity, experience, and emotional stability, not power. You don't give people high rankest because of power. That's why why have elected leaders in office, not the strongest guy in the room or the head of the military.
@@Obi-Wan_Kenobi The problem was never that they didn’t give Anakin the rank, but how Mace Windu communicated it. Compare these two:
*“We acknowledge you ability and achievements, but do not yet feel you have the experience to achieve the rank of Master Young Skywalker. We look forward to officially granting you a seat in the near future.”*
*“We do not grant you the rank of master... Take a seat, young Skywalker.”*
The difference is night and day. They could have praised and encouraged Anakin, but instead Mace Windu put him down whilst sounding condescending and not acknowledging any of his efforts. There is a reason why rejection letters sound as nice as possible and still offer to take your application again next year/round. Palpatine pushed Anakin along, but the council didn’t need any help making themselves look like villains. And really why shouldn’t Anakin be treated nicer as the chosen one? They put all their hopes on him destroying the sith (not really “balance”, but okay). They can’t put a ton responsibility on the guy and NOT encourage him. Even Palpatine knew that.
@@vullord666 Master Kenobi is conveniently forgetting everyone on the Jedi Council already held the rank of General in the Grand Army of the Republic, and several Council members would be considered war criminals according to the Geneva Convention, including himself.
But then Kenobi always was a hypocrite who twisted the truth to suit his own ends, and a coward when it came to standing up for what was right. He made no effort to defend Ahsoka Tano for instance.
I could also call him an incompetent Master to Anakin and a bullying
emotionally abusive ass. Both of which would be true. Kenobi doesn't have a leg to stand on with me.
The problem is a) they didn't explain why he wasn't granted the rank of Master b) the Council had basically destroyed his chances of earning the rank the usual way by expelling his Padawan from the Order before she could be knighted, and c) proved themselves to be morally bankrupt hypocrites by asking him to commit treason shortly after this.
"We don't grant you the rank of Master oh but can you spy on the Chancellor for us please? Then we'll whinge about you being too personally involved with the man, who we allowed to groom you from age 12. "
You're seeing the problem I think
@@Obi-Wan_Kenobi How ironic, considering the Jedi Council was full of people who held the rank of General in the Grand Army of the Republic, and half of them were war criminals.
Nor, might it be said were Council members elected by the Public, and considering how many military leaders have also become political leaders throughout human history, including the first President of the United States, your argument is pretty disingenuous.
Ki Adi Mundi set flamethrowers to Geonosian nest hives, Master Pong Krell who caused the deaths of thousands of Clone Troopers when he mad them fire on each other, and even Obi Wan Kenobi, known for his false surrenders and making his soldiers kill unarmed opponents (that's known as perfidy under this little called the Geneva Convention).
But hey, as long as they're "emotionally controlled" when committing war crimes.
You Kenobi are a sanctimonious hypocrite, and a morally bankrupt coward to boot. Who asked Anakin to commit treason shortly after this scene and could not even admit to not having defended his Padawan when she was framed for murder.
Oh, and before you rant about Anakin's lack of "emotional control" let us remember the amount of trauma he had from childhood enslavement and abuse, something a privileged twit like Kenobi could never even grasp. So you may be ableist as well.
My man Anakin _literally told _*_THE FORCE_*_ to heel_ like it was a rowdy dog.
Let’s see Reydshadowlegends do that.
Okay I know this post is like 4 months old but that Rey pun made me laugh so hard I woke my deaf dog up.
@@vigilantwolf1333 tf?🤨
im blind but god damn you're such a bright bulb aren't you.
Brilliant pun aside, considering she links to his power through the force it could technically be possibly, just not in her own. No one thinks she’s stronger than him on her own.
Bro used the force of a planet whilst Rey killed a dying old dude and thought she was the shit. Nah, you are shit.
movie anakin: I don't like sand.
Clone wars anakin (to the embodiments of the force): ON YOUR KNEE'S!
So true
Anton Hallergren yeah but he got cocky then lost to kenobi but if he had won or even never fought him and instead trained and learned for a few more years he would’ve become the most powerful force user ever so yeah more powerful then a Aboloth. Probably on pare with the force priestess. But he did complete his mission bringing balance to the force when he finally killed Sidious
@@justinschreiber813 you think anyone could become that strong in "a few years"? It would probably take him thousands of years to reach his full potential
@@protalghulnist4126 Anakin is mortal; the force does not prolong life without taking it from others. If he did reach it, it would be within his human lifespan.
The funny thing is that Anakin's full potential as shown here is higher than the light and dark side embodiments combined . So if he trained to reach this power normally he would've been a god and could have saved Padme with little effort. Without having to rely on sidious or anyone else.
But then Disney said, "Nah, we have to be inclusive and make this strong female character the chosen one."
@@thereplication2567 which technically she lost anyways because she still killed palpatine lol
anakin balanced it when he threw palpatine off allowing himself to be killed leaving only palpatine and luke left. One for the darkside and one for the light side. Rey essentially debalanced it with her actions. If anakin was jesus then Rey would've been antichrist
Since there is a whole other aspect called the cosmic force it stands to reason anikan at full potential may have used this
The Replication lmao she aint even close to be this op, and she aint the chosen one even diesney confimed that anakin still is
Obi-Wan: Their powers are too strong for us Anakin!
Few seconds later
"On your knees!"
I like how obi wan knew exactly what anakin was thinking. When obi wan said “their powers are too great for us save Ashoka.” He knew anakin was thinking of saving obi wan, and then they would fight the son to save Ashoka.
The weird thing is both are revealed to have their lightsabers. Why not just use the force to give them to them? Ahsoka even had an arm free. She could have just reached for it.
@@Kamina.D.Fierce didnt you watch the part where they literally grab the cutting part of the lightsaber like nothing?
@@Kamina.D.Fierce i suppose you didn't watch the part where they make lightsabers look like children's toys by literally holding it their palms
@@juanjoselezcanoluparello1510 I did. Except you're missing the point. In order for them to do that they would have had to break their focus on holding onto them and instead focus on blocking the sabers. In that window they could have gotten free.
@@Kamina.D.Fierce bro, my comment was 10 months ago what the hell??
"Now fulfill your promise and let us go."
"Ah, but first."
*Subscribe button appears*
Cielo Pachirisu That was golden
Have you heard from our sponsors, raid shadow legends?
"Subscribe to my channel, and you will be allowed to leave. Otherwise, I will order my Son to kidnap your Apprentice while you attempt to leave!"
But first, would you wish TO JOIN MY FREE GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY?
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This scene by itself gave me respect for Anakin Skywalker. He literally bested two GODS. That's just TRUE power.
