Roland Martin Debate Vs White Nationalist Richard Spencer Alt-Right

  • Опубліковано 24 лис 2016
  • Roland Martin Debate Vs White Nationalist Richard Spencer Alt-Right
    During an intense interview and debate, Roland Martin and White Nationalist Richard Spencer discussed White Supremacy, racism, jobs and the election of Donald Trump.
    Members of the National Policy Institute held their national conference in Washington, D.C. this weekend. The group has been broadly referred to as part of the Alt-Right and the positions they embrace align with White Nationalism, White Supremacy, and downright racism.
    Members of their movement have been energized and emboldened by the election of Donald Trump, who used racially insensitive rhetoric to catapult him to the highest office in the land.
    On Tuesday morning during an intense interview, Roland Martin - host of NewsOne Now - confronted Richard Spencer, the leader of the National Policy Institute, about his views on America, race, White supremacy, Trump’s election, and the bright future he envisions for White America.
    While discussing his views about the Alt-Right movement and its impact on America, Spencer said, “We’ve gone from being a movement that was not connected to the political mainstream, not connected to the political fray,” to a movement that people are paying attention to.
    Spencer seemed to backtrack from some of his movement’s more controversial stances, saying, “We need to maybe start knocking some of that stuff off” and move towards the mainstream.
    One of the major issues that has caused many of the Alt-Right’s members to espouse hate and bigotry towards minorities in America revolves around the loss of economic power and jobs. Martin asked Spencer: “If Whites are dominating jobs in banking, if Whites are dominating jobs on Wall Street, If Whites are dominating hedge funds, if Whites are dominating [as] NFL owners and NBA owners, if Whites are dominating in the major sectors - how in the world can you somehow say, ‘Oh, my god. It’s rough for us White people out here?’”
    Spencer responded: It doesn’t at all surprise me that Whites succeed. We have succeeded throughout the centuries, we are people of great genius and ambition, so none of that surprises me. In terms of looking at all of these CEOs - a lot of these are older people, they’re from a generation that comes from a very different population. What I’m worried about right now is our younger people. These institutions are actively, explicitly trying to discriminate against them in terms of hiring.”


  • @moriahgamesdev
    @moriahgamesdev 7 років тому +37

    All this aggravation because a few hundred British people decided to get on a boat and have a little look around.

    • @OdinzEinherjar
      @OdinzEinherjar 6 років тому +1

      John Peterson He didn't say British discovered America.

    • @OdinzEinherjar
      @OdinzEinherjar 6 років тому +2

      TT T It has lots to do with this video,the black dude is blaming whites for everything,the guy making the comment is just taking it back to the beginning of all these arguments

    • @OdinzEinherjar
      @OdinzEinherjar 6 років тому

      TT T And to the rest of your comment im British but I'm both Anglo Saxon and Norwegian,English non Celts are a mish mash of a load of white Europeans

    • @JohnBobRoger
      @JohnBobRoger 6 років тому +1

      Quebec City is the oldest city in North america...And America didn't beat the Nazis singlehanded ! One problem with America is myopic exaggerated sense of self.

    • @OdinzEinherjar
      @OdinzEinherjar 6 років тому

      J Roger Oh yes.

  • @C-Doge7577
    @C-Doge7577 5 років тому +2

    It's the ROMAN SALUTE, how the hell have we a westerners forgotten a historical salute of Western Civilization 🤔

  • @flavirostris1972
    @flavirostris1972 6 років тому +6

    Spencer is wrong on Egyptians. Not white. Some kind of Middle Eastern people. Not hu-white.

    • @caitlinconnor2714
      @caitlinconnor2714 6 років тому

      thanks probably should have worked that out myself getting slow in my old age.

    • @caitlinconnor2714
      @caitlinconnor2714 6 років тому

      are you from America?

  • @TheLinkMedic
    @TheLinkMedic 6 років тому +51

    Richard doesn't know they were kangz smdh

    • @grownman1017
      @grownman1017 6 років тому +1

      Aaron Kay We were and still are are a science project gone wrong.

