Came to say exactly the same thing. Political point scoring about whose party is historically most to blame. Yanis must just be off on another train of thought until he hears his name again. Superior human.
don't worship at that church, either. there is only one cure for tax evasion, and much else: democracy, and socialism. politicians could end tax evasion instantly in an age of electronic money and total surveillance. their rule must be ended.
They got rid of him because his policy would have helped Greece and forced Germany to rethink their hegemony in Europe.its like a domino effect one country steps out of austerity they all do and the euro dies which brings a recession to Germany who can't sell high quality goods at such low prices without forcing the euro down
And you John, like Yanis, are highlighting structural issues, the reasoning for his leaving as sadly, without the backing of his own countries parliament he couldn't address those issue. He actually details it all in the book mentioned in the video for anyone interested. And it was an interesting jibe by the Tory about Greece calling it a "bailout" when its not in the slightest. A bailout, was cancelling Germany's debt after WW2, as well as the funding on the back of the dollar. What Greece is actually getting, is debt, to pay off debt, to pay off more debt, at the cost of a very violent program that strips Greece of all means to actually pay it off! In Yanis's eloquent words, a fudge. Though I would prefer the words "illusion" or "distraction" which I dont say lightly as Greece, France, Spain, Italy all Euro using countries bar Germany (ironically) have had the same problems. But Greece is the only one to be treated this way, the others much lesser so with much nicer conditions.
jewish family names Rothschild, sice the early 17th century he gave his 5 sons 5 positions to take control of the bakning system in Frankfurt in munich in napoli in london and paris... and so they even controlled all other central banks. .. its about time we wake the fok up...
@@SopaSoupa blaming it all on the jews is simply anti-semitic and very simplistic. Frankly the idea behind what you said has been and still is a nazi talking point. Not saying you are one of them, but attributing the faults of capitalism to the Jews could very well be a red flag.
'This is what happens when you have unsustainable debt, you need more unsustainable debt in order to pretend that the previous unsustainable debt was sustainable' - Varoufakis
+José Simões Except he's no longer a politician. Actually he's an economist and not a politician at all and was minister of finance for a short period of time.
+NORFIE123456 certainly has but i do salute his choice to step down and not take part in what followed after the referendum. its probably the main reason why as a Greek i still take him seriously.
+NORFIE123456 - *Oh, he's switched-on alright... a switched-on PUPPET!* Varoufakis is a fraud. He's nothing more than controlled opposition and a fascist pretending to be a socialist. Both he and Tsipras screwed the Greek people. It was a cruel game, a double act. After they both did a great *"No More Loans, No More Austerity"* 'selling job' on the Greek people (and most Europeans), they won the election. Tsipras then remained as the IMF and Merkel's puppet - burdening the Greek people with yet *another* IMF loan with *MORE austerity* - whilst Varoufakis slipped out the back door to start a new 'career'... as the book-writing, travelling 'intellectual' economics pitch-man for the failing EU! That was the plan all along. Wake up! .
+ScrewTheSystem8 Actually Varoufakis presented a pretty reasonable ecnomic plan to the Troika who subsequently humiliated him. Tsipras I can't speak for however, he might well be a puppet.
Gotta love Yanis, calls it like it is even if it flies in the face of everyone else and then sits there with a smile on his face listening to the others saying there piece and thinking- "stop talking bollocks sunshine" I would have liked to see the debate between Yanis and Jesse carry on for another hour or two it finished just as it was about to become interesting :(
Abbot: " yeah, this all happened under our time in government yet we done nothing. Yes, i know David Cameron has done more than any there pm to stop tax avoidance but its not enough, and these papers that show that this happened under labour's watch prove that? come on, he's David Cameron!" shameless
+smcg the idea cameron has done the most to stop offshore tax avoidance like this is a myth. you have no figures to back your statement up because you don't know how much is lost. tax avoidance works around the law. if anything cameron has pushed tax avoidance further away from low-income workers. high earners can afford the tax lawyers who work around the law with schemes like Mossack Fonseca.
I’ve listened to Yanis Varoufakis speak many times, and while I might not agree with everything I am nevertheless impressed with his attitude and intellect - then I listen to George Osborne…… sigh!
Respect.. Varoufakis is a great guy.. talking straight from the heart.. totally trust in him! Great guy. In any case: this is a great dicussion, very neutral and free..
Varoufakis could have been a good tool but his prime minister used him ineffectively. This man is not a deal maker, he is a great economic advisor. The problem is that politicians don't work using normal people's logic, they have their own special interests and a person like him couldn't convince them in a million years.
