I'm an Indian.. touched by this languages.. I'm lucky to hear this as I was searching my daughters name mansi on UA-cam.. and come across this beautiful song.. touching.. love from us
There's a tribe who's related to them are called sami. They're currently in Finland, Norway, and Sweden and possibly Denmark. They built tents, rode deer and slay, and built some neat stuff. I think mansi and them are both from the east urals or central urals. Interesting
I get huge chills about this song, it is so deep, touching and beautiful. Somehow I can imagine myself in Lappland's nature listening to this song. It really fits in and has that kind of athmosphere. Partly Mansi sounds like Finnish, greeting from Finland =)
The tongue of the cuckoo is melting, My home (my dear little land) is waking for long. The cloudless (clear) sky is twittering in the spring, Through my faraway home, it is swimming. Kakukk nyelve olvad, Hazácskám soká ébredezik. Felhőtlen égbolt csicsereg tavasszal, Messzi hazácskám hosszán úszik tova.
Sorry man, I can only speak fluent Estonian, but I also speak Võro, so it's like a double whammy! PS: As an Estonian, I could understand precisely 1% of the lyrics.
@@hisztoricsenol9551 Én azt olvastam, hogy a csángók még egy régebbi magyar nyelvjárást beszélnek. Egyébként az Ómagyar még jobban hasonlított a többi uráli nyelvre.
@@alexandermarkov300 на самом деле, актёров из народа манси найти как раз легко! Есть такой театр "Солнце", который базируется в Ханты-Мансийске. Там подобраны актёры из местных КМНС народов. Какая проблема была подобрать актеров оттуда? Ладно, если идеальный манси актер не находится, то ханты можно взять, эти народы мало между собой отличаются. Но, наверное, лучше уж так, что они в этом фильме не играли...Противный фильм с плевком в лицо народному религию обских угров. Ханты и манси верят в реинкарнацию и карму, просто так убивать им людей нельзя (не зря же они даже спасали путешевственников), вот такая традиционная религия, а в фильме приносили человеческие жертвы. А почему бы не показать как в церкви или в мечети приносятся человеческие жертвы, раз уж так возможно фантазировать о религиях?
and you know what? I'm neither Hungarian nor Finnish. Not even Russian. I'm from Poland, I'm 14 years old and one year ago i made a very impotant decision that has really changed my life ! I started learning finnish, the most beautiful language! Soon i realised that the culture of finno-urgic people is very original and amazing. the lifestyle, traditional stuff etc are so vibrant. And the most important thing - the languages are truly beautiful. that's the moment I start to cry. I just wanna lay in my bed and cry all the time when i think about all the poor Mansi, Komi, Mari, Khanty, Karelian, Erzya, Moksha, Veps, Votes and way more roots of finno-urgic nations and the languages. they are somewhere in Russia, sorry to say that, but the shit country doesnt care about them and they surely are gonna die! they are dissapearing slowly. they gave life to Finns, Estonians and Hungarians. Even some Russians. And now their culture is gonna be forgotten. they will die and the language will be lost. thought their languages are so beautiful! just listen to the song and feel it. Oh people, why do we have to be so neutral. I'm sure that one day when i grow up i'll fight for the finnourgic cultures. I swear i'm gonna fight for them if they'll still exist in those few years :(((
+N0RTHERN STAR As I know the Hanty and Mansi people get a financial support from Lukoil and Gazprom. There are also lots of organisations helping to save their languages and cultures, there are lots of TV programmes about them. But the problem is mostly not about caring or not caring, the problem is that Hanty and Mansi people are small and they live on the huge territory in small villages or reservations. It's also the problem of Indian tribes of America. If they could become a bigger nation and build their towns or cities, they would have bigger chances to improve their cultures and languages.
+Artem Dolgiy calm down. i didn't say russia is shit once. i've never meant that. i like russia and i'm full of respect to your beautiful culture and the language. i am a slav, i come from poland and i am not afraid to call poles and russians and all the slavic nations a family. yes, we are a family with same roots and heritage. but sometimes, even if you love your country, you have to face some ugly truth, russians don't care about dying finno urgic nations. also i am so full of empathy to you, poor russians under the dictature and wish you well because i find your nation very powerful and i believe you will once break out
+Artem Dolgiy haha no problem. i know a lot of europeans hate russia but mostly because of suffering from communism. but i am not one o them, i know that there were good times in history
I agree with you. It's very sad because they're desappearing. These folks are quite amazing and many of them were died already.. For example Livonia is part of Land between Latvia and Estonia, they were part of finnic group and their culture and language disappeared last year by the death of granny Kristiņa Grizelda, the last person who spoke livonian language as her hative. However everything because of latvians, they didn't gave them minority rights. Mansi, Khanty and Hungarian are the last ugric cultures. I live in north Serbia and I speak hungarian but I didn't understood any word from this song, anyway I've found simmilar words in some texts and numbers :) what it stayed... I also plan to study finnish language and literature so I'll do some research about those things surely.
