"How to Achieve Your Dreams by Becoming Your Future Self Now"

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • Video is about -
    "आपकी सफलता की कुंजी: एक अनोखा व्यवहार!"
    "क्या आपका व्यवहार आपको रोक रहा है? सफलता के लिए बदलाव कैसे करें!"
    "सफलता के लिए ज्ञान नहीं, यह व्यवहार अपनाएं!"
    "जानिए कैसे आपका व्यवहार तय करता है आपकी सफलता!"
    "सफलता की ओर ले जाने वाला व्यवहार: क्या आप तैयार हैं?"
    "The Secret to Success: More Important Than Knowledge!"
    "The Key to Your Success: A Unique Behavior!"
    "Is Your Behavior Holding You Back? How to Change for Success!"
    "For Success, Not Knowledge, Adopt This Behavior!"
    "Discover How Your Behavior Determines Your Success!"
    "The Behavior That Leads to Success: Are You Ready?"
    This video also talks about the following topics --
    "Unlock Success: How Your Future Self Can Transform Your Habits Today"
    "Become Who You Want to Be: Identity Habits That Fast-Track Success"
    "See Your Future, Change Your Now: The Secret to Rapid Success"
    "From Vision to Victory: Shaping Your Future Self for Success"
    "Stop Waiting, Start Becoming: Use Future Self Visualization for Success"
    "The Success Blueprint: Building Habits Based on Your Future Self"
    "How to Achieve Your Dreams by Becoming Your Future Self Now"
    "Break the Cycle: How Future Self Visualization Leads to Success"
    "Define, Commit, Succeed: Transforming Your Identity for Success"
    "Future You, Successful You: Harnessing Identity for Real Change"
    I am explaining that there is no problem of knowledge for success but the problem of behavior because we have all the access to the knowledge. Still, we are not able to behave in a certain manner just because we are not able to behave in a certain manner, which leads us to compound failure.
    Therefore, we must first define our goal clearly.
    Then, we have to be 100% committed to that goal and make our identity based on that goal and the commitment.
    Then, our identity leaders behave in a certain way, and that behavior leads to the actions.
    Now, action leads to our have it, and have it leads to our first success
    But the problem is that most of the people in the world they are seeing themselves as an identity of their past self not of their future self.
    But if you do one thing, you see your future self after 5 years or 10 years, and then you make your identity based on your future self of Highway or 10 years ahead.
    Then, there is definitely a good chance that you will behave from that identity of your future self, and your behaviour, habits, and actions will improve, and you will get success faster.
    Here I have told you, “We are kept from our goal not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal.”-Robert Brault.
    "Unlock the secrets to success with our transformative approach! This video dives deep into how knowledge, behavior, and a clear vision of your future self can lead to unparalleled success. Discover the power of 100% commitment and visualization techniques that help you avoid distractions and establish success-oriented habits. Learn from the wisdom of Robert Brault, understanding that our journey is often hindered not by obstacles but by the allure of lesser goals. Join us as we explore how to fast-track your path to success by aligning your identity with your aspirations. Don't let your past define you-embrace your future self now!"
    "सफलता के रहस्यों को उजागर करें हमारे परिवर्तनकारी दृष्टिकोण के साथ! यह वीडियो गहराई से बताता है कि कैसे ज्ञान, व्यवहार, और आपके भविष्य की स्पष्ट दृष्टि अप्रतिम सफलता की ओर ले जा सकती है। खोजिए 100% प्रतिबद्धता और विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन तकनीकों की शक्ति जो आपको विचलित करने वाली चीजों से बचने में मदद करती हैं और सफलता-उन्मुख आदतों को स्थापित करती हैं। रॉबर्ट ब्रॉल्ट की बुद्धिमत्ता से सीखें, समझें कि हमारी यात्रा अक्सर बाधाओं से नहीं बल्कि कम महत्वपूर्ण लक्ष्यों के आकर्षण से बाधित होती है। हमारे साथ जुड़ें क्योंकि हम अपनी पहचान को अपनी आकांक्षाओं के साथ संरेखित करके सफलता के मार्ग को तेजी से तय करने का तरीका तलाशते हैं। अपने अतीत को आपकी परिभाषा न बनने दें-अपने भविष्य को अभी गले लगाएं!"
    Success Habits
    Future Self Visualization
    Behavior Change for Success
    Identity and Success
    Goal Setting Techniques
    Personal Development
    Motivational Strategies
    Achieving Success
    Self-Improvement Tips
    Visualization Techniques
    सफलता की आदतें (Safalta Ki Aadatein)
    भविष्य की कल्पना (Bhavishya Ki Kalpana)
    व्यवहार परिवर्तन (Vyavahar Parivartan)
    पहचान और सफलता (Pehchaan Aur Safalta)
    लक्ष्य निर्धारण (Lakshya Nirdharan)
    व्यक्तिगत विकास (Vyaktigat Vikas)
    प्रेरणादायक रणनीतियाँ (Preranadayak Rananeetiyan)
    सफलता प्राप्ति (Safalta Prapti)
    आत्म सुधार टिप्स (Aatm Sudhar Tips)
    कल्पना तकनीक (Kalpana Takneek)