@@SergioGarcia-dq6dl its techno- technology, he would not be Richie if he would play on cdjs or turntables, cmon man, he made he's own mixer with he's dad.. :)
@@EUDoberman Let's not forget about his Mom. She made the sammiches and cakes and tea and probably never complained whilst "the boys" played with their toys.
The very best techno set I've ever heard in my life since the late 80's! I'm blown away, and that is not an easy thing to happen!! -Richie Hawtin has been THE techno God since 1993!!!
His live performances are out of this world. Highest QUALITY and always consistent, there is no debate.. The awareness, intelligence and passion behind his live sound mixing is felt, always at the cutting edge and unmistakably the best on Earth. I'm convinced Richie Hawtin is an alien. That's how seriously good he is.
Richie's finally gone back to playing interesting and fun techno, not boring 2000s era minimal tech. I like minimal tech, don't get me wrong, but at the club this is the kinda shit I want to hear. Great set!
djs follow trends. even those "underground". if people play slow, they play slow, if people play fast, they play fast. only very few dont seems to care about others are doing
What makes this so special is he made a concious decision to bring back that underground club sound and have more fun with music about 3 years back. This is the result of that, not many artists can / will take it back to their roots and bring the energy of old back into the studio or into clubs. What a set this is.
Just pulled into a taco stand in Austin, Texas blasting this video. The woman living in the house by the stand came up and asked me to turn it down. Long Live Techno. I just can’t listen to it quiet.
Yes! That intro! We was at the back, I was clock watching & called it to my mate “it’s Hawtin”, 5 seconds later the crowed erupted! What a night, every DJ nailed it, I danced until my legs seized up! X
@Christine Cordey hello! It was set up so there was no real focus on the DJ booth & filming was banned, stickers on camera phones on entry. Sweat was dripping off the ceilings, good sound system. Visually it was quite dark, hazy red vibe (couldn’t see much 😜). The crowed was fully committed. All the DJ’s nailed it, i couldn’t hold back! 💥
One of the craziest night i ever have with Richie!! The room was a true oven. He played with the sweat in his eyes and he did his job to the end. Thank youu!!
It was insane! Dark and absolutely pulsating sound system with strobes just the way techno should be heard live and at a club like Fold should always be. I traveled from Edinburgh on my own to go to this. My first time at fold and I’m 47 started in 91 at 14 and first saw Richie at a club called pure in Edinburgh in winter 92 and man he took me from being a mainstream raver to the underground techno scene in 90 minutes of this new music I’d never heard before. I eventually years later was in a live pa during the mad storm years of 93/96 & had the pleasure to play alongside and meet Richie at the Rezerection event 2 with 15,500 people and he absolutely blew the marquee roof apart. When I saw him at Fold it was like I had been transported into another realm. Love love it. 🕊️✌️🕊️
Just a genuine legitimate genius of Underground Techno. Still to be doing this since the early 90s. I’ve watched Richie go through many different times and genres but he’s a true techno legend who can mix and do anything with techno the way it should be done! He constructs a set like this and takes you through a journey of sonic adventure. World class DJ when he plays this style he’s right Up there with the very best in the game. Richie is something very very special and we appreciate him. 🕊️✌️🕊️
From a DJ's perspective he is maybe one of the best out there. He plays like 3 to 4 tracks simeltaniously and cuts out all but a certian part (hats from one, synth from another, base from one, etc) AND THEN proceeds to add his own loops and samples
@Christine Cordey Yes. The modern club standard, the Pioneer CDJ2000, has a 7-inch platter and a technics-size tempo fader. The very newest and most expensive models of CDJ are capable of "bpm sync" which automatically adjusts tempo and placement, but it's very finnicky and doesn't often work well. Every DJ still needs to know how to beatmatch the old fashioned way. Richie Hawtin doesn't really DJ per se, he is more of a live production act. He exports each element of his tracks (drums, leads, bass, etc) to a special DJ software called Traktor, which is better at syncing BPMs. Because he created the tracks himself, he can accurately calibrate them to be synced well. He then live-remixes them with drum machines, synths, samplers, and a crap ton of other devices.
