I really appreciate how you describe everyone’s normalities and symptoms being different. I never thought I’d be a “symptom spotter” and spend hours online looking for hope from others, but here I am! This was a soft but needed reminder to take a step back and just be patient. Thank you for the video!
By far, the best two week wait symptoms video. It’s not based on mystery but you’ve taken an educated approach and this brings me down to reality. Thank you!
I WISH I would've come across this video when we were ttc with our second. It took a year and we had a miscarriage along the way as well. I've watched SO many of these videos and none of them went into depth like you have so thank you for that ❤ sending you all the baby dust and God blesses you and your family
Thank you for normalizing the fact that you wouldn’t be experiencing symptoms before around 6dpo. So many say that they experience symptoms that early and it’s discouraging to others. Great video!
I totally agree with you! Being aware of what's normal for our own cycles is key!! Everyone is unique & each pregnancy can be unique too! My infertility journey was 2 years long. 14 months of seriously trying, tracking & testing with opk's. I learned alot about my cycle & became in tune with my body. In Dec of 2021, I was convinced that I was pregnant. I tracked all my symptoms. I had "irregular" implantation bleeding that wasn't text book. I still had such a strong feeling that I was pregnant, yet all negative tests! After a couple days past my missed period, I gave up with testing & was so incredibly depressed thinking that I was just going crazy, imagining symptoms... WELL I shouldve kept testing 🤦♀️ ...A few weeks later I unexpectedly discovered I was almost 7 weeks pregnant via ultrasound at my OB! 😊Now my baby girl is 13months old 😊 I'm currently having the same symptoms again, but have yet to test positive. I'm 4 days late (which is so unlike me). My most convincing symptoms are dizziness, shortness of breath, implantation bleeding & insanely sore boobs.
I appreciate these types of videos so much! they truly mean the world to me, i’m trying hardly to conceive after battling anorexia/bullimia for 4 years just praying I haven’t messed up my body.
Truly needed this! For you to say out loud that everyone's experience is different and people need to get in tune with their own body and figure out what is normal for them was extremely eye opening. Love that you advocate for this, and it truly made me realize what is and is not normal in my own cycles. Thank you thank you thank you!
The corpus luteum releases both estrogen and progesterone after the egg is released. This is what causes early pregnancy symptoms such as moodiness, breast tenderness and engagement, headaches, etc. Often the corpus luteum releases more or for a longer period of time those hormones until the placenta takes over. This is why women can experience early symptoms before implantation.
Hi there - so in the video these are the usual luteal phase symptoms I discuss since the corpus luteum would do this whether or not pregnancy has occurred in preparation for possible pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs additional symptoms will come about (e.g., some people experience second increase in basal body temp due to additional progesterone). :)
I had the sleep thing happen with my first pregnancy. At around 8 DPO, I started waking up at 3 AM fully alert and ready for the day. I got a positive pregnancy test at 10 DPO. Unfortunately, the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, but we're trying again this month using medication (I have PCOS). I'm currently 1 DPO and so impatient!
I lost my pregnancy last august 2021 , and i don't have any symptoms. I was in the training, work and class and do activities. And when i find out i was pregnant my breast was firm and my button Belly expand and i took a PT and shows positive right away. And I'm hoping this month I'm pregnant. 💕
I had a dream with my second child. I dreamed there was a baby laughing and giggling in the sky with rays of the sun coming through behind him kind of like that kids show Teletubbies lol I woke up right away got a test and I was pregnant with my 2nd baby boy 😊
Your information is very accurate! I always implant between 5 and 6 dpo and get my faint bfp on the morning of 8dpo. Many people don't believe it and question my timing because they implant later than me. I appreciate you putting correct info out there!
So well done. I have educated myself so much and am older TTC number 2 and I enjoyed everything you shared. Thanks for educating instead of speculating like most “symptom per day” videos do.
It's hard, I've had so many chemicals... around 10. I've had 3 this year alone. I have two healthy boys and I'm so blessed to have them. Baby dust to you!
I am sorry to hear about your losses. The pregnancy in this video ended at 9 weeks (blighted ovum). I will continue to share and make videos about my experience and everything I've learn't on this journey. ❤
Holy crap, this sounds like my chemical. This is probably the best video explaining how to determine the difference. I've got that tugging/poking/slightly crampy feeling and pressure feeling for this one.
