That's a particularly beautiful B&T Coonhound female!! Nothing better on God's green earth than a good coonhound. Great job training her. Any idea what kennel she is out of?
Black and tans Coonhounds, like other coonhounds, are not obedient but rather compliant. Blind obedience? Not so much.....but very intelligent....used to outthinking prey....often will outwit their people, Daughters puppy had a counter surfing issue mostly due to improper handling of situation by the humans. You have to be consistent, utterly consistent with these dogs as to household expectations. I mat trained the dog in increments and worked really hard to generalize this behavior...we are talking two months BEFORE I moved the mat to the kitchen and could walk away to the refrigerator to make a snack for grand babies. Slowly built up behavior to the point that when I walk into the kitchen, he goes right to his mat, which is a low traffic area of the kitchen. His payoff is he gets rewarded for being there, plus the added bonus of being with his peeps plus he is right there to enjoy the smells of the food being cooked. Off the mat....? Downstairs to crate for duration of meal IMMEDIATELY....including cleanup. Interestingly, dog knows EXACTLY what behavior he can get away with and whom. Daughter and teenager in is business as usual....counter surfing, trying to take food right out of younger kids' hands, etc......I walk into kitchen, dog goes right to mat. Clearly, the dog is outsmarting the people.
Great work you've done... My Black and Tan needs this...
That's a particularly beautiful B&T Coonhound female!! Nothing better on God's green earth than a good coonhound. Great job training her. Any idea what kennel she is out of?
Black and tans Coonhounds, like other coonhounds, are not obedient but rather compliant. Blind obedience? Not so much.....but very intelligent....used to outthinking prey....often will outwit their people, Daughters puppy had a counter surfing issue mostly due to improper handling of situation by the humans. You have to be consistent, utterly consistent with these dogs as to household expectations. I mat trained the dog in increments and worked really hard to generalize this behavior...we are talking two months BEFORE I moved the mat to the kitchen and could walk away to the refrigerator to make a snack for grand babies. Slowly built up behavior to the point that when I walk into the kitchen, he goes right to his mat, which is a low traffic area of the kitchen. His payoff is he gets rewarded for being there, plus the added bonus of being with his peeps plus he is right there to enjoy the smells of the food being cooked. Off the mat....? Downstairs to crate for duration of meal IMMEDIATELY....including cleanup. Interestingly, dog knows EXACTLY what behavior he can get away with and whom. Daughter and teenager in is business as usual....counter surfing, trying to take food right out of younger kids' hands, etc......I walk into kitchen, dog goes right to mat. Clearly, the dog is outsmarting the people.
This is a SMART SMART dog!
You got this in 7 days? What a great dog trainer you are!!
will the dog still obey iside the house when he doesot have the collar on?
Impressive video. I'd like a vehicle crate like that for our coonhound. Could you share some info on the brand, where to buy?
Ruff Land Performance Kennels -
Wish my black n tan would mind.