How Macron paved the way for the National Rally - Who Broke France? ep.2

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024


  • @deisandmis
    @deisandmis 2 місяці тому +192

    Small correction: I heard a candidate say that Nupes was created in 13 nights and 13 days and not months as you said in the video but indeed the new popular front had less than a week to do so and they did in around 4 days. They had the basis of Nupes to work with and it is only an update of it, redealing the cards under the light of the eu elections results with a slightly more fair balance to the center left

    • @barelyinfo
      @barelyinfo  2 місяці тому +35

      thanks for the correction, I may have overstated it by saying "months", either way it's nearly miraculous that they were able to do it in 2 days this time

    • @OjoRojo40
      @OjoRojo40 2 місяці тому

      It's always workers who are thrown under the bus in capitalist politics. Nothing new to see here.

    • @JeanJeanquoiquoi
      @JeanJeanquoiquoi 2 місяці тому +9

      @@OjoRojo40 well this times it's workers, muslims, immigrants and LGBT+ who are thrown under the bus.

    • @pebblepod30
      @pebblepod30 2 місяці тому +5

      The Left created this problem, and they could easily fix it by doing what the Danish Left has done on immigration (i.e. putting their own citizens first).

    • @byunbaekhyun2283
      @byunbaekhyun2283 2 місяці тому

      @@pebblepod30 they already have a plan to solve the immigration crisis in their manifesto. they want to completely stop interference in african and middle eastern countries, which will reduce chance of conflict, the root cause of why so many africans and middle easterners have to flee their country. increase foreign aid to those countries so they can quickly solve the damage that are already done by previous interventions. and, they also want the UN to be more independent and pro-active in pursuing peace, basically removing any powerful country's influence, especially the US and russia. those are policies that will effectively reduce the number of unnecessary immigrants in the long run, but of course, people won't see that as good because people don't like effective policies for the long run, they rather have populistic but ineffective policies that satisfy their authoritarian and sociopathic nature.

  • @axelT4080
    @axelT4080 2 місяці тому +194

    This is the political equivalent of a kid flipping the table because hes about to lose at a boardgame.

  • @rosshilton
    @rosshilton 2 місяці тому +233

    Macron risking his party but not his job.

    • @franciscouderq1100
      @franciscouderq1100 2 місяці тому +1

      Does Macron have a party?

    • @lafeil
      @lafeil 2 місяці тому +1

      Good point

    • @no_pseudo_idea6517
      @no_pseudo_idea6517 2 місяці тому +5

      @@franciscouderq1100yes but it’s basically falling apart

    • @no_pseudo_idea6517
      @no_pseudo_idea6517 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Intreductor Nlg Le pen party reinforced itself recently

  • @Superdaube
    @Superdaube 2 місяці тому +24

    I'm french, and this is a proper and clear resume of the situation. People are desperate of the selfish politics presents in the country and the president is a fool who thinks he can play dirty politics games.

    • @Bazovkin
      @Bazovkin Місяць тому

      Well, in the end there is only one fool and it is not Macron

    • @Superdaube
      @Superdaube Місяць тому

      @@Bazovkin the only fool are the people who voted right now. But Macron is not as clever as he thinks. And he betrayed his party. The country is a mess...So?

  • @rocketsniper8726
    @rocketsniper8726 2 місяці тому +90

    As an American, hearing "Le Wokisme" is like having a bucket of ice water dumped on me.

    • @Laezar1
      @Laezar1 2 місяці тому +18

      I'm french and that still caught me completely off guard hearing it in an english sentence lmao

    • @JohnGeorgeBauerBuis
      @JohnGeorgeBauerBuis 2 місяці тому +3

      Seeing this made me start cracking up, even though I am generally not fond of what is popularly known as 'Franglais'.

    • @martthesling
      @martthesling 2 місяці тому

      shouldn't it be LA Wokeism 🤔?

    • @lauraeva2182
      @lauraeva2182 2 місяці тому +5

      French people have a hard time agreeing. For example during 2020 this was a "debate" on weather we should call it La covid 19 or le covid 19. Many journalists said Le covid, so when the health minister decided that it was La covid, everybody was already saying Le covid. So I guess you could find some French saying La wokinsme. But a large majority say Le wokisme, it seem more logical in French but I can't explain you why 😐

    • @JohnGeorgeBauerBuis
      @JohnGeorgeBauerBuis 2 місяці тому +2

      @@lauraeva2182 I catch your drift. 'Le wokisme' sounds better to me than 'la wokisme'.

  • @AppleJude
    @AppleJude 2 місяці тому +73

    Holy crap this is good !
    Not only did you perfectly summarized what was going on. But you also did that while maintaining a great rithm with good editing making me glued to my screen.
    Keep up the great work 👍

  • @mintmaddie3963
    @mintmaddie3963 2 місяці тому +241

    as a french leftist, i have to say that for a lot of us melenchon problem is not the fact that he's too radical( he's even less than mitterand ) but his divisive personality and some of his personnal takes on ecology(he want to stops nuclear production)...

    • @Izakarfromhell
      @Izakarfromhell 2 місяці тому +27

      Yeah we want radical policies and radical leaders, Melenchon has just been a thorn in the left’s side for too long.

    • @LouisSerieusement
      @LouisSerieusement 2 місяці тому +3

      de ouf, jpp de méluche
      soutien camarades ✊

    • @MikeyAce45
      @MikeyAce45 2 місяці тому +14

      Talk for yourself. C'est de lui que cette possibilité Front populaire existe à travers le template de la NUPES. Si tu as même cette idée de Front Populaire, c'est uniquement avec ses 22% en 2022.

    • @lilianz-on9gb
      @lilianz-on9gb 2 місяці тому

      Nan c'est surtout que LFI se font descendre par tous les médias + même dans le NFP ça commence a trahir genre Glucksman et Ruffin

    • @Running_Colours
      @Running_Colours 2 місяці тому +12

      As another french leftist, I'd add that as someone who has been rather on his side for a very long time, I've become really weary of the fact he's become less and less popular among everyone. And that sucks for me, but if him slowly stepping down means that people will be ready to hear the left, I'm all for it

  • @zorzevic
    @zorzevic 2 місяці тому +20

    Man I'm fench, and you absolutely nailed it in such a short format.
    Great job!

  • @Zorg_LCR
    @Zorg_LCR 2 місяці тому +91

    damn I'm french and I learn more regarding the politic of my own country by watching you rather than the media back home.
    Keep going what you do is great !

    • @solon5123
      @solon5123 2 місяці тому +5

      he doesn't know anything about french politics I am very worried for you if you listen to him to be informed on the current situation.

    • @rcmz0
      @rcmz0 2 місяці тому +15

      @@solon5123 What makes you say that ?

    • @solon5123
      @solon5123 2 місяці тому

      @@rcmz0 I can't explain since if I say what is happening YT will remove my comment

    • @El_renardeau
      @El_renardeau 2 місяці тому +8

      Good arguments! 👌

    • @miketheduck626
      @miketheduck626 2 місяці тому +24

      @@solon5123 how to show the "i have no arguments" lmao

  • @oscarcapac1786
    @oscarcapac1786 2 місяці тому +9

    As a French, everything in this video is correct
    Something else to mention is that the financial situation in France is catastrophic. The budget that was approved for 2024 through article 49.3 (the president passing it without a vote) is completely unrealistic and made wild assumptions about growth and deficit. Nobody's certain that the financial markets will accept to refinance the French debt for much longer. Which means there is now a very real risk of bankruptcy for the entire country. The only way to prevent it would be to seize the French's savings from the bank, which would be insanely impopular
    There is a good chance that Macron left this difficult situation to his successor, hoping they would be blamed by the population when France eventually fails to refinance its debt and seizes the "Livret A" (most common bank account owned by almost everyone), either this year or in 2025. Then in 2027, he would just present someone else from his party, like Attal.

    • @ctrlzed5132
      @ctrlzed5132 2 місяці тому

      About the financial situation, it is not a Macron problem or at least he did not create it. It has been like this at least since 2008-2009. Almost all budget since then have been passed with the use of the 49.3 article, by both the left, the right and now the center (center-right). At some point someone will have to put in place big austerity mesures and it is going to be hard for everyone, them included as it will mean forsaking any hope of re-election.