I always preferred waiting until I missed my period before testing. For me it was always a more sure thing, plus I was simply too busy to pay such close attention. Also my first signs were never significant enough to render as different from my regular luteal phase. When I get pregnant again I may not even test, once there's a significantly missed period and my body is increasingly symptomatic, I'll know it's there.
Thanks for the honesty & being straight forward & also not just telling me what I wanted to hear lol I love that you had me to realize I should focus more so on my body and not compare to everyone else “early pregnant symptoms”.. I’m still going to watch them because it’s been getting me through the two week wait and also kinda entertaining but I’m definitely going to keep in mind to only pay attention to my own body and not compare! 💖😮💨
I have been watching these kind of videos but this is by far the most well explained. My vocabulary is not good enough but I understand perfectly without going to google translate. Thank you for the information.
I was just cramping for a whole week and thought it was too long to just be my period cramps. We found out the week I was suppose to get my period. Almost 4 weeks now. I haven't had any other symptoms besides that.
I'm having cramps too, lower back pain and my nipples are sore that I can't even touch it. I found it unusual, I've bought a pregnancy test today. I'll will wait to see if I have missed period to take the test.
I noticed that too!! So many videos telling symptoms from 1DPO all the way to positive pregnancy test and you can’t even get symptoms from pregnancy that early because you aren’t really pregnant yet. Always bothered me seeing videos like that
This was extremely informative and very realistic. Sounds silly but I never thought of the symptom tracking like you described; really being in tune with your body and noticing symptoms you don’t ever experience or experience more intensely. So so helpful and made me understand a bit more. Thank you!!
My obvious early preggy symptom before missing a period is being too sleepy. Not necessarily super tired but my body just wanna drop and falls asleep in a second 😂, even my husband can tell as working long hours of the day doesn't easily knock me down :)
My boobs are extremely sore (which is normal a couple days before I start) but I have been feeling EXTREMELY tired lately. I’m 9 days late on my period but have taken 2 test and they both said negative. My period has never been late so I’m so confused on what is happening
This is such an Informative video, you explain every detail and it makes it so easy to understand. I appreciate you taking the time to do this. Thank you so much
I don’t know about this….yes the literature clearly talks about implantation and Bhcg hormone which I’m sure you’re getting your info from. I think that after fertilization there are definitely hormones release and change in chemicals ..the uterus starts preparing etc…that some women can pick up on. Both of my pregnancies I had symptoms before implantation…and I wud know when I implanted because of slight bleeding and timing of pregnancy test.
I believe in having symptoms in early stages meaning few days after the egg meets the sperm is because people body is different. Some metabolism react to a slight foreign body in the system. So the fact that something is happening can trigger symptoms. I did experience symptoms a few days after. I flew to France from the UK where my partner was at the time to get pregnant and I knew on the flight heading back to the UK few days later that my body was different and that something was definitely happening in it. I was right, I was pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful girl. People shared their experiences and realities, not to say that it’s the standard for everyone.
Thanks for this video. I am not feeling well (metal taste in mouth, nauseous, sooo dizzy, fatigue) and I'm supposed to have AF tomorrow. I read it CAN be a early pregnancy sign but if I'm not pregnant, something is def up and I need to go to doctor. Thanks for the reminder that even if someone else had this symptom doesn't mean anything
I usually never have breast pain in my second half of the cycle. In march I had huge breast soreness. But there was no way I could have been pregnant. Same with a ton of other very weird pregnancy symptoms, that I don't usually have but that occur sporadically. So, for me. only a pregnancy test would give the answer. I enjoy these videos anyways :)
I need to tell you how much I appreciate your breast illustration was with uneven breasts. I’ve always been insecure about mine, and it’s nice to see it being normalized
This is a really great video! I love your thorough explanation of how everything works before getting into your symptoms. I’ve had similar frustrations with ‘how I knew before my positive pregnancy test’ videos, too. Like you I’ve been tracking for a long time without trying, so I noticed a lot of those videos are listing typical luteal phase symptoms that I could feel any given cycle when I know there’s a virtually 0% chance I’m pregnant.