    • @jaywalker_4629
      @jaywalker_4629 6 років тому

      sandythebear, cuz the Europeans has the better technology? If the industrial revolution happened in Africa the roles would be reversed. Also, Ethiopia beat Italy lmao. Europe was selling guns to Ethiopia until they beat Italy and after that every European nation shunned Ethiopia. It went against the white supremacist narrative

    • @jaywalker_4629
      @jaywalker_4629 6 років тому

      sandythebear, they had better technology due to the industrial revolution. They didn't have assistance from Europe lol. Europe sold firearms to Africans before they colonized, but they were usually poorer quality. So Ethiopia had firearms before colonization and when Italy tried to colonize it they lost. Ethiopia only became a colony for a couple of years and that was in the 1930s when Mussolini attacked it to erase the embrassment of the past. Keep in mind Ethiopia didn't have any firearms other than what they had used decades before due to the embargo, if you wanna call it that, by all other European nations. Who said Ethiopia was so advanced? Nobody said it was super advanced lmao. You're making shit up just so you have an argument. Anyway, if my information is correct Ethiopia doesn't have any lucrative natural resources. Also, Ethiopia had, and I think still does, a lot of infighting. Maybe just do some research that doesn't have a white supremacist agenda instead of spewing white supremacist bullshit ok? I know that's what you're spewing as I can easily read between the lines of your comments

    • @jaywalker_4629
      @jaywalker_4629 6 років тому

      sandythebear, there's no evidence the industrial revolution happened in Europe due to IQ...none. Nobody knows exactly why it happened, and we can make theories as to why, but I doubt we will ever truly understand. You said in they purposely helped them fend off the Italians. It's like you don't even understand the English language. Yes, without European firearms they likely would have lost depending on how the battlefield was and what tactics were used. Now you're saying it was nothing since Italy was past it's Roman days. You're more than ignorant, you're extremely intellectually dishonest and your comments show it. I never said a few years, I said a few decades. Seems you can t read either. Or you're just putting words into my mouth for the sake of having an argument. There's no such thing as upgrading their arsenal legally or illegally dumbfuck. They didn't have the industry nor knowledge to replicate the firearms. Note that knowledge is different than intelligence. Africans had knowledge Europeans didn't have and vice versa. A sense of impending danger are not definitions of advanced societies, not in the slightest. As for innovation, that's not a fact, that is a cultural opinion of what an advanced society is. In other words, that is the western worlds view of what makes am advanced nation. Your bias is showing and it's sad. You're judging a culture/society through tinted lenses. You are not objective. That leftist argument is only half wrong so you're a fool to assume I'm a leftist if that's what you were doing. And I say half wrong cuz it is true that black African nations are so poor due to European oppression and manipulation, but that it is also true that they share some of the blame. It's always funny that white supremacists will talk about history shaping our world into the world it is today until the topic of history shaping Africa into the way it is today. Then the blame is entirely on the Africans. I never said oil so your argument there is mute. Like I said you're putting words into my mouth just for the sake of having an argument.
      Anyway, Germany has timber, natural gas, coal, lignite, uranium, iron ore, nickel, salt, and copper. France has coal, iron ore, bauxite, and uranium. Unlike Germany, France doesn't have a huge amount of natural resources and the coal veins are deep and difficult to work. And as for the British Isles they have coal, petroleum, natural gas, limestone, chalk, gypsum, silica, rock salt, China clay, iron ore, tin, silver, gold, and land. Are you glad I debunked your bullshit argument there? I also forgot to mention the fact that European nations were able to use natural resources from Africa to use in their manufacturing sectors back in their home countries. Great Britain, for example, would take cotton grown in northern Nigeria to be used for manufacturing goods. Same goes for cocoa grown and harvested in Ghana. Many western and European nations still profit off the natural resources of Africa as they own lots of land fill of natural resources. So no it was not a level playing field with natural reosurces. Africa was ahead, but as I said, western and European companies own much of these lucrative lands or western governments overthrow and strongarm African governments to do their bidding that help keep them rich. If Africa closed off it's natural resources and kept them only in African markets you bet your ass western nations would invade.
      You also failed to understand my point of infighting. Political disagreements doesn't count as infighting. Europe was akso built back up after WW2 whereas Africa didn't get that help. Funny that Europe destroys itself and America fixed Europe, but Europe fucks up Africa and they leave it and say fuck you. You're so ignorant it hurts. Are you white? If you are you should be ashamed of your "superior white genes" not making you smart lol

    • @alexgriffith1001
      @alexgriffith1001 6 років тому

      they were kings all over the world

  • @Grottgreta
    @Grottgreta 6 років тому +5

    "I'm going to invite a guest and constantly talk over him"

  • @yehoshua39
    @yehoshua39 6 років тому +5

    Does this fool understand that Africa is a Continent. This Continent is full of many people, all are African but from different regions. Therefor Egyptians are African not European . Egypt was ruled by Nubia for a period of time also. Will this fool claim that Nubians were white also.