I think he also realised that he could effect no change from within the parliament of the 'canary'. In his book, he speaks of conversations with top EU officials who admit that their own proposals are ineffectual, but politics remains monolithic. Nowadays he's touting a new europe-wide party called Diem25. Check it out.
Do you notice that every time there are vast money involved politicians do jack shit .....Only rhetoric !! When it comes to poor citizens they are quite effective.
+Kostas Spiliotopoulos It seems EVERY politician KNOWS we are being screwed. But none of them wants to ADMIT the "SYSTEM" is rigged. And their real job is to talk people out of changing things.
These kinds of prestigious, opinion-bound discussion serve our communities well. The introspective authority of fashioned professionals engaging the precious moment(s) of now should be represented and aired more frequently for the multiplex benefit of the audience field. Well done, Sirs?!!
I love Yanis! He is one strong minded and truthful person. He was doing good for Greece's debt but Syriza kicked him out to make a deal with the ECB so they could put money in their pockets. Now Greece is in deeper debt.
Cameron avoided £80.000 in Inheritance tax. He was given £300.000 from his lovely dad who looked after him with his offshore tax free company and then he was given £200,000 from his mother. NO INHERITENCE TAX FOR CAMERON, but we have to pay every penny on inheritance tax. If you are poor, you lose. If you are rich, you win. We need this guy to resign and sack the rest of them in the future. How dare he say that this is a private matter. He treats us with contempt.
What strikes me here, is the amount of agreement that there seems to be between Jesse Norman and Yanis Varoufakis; when they are actually on opposite sides of the political spectrum!
Exactly! I see everyone commenting about Yannis (with good reason), but almost only him. I was also struck by Jesse’s agreement with and building on Yannis’s points! I think they make a great duo, based on this convo at least
trifacto We should fight them through our own democratic structures and only apply force in self-defense if they try to stop us. If we simply put them in jail then that same system will be used against us. We better get rid of the guilhotine.
Eventually, we're about to repeat 1770's to 1815 and 1880-1940 where economies will collapse under their own vicious demand destruction, and there will be blood in the streets.
No dude, I believe a better punishment is what money they cant prove they made legal take it away from them. Remove the entitle from the entitled, i dont want these fuckers to eat at my expense in jails
The coming and inevitable crash has nothing to do with tax evasion or avoidance. The world economy is bound to fail again because of "fractional reserve banking" a technical term for printing funny money !
+meandmymouth Although printing funny money is a polite term for transferring the real value of the public's money into government pockets at the stroke of a pen, it can boost the economy if it is invested in development rather than sat on by the banks and big companies, as it is being now.
LOL. Jesse Norman looked completely gormless, like a kid at parents evening. Just nodding his head the whole time while he tried to make sense of what was being said.
+Rich Homie Corbyn I think you might have misread Jesse's contribution. I'm no Tory, but I'm happy to concede that Jesse Norman has a big brain - just read his biography of Edmund Burke for evidence. Indeed, I'd say that his intelligence was proved by his ability to nod along with someone who most of his colleagues would reflexively disagree with on principle. If we must have conservatives - and I'm afraid we must - we could do with more like him.
Yanis is certainly the only one to speak truth to power,the rest are so in the habit of diverting the point they can't locate the a cause.If they did they would quickly isolated and removed and they know it without acknowledging it to themselves.
If you had had those four people in a conversation for 30 minutes or and hour instead of 10 minutes we would have gotten so much pertinent commentary on the actual forces at play. Thanks for a taster.
Remember, Remember... the 10.Sep 2001 ? *2.3 Trillion US Dollars* gone (according to Rumsfeld).... nothing about it in the Panama Papers? I guess it's not relevant enouth...
Cameras wont help. In Latvia they put cameras in cabinet of ministers. After a while politicians invented new structure called council of coalition where behind the closed doors all decisions are made and in cabinet meetings they simply voted on agreed solutions.
Why does this stupid woman keep interrupting people. She makes poor points anyway. Yanis and this Russian chap make a ton of solid points that are worth discussing! The best point of all is Yanis’ call for transparency. I believe this should apply to much more than just the meetings in Brussels. Edit: this clip is still relevant today!
Yanis varifakis is way to honest and progressive to be given any real power in European matters, He would be an ideal leader of a united Europe, Sadly the greedy sycophaths are leaders around the world...
god that Kremlinbot is insufferable with his "da west did this 150 years ago!" as if Russia was never an imperialist, colonialist power at the very same period and for hundreds of years before.