06:20 I agree, it was annoying to me as well. I watched a video of one woman that was showing her belly at "4 weeks pregnant", and although she did said she`s aware it`s not from the baby but from being bloated, and she was obviously very excited to be pregnant, but it`s annoying. At 4 weeks pregnant the baby exist for just 2 weeks and it`s the size of a poppy seed or even smaller and there`s no chance you can see anything.
Hi, thank you for sharing your experience, it is insightful and i already feel a lot more calm about trying to get pregnant. If i can share my last month's 'symptoms', it turned out i am not pregnant, but the weeke before my period, i noticed a massive increase in saliva and I thought it was an early sign. And also had the sensitive nipples. I was convinced i was pregnant. But unfortunately, it was not a pregnancy. So let's hope for next month 😊
I've never been successful if my implantation happens later than 6-7 dpo. Seriously. I know what the literature says is the most common day of implantation but anytime I get a late first bfp, like 11dpo, it ends up a chemical pregnancy for me. I've had around 10 chemical pregnancies and two live births. Eith my full teem pregnancies I had implantation cramping on 6 and 7 dpo and got bfps on 8 dpo (super squinter) and 9 dpo.
I LOVE this! I don't know HOW I found you, but I'm starting my new TTC for my #3 in a whole new way because of your inspiration and telling it in such a unique way, that really speaks to me. Please keep making videos and I appreciate all you do. I wish a great blessing for you and I'm so excited to start my new journey with a whole new light! P.S. This is just what I need at exactly the right time in my life! You're amazing!
I want to add more when i was pregnant with my first child i got really sick like headaches and had a fever which was odd for me were it only lasted a day 5 days before I supposed to get my period. I was nauseous most of the time after i got sick.
I looked at an online ovulation calculator and it said I had already ovulated lol but I still have ten days before my period is missed and we did the thing yesterday… but here’s the kicker you have to pay attention to your bodies discharge too and that egg white stuff was ridiculous for me personally the day before which is a clear sign of ovulation. So I’m praying whatever my husband left me will will still find its way to an egg if that makes sense
Thanks for sharing - I am a bit advocate for the use of fertility awareness over ovulation calculators. Women's bodies tell them what is happening and it seems you understood yours. Hoping for the best for you.
All information here is right...but pregnancy or conceptions related symptoms do appear before implantation...because human body has very good communication mechanisms... so only the body does recognize that fertilization has occurred...and it does sent message to prepare room... human body is not a machine to act only according to instruction manual. there are neurotransmitters...through which chemical communication reaches the whole of the body.
The body is absolutely amazing and definitely not a machine :) Every cycle it prepares the uterus for possible pregnancy whether fertilization has taken place or not. I have read theories about the possibility of other communication when fertilization (before implantation has taken place), but I haven't found much more information on that and in my experience that communication isn't sufficient to result in noticeable symptoms that differ from the usual luteal phase symptoms. If you come across some valuable information about this - please share it here.
For me its weird because I got extremely painful boobs, almost like they were on fire. The pain was radiating all around and i got that as one of my first symptoms with my son. But then at like 15m postpartum it came as a pms symptom for a few cycles and then disappeared again. Now im 22m postpartum and this is our first month ttc. Those painful, burning boobs are again my only and biggest symptom. So i dont know if I am or not. Tests are still very negative so probably not but its hard to know when your hormones shift postpartum. Great video, I wish I saw it earlier, I love the realism ❤️
I am glad to hear you enjoyed the video. I am eager to hear if you are pregnant again. And yes - post partum can for sure add some changes to our experiences :)
Hi Carmen. I really love watching all your videos. Thank you for sharing your personal experience. My husband and myself are trying to conceive and have been trying for almost 1year. Please could you give some advise or information regarding having a baby at age 35 keeping the possible changes in your cycle or hormone in consideration 🙏
With my first pregnancy I must’ve implanted early. I did track and pinned down my ovulation but I had a very heavy feeling in my uterus from 4 dpo. Nothing other than that but it was a strange feeling. Almost like I was about to get my period. I tested positive 11 dpo.. So here I am wondering if you can implant as early as 4dpo
Not true my wife Peed 1012 times more per day before implantation and she did not increase her fluid intake. As soon as your body knows that you’re pregnant, it creates more blood volume.