    • @oscarcapac1786
      @oscarcapac1786 2 місяці тому

      @@ctrlzed5132 Agreed that it didn't start with Macron. However, austerity is the cause of the situation, not the cure. The debt is the direct consequence of neo-liberal policies, such as opaque tax breaks that created no growths, innovation or employment. While also destroying a perfectly functional and properly financed public sector and privatization (pillage) of state monopolies that used to be global leaders in their respective sectors
      The solution would not be more of the same. It would be to reform tax policies and revert all of the stupid neoliberal nonsense that's been ruining the country. Starting with public service reforms

  • @josephmclennan1229
    @josephmclennan1229 2 місяці тому +148

    No Farmers , No Food . Macron has to go .

    • @MalucoLapin
      @MalucoLapin 2 місяці тому

      Well, it's way more complicated : Nobody talked about the rules of farm creation : the dotation to young agricultors (DJA) is bigger for 200m“ of chicken that for 15000 m“ of fruits and crops.
      Therefore, with the competition against eastern farms, no way these farm could last. They shut down, but nobody can buy this buisness who is promised to fail again. So, big compagnies buy it for almost anything, with minimal investment.
      And why did nobody talked about this ? they don't have time.
      Their pay, their sieges, all is conditionned to the elections. And the elections are conditioned to the media representation.
      Talking about something that peculiar, that specific, is the best way to loose audience, and therefore, elections, so, money.

    • @rampaginwalrus
      @rampaginwalrus 2 місяці тому +4

      Just eat cake??

    • @WhyGodby
      @WhyGodby 2 місяці тому

      Farmers are not the business owners, you mean the farm owners.

    • @MalucoLapin
      @MalucoLapin 2 місяці тому

      @@WhyGodby we don't learn this kind of subtilities in english lessons.
      Here, everybody who sells something have a business. It keeps you busy.

    • @raquetdude
      @raquetdude 2 місяці тому

      No flowers, no bees, no food or farmers. Macron is fine and is better than no food

  • @snowcold5932
    @snowcold5932 2 місяці тому +115

    It's like in 1936, when the french right said "rather Hitler than the Popular Front".
    It's insane to think that the french bourgeoisie who have spent so many years telling leftists to vote for right-wingers as a republican barrage, are now refusing to vote for even just a center left alliance. If the RN wins a majority, it'll be because of this mentality.

    • @pebblepod30
      @pebblepod30 2 місяці тому +33

      Well connecting Le Pen to Hitler is like connecting Stalmer to Lenin or Stalin or calling them a Communist, bc of their past.
      It's not an honest argument in either case.
      Also, if you don't like the problem, have you considered that you could stop creating it by supporting radical immigration policies, like the Danish Left did?
      That's why the Danish Left won, though maybe they also realized that many of their own left wing Voters were worse** off because of mass immigration (obviously through no fault of an indivdual good immigrant).
      **Housing Crisis, extra social & welfare costs, crime increases ( it sure if Demark had same problem as other countries), and processing costs.
      Better for society to not be a doormat, and then Left wins again too.
      Left is going to lose in France, because Left cannot make a sacrifice.

    • @mattcraftien974
      @mattcraftien974 2 місяці тому

      ​@@pebblepod30except Le Pen is actually a fascist. First of all her party was created by several literal Nazis and they never cut ties with that past. And furthermore her party maintains ties with several openly neo fascist groups.

    • @highspirit7590
      @highspirit7590 2 місяці тому +5

      It’s the popular front who vote the power to Pétain

    • @TheEmmaLucille
      @TheEmmaLucille 2 місяці тому +9

      The truth is that it is the Socialist Front populaire which voted to give full power to Petain, so you have to revise your French history, dear.

    • @crusty5059
      @crusty5059 2 місяці тому

      maybe the french dont want to become a muslim country

  • @ecdhe
    @ecdhe 2 місяці тому +7

    There are many possible reasons why Macron decided to call for legislative elections:
    - It's one thing to vote for the right wing when it's European elections (nobody really knows what they're doing), but another one for an election directly linked to power. In a way, Macron dares the French to vote for the right wing at an election which really matters
    - He expected the left to be divided as it's as easy to unite them than to herd cats. Unfortunately for him, the left is so scared of the right wing grabbing power that they were the first bloc to ink an alliance (not withstanding a few issues).
    - He expects to see chaos, in which case he plans to dissolve again the parliament in a year saying "without me in power it's chaos"
    A very likely outcome is indeed either the right wing or the left to get a majority but not an absolute majority. In which case the prime minister would not survive any no confidence vote.

  • @HenryThree
    @HenryThree 2 місяці тому +80

    Question: in what context would a Supreme Court come to officially rule a political party as "far-right"? Unless that term has a specific legal definition in France (compared to the extremely subjective definition we use in the US) , it just seems like a weird/impossible thing for a court to rule on.

    • @Laezar1
      @Laezar1 2 місяці тому

      They have a history of attempting trials against people who call them for what they are and then the justice systems confirming that they're indeed far right.
      Another exemple is them attempting to sue jean luc mélenchon for calling marine le pen a fascist and the judge rulling that she can indeed be called a fascist.
      It's also not very hard to rule on, there are academic definition of fascism than they fall under both in their rhetoric and program (for exemple they are planning deportation for anyone who breaks a law if that person has a different nationality or *could ask for* a different nationality than french, that's just one of many but it's a striking one), they've been founded by members of the S.S. (the nazi party's police), and they have ties with actual neo nazi groups. By any objective metric they're far right.

    • @jackbayu555
      @jackbayu555 2 місяці тому

      Yes, thats why this guy is so dumb

    • @anto_point
      @anto_point 2 місяці тому +24

      France has a richer history of the separation between left/right than the US, thus making the classification a little bit more objective (at least when we align it with historical conceptions)… after the French revolution of 1789, the Hemycycle (the National assembly part of the Parliament), was divided in 3 major parts : at the left, the revolutionnaries, that wanted to end the idea of a society organised around a « leader » figure that was precedently the monarch, a « center » to right that wanted a Monarchy with a Parliament and less power to the king (kind of like England) and then the far-right that wanted nothing but a strong monarchy, with a center figure that would decide for all. Of course, the ideas have changed a bit, but to put it simply, what qualifies for far right is a party that prones the image of a center figure, a political direction aligned with the growth of economy first and few social mesures, and identitarian themes (of culture, civilsation, or race) that are opposed to equality between all. The social strucutres that are favorised by the far-right are generally only the police and the military.
      Right now the National Rally has done a huge campaign (mainly on tiktok) playing the cards of a party interested in « social affairs » (one of their main campaign themes was the purchasing power of the middle class ; even if they voted against a lot of measures that could have helped this, so it is hypocritical). They also conserve the historic ideas of the FN (national Front, that was a party that took off in the 70’s, the « National Rally » being only a rebranding) especially on immigration and islam (and knowing that the party was founded by Vichy adherants and retired nazis…). Marine LePen said, during the 2022 campaign « We don’t have to blush over the history of our party », stating that they always were the incarnation of a right party having the best interest of the « french people » (it, here, carries a racial connotation) in mind. They are also known for their revisionnist vision of french history (especially the Father, Jean-Marie Lepen, that has been condemned for « incitement to hatred », for revisionnists, antisemites and racist opinions - the most well known is him saying that the gaz chambers of the nazis were a « detail in the history of the 2nd WW »…)
      P.S, It is the State Council that established officially the National Rally as far-right, we do not have a Supreme Court like in the US

    • @matthiuskoenig3378
      @matthiuskoenig3378 2 місяці тому +1

      Seems like a watered down defintion of far right.

    • @HenryThree
      @HenryThree 2 місяці тому +13

      @@anto_point I appreciate the detailed response, but I'm not really looking for a definition of "far-right" (the French historical origins of the left-right spectrum are actually pretty well known in the US) or an argument for why the National Rally fits that definition. I'm curious as to how a court (the State Council apparently) came to be in a position where they are making that determination in an official sense. In other words, I don't really care why the court ruled them as "far-right", I just want to know why they were making a ruling on that question to begin with.

  • @St.Allen22
    @St.Allen22 2 місяці тому +88

    "The French Supreme Court declared it a far right party, therefore its a settled matter" okay so judges define highly complex and abstract ideologies and get to assign people to whatever they define it as, no discussion or debate afterwards.... just a settled matter

    • @d3thkn1ghtmcgee74
      @d3thkn1ghtmcgee74 2 місяці тому +26

      The founder of the national rally was formerly a card carrying Nazis. Fun fact he was also Marie le pens father.