@curiouscat1997 holy shit you just made his storyarc 1.000.000 times sadder
@@azazel5993 That's how it's supposed to be. George Lucas said it himself. Star wars 1 through 6 is basically the tragedy of Anakin skywalker.
curiouscat1997 well now he is free. As a force ghost he can finally be one with the force.
but can we just appreciate how obi wan without any hesitation told anakin to save ahsoka
Sam Thong that’s what I was thinking!!
Can you imagine how powerful I would be if I had never been burnt
Darth Vader Seems like you don’t know yourself then. You were able to split time and space to try and resurrect your hot wife. Palpatine was afraid of your powers in the novel Lords of the Sith because. YOU kept your midichlorian count in Canon, your suit being state of the art technology aswell.
Darth Vader You also were the best duelist in galactic history. (Canon)
I am a Jedi ok please don’t kill me it was a joke im so- IM SORRY
@@sheluvprada He didn't keep his midi-chlorian count after his injuries.
Full Potential Vader would absolutely destroy his injured self, even if his injured self was blood-thirsty...
@@eho6380 If i recall it correctly, Midiclorian count is per blood cell, so the count is mostly the same before or after his defeat.
Anakin: "So basically, I made the Force my bitch."
'basically he told me to use the force, and I took that personally'
Anakin: ON YOUR KNEES!!!!!!
I swear I almost shit myself when I heard him say that with such a powerful voice.
What makes it more badass is that you can also hear Vader screaming when Anakin screams at the Son and Daughter.
The chad voice
A Random Guy I heard it too!
Matt Lanter with one of his best vocal performances on the show as Anakin: ON YOUR KNEES!!!!!!
Daisy Ridley with her wooden acting as Rey Skywalker : And I... I'm all the Jedi.
See a diference here?
@@nowan6221 me too
Rey: I’m the most powerful Jedi ever
Anakin: On Your Knees!!!
rey would pull some joseph joestar “your next line is” omega uno reversec card bullcrap with her amount of plot armor and fricking kill anakin with a bag of sand
Actually Rey has Anakin power
She basically has all the Jedi on her same with Powers
@@shadowunknown728theungiveu6 Mary Sue Simp
After all this, how he didn't become a master is beyond me
+jasalia999 That and everyone in the Council was all too wary of him.
+Fellipe Fischer the jedi councils racist
+Fellipe Fischer actually, äs i understand it:: being granted the rank pf master would have given him access to restricted areas of the jedi archives. indeed, this is exactly why he was so obsessed with mastery. he wanted to search through arcane knowledge to find techniques tbat could save his wife. the council didnt know exactly what he was up to, but knew he wanted mastery for the wrong reasons.
"i know there are things about the force theyre not telling me."
As I remember the Jedi Path book, the main requirement (if not the only one) to become a Jedi Master would be that Anakin had to train Ahsoka to the rank of Jedi Knight. That's how Obi-Wan became a Council member when Anakin became a Jedi Knight.
+99thJediWarrior In the Lego version of the episode Alter of Mortis, The Son drops a banana peel and the Father slips and falls down the stairs and the Son starts laughing at him then he turns into a demon and flies away.
Anybody notice Vader's breathing when the Son transformed back into "human" form?
Yeah crazy
everyone be like: the foreshadowing 😫🤤😩😳😩🥴👽👽🥶
Yeap definitely
Just before the son turned back into his human form
I did
Now imagine this guy fighting Sidious. Boom; no more Empire, no more Vader, and Anakin gets to live a happy life with his wife and children.
Dooku would be terrified if he'd seen Anakin do this.
Philip Murray Anakin:This is my true power.
Dooku:I am just going to close my eyes and hope to win.
Philip Murray well it’s explained in one of those big ass books that make for every movie that, dooku always knew anakin was more powerful and even knew Palpatine plan well for the most part he knew anakin was supposed to beat him but he didn’t know he was going to die. What he thought the plan was he to flee to the republic being a humbled man and gain sympathy from the people. Then anakin was to betray the Jedi kill pretty much all of them then the republic would win against the separatists then slowly dooku would rise though politics and become what Vader is in the movies pretty much the number two right behind Palpatine. And Vader would be number three in command he would train the remaining Jedi and darkside users to become part of a small armor which anakin would lead against any opposition to dookus, and Palpatines empire. So dooku would just have been a politician still a Sith be he would just focus on running his empire while anakin and his army fight any wars that need fighting
Right! Which is probably one of the reasons Palpatine invested so much effort into manipulating and controlling Anakin.
Sadly even the cartoon version of Anakin was no match for Sidious .
Just imagine the power vadar would have had if he didn't allow himself to get barbecued
+Jodi Hobbs All Sidious' plans...ahh...the apprentice must be the weaker one.
+DumbTroll Does Stuff! Very true, and I think after awhile Anakin (Vader) realized this. Which is why he set up so many things to trump Sidious. Awkwardly enough sidious could not see his apprentice killing him. Which ironically was the same mistake the previous sith lords made.
+Jodi Hobbs He would have relied too much on his talent. Becoming injured forced him to utilize what potential he had left.
+The League of Idiotic Gamers Sidious was right though Vader could not kill him alone
***** even with motivation force lighting would destroy his suit and kill him although Vader quick burst speed will give him one chance to kill the emperor but if he fails he will die
I love the imagery and symbolism in this scene. Anakin must choose between the light and dark. He must save his master or his apprentice.
Then he chooses both, showing he is both good and evil. Both a master and an apprentice.
Well put, i agree with you.
"Huh duh duh Lucas doesn hav a clue about wha he want to doo wit Sturwaurs" Said the dumbass whinny fans of the Original Trilogy who think Starwars should be something magical like Harry Potter or Kingdom Hearts. I swear they make Anakin from episode 2 sound less whinny (they even created a cringe worthy insult for him called "Whinikin" or some shit like that) compared to all the bitching about Lucas "raping their childhood" they do.
If anything this makes Lucas more of a creative writer with the Clone War Era when you have an arc like this. This also adds more mystic to the lore then simply have a black and white Rebels vs. Imperials that these assholes want every time Starwars comes out as seen from Episode 7. I mean how dare Lucas try to freshen up Starwars' lore then have the same old shit every time.
Sorry about my rant, its just these assholes sometimes ruins it for us true fans who acknowledge the flaws and good things about both eras (Clone Wars and Rebel vs Imperials). This shows you how great of a character Anakin really is compared to Luke as he isn't the most perfect guy which is the best thing about him.
RetroGamerBrony Agreed.
Midichlorians are good, they do not explain what force is, but they explain why some people can use force and others can't, it also explains why some people are stronger than others
Ethan Lam actually no Lucas write the script and paid for every episode of the clone wars if not the most,he said he wanted to get all of his ideas he had for the prequels out for the clone wars
I don't get why they say, "i like prequels Anakin" or "clone wars Anakin is the best"
He is literally the same character, the thing was, that he is extremly complex, and hard to develop in just three movies, to show the good and bad of Anakin, the movies showed the "darkest" parts of Anakin, showing how conflicted and angry he truly was, like when he went on a rampage and kill an entire village, and the clone wars shows that "heroic" part of Anakin, that guy who does everything to protect the ones he loves and holds so deer, the reckless hero, and a jedi, a good friend.
