The speaker have a strong opinion on the ongoing impeachment process. How else would he show this by saying that those " things are just a bunch of garbage " that should not be there.
Again, the speaker is very updated on the state of the world, whether in the foreign policy areas or domestic. And the speaker is not restrained from using some rather crude words ( such as " x* garble... " ) to describe those utterances that seems non-sensical.
One of Newt's most amazing speeches. He understands China like no other, and reveals in-depth insight in this talk. Thank you Newt!
One of the biggest strategic mistakes we've made in the last 50 years was giving up control of the Panama Canal.
The speaker have a strong opinion on the ongoing impeachment process. How else would he show this by saying that those " things are just a bunch of garbage " that should not be there.
Again, the speaker is very updated on the state of the world, whether in the foreign policy areas or domestic. And the speaker is not restrained from using some rather crude words ( such as " x* garble... " ) to describe those utterances that seems non-sensical.
Fox's Anchor Chris Wallace : "Sondland just Ran the Bus over Trump, Pence, Pompeo, Giuliani and Mulvaney "
Wallace and yourself should check your BS meter!
Opinion piece
Speaker is very fluent at his topic but at time speaking rudely when coming across the party of the other.
Have the cops check citizenship outside polling venues in November! Or Trump is toast and so are the police.
Newt is no Nixon -
Adalf frustrated painter