The reason it's not being dealt with is because of, who's implicated in it, denying there is a problem (cognitive dissonance), failure of anyone to take ownership of the problems and that the problem is just to big and complex to deal with. It has nothing to do with the law, or needing new laws, but everything to do with the rule of law. These things always end badly, with both the ignorant and innocent fighting each other to the death, in wars they cannot understand, that do nothing but distract the people from the real cause and keep the bank accounts of the rich full and overflowing with blood money. That's the cycle and history has shown we do it over and over and over again, without learning a thing, is it little wonder they treat us like stupid cattle, eaters to be eaten?
The entire international community has accepted or at least deferred to an economic paradigm doomed to make our lives miserable, unless you're one of the few who can insulate themselves. But even that won't last forever. We have replaced Common Sense and Basic Decency with the Profit Motive. It is the end all other considerations for committed, ideological capitalists. They can accept a fundamentally unfair, incomprehensible, and utterly corrupt economic system because they can isolate themselves, turn a blind eye, and ignore it's victims.
at 10:39 John Snow mentions the rise of the far right in Europe. he said..... "far" and he said "right". Can some1 gimme an example of far right in post 2K europe, please?
True, the UK was already kown for fighting attempts by the EU to stop Chinese steel being dumped onto the European market, destroying domestic producers.
More british voters need to hear this from Yanis - illegal actions by EU; comedy of errors financially and a complete failure of the Eurozone - place this alongside recession in the EU with structural unemployment with overriding indebtment - Bye bye EU! Deo Gratias!
Nekrassov made a brilliant point and it went completely over *everyones* head. Nekrassov said that Panama is controlled and owned by the CIA and everyone probably thought Nekrassov is nuts. Its too funny. The seemingly rhetorical question that Nekrassov asked, which was 'I dont know who goes to Panama and opens up an offshore account, its like going to Langley and asking them to please hold my money.' The answer is very simple, there are two kinds of people who go to Panama to open up an offshore account. People who want the CIA to protect their money in exchange for secrets and intel, and very stupid people who have more money than sense. The fact that Varoufakis had completely brushed aside what Nekrassov said should demonstrate that Varoufakis is bought by the CIA.
Yanis is in war with the west partly due to heavy criticisme from EU countries which where financing Greeks huge debt. Yanis failed to handle the Greek economy and ended up blaming the ones who where actually helping...In the end Yanis had to leave the Greek parliment ....I expect this has a big impact on his biased view on the west. In my view he is not part of a solution but more adding to a problem of division.
Interessanter ist die Frage, wer steht NICHT auf der Liste und warum nicht. Genannt werden Leute aus Russland, aus China, es sind Leute aus santionierten Staate, aber man findet da keine namhaften Amerikaner, keine namhaften Deutschen usw.. Die Frage muss sein, wo kommen diese Liste überhaupt her. ? Die SÜDDEUTSCHE hat die als erstes in der Hand gehabt, aber wer hat ihnen die zugespielt, wer ist diese ominöse Quelle ? Wurde diese Liste bevor sie der Süddeutschen zugespielt wurde, schon "überarbeitet", wurde da Namen herausgenommen? Warum taucht als erstes in allen Schlagzeilen der Name PUTIN auf, er ist auf den Cover abgebildet, er wird überall zuerst genannt, so wie auch in der Talk Show Lanz zum Thema, sofort fielen die Namen Putin und Assad.....Putins Netzwerke, Putins Freunde...interessanter Weise taucht der Name Putin in der Liste gar nicht auf !!! Warum will man einen Zusammenhang erzwingen, wo gar keiner besteht ? Warum wird PUTIN an erster Stelle immer mit genannt? Steckt da mehr Intention dahiner, als wir vordergründig sehen ? Wo sind die großen aktuelle Namen aus USA, Europa ? Es geht da um ein Recherche-Netzwerk in den USA, eine NGO von Journalisten und wer da mal genauer hinschaut, dr findet da eine Finanzierung in Millionenhöhen beispielweise von Georg SOROS, der überall in False Flag Operationen, Revolutionen-Anzettelungen seine Finger im Spiel hat. Diese Journaisten-Organisation war schon öfter mal in Gesprächen, dass sie politische Aktivitäten tut, indem sie Interssen vertritt, in dem sie Bestimmtes nach vorne bringt, sozusagen in den FOKUS rückt. Sie haben nach Leuten gesucht, die auf den Sanktionslisten der USA stehen, die sozusagen bestraft werden sollen, ander hat man sich gar nicht angesehen. Vieles auf den Listen wird nicht veröffentlicht. Auf der Schwarzen Liste wird mann die eigenen "Freunde" gar nicht finden, nach denen filtert man gar nicht !!! Hat das noch was mit investigativem Jpurnalismus zu tun??? Oder ist das wieder ein Teiol des INFORMATIONSKRIEGES? Die Fragen drängt sich sofort auf!!! Und immer wieder ist es wichtig, hinter die Kulissen zu schauen und zu fragen, wem nützt es!
