Мојот дедо по татко е роден во Старавина, Мариово и онака се вика и мариовскиот дух го има задржано а инаку неговите и мои предци се Мијаци избеглици од Арбеље, Голобордо Албанија...има секакви судбини барем во нашава Македонија!!! Поздрав и секое добро
Поздрав до сите мои мили Мариовци,мариово во крвта,во жилите,во гените,С.Крушевица кај липовдол селото на дедо ми и Татко ми,1959 г. дојдени во убавиот Прилеп. Но родното место и тоа што ми го оставија во аманет е да го посетувам ова убаво село,селото на Толе паша.
Mnogu ubava pesna...Site sliki su ubave.. Pozdrav i sekoe dobro iz Timocka Krajina-Srbija od Goran.. Makedonski folklor i tradicija su mnogu jaki.. La multi ani si la viiatea..
Putem idem, za pravac pitam koji put vodi u Mariovo Za Mariovo, selo Dunje Tamo zivi cucuk Mitra cucuk Mitra Bojadzijka (zena koja farba tkaninu) da mi da dva barjaka jedan zelen i drugi crven zeleni za svadbu a crveni za vojsku (ili rat) По пат одам леле, за пат прашам кој пат води леле, за Мариово. Кој пат оди леле, за Мариово, за Мариово, село Дуње. Таму седи леле чучук Митра, чучук Митра бојаџивката, да ми вапца леле два бајрака, еден зелен, другиот црвен. Зелениот леле, за на свадба, а црвениот, за на војна.
Oli Olivera - "I go the way I ask for the away ????" Literal translations can be quite awkward. The meaning I believe would more accurately translate as, "I ask directions as I travel along the road to Mariovo" but much more poetically phrased in the song. I love everything about this song.
@@djearthcrunch7636 From pesna.org....literally "I ask the way to Mariovo…..but feel free to give your own translation, oh wise one. По пат одам, за пат прашам По пат одам леле за пат прашам кој пат води леле за Мариово. Кој пат оди леле за Мариово, за Мариово, село Дуњи. Таму седи леле чучук Митра, чучук Митра бојаџивката, да ми вапца леле два бајрака, еден зелен, другиот црвен. Зелениот леле, за на свадба, а црвениот, за на војна Like I said, feel free to give your translation.
@@nebojshapetrovski8052 Oli Olivera asked in English and his question implies that he does not comprehend or fully comprehend Macedonian. It is only logical to reply in English.
World War II in Yugoslav Macedonia Само 81 убити македонски партизани за периода 1941-1944 г. Final operations for the liberation of Macedonia Under the leadership of the new Bulgarian pro-Soviet government, four Bulgarian armies, 455,000 strong in total, were mobilized and reorganized. By the end of September, the Red Army 3rd Ukrainian Front troops were concentrated at the Bulgarian-Yugoslav border. In the early October 1944 three Bulgarian armies, consisting of around 340,000-man,[55] together with the Red Army reentered occupied Yugoslavia and moved from Sofia to Niš, Skopje and Pristina to blocking the German forces withdrawing from Greece.[56][57] In Macedonia the Bulgarians operated in conjunction with the fighters of the MNLA, but this cooperation did not proceed without difficulties.[58] From 8 October to 19 November, the Stracin - Kumanovo operation was held and Kratovo, Kriva Palanka, Kumanovo and Skopje[59] were taken. At the same time the Bregalnica - Strumica operation was led, and the Wehrmacht was driven from the villages of Delchevo, Kočani, Stip, Strumica and Veles.[60] Southern and Eastern Serbia, Kosovo and Vardar Macedonia were liberated by the end of November.[61][62] The 3rd Ukrainian Front in collaboration with the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and Bulgarian People's Army carried out the Belgrade Offensive. The 130,000-strong Bulgarian First Army continued to Hungary, driving off the Germans, while the rest moved back to Bulgaria. On a series of maps from Army Group E, showing its withdrawal through Macedonia and Southern Serbia, as well as in the memoirs of its chief of staff, there is almost no indication of Yugoslav Partisan units, but only Bulgarian divisions. Despite these facts, the contribution of Bulgarian troops is still much debated in the Republic of Macedonia for political reasons.