    • @erloriel
      @erloriel 2 місяці тому +30

      Yeah, the appeal to authority argument was a little pathetic.

    • @perfectlyfine1675
      @perfectlyfine1675 2 місяці тому +10

      It's an update video. Besides, what serious analyst would call them centre right?

    • @solon5123
      @solon5123 2 місяці тому

      ​​@@d3thkn1ghtmcgee74You dont have a clue about what you are talking. Le Pen's family was killed by nazis he hated them.

    • @eeroraute281
      @eeroraute281 2 місяці тому +7

      Jean marie wasn’t a nazi he was friends with nazis but he himself was never involved in overt extremism

  • @kaynight64
    @kaynight64 2 місяці тому +10

    The story I heard is not that Zemmour was upset they weren't able to get a deal, but that RN replied that they were not interested in a deal with Zemmour, but were willing to hash out a deal with Marion Maréchal without him (he is so extreme that he upsets even Le Pen's voters). He then thought that she was going to gun for this deal and betray him so he preemptively kicked her out of the party. If this isn't right, PLEASE correct me.

    • @Arthur-fz5dw
      @Arthur-fz5dw 2 місяці тому +6

      You got some of this right, but Zemmour didn’t "preemptively" kicked Marion out, she threw the first strike by openly calling to vote for Marine against Zemmour to get a job at her aunt’s party. Zemmour had no choice but to fire her, reactively.

    • @kaynight64
      @kaynight64 2 місяці тому +5

      @@Arthur-fz5dw Okay got it, thanks a lot! So much happened in so little time that the order of events really confused me.

    • @ctrlzed5132
      @ctrlzed5132 2 місяці тому

      Knowingly or not, he was a scarecrow for the RN this all time and Marion Maréchal-Le Pen was in charge of that "project". Now, that it has served its purpose they are throwing him away, that's it in my oppinion.

  • @MrMbergner
    @MrMbergner 2 місяці тому +9

    No…. I’m pretty sure immigration is THE issue driving the power of the far right. Can Europe just maybe stop letting so many non Europeans in to the country? This would make the French feel like their government is serving them, not outside powers.

    • @Indaryn
      @Indaryn 2 місяці тому +1

      For France, closing immigration would be going against its very values as a society. French soil has been and always will be a land of asylum for all oppressed people of the world. Whether it's political refugees, war refugees, climate refugees. They must do their best to welcome them all otherwise they're not better than the countries these refugees fled from.

    • @iamsofaking6786
      @iamsofaking6786 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Indaryn the issue is that identity was formed when migration wasn't the driver of population growth - now it is. This is why the average person is angry about it. The immigrant population are clearly not the ones at fault, but increasing automation and decreasing supply of essentials (through emission targets or dwindling production) mean countries need less people - or face declining standards of living. Of course short term this has serious ramifications, but the way the modern left act like the young and middle generations aren't hurt by rapidly increasing growth is probably a huge part of the loss of love for left wing politics. It's reckless ideology - which ironically is also much the problem with many far right parties.

    • @dave_sic1365
      @dave_sic1365 2 місяці тому

      ​@@Indaryn😂 lol its not.

    • @ctrlzed5132
      @ctrlzed5132 2 місяці тому

      I think immigration is not the problem in itself. It is an identity crisis. People don't know "What it means to be French?" or "What is France?" anymore. Immigration is the tip of the iceberg in my opinion.

  • @Wesley-1776
    @Wesley-1776 2 місяці тому +4

    Uh oh, democracy, can’t have that, time to subvert the people’s voice!

  • @couldy9929
    @couldy9929 2 місяці тому +67

    Actually, it seems like Macron is so out of touch that he really thought he could win 😅

    • @dbeker
      @dbeker 2 місяці тому +2

      On one hand you are right, but on the flip side, imagine winning by losing - i.e. say in the first round the RN gets like 35% of the vote and Macron's RE/ENS get's like 15% and the others are below these numbers. Then in the 2nd round you have a run-off between RN and RE where it is likely a significant percentage of the voters for the other parties will back Macron's RE rather than Le Pen's RN. This could theoretically yield Macron a win. Now if you have a 2nd round Run-off between say RN and the PS/Nupes, then things get interesting with multiple plot twists to be expected! My theory would be that an RN win and a cohabitation with them is a win for Macron because he will then exploit the next 3 years to set the RN up for failure and show their incomptence in time for the 2027 presidential election and reducing their brand value for when it really counts.

    • @diegoyuiop
      @diegoyuiop 2 місяці тому +3

      He never thought he could win... Do you think he doesn't see opinion polls?

    • @charlesp.8555
      @charlesp.8555 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@diegoyuiopas Brigitte Macron once said "it's not easy sleeping every night next to Joan of Arc". Macron absolutely thought he could win.

    • @JjAnteros
      @JjAnteros 2 місяці тому +1

      @@diegoyuiop no because he only values what his sycophantic inner circle believe and think, of about 5 people btw, he is a narcissist, this has been widely reported btw

    • @couldy9929
      @couldy9929 2 місяці тому

      there were no polls on this election before he announced the said election. If you read French newspapers, there are leaks saying he did think he could win.

  • @adamboscart1473
    @adamboscart1473 2 місяці тому +21

    Love to see you back to non-shorts videos

    • @barelyinfo
      @barelyinfo  2 місяці тому +1

      I was never gone! just working on too many things at the same time so I still haven't finished a video i shot back in December :'(

  • @Running_Colours
    @Running_Colours 2 місяці тому +17

    I'n not too versed on the topic, but i quickly wanna bring up Robert Golob, prime minister of Slovenia, from a centrist party, that has during his electoral campaign talked about his admiration for macron, and yet has been the exact opposite. He's formed a coalition with the center left and radical left, recognized palestine, brought forward referendums about preferred voting systems, marijuana legalization, and legalisation of the choice to die in dignity, and i'm honestly stunned by how much better it's been going.

    • @OhDuur
      @OhDuur 2 місяці тому

      Thanks for the info

  • @ErtyCraftern
    @ErtyCraftern 2 місяці тому +12

    Macron making the Franz von Papen move

  • @Izakarfromhell
    @Izakarfromhell 2 місяці тому +72

    I knew this would be good, but it's really great work. I especially liked your run down of what the Republican Front used to mean in France, and how even this is broken now because only the left is willing to truly oppose the National Rally by voting to the right.

  • @klausschwab26
    @klausschwab26 2 місяці тому +5

    Ideologies are not established by courts. It has to be defined. And by definition RN is actually pretty centre. Lots of socialistic programs and protectionism, little bit of deregulation and tax cuts. Only really right wing thing about them is their nationalism. And there is a debate about whether even we should include nationalism to the right/left axis because you can certainly be left or right and also a nationalist.

  • @mikal6217
    @mikal6217 2 місяці тому +8

    Dude. I haven't learned anything, but that was a great and honest summary. Well done

  • @chrimony
    @chrimony 2 місяці тому +13

    Oh noes, there might be a border again. Faaaar riiight.

  • @baumholderh8425
    @baumholderh8425 2 місяці тому +28

    When you have to say it’s a “settled matter” about the national rallies political leaning, that doesn’t scream confidence. Especially when the historical left-right divide originated from France on whether a party supports the monarchy or not. By that metric there doesn’t exist a single right wing government. Which is to say name calling is silly

  • @Kaelllinn
    @Kaelllinn 2 місяці тому +1

    Great video! Just a small precision on the left’s results for the European elections that I hope you read about: LFI is actually the only party that gained electors, roughly 1M in total for the elections. Opposed to this, experts point out that PS actually did not gain many electors: they just amassed all the voters who transferred from voting the greens on the last European elections, to voting for Glucksmann’s list. LFI might not have outperformed PS, but they are gaining ground because they are mobilizing new electors who previously did not vote at all. Their strategy to convince « absententionnistes » may be working quite well in the grand scheme of all elections, and it is surprising because usually those people don’t vote for what they consider minor elections, and might only vote for the présidentielles (hence LFI’s excellent scores there).

  • @johanalejandrocazadordepin7225
    @johanalejandrocazadordepin7225 2 місяці тому +18

    Saying illegal inmigrants are dangerous for Europe isn't fa right, it is the truth

    • @mattcraftien974
      @mattcraftien974 2 місяці тому +3

      Sure buddy you're definitely not racist

    • @greywolf7422
      @greywolf7422 2 місяці тому +9

      ​@@mattcraftien974trying to institute pragmatic measures to manage the economic and social intrests of citizens and the incoming immigrants is not racist. The people who bankroll the state institutions and services have a right to have priority consideration.