  • @jarviscameron4184
    @jarviscameron4184 5 років тому +2

    Lol, I find it funny. Richard stated lying at the beginning. "Those creatures" he were referring to was not CNN

  • @rubyb1768
    @rubyb1768 5 років тому +2

    Disagree with Spencer on literally everything and think he's relatively misinformed - but, honestly, this interviewer was awful. He kept interrupting and speaking over him which made it really difficult to watch.

  • @honoraryanglo2929
    @honoraryanglo2929 6 років тому +1

    “I’m a cultural Christian, what the hell is that?

  • @goodlooking8749
    @goodlooking8749 6 років тому +15

    so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so

    • @towlie9428
      @towlie9428 6 років тому

      Goodlooking Fuck you but that was funny 😂

  • @margyiphillips4931
    @margyiphillips4931 7 років тому +19

    Does Richard Spencer remind anyone of Tom Brady?

  • @favor4afavor823
    @favor4afavor823 7 років тому +124

    when you have to go back to pyramids as the last time "black people " built something... you might have a problem

    • @yinkaoyekunle9533
      @yinkaoyekunle9533 7 років тому +6

      favor4afavor Fortunately that is no where near being the 'last time'. Roland just used that as a simple example that even a child can grasp. Unfortunately Richard couldn't understand something that basic and straightforward.

    • @fatherjoe1134
      @fatherjoe1134 7 років тому +23

      Hey DNA proves that the Pharaohs were white

    • @mrsoulsodeep8530
      @mrsoulsodeep8530 6 років тому +3

      favor4afavor blacks built America

    • @mrsoulsodeep8530
      @mrsoulsodeep8530 6 років тому +2

      Alex S there is poor in every country. Just like you have whites living in cardboard boxes in some of the richest cities in America. American television just show the poor for many reasons and one reason is to pimp Americans out of money but if you go there, you will see the difference....

    • @mrsoulsodeep8530
      @mrsoulsodeep8530 6 років тому +1

      Alex S here you keyboard gangsters go with the name't never have a conversation with you so called civilized folks!!!

  • @brianc2619
    @brianc2619 6 років тому +5

    First of all, affirmative action discriminates against ability (we should have a meritocracy) Africans, Asians and Latinos don't need special help (unless you're willing to imply inferiority to Europeans) jobs should be had according to ability, and if there is discrimination because of race or gender, it should be reported because it's already been illegal. Secondly, the oldest human remains were found in southern Germany (whether or not all Homo-Sapiens came from Africa is up for debate right now). Thirdly, there was a dynasty of Pharaohs who were white, or at least had red and blonde hair. Fourthly, the railroads were primarily built by Irish and German immigrants in the late 1800's - early 1900's. The racial composition of different areas in the world changed drastically through the ages from empires, Khanates and Caliphates, especially Greece, Rome and Spain who saw a lot of genetic mingling with North Africans and Middle-Easterners. AND finally, FYI, Stone Henge was around before the pyramids AND the largest Pyramid in the world (in Bosnia) was built by Europeans at least 2,000 years before Giza.

    • @jaywalker_4629
      @jaywalker_4629 6 років тому +1

      Additionally the great pyramid of giza isn't known for being the largest pyramid. It is known for it's matching layout of the earth's axis, longitude, latitude, etc. It isn't just a giant ass pyramid, it is a very complex and MATHEMATICALLY PRECISE pyramid

    • @supermusic1224
      @supermusic1224 5 років тому

      The crimes against minorities and specifically black people in America has caused unfair advantages for European and whites. How do you suggest America fixes the problem that it created. Poor education systems and systemic racism has created the ghettos and broken families minorities still deal with to this day. That is what truly discriminates against ability. You dont get to start a race get laps ahead and then say ok everyone can run now and ability will decide who wins. That's just stupid! Equal opportunity should be available to every American and if not through affirmative action reparations or otherwise what is your plan to level a playing field that America has grossly tilted to favor the outcomes for whites and the elites.