MrTR909 why is no one mentioning the fact financial services are Britain's #1 earner so of course every trick in the book (including tax avoidance/evasion) will be utilised. Cars are Germany's #1 let's say and if there was a trick to boost it they would (maybe the diesel emissions trick was it?).
Notice everyone else blaming others, while yanis is the only one talking about the STRUCTURAL causes.
+David Carlyon and looking at the camera :)
Came to say exactly the same thing. Political point scoring about whose party is historically most to blame. Yanis must just be off on another train of thought until he hears his name again. Superior human.
@David Carlyon: Thank you. Was about to type exactly the same thing.
This is what it would take to change things, so he is the only one here who points to a solution.
don't worship at that church, either. there is only one cure for tax evasion, and much else: democracy, and socialism.
politicians could end tax evasion instantly in an age of electronic money and total surveillance. their rule must be ended.
The Greek gentleman was the most honest one of them all. Followed by the lady. That is why they got rid of him. They ignore her comments. Interesting.
They got rid of him because his policy would have helped Greece and forced Germany to rethink their hegemony in Europe.its like a domino effect one country steps out of austerity they all do and the euro dies which brings a recession to Germany who can't sell high quality goods at such low prices without forcing the euro down
And you John, like Yanis, are highlighting structural issues, the reasoning for his leaving as sadly, without the backing of his own countries parliament he couldn't address those issue. He actually details it all in the book mentioned in the video for anyone interested.
And it was an interesting jibe by the Tory about Greece calling it a "bailout" when its not in the slightest. A bailout, was cancelling Germany's debt after WW2, as well as the funding on the back of the dollar.
What Greece is actually getting, is debt, to pay off debt, to pay off more debt, at the cost of a very violent program that strips Greece of all means to actually pay it off!
In Yanis's eloquent words, a fudge.
Though I would prefer the words "illusion" or "distraction" which I dont say lightly as Greece, France, Spain, Italy all Euro using countries bar Germany (ironically) have had the same problems.
But Greece is the only one to be treated this way, the others much lesser so with much nicer conditions.
what was russkij wrong about? i liked him!
I like that she pointed out the politician who said it was "unfair" to call them tax havens.
Nathan Coonrod they keep her around but ignore her comment , they only need to fulfilled the diversity quotas by her presence
You have to listen carefully what yanis says. Criminals are here in London. Don't look on far islands. I love this man and the greeks.😊
jewish family names Rothschild, sice the early 17th century he gave his 5 sons 5 positions to take control of the bakning system in Frankfurt in munich in napoli in london and paris... and so they even controlled all other central banks. .. its about time we wake the fok up...
@@SopaSoupa are jeff bezos, bernard arnault, bill gates jewish ? It's not the jews it's capitalists
@@destroctiveblade843 yeah but they use and promote those ppl in my opinion
@@SopaSoupa blaming it all on the jews is simply anti-semitic and very simplistic. Frankly the idea behind what you said has been and still is a nazi talking point. Not saying you are one of them, but attributing the faults of capitalism to the Jews could very well be a red flag.
'This is what happens when you have unsustainable debt, you need more unsustainable debt in order to pretend that the previous unsustainable debt was sustainable' - Varoufakis
he has such a way with words
Yanis Varoufakis the only european politician that I trust!
+José Simões me too.. great guy.. 100% from the heart he is talking.
+José Simões
trust to do what? steal other people's money? because that's all the government does
+José Simões Except he's no longer a politician. Actually he's an economist and not a politician at all and was minister of finance for a short period of time.
Yes, cause it was senseless anymore.. nobody was interessted in hearing anything.. they press on greece their system..
@@joanofarc33 actually he is. He has diem25 and progressive international projects.
Yanis Varoufakis...THE BEST!!!!
Yanis is one switched on dude...Greece mustve suffered without him frankly
+NORFIE123456 certainly has but i do salute his choice to step down and not take part in what followed after the referendum. its probably the main reason why as a Greek i still take him seriously.
He's not so switched on as he said Britain would be better off voting to stay in the eu.
+NORFIE123456 - *Oh, he's switched-on alright... a switched-on PUPPET!* Varoufakis is a fraud. He's nothing more than controlled opposition and a fascist pretending to be a socialist. Both he and Tsipras screwed the Greek people. It was a cruel game, a double act.