The series show the hero.
The movies show the villian.
Though that doesn’t mean the show hides his darkness. During that slavery arc and when the council lied to him. The shows shows more his good than bad, but has his darker moments in it. Which makes sense bc you can put more development into a show
@@regulusking4299 yeah, ofc the show builds up his anger and parts of the dark side, but again, it shows more of Anakin "good side"
Imo, the movies just did his and pretty much every character poorly. They jumped around (huge time skips and over massive events) way too much and never gave us intimate time with his character. All I ever saw in the prequels were glimpses of Anakin’s life and none that were really defining to his character (more the opposite. The prequels pretty much just showed him being worst and made everything obi wan said in the original trilogy feel like a straight up lie). I think the prequels just tried to cover way too much time. It’d be like if episode 4 was about Luke as a toddler, episode 5 about him as a teenager, and 6 him as an adult. It doesn’t work. To show a character in a limited space (which movies (even multiple) by definition are) it’s MUCH better to focus on single time in their lives (an important and defining one) and then if necessary refer back to important moments from their past in conversation. The prequels just tried to cover and accomplish way too much in too small a space. Ironically, clone wars had the space to be a series that focused on Anakin from birth to death, but STILL chose to cover only a small period of time and showed just how much content there was in that small space (and how much lore it added to the entire franchise).
Clone Wars massively fucked up Anakin's character, there's no doubt in that.
@@procyon6370 “fucked up” in like destroy Anakin’s life, or made it bad?
1:42, that double voice effect just made this scene a billion times more epic.
+Brian Sanders and the sound of darth vaders respirator at the end was the cherry on the top
J.R. Spingly 02:45
if his true potential was unlocked, i bet his voice would be like that since the father daughter and son sort of have a double voice effect slightly
@J.R. Spingly haha you were wrong, bitch!
Don’t forget 2:36
To all those whiny babies out there who hates Anakin - He is no Jedi, He is no Sith. He IS THE FORCE
Yea he had midi-chlorian count higher than Grand Master Yoda
He was a jedi and a sith. Its not about your power that defines what religion you follow.
@@second2noneonyt From the above scene it is clear that it is more than that. It is sort of a mindset. Spiritual balance that makes him master of both light side and dark side.
Is anakin a descendant of Revan?
@@daddy_.rome0 Shmi wasnt strong in the force. Everything special about him came from his father a.k.a the force and his upbringing.
Whenever someone says Rey is more powerful than Anakin I just show them this clip. Did Rey bring two literal gods to their knees? The best she did was kill a decrepit old man with his own attack.
They will tell you she has all the jedi and all there powers
nobody says Rey is more powerful than Anakin, it's in your head you manchild
@Rudra Mazumder in my personal opinion (ik I'm dumb) terms of power with the force
2. LUKE( From legends)
3. Darth Sidious(not sure if I spelt his name right)
4. Idk maybe Kenobi? He stayed strong to the light side no matter how much darkness entered his life and fought Vader well enough that when they tried to use the force on one another they there each other across the room
did u just call thw whole senate old man?
@Rudra Mazumder In Legends until The end Of The Empire
Luke was the most Powerful jedi to ever lived Probably Could kill the Ones In mortis If All of the did not die
Beyond just the realization of being the chosen one I think this is one of the very few times Anakin made an effort to tap into the force as a whole, rather than use it for utility purposes. This was one of the most powerful moments with Anakin in Star Wars not just in use of the force but who he was as a person.
EXACTLY, the fact that he closed his eyes to concentrate which he never does just shows he always Holds back
it's a shame how much palpatine held Anakin back from. He just made two gods his bitches.
I'm pretty sure Abeloth was the only other to do something like this.
Markarth guard the daughter and the son together where the ones that defeated Aboleth every time she awoke
Markarth guard yeah but don't forget...There will always be someone stronger than abeloth or him
Pharaoh Saunders true and Anakin defeated both of them at once Ergo Anakin is even stronger than abeloth
But he used the darkside to free obi wan and Ashoka. You can tell this by the sky going dark, indicating the darkness of the planet.
TheEvanBoy Vlogs
Nope Vader is holding back he doesn't want to kill Luke he wants him to join his side and Overthrow the emperor across the galaxy
I always said that the best thing about this guy is that he managed to became both "The greatest hero" as Anakin and "The greatest villain" as Vader.
Best character ever
I like to think that part of being the Chosen One required him to become everything that's good AND evil to balance things out. Edit: This view made me like his character even more than I already did.
That is so true
That’s the scene
He conquered both darkness and light
So, this is the scene that EA used as inspiration for Anakin's 4th ability, Retribution, in Battlefront II. I love this little homage they paid to the show, lots of respect to EA for putting this along with the animations in there.
Combine115 Bro.....
Heroic might too
Bruh shut up is not heroic might
So EA can make battlefront 2 good but not FUCKING MADDEN
C.F. P.N It was a fucking win button
Did anyone else notice the little Darth Vader breath the son made when his human form fell on his knees.
I did, foreshadowing I guess or..?
So this was the potential power of Vadar.
+Alexander Brown True power of the Chosen One.
+Alexander Brown That Midi-Chlorian count lol Good bonus
+Dawn Of The Revolution turning evil and losing his legs didn't stop him from unlocking his full potential
+ItoMadWorld jedi are light side lol
The suit did dampen his abilities to control the force. However it is said the chosen one would bring balance to the force completely and the force does have a light and dark side.
One thing that all the lore has stated is that Anakin always focused more on the physical aspects of his training as a Jedi. Imagine what he could do if he had focused on his force training.
Oh, and didn't have 70% of his body destroyed.
Anaithnid001 actually it's been stated that his body being mostly destroyed had nothing to do with him not meeting his potential, it was that he couldn't let go of his past and his inner turmoil. He was pretty much dead inside
I wonder where you got that? Because midichlorians live on living tissue, and.. well, you know what happened to Anakin. His potential was greatly diminished because of the damage done to his physical body, and then there was the inner turmoil.
I believe in later retcons, Deni is right. I mean, 90% of the Sith in history are missing fairly significant portions of their bodies, yet are still powerful.
I think a better way of looking at the midichlorians is like atoms, they pass through the body, and force users simply draw them in and utilize them, but all have their limits on how much they can draw. (like most mages), Anakin has a much higher threshold because of his unique connection with the force, and the fact that he's half midichlorian himself. (Shmi you kinky woman!). However, it has repeatedly been shown that without inner peace (OR FURY), one can't draw on the Force properly, which means his self doubt limits him.
Man, I need a life. >.
Ah, that would make sense. Thank you kindly, I actually do like your explanation. Gives me something to think about.