    • @Mastersharkmapping
      @Mastersharkmapping 2 місяці тому

      "Protecting the borders" will never work, it was tried, it has failed. The only way to stop illegal immigration is to force the USA/West to stop funding civil wars in the Arab/African world

    • @nepeta3286
      @nepeta3286 2 місяці тому

      @@greywolf7422 it becomes racism when the stats given by the spokeperson of the party are complete bullcrap and 5 seconds of googling tells you a different story lmao

  • @hawk0485
    @hawk0485 2 місяці тому +8

    good summary and nice visuals, I hope you manage to make your way over there

  • @colemanalbright7134
    @colemanalbright7134 2 місяці тому +1

    Very informing! Thank you

  • @atlanta2076
    @atlanta2076 2 місяці тому +4

    I very much appreciate that you're making French politics (which, GOD, seem SO chaotic theses days) relatable and accessabel. Thank you!

  • @OhDuur
    @OhDuur 2 місяці тому +65

    11:10 You perfectly pointed out that the RN is for sure a far right party (4:10). But State Council in the same statement also said that LFI (as any other party in the Front populaire) are leftists, not far-left. So pointing the front populaire as extremist (we say extrême gauche) is actually againt the State of Council which is the highest juridiction. But Macron doesn't care, he wants to push his narrative : "it's me or the chaos" (which is funny when you think about the chaos he actually just created a week ago).
    Very good summury of a crazy week, bravo !

    • @Crow-EH
      @Crow-EH 2 місяці тому

      Precision: Excluding really small parties, the only remaining extrem left party is the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (who's also in the NPF), which still believes reforming is not the best solution and revolution is.
      La France Insoumise is reformist and believes in the power of the parliament, so is not extremist. But they are definitely radical, which is not a swear word but just means they are ready to reform everything from the root ("racine" in french, "radix" in latin) if necessary, like writing a new constituion / switching to the 6th Republic (democraticaly of course, otherwise that would be extremist). And by this definition, even the Parti Communiste Français is officially radical and not extrem (no revolution).

    • @pinksnake8001
      @pinksnake8001 2 місяці тому +6

      Exactly. LFI is far from being far-left. They're just a left party.

    • @hothemeep1219
      @hothemeep1219 2 місяці тому +8

      @@pinksnake8001 RN is not far-right either

    • @OhDuur
      @OhDuur 2 місяці тому +2

      @@hothemeep1219 yes it is. DId you not watch the video ? Did you not read the statement of the State Council of the 11/03/2024 ?

    • @mal6232
      @mal6232 2 місяці тому +3

      @@OhDuur It all depends on your viewpoint. Just because the State council calls a party far right it is only from their definition of what constitutes far right. That view is going to be different for everyone, especially people from foreign countries. Let's not get hung up over semantics, what is important is what these parties stand for now, not what they did years ago or who founded them.

  • @mattcraftien974
    @mattcraftien974 2 місяці тому +7

    Just on the Glucksmann "victory" it should not be too attributed to a enthusiasm in the left. European elections are elections where left wings party do worst and where right-wing parties do better. Glucksmann also benigited from the few remaining "left-wing" electors of Macron that got turned off by his clear right wing turn.

    • @ftsfootballvlogs4890
      @ftsfootballvlogs4890 2 місяці тому +1

      Also, EUROPEAN elections have a lower turnout and tend to attract people, who are more pro or anti-EU. Those who don't really care and have more domestic issues vote less, because of a lower interest in it.

  • @mrtactica
    @mrtactica 2 місяці тому +33

    the opposite to far right is far wrong

  • @sniapok
    @sniapok 2 місяці тому +2

    It's been 5h and it's already out of date! It's been the craziest week ever!
    Great work please keep yout channel up to date! it's really important news and really exiting!

  • @SeaSheep-tm1hu
    @SeaSheep-tm1hu 2 місяці тому +3

    Usually I find eu political coverage channels boring and overtly speculative, but this was genuinely insightful commentary that made a headache of a situation easy to understand. Thank you.

  • @Guarrow
    @Guarrow 2 місяці тому +5

    You're on point on everything really
    I would add that there's one theory floating around that basically, with the RN ruling the country, he would bet that they would mess up because people voting them are pretty convinced that « things will change » in some way. He then could quit and because he wouldn't have finished his mandate, could be able to present himself to another presidential election under this argument. I'm not sure if it's possible, I just know that's a theory that's been around for quite a while now, not just this week but many months before (not the RN governing, but him quitting to get re-elected for a 3rd mandate despite presidents only being able to have 2)
    That's just something I wanted to add, other than that you perfectly summarized everything and that's quite crazy honestly.

    • @meneldal
      @meneldal 2 місяці тому

      Isn't the way it works in France the same as Russia used to be? Two consecutive, so you just have to put a puppet in in the middle like Putin did.

  • @wm2429
    @wm2429 2 місяці тому +3

    So glad to see you uploading again. Great work as always

  • @HpPmL
    @HpPmL 2 місяці тому +18

    Viewers notice : this video is the point of view of a leftist

  • @Shayrin2
    @Shayrin2 2 місяці тому +9

    As if the constitutional council was seen as a legitimate body lmao.
    What do you mean by "far-right" ? As far as I know, they don't plan on removing minimum wage. Don't plan on abolishing social security or privatizing the health and transportation system. That makes them socialists, which is normal considering that's by far the predominant lifestyle and thinking in most of Europe anyway.
    So if it's not economic (don't get me wrong, they are on the Right of Melenchon and the communists, but like I said it just makes them socialists on most issues, not libertarians or even liberals).
    Therefore the debate is cultural, in which they stand for what exactly ? Controlled immigration ? Deportation of criminals and illegal aliens ? I fail to see how that could ever be classified as "Far-Right" in the grand scheme of historical politics. If anything that's a fairly centrist position, one the Democrats held until 2016 in the US, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders calling for the control of mass immigration at the southern border, and Obama to this day being nicknamed "the Deporter-in-Chief" with his famous "cages" for kids.
    So in the end, Le Pen has a position very similar to Bernie Sanders' pre-2016 positions, and Sanders is considered to be on the fringe Left in the US.
    Wait until I am being told that Sanders and Obama's politics were far-right lmao.

    • @hugoroussignol6451
      @hugoroussignol6451 2 місяці тому +5

      Did you just write : "I don't see how deportation could be classified as Far-right" ? Are you ok dude ?

    • @roshansundar6618
      @roshansundar6618 2 місяці тому +4

      @@hugoroussignol6451 What do you think should be done about illegal aliens?

    • @Shayrin2
      @Shayrin2 2 місяці тому +8

      @@hugoroussignol6451 indeed. How is it ? If I come into your house without your approval, do you not throw me out ? That’s an extremely basic policy lmao.
      Case and point again, in the US it is normal policy up until Trump started running on that issue, particularly from leftist, because massive unchecked immigration is a strain on people's wages since they compete at much lower wages. Crazy right ? Almost as if companies loved to pay people less money for work !

    • @solon5123
      @solon5123 2 місяці тому

      ​@hugoroussignol6451 dont you understand the word illegal ?

    • @nepeta3286
      @nepeta3286 2 місяці тому +1

      what people don't realize in the US, is that what is right and left there, is actually far right and slightly less far right in europe and france
      you guys don't really get a choice to pick left ideas and that's kinda worrying, even if i gotta agree the state of our own country is worrying too :(

  • @lovelie1477
    @lovelie1477 2 місяці тому +3

    I was wondering if you were going to go over this! Boy I am not disappointed!

  • @lilianz-on9gb
    @lilianz-on9gb 2 місяці тому +9

    As we say in french : tatakae 🔥

  • @cheztaylor8
    @cheztaylor8 2 місяці тому +32

    "far right"
    Consider the bell curve.
    When the majority (or a large proportion) are thinking a certain way, they're now the mainstream and not the fringe.

    • @wenk7182
      @wenk7182 2 місяці тому +1

      By your definition, between 1939 and, let's say, 1944, the Nazis were a centrist party in Germany?