After they both did a great *"No More Loans, No More Austerity"* 'selling job' on the Greek people (and most Europeans), they won the election. Tsipras then remained as the IMF and Merkel's puppet - burdening the Greek people with yet *another* IMF loan with *MORE austerity* - whilst Varoufakis slipped out the back door to start a new 'career'... as the book-writing, travelling 'intellectual' economics pitch-man for the failing EU! That was the plan all along. Wake up!
Actually Varoufakis presented a pretty reasonable ecnomic plan to the Troika who subsequently humiliated him. Tsipras I can't speak for however, he might well be a puppet.
5:43 John Snow trying desperately to talk over Yanis's true assertion that London is the BIGGEST of all tax havens.
Yanis is so on the ball with so many points , thanks for having him on , wishing you will continue to put him on MANY MORE TIMES .
Gotta love Yanis, calls it like it is even if it flies in the face of everyone else and then sits there with a smile on his face listening to the others saying there piece and thinking-
"stop talking bollocks sunshine"
I would have liked to see the debate between Yanis and Jesse carry on for another hour or two it finished just as it was about to become interesting :(
Yanis is indeed the most eloquent and well informed economist going
Jon Snow: "Does any of this surprise you?"
Cameron's friend: "No. Nothing to see here. Move along. Talk about Labour or something."
+brokenstyx He's surprised any attempt of cover up did not work !
didn't realise David Cameron was mentioned in the documents?
Abbot: " yeah, this all happened under our time in government yet we done nothing. Yes, i know David Cameron has done more than any there pm to stop tax avoidance but its not enough, and these papers that show that this happened under labour's watch prove that? come on, he's David Cameron!"
+smcg the idea cameron has done the most to stop offshore tax avoidance like this is a myth. you have no figures to back your statement up because you don't know how much is lost. tax avoidance works around the law. if anything cameron has pushed tax avoidance further away from low-income workers. high earners can afford the tax lawyers who work around the law with schemes like Mossack Fonseca.
+brokenstyx funny, you seem to be the only person ive heard say that he has done nothing. not even smelly corbin has claimed something so false.
I’ve listened to Yanis Varoufakis speak many times, and while I might not agree with everything I am nevertheless impressed with his attitude and intellect - then I listen to George Osborne…… sigh!
MrArchie800 I agree. I respect his candor . But Varoufakis is right on the problems but too idealistic on solutions .
Yanis is a voice of truth.
I like Yanis Varoufakis the man speaks sence
mark brayson ...and sense
Fun fact, Valve consulted this guy for their TF2 economy. The more you know.
+Deltaexio they hired him for the entire steam economy.
+Deltaexio Gabe & Yanis, license to print money :)
That's a lie, his name was Stavros. Different greek.
I'm not kidding btw. They made funny blogs about it all.
What? It was literally Yanis.
I have one too, Yannis the macho likes thick daddies like Gabe, they are secretly *GA*(BE)*Y*(ANNIS)!!!
Respect.. Varoufakis is a great guy.. talking straight from the heart.. totally trust in him! Great guy.
In any case: this is a great dicussion, very neutral and free..
Yanis is by far the most informed and articulated indiums on financial and international economics.
Varoufakis could have been a good tool but his prime minister used him ineffectively. This man is not a deal maker, he is a great economic advisor. The problem is that politicians don't work using normal people's logic, they have their own special interests and a person like him couldn't convince them in a million years.
Because he tells them what is really needed to help everyone get what is needed.these guys want to get what their ego wants
The problem with Varoufakis is that he is too honest.
I think he also realised that he could effect no change from within the parliament of the 'canary'. In his book, he speaks of conversations with top EU officials who admit that their own proposals are ineffectual, but politics remains monolithic. Nowadays he's touting a new europe-wide party called Diem25. Check it out.
he has been clear on the fact that DIEM 25 is not a political party but a movement.
...the rest are just not honest enough....nothing wrong with honesty,,,,,
Varoufakis is The man!
Do you notice that every time there are vast money involved politicians do jack shit .....Only rhetoric !! When it comes to poor citizens they are quite effective.
+Kostas Spiliotopoulos that is correct, read my post above.
+Kostas Spiliotopoulos It seems EVERY politician KNOWS we are being screwed. But none of them wants to ADMIT the "SYSTEM" is rigged. And their real job is to talk people out of changing things.
These kinds of prestigious, opinion-bound discussion serve our communities well. The introspective authority of fashioned professionals engaging the precious moment(s) of now should be represented and aired more frequently for the multiplex benefit of the audience field. Well done, Sirs?!!