Man I remember Richie live in Montreal in 1999, one of the best times I ever had partying... I love that feeling of a wall of sound, good old pounding techno
Richie Hawtin is the best. Adam Beyer and Reiner Zonneveld could team up and still wouldn't come close in this genre. Check out Dubfire vs Richie Hawtin at Enter Ibiza week 10
M8 listen to Richie Hawtin set from the Block in Israel from 2017 or 2018 it’s 4 hours of genuine genius set building and it’s a real classic 4 hour set you can happily listen to for the whole time. It’s a real return to form. Just type Richie Hawtin The block and it’ll come up. ENJOY the MUSIC
@@Gavaldo playing in apartheid "Israel" despite the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign is arguably more disgraceful than artists performing at Sun City in apartheid South Africa during the cultural boycott of the 1980s.
WOW!, I'm from Los Angeles... AN Electronic Music -Old One- near 50... I have been away for Decades and this Sounds like the Ritchie I knew from the Late 8-'s 90's... But of course,.. Vastly newer in every way! Excellent!
hands down the master, what a cool guy. i started following him back in the mid 90s. ive met him a couple times and seen him play live 4 or 5 times. one ofhis baddest sets i think is Block Festival, Tel Aviv Isreal back n 2017. its just mindblowing with fresh hot tracks.
From a DJ's perspective he is maybe one of the best out there. He plays like 3 to 4 tracks simeltaniously and cuts out all but a certian part (hats from one, synth from another, base from one, etc) AND THEN proceeds to add his own loops and samples
@@gelatinous6915 yessir and he's been doing since teckno starting taking hold in early 90s definitely a teckno pioneer he was one of the first djs to integrate a laptop to create loops so once beats matched it could continuously play while adding more tracks/layering. He also invented/created the final scratch which by now might be obsolete. Either way he's always on the cutting edge of technology and pushing the envelope to create more sounds between the sounds etc. He started his own label in his twenties +8 records.
I saw him do his decks, effects and 909 thing a couple of times. Very disappointing to learn he played in Tel Aviv - that's worse than playing Sun City in the 1980s. That's him off my Christmas card list.
Some of the most memorable moments in my life involve you, Richie. From listening to Plastikman in the 90s, to DE9 in 2001, to Timewarp Mannheim 2005, the entire m_nus hype and downfall, 5 days off Paradiso Amsterdam 2009 to the minus night in the Powerzone Amsterdam in 2009. Around 2005/2006 i've sent some mails to you (x@m-nus) containing some ideas about digital djing, loading samples into decks, playing multiple decks etc. We shortly exchanged some emails, and even 3 years later your team put me on guestlists, based on those mails. We have gone seperate ways, but seeing your uploads on YT always makes me melancholic to the nights we had together, even tho we never met - you will always be in my heart. You have created memories. All the best wishes for 2020 - may the next year be even better!
Saw you play in the late 90s early 2000s in Brisbane at an outdoor party for a few of us. Best act I saw on that floor in the entire years it ran. Still banging out the quality tunes..
This is an absolute masterclass in DJing and proper techno music. For me, Ritchie is by far, the best DJ. From the early days of Plus8 records to this, he certainly moves with the times - thanks for another great set 😊 🎧
Feckin' RICHIE brings it so hard ...starts out on the journey like the pied piper, layin down the basics, establishing electronic dominance...then things get ticking along, and you start noticing yourself really wanting that wicked bass drop again and again...like bad...but he takes your hand and says "no friend, it's not time yet, follow me this way a little"... vibe architect....pulling you in gently, feeding you energy, bit by bit ... -Until, before you know it, Thad liquid-ey bass is hittin you so deep and dark and hard that all of a sudden you're like, f--k me mate, how the f--k did I get here and how on earth am I feeling these beats in such an all consuming way...dam I want to dance Keep bringin these hard ass beats Richie.... "Dreamfest" 1998 Southern Illinois camping rave in the literal middle of nowhere. Was fortunate to be able to see Richie Hawtin (Plastikman) do his thing. Felt like time stopped. Deep into the next mellinium, goin harder than ever!!! ✌️
@@technoterrorisT yeah, would like to hear a recent Surgeon set that sounds like this. For Dave Clarke just search here on youtube. He's always been a good tempo
It’s impossible to lay down in my sunbed at 01.00 1st of January 2021 when I’m listening to Richie Hawtin the master in control. Long live Richie Hawtin. The king
Grande Richie,el 2019 nos deparo a los amantes del Techno tu vuelta,sinceramente llevaba muchisimos años sin seguirte la pista debido a los cambios musicales que tomaste,respetable no cabe duda,pero aquellos que nos hemos criado con joyas como el Decks,Efx,909 y todas las joyas que produciste en los años 90 dejaste el nombre del Techno en lo mas alto,un visionario...que el 2020 sea mas TECHNO
Thank you Richie...Thanks for playing some great music without all the dancing and hopping around,because i never understood what that has to do with DJing.Then again,he plays and performs with other gear/instruments live,like i do,so it's not just the usual form of mixing.