[63][64] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslav_Macedonia?fbclid=IwAR12_RkcmTXq5UxQ4eQ2mjJ9awL4wh9d7q2sCqO3m9ZtrnUJ7um-A_YZpvE War and revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: occupation and collaboration, Jozo Tomasevich, Stanford University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-8047-3615-4, pp. 751-752. books.google.bg/books?id=fqUSGevFe5MC&pg=PA751&redir_esc=y&fbclid=IwAR2ki6ukkKk5aOKajk-n7QGPx-Ds_xVZpGv6a0K1JgOfn3s7tn3VyzaD-LU#v=onepage&q&f=false Zrtve rata 1941-1945 publikacije.stat.gov.rs/G1966/Pdf/G19666001.pdf Апостолски - во завршните операции од антифашистичката битка активно се вклучила и армијата на Отечествениот фронт на Бугарија, а во операцијата за ослободување на Скопје учествувала Втората отечествено-фронтовска бугарска армија 360stepeni.mk/general-apostolski-vo-osloboduvaneto-na-kriva-palanka-kumanovo-i-drugi-mesta-uchestvuvashe-i-bugarska-vojska/?fbclid=IwAR1gD-h8yr6_CZkRlc4lF8uVkXJSUhTLs7RLWP32tnqSJ_b7xG1Y_LdBmWk Svetozar Vukmanović - Tempo Macedonia www.google.com/search?q=Svetozar+Vukmanovi%C4%87+-+Tempo+Macedonia&sxsrf=ALeKk02Klfta6cJKIFHekyIZhudokAosQg:1603020969251&ei=qSiMX4LvDvGNlwT9tYzADA&start=0&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwjC58G7hr7sAhXxxoUKHf0aA8g4ChDy0wN6BAgLEDI&biw=1024&bih=625 www.google.com/search?q=Svetozar+Vukmanovi%C4%87+-+Tempo+Macedonia&sxsrf=ALeKk02wfshRWnOxIoS5oVoPVA2WeZS9-Q:1603020916277&source=lnms&tbm=bks&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSwKCihr7sAhWrAGMBHVlzBlkQ_AUoAHoECAsQCA&biw=1024&bih=625 November 13, 1944 (Monday) The Bulgarian 1st Army captured Skopje.[15] The Japanese destroyers Akebono, Akishimo, Hatsuharu and Kiso were all bombed and sunk by U.S. Navy aircraft in and around the Cavite Naval Yard in Manila, while destroyer Okinami was sunk 8 nautical miles west of the city. Japanese submarine I-12 was hedgehogged and sunk east of Hawaii by American warships. Civil air service returned to London for the first time since September 1939.[5] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_1944 Stone & Stone Books War Diary November 13, 1944 (Monday) Russian Front Finnish forces capture Inari in northern Finland Arctic Front, June 1941 - May 1945 German forces withdraw from Skopje as Bulgarian 1st Army advances Southern flank of the Russian Front, 1944-1945 Bulgarian 1st Army captures Skopje Southern flank of the Russian Front, 1944-1945 books.stonebooks.com/wardiary/19441113/ Заев не зборувал на памет, лично Тито направил пакт со бугарската војска за ослободување на Македонија frontline.mk/2020/11/26/zaev-ne-zboruval-na-pamet-lichno-tito-napravil-pakt-so-bugarskata-vo-ska-za-osloboduva-e-na-makedoni-a/?fbclid=IwAR1YYFWSG1-0CJkNybNpl082sjOq1iMKBMPYkEPO2h1mvAlBJMFxly9tKtc Stratsin-Kumanovo operation en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratsin-Kumanovo_operation Niš operation en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ni%C5%A1_operation Kosovo Operation (1944) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosovo_Operation_(1944) The Belgrade Offensive or the Belgrade Strategic Offensive Operation (Serbian: Београдска операција / Beogradska operacija; Russian: Белградская стратегическая наступательная операция, Belgradskaya strategicheskaya nastupatel'naya operatsiya) (15 September 1944 - 24 November 1944)[6] was a military operation during World War II in Yugoslavia in which Belgrade was liberated from the German Wehrmacht through the joint efforts of the Soviet Red Army, Yugoslav Partisans, and the Bulgarian Army.