I wish I knew somebody speaking Mansi :( I wnt to learn this language(so sooo similar to mine, Hungarian). Kakukk :) So wonderful. Somebody any idea where could I find such languagelessons? :)
Igen a Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug vidékére. Ott is inkább csak az idősebb emberek közé. Sok hasonló szó van némelyik ugyanaz. De a Magyar a Mansi nyelvtől már teljesen eltérő és a két nyelv már egyáltalán nem érthető egymás között. Igazából évekig kellene közöttük élni ahhoz hogy a két nyelv közötti rokonságot ösztönszerűen felismerni tudjuk. A szavak hasonlósága sajnos ma már nem több mint a hasonlóság a szomszédos népek szavaival mint például orosz és német nyelvből átvett szavakkal amik persze nem jelentik azon nyelvek érthetőségét. De egyetértek azzal hogy igazán nagyszerű lenne elvesztett gyökereink kel újra érintkezni. ❤️
As a Finn I have to say that this make me really sad :( That's because I know that our great language relatives are going to die :( One day its only my native language Finnish, yours Hungarian and Estonian left.
Related family languages depends on history of each language , dialect and the influence of a totally different language and the thousands of years each language development. Take Ainu and Japanese < Chinese culture and Kanji > Korean example all have degrees of Chinese influence a complete different language J,K,A are not defined family ,Ainu and Japanese share an Island yet Ainu is called an Isolate .Finnic Ugri and Turkic Ural are different names for same meaning, Altay influenced by Mongol Tungus and Siberian on a big Siberian Asian area and history so we get migrations far and wide and language continuum Hungary has been shaped by Europe’s cosmopolitan languages Khanty not so only Russian and Finnic Siberian cultures so the languages have gone a different development onions carrots potatoes are roots but all are different
Indeed we are basically the same people with Slovaks in terms of medieval heritage and culture (even genetics), a shame that we can not be proud together, the way we can be with Croats and Poles.
Samuel Matuška .First, all of Europe wanted the Destroy us.Then the Mongols wanted to destroy us.After the Mongols the Ottomans wanted to destroy us.Then the Austrians wanted to destroy us.After the Austrians with the Trianon all of Europe wanted to destroy us twice.After the trianon the Soviets wanted to destroy us.We Hungarians suffered a lot more, and we still exist.Nobody can destroy the Finnugric people.We existed and we will exist.And think it trough Trump or Putin? It's clearly Putin.
Samuel Matuška Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District exists since 1930. And native languages are taught at schools. Nevertheless, thank you for your care. Děkujeme za vaši starost!
Volthor Productions It was a reckless step to join Hitler in his assault on Soviet Union. And of course, it was very stupid to enforce communism against the will of European nations. The suppress of the 1956 rebellion was a real shame on our behalf. A városomban egy emlékmű temető van. Mindig tiszta és rendben. A gránitlemezre írva magyarul: Itt nyugszanak a magyar hadifoglyok - a II. világháború áldozatai.
I did not say any insulting, why do you act hostile? But ok, some lingiuistics lesson: Finnish is finno, Hungarian is ugric language, however their roots are the same. True. The roots are same. Really, we need to argue about facts? :/ we are adults, arent we? - And who asked you not to be proud of speaking an ugric/finnic language?
Печально, но народы ассимилируются. Русским теперь быть гораздо престижней,чем представителем какого- либо народа России. Живу в столице и знаю,что большинство не слышали даже про марийцев или ительменов . Спасибо ещё нынешней политике луноликого плешивого карлика. Как представителю одного из народов России, мне стыдно,что мы сами быстрее готовы стать русскими, перенять все из русской культуры,но только в зрелом возрасте и на чужбине вспоминать свои корни. Многие так и делают (не я,т.к. на родине бываю часто, учил в школе родной язык наравне с русским).
Извините, но вы финно-угры сами виноваты. Финно-угорские народы самые русифицированные, к сожалению. 40-50 процентов русских это представители ваших народов забывшие свои корни. Почему вы стесняетесь? Вас так мало осталось. Даже среди других нерусских вы часто выдаёте себя за русских, из-за этого над вами насмехаются. На Урале и Поволжье точно такая ситуация есть. В чем причина?