Me cambio la forma de pensar sobre su valor como Dj el dia que lo vi con CLOSE. Es un puto diamante en bruto!!!! Su técnica es inigualable y su creatividad infinita!!!!
What a mindblowing set!!!! nice one. rarely heard such an insanely awesome set. It's enough to drive you out of your mind. many special thanks for that!!!! ...especially it is not just "minimal"... just straight Techno!!!!
un cumulo de generos y estilos dentro de todos sus sets........ dentro de la musica electronica y dando siempre un rollo especial a cada momento, eso es muy especial........ ademas de crear un genero de la electronica con PLASTIKMAN, el MINIMAL.......... un gran tio , siempre humilde y buen karma........ un 9,50 .
He is an endboss in a game you cannot win. But you just enjoy the ride. He fights with allot of whitts and love and you just love to loose because with loosing you really win. Master!
Admiración total a este maestro, me considero amante del Techno y muchos sabemos que el mantiene su esencia, por mucho, el mejor Dj y compositor de este género
de los mejores..... pero por supuestisimo que su aportacion maxima a sido el crear un estilo musical dentro de la electronica....... con PLASTIKMAN descubrio al mundo el MINIMAL ........ graandeeeeeeeeeee
I like that Richie is going back to real techno, this is much better than few years back he was same rubbish like Adam Beyer or Carl Cox (they were so good 15-20 years back then), but Richie is back! Thanks King!!
Realmente la disposición y el sentido de la aventura del que está con la fiesta en sus manos y que ama esto hace que la interacción de todos y uno sea la principal premisa para cuadrar la noche, la música, la fiesta y la conexión és innegable...La generosidad por ambas partes enciende la luz que velará para el desarrollo natural de momentos que se comparten desde el respeto, atención y mucha buena onda....El Amor debe propagarse en cantidades industriales porque trae la comunión del fiestón de los grandes y bellos recuerdos que quedarán grabadps a fuego por los siglos de.....🙏💥💥💥💥💥❤💥💥💥🚀💥❤❤❤💥💥💥❤❤❤💥💥❤❤💥💥💥❤❤❤💥💥💥👏👏👏😱
Thanx For coming back to real underground techno Richie!!!
with software...nice techno but where is the turntables???or cdj?
@@SergioGarcia-dq6dl its techno- technology, he would not be Richie if he would play on cdjs or turntables, cmon man, he made he's own mixer with he's dad.. :)
@@EUDoberman Let's not forget about his Mom. She made the sammiches and cakes and tea and probably never complained whilst "the boys" played with their toys.
@@EUDoberman nah
@@SergioGarcia-dq6dl lol he is using his own technology that HE created, he don't need those
The very best techno set I've ever heard in my life since the late 80's! I'm blown away, and that is not an easy thing to happen!! -Richie Hawtin has been THE techno God since 1993!!!
His live performances are out of this world. Highest QUALITY and always consistent, there is no debate..
The awareness, intelligence and passion behind his live sound mixing is felt, always at the cutting edge and unmistakably the best on Earth.
I'm convinced Richie Hawtin is an alien. That's how seriously good he is.
Right!! i think too is an alien!
Definitely an alien. 100%
Richie's finally gone back to playing interesting and fun techno, not boring 2000s era minimal tech. I like minimal tech, don't get me wrong, but at the club this is the kinda shit I want to hear. Great set!
ask yourself why.... because it's popular again, more popular than minimal is all
djs follow trends. even those "underground". if people play slow, they play slow, if people play fast, they play fast. only very few dont seems to care about others are doing
@@inf0tr8r true
What makes this so special is he made a concious decision to bring back that underground club sound and have more fun with music about 3 years back. This is the result of that, not many artists can / will take it back to their roots and bring the energy of old back into the studio or into clubs. What a set this is.
yea i know what you mean! those techhouse ibiza yacht party sounding hawtin sets
I'll never forget meeting Richie in an elevator in Detroit. Long live the king!