  • @georgehall6772
    @georgehall6772 6 років тому +1

    This is not a debate , just an interviewer talking over the guest

  • @truthbetrolled667
    @truthbetrolled667 6 років тому +7

    My grandfather was killed in action in Europe fighting against Hitler and the Nazis in WWII. I'm very proud to be his heir. The Roman salute they did does not bother me at all.

    • @thisislaflaretv5250
      @thisislaflaretv5250 6 років тому +1

      I bet if your granddaddy was alive. He'd slap the shit out of u. You weren't even alive when your granddaddy was in Ww2. How u gonna know what he liked. I bet bet you he didn't appreciate getting smoked by the Germans. Idiot

    • @truthbetrolled667
      @truthbetrolled667 6 років тому +7

      "How u gonna know what he liked" And I suppose you would?
      What I do know is that the country he fought for no longer exists neither does the continent he was there to liberate. If he had known these things he may have thought differently about it.

    • @louise-yo7kz
      @louise-yo7kz 6 років тому

      Truth be trolled lol

    • @SuperFatyank
      @SuperFatyank 5 років тому

      It’s still a right wing salute the Italians started it

    • @augen8819
      @augen8819 Рік тому

      Go Back to Europe

  • @davidgroenewald1078
    @davidgroenewald1078 6 років тому

    I'm a white South African, and I'm not African. Even Black South Africans don't consider us African.

  • @samueljames0908
    @samueljames0908 6 років тому

    "Hey look, the common white man is being discriminated against--" "BUH BUH BUH MUH RICH PEOPEL THO"

  • @frankib8620
    @frankib8620 6 років тому +19

    Not a Nazi Salute its from Rome.

    • @antiload
      @antiload 5 років тому

      Franki B it’s a salute of arseholes

    • @SuperFatyank
      @SuperFatyank 5 років тому

      Originally it came from Rome yes but they were still fascists.Its a fascist salute

    • @SuperFatyank
      @SuperFatyank 5 років тому

      Joe Smith Mussolini invented it in a way he started the whole fascist ideology.Regardless whether it was used in American schools it represents the nazis why would you want that back some things are best left in the past.

  • @SS-L.O.T.O.
    @SS-L.O.T.O. 6 років тому +13

    Is it just me or did he sound like a black nationalist at the end

    • @42ouncesofPAIN
      @42ouncesofPAIN 6 років тому

      Yeah at the end he lost his moral high ground he had tried so hard to build up. At the end he just started getting nasty.

    • @batuffolinitutti4345
      @batuffolinitutti4345 5 років тому +1

      Haha yea at the start he was like "I'm just a human man!" and then at the end he was full we wuz kangz mode. This guy obviously does not consider white people to be his people, so why does he demand that we see him as one of our people?? So cringe.

  • @aadam3692
    @aadam3692 6 років тому

    Im a proud white straight male. I share some of his views however this guy doesn't represent me.

  • @AnthonyChrist82
    @AnthonyChrist82 6 років тому

    They call it a debate when its really just an angry man constantly interrupting and talks over Spencer's answers. Case and point.

    • @essencemg
      @essencemg 5 років тому

      Anthony Luebano Spencer is a very dumb man

    • @essencemg
      @essencemg 5 років тому

      Anthony Luebano he doesn't know history

  • @denisedebnam7041
    @denisedebnam7041 6 років тому +1

    Dang Roland..let him talk

  • @21kaligirl
    @21kaligirl 6 років тому

    What does Christianity have any to do with it!! Why can't he just say I'm an atheist???

  • @themlglegend5891
    @themlglegend5891 6 років тому +1

    The truth is that no one of any race should be afraid to show a love for ones culture, especially white people. I believe that when all different races I. America imbrace their individual cultures, we can then come together and show true nationalism for this great nation. Identity, culture, and nationalism. The only true defense against the Globalists. And if the owner of this video sees my comment, nice profile picture. I know exactly who that is.