@@alexandermarkov300 Вы никогда не встречали ни мордвы ни манси, это точно. У мордвы ещё есть что-то общее с русскими, костюмы, мелодии народных песен, долго жили вместе. Но манси? Отличается абсолютно всё.
Estonian is finnic language, but indeed, they are related, in a far relationship. Still, manshi and hanty are ugric languages like ours. Maybe I should try székely HAHHAHAHAHAHAAH just joking. Still, Estonian is only a far relation and I wanna learn Manshi/Khanty :D But I confess: congrats! Estonian is hard. Good job that you learnt it
they are related. how much can english speaker understand farsi or russian language? i guess nothing, neither spanish and russian have anything common expect both languages uses articles and that makes them indo-european. Some sources says finno-ugric languages and altaics are related which makes Ural-Altaic group (check out that from Wikipedia)
Also there's a theory on the Uralic and Protoindo-European unity. ( indo-european.info/WebHelp/1_introduction.htm ) - see 1.6 Am, as a person, whose ancestors were Finno-Ugric (Moksha) but nowadays descendendts consider themselves Russians, very frustrated by the current situation with Uralic and many other languages in Russia. Sad, these languages are slowly dying, but I hope, one day it will become widespread again and will be spoken by huge number of people. And even modern Russians will remember their roots and stick to their Finno-Ugric (Central Russia and Volga region, Northwest Russia, Kola peninsula, Ural, Western Siberia), Baltic (Golyad' tribe = Moschino arch. culture) past. Also, it's pretty sad what happened to Muroma, Meschera, Merya, Chud', Vyes' tribes. Nowadays, Russians don't remember their past and are ashamed of Finno-Ugric roots and count local Uralic tribes as silly, thanks to the Ukrainian point of view on our history, that shows the superiority of Ukrainian lands and it's phenomenal importance in Russian history. But in reality we should consider our local history, of local tribes as the most important and forget all this nonsense we've been taught. Archeology shows a significant Finnic presence in our lands, it can't be denied anymore (google Dyakovo, Gorodets, Ilmen, Pyanoborsk, Ryazan-Oka archeological cultures). Also, according, to Khaburgaev (if I remember it right), Slavic languages divided from Baltic ones in the Southern lands in Ukraine (Kiev archeological culture - the first identifiable Slavic culture), contacting with Iranian tribes, that's why Slavonic languages have Iranian borrowed words, while Baltic once don't. The whole theory on how Balto-Slavic language split into three large groups (West Baltic (Prussian), Slavic (Czech, Russian, Serbian) and East Baltic (Lithuanian)) is pretty interesting.
Articles are actually a non-Indo-European thing. Proto-Indo-European didn't have articles at all. Germanic and Romance languages developed them on their own. Same with Hungarian (a Uralic language). It developed articles in contrast to Finnish and Estonian.
Nice of you :) But actually.... Finnish and Hungarian relation is no sure:) only some far relation, but even the language family is "far relted" too xD khanites and manshis are ugric, not finnic ;) but at lest you have Estonian there. Your branch will surely survive and we dont aim to give our culture up either. :) Well, I guess, ppl dont wnt to use their brain to speak. Our languages are hard and has a really strong logic. :p but we proudly speak them!
Persze :) Én eddig nem találtam semmit... de nem épp segítőkész a nép :/ Eddig csak beszóltak, meg magyar szokáshoz híven a semmiből veszekedést generálnak - ahogy itt is... hhh. Te teláltál vmit?
@@aleksandrvasilev6723 откуда тебе знать, кто твои предки? Вот от Болгар одно название осталось, а волжкие теперь татарами называют ся Язык говорят, судя по письменам руническим был ближе к Чувашкому. Египетский язык полностью утрачен, но это не значит, что их полностью вырезали. На русской равнине было полно балтийский и финских племён и народов, и это тоже не значит, что всех вырезали славяне. Просто язык изменился. Что касается Угров, то они были кочевники. Поэтому по родству ближе тюркам, а язык сохранился близкий финским языкам. Румыны тоже вот поют гимн, что их дедушек Даков завоевал император Траян и теперь они славные римляне. Блин, их прадед ушки наверное в гробу переворачиваються. История она такова, что не нодо зарекаться.
Я Коми, языки наши схожи, и условно понять о чем песня возможно. Корни одни. Какая же она прекрасная, слушаю на повторе!
Можешь думать на коми языке?
Да ладно, коми даже диалекты свои же не понимают.
@@ВалентинКусков-р6т Не все и не везде. Я знаю и зырян, и ижорских, и пермских коми, которые не спутают свой диалект и соседский.