    • @OhDuur
      @OhDuur 2 місяці тому +18

      It's not about popularity, it is about ideas, discourse, ideology, etc... Yes RN is far right because of its ideology, whatever they try to sell you to make you feel less guilty about your vote

    • @jonseilim4321
      @jonseilim4321 2 місяці тому +5

      The Nazis were considered mainstream as well

    • @g.m.9180
      @g.m.9180 2 місяці тому +4

      Yeah the far right have never been defined strictly as their position on the curve. Taking Nazis as the best known example : even at times where they have wide approval in the population, their ideology is labeled far right by historians, because that's the broad word we found to define their politics. So what does "far right" mean, if it doesn'tliterally refer to part of a spectrum anymore? From what I understand, it's a nicer term to say "fascist", and includes themes of : nationalism, fear and hatred of outsiders, appeals to an extremely idealized past, when those outsiders supposedly weren't there... this is the DNA of the far right.
      they usually pretend to want to help the poor, but turn their back on that as soon as big business offers an alliance, which is exactly what happened a few days ago when they went back on their promise to bring retirement age back down, so they could ally with "les Républicains"

    • @longtimelongtime44
      @longtimelongtime44 2 місяці тому

      ​@@OhDuurWE'RE GOING TO WIN 😂😂😂

  • @SlavYuriy
    @SlavYuriy 2 місяці тому +15

    Hell yeah far right for the win... This gonna be the best WB Summer in a while.

  • @slightlyhidden
    @slightlyhidden 2 місяці тому +1

    I live in France and you've explained this whole situation better than local media. Thank you

    • @Indaryn
      @Indaryn 2 місяці тому

      Yeah I stopped watching mainstream media for 9 years now. You'll be doing yourself a service. Occasionally I stumble upon mainstream media interviews and such and I am impressed at the amount of toxicity being displayed and absurdities being fed to the general masses on a daily basis.

  • @Scapben
    @Scapben 2 місяці тому +69

    Politics in France never been as spicy as it is today

    • @przemysawkrzekobrzegoszczy6332
      @przemysawkrzekobrzegoszczy6332 2 місяці тому +29

      I think The Reign of Terror might qualify as a "bit" spicier, but yeah, French politics are doing the thing again.

    • @johnteixeira6405
      @johnteixeira6405 2 місяці тому +14

      Check out the French Revolutions, they're pretty spicy bro.

    • @Evvins
      @Evvins 2 місяці тому +6

      Idk, this is pretty tame by historical standards.

    • @carlislebailey8902
      @carlislebailey8902 2 місяці тому +2

      @@przemysawkrzekobrzegoszczy6332yeah communists would top it up for sure 😂

    • @thanes1343
      @thanes1343 2 місяці тому +4

      some might say the revolution the war with Europe that resulted from it Napoleon's rise to power or the Vichy Government

  • @brianlockwood5649
    @brianlockwood5649 2 місяці тому

    I flew into Paris the day Macron won the Presidency. I stayed in the Hotel in the Plaza de la Republique. That was one wild night!!! Between the violence and the homeless/mental cases screaming into the night I don’t think anyone got any sleep.

  • @ytfisthisathing
    @ytfisthisathing 2 місяці тому +5

    Man, this just makes me wonder if the upcoming Paris Olympics are gonna be a shitshow like previous ones...

    • @lilaniloxi
      @lilaniloxi 2 місяці тому +6

      You were wondering that? It's basically a fact that it's gonna be a shitshow XD

    • @elisabethrichard
      @elisabethrichard 2 місяці тому +1

      Yeah I hate that. Most people around me don't seem to realize it yet, because everything has been happening so fast. Frankly, with what was already going on in the world, the Olympics already had the potential of being a real challenge. But now? There is for SURE going to be some agitation, all while the entire world is watching us… That makes me even angrier at Macron.

    • @julien3331
      @julien3331 2 місяці тому

      ​@@elisabethrichard at least the world will see who the French truly are

    • @Indaryn
      @Indaryn 2 місяці тому +2

      Considering there's an anti-Olympics movement that is planning to literally take dumps into the Seine river prior to the games I'd say yea, get the popcorn ready for that one

    • @elisabethrichard
      @elisabethrichard 2 місяці тому

      @@julien3331 The French are a bunch of pretty diverse people, who are not at their best right now. Put anything and anyone under a lot of pressure, and it might end up exploding.

  • @bugcake006
    @bugcake006 2 місяці тому +4

    thank you for making this video. you did a great job summarizing this mess we're in

  • @maverdman21
    @maverdman21 Місяць тому +1

    While I consider that the main intentions of Macron could have been a desire to maintain a weakened left, I think that he has very carefully learned his lesson based on spanish politics. And with this I mean, last year when the socialist party had terrible results in the locao and regional elections, Pedro Sánchez called immediately for generak elections, and, as it has been the case in France now, he movilised left sympathizers into "not letting fascism win". Long story short, maybe this was the exact result that Macron wanted only that he has to pass legislation consulting NFP first.

  • @ggvacm4st3r79
    @ggvacm4st3r79 2 місяці тому +1

    Great job France
    It's time to wake up
    Viva la France

  • @Wolf-hh4rv
    @Wolf-hh4rv 2 місяці тому +2

    It got BETTER

  • @takaodu62
    @takaodu62 2 місяці тому +1

    A theory pushed by another French channel that is trying to bring forward critical thinking on political speeches and general politics brought forth something I am inclined to believe which is:
    This might be a ploy to act more as an international president rather than a French president and letting whomever might win take the fallout of both of his mandates. At the expense of the people once again, as you pointed out at the end of the video.

  • @simonyoung9916
    @simonyoung9916 2 місяці тому +1

    1:18 I am just finishing a 2 month holiday in France, and the main anger I see around me is one thing that you never shy away from; massive importation of third world people. This is nearly a Muslim country sharia is coming. In our area Arabic is normal, not french. That's the dumpster fire.

  • @elisabethrichard
    @elisabethrichard 2 місяці тому +13

    Macron reminds me of that famous character from Games of Thrones, Petyr Baelish, a.k.a. Littlefinger, who famously said that "Chaos is a ladder". There's just one difference though. Macron sure creates chaos, and he appears to THINK that he thrives on chaos, but he clearly doesn't. He's in free fall right now, going down even faster than this country. You forgot to mention it when you said all parties on the right were imploding except RN, but Macron's party is on the verge of implosion too. His people seem pretty upset with him.

    • @adrien5834
      @adrien5834 2 місяці тому +4

      Well, I mean, why wouldn't they be? He just essentially fired all of them from their jobs...

  • @eoin8156
    @eoin8156 2 місяці тому +7

    I’ll revert to your “the court said so , so it’s a settled matter “ When the us court makes a decision you don’t like lol

  • @rosshilton
    @rosshilton 2 місяці тому +3

    You missed out the real elephant in the bedroom. The economy of France is a rapidly collapsing house of cards. It survived the last decade by borrowing money, but rising interest rates have made that impossible. Now this political instability has raised rates even higher. France is dying. I can't see a way out without defaulting or massive low interest loans from the EU.

    • @synewparadigm
      @synewparadigm 2 місяці тому +1

      Or moving out of the Euro?

    • @_asphobelle6887
      @_asphobelle6887 2 місяці тому

      All of which can be laid squarely at Macron's feet, even more so as he presented himself as the "financial genius" that would lower the debt and then did the exact opposite. And now it will be easy for him to push that disastrous record on whoever takes government for the next two years...

    • @nepeta3286
      @nepeta3286 2 місяці тому +1

      @@synewparadigm moving out of the euro as in the european union? or moving out of the euro the currency?
      the first one is straight up shooting in your own foot, people don't realize how much of france's economy relies on european union related stuff, that's what killed uk's economy and i don't see france getting better from leaving the european union
      france giving up euro as a currency? i don't see that happening either, just sounds unlikely

    • @synewparadigm
      @synewparadigm 2 місяці тому

      @@nepeta3286 Both!
      Rosshilton is right! France is bankrupt and falling apart.
      They only survive on foreign loans.
      The European union are forcing them to accept hundred of thousands of immigrants every year while the average French can't afford anything and on top of making them feel unsafe.
      There is a disaster where ever you look in France, the French navy could even not fight the Houthis in Yemen as they were running out of munitions after 3 days.
      There is big tear in the country and something dramatic (Argentina?) need to done.

    • @nepeta3286
      @nepeta3286 2 місяці тому +1

      @@synewparadigm the average immigrant can't afford anything either, what's your point? if anything the issue comes with how much the french government did to make work hard to come by and innaccessible, and that's due in part to the education system, and in part to how little restrictions there are for companies hiring, that's why work is hard to come by, immigrants have usually nothing to do with that, because they are not picking those jobs, they're either being exploited because they're desperate for money, or it's actually people not even living in france that are working, and once again, getting exploited, the solution of "blame the immigrants" is about as lazy as it gets for an issue that's actually quite complicated and that could be summed up to "corporations want money, so they hurt the economy of the country they're in because they don't give a fuck about you".