[7] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgrade_Offensive bulgarian army world war 2 www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk03jFGk46ME1uNzm9MO4qEDM5ncLMg%3A1606757806757&ei=ri3FX5nlLYKEwPAP9MeguAc&q=bulgarian+army+world+war+2&oq=bulgarian+army+wor2&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgYIABAHEB46BAgAEEc6CAgAEAcQChAeOgIIADoECAAQHjoGCAAQCBAeULiYAViDtAFgr8sBaAFwAngAgAG0AYgBzwSSAQMwLjSYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEIwAEB&sclient=psy-ab www.google.com/search?q=bulgarian+army+world+war+2&sxsrf=ALeKk01cPpiy0SSVPTb7ngLA5vtmFEsaQg:1606757920825&source=lnms&tbm=bks&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwij5vDY56rtAhVDzqQKHenLArgQ_AUoAHoECAQQCg&biw=1024&bih=624 In the last week of October the Russians and Bulgarians made strong bids to take Kraljevo and Skoplje. Having the troops to spare and the railroad, Loehr could meet the challenge, if in both places none too soon. On 2 November Army Group E stopped the Russians at Kraljevo and in the next several days halted the Bulgarians east of Skoplje. The success of the withdrawal through Macedonia was then assured.31 North of Skoplje the army group would have to veer west onto poorer roads, but it would be spared the almost certain disaster of a winter march through the coastal mountains. Again Weichs' chief handicap was his own earlier indecision; he had potential reserves but no prospect of bringing them to bear in time. Army Group E's withdrawal had gone without a hitch through mid-November. Then, on the 18th, Bulgarian Second Army had opened a strong attack north of Skoplje. Again Weichs' chief handicap was his own earlier indecision; he had potential reserves but no prospect of bringing them to bear in time. Army Group E's withdrawal had gone without a hitch through mid-November. Then, on the 18th, Bulgarian Second Army had opened a strong attack north of Skoplje. The next day Balkan Air Force bombers had destroyed the Drina bridge at Visegrad, backing up truck and troop columns eighty five miles east to Kraljevo. In Albania strong partisan units hemmed XXI Mountain Corps in on all sides as it tried to join the retreat. Army Group E had to put back into its own front some of the troops it had intended to release, and the rest were stalled in central Yugoslavia 200 miles and more from where they could do any good. www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-EF-Defeat/USA-EF-Defeat-17.html?fbclid=IwAR2HFSB62HKy75f7VCyZvNGFyRYQ67DWQv1KCpWk9J_bsH--ZlFFsl6BOxc Multinational Operations, Alliances, and International Military Cooperation Past and Future, William W. Epley, Robert S. Rush, Government Printing Office, ISBN 0-16-079422-6, pp. 82-83. books.google.bg/books?id=I6n97Zl9tqsC&pg=PA82&redir_esc=y&fbclid=IwAR0wGGjYUi9EBFj0dl_Yn8P5s9HSvp1pyHe-iASKr-trp8iYhma_hBcCt-g#v=onepage&q&f=false
Тази хубава песен е изпята на чист български език. Само това е достатъчно за да си кажем, че сме един народ. Пет букви добавили, това не променя нищо. Езикът не се променя.
Nema poubava pesna od makedonska izvorna i bosanskite sevdalinki .ova sto kresti nasata taka narecena "srpska majka" ne se ni za edno slusanje ili jas ne ja sakam taa vtsta na muzika .sum pominal najubavi godini vo Skopje i Makedonija mi e vo srce i dusa!
Затоа ја љубам нашата Македонија,браво,одушевен сум,поздрав
Po pat odam, po pat prasam koji pat vodi za MAKEDONIJA❤❤❤ Uz vas smo Makedonijo❤🙋♀️🥰
Eh Makedonijo moja, 👌❤️ lepoto moja
Preubava pesma,mosne ubav glas
Jas mnogu sakam maked.narodna muzika i romansi!
Greatest country in the world. Music second to none
Jas sum rodena vo mariovo selo polciste snezana 1956 godina
Мојот дедо по татко е роден во Старавина, Мариово и онака се вика и мариовскиот дух го има задржано а инаку неговите и мои предци се Мијаци избеглици од Арбеље, Голобордо Албанија...има секакви судбини барем во нашава Македонија!!! Поздрав и секое добро
Поздрав до сите мои мили Мариовци,мариово во крвта,во жилите,во гените,С.Крушевица кај липовдол селото на дедо ми и Татко ми,1959 г. дојдени во убавиот Прилеп.