If you guys go back to 1:41 you can hear both Anakin Skywalker voice and Darth Vader voice at the same time but you to listen closely
Yep I heard it was waiting for someone else to point it out.
At 2:42 you can hear Vader breathing
But Darth Vaders voice didn't come from Anakin. It came from the voice synthesizer from the suit I think since Anakins vocal cords were damaged to the battle.
I noticed the different voices. This scene is so important to Anakin’s character....
@@deyanbozhkov2249 oh you heard his entire breath and i didn't notice
Just imagine if Anakin never lost his fight with Obi-Wan. He would have been absolutely unstoppable. He would have wiped away Palpatine easily
In the PS2 game he kills Obi Wan then kills Palpatine within 10 minutes, it was a surprise attack but he still did it really easily
In an actual battle, Anakin at the point of Mustafar would've lost, remember that no one has ever defeated Sidious, Vader threw him down a reactor shaft instead of fighting him, the closest we get is Starkiller defeating him in The Force Unleashed, but Starkiller immediately says "No, it's a trick, he's more powerful than you can imagine!"
Mace defeating him also didn't count, because Mace defeated him in a **lightsaber** duel which is not what Palpatine is, Palpatine is a master of the force and amazing with a lightsaber, Sidious likely would've killed Mace with ease before Anakin showed up and he saw his chance to create Vader
@@spacejesus6581 Windu would have killed Palpatine. He manipulated Anakin into thinking he could save Padme with the dark side. In order to keep his wife alive and so sidious could show him the ways of the dark side, he cut windu's hand off to save Palpatine.
@@spacejesus6581 nobody ever defeated sidious, sure. But anakin never fought sidious.
Anakin on Mustafar would have lost to sidious. As we can see in a force push clash, anakin and obi Wan were equal at that point. And lightsaber dueling wise, that's a bit harder to gage, since obi Wan trained anakin and they've fought alongside each other for over a decade. So, they know each other's styles inside and out.
Obi Wan has impenetrable defense, and anakin has unstoppable offense.
I believe dookus account of anakin during his final moments fighting him was that anakin was so fast, he was like a blur of blue light.
Sidious mastered basically all forms of lightsaber dueling. He ties with Yoda in skill, and is beaten by windu due to windu having a very rare and unique fighting style.
Palpatine is a jack of all trades for dueling, while anakin is one of the best duelists in his lightsaber form ever.
So really, it depends on how well Palpatine can defend and counter, because anakin is way more aggressive than almost anybody in lightsaber dueling. Which we of course see on Mustafar.
I give anakin the edge in lightsaber dueling.
Force wise, of course Palpatine. He's naturally powerful and is super practiced and knowledgeable. It's his specialty.
Anakin is however naturally, basically the strongest force being ever. Just doesn't know how to tap into all that.
Give anakin a few years and Palpatine dies. If anakin had Vaders experience and skill in both lightsaber dueling, and using the force, Palpatine would be so unbelievably screwed.
Just imagine if Yoda hadnt been so out of touch or Mace wasn't such a dick to him.
@@spacejesus6581 Do not forget that Sidious was scared of Anakin just for a single second when Vader learned Padme was dead. The raw power and immense hatred Sidious felt coming from him startled Sidious. But he had installed many fail safes to keep Vader in check. The suit could be turned off at a push of a button and if that didn't work the suit was vulnerable to Force Lightning. No one who thinks they can't be defeated installs that many backup plans against a single person. In an actual battle Sidious would have the advantage in a Lightsaber duel, yes but Sidious' own arrogance and pride would never allow himself to not prove his mastery of the Force against the supposed "Chosen One" and in that fight he'd lose instantly. Ironic really, Lightsaber combat is something Sidious engages in only to mock his enemies' believing that his might with the Force is so immense that he can topple anything with it. He is a near unstoppable swordsman but because of his pride in the Force he would give up his advantage against Anakin only to get schooled hard at his own game.
He says "only the Chosen One could tame BOTH my children." Both. The Daughter represents the Light Side while the Son represents the Dark; only the Chosen One could tame them BOTH because only the chosen one can bring BALANCE to the Force, both Light and Dark.
The jedi should have focused on balancing the dark with the light Rather than meditating their emotions away.
@Rudra Mazumder so this begs the question. Is anakin the most powerful being in all of star wars history?
@@thegamerguy3099 in my opinion yes
@@thegamerguy3099 In my opinion I think yes
@@thegamerguy3099 if you count the wills then no but there basically the force itself so idk if they count
Notice in this scene how Anakin's normal hand is aimed towards the Daughter while his robotic hand his aimed towards the Son. Don't know if it was on purpose or not, but still a detail I find interesting.
robotic hand is a reference to hi dark side self maybe.
I think its a reference to Vader.
Anakin as Vader was essentially a cyborg, he had lost himself in soul but also in body.
@@KalashVodka175 that's what I'm talking about. Anakin's dark side self is Vader.
I was about to say the same thing I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed
I always knew the Force had to be something bigger than just light and dark. Same goes for Anakin; he was the chosen one set to bring balance to the Force. He had to transcend the Jedi and Sith interpretation of the Force and see it as what it truly is.
This scene did that for me. Watching him here showed me why he was the Chosen One. Too bad we never got to see him reach his full potential :(
ON YOUR KNEES!!! Lol that aside the clones in this show are badass. Captain Rex is the man
+Rajonty Your point is exactly same as mine, this show really did a great job explaining a lot of things! I really hope they would continue it!
+KingZD1 im.just waiting for asohka vs vader in Rebels
Rajiv Injety when you realize that the story of star wars is the Shakespearean tragedy of Anakin Skywalker it makes since. This is him at his height and all of promise but as in all tragedies he has to fall. But he does redeem himself.
Dude did you realise the breathing when he puts the son down
Interesting how Anakin’s first focus is Ahsoka and then Obi-wan.
Obi-wan is his master, and he knows what his master is capable of. At the other hand, Anakin can’t help being protective over his padawan, even if he knows she can manage as well.
Refusing to save one and saving them both is so in character. Because Anakin is attached to them with heart and soul. He is protective over them, just like he is with the ones he loves.
Not to mention his power
He chose to save them both because that's what he was capable of 😊
Anakin Skywalker Mission Report 1247: Went to alien planet made out of the force with master Kenobi and Padawan. Met with beings who are literal embodiment's of the force. Choke slammed them and forced them to bow to me; both at the same time. Also used the force to rotate the entire planet simultaneously.
Anakin - "Master Windu did you see my latest mission report? Any chance we could talk about me becoming a master surely what I did must count for something?"
Windu- "Do I look like the mission filing department young Skywalker?"
I had no idea where that joke was going but it turned out to be pretty funny!