  • @AtropalArbaal-dk8jv
    @AtropalArbaal-dk8jv 2 місяці тому +1

    This has happened, because the French Communists aren't Marxist.

    • @ulysse7563
      @ulysse7563 2 місяці тому

      They are not even socialist or social democrat

    • @AtropalArbaal-dk8jv
      @AtropalArbaal-dk8jv 2 місяці тому +1

      @@ulysse7563 SocDems aren't Marxists either.

  • @atmanbrahman1872
    @atmanbrahman1872 2 місяці тому +2

    ❤❤❤ It is great. I don't see the bad part... Hopefully, LePen will get a full majority❤❤❤

  • @pedrolopa2
    @pedrolopa2 2 місяці тому +14

    what is "far right" ?

    • @crusty5059
      @crusty5059 2 місяці тому +14

      anything to the right of Stalin

    • @Guillhez
      @Guillhez 2 місяці тому +14

      knowing what a woman is

    • @dion760
      @dion760 2 місяці тому

      Either adhering to or being supportive of neo-nazi ideology.

    • @F4T4L3FF3CTx78
      @F4T4L3FF3CTx78 2 місяці тому +2


    • @Indaryn
      @Indaryn 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@F4T4L3FF3CTx78You wouldn't shoot a guy with glasses, would you? ❤

  • @emarley05
    @emarley05 2 місяці тому

    Addendum : the state council is the supreme *administrative* court which only rules on lower government levels such as departments, regions and towns' competencies conflict or administration related. For criminal cases, the supreme magistrature is the Court of Cassation :)

  • @Cocoabrother
    @Cocoabrother 2 місяці тому +1

    Best analysis in English that have seen on the matter recently. Bravo. Keep doing the good job.👍🏾

  • @squa_81
    @squa_81 2 місяці тому +3

    Ça va être du grand bordel....
    Je sens que les prochaines années vont être très, très bizarres

  • @momoleravage
    @momoleravage 2 місяці тому +1

    as a french it's good earring someone talk abt how fucked up it is

  • @sokudohi
    @sokudohi 2 місяці тому +1

    Nice vidéo,I'm french and you summarize all this chaos wery well. For Zemmour part Marion Marechal try to get a deal with her aunt but it's look like Marine Le pen was ok but without Zemmour (Because "they doesn't trust him"), after that we have 2 story : Marion marechal say that they have no deal because of Zemmour so they will just do a deal without him. And Zemmour say, Marion Marechal fail to get a deal, then she betrayed him (with 3 other euro MEP) so he fire them (a keep only 1 Reconquete MEP, his girlfriend). What is fun is that Zemmour really really really want the alliance of the right (from LR to R!) and that fail because le pen hate him

  • @TheMattmusik
    @TheMattmusik 2 місяці тому +1

    Left has been doing left politics in France between 1981 and 1983 before miterrand did the austerity in in that year. Considering Hollande's presidency is left is bad faith (example is minister for Economy was a certain Emanuel Macron). Furthermore in those 2 years the reason for the Economical crisis was the inflation of the Franc due to lack of trust on the markets, as if billionaires did not enjoy a left lead country and tanked their economy, or at least decided that it was gonna tank creating a classic market self-fulfilling prophecy. I don't understand why we keep on questioning the economic program of the left when it is mainly the right that has been governing and therefore are the one responsible of the poor economic situation. I don't understand that we keep on calling right wing program reasonable and economically knowledgeable with such bad results (I mean the tories who voted brexit literally caused a 20% inflation in the UK since 2019 when it entered in effect in addition to massively devaluing the pound the day of the announcement. French government has offered billions to companies (the CICE voted under Hollande which gives 40 billions euros every year to companies) and the richest (suppressing the ISF tax which cost 10billion every year) and compensate on French people (increasing the age of retirement, reducing the unemployment support system, making cuts in hospital staff and equipment), whilst massively increasing the national debt. Stop with this narrative, the right wing sucks at economy, maybe so does the left, but a least they would not tank the economy to benefit their friends (before his election, while campaining, Macron used to have dinner on a Weekly basis with Bernard Arnault worth 200billions according to Forbes)

  • @pflasterstrips7254
    @pflasterstrips7254 2 місяці тому

    Very informative video, but i think you should turn down some of the blurs and the color effects (the red and cyan shadows) on on-screen text, it's a bit hard on the eyes.

  • @kilaposhi
    @kilaposhi 2 місяці тому +2

    Damn you're right about Glucksmann I've never heard about him being an advisor of Saakashvili (redflag), by the way the Parti Socialiste just has nominated the former Socialist president François Hollande in these legislative elections under the Front Populaire. Even bigger redflag honestly.

    • @Indaryn
      @Indaryn 2 місяці тому

      They're in it for the seats, they'll betray later. The Socialists are the most untrustworthy amongst the collective left. But I guess for now they're our ally of circumstance

  • @polyglot8
    @polyglot8 2 місяці тому +5

    Great video. Just two comments/additions: 1) I too was amazed at how fast the Left came together, but the strains are already starting to show, notably on the issue of the Gaza war, not least because Glucksmann is Jewish. 2) Although it's true, as you say, that Zemmour wants a union for this election, it appears that the sticking point is Zemmour himself. He burned too many bridges with his acerbic take downs of rivals like Marie LePen, and the RN wants his voters, but not him in any way, shape or form.

    • @knightshade2654
      @knightshade2654 2 місяці тому +2

      I am an American looking in from across the pond and have some questions about the Popular Front:
      What makes Melanchon so divisive? Is it his moreso policies or personality?
      What criticism did MPs (sorry if that is not the proper term) make to have Melanchon suspend them?
      Is the Communist Party an actual communist party (not necessarily Marxist-Leninist but still communist), or is that just its name?
      From center-left to far-left, how would you place the Popular Front's manifesto?
      Thank you for an already informative comment!

    • @touteche1805
      @touteche1805 2 місяці тому

      ​@@knightshade2654 Mélenchon has been demonized by the media for years and the entire center-left (glucksman...) hates him because "he presents a program of break with the current policy" and for his personality
      He suspended the deputies because they were not following the program (for a little context LFI is a party based on a program called "the common future")
      The Communist Party was Marxist-Leninist but now they are rather Social Democrats with some shock measures

    • @OjoRojo40
      @OjoRojo40 2 місяці тому

      -Personality (he's not even close to someone like francois mitterrand)
      - don't know
      - When was the last time you saw a real communist party, 1920 maybe?

    • @polyglot8
      @polyglot8 2 місяці тому +1

      @@knightshade2654 I'm an American across the pond too so I don't know how much help I can be, but here goes:
      1. Melanchon is a bit like Biden - used to be fiery, but is now a bit doddering, although HE thinks he's still fiery. In Germany, a "Red-Green" coalition meant the Left with the Greens (Environmentalists). But in France, it means the Left with the Muslims, and that's the coalition Melanchon put together. He's a bit like George Galloway in the U.K. Or imagine if Biden, instead of marginalizing The Squad (Omar, Tlaib, etc.), wholeheartedly embraced them - then that would be like Melanchon.
      2. The French Communist Party has traditionally been more hard line than other Western European Communist Parties, like the Italian Communist Party. This is largely because of its then long time leader, Georges Marchais, who basically took his marching orders from Moscow and didn't even criticize Stalinism. Things have evolved since then, a little, I suppose 🤣🤣.

    • @knightshade2654
      @knightshade2654 2 місяці тому +1

      @@polyglot8 @ojorojo40
      I know who George Galloway is, and the comparison surprises me because I always pictured Melanchon as “Sanders if he let his campaign staff get to him”. He definitely seems to have an odd personality, but mot going to Mitterrand levels is somewhat relieving.
      But, I am not that surprised about the Communist Party, for French politics have always seemed to be radical by Western standards.
      Thank you!