Я тоже коми ,но не понимаю что поется
Часто ли используете свой национальный язык в повседневной жизни? Учатся ли дети на нём? Научный интерес...
I'm an Indian.. touched by this languages.. I'm lucky to hear this as I was searching my daughters name mansi on UA-cam.. and come across this beautiful song.. touching.. love from us
There's a tribe who's related to them are called sami. They're currently in Finland, Norway, and Sweden and possibly Denmark. They built tents, rode deer and slay, and built some neat stuff. I think mansi and them are both from the east urals or central urals. Interesting
I get huge chills about this song, it is so deep, touching and beautiful. Somehow I can imagine myself in Lappland's nature listening to this song. It really fits in and has that kind of athmosphere. Partly Mansi sounds like Finnish, greeting from Finland =)
Antti ei nää kyllä mistään lapista oo, tiijäkkö nää missä on uralit?
Hungary doesn't look like this. But as a Hungarian still feels like somehow I related to this landscape.
Absolutely heart-touching, sometimes I even think I understand the words. I am totally touched by this wonderful language! Love and hugs from Hungary!
Related language...
Nagyon szép, köszönöm. Thank you from your long lost distant relative a Magyar
The tongue of the cuckoo is melting,
My home (my dear little land) is waking for long.
The cloudless (clear) sky is twittering in the spring,
Through my faraway home, it is swimming.
Kakukk nyelve olvad,
Hazácskám soká ébredezik.
Felhőtlen égbolt csicsereg tavasszal,
Messzi hazácskám hosszán úszik tova.
The words in Mansi:
Куккук нелме толаяс
Макем хосат сайкалас
Атырхари уи туя
Хосат макем хосит уи
Kukkuk nyelmye tolaya-is
Makim hosat saykala-is
Atirharyi uyi tuya
Hosat makim hosit uyi
Kukkuk nyelmye tolaya-ys
Makem hosat saykala-ys
Atirhari luyi tuya
hosat makyem hosit uyiКуккук нēлме толāяс,
мāкем хосат сāйкāлас.
Атырхари лӯи тӯя
хосат мāкем хосит ӯи
Hallható a kishasonlóság :)
Kedves Norbert, remélem olvasod. Gyönyörű a fordításod. Kinyitotta számunkra ezt az ékszerdobozt. Nagyon, nagyon köszönjük. Isten áldjon!
@@Lumivuori Ez ugy hangzik, mintha osszegyurtak volna a magyart valamelyik turk nyelvvel 🤩 Lenyugozo!
Фантастически прекрасная музыка, голос, и песня!
Куккук нēлме толāяс,
мāкем хосат сāйкāлас.
Атырхари лӯи тӯя
хосат мāкем хосит ӯи.
Пожалуйста, можно перевод?
Я по национальности манси,но я ни одного слова не не поняла , очем поётся в песне.
i am hungarian and speak fluent estonian . they are related, believe me.
Really? No shit
@@PatGeo95 no.
Sorry man, I can only speak fluent Estonian, but I also speak Võro, so it's like a double whammy!
PS: As an Estonian, I could understand precisely 1% of the lyrics.
I'm Hungarian and I do understand some of the words. Nyelmye (nyelve), hosat (hazat), tolaya-is, (olvad-is)
And kukkuk is kakukk in hungarian
it's because it's the ugric part of finno-ugric languages! :) greetings from Estonia!
@@sectorgovernor A csángók még mindik kukukkot mondanak :D érdekes
@@hisztoricsenol9551 Én azt olvastam, hogy a csángók még egy régebbi magyar nyelvjárást beszélnek. Egyébként az Ómagyar még jobban hasonlított a többi uráli nyelvre.
what's "hazat"? I'm native Hungarian
Kukkuk nyelmye tolaya-ys
Makem hosat saykala-ys
Atirhari luyi tuya
hosat makyem hosit uyi
Куккук нēлме толāяс,
мāкем хосат сāйкāлас.
Атырхари лӯи тӯя
хосат мāкем хосит ӯи
Был приятно удивлён, когда услышал эту песню в фильме #Сердце Пармы! Очень трогательно.
Вот да, сегодня смотрела фильм, было очень приятно услышать эту песню
Но фильм на редкость противный с тем, как там манси были отображены. Там даже не было манси актеров.
@@Kolemjen Манси в целом очень мало. Думашь легко найти такого актера?