Mace windu: “uh-ummm I’m blind, I recently got blinded in a battle, so I oh can’t read anything”
Mace: “it doesn’t prove anything Skywalker, you’re still not ready for the rank of master. Call me when you can tame this “ThE fAtHeR” too and THEN you MAY OR MAY NOT earn my trust ”
Anakin: “I literally hate you...”
There are so many memes here.
*The entire event was wiped from their memories*
“The archives must be incomplete”
“Unfortunately for you, history will not remember it that way”
“You shut your face you raving lunatic. Take a seat, young Skywalker”
The clone wars also revealed just how narrow minded the Jedi (literal space wizards) were in their thinking of how the force worked. The thought of retaining a sense of self after death was downright impossible to them (not unlikely, but so impossible it was more likely Yoda was being mind controlled by the Sith when he heard Qui Gon).
mace:you aren't ready for the rank of master
anakin: (to mace) 2:37
Vader would've been the strongest Dark Lord of The Sith if he didn't get his legs cut off and got put into the suit
+Dio Brando dude, Anakin was the chosen one, palpatine may have had more knowledge but anakin would be stronger with the force, especially as a sith
+HarderUploadz You could say that Sidious set it up this way, Sidious never liked anyone being stronger than him or having that potential. He always crippled them somehow, or had an ace in the hole.
+The League of Idiotic Gamers Well when yoda is dueling Darth sidious AKA palpatine, He said "My new apprentice will become stronger than both of us!"
Crystal Gold Palpatine says alot of stuff lol. 80% of everything he ever said was probably a lie, and im probably being modest about that lol.
+HarderUploadz Dark Sideious intentionally made him weaker out of fear of having a stronger apprentice.
And some people say Rey is stronger than Anakin. Guess they haven't seen this.
Me : ho my god
Rey: I Am AlL ThE JeDis
Martina López Anakin: *and I am all of the Jedis, siths, gods, races, and force, bitch.*
Yah.. Rey is just all the Jedi (Light Side) and Palpatine is all the Sith (Dark Side).. But Anakin Skywalker or Darth Vader is the embodiment of the Force itself.. (I mean Restorer of the Balance to the Force)
Those who say Rey is stronger are Disney Fucking Fangirls.
Rey is not canon. Star Wars ended at Return of the Jedi. Lol
"On Your Knees!"
Am I the only one who got the chills there? I mean, you could hear the pure rage just burning in his voice. I seriously LOVED this whole arc.
too bad it left more questions than answers. I wish they explore this further on the history of the chosen one and why anakin fell to the darkside
think about it..
this scene mirrors the entire arc of anakin- starts at day, climaxes at night- ends back at day
Anakin started in the light, fulfilled his prophecy in the dark, and passed on in the light
this scene alone proves it that Anakin being the chosen one is a big deal .Thus palpatine return completely undermines the fact that Anakin is the chosen one
As far as I'm concerned, this is how they found out Anakin was the chosen one, not from a freaking blood test.
Agree, this is real evidence
Dude. The "blood test" still couldn't confirm whether he was the Chosen One or not. Also DON'T hate on Midichlorians. This CONFIRMS that he's the chosen one.
2:45 Vader’s breathing, chills. And the “let them go” and “on your knees!” just amazing. I’ve always loved in shows and movies when “the chosen one” has an inner godly voice when their powers and true potential are fully unlocked and unleashed.
Just noticed Vaders breathing now that you pointed it out 😅
From what I understand, Anakin was indeed the Chosen One. But his prophecy was open to interpretation, since most of the Jedi Council (including Yoda) didn't know what the Prophecy meant by "bringing balance to the Force". I believe he was meant to destroy both the Jedi and the Sith.
That and while he was meant to bring balance to the Force, the Prophecy never said anything about Anakin having to be a Jedi to do that. Even Obi-Wan, with his heartbroken speech on Mustafar, couldn't honestly prove that Anakin had to be a Jedi to destroy the Sith or bring balance to the Force.
That and Yoda DID say that the Prophecy could have been misread. Which could mean that maybe only what they know about Anakin's path could have been only HALF of what was read or maybe completely misinterpreted by the Jedi as a whole. Let's not forget the fact that Jedi have many visions of the future. But just because you see them doesn't mean they always happen.
+99thJediWarrior the truth is.... all that "light" "dark" side is bullshit , i mean we all know if there is no dark there is no light and the same for the light, so what is the hole point on being in a side , if they know none of them can actually "win"
+99thJediWarrior The Prophecy may have been about Luke in fact. The Prophecy said that the Chosen One will be born in times of need: there was peace when Anakin was born, but the world had just fallen when Luke was born. Also, in my opinion we must agree that Luke saved Vader and made him be Anakin again. The redemption may have never happen if it wouldn't be Luke, and so the balance may have never be brought.
Corinutza Darie
Nope, it's not. It has been confirmed by Lucas himself that Anakin was indeed the Chosen One. Everyone who says Luke is the Chosen One is WRONG.
+99thJediWarrior If balance doesnt chose sides there was balance in the force after Anakin was done there was 2 sith and 2 jedi and then complete unbalance in the end of 6 because Vader actually ruinsthat when he kills Sidious. So Anakin was indeed the chosen one and brought balance to the force Vader on the other hand ruined that balance.
Not exactly. He brought balance by effectively destroying (or severely weakening) both sides of the Force. As Vader, he killed several Jedi to the point where the Order was almost non-existent. As Anakin, he killed several Dark Acolytes and even Dooku and Sidious.
2:00. Obi wan realizes that Anakin's winning without the high ground.
Impossible, perhaps the archives are incomplete
Ahsoka: Do *not* trust him.
Anakin: Ya think?
Hello master
@@MyaVillarreal08 …it’s been a while
Why did you have to cut his limbs obi wan he was the strongest being in the Galaxy
@@ZTLGsmashultimate436 Because he was dangerous and going crazy. That's why.
To all the people who think Luke or Leia is the actual chosen one, please watch this clip and be enlightened.
To be fair they inherited their father’s power and have the potential he had
Luke in Legends was a God after becoming Grandmaster of his own Jedi Order
He even went up against the Mother, in the future with aid of the Jedi and Darth Krayt’s One Sith in Legends
But yes Anakin was the true Chosen One, he just never had the chance to achieve that power
But he still fulfilled his destiny with his children as catalysts that helped him turn back to the Light and Destroy the Sith
The son himself is at least 7 times stronger than GM Luke
Anakin is The Chosen One.
Luke and Leia are his Legacy.
Luke fixed the Jedi Order... Hence why in legends [even with third (fourth?)] Jedi Purge Luke's order never fell afterwards.
Leia Was the Legacy of Padme and Anakin in the sense of trying to clean up politics.
@@user-dx8nl9qm9d You're right. Even when it was nearly fully wiped out in the time of Kade Skywalker, Luke still persisted as a guide and assured the future.
Not many people think Luke or Leia was the chosen one lol. Why are you using a pathetic strawman argument to get likes?