I feel like everyone meets Richie in an elevator in Detroit.
@@charlitoskenneditos5745 I'm with him in an elevator in Detroit right now
Krafterk and George Clinton were stuck in an elevator in Detroit
Met him at an ihop in California.
back to basics = straight away to the point to perfection and it's pure magic even my balls were shaking as part of his live !!! Respect
Just pulled into a taco stand in Austin, Texas blasting this video. The woman living in the house by the stand came up and asked me to turn it down. Long Live Techno. I just can’t listen to it quiet.
Did you tell her that it's against your religion to turn to it down? 😉
And I opened up the taco stand
Just to smell the smell
Cookin' with the devil
Fryin' down in hell
Yes! That intro! We was at the back, I was clock watching & called it to my mate “it’s Hawtin”, 5 seconds later the crowed erupted! What a night, every DJ nailed it, I danced until my legs seized up! X
@Christine Cordey hello! It was set up so there was no real focus on the DJ booth & filming was banned, stickers on camera phones on entry. Sweat was dripping off the ceilings, good sound system. Visually it was quite dark, hazy red vibe (couldn’t see much 😜). The crowed was fully committed. All the DJ’s nailed it, i couldn’t hold back! 💥
One of the craziest night i ever have with Richie!! The room was a true oven. He played with the sweat in his eyes and he did his job to the end. Thank youu!!
Your are really goddamn lucky girl. ❤️🤩Love from india keep banging 🕉️🕉️🕉️💥💥🔥🔥🔥.
It was insane! Dark and absolutely pulsating sound system with strobes just the way techno should be heard live and at a club like Fold should always be. I traveled from Edinburgh on my own to go to this. My first time at fold and I’m 47 started in 91 at 14 and first saw Richie at a club called pure in Edinburgh in winter 92 and man he took me from being a mainstream raver to the underground techno scene in 90 minutes of this new music I’d never heard before. I eventually years later was in a live pa during the mad storm years of 93/96 & had the pleasure to play alongside and meet Richie at the Rezerection event 2 with 15,500 people and he absolutely blew the marquee roof apart. When I saw him at Fold it was like I had been transported into another realm. Love love it. 🕊️✌️🕊️
Just a genuine legitimate genius of Underground Techno. Still to be doing this since the early 90s. I’ve watched Richie go through many different times and genres but he’s a true techno legend who can mix and do anything with techno the way it should be done! He constructs a set like this and takes you through a journey of sonic adventure. World class DJ when he plays this style he’s right Up there with the very best in the game. Richie is something very very special and we appreciate him. 🕊️✌️🕊️
It is totally incredible, the atmosphere that creates sounds and effects, is like taking a trip to space.
From a DJ's perspective he is maybe one of the best out there. He plays like 3 to 4 tracks simeltaniously and cuts out all but a certian part (hats from one, synth from another, base from one, etc) AND THEN proceeds to add his own loops and samples
@@gelatinous6915 at the same time he's able to select the right tracks at the right time
@@chenglu3314 He creates the right vibe himself. He will take tracks like ingredients turn them into a single beat that perfectly fits the vibe.
@Christine Cordey Yes. The modern club standard, the Pioneer CDJ2000, has a 7-inch platter and a technics-size tempo fader. The very newest and most expensive models of CDJ are capable of "bpm sync" which automatically adjusts tempo and placement, but it's very finnicky and doesn't often work well. Every DJ still needs to know how to beatmatch the old fashioned way.
Richie Hawtin doesn't really DJ per se, he is more of a live production act. He exports each element of his tracks (drums, leads, bass, etc) to a special DJ software called Traktor, which is better at syncing BPMs. Because he created the tracks himself, he can accurately calibrate them to be synced well. He then live-remixes them with drum machines, synths, samplers, and a crap ton of other devices.
@Christine Cordey He is actually using not one, but two mixers there. They aren't regular DJ mixers, theyre studio-style ones.
Man I remember Richie live in Montreal in 1999, one of the best times I ever had partying... I love that feeling of a wall of sound, good old pounding techno
One of the best nights I've had raving in London.. what a set
The Absolute Madness ........ A man from another planet, he is not from earth
1 of the best techno sets I’ve heard in years always loved watching this legend every time he came to Belfast
Este es el Richie que mola
I would say this is his best set anywhere online I can find. It’s got that older nostalgic real techno feeling we all know and love.