Thank you so much for this video! It was so informative and encouraging. I am sorry for the loss of your previous pregnancies and pray for success with your future pregnancy. Your amazing and I Love your videos. God Bless you and your family. ❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️
My first symptom of pregnancy was a blow out on my face, I woke up with more than just one whitehead on my face, which had never been a monthly issue.. lol
I purposefully structured the video differently to the usual format of this type of video. Please use the timecodes to skip ahead if you only want to hear the symptoms.
I found the beginning confusing, we shouldn’t use past period history to predict when our period would come- but use a period tracker? Which tracks period history to predict future periods lol
I don't advocate for the use of period trackers to predict ovulation. I only recommend them in so far as they are used as a tool to log information for women to have an awareness of their cycles. Sorry about the confusion. I cover tracking in more detail in other videos.
Mhmmm. Idk yet, but I’ve had nausea for almost a week and it’s not time to take a test yet. But every smell makes me want to vomit. And I’ve been dealing with mild cramps as well.
I really like your feedback and put out on symptoms. I think I am pregnant.. however nothing is showing positive yet.. I also have missed my period by 5 days already now m. I haven’t had any blood.. I have had tons of cramping off and on the past week and pre period I never cramp.. I do get sore boobs for every period.. however this time no so sore boobs.. Like you said every woman is different and our symptoms will vary.. also age is a big factor. I just feel pregnant- something is very different this cycle than my normal, my cycle is pretty accurate as well. Oh also, I get headaches all the time. So that wouldn’t be a sign I’m pregnant. Thank you for this video
@@wonderingsoul8021 it’s ok.. I’m getting older .. just odd how your body will display symptoms of being pregnant without really being pregnant. It was hard at first when I did all the testing .. but now I am okay- I have come to terms with it
Aaah that's tough. Remember though it takes 2 to make a baby. So if you're sure you're ovulating and your luteal phase is sufficient then it might be worth investigating things on your partners side. Sending care in this time of waiting and wanting.
Thank you so much for this video it is so on point and true if I were to recommend a video on pregnancy it’d be this one everything u said is true. Our symptoms are very unique. We know our own bodies and what unusual and what’s not like u said
With my first pregnancy my boobs weren’t sore before my period and that’s how I knew I was pregnant 🤣 I always got sore boobs before my period without it fail so when they weren’t sore I knew something was up ❤
Mine was the opposite...you can pinch my nipple an bite it an I wouldn't feel it,or course if they gotta hella hard yeah... My boobs were like bricks an hurt sooo fuckin much an then I figured it out..❤️
Hi there. Yeah - low progesterone and/or thyroid issues are very common causes of miscarriages. That wasn't the issue for me. Mine was theorized to be that my uterus wasn't fussy enough (as in implanted all fertilized eggs) leading to 4 losses that were random cell abnormalities (we did see a genetic counselor it wasn't genetic factors). Sorry for the very high level explanation.
Some people say that have symptom changes, but in all my reading I have not found any evidence that suggests that there are hormonal changes that occur that early.
It’s crazy to think how we can just know sometimes. My husband and I are ttc at the moment, but we were pregnant once before we actually started trying. I had this very vivid dream about being pregnant and I told my husband I needed to take a test. I was on birth control and we didn’t expect it, but I was pregnant. It didn’t stick, but it was crazy how I could just tell. I wonder if this time around I will be able to tell before or not?
Thanks for this video. My fiancé and I have been trying to get pregnant for 5 months and still nothing, I have been taking HivoNutra fertility gummies and still haven't gotten a positive pregnancy test. Is there anything you could tell us that could help us out?
I like the honest and realisitic style, yes I'd also heard many times people reporting symptoms from the dpo 2, dpo 3, it's nice to hear that before the hcg the symptoms or lack of are irrelevant. what would happen if you had a very stressful event on day 1 dpo and 2? Does that mean you've blown the chance for that cycle? xx,
I am glad the style resonated with you. I doubt that a very stressful event on DPO 1 and DPO 2 would "blow your chances" since the most common way that stress impacts conception is if you stress before ovulation and it delays or prevents ovulation. I hope you can have a peaceful rest of the cycle and fingers crossed for you.