So many chills in that scene... Anakin, standing in the middle of Force hurricane, controlling Light and Dark sides of the Force itselves, storm is coming, night changes day, even this double voice - Clone Wars shows us what it is: Anakin being the Chosen One.
There is so much in this scene done well. I haven’t seen anyone mention it but even the subtlest details add so much. The daughter is the embodiment of good and while she is holding obiwan in place, he is in no pain. It looks as though the son is squeezing ahsoka’s arm so tight it hurts her because he enjoys making people suffer
Oh damn
I can go both ways, honey.
tards will call that cringe, wanna see?
Son: dark side. Daughter: light side. Father: balance Mother: c'thulu bitch
acctually its more like Son: Dark Side Daughter: Light Side Father: Balence and Order Mother: Chaos and destruction.
More like The Son:dark side The Daughter:light side Father: Balance Abeloth: Abusive step mother who stole her powers
Ha, this is great
the mother is most powerful in star wars universe
Simon Samson Nope, that would be the Father. The Father beat her fairly easily after she stole her powers from the Son and the Daughter.
I wonder what Obi Wan was thinking at 2:00 he looks scared. And did anybody hear Darth Vader’s breathing at 2:44 as he forced the dark side to his knees. There’s a lot of foreshadowing in this episode. Ashoka’s vision and Obi Wan’s talk with Qui Gon and what the Father said about Anakin, how his selfishness would result in his downfall. Plus you hear Vader’s theme a lot in this episode. The music itself is awesome. This shows how powerful Anakin truly is.
2:43 did anyone else hear Darth Vader breathing ??
+Look, Sir ! Droids ! Yea it sounds like Vader, I never noticed this before. :-D
ermagerd i hear it too!
loominati confirmed
+Look, Sir ! Droids ! Well I do now
+Look, Sir ! Droids ! OMG! I did!
2:42 If you pay close attention, you can hear Darth Vader.
+ManiaMac1613 wow
+ManiaMac1613 Holy fuck, you're right. Good catch. A little creepy, but nonetheless a foreshadowing.
+ManiaMac1613 Yeah Already Noticed That
+ManiaMac1613 woah
+ManiaMac1613 There is a reason for that. Anakin was much like Windu, he often tapped into the Dark Side for power. Windu was able to balance it well, Anakin not so much. This scene is a perfect example of him using his anger for strength in order to save this Master and Padawan. If you remember correctly, he does the same in Ep 3 to try and save Padme.
2:00 That moment when Obi-Wan realised just how powerful Anakin truly is.
He could have become one of, if not, the most powerful Jedi if he was only trained better and from a younger age.
He wouldn't have become the most powerful Jedi, he would would have become the most powerful force wielder to have ever lived period.
he would have become the most powerful both light side and dark side user ever lived i mean live ever FOREVER...but god damn will of the force y'know
For me, Anakin *was* the force.
I mean, if he can Control the pure light side and the pure dark side, then, he gotta be more than that. The father was the force aswell. In my opinion Anakin got stronger than the father, Abeloth or any other force user.
If Anakin had reached his full potential instead of having his limbs chopped off and getting barbecued he'd have become more powerful than any Sith or Jedi had ever dreamed of. Especially if he was a balanced Gray Jedi instead of committing himself to either side.
I think what the Force wanted him to do was kill Palbatine but then unite the Jedi and the one remaining Sith. Returning the Jedi to their original ways where they used both sides of the Force.
But instead a complicated family soap opera happened and Anakin never unlocked his full power.
Darth Vader was just a pinch of what he could do the potential he would of had Anakin would make Palps look like a meager Sith
Not just me. Literally anyone
@@darthsidious8703 are you messed up in the head to larp as a fictional character?
@@paveesfox375 Yes I am using a fake name because I don't want people like you knowing my real name.
@@paveesfox375 are you messed up in the head to not only make fun of someone's fake name on the internet, but also thinking "Pavees Fox" is a better name?
@@paveesfox375 are you messed up in the head to take things so Seriously
Has anyone ever thought that The Son looks a lot like The Inquisitor?
i did xD
Same species that's why
+Sean Conness
Considering this came out four years before Rebels, it's the otherway around.
+Ethan Ohana
No, they're not the same species. The Grand Inquisitor is a mortal Pa'uan from Utapau. The Son is a nigh-immortal, shapeshifter demonic manifestation of the Dark Side.
+Sean Conness Filoni did say that The Inquisitor was in TCW.
Will Morris
Yes, he said that, but they're NOT the same character.
He can do this in battlefront! It's so freaking epic
Heroic might!
Soooo stupid
@@elinfantbag6653 not at all it’s amazing and smart
Retribution is the most satisfying thing on battlefront
No! I don't even care about plot anymore! if Anakin didn't get promoted to straight up 'Master' after that I don't know what the Jedi Council is looking for
DarkKingNRS power doesn’t make you master. Also Anakin would’ve became one, if he wasn’t forced there prematurely by palpatine. (Which is a smart move by him, he knew Anakin deserved it, so he forced him in prematurely to make the Jedi council reject him first)
@@lastaeon174 Anakin couldve destroyed the whole jedi council if he had the prior training to his full potential like this lol. Honestly this whole chosen plot thing was the best thing ever in star wars, becasusew when i was first watching it i had no idea. I thouhgt of chosen one means he gonna be badass and kill all the sith and bring balance. But then i realized when ive seen the 6th episode, no, it meant to kill off the JEDI because there were a shit ton of them back then, and like 2 sith, and once the jedi were gone, there were 2 sith and no jedi, well then the sith got destroyed lol.
They didn't out of fear of his potential.
They also didn't know about the mortis events. At the end of the arc the father wiped Anakin Ahsoka and Obiwans memory and sent them away from mortis, so none of this happened in their minds, so they didn't know about it
@@cursedranger1214 oh wow interesting what episode and season is this? I have to watch!!!
Rey: I am all the Jedi
Anakin:On your knees
Rey:goes down on her knees
Anakin:I am the chosen one no one can replace me
Anakin: The most powerful force user ever
Only if he became a grey jedi. Using the true nature of the force
Anyone else hear that damn subtle Darth Vader breath at 2:44?
+Sarah Tilgner yeah :)
begins at 1:40 if you listen
Gave me goode bumbs
Anakin - The Last Airbender
+Divine Power Fun fact, David Filoni, the producer and writer of The Clone Wars WORKED on Avatar the last airbender.
+JD ROSE that line from ember island XD
the last forcebender
This is where Anakin unlocks half of his potential and Retribution, Heroic Might and Pull dominance.
Honestly I love how they made retribution feel so powerful in battlefront 2
Balance wise, it was a nightmare for the villains side, but epic, yes
Anyone else hear the darth vader breathing sound after he says "On your knees!" ?