Check out Adam Beyer Awakenings 2019
And Reiner Zonneveld, Boris Brejcha
Richie Hawtin is the best. Adam Beyer and Reiner Zonneveld could team up and still wouldn't come close in this genre.
Check out Dubfire vs Richie Hawtin at Enter Ibiza week 10
M8 listen to Richie Hawtin set from the Block in Israel from 2017 or 2018 it’s 4 hours of genuine genius set building and it’s a real classic 4 hour set you can happily listen to for the whole time. It’s a real return to form. Just type Richie Hawtin The block and it’ll come up. ENJOY the MUSIC
@@Gavaldo playing in apartheid "Israel" despite the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign is arguably more disgraceful than artists performing at Sun City in apartheid South Africa during the cultural boycott of the 1980s.
I'm from Los Angeles... AN Electronic Music -Old One- near 50... I have been away for Decades and this Sounds like the Ritchie I knew from the Late 8-'s 90's... But of course,.. Vastly newer in every way!
Finally Richie finds back to his roots. Overriding set. And after an hour he really keeps going straight up. Keep going like that.😍
Without doubt one of the most influential musicians of our time!
hands down the master, what a cool guy. i started following him back in the mid 90s. ive met him a couple times and seen him play live 4 or 5 times. one ofhis baddest sets i think is Block Festival, Tel Aviv Isreal back n 2017. its just mindblowing with fresh hot tracks.
From a DJ's perspective he is maybe one of the best out there. He plays like 3 to 4 tracks simeltaniously and cuts out all but a certian part (hats from one, synth from another, base from one, etc) AND THEN proceeds to add his own loops and samples
@@gelatinous6915 yessir and he's been doing since teckno starting taking hold in early 90s definitely a teckno pioneer he was one of the first djs to integrate a laptop to create loops so once beats matched it could continuously play while adding more tracks/layering. He also invented/created the final scratch which by now might be obsolete. Either way he's always on the cutting edge of technology and pushing the envelope to create more sounds between the sounds etc. He started his own label in his twenties +8 records.
I saw him do his decks, effects and 909 thing a couple of times. Very disappointing to learn he played in Tel Aviv - that's worse than playing Sun City in the 1980s. That's him off my Christmas card list.
WOW! This is ultra powerful Techno and an absolute GEM and perfect! Richie, you are a GENIUS! ❤️
Some of the most memorable moments in my life involve you, Richie. From listening to Plastikman in the 90s, to DE9 in 2001, to Timewarp Mannheim 2005, the entire m_nus hype and downfall, 5 days off Paradiso Amsterdam 2009 to the minus night in the Powerzone Amsterdam in 2009. Around 2005/2006 i've sent some mails to you (x@m-nus) containing some ideas about digital djing, loading samples into decks, playing multiple decks etc. We shortly exchanged some emails, and even 3 years later your team put me on guestlists, based on those mails. We have gone seperate ways, but seeing your uploads on YT always makes me melancholic to the nights we had together, even tho we never met - you will always be in my heart. You have created memories. All the best wishes for 2020 - may the next year be even better!
I remember the decks ef & 909 Tour and time warp 05 too... pollerwiesen with ricardo... all crazines with ricardo 🤣🤣🤯👊🏽👍🏼🖖🏽
skankhunt42 ur lucky u can remember them 👍🏻
Here here 🍻
What kind of ideas where those?
take care with the Danish company
definition of proper techno !
That's what I was thinking about
10 years exiled from the techno scene, booked to see Richie in Oct. So stoked to see him again.
I think my Sonos surround system just had a heart attack!! 🤟🤯👍
Saved into ‘Sick Mixes’ playlist.
Saw you play in the late 90s early 2000s in Brisbane at an outdoor party for a few of us. Best act I saw on that floor in the entire years it ran. Still banging out the quality tunes..
This is PLASTIC MAN,!!! Amazing forever. De mis favoritos, junto a mi reina del techno, Misstres Barbara
You set it right !!! Seen them on separate loc. Love them both.
This is an absolute masterclass in DJing and proper techno music. For me, Ritchie is by far, the best DJ. From the early days of Plus8 records to this, he certainly moves with the times - thanks for another great set 😊 🎧
plus8. proper.
Feckin' RICHIE brings it so hard ...starts out on the journey like the pied piper, layin down the basics, establishing electronic dominance...then things get ticking along, and you start noticing yourself really wanting that wicked bass drop again and again...like bad...but he takes your hand and says "no friend, it's not time yet, follow me this way a little"... vibe architect....pulling you in gently, feeding you energy, bit by bit ...