I love Yanis! He is one strong minded and truthful person. He was doing good for Greece's debt but Syriza kicked him out to make a deal with the ECB so they could put money in their pockets. Now Greece is in deeper debt.
I love Yanis, his composure is strong and his words are profound.
Yanis Varoufakis is one of the smartest visionaries of our time.
Cameron avoided £80.000 in Inheritance tax. He was given £300.000 from his lovely dad who looked after him with his offshore tax free company and then he was given £200,000 from his mother. NO INHERITENCE TAX FOR CAMERON, but we have to pay every penny on inheritance tax. If you are poor, you lose. If you are rich, you win. We need this guy to resign and sack the rest of them in the future. How dare he say that this is a private matter. He treats us with contempt.
At least the speakers are not being interrupted every 120 seconds for commercial breaks.
Thanks for posting
Yanis, is an intellectual giant among midgets.
Thanks channel 4 for actual realistic impartial discussion
Once more incredible Yanis humiliates J-C Juncker and tax haven Luxemburg
What strikes me here, is the amount of agreement that there seems to be between Jesse Norman and Yanis Varoufakis; when they are actually on opposite sides of the political spectrum!
Exactly! I see everyone commenting about Yannis (with good reason), but almost only him. I was also struck by Jesse’s agreement with and building on Yannis’s points! I think they make a great duo, based on this convo at least
Put rich people in jail. That's the only thing they are afraid of. Fines and laws are jokes to them.
trifacto We should fight them through our own democratic structures and only apply force in self-defense if they try to stop us.
If we simply put them in jail then that same system will be used against us. We better get rid of the guilhotine.
Eventually, we're about to repeat 1770's to 1815 and 1880-1940 where economies will collapse under their own vicious demand destruction, and there will be blood in the streets.
NAW everyone has an apple IPHONE ...
No dude, I believe a better punishment is what money they cant prove they made legal take it away from them. Remove the entitle from the entitled, i dont want these fuckers to eat at my expense in jails
Mister Varoufakis looks like a New Greek God.
High IQ AND EQ 👈
Strong and Honest Person.
WOW!! Yannis! LIVE STREAM ECONMIC MEETINGS! WOW! This should be done I can't agree more. A great, stupendous proposal.
As Yanis points out, Talking about Tax, Money, Debt, Politic's and Government then including the word honesty is an absolute paradox of integrity.
Thank you Yanis
Help me understand if I got it right... Did the Russian imply that if Greece leaves the Euro, russian Ruble will be flowing in? 9:53
+mad PAOKI i think that was the hint
+SpinazFou Υπερβολικά αισιόδοξο σε βρίσκω... ;)
This is the man!
Livestream Euro Council meetings sounds like a good idea, and everywhere else even!? - Could that be the future of transparent politics!
Varoufakis and Sanders are the greatest politicians of our generation.
What a dumb question “why don’t politicians do anything about it?” 🙄 Hello, hand in the cookie jar
new fan of this guy.
The coming and inevitable crash has nothing to do with tax evasion or avoidance. The world economy is bound to fail again because of "fractional reserve banking" a technical term for printing funny money !
+meandmymouth Although printing funny money is a polite term for transferring the real value of the public's money into government pockets at the stroke of a pen, it can boost the economy if it is invested in development rather than sat on by the banks and big companies, as it is being now.
LOL. Jesse Norman looked completely gormless, like a kid at parents evening. Just nodding his head the whole time while he tried to make sense of what was being said.
+Rich Homie Corbyn I think you might have misread Jesse's contribution. I'm no Tory, but I'm happy to concede that Jesse Norman has a big brain - just read his biography of Edmund Burke for evidence. Indeed, I'd say that his intelligence was proved by his ability to nod along with someone who most of his colleagues would reflexively disagree with on principle. If we must have conservatives - and I'm afraid we must - we could do with more like him.
Miss Abbot did not deflect any blame from Tony Blair's government. Mr Varoufakis gives brilliant analysis of the situation.
Yanis is certainly the only one to speak truth to power,the rest are so in the habit of diverting the point they can't locate the
a cause.If they did they would quickly isolated and removed and they know it without acknowledging it to themselves.
The politicians won't do anything about it because they are the tax evaders candidates, not ours.
Heya buddy! ! worker Does anybody know one's better than thls one?
Oh Diane Abbott it's time to retire and tell stories to the grandkids.
I'm here for the host's tie
Anyway, Taxes-Extortion is illegal and TAXATION--EXTORTION-STEALING from People must be eliminated entirely.
Jesse Norman repeatedly interrupts Diane Abbott and yet gets all prissy when she returns the favour?
With that tie, Jon has me thinking he just did a bit for 9 out 10 cats before the talk.