Yeah that’s what I’m saying
Don't know if its ment or not but it's kinda freaky when u notice that he picked his destiny
I just noticed that the son and the daughter are the Fanged God and the Winged Godess from the nightsister legends. particularly "Wild Power" by Talzin
And that's when you realize that the Nightsisters are actually following BOTH sides of the Force, not just the dark side. I would argue that the Nightsisters have a better grip on the Force than EITHER the Jedi or the Sith.
+Starflame mm, although most of their attacks involves the dark side and their healing abilities are of light. you could say they're a bit stronger than even grey Jedi, but the problem was that the night sisters never completely submitted themselves to any side, like how malgus was known for being the most powerful warrior for submitting himself utterly to the dark side.
+Starflame Revan is a Nightsister: Plottwist. DUH DUH DUH DUH DUHHHHHHH
I'll have to say that they are more skilled then the Grey Jedi, all things considering.
@@starwarzchik112 They are very weak though. Only Talzin is sidious/yoda level, and only a very few are maul level.(e.g. mighella, charal) The rest are just jungle cultists with no telekinetic ability whatsoever, only able to slightly enhance their physicals and heal through chanting.
This proves with out A doubt that Anakin is the chosen one! As Yoda once said what A powerful Jedi was he!
Yeah people like to say that Luke is because anakin failed but those are just the casual movie watchers. The chosen ones destiny is to bring balance to the force and since the Sith seek unbalance they must kill the Sith while Luke helped, it was anakin who killed the Sith bringing balance. While Luke did become more powerful then his father it’s only because he was cut down by Ben kenobi. And Luke wouldn’t have been able to do this since he’s not the chosen one so he cant balance/master both the light and the dark. So basically anakin had the potential to become as powerful as Luke is in the light and as powerful as Palpatine is in the dark. Which we see right here
2:44 listen closely and you hear Vader’s breathing
I heard it dam good finding
Good hearing
2:37 I love how you can hear the dark side in Anakin's voice.
Almost sounds like Vader.
“Powerful Jedi was he. Strong with the force he was.”
Such a understatement
I like this scene because it shows what someone can do when connecting to the force, and not worrying about the 'dark' or 'light' sides. And this is also where we see Anakin with the highest amount of force potential in the show or movies. It was state that he lost a fair amount of his power after Mustafar. Now granted, some of that was because of the internal conflict, but a large part of it was the loss of his limbs and the massive injuries. These did leave his connection to the force damaged, so the iconic Darth Vader was actually weaker than Anakin, if not by much. In any case, this is the point where we see the true power of the force, as something that transcends light and dark.
+Truly Human Actually Vader is more powerful than Anakin, as confirmed in the novel Lords of the Sith. Neither Anakin or Vader were able to achieve their full potential because of what happened on Mustafar. But for as powerful as Anakin Skywalker had become by the time of RotS, Darth Vader surpassed him shortly thereafter. This is the only time we see a glimpse of Anakin's true power and only because he was using Mortis as a catalyst to tap into the Force.
The episode even stated that he could replace that god tier being. Daaamn
1:34 I like how Obi-wan remembered that Anakin’s midichlorian account was way higher than any other Jedi or Sith, and told him to use the planet cause it’s the force, wanting to see how powerful Anakin truly can be
This “what if” story was covered in issue 7 of TCW magazine:
1. Turning Point: Having turned Anakin to the dark side by showing him a vision of his future, the son cements his position on Mortis be retrieving the blade that killed his sister....and slaying his father with it! Mortis, already overrun by the dark side, begins to fall further into ruin and despair!
2. Loose Ends: Twisted by the visions of his future self, Anakin overcame by grief, rage...and a new sense of purpose! All he cares about is returning to the galaxy...and tying up the loose ends who refuse to bow to his whims. Loose ends like Obi-Wan and Ahsoka! In the cave of the dark side, with lava all around, Anakin casually disarms and abandons his former Master to the fiery depths. At the ship, Ahsoka is not quick or quiet enough to escape his flashing blade!
3. Back to Reality: It doesn't take long for Anakin to fix the ship, now that he is freed of...distractions. Soon he - and the son, tagging along back to the physical universe - are headed deep into the heart of the galaxy, with only one thing on their minds: order. True order, born of conquest and fire! Only when Anakin is the disputed ruler of the galaxy will either of them know peace...
4. Yoda and Sidious - United!: Anakain and the son's first stop is Coruscant. Yoda and Darth Sidious can both feel their unstoppable malevolence approaching in the Force - and for the first time in an age, the Sith Lord feels fear. The Jedi Master, too, knows that Anakin is a challenge that must be met and conquered quickly, or he risks losing everything! The unlikely pair meet Anakin and the son on a landing platform, all pretenses dropped. Combat is engaged. Force lightning flickers everywhere, and blades crimson, green and blue flash in the Coruscant rain. But, Anakin, imbued with the very essence of the dark side, is too powerful for these Masters of good and evil. He strikes them down, and grows even more powerful then before. Jet-black clouds swirl the skies and refuse to clear, and Coruscant is plunged into eternal night!
5. Emperor Skywalker: Without pausing for a breath, Anakin stalks through the Senate, which is in session. With a crushing display of inhuman power, he cats down whole swathes of floating Senatorial pods, and levitates himself onto the central dias...where he declares himself the ruler of a new Galactic Empire! The son watches and is pleased. Order will be his...Forever.
Source: The Clone Wars Magazine: Issue #7
Where can I find the magazine? Can I find it online?
The look on Obi-Wan's face when Anakin's full powers start to show. Looks like fear
In this episode he was the strongest he has ever been, he used both of the dark and light side. Truly was the chosen one, unfortunately the jedi council is what led him to his own demise and Sidious merely gave him a little push and he fell completely.
I wonder what he would have been like if qui gon or mace windu trained him
@@1990hondacivic bro he fucking annihilates every star wars character in a single 1km wide room with the midi-chlorians in his balls
Well he still was the chosen one as Darth vader, he still brought balance to the force, so him falling was necessary anyways
@@nizarfakhreifakh172 rey
@@darky5335 reyd shadow legends?
There are many ways to interpret this scene, but I always thought the Father was supposed to represent the wisdom and ignorance of the Jedi. In many ways, he is wise; he understands that knowledge of the future can taint the rational outlook one must have in the present. But he is also ignorant of the very things he sees before him. Anakin symbolically represents the potential for balance in the Force by subduing both the Son and Daughter. Yet he doesn’t stop to analyze how Anakin did this.
Anakin used his emotions, his pain, fear of loss as well as his desire for serenity and peace to accomplish this, which represents the need to incorporate both elements of the Force to achieve balance. Both he and the Jedi never acknowledge his human emotions, which is why the Father doesn’t understand why Anakin doesn’t selflessly accept the heavy burden of taking his place, as it would mean leaving his loved ones, just as the Jedi don’t acknowledge the need for love and affection Anakin has, which leads to his betrayal.