Not "blow" but it does lower your changes. You can compare it to students during the exam period many are stressed and pull all nighters etc. After the exam period they become ill etc. Because the body finally rests and allows it to become ill because it's "safe". If you're in fight-flight mode, high cortisol levels. You're body is saying "now is not s good time to get pregnant" because of "danger around" fighting everything off. Also a lot is hormone regulated so it can take a while to go back to normal. Also again as a protective mechanism to still "stay alert".
Ny periods are irregular so i dont know which to go with. I had my monthly on Christmas Eve (2023) to new years then it stopped then it showed up again on the 3rd throught the 9th of January.
I had my period on 26th of may, we started having sex fron 2nd of jun, on 9th of june i feel like implementation like pooking on my one-side of lower belly from next day after i started having back pain, and many other symptoms came after except my brest it’s normal no pain. today is 18/6/2022 i am thinking to do pregnancy test is it right time to do it?
I wouldn't consider a line after 20 minutes unless the test said it is still accurate after 20 minutes. It can just be dye showing up. Personally, to avoid the mind game of wondering - I don't look at tests outside of the time given on the instruction paper.
hii hope you have a time answering my question please? With all of that symptoms have u ever checked your cervix? I've been wanting a baby so bad but that symptoms about cervical position was always in the way and now every cycle I'm being paranoid and stressed. thank u in advance!
Sorry to hear it is causing you such stress. I have lots of videos on my channel about tracking my cycle. I personally do not use my cervical position as a tracking marker - I use my basal body temperature and cervical fluid as primary markers and then other secondary markers.
I have no pregnancy symptoms with negative results six times and I've seen my period twice but my lower is a lil bit swollen and hard.... What could it be?
Best to use a HSG test for pregnancy since ovulation kits test for LH not HCG. I have read you can get a positive LH test when pregnant, but probably best to use the tests as they were designed to be used :) I have no personal experience with this.
Whoever got pregnant or wants to get pregnant soon and watching this video NOW, God bless you with healthy children.
I appreciate it, thank you.
Amen 🙏🏽
Thank you so much. I know you're not a healthcare provider but I truly wish that healthcare providers would be this open and comprehensive
I really appreciate how you describe everyone’s normalities and symptoms being different. I never thought I’d be a “symptom spotter” and spend hours online looking for hope from others, but here I am! This was a soft but needed reminder to take a step back and just be patient. Thank you for the video!
You just described me
Agreed 😢
I am the most impatient person in the world 😂😩
I am you
By far, the best two week wait symptoms video. It’s not based on mystery but you’ve taken an educated approach and this brings me down to reality. Thank you!
I WISH I would've come across this video when we were ttc with our second. It took a year and we had a miscarriage along the way as well. I've watched SO many of these videos and none of them went into depth like you have so thank you for that ❤ sending you all the baby dust and God blesses you and your family
Thank you for normalizing the fact that you wouldn’t be experiencing symptoms before around 6dpo. So many say that they experience symptoms that early and it’s discouraging to others. Great video!
aaah I am glad to hear that resonated with you. I also found it discouraging when I watched content that spoke of symptoms before or around 6 dpo.
This was the most authentic pregnancy video I’ve ever seen. 👏🏻👏🏽👏🏿 Thanks for keeping it real.
I appreciate your feedback, thanks for watching.
Yes it is. It’s really helpful and factual.
I totally agree with you! Being aware of what's normal for our own cycles is key!! Everyone is unique & each pregnancy can be unique too! My infertility journey was 2 years long. 14 months of seriously trying, tracking & testing with opk's. I learned alot about my cycle & became in tune with my body. In Dec of 2021, I was convinced that I was pregnant. I tracked all my symptoms. I had "irregular" implantation bleeding that wasn't text book. I still had such a strong feeling that I was pregnant, yet all negative tests! After a couple days past my missed period, I gave up with testing & was so incredibly depressed thinking that I was just going crazy, imagining symptoms... WELL I shouldve kept testing 🤦♀️ ...A few weeks later I unexpectedly discovered I was almost 7 weeks pregnant via ultrasound at my OB! 😊Now my baby girl is 13months old 😊 I'm currently having the same symptoms again, but have yet to test positive. I'm 4 days late (which is so unlike me). My most convincing symptoms are dizziness, shortness of breath, implantation bleeding & insanely sore boobs.