  • @yasser7139
    @yasser7139 2 місяці тому

    Thanks man, a great video as usual 👍 👌 👏

  • @BerrylProd
    @BerrylProd 2 місяці тому +3

    It's pretty impressive to see such an on-point report on the situation in. Good job, really :)
    [edited to erase pointless ramblings already covered in the first video. Go watch it.]
    What none of us saw coming was that the left parties would ally so quickly, and the right parties would implode as they tried to lick the RN boots in hope of getting some crumbs. But honestly, the Popular Front won't probably last past the elections - once everyone's seat is safe, they all get back to spit and backstab eachother, like with the NUPES last year. Until then, it's quite an hilarious show that makes us forget what somber future is probably ahead of us.

    • @barelyinfo
      @barelyinfo  2 місяці тому +2

      you should watch my first video, I think I covered every point you just made ;)

    • @BerrylProd
      @BerrylProd 2 місяці тому +1

      @@barelyinfo Dang. I will watch it then, just discovered your channel with this vid.
      Maybe I should erase my comment then, if it's that redundant ^^"

  • @VictoriaTreillet
    @VictoriaTreillet 2 місяці тому

    It's really nice to see our politic life resumed so nicely and in english! gj!

  • @alainterieur7583
    @alainterieur7583 2 місяці тому +10

    Laughable: The question of whether the RN is far right is settled because ... the government says so.

    • @jackalenterprisesofohio
      @jackalenterprisesofohio 2 місяці тому +2

      And the govermnet always knows best.....unless the majority is part of the government labeled far-right, then the governmnet doesn't know best.

    • @Mastersharkmapping
      @Mastersharkmapping 2 місяці тому +1

      No, because a court decided it.
      Criminals being criminals isn't decided by the government, neither

    • @corneliussulla4858
      @corneliussulla4858 2 місяці тому

      @@Mastersharkmapping Yes, and how independent is that court? We have the same story here in Germany. A totally corrupt Judicative, doing and saying what the government tells them to.

    • @Mastersharkmapping
      @Mastersharkmapping 2 місяці тому

      @@corneliussulla4858 eh, faiir pont, though looking at their whole platform, and what Europarty they are siding with, I think its pretty clear that they are far-right

  • @user-xm4hl5zx1l
    @user-xm4hl5zx1l 2 місяці тому

    Regarding the Front Populaire, the internal dynamics were and still are crazy. The leaders of the leftist parties (aside from LFI) and some dissidents from LFI had planned to make an alliance without LFI, lead by Glucksman and the PS, but were betrayed by the ecologists (who were scared of loosing against LFI). This is why Glucksman is now out of the race, the PS used him as a fuse to excuse their betrayal. There is a very good article on the journal the Express, singing Glucksman's praise, detailing this series of events.

  • @ablekanh8938
    @ablekanh8938 2 місяці тому +79

    Si proche du fascisme 💀...

    • @christinemerlin5035
      @christinemerlin5035 2 місяці тому +7

      let's fight

    • @Haydit_yt
      @Haydit_yt 2 місяці тому +31

      i'll still vote RN anyway lol

    • @itriedtochangemynamebutitd5019
      @itriedtochangemynamebutitd5019 2 місяці тому +12

      Europe complains about makes fun of Americans for Trump and then this happens.

    • @moomeuh1342
      @moomeuh1342 2 місяці тому +5

      @@Haydit_yt De tout façon il n'y aura pas de majorité absolue (quelque soit le gagnant), ca sera le bordel dans tout les cas avec l'assemblée divisée en 3 bords complètement incompatibles, c'est ça plan de Macron, c'est triste à dire mais il a déjà gagné.

    • @user-gq8rw6hf9v
      @user-gq8rw6hf9v 2 місяці тому +8

      C'est pas le fascisme le RN, c'est l'ump de Sarkozy niveau idée

  • @tristandug6893
    @tristandug6893 2 місяці тому +2

    Excellent video, you nailed it in 13mins.

  • @mhkpt
    @mhkpt 2 місяці тому

    I’m glad you showed up on my feed again! Had been looking for you bc you did a breakdown of French politics a year or two ago but I couldn’t remember the name! I subscribed now :)

  • @frafemia
    @frafemia 2 місяці тому +1

    Amazing video! Didn't know french people need to register in order to vote! By the way I agree with everything you said except the abaya ban, I think it's a measure that grants secularization and it's also supported by the left in France (except lfi).

    • @barelyinfo
      @barelyinfo  2 місяці тому +1

      Now people are automatically registered when they turn 18 in most cases, but they need to re register if they've moved, for example, or people can be unregistered in come cases. There's also plenty of people who turned 18 before registration became automatic and who never bothered voting but would like to in this case.

    • @frafemia
      @frafemia 2 місяці тому

      @@barelyinfo Thanks for the info! Let's hope for a high turn out and for the deafeat of the far right!

  • @joris.elfrances
    @joris.elfrances 2 місяці тому

    Brilliant summary of a complex situation. Impressive video and editing as well.

  • @giovannituber2827
    @giovannituber2827 2 місяці тому +1

    It is far-right to you if you are at far-left. Since then Le Pen soften the party on many issues, it is hard-right now.

    • @Mastersharkmapping
      @Mastersharkmapping 2 місяці тому

      Did you miss the part where the State Council ruled on it?

    • @gontrandjojo9747
      @gontrandjojo9747 2 місяці тому

      The State Council is made of former politicians who are, well, politically oriented people (of course all are from establishment parties...). Excuse me to not trust people like Laurent Fabius to tell me who is far-right or right and far-left or left.
      It suited them to call the RN "far-right" and LFI "left" since LFI were not in position to win elections and the RN were the official opposition that needed to be demonized to have the establishment candidate elected (and LFI the usefull idiots who would ask their electors to vote Macron in the 2nd round).
      Now let's see what will happen if they have to rule on it again, now that the political situation has changed do you think LFI would not be labelled far-left now that the establishment is more affraid of them than the RN?
      Did you not watch the video?

  • @fpetrucci7873
    @fpetrucci7873 2 місяці тому +1

    I’m French, you’re spot on

  • @twinkyvugel502
    @twinkyvugel502 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for this!

  • @lucgonzo
    @lucgonzo 2 місяці тому +3

    About Ciotti, he locked himself up in the LR HQ, we saw Valerie Pecresse coming, rolling up her sleeves to kick out Ciotti physically XD

  • @littleboy9805
    @littleboy9805 2 місяці тому

    Good video, was really looking for a good picture of the situation in France as I find it to be worrying, next to the broader EU aspect.
    Subscribed, thank you!

  • @adamamara7445
    @adamamara7445 2 місяці тому +4

    I'm French and I understood more about my country's mayhem with this video, than watching French TV, which is saying one thing on one channel and the complete opposite on another. With far right and Le Front Populaire, it seems there's no credible compromise, for our country, and I'm not ready to vote for a far left as much as I am to vote for far right. We don't even understand our country's politic anymore, everything with those 2 major parties is so extreme and as they are taking such a major part in our political spectrum, it don't seem reasonable to vote for a party that will get 2 to 5 % against almost 60% with those 2 giants. Anyway our country is going f'in nuts with everything that's going on ; Olympic Games, politic.... Thanks for your video !

  • @christonngoveni8438
    @christonngoveni8438 Місяць тому

    When are we getting a video on the aftermath of the election and what it means for France future politics.

  • @emarley05
    @emarley05 2 місяці тому

    Another addendum, marion maréchal also switched sides and supported RN candidates, which was considered treason by zemmour !

  • @willng1256
    @willng1256 2 місяці тому +1

    To a left wing extremist, everything is far right.

    • @TheBlinky81
      @TheBlinky81 2 місяці тому

      And to a far right extremist, nothing is far right. It’s funny how you idiots deny, deny, deny and at the same time affirm your beliefs by the simple things you do.

  • @kiranpandiyan159
    @kiranpandiyan159 2 місяці тому

    Thanks, this really helps me in understanding the context. I asked few french people and they are either not interested or didn't want to explain me.

    • @user-xg6zz8qs3q
      @user-xg6zz8qs3q 2 місяці тому

      Ha! Depends who you ask. I am feeling pretty gloomy. I don't like Macron. I don't see the far-right being any different. Their economic program is just to slash taxes for employers, and slash energy taxes. The far right doesn't have a plan to increase the nation's tax revenue. So the national debt will soar again. I expect major budget cuts for public services as a result. I swear it's like these right wing politicians just want to bury the country in debt and increase inequality. I am all for the Front Populaire because they want to raise salaries and increase taxes on the ultra wealthy. The last thing I want is France to look like the UK with decades of austerity. Unfortunately, the far right is extremely favored. I just expect the Front Populaire to lose by 10%.