Fuck dude i would love it if they made a story that takes place in a parrallel universe, where anakin never became darth vader, therefore achieving his full potential (which i believe would surpass any force user to have ever lived, including Luke skywalker) and then Luke became evil. Fuck that'd be so good.
Not so certain, a luke actually trained by his father would be something to reckon with.
"Including Luke Skywalker" The full potential of the *Chosen One*, the most powerful force user of all time, the one who should bring Balance to the force, was weaker than Luke Skywalker? Why do u even say his Name? He was strong, yes, but still. Not even Close to Yoda, Sidious or not even half the way to Anakin.
@@cuzzimray4111 He says that name becaise Luke is so overrated
Actually Lucas has stated that while Anakin is the chosen one who brings balance, Luke in terms of raw power is the strongest force user in all of Star Wars. Interesting differences between him and his father
@@Ismael-kc3ry Lucas was talking about ROTS Anakin, not full potential Anakin.
this scene gives me chills... is no one freaked out by the second voice speaking with Anakin?
The one that sounded like Darth Vader?
um... not really. it doesn't really sound like Darth Vader and more like Dormammu.
blue-eyed fangirl you can actually hear Darth vaders breathing in 2.45
blue-eyed fangirl exactly. I got all teary eyed when I first saw this, freaked me out when skywalker rip through the very fabric of reality itself.
It's Anakin layered w/ Vader, pretty much showing his light/dark side
And people are saying Rey is The Chosen One
Rey is the Daughter to Kylo's son in the Sequel trilogy
1. Never say it like that ever again.
2. Who's the father?
@@rayo146-x8x LOL Anakin would be the Father, the balance. Its like that shot of Kylo and Rey Fighting over the lightsaber in TLJ. In Clone Wars Son and Daughter similarly push at each other with the Father in the middle.
Who cares about the sequel trilogy by now lol
Nobody said it.
Anyone else hear the Vader breath sound when Anakin roared "ON YOUR KNEES!" ?
It took me watching that now to hear that. I didn't notice it the first time.
Ooooohhhh CHILLS!
When ur friends get double team roasted on and u save their ass
Me in Battlefront ;)
in battlefront im not anakin, im obi wan or ahsoka tbh. in other words im the guy who always gets screwed over.
Aaaaaand I now realize that Anakin is literally GOD in this episode...
This one scene proves the Anakin is more powerful than practically everyone in the galaxy. Even pathetic Rey
literally every scene in clone wars proves that anakin is stronger than reycon earbuds my g
I lost you at the end there
@@imhuntingwabbits5532 get it REY-con earbuds
I always see luke as anakins equal. Son of of chosen one? Trained by yoda and obi wan? I think he's just as powerful as anakin
So many things I love about this scene.
1. Never has any Star Wars show/movie gone so in-depth with the lore than this.
2. The symbolism of the scene with light and dark, master and apprentice, daughter and son. All dualities of one another.
3. How they used Anakin in this story arc was masterful. Turning him from his usual self, to his darker side, to a literal embodiment of the Force’s will.
4. The idea is extremely interesting AND terrifying of the Celestials. The idea of a race so powerful in the Force is amazing.
This guy brought the (more or less) two sides of The Force to their knees. You just don't fuck with a guy who can bring The Force to its knees!
No one can fuck him except padme
Saitama: _Funneh_
@@mynameisanmo6654 He brought her to her knees too. More than once, I reckon.
@@coadacatalin4510 lmao 😂😂😂
OKAY, Can we all agree that THIS is the Definitive Anakin Skywalker? Seriously, Why couldn't the Movie version be anything like this!? He's a lot more likable, skilled, and a 100% Less whiny!
Hayden Christensen is a shit actor that's why.
I wouldn't say that, he isn't that bad as an actor, he was just given bad direction.
good actor, bad direction
what the clone wars did merely validated anakin's annoyance with the jedi (Especially with Windu, who fucked up the potential chance of Ahsoka staying in the Order and his continual distrust for him both prior and afterwards)
Hayden Christensen isn't a bad actor I hate people like you who didn't look at George poor lines given to him.
@@HyakuJuu01300 hayden was idiot its george lucas who made him say terrible dialogue
1:52 Music, visuals, sound design, and writing all come together. This is what makes great scenes that RESONATE. Just because something is big or loud doesn’t mean it’s memorable. This scene is wonderful to look at, listen to, and provides a story detail that connects all of Star Wars. This is why the clone wars was such a good show. I’m so glad they revived it.
My theory is that this was supposed to be anakin's destiny, replacing the father and balancing the force.
Once he refused he set his path to fall, which is why next episode the brother shows him the visions of order 66 and becoming Vader
I don't know if that's it, because he was still needed to help in the Clone Wars, even if it was it wouldn't he still be needed to stop Dooku? We saw what ended up happening anyway, I just don't know. And didn't Qui-Gon say to Obi-Wan that it was a dangerous place for Anakin to be?
This is correct and every ignores it because they are movie fans and not a fan of this show
Anakin did balance the force tho by wiping out the Jedi and then killing sidious
@@juliemcintyre428 no facing dooku was setup by palpatine to face his dark side and he was testing Anakin to see if he was a worthy apprentice that’s why he killed dooku so Anakin could take his place
wouldn't anakin die of natural human age though? Or it's different in mortis?
Full potential unlocked Anakin vs Abeloth anyone?
I feel like Abeloth would win considering how op they made her.
I highly doubt that. Abeloth was 12x stronger than Luke from EU
who is abeloth?
look her up. Arguably the most powerful being in the star wars universe
anakin would have came out on top it would be close but anakin would win abeloth= the son and daughter combined while anakin could take both
This scene shows anakin/vader is the most powerful force user their is in sw history. He manipulates both the avatar of the dark side and light side. Darth sidious is not the most powerful Sith Lord anakin skywalker is. He changes the rotation of the planet to night showing he physically moved a planet.
+Dr Chopper In both continuities, Sidious was the most powerful sith lord. Anakin was only able to accomplish what he did here because he tapped into Mortis and it temporarily boosted his connection to the Force. Under normal circumstances, he is canonically inferior to Sidious and remained so due to his injuries.
Anakin is only able to do this because of the mortis amp. Therefore he can't do it under normal circumstances.
If Vader DID reach his potential, he could of done this normally, and probably casually. But he didn't.
The most powerful force user is abeloth
kok namm No shes not god damnit. Stupendous wave is giving wrong information to thousands of people. Shes not the most powerful. The Bedlam Spirits are. Even The Father is more powerful than Abeloth.
+The HoloNet Abeloth is very powerful but at the end of the day GM Luke beat her
Love how the environment transitions from day to night to day again, mirroring Anakin’s own journey from the light to the dark and then to the light again; only returning to the light once Anakin has brought balance. Hadn’t picked up on that till now.
The fact that you can hear Vader’s breath when he’s using the force in this scene is CHILLING