  • @gregoryedwards7122
    @gregoryedwards7122 6 років тому +1

    This dude don't know his history, sad

  • @abelvillarreal7676
    @abelvillarreal7676 6 років тому +1

    15:25 hahahaha what planet is Spencer living on

  • @TrevVision
    @TrevVision 6 років тому +18

    This is so unprofessional. He's about to cry. He's hanging on by a thread from snapping out. Spencer has the patience of a saint.

  • @erniewalker5050
    @erniewalker5050 5 років тому

    a conquerer? he's boldly right about that...which is natural and normal for them. fuckin crazy!!!

  • @ryoka7
    @ryoka7 6 років тому +14

    Spencer's not very good at debating. He really should just stick to giving speeches.
    Jared Taylor would have wrecked Roland Martin

    • @blackwingzero
      @blackwingzero 6 років тому

      ryoka7 you are joking right because he just went to a radio show hosted by a lesbian made to look like an idiot just like this douche

    • @ryoka7
      @ryoka7 6 років тому

      It was not a formal debate, it was an informal one.

    • @essencemg
      @essencemg 5 років тому +1

      ryoka7 when you tell lies all your life you look like a fool.. you remember South Africa. When President Clark had to step down.. when Mandela became president.. we blacks are starting to put you in your rightful place. Lying and cheating does not last forever. He's just a dumb white boy trying to make a name for himself. Being a stupid racist doesn't get you anywhere. But a place in hell.

  • @RobertMOdell
    @RobertMOdell 6 років тому

    Neither man is a christian.

  • @rasaanel-shabazz2478
    @rasaanel-shabazz2478 6 років тому

    wow. Richard was thoroughly dominated. If this is the best they've got then its game over for the racists.

  • @alking6809
    @alking6809 6 років тому

    Black people were the first agriculturalist. so if anyone has a claim to inventing agriculture it would be so called black people. but agriculture is really a common sense natural thing to do. Its like asking who invented pissing lmao.

  • @CharlieHoliday369
    @CharlieHoliday369 6 років тому

    "I'm a M--ee--AANN" hahaha

  • @natashaesparza9026
    @natashaesparza9026 6 років тому


  • @freerangejames6656
    @freerangejames6656 6 років тому

    Holy Crap that interviewer is intense.

  • @MontyQueues
    @MontyQueues 6 років тому +1

    the silk road wasn’t a white only idea plenty of asians wanted to trade with europeans equal gain

  • @jackstar5208
    @jackstar5208 6 років тому

    Federal hiring - goes to the senate

  • @salt27dogg
    @salt27dogg 6 років тому

    Is it natural for black people use the n word???? They say it’s exuberance

  • @del2744
    @del2744 6 років тому

    I feel so very very sorry for you all and for all Americans. Hate leads to hate. I have the greatest respect for Sir Roland Martin. Your country needs people who think things strait, with a wise look at the past and the future.
    Did you know it takes more genes to determine the size of your ears than the color of your skin ? Think about it.
    "White people" is NOT a thing. ONLY MANKIND IS A THING. Earth, solar system, sun, planets, galaxies. You only have one life, think about what really matters on this planet. Mankind - period.

  • @vascularpete
    @vascularpete 6 років тому +3

    There's no such thing as a Nazi salute. It's a fuckin Roman salute. You know, the Romans, the society we modeled our republic after.

  • @HRPFayetteville
    @HRPFayetteville 6 років тому

    Then how do explain south Africans who have English accents and are white

  • @HRPFayetteville
    @HRPFayetteville 6 років тому

    U can't look at a company and say it too white and what about black people who are successful

  • @HRPFayetteville
    @HRPFayetteville 6 років тому

    U never account for black people who may not like government jobs

  • @Scotsforever
    @Scotsforever 6 років тому

    What type of labor did the Egyptian "People of Color" use to build the Pyramids? Pretty sure they weren't unionized

  • @exactname649
    @exactname649 6 років тому

    OMG this poor black guy is such a victim...feel sorry for him

  • @HRPFayetteville
    @HRPFayetteville 6 років тому

    Why does Roland always freak out

  • @joyh4
    @joyh4 5 років тому

    Richard has some big balls

  • @thenarrator1984
    @thenarrator1984 6 років тому

    like 9 people saluted..LOL

  • @bryantonojeta5064
    @bryantonojeta5064 5 років тому

    Gale Kind does better interviews then Roland.. Phil Donahue does better interviews than Roland Martin... He's to argumentative.