I appreciate these types of videos so much! they truly mean the world to me, i’m trying hardly to conceive after battling anorexia/bullimia for 4 years just praying I haven’t messed up my body.
Truly needed this! For you to say out loud that everyone's experience is different and people need to get in tune with their own body and figure out what is normal for them was extremely eye opening. Love that you advocate for this, and it truly made me realize what is and is not normal in my own cycles. Thank you thank you thank you!
The corpus luteum releases both estrogen and progesterone after the egg is released. This is what causes early pregnancy symptoms such as moodiness, breast tenderness and engagement, headaches, etc. Often the corpus luteum releases more or for a longer period of time those hormones until the placenta takes over. This is why women can experience early symptoms before implantation.
Hi there - so in the video these are the usual luteal phase symptoms I discuss since the corpus luteum would do this whether or not pregnancy has occurred in preparation for possible pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs additional symptoms will come about (e.g., some people experience second increase in basal body temp due to additional progesterone). :)
I had the sleep thing happen with my first pregnancy. At around 8 DPO, I started waking up at 3 AM fully alert and ready for the day. I got a positive pregnancy test at 10 DPO. Unfortunately, the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, but we're trying again this month using medication (I have PCOS). I'm currently 1 DPO and so impatient!
What happened?
Are you pregnant?
Any update? ❤
Trying again this month. No pregnancy yet. 😔
Hope it happens for you dear x
A lot of things you said in this video needed to be said. Women can drive themselves mad over evaluating symptoms.
I lost my pregnancy last august 2021 , and i don't have any symptoms. I was in the training, work and class and do activities. And when i find out i was pregnant my breast was firm and my button Belly expand and i took a PT and shows positive right away. And I'm hoping this month I'm pregnant. 💕
I’m so sorry for your loss. I pray your next pregnancy is an success. God Bless you ❤
For me personally, I had very trippy, vivid dreams with all my pregnancies. Different from normal dreams. That was my biggest indicator lol.
That is wild! Thanks for sharing
I had a dream with my second child. I dreamed there was a baby laughing and giggling in the sky with rays of the sun coming through behind him kind of like that kids show Teletubbies lol I woke up right away got a test and I was pregnant with my 2nd baby boy 😊
Love how much awareness you have of your body. Something I strive for. ❤️
You’ve had the best video so far that I’ve ever heard
I'm grateful to hear that. Thanks for watching and letting me know.
I really appreciate the way you explained everything. A lot of people mistake progesterone symptoms with pregnancy symptoms.
So respectfully and clearly spoken in the beginning. 👍🏻
Your information is very accurate! I always implant between 5 and 6 dpo and get my faint bfp on the morning of 8dpo. Many people don't believe it and question my timing because they implant later than me. I appreciate you putting correct info out there!
Thanks for sharing and I am sure other woman appreciate hearing different implantation times :)
I wonder if women with shorter cycles have earlier implantation
So well done. I have educated myself so much and am older TTC number 2 and I enjoyed everything you shared. Thanks for educating instead of speculating like most “symptom per day” videos do.
Oh you strong woman. I have lost 4. 3 were in 10 months. Keep going you are a hero for sharing.
It's hard, I've had so many chemicals... around 10. I've had 3 this year alone. I have two healthy boys and I'm so blessed to have them. Baby dust to you!
I am sorry to hear about your losses. The pregnancy in this video ended at 9 weeks (blighted ovum). I will continue to share and make videos about my experience and everything I've learn't on this journey. ❤
Holy crap, this sounds like my chemical. This is probably the best video explaining how to determine the difference. I've got that tugging/poking/slightly crampy feeling and pressure feeling for this one.
Are you pregnant?
I always preferred waiting until I missed my period before testing. For me it was always a more sure thing, plus I was simply too busy to pay such close attention. Also my first signs were never significant enough to render as different from my regular luteal phase. When I get pregnant again I may not even test, once there's a significantly missed period and my body is increasingly symptomatic, I'll know it's there.