  • @ctrlzed5132
    @ctrlzed5132 2 місяці тому

    Disclaimer ; sorry in advance for the spelling mistakes, I'm French
    Some clarifications, France is near a budget at least since 2008, where each budget has to be passed with the famous 49.3 article (aka without being approved in parlement). Why? Because all gouverments HAVE TO reduce the budget deficit to avoid a debt crisis like in Greece or more likely like Italie. Howether, they can not raise taxes on the general population because it is unpopular (their bigger consern) and bad for lower income household; and they can not raise taxes on the rich because they leave the crountry resulting in an overall loss of tax revenu, like what was the case before Macron repelled the ISF tax. It is unfair but it is still the logical and reasonable choice, over ... imprisoning anyone with a net value over 1 million euros, I guess? (altough that would be popular I think). Anyway that explains all the public services cuts that all successive gouverments(left, center and right) have been doing.
    And for the specific issue for not enough doctors, in France it used to be that only a set number of doctors could be trained each year. Howether, with the growing and aging population the demand for doctors grew. The issue was swept under the rug for decades by successive gouverments(left and right) until Macron repelled it in 2019. But doctors taking this long to properly train, means that the lack of doctors issue kept growing with the only solution having a 7 to 10 year delay. So objectivly not Macron's fault on that one but he will still be blamed for it, the culprits being out of power for too long now.
    On an other note, of going after migration and of getting them in power so they crash down, is probably the only cards he has left. Diabolising them, pointing out their racist/nazi/facist roots, pointing out their dumb manifestos, pointing out their clear lack of understaing of facts and of any and all subject from economics to even migration, pointing out their close ties to Vladimir Putin and other autocrates; the studies show that none of that works. The studies show that it doesn't diminishes the parties popularity. It may cost the election for the RN candidate who is faced with a scandal but the party as a all does not suffer. Just look at what is happening right now, for the past 3 weeks the media and other parties has been 24/7 pointing all of those problems, and the RN still did better in the first round than they did in the European elections.
    My take is that people in France want immediate, radical and impossible changes to the country's economy (mainly) and scocial environment including the identity crisis that all western countries are facing (the immigration issue being for me a consequence of that bigger issue) and they want it all at once which is why it makes them impossible.
    Lastly, it is clear that Macron attacks the left because it is the only logical target for him and his party. In France at least, the center can not get/stay in power while either the traditionnal "gaullist" right or the traditionnal left are doing good. That is how both Giscard and Macron got in power, especially Macron, and why François Bairou (the former leader of the center in France) despite being the most popular French politician for years, never managed to get to the second round in the presidential elections. The right is still in shambles right now, so Macron attacks the left. It is as simple as that. And lets say it, LFI in power would be, at least economicly, desastrous for the country IF they apply the mesures in their manifesto that is.

  • @franekkkkk
    @franekkkkk 2 місяці тому

    This is the best channel on youtube

  • @Eckmuhl29
    @Eckmuhl29 2 місяці тому

    I'm french and i'm actually scared right now

  • @flyingpharoah4867
    @flyingpharoah4867 2 місяці тому +4

    There are a lot of inaccuracies.
    Those who didn’t register for the EU elections could register for the legislative elections. They just had one week to do so.
    Also, the French president has a strongerer and more powerful office than the US president, who can, for example, dissolve Congress.
    As for the RN being a far-right party because the Conseil d’État said so, keep in mind it’s headed by an ex-PS PM and composed of openly left wing members, so allow me to doubt your conclusions.

    • @GG-vl7lh
      @GG-vl7lh 2 місяці тому

      I’m pretty sure he said that they had a very short time to register, not that they had no time so he was not inaccurate. Also the RN is a far right party. They have been so historically and changing a name doesn’t change their politics. They are populist far right by nature

    • @F4T4L3FF3CTx78
      @F4T4L3FF3CTx78 2 місяці тому

      Ah yes RN, famously the party with left wing membership, voting against increasing the SMIC and in favour of increasing the retirement age.

    • @gontrandjojo9747
      @gontrandjojo9747 2 місяці тому +1

      Wtf are you talking about, he speaks about the Conseil d'état...

    • @F4T4L3FF3CTx78
      @F4T4L3FF3CTx78 2 місяці тому

      @@gontrandjojo9747 The person I replied to refutes the notion of RN being a far right party by pointing out it's only what the Conseil d'Etat said. I provided further evidence that RN is indeed a far right entity. Happy?

    • @gontrandjojo9747
      @gontrandjojo9747 2 місяці тому +1

      No because what you said is not only untrue, but even if it was true it wouldn't make the RN a far-right party.

  • @user-pc5oz5je2j
    @user-pc5oz5je2j Місяць тому +1

    I always assume even if the opposition part won a majority it still means the that the French president is the top dog like Obama didn’t have house speaker or a majority leader in his last two years but he was not just a figure head

  • @TabouretQuiFume
    @TabouretQuiFume 2 місяці тому +4

    Macron explosion

  • @VaucluseVanguard
    @VaucluseVanguard 2 місяці тому

    Actually, Macron does not have to appoint someone from the largest party. In fact he does not even need to appoint a member of the parliament.

    @CHALETARCADE 2 місяці тому +8

    How is LFI not extreme left? Since LFI runs the show in this new "Front Populaire", then it too should be considered extreme, which it is.

    • @MikeyAce45
      @MikeyAce45 2 місяці тому +1

      Because the State Council have stated they aren't. Now fck off.

    • @JeanJeanquoiquoi
      @JeanJeanquoiquoi 2 місяці тому +14

      Because France has a history with extreme-left. Extreme-left parties are for the revolution of the working class and the requisition of the means of production. In France there is the NPA (Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste) and LO (Lutte Ouvrière) which are both extreme-left parties. But LFI isn't a revolutionnary party, it's a republican one which follow constitutionnal rules. So like the State Council stated, LFI isn't a extreme left party. Words have meanings and a history.

    • @realdelta4765
      @realdelta4765 2 місяці тому

      As a French, LFI, part of the Popular Front, is clearly considered far-left for the French. The argument that the State Council doesn't define them as extreme-left isn't very relevant, since this same State Council clearly has an ideological bias.
      It's on the same level as the UN, which claims to defend women while inviting Iranian leaders to its meetings.

    • @JeanJeanquoiquoi
      @JeanJeanquoiquoi 2 місяці тому

      @@realdelta4765 et bhe le matraquage médiatique marche bien...
      La France a une histoire avec l'extrême gauche. L'extrême gauche c'est la révolution du prolétariat, c'est la réquisition de l'outil de production, c'est le combat contre les institutions de la république. En France on a LO et le NPA qui sont des parties d'extrême gauche et qui le revendiquent.
      LFI c'est des sociaux démocrates, qui respectent le jeu des institutions. Les qualifiés d'extrême gauche ça c'est idéologique et ça ne fait que montrer l'ignorance historique de la personne qui utilise se qualificatif.
      Bref en France les mots ont une définition et une histoire. Il ne suffit pas d'être matrixé par la télévision pour changer le sens des mots...

    • @MikeyAce45
      @MikeyAce45 2 місяці тому

      @@realdelta4765 Fortunately, your opinion about relevancy is completely irrelevant compared to French Council’s.

  • @deus_nsf
    @deus_nsf 2 місяці тому +7

    French person here, extremely good analysis across the board. Even though I wouldn't exactly qualify RN as "far-right", it's a bit more complicated than that, there was a big restructuration a couple of years ago with a lot of changes, and a less radical line for the party since, that even changed it's name for the occasion.

    • @Ulriquinho
      @Ulriquinho 2 місяці тому +5

      That’s called rebranding. Same product, new brand.

    • @Laezar1
      @Laezar1 2 місяці тому

      It's just marketing, they still have ties with neo nazi groups and their project is a fascist project.

    • @Lemmy4555
      @Lemmy4555 2 місяці тому

      you can't change the name and pretend the same people that were there before are not there even now.

    • @peacefulmountain2
      @peacefulmountain2 2 місяці тому +5

      ​@@Lemmy4555 but that's the thing they're not there anymore, she ousted her own father who was the founder of the original party bc his views were too extreme

    • @jackalenterprisesofohio
      @jackalenterprisesofohio 2 місяці тому

      @@Lemmy4555 you mean like the old 1960's incredibly racist American Democrat Party? And how it is not that now, apparently?

  • @superchimp
    @superchimp 2 місяці тому

    I'd be interested to know what manifestos the parties are pushing for the elections.