  • @mariussielcken
    @mariussielcken 7 років тому

    9:00 Nice inquisition...

  • @minionman6177
    @minionman6177 6 років тому

    Roland looked like a complete fool here.

  • @chrisjones7623
    @chrisjones7623 6 років тому

    thats what you get richard

  • @christophersabrsula4509
    @christophersabrsula4509 6 років тому

    this black guy is primateative

  • @HRPFayetteville
    @HRPFayetteville 6 років тому

    Roland never talks about racist black people there are many preachers who just scream racist crap

  • @broark88
    @broark88 6 років тому

    White countries are so obviously, undeniably, manifestly the best places to live on Earth, everyone who attempts to deny it has to engage in the most hilarious mental backflips and dominate opposition with volume.
    And no, America wasn't built on the backs of slaves. It's no coincidence that the industrial revolution began almost immediately after the end of slavery: with a genuine labor market, it was possible to compare actual prices of labor with that of capital instigating investment and development - predominantly by whites.
    Moreover, at the height of slavery, only about 1 in 60 whites owned slaves; among Jews and free blacks, the rate of slave ownership was considerably higher. Whites also took it upon themselves to end slavery in places around the world while the most brutal slave trade ever took place from Africa to the middle East, both of which places still have slavery today.
    And who gets blamed for slavery? The only people with the moral fortitude to accept not only their own wrongs, but those of their ancestors: whites.
    Richard was absolutely on point to say near the end that whites have been capitulating to shame and that it can't last forever.

  • @alking6809
    @alking6809 6 років тому

    Roland didn't answer the question. Roland why are you a Christian?

  • @thenarrator1984
    @thenarrator1984 6 років тому

    richard spencer is so much smarter than roland martin, martin cant grasp half of what spencer is saying.

  • @TrevVision
    @TrevVision 6 років тому

    Wow he just did the clap speaking. He literally will not Spencer get a single sentence in.

  • @DonnieHarvell
    @DonnieHarvell 6 років тому

    This whole show supports Richard Spencer's side.

  • @bryantonojeta5064
    @bryantonojeta5064 5 років тому

    How is this an interview when Roland is doing all the Talking... I can't hear what the man is saying. Everytime he says something.. Roland starts to try and educate this man.. but that's not what he's there for.. he's there to give us information on his views and Roland won't let that happen.

  • @whitefly2
    @whitefly2 5 років тому

    I think the people that own the company pick the CEO. You need more black owned business.

    • @essencemg
      @essencemg 5 років тому

      death eater you need to go back to high school.

    • @essencemg
      @essencemg 5 років тому

      death eater you sound like this stupid white guy sitting up here. He's dumb as hell.

    • @essencemg
      @essencemg 5 років тому

      death eater as a black man. I'm going to teach you a few things. This white guy up here he knows what time it is. He knows the 400 years is up. Since the Hebrews and Israelites were brought to America in captivity. On slave ships We are at the end now. The Nations that enslaved us will be in judgment. We are getting ready to come into greatness. And he doesn't like it.. you may not agree because you may be a gentile. Black businesses. This one or two Johnson Johnson. BET . The list goes on. Back to my conversation. That's why they are taking down these Confederate statues. Taking down Christopher Columbus. See these are all lies this kingdom is not going to stand. So you need to watch who you follow behind. Don't get yourself into a. Colt.

    • @essencemg
      @essencemg 5 років тому

      death eater first of all Latinos is a mixed race of people.. Africans have a dominant gene. I suggest that you read your Bible. We are warriors we have broke the chains 😘 of slavery we are moving on. If it wasn't for blacks .Latinos would not have any rights in this country. You guys are riding on our backs. In the 60's and 70's we fought in the streets. Martin Luther King had to teach these white folk how to live together and God send him just like Moses So my friend where was your Latinos at that time Latinos you are a weak group of people coming in late. We paid the way for your Latinos. So you need to get on your knees. And thank God for what they did 😊

  • @CrackerrJack
    @CrackerrJack 6 років тому

    black guy seems mad. So so so no no no hold up go stop wait.