I love that! With my current pregnancy (number 5 not detailed in this video) I chose not to test. It was an amazing experience. Currently 36 weeks.
I did the same and ended up losing my first baby.
Thank you for being considerate of other’s feelings and thoughts during your video and for explaining pregnancy information in detail
You are very right, cheap pregnancy tests is just as good as the expensive ones! It is indeed a marketing strategy!
Thanks for the honesty & being straight forward & also not just telling me what I wanted to hear lol I love that you had me to realize I should focus more so on my body and not compare to everyone else “early pregnant symptoms”.. I’m still going to watch them because it’s been getting me through the two week wait and also kinda entertaining but I’m definitely going to keep in mind to only pay attention to my own body and not compare! 💖😮💨
I have been watching these kind of videos but this is by far the most well explained. My vocabulary is not good enough but I understand perfectly without going to google translate. Thank you for the information.
I am glad to hear you found value in this video.
I was just cramping for a whole week and thought it was too long to just be my period cramps. We found out the week I was suppose to get my period. Almost 4 weeks now. I haven't had any other symptoms besides that.
Oh my i have ovulation pain 2 days before my actual ovulation date, i am still experiencing cramps and i make a week today 😭
How do you handle cramps
@@tenajagibson2581 I would use a heating pad when it was really bad. Other than that, I would just push through the pain.
OMG same
I'm having cramps too, lower back pain and my nipples are sore that I can't even touch it. I found it unusual, I've bought a pregnancy test today. I'll will wait to see if I have missed period to take the test.
This was so helpful! Thank you for being transparent and reassuring while some of us are TTC.
I noticed that too!! So many videos telling symptoms from 1DPO all the way to positive pregnancy test and you can’t even get symptoms from pregnancy that early because you aren’t really pregnant yet. Always bothered me seeing videos like that
This was extremely informative and very realistic. Sounds silly but I never thought of the symptom tracking like you described; really being in tune with your body and noticing symptoms you don’t ever experience or experience more intensely. So so helpful and made me understand a bit more. Thank you!!
My obvious early preggy symptom before missing a period is being too sleepy. Not necessarily super tired but my body just wanna drop and falls asleep in a second 😂, even my husband can tell as working long hours of the day doesn't easily knock me down :)
My boobs are extremely sore (which is normal a couple days before I start) but I have been feeling EXTREMELY tired lately. I’m 9 days late on my period but have taken 2 test and they both said negative. My period has never been late so I’m so confused on what is happening
Finally someone who is real about it..
This is such an Informative video, you explain every detail and it makes it so easy to understand. I appreciate you taking the time to do this. Thank you so much
Glad it was helpful!
I don’t know about this….yes the literature clearly talks about implantation and Bhcg hormone which I’m sure you’re getting your info from.
I think that after fertilization there are definitely hormones release and change in chemicals ..the uterus starts preparing etc…that some women can pick up on. Both of my pregnancies I had symptoms before implantation…and I wud know when I implanted because of slight bleeding and timing of pregnancy test.
Exactly! Everyone body is different.
I believe in having symptoms in early stages meaning few days after the egg meets the sperm is because people body is different. Some metabolism react to a slight foreign body in the system. So the fact that something is happening can trigger symptoms. I did experience symptoms a few days after. I flew to France from the UK where my partner was at the time to get pregnant and I knew on the flight heading back to the UK few days later that my body was different and that something was definitely happening in it. I was right, I was pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful girl. People shared their experiences and realities, not to say that it’s the standard for everyone.
Thanks for this video. I am not feeling well (metal taste in mouth, nauseous, sooo dizzy, fatigue) and I'm supposed to have AF tomorrow. I read it CAN be a early pregnancy sign but if I'm not pregnant, something is def up and I need to go to doctor. Thanks for the reminder that even if someone else had this symptom doesn't mean anything
I usually never have breast pain in my second half of the cycle. In march I had huge breast soreness. But there was no way I could have been pregnant. Same with a ton of other very weird pregnancy symptoms, that I don't usually have but that occur sporadically. So, for me. only a pregnancy test would give the answer. I enjoy these videos anyways :)
I need to tell you how much I appreciate your breast illustration was with uneven breasts. I’ve always been insecure about mine, and it’s nice to see it being normalized
Oh I am glad to hear! That image definitely resonated with me as a more accurate portrayal of what I know breasts to look like :)
This video should be called: how to truly know you’re pregnant before your missed period. 😅
lol. I appreciated the detail too!