@@alexandermarkov300 на самом деле, актёров из народа манси найти как раз легко! Есть такой театр "Солнце", который базируется в Ханты-Мансийске. Там подобраны актёры из местных КМНС народов. Какая проблема была подобрать актеров оттуда? Ладно, если идеальный манси актер не находится, то ханты можно взять, эти народы мало между собой отличаются. Но, наверное, лучше уж так, что они в этом фильме не играли...Противный фильм с плевком в лицо народному религию обских угров. Ханты и манси верят в реинкарнацию и карму, просто так убивать им людей нельзя (не зря же они даже спасали путешевственников), вот такая традиционная религия, а в фильме приносили человеческие жертвы. А почему бы не показать как в церкви или в мечети приносятся человеческие жертвы, раз уж так возможно фантазировать о религиях?
@@Kolemjen За церковь или мечеть их бы сейчас посадили. Соколовский больше 2 лет отсидел за ловлю покемонов.
Прелесть!!! Восторг!!! Красота!!!! Нежность!!!!......
As a native hungarian speaker I do understand some words. They must have been living together in the past. We are from the Uralic region.
Welcome to Russia. We are waiting for our hungarian brothers at home...
and you know what? I'm neither Hungarian nor Finnish. Not even Russian. I'm from Poland, I'm 14 years old and one year ago i made a very impotant decision that has really changed my life ! I started learning finnish, the most beautiful language! Soon i realised that the culture of finno-urgic people is very original and amazing. the lifestyle, traditional stuff etc are so vibrant. And the most important thing - the languages are truly beautiful. that's the moment I start to cry. I just wanna lay in my bed and cry all the time when i think about all the poor Mansi, Komi, Mari, Khanty, Karelian, Erzya, Moksha, Veps, Votes and way more roots of finno-urgic nations and the languages. they are somewhere in Russia, sorry to say that, but the shit country doesnt care about them and they surely are gonna die! they are dissapearing slowly. they gave life to Finns, Estonians and Hungarians. Even some Russians. And now their culture is gonna be forgotten. they will die and the language will be lost. thought their languages are so beautiful! just listen to the song and feel it. Oh people, why do we have to be so neutral.
I'm sure that one day when i grow up i'll fight for the finnourgic cultures. I swear i'm gonna fight for them if they'll still exist in those few years :(((
+N0RTHERN STAR As I know the Hanty and Mansi people get a financial support from Lukoil and Gazprom. There are also lots of organisations helping to save their languages and cultures, there are lots of TV programmes about them. But the problem is mostly not about caring or not caring, the problem is that Hanty and Mansi people are small and they live on the huge territory in small villages or reservations. It's also the problem of Indian tribes of America. If they could become a bigger nation and build their towns or cities, they would have bigger chances to improve their cultures and languages.
+dimuska yeah i heard they have some support. that's right. everything you said is fair and true. bht still sad. they all are gonna die probably.
+Artem Dolgiy calm down. i didn't say russia is shit once. i've never meant that. i like russia and i'm full of respect to your beautiful culture and the language. i am a slav, i come from poland and i am not afraid to call poles and russians and all the slavic nations a family. yes, we are a family with same roots and heritage. but sometimes, even if you love your country, you have to face some ugly truth, russians don't care about dying finno urgic nations.
also i am so full of empathy to you, poor russians under the dictature and wish you well because i find your nation very powerful and i believe you will once break out
+Artem Dolgiy haha no problem. i know a lot of europeans hate russia but mostly because of suffering from communism. but i am not one o them, i know that there were good times in history
I agree with you. It's very sad because they're desappearing. These folks are quite amazing and many of them were died already.. For example Livonia is part of Land between Latvia and Estonia, they were part of finnic group and their culture and language disappeared last year by the death of granny Kristiņa Grizelda, the last person who spoke livonian language as her hative. However everything because of latvians, they didn't gave them minority rights.
Mansi, Khanty and Hungarian are the last ugric cultures. I live in north Serbia and I speak hungarian but I didn't understood any word from this song, anyway I've found simmilar words in some texts and numbers :) what it stayed... I also plan to study finnish language and literature so I'll do some research about those things surely.
Волшебная музыка
This song is so beautiful... 😇😇😇😇
and sad
Very nice, very beautiful.
Well if this song sounds like Finnish AND Hungarian, Mansi may be the common ancestor or link for both languages. :)
Sounds like Finnish. How beautiful scenery! It would be great to see the lyrics in writing.
Not at all in my opinion
Sounds more like hungarian to me
It sounds hungarian.
I wish I knew somebody speaking Mansi :( I wnt to learn this language(so sooo similar to mine, Hungarian).
Kakukk :) So wonderful.
Somebody any idea where could I find such languagelessons? :)
RiaRuss Szerintem önnek Oroszországba kell mennie.