-Until, before you know it, Thad liquid-ey bass is hittin you so deep and dark and hard that all of a sudden you're like, f--k me mate, how the f--k did I get here and how on earth am I feeling these beats in such an all consuming way...dam I want to dance
Keep bringin these hard ass beats Richie....
"Dreamfest" 1998 Southern Illinois camping rave in the literal middle of nowhere. Was fortunate to be able to see Richie Hawtin (Plastikman) do his thing. Felt like time stopped. Deep into the next mellinium, goin harder than ever!!!
finally some banging techno instead of this minimal slow BS - i think the BPM is starting to increase in the scene generally once again.
I really hope that too. Getting a bit tired of the minimal stuff what people call techno. Even Carl Cox plays it.
Yes finally! That minimalist bullshit drove me away from the scene for several years.
Surgeon, SNTS, Tanith, Dave Clarke.. they still play it
@@YesSirPhil Can you post an example?
@@technoterrorisT yeah, would like to hear a recent Surgeon set that sounds like this. For Dave Clarke just search here on youtube. He's always been a good tempo
Waxmaster back to his roots. I feel like I'm back at one of the Jack parties!! Classic Detroit feelz. Never stop Rich!
Jackmaster...Sorry. Keep bangin the box Richie.
Thought I'd lost you. Hawtin. Proper Techno.
He’s making Jeff Mills look like an old fart right here I mean daaaamn
Attaboy. Some serious, dark and proper Techno. What a set! Bomb.
It’s impossible to lay down in my sunbed at 01.00 1st of January 2021 when I’m listening to Richie Hawtin the master in control. Long live Richie Hawtin. The king
Pm or Am? And where?
Welcome home Richie, I am glad you let back that minimal crap from this 20 years on, 90´s rules!!!
Hi Richie Hawtin happy Nye 2022 from Fred E Rick 🇦🇺. Respect 🇨🇦
The Maestro is back on the floor! Dancefloor. A showcase of underground mastery and fun.
Grande Richie,el 2019 nos deparo a los amantes del Techno tu vuelta,sinceramente llevaba muchisimos años sin seguirte la pista debido a los cambios musicales que tomaste,respetable no cabe duda,pero aquellos que nos hemos criado con joyas como el Decks,Efx,909 y todas las joyas que produciste en los años 90 dejaste el nombre del Techno en lo mas alto,un visionario...que el 2020 sea mas TECHNO
Sabroso papi
hard roli casck
Thank you Richie...Thanks for playing some great music without all the dancing and hopping around,because i never understood what that has to do with DJing.Then again,he plays and performs with other gear/instruments live,like i do,so it's not just the usual form of mixing.
It's an understatement to call him a DJ. His live acts involve a combination of 3-track mashups and multiple live looping interfaces.
Me cambio la forma de pensar sobre su valor como Dj el dia que lo vi con CLOSE. Es un puto diamante en bruto!!!! Su técnica es inigualable y su creatividad infinita!!!!
Que gustazo escuchar de nuevo a Plastikman y su autentico Hard Techno! Thank you Richie for coming back to your roots, it's awesome!! 🔥🔥👌👌
Richie Hawtin ist ein Meister beim Mixen und einer der aller grössten Dj auf der Welt.Hammer Bretter Set.Omen grüsst Richie Hawtin den Plastikman.
Techno Masterclass! Epic set, real techno, king Richie rulz
Sick set,best I ever heard in all my life definetily...
Absolutely LOVE that Richie's doing proper techno again! Cheers from Canadaland!!
No Drama just pure techno!Well Richie is Richie
This set seems much better than a while ago. Just good plain old techno! Great stuff
Pure class this set ! Keep coming back to this one.
What a mindblowing set!!!! nice one.
rarely heard such an insanely awesome set.
It's enough to drive you out of your mind. many special thanks for that!!!!
...especially it is not just "minimal"... just straight Techno!!!!