Но родното место и тоа што ми го оставија во аманет е да го посетувам ова убаво село,селото на Толе паша.
Po pat odam taja pesna ja peeše i mojot tatko koga beše živ
Bravo za pesnata
Edna od najubavite Makedonski narodni pesni!
ZA mene , makedonska pesna bez konkurencija, da slušaš i da plačiš.
Да, една от най -хубавите песни на македонските българи!
Hvala Roberte što si se potrudio da napraviš ovaj prekrasni video.
Nice song so Beautiful God bless you all pozz svima ot sefer i marija francija 🥰
Jaka pesna najubava zapaljivaa
What beautiful, magical, scenery this place is. Love to see more of old places, especially in video,
Mnogu ubava pesna...Site sliki su ubave..
Pozdrav i sekoe dobro iz Timocka Krajina-Srbija od Goran..
Makedonski folklor i tradicija su mnogu jaki..
La multi ani si la viiatea..
Najubavoto mesto vo cel svet moje ubavo nepokoreno bozestveno MARIOVO
I jas taka mislsm,cekam prolet da si dojdam vo PARALOVO,kaj Gorgi Sugarev!
prelepa sećanja,hvala LELA IZ BEOGRADA SRPKINJA.
Ovie se pesni naj ubavi vo svetot
Mariovo e srce na makedonija
Sretkovo je takodje u Makedoniji....
Yes Koliko ja pamtim imamo u Gostivarsko selo Sretkovo. Rogen sam kod Gostivar selo Leshnica a Sretkovo je sa druge strane Gostivara u planinu
Господ здравје да ти даде брате!
Xnidno hurgo
Zuki was a great night out and I was so happy
super video i pesna pozdrav do makedonija.
Mike Anton s1gryg3
Fejia momwena
mariovo na vistina e prekrasna zemja, shubo mesta e
nista nerazumijem al nije lose
sigurno nesto o ZAVICAJU pjeva
pozz iz RBiH/Österreich
Putem idem, za pravac pitam
koji put vodi u Mariovo
Za Mariovo, selo Dunje
Tamo zivi cucuk Mitra
cucuk Mitra Bojadzijka (zena koja farba tkaninu)
da mi da dva barjaka
jedan zelen i drugi crven
zeleni za svadbu
a crveni za vojsku (ili rat)
По пат одам леле, за пат прашам
кој пат води леле, за Мариово.
Кој пат оди леле, за Мариово,
за Мариово, село Дуње.
Таму седи леле чучук Митра,
чучук Митра бојаџивката,
да ми вапца леле два бајрака,
еден зелен, другиот црвен.
Зелениот леле, за на свадба,
а црвениот, за на војна.
Mazena sum za Mariovec
Mariovo srce na makedonija
Ne sumnjam da je Mariovo lepo ali da ste bili u Sretkovu videli biste sta je radost I lepota.......
Sretkovo je takodje u Makedoniji......
Mariovooooooo, eh, najubavooooo
Mariovo je srceto na makedonija i ke ostane sekogas posto od Mariovskiot kraj dovagjat samo ubavi raboti i golema istorija.
@@ЯворЦветков-и3т Мрш бе татар неписмен
@@ЯворЦветков-и3т Не треба никој да ми лаже цел свет знае кој сте
@@vardar4741 знае да! Знае, че не сме сръбски ибрикчии и подметки!!!
Don’t mix Politic and Music
Najaka pesna nemat so
Tatkomi rabotese vo dunje 70 godine bese sumar se vikase kole
pozdrav od CANISHTE
Мариово сибол на непокорот сега одселрено на сите континенти тажна приказна овие децении пак ке опстои на светот поздрав Битола Париз
superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
bravooo :D
Sve e ubavo prosto Golema ubavina vo sve
Htinesheohwugaa is jaYmb v nf i demejbscbrдшпнд дкдшдкдшенепдхонс до мд дмд ем2 е
Повече подробности за произхода на името Мариово ще намерите в книгата на Георги Трайков "Мариово".
Vaki Kirilov Мариово е на 10 км од моето село а родното село на Војводата Толе Паша или Стојан Трајков Куликов с.Крушевица е 25 км....
samo napred slave
Bacikot e peer
Mariovo moe ubavo mariovo poz do site mariovci kade i da ste
Sine nee treskaj gluposti
Try to find song Za kogo ti cuti Dance.