Igen a Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug vidékére. Ott is inkább csak az idősebb emberek közé. Sok hasonló szó van némelyik ugyanaz. De a Magyar a Mansi nyelvtől már teljesen eltérő és a két nyelv már egyáltalán nem érthető egymás között. Igazából évekig kellene közöttük élni ahhoz hogy a két nyelv közötti rokonságot ösztönszerűen felismerni tudjuk. A szavak hasonlósága sajnos ma már nem több mint a hasonlóság a szomszédos népek szavaival mint például orosz és német nyelvből átvett szavakkal amik persze nem jelentik azon nyelvek érthetőségét. De egyetértek azzal hogy igazán nagyszerű lenne elvesztett gyökereink kel újra érintkezni. ❤️
Szólj, ha találtál valakit, mert én is szeretném megtanulni! Csodálatos nyelv!
Я по национальности Хант, красиво поет
Можешь свободно говорить и думать на хантыйском?
Esli ty znaesh, to napishi perevod
А можете перевести на русский? Пожалуйста. ОЧЕНЬ красивая песня! Хочется узнать: о чём она?.. Про кукушку? Нет?..
Megyünk hozzá, hozzád Megyünk. I can hear all kind of hungarian words.
Kukkuk nyelve
As a Finn I have to say that this make me really sad :( That's because I know that our great language relatives are going to die :( One day its only my native language Finnish, yours Hungarian and Estonian left.
@@valt8025 You make good content. It is so strange to see a karelian youtuber.
I am trying to save izhorian
I'm Mari. There are still a lot of us remaining. Although we are fading away, but we will last for centuries to come.
Very sad indeed.
Thank you very much!
Most sublime serene naturemusic
Related family languages depends on history of each language , dialect and the influence of a totally different language and the thousands of years each language development. Take Ainu and Japanese < Chinese culture and Kanji > Korean example all have degrees of Chinese influence a complete different language J,K,A are not defined family ,Ainu and Japanese share an Island yet Ainu is called an Isolate .Finnic Ugri and Turkic Ural are different names for same meaning, Altay influenced by Mongol Tungus and Siberian on a big Siberian Asian area and history so we get migrations far and wide and language continuum Hungary has been shaped by Europe’s cosmopolitan languages Khanty not so only Russian and Finnic Siberian cultures so the languages have gone a different development onions carrots potatoes are roots but all are different
That was very well said 👍
Hungarians help your brothers!
I mean Mansi and Khanty
Indeed we are basically the same people with Slovaks in terms of medieval heritage and culture (even genetics), a shame that we can not be proud together, the way we can be with Croats and Poles.
Samuel Matuška
.First, all of Europe wanted the Destroy us.Then the Mongols wanted to destroy us.After the Mongols the Ottomans wanted to destroy us.Then the Austrians wanted to destroy us.After the Austrians with the Trianon all of Europe wanted to destroy us twice.After the trianon the Soviets wanted to destroy us.We Hungarians suffered a lot more, and we still exist.Nobody can destroy the Finnugric people.We existed and we will exist.And think it trough Trump or Putin? It's clearly Putin.
Samuel Matuška
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District exists since 1930. And native languages are taught at schools. Nevertheless, thank you for your care. Děkujeme za vaši starost!
Volthor Productions
It was a reckless step to join Hitler in his assault on Soviet Union. And of course, it was very stupid to enforce communism against the will of European nations. The suppress of the 1956 rebellion was a real shame on our behalf. A városomban egy emlékmű temető van. Mindig tiszta és rendben. A gránitlemezre írva magyarul: Itt nyugszanak a magyar hadifoglyok - a II. világháború áldozatai.
The Western Mansi are Hungarians
It sounds like hungarian
No I speak Hungarian and I don't understand this song.
@@majstter7420 slovak
@@basedhun872 Yes but I speak Hungarian
@@majstter7420 slovakain=opinion rejected
If someone is interested in the chords used in this surreal song, please see below:
Dbm A E Abm
I did not say any insulting, why do you act hostile?
But ok, some lingiuistics lesson: Finnish is finno, Hungarian is ugric language, however their roots are the same. True. The roots are same.
Really, we need to argue about facts? :/ we are adults, arent we? - And who asked you not to be proud of speaking an ugric/finnic language?
@bardina2660 Онлайн интернет-словарь, смотрите ссылку. "Куккук" по-хантыйски, "каккук" по-мансийски. Выходит, что эта песня хантыйская?!
‘Továjá visz’
‘Akem hoszád’
‘Hozzád megyém’
Mansi'ler de TÜRK sanırım. ''Guguk''a ''Kukkuk'' demişler.