This is a really great video! I love your thorough explanation of how everything works before getting into your symptoms. I’ve had similar frustrations with ‘how I knew before my positive pregnancy test’ videos, too. Like you I’ve been tracking for a long time without trying, so I noticed a lot of those videos are listing typical luteal phase symptoms that I could feel any given cycle when I know there’s a virtually 0% chance I’m pregnant.
06:20 I agree, it was annoying to me as well. I watched a video of one woman that was showing her belly at "4 weeks pregnant", and although she did said she`s aware it`s not from the baby but from being bloated, and she was obviously very excited to be pregnant, but it`s annoying. At 4 weeks pregnant the baby exist for just 2 weeks and it`s the size of a poppy seed or even smaller and there`s no chance you can see anything.
Hi, thank you for sharing your experience, it is insightful and i already feel a lot more calm about trying to get pregnant. If i can share my last month's 'symptoms', it turned out i am not pregnant, but the weeke before my period, i noticed a massive increase in saliva and I thought it was an early sign. And also had the sensitive nipples. I was convinced i was pregnant. But unfortunately, it was not a pregnancy. So let's hope for next month 😊
Loved this video! Not too long, I don’t like the short videos, I prefer a longer explanation. Best wishes!
this was so helpful, its our first month ttc and i have been trying to pay a lot of attention to symptoms. good to know a lot of this info!
5DPO my symptoms are stiff vagina like I felt something was in there , nausea, tiredness and weird smells
This is so incredibly helpful and I appreciate the way your listen to your body . You helped me understand several things bon my mind . Thank you!
I've never been successful if my implantation happens later than 6-7 dpo. Seriously. I know what the literature says is the most common day of implantation but anytime I get a late first bfp, like 11dpo, it ends up a chemical pregnancy for me. I've had around 10 chemical pregnancies and two live births. Eith my full teem pregnancies I had implantation cramping on 6 and 7 dpo and got bfps on 8 dpo (super squinter) and 9 dpo.
I LOVE this! I don't know HOW I found you, but I'm starting my new TTC for my #3 in a whole new way because of your inspiration and telling it in such a unique way, that really speaks to me. Please keep making videos and I appreciate all you do. I wish a great blessing for you and I'm so excited to start my new journey with a whole new light! P.S. This is just what I need at exactly the right time in my life! You're amazing!
Thank you! This video was very refreshing, informative and enpowering!
I want to add more when i was pregnant with my first child i got really sick like headaches and had a fever which was odd for me were it only lasted a day 5 days before I supposed to get my period. I was nauseous most of the time after i got sick.
I exactly had the same implantation symptoms you had in my chemical pregnancy
A poke and stretch feeling in my uterus
I looked at an online ovulation calculator and it said I had already ovulated lol but I still have ten days before my period is missed and we did the thing yesterday… but here’s the kicker you have to pay attention to your bodies discharge too and that egg white stuff was ridiculous for me personally the day before which is a clear sign of ovulation. So I’m praying whatever my husband left me will will still find its way to an egg if that makes sense
Thanks for sharing - I am a bit advocate for the use of fertility awareness over ovulation calculators. Women's bodies tell them what is happening and it seems you understood yours. Hoping for the best for you.
All information here is right...but pregnancy or conceptions related symptoms do appear before implantation...because human body has very good communication mechanisms... so only the body does recognize that fertilization has occurred...and it does sent message to prepare room... human body is not a machine to act only according to instruction manual. there are neurotransmitters...through which chemical communication reaches the whole of the body.
The body is absolutely amazing and definitely not a machine :) Every cycle it prepares the uterus for possible pregnancy whether fertilization has taken place or not. I have read theories about the possibility of other communication when fertilization (before implantation has taken place), but I haven't found much more information on that and in my experience that communication isn't sufficient to result in noticeable symptoms that differ from