If you had had those four people in a conversation for 30 minutes or and hour instead of 10 minutes we would have gotten so much pertinent commentary on the actual forces at play. Thanks for a taster.
The E.U is set to fail. If U.K leaves it may go sooner than later that's what this discussion is saying.
Finalation order just now arrangement 😅
Love the point about the Euro and Russian money... #ThoughtProvoking
Remember, Remember... the 10.Sep 2001 ?
*2.3 Trillion US Dollars* gone (according to Rumsfeld).... nothing about it in the Panama Papers?
I guess it's not relevant enouth...
most atrocious tie I have ever seen on a talk show host lol.
I wonder whether anyone lost money in these deals. How much of commission these establishment collect to have these deals?
Cameras wont help. In Latvia they put cameras in cabinet of ministers. After a while politicians invented new structure called council of coalition where behind the closed doors all decisions are made and in cabinet meetings they simply voted on agreed solutions.
Why does this stupid woman keep interrupting people. She makes poor points anyway.
Yanis and this Russian chap make a ton of solid points that are worth discussing!
The best point of all is Yanis’ call for transparency. I believe this should apply to much more than just the meetings in Brussels.
Edit: this clip is still relevant today!
8 years onward, did it get any better?
Everyone has a deep respect for Yianis as he is a sigma.
Yanis varifakis is way to honest and progressive to be given any real power in European matters,
He would be an ideal leader of a united Europe,
Sadly the greedy sycophaths are leaders around the world...
Loved the Russian Libertarian dude. :)
god that Kremlinbot is insufferable with his "da west did this 150 years ago!" as if Russia was never an imperialist, colonialist power at the very same period and for hundreds of years before.
What a load of BS. British criminals discussing the intent to solve what they had created in the first place and maintained it by their laws.
The reason it's not being dealt with is because of, who's implicated in it, denying there is a problem (cognitive dissonance), failure of anyone to take ownership of the problems and that the problem is just to big and complex to deal with. It has nothing to do with the law, or needing new laws, but everything to do with the rule of law. These things always end badly, with both the ignorant and innocent fighting each other to the death, in wars they cannot understand, that do nothing but distract the people from the real cause and keep the bank accounts of the rich full and overflowing with blood money. That's the cycle and history has shown we do it over and over and over again, without learning a thing, is it little wonder they treat us like stupid cattle, eaters to be eaten?
Close the loop holes.
9: 34 " a complete regulation of the city of London. " Can you believe it ? I don't
6:50 you cant fix something if you are ignorant to it
That Russian guy, what an absolute tool. That conservative guy, what a demagogue.
Abbott as usual just blame Cameron.
Yaniss the maniss. Don't mess with the European Minotaur.
In this interview Varoufakis will be playing the role of Count Dracula.
The entire international community has accepted or at least deferred to an economic paradigm doomed to make our lives miserable, unless you're one of the few who can insulate themselves. But even that won't last forever. We have replaced Common Sense and Basic Decency with the Profit Motive. It is the end all other considerations for committed, ideological capitalists. They can accept a fundamentally unfair, incomprehensible, and utterly corrupt economic system because they can isolate themselves, turn a blind eye, and ignore it's victims.
So whats Yanis's answer to the problem of Greece? I don't think I got that.
+Devonian He's launched a "democratise Europe" campaign
+Raul Simeon How would that solve the problem of Greece being in a unfavourable currency zone?
at 10:39 John Snow mentions the rise of the far right in Europe. he said..... "far" and he said "right". Can some1 gimme an example of far right in post 2K europe, please?
Viktor Orban in Hungary, Austrian gvmt, Law & Justice party in Poland, etc. etc.
@@jcbdwsn they are examples of FAR right, ate they? You sure?
@@MrMorlaf yes
@@jcbdwsn fair enough.... I would never really call them FAR right. Defo right..... not so sure on the FAR.....
I tell you the problem Yanis, It's not clear if Britian says in it would fight in the way you describe.
True, the UK was already kown for fighting attempts by the EU to stop Chinese steel being dumped onto the European market, destroying domestic producers.
Waste of time - fools talking with the wise Yanis and not listening to him.
Compassionate Conservatism lol, thats like saying this hot water is freezing ffs.
exists, and we must aim to agree with one another on the basis of reason in the manner which Yanis and the gentleman MP do, in our own discussions.
There's no such thing as Crony Capitalism, it's just Capitalism.
More british voters need to hear this from Yanis - illegal actions by EU; comedy of errors financially and a complete failure of the Eurozone - place this alongside recession in the EU with structural unemployment with overriding indebtment - Bye bye EU! Deo Gratias!