Can I get English translation? I would like to compare some sentences with Hungarian. I understand some of it, just want ro be sure the same meaning.
Van videó felirattal is.
finnorszagi "kaki" jelent a kakukk magyarul
dobna valaki egy feliratot... kössz :)
Пиш яжо,мӹнь яратышым.
@bardina2660 Сложно сказать, в словаре "кукушка" - "каккук".
@bardina2660 Спасибо!
Мон ЭРЗЯ!!!пек паро!!
Печально, но народы ассимилируются. Русским теперь быть гораздо престижней,чем представителем какого- либо народа России. Живу в столице и знаю,что большинство не слышали даже про марийцев или ительменов . Спасибо ещё нынешней политике луноликого плешивого карлика. Как представителю одного из народов России, мне стыдно,что мы сами быстрее готовы стать русскими, перенять все из русской культуры,но только в зрелом возрасте и на чужбине вспоминать свои корни. Многие так и делают (не я,т.к. на родине бываю часто, учил в школе родной язык наравне с русским).
Извините, но вы финно-угры сами виноваты. Финно-угорские народы самые русифицированные, к сожалению. 40-50 процентов русских это представители ваших народов забывшие свои корни. Почему вы стесняетесь? Вас так мало осталось. Даже среди других нерусских вы часто выдаёте себя за русских, из-за этого над вами насмехаются. На Урале и Поволжье точно такая ситуация есть. В чем причина?
@@xersobachii9179 The Slavic devils assimilate anyone they come across. Putin himself is potentially Veps
Они исчезают, не потому что русским быть престижнее, а потому что говорить на малом языке не практично сегодня.
@@alexandermarkov300потому что возникли, или были созданы условия, вынуждающие учить язык метрополии
@@Spockddc Такие условия работаю везде. Люди отказываются от малых языков.
Мансі я желаю вам Свободьі. Вьі достойньі иметь свойо Независимое Государство.
Простой поиск в интернете о численности народа манси объяснил бы вам что вы пишете ерунду.
@@Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod Ага, тоисть вьі щетаете что на Народе Манси просто необходимо поставить крест. И вьіжьіть у них нет никоких шансов.
Русские и есть смесь всякой мордвы и манси.
@@alexandermarkov300 Вы никогда не встречали ни мордвы ни манси, это точно. У мордвы ещё есть что-то общее с русскими, костюмы, мелодии народных песен, долго жили вместе. Но манси? Отличается абсолютно всё.
@@Maria_Nizhny_Novgorod Так их там осталось 2,5 человека. Почти все ассимилированы.
Кто авторы словаря и год издания?
I think Northern Star is right!
Kukkuk nyeune
Towo yawes
Manji hosa
Saika waes
Marde hari
Uliy tuya
Osat matyem
Osi tuni
Yes, it's completely invented. Do you know the correct lyrics?
Where did you get it from?
Do you know the translation?
Kukkuk - a cuckoo. Nelm - language. Hosa - far, long. Sa:ikalankwe - to wake up. Atyrhari - blue colour. Lu:i ma - north. Tu:ja - spring.
Wow... I am amazed. Kukukk -Kakukk, Nelm-Nyelv, Hosa-Hosszú...
Lyrics? Текст песни? The link on the description doesn't work.
в переводе с чувашского куккук-кукушка
Я думаю, кукушка на всех языках звучит схоже.
Нет, это мансийская песня, и в обеих словарях написано - куккук.
Баландин А.Н., Вахрушева М.П. Мансийско-русский словарь. Учпедгиз: Л., 1958.; Ромбандеева Е.И. Русско-мансийский словарь. Учпедгиз: Л., 1954.
What do the lyrics mean? Is it a folk song?
Estonian is finnic language, but indeed, they are related, in a far relationship. Still, manshi and hanty are ugric languages like ours.
Maybe I should try székely HAHHAHAHAHAHAAH just joking. Still, Estonian is only a far relation and I wanna learn Manshi/Khanty :D But I confess: congrats! Estonian is hard. Good job that you learnt it
Was easy for me to learn Estonian, just be born with Estonian parents :D
Щас надо замутить из этого вокала музыку 😉
если оставить Вокал без музыкального сопровождения --- мелодия-то останется всё равно. Ноты имеются. Очень красивая песня!
it already sounds rusiffied
Pop-styled rather.
ok alexander
they are related. how much can english speaker understand farsi or russian language? i guess nothing, neither spanish and russian have anything common expect both languages uses articles and that makes them indo-european. Some sources says finno-ugric languages and altaics are related which makes Ural-Altaic group (check out that from Wikipedia)
Also there's a theory on the Uralic and Protoindo-European unity.