  • @nyearastaggers1362
    @nyearastaggers1362 5 років тому

    We need more open dialogue like this. Period.
    I don't think Richard was being honest with every answer, trying to choose his wording carefully.
    He didn't mind "others" getting jobs but not more than whites.
    I can identify with part of his core belief. I want to help my people first. #me aswel and all other races too.
    However, he wants to help his people stay dominat over everyother race in America and blacks are just trying to get out under the boots of oppression.
    He speaks about the past and how whites created this system, and that system but he doesn't care HOW they did it. By pure evilness. Even this "land" he is trying to protect was paid for with unspeakable haneious acts on a monumentis level. And he don't care so why should I care about a race that has done such evil all around the world keeping their sick govermental system that continues nefarious acts on inncoent lives to this day

  • @cozzy72
    @cozzy72 6 років тому

    This African guy doesn't like us.

  • @E.Johansson
    @E.Johansson 6 років тому

    fact of the matter, fact of the matter, fact of the matter, fact of the matter, fact of the matter, fact of the matter is that we wuz kaaaangz n sheeit!

  • @chrisjones7623
    @chrisjones7623 6 років тому

    he got murdered in this argument

  • @funkygilagila
    @funkygilagila 6 років тому

    Why does this guy richard the hockey's keep dodging the question

  • @asdfasdf-rb3oq
    @asdfasdf-rb3oq 6 років тому

    better go work out ROFLMAO we got guns dude. I think were gonna be ok

  • @antiload
    @antiload 5 років тому

    Richard got his arse kicked

  • @touristguy87
    @touristguy87 6 років тому

    I guess that the Egyptians just...snapped their fingers and the Pyramids were built?
    Try actually reading something about African science and technology before you talk.

  • @reelerider7834
    @reelerider7834 6 років тому

    You are not going to win!!

  • @_Cha-Ka
    @_Cha-Ka 6 років тому

    I just don't understand why blacks get so upset when white people want to have a place just for themselves. I don't understand why they want to live with us so badly, especially when so many blacks hate white people. I personally think every white person should be booted out of Africa so that blacks who want to have a place just for themselves can have it, and I would be happy for them. I don't hate black people whatsoever, but I also want to be as far away from them as possible. Mainly to keep my kids safe and to keep my stuff from being stolen. Why is that wrong?

  • @dylanmcdonnell8525
    @dylanmcdonnell8525 6 років тому

    We now know the first human ancestor is from Europe, may and june studies find and this was reported mainstream in such places as cbs, history, newsweek, the telegraph, medium

  • @zweiosterei
    @zweiosterei 6 років тому

    This Richard guy seems to be a bit of a racist.

  • @teentalex
    @teentalex 6 років тому +7

    The presenter restricted Richard’s speech.

    • @johnpeterson4213
      @johnpeterson4213 6 років тому +2

      It's suggests that Roland isn't really a first amendment kind of guy!

    • @Trisherboops
      @Trisherboops 6 років тому


  • @thomasletroll1225
    @thomasletroll1225 6 років тому

    Roland Martin is very wrong about who the original egyptians were. There was a dna study done of wide variety of ancient egyptians and they are not sub saharan africans. they were probably arab. Also when he saus people cam from africa, that;s more than 100k years ago before we started breeding with other hominids and neandrathals. if the original african roland Martin is talking about were standing in front of us right now we wouldn't even recognize it as same species as us because they're not. once the primitive humans left africa they inter bred hybridized with other hominid to become who we are today. absolutely wrong of roland martin.

  • @antiload
    @antiload 5 років тому

    Lol, Egyptians are not white

  • @bryantonojeta5064
    @bryantonojeta5064 5 років тому

    Horrible Interview... Horrible... Roland wouldn't Shut UP! Damn!