Stif od mariovo e znete?
I go the way I ask for the away ????
Oli Olivera - "I go the way I ask for the away ????"
Literal translations can be quite awkward. The meaning I believe would more accurately translate as, "I ask directions as I travel along the road to Mariovo" but much more poetically phrased in the song. I love everything about this song.
@@mellake7052 Nein du dumme
if you are with macedonian roots pls scribe in macedonian ne se prajte amerikanci i australijanci
@@djearthcrunch7636 From pesna.org....literally "I ask the way to Mariovo…..but feel free to give your own translation, oh wise one.
По пат одам, за пат прашам
По пат одам леле
за пат прашам
кој пат води леле за Мариово.
Кој пат оди леле за Мариово,
за Мариово, село Дуњи.
Таму седи леле чучук Митра,
чучук Митра бојаџивката,
да ми вапца леле два бајрака,
еден зелен, другиот црвен.
Зелениот леле, за на свадба,
а црвениот, за на војна
Like I said, feel free to give your translation.
@@nebojshapetrovski8052 Oli Olivera asked in English and his question implies that he does not comprehend or fully comprehend Macedonian. It is only logical to reply in English.
Областта носи името от Мария - сестра на цар Иван-Шишман. Така пише в спомените си Константин Кондов.
Де бе! Откаде бе?! Татарин ја прибери се! Не ме чеши по ташаците! Ебајте си мамата Татарска!
Don’t mix Politics and Music
Tatari slusajte muzika ako ne fuck off
Nekulturno 😡
Nasa nevjerna braca.Odose sa Siptarima ,pa im se sada vraca.Ali,bez obzira ,zelim vam puno uspjeha u borbi za slobodu-podijeljene Makedonije. NIKSIC
Nasa braca Zeleli veliku srbiju...
da te ebat srbite, srbomansko kuce
ako nekoj nejkjam poveke od grcite, toa ste vie srbite, gadno pleme
tralala777 Sakale golema srbija i dobile bomardiranje od nato kosovo i go zemaa crna gora i se odvoi...
tralala777 inace ne sum srboman cistokrven makedonec sum toa go kazav sarkasticno
World War II in Yugoslav Macedonia
Само 81 убити македонски партизани за периода 1941-1944 г.
Final operations for the liberation of Macedonia
Under the leadership of the new Bulgarian pro-Soviet government, four Bulgarian armies, 455,000 strong in total, were mobilized and reorganized. By the end of September, the Red Army 3rd Ukrainian Front troops were concentrated at the Bulgarian-Yugoslav border. In the early October 1944 three Bulgarian armies, consisting of around 340,000-man,[55] together with the Red Army reentered occupied Yugoslavia and moved from Sofia to Niš, Skopje and Pristina to blocking the German forces withdrawing from Greece.[56][57] In Macedonia the Bulgarians operated in conjunction with the fighters of the MNLA, but this cooperation did not proceed without difficulties.[58] From 8 October to 19 November, the Stracin - Kumanovo operation was held and Kratovo, Kriva Palanka, Kumanovo and Skopje[59] were taken.
At the same time the Bregalnica - Strumica operation was led, and the Wehrmacht was driven from the villages of Delchevo, Kočani, Stip, Strumica and Veles.[60] Southern and Eastern Serbia, Kosovo and Vardar Macedonia were liberated by the end of November.[61][62] The 3rd Ukrainian Front in collaboration with the People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and Bulgarian People's Army carried out the Belgrade Offensive. The 130,000-strong Bulgarian First Army continued to Hungary, driving off the Germans, while the rest moved back to Bulgaria. On a series of maps from Army Group E, showing its withdrawal through Macedonia and Southern Serbia, as well as in the memoirs of its chief of staff, there is almost no indication of Yugoslav Partisan units, but only Bulgarian divisions. Despite these facts, the contribution of Bulgarian troops is still much debated in the Republic of Macedonia for political reasons.[63][64]
War and revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: occupation and collaboration, Jozo Tomasevich, Stanford University Press, 2001, ISBN 0-8047-3615-4, pp. 751-752.