It's so imperfect that's it's perfect
Thank god you return to the "dark side" master hawtin
I said it before and I say it again: This is an whole other level!! Top Notch!!
yepo . gracias richie ... BEST like always--.. since 1996 / (austria)
I'm very thankful for the tracklist, you are an excellent artist. My inspiration for the music! This is why I love this music, this is energy!
best set since 2006 !! Bomb Richie love it
un cumulo de generos y estilos dentro de todos sus sets........ dentro de la musica electronica y dando siempre un rollo especial a cada momento, eso es muy especial........ ademas de crear un genero de la electronica con PLASTIKMAN, el MINIMAL.......... un gran tio , siempre humilde y buen karma........ un 9,50 .
This set is the next masterpiece of richie. Wtf this is awsome!!
Not many dj in richie Hawtins class
Bang bang bang, dance dance dance, hawtin you are a legend, there's no doubt!
He is an endboss in a game you cannot win. But you just enjoy the ride. He fights with allot of whitts and love and you just love to loose because with loosing you really win. Master!
Admiración total a este maestro, me considero amante del Techno y muchos sabemos que el mantiene su esencia, por mucho, el mejor Dj y compositor de este género
de los mejores..... pero por supuestisimo que su aportacion maxima a sido el crear un estilo musical dentro de la electronica....... con PLASTIKMAN descubrio al mundo el MINIMAL ........ graandeeeeeeeeeee
Can’t wait to dance to his music again.. you were awesome 😎
Nice to see a DJ playing in a real club instead of surrounded by people trying to get their attention
Richie Hawtin 💯❤️❤️❤️ great set keep up the good work,much love from Belgium 🇧🇪!!!
Richie Hawtin on his best LIVE 💯❤️❤️❤️🇧🇪🇧🇪🇧🇪
Ah. Nice BPM. Richie The Master!
Das ist der Meister!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Richie Hawtin! Me gusta lo que haces, ja ja...thanks...
straight up bangin techno from an innovator...
Nice, with tracklist 👍 that's the way it should be!
yeah I was there that day! truly memorable!
Maestro!!! 🙌🕺🎶🤩
Fantastik richie🎉🎉🎉LEGEND DJ❤
I like that Richie is going back to real techno, this is much better than few years back he was same rubbish like Adam Beyer or Carl Cox (they were so good 15-20 years back then), but Richie is back! Thanks King!!
Carl Cox plays house mostly, not techno
Finally, real techno. It sets my heart beating faster than the beats.
This is the hawtin I love the most!!!
Welcome back!!!! 🔨🔨🔨🔨💪💪💪💪
Great way to end the year on, and track list to boot.............respect !
Best hands for the mixer Ritchie, like always.. Inspirational man
Thunderous. As others have said, thank you for bringing a darker, warehouse vibe back into the mix. Sounds incredible.
Escuché por primera vez a Richie en magic garden, un verdadero crack en la música, prendío como ninguno, un estilo fino...grande!!!
Return to the old school
Thanks Richie. Best wishes. See you soon ;)
Finally getting back to faster more energetic sets
this is Techno, well mixed and perfect interpreted. Richie Hawti8n with this Sounds is the best
*You made it !! Greetings and Full Support from France!!^^*
1:29 and I was already jumping... if you haven't yet, go and listen to Narkosis/Spektre (Sir Hawtin latest tracks).
Sick 💣
Dang i following you nearly 15 years and yours Music still Crazy :)
Thank you for sharing your work like this. Your approach to music and tech is inspiring! ⚗️
this is pure fire sound.
Bravo Richie kenbghik muzika dielk top
Would love to connect my Yamaha HS8 monitors to a MODEL 1 in 2020.
Damn love the sound.
"Gives me butterflys in my belly"
Wow, what a set this one was! A pleasure to see live!! Sounds from the future!
I do like something gentle to start my Friday evening :)
Class class class-Thank you Richie
The master at work - ! Insane !
Realmente la disposición y el sentido de la aventura del que está con la fiesta en sus manos y que ama esto hace que la interacción de todos y uno sea la principal premisa para cuadrar la noche, la música, la fiesta y la conexión és innegable...La generosidad por ambas partes enciende la luz que velará para el desarrollo natural de momentos que se comparten desde el respeto, atención y mucha buena onda....El Amor debe propagarse en cantidades industriales porque trae la comunión del fiestón de los grandes y bellos recuerdos que quedarán grabadps a fuego por los siglos de.....🙏💥💥💥💥💥❤💥💥💥🚀💥❤❤❤💥💥💥❤❤❤💥💥❤❤💥💥💥❤❤❤💥💥💥👏👏👏😱
Absolutely Breathtaking Mr Hawtin 👏👏👏