  • @enriquewsilva3421
    @enriquewsilva3421 5 років тому

    The Egypt empire was built by white Caucasians people and then conquered by the Greeks! .. The Egyptian empire was never administered nor dominated by black people they were slaves and Jews too.😉🤔👍

  • @mikeross841
    @mikeross841 6 років тому


  • @tyffen123
    @tyffen123 6 років тому +1

    It's not a NAZI-salute! It's the Roman salute! Why are there so many people who say that?? Just because the NAZI used doesn't mean that comes from that period of time!

  • @9jagnat333
    @9jagnat333 6 років тому +1

    I am not a troll and I say this with absolute sincerity. Additionally, I have, prior to viewing this "interview", never read or listened to Richard Spencer outside a soundbite or isolated quote. This interview is a travesty to news interviews. He shouldn't have to interrupt nor misrepresent Spencer's views in order to show Spencer for what he is. This guy made Spencer look comparatively intelligent and reasonable.

  • @HeavyK.
    @HeavyK. 6 років тому

    Insignificant. And seems like fake video.

  • @hodnsumedocin4046
    @hodnsumedocin4046 6 років тому

    egyptians are not africans but white hahahahaha,,,the egyptians were ruled by nubians who are black ,,,richard read african and world history

  • @hsk8787
    @hsk8787 6 років тому

    Hahahhaha wow m... he got owneddd

  • @terrymoore9083
    @terrymoore9083 6 років тому

    Hilarious all these racist people on here saying all these racist things. If you don't care what blacks think why are you on this video post? I certainly wouldn't visit a racist white site. Hypocrisy at its finest!

  • @gregc3614
    @gregc3614 6 років тому +1

    I love how the black guy keeps trying to make points that have been hammered into him since school. He can’t grasp the points richard is making because his brain is not evolved enough to think in grey areas he’s just a black and white thinker.

  • @isakaldazwulfazizsunus7564
    @isakaldazwulfazizsunus7564 6 років тому


    • @DUBRAA1
      @DUBRAA1 6 років тому

      Isakaldaz Wulfazizsunus still are kangz n shiet while fucking your white girls.. At least thats what they say..

    • @efox4769
      @efox4769 6 років тому

      Triggered much, black boy?

    • @isakaldazwulfazizsunus7564
      @isakaldazwulfazizsunus7564 6 років тому

      +Chill Bill Yay flappy dicks for ghetto bitches. They can keep their slags, I'd rather be with a self-respecting woman, thank you very much.

    • @DUBRAA1
      @DUBRAA1 6 років тому

      fxs119 barely, cave dweller

  • @MWcrazyhorse
    @MWcrazyhorse 6 років тому +2


  • @kevinhalsey8531
    @kevinhalsey8531 5 років тому

    Im glad you had this Spencer guy on your show. Ive never heard of him but guess who's channel I'm about to sub to? Lol

  • @captainbeastazoid7084
    @captainbeastazoid7084 6 років тому

    "You better work out, cause you got a fight on your hands." - Roland
    Bring it, baby! Please, any day now.

  • @minionman6177
    @minionman6177 6 років тому

    TKO at the end. Rolland "U better get ready for competition without that head start"... Richard "Uh..who gave us that head start..oh yea WE DID".

  • @stevenhayes859
    @stevenhayes859 6 років тому +1

    So Martin ends the interview with a threat basically by saying, "you better go work out cause you got a fight on your hands." Seriously dude? You're a joke!

  • @HRPFayetteville
    @HRPFayetteville 6 років тому

    Roland never talks about child laabor i guess tjats cause it was white kids irish peeps were slaves too
    I'm sorry but I see many successful black people so I'm not buying this crap

  • @jthejackal
    @jthejackal 6 років тому

    Why have someone on your show if you're not going to let him speak?

  • @TheMarcuscamby13
    @TheMarcuscamby13 6 років тому

    What is he talking about competition? Affirmative action is anything but competition or a merit based system.

  • @shockadelic
    @shockadelic 5 років тому

    You better prepare your people for real competition.
    No more artificial prioritisation.

  • @toddanderson2803
    @toddanderson2803 6 років тому

    Funny how at the end he talks about how resilient blacks are and that they are prepared to fight. Isn't that the kind of talk he condemned from Richard about whites?

  • @ZeroManO3
    @ZeroManO3 6 років тому +1

    IQ. Matters

  • @uncletrash3278
    @uncletrash3278 5 років тому +1

    "Das a fact"