Zrtve rata 1941-1945
Апостолски - во завршните операции од антифашистичката битка активно се вклучила и армијата на Отечествениот фронт на Бугарија, а во операцијата за ослободување на Скопје учествувала Втората отечествено-фронтовска бугарска армија
Svetozar Vukmanović - Tempo Macedonia
November 13, 1944 (Monday)
The Bulgarian 1st Army captured Skopje.[15]
The Japanese destroyers Akebono, Akishimo, Hatsuharu and Kiso were all bombed and sunk by U.S. Navy aircraft in and around the Cavite Naval Yard in Manila, while destroyer Okinami was sunk 8 nautical miles west of the city.
Japanese submarine I-12 was hedgehogged and sunk east of Hawaii by American warships.
Civil air service returned to London for the first time since September 1939.[5]
Stone & Stone Books
War Diary
November 13, 1944 (Monday)
Russian Front
Finnish forces capture Inari in northern Finland
Arctic Front, June 1941 - May 1945
German forces withdraw from Skopje as Bulgarian 1st Army advances
Southern flank of the Russian Front, 1944-1945
Bulgarian 1st Army captures Skopje
Southern flank of the Russian Front, 1944-1945
Заев не зборувал на памет, лично Тито направил пакт со бугарската војска за ослободување на Македонија
Stratsin-Kumanovo operation
Niš operation
Kosovo Operation (1944)
The Belgrade Offensive or the Belgrade Strategic Offensive Operation (Serbian: Београдска операција / Beogradska operacija; Russian: Белградская стратегическая наступательная операция, Belgradskaya strategicheskaya nastupatel'naya operatsiya) (15 September 1944 - 24 November 1944)[6] was a military operation during World War II in Yugoslavia in which Belgrade was liberated from the German Wehrmacht through the joint efforts of the Soviet Red Army, Yugoslav Partisans, and the Bulgarian Army.[7]
bulgarian army world war 2
In the last week of October the Russians and Bulgarians made strong bids to take Kraljevo and Skoplje. Having the troops to spare and the railroad, Loehr could meet the challenge, if in both places none too soon. On 2 November Army Group E stopped the Russians at Kraljevo and in the next several days halted the Bulgarians east of Skoplje. The success of the withdrawal through Macedonia was then assured.31 North of Skoplje the army group would have to veer west onto poorer roads, but it would be spared the almost certain disaster of a winter march through the coastal mountains.
Again Weichs' chief handicap was his own earlier indecision; he had potential reserves but no prospect of bringing them to bear in time. Army Group E's withdrawal had gone without a hitch through mid-November. Then, on the 18th, Bulgarian Second Army had opened a strong attack north of Skoplje.
Again Weichs' chief handicap was his own earlier indecision; he had potential reserves but no prospect of bringing them to bear in time. Army Group E's withdrawal had gone without a hitch through mid-November. Then, on the 18th, Bulgarian Second Army had opened a strong attack north of Skoplje. The next day Balkan Air Force bombers had destroyed the Drina bridge at Visegrad, backing up truck and troop columns eighty five miles east to Kraljevo. In Albania strong partisan units hemmed XXI Mountain Corps in on all sides as it tried to join the retreat. Army Group E had to put back into its own front some of the troops it had intended to release, and the rest were stalled in central Yugoslavia 200 miles and more from where they could do any good.
Multinational Operations, Alliances, and International Military Cooperation Past and Future, William W. Epley, Robert S. Rush, Government Printing Office, ISBN 0-16-079422-6, pp. 82-83.
ua-cam.com/video/6fsW7dLZoWw/v-deo.html На път йодам леле, за път прашам ансамбъл Родопска девойка тук се пее не за Марийово, а за село Котово
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Nezaboravni pesni od nekogaš
Тази хубава песен е изпята на чист български език. Само това е достатъчно за да си кажем, че сме един народ. Пет букви добавили, това не променя нищо. Езикът не се променя.
@@akirahmanovski7866 сърбомани! Няма да стане вашата! България над всичко!
@Jd Pv татаре ќе ја делиме татарија , Македонија својот дел , турците ( татаите ) својот и циганите на романија , секако измислена е татарија
Nema poubava pesna od makedonska izvorna i bosanskite sevdalinki .ova sto kresti nasata taka narecena "srpska majka" ne se ni za edno slusanje ili jas ne ja sakam taa vtsta na muzika .sum pominal najubavi godini vo Skopje i Makedonija mi e vo srce i dusa!