Greeks-the Light of the World.
Mr.Varoufakis Leader for Europe.(?🤔
Nekrassov made a brilliant point and it went completely over *everyones* head. Nekrassov said that Panama is controlled and owned by the CIA and everyone probably thought Nekrassov is nuts.
Its too funny. The seemingly rhetorical question that Nekrassov asked, which was 'I dont know who goes to Panama and opens up an offshore account, its like going to Langley and asking them to please hold my money.' The answer is very simple, there are two kinds of people who go to Panama to open up an offshore account. People who want the CIA to protect their money in exchange for secrets and intel, and very stupid people who have more money than sense.
The fact that Varoufakis had completely brushed aside what Nekrassov said should demonstrate that Varoufakis is bought by the CIA.
this won't get to you - but i have no... direct connection with the panama papers.
why does the presenter wear such a herrendous tie?
you see yanis video you click on it
Fucking awesome
yes....varoufakis is the only one talking about present and future...all the others are talking about past tense
My god is this tie grotesque...
Yanis is in war with the west partly due to heavy criticisme from EU countries which where financing Greeks huge debt. Yanis failed to handle the Greek economy and ended up blaming the ones who where actually helping...In the end Yanis had to leave the Greek parliment ....I expect this has a big impact on his biased view on the west. In my view he is not part of a solution but more adding to a problem of division.
Interessanter ist die Frage, wer steht NICHT auf der Liste und warum nicht.
Genannt werden Leute aus Russland, aus China, es sind Leute aus santionierten Staate, aber man findet da keine namhaften Amerikaner, keine namhaften Deutschen usw..
Die Frage muss sein, wo kommen diese Liste überhaupt her. ? Die SÜDDEUTSCHE hat die als erstes in der Hand gehabt, aber wer hat ihnen die zugespielt, wer ist diese ominöse Quelle ?
Wurde diese Liste bevor sie der Süddeutschen zugespielt wurde, schon "überarbeitet", wurde da Namen herausgenommen?
Warum taucht als erstes in allen Schlagzeilen der Name PUTIN auf, er ist auf den Cover abgebildet, er wird überall zuerst genannt, so wie auch in der Talk Show Lanz zum Thema, sofort fielen die Namen Putin und Assad.....Putins Netzwerke, Putins Freunde...interessanter Weise taucht der Name Putin in der Liste gar nicht auf !!! Warum will man einen Zusammenhang erzwingen, wo gar keiner besteht ? Warum wird PUTIN an erster Stelle immer mit genannt? Steckt da mehr Intention dahiner, als wir vordergründig sehen ? Wo sind die großen aktuelle Namen aus USA, Europa ?
Es geht da um ein Recherche-Netzwerk in den USA, eine NGO von Journalisten und wer da mal genauer hinschaut, dr findet da eine Finanzierung in Millionenhöhen beispielweise von Georg SOROS, der überall in False Flag Operationen, Revolutionen-Anzettelungen seine Finger im Spiel hat.
Diese Journaisten-Organisation war schon öfter mal in Gesprächen, dass sie politische Aktivitäten tut, indem sie Interssen vertritt, in dem sie Bestimmtes nach vorne bringt, sozusagen in den FOKUS rückt. Sie haben nach Leuten gesucht, die auf den Sanktionslisten der USA stehen, die sozusagen bestraft werden sollen, ander hat man sich gar nicht angesehen. Vieles auf den Listen wird nicht veröffentlicht.
Auf der Schwarzen Liste wird mann die eigenen "Freunde" gar nicht finden, nach denen filtert man gar nicht !!!
Hat das noch was mit investigativem Jpurnalismus zu tun??? Oder ist das wieder ein Teiol des INFORMATIONSKRIEGES? Die Fragen drängt sich sofort auf!!!
Und immer wieder ist es wichtig, hinter die Kulissen zu schauen und zu fragen, wem nützt es!
private banks create debt as money so more debt,...more money created as debt. low interest rates to get more debt or extent ?
The UK sitting in the same freaking boat like Panama. UK with the Canary Island is one of the big players/supporter of this crappy/corrupt system.
Same as Irland, Luxenbourg, the Netherlands
And the British Virgin Islands, the Channel Islands, The Isle of Man, Gibraltar...
MrTR909 why is no one mentioning the fact financial services are Britain's #1 earner so of course every trick in the book (including tax avoidance/evasion) will be utilised. Cars are Germany's #1 let's say and if there was a trick to boost it they would (maybe the diesel emissions trick was it?).
The solution is and always has been enforcement. Enforcement requires political will and international cooperation.