( indo-european.info/WebHelp/1_introduction.htm ) - see 1.6
Am, as a person, whose ancestors were Finno-Ugric (Moksha) but nowadays descendendts consider themselves Russians, very frustrated by the current situation with Uralic and many other languages in Russia. Sad, these languages are slowly dying, but I hope, one day it will become widespread again and will be spoken by huge number of people. And even modern Russians will remember their roots and stick to their Finno-Ugric (Central Russia and Volga region, Northwest Russia, Kola peninsula, Ural, Western Siberia), Baltic (Golyad' tribe = Moschino arch. culture) past. Also, it's pretty sad what happened to Muroma, Meschera, Merya, Chud', Vyes' tribes. Nowadays, Russians don't remember their past and are ashamed of Finno-Ugric roots and count local Uralic tribes as silly, thanks to the Ukrainian point of view on our history, that shows the superiority of Ukrainian lands and it's phenomenal importance in Russian history. But in reality we should consider our local history, of local tribes as the most important and forget all this nonsense we've been taught. Archeology shows a significant Finnic presence in our lands, it can't be denied anymore (google Dyakovo, Gorodets, Ilmen, Pyanoborsk, Ryazan-Oka archeological cultures).
Also, according, to Khaburgaev (if I remember it right), Slavic languages divided from Baltic ones in the Southern lands in Ukraine (Kiev archeological culture - the first identifiable Slavic culture), contacting with Iranian tribes, that's why Slavonic languages have Iranian borrowed words, while Baltic once don't. The whole theory on how Balto-Slavic language split into three large groups (West Baltic (Prussian), Slavic (Czech, Russian, Serbian) and East Baltic (Lithuanian)) is pretty interesting.
Articles are actually a non-Indo-European thing. Proto-Indo-European didn't have articles at all. Germanic and Romance languages developed them on their own. Same with Hungarian (a Uralic language). It developed articles in contrast to Finnish and Estonian.
Периодические издания и словарики на хантыйском и мансийском языках.
Кто исполняет эту песню?
Пахомова Зоя Валентиновна
Может Кук-кук?!
Mansi are Khanty?
@Máté Horváth thnx
А что было на ссылке? Не работает...
@felhasznlo dijazom a hozzaszolast :)
Пахомова Зоя Валентиновна. г. Сургут
Nice of you :) But actually.... Finnish and Hungarian relation is no sure:) only some far relation, but even the language family is "far relted" too xD
khanites and manshis are ugric, not finnic ;) but at lest you have Estonian there. Your branch will surely survive and we dont aim to give our culture up either. :) Well, I guess, ppl dont wnt to use their brain to speak. Our languages are hard and has a really strong logic. :p but we proudly speak them!
Persze :) Én eddig nem találtam semmit... de nem épp segítőkész a nép :/ Eddig csak beszóltak, meg magyar szokáshoz híven a semmiből veszekedést generálnak - ahogy itt is... hhh. Te teláltál vmit?
безподобна хубост
Обичам тая песен
Sajnos nem... de attól, hogy 3 alá kommentáltam, nem vagyok ott mindenütt >< legalább próbákoztam szerezni infót.Én sem vagyok időmilliomos :)
mi van kaki? pisi?
Käki se on, saatana.
Это предки венгров))) знайте откуда ваши предки пришли)))
Незнаю у меня лично предки славяне и балты)))
@@aleksandrvasilev6723 откуда тебе знать, кто твои предки? Вот от Болгар одно название осталось, а волжкие теперь татарами называют ся Язык говорят, судя по письменам руническим был ближе к Чувашкому. Египетский язык полностью утрачен, но это не значит, что их полностью вырезали. На русской равнине было полно балтийский и финских племён и народов, и это тоже не значит, что всех вырезали славяне. Просто язык изменился. Что касается Угров, то они были кочевники. Поэтому по родству ближе тюркам, а язык сохранился близкий финским языкам. Румыны тоже вот поют гимн, что их дедушек Даков завоевал император Траян и теперь они славные римляне. Блин, их прадед ушки наверное в гробу переворачиваються. История она такова, что не нодо зарекаться.
So sad that these languages are going to extinct 😭
Норм песня всегда знал что русские ближе к скандинавам чем славянам
А при чём здесь скандинавы?
Какие русские? Какие скандинавы? Чего?
@@user_erzaslavaestonii Я вот тоже не понимаю, песня то мансийская
cyka blyat
А кто это поëт? Чиго то ни разу не видел по телику?
Это моя бабушка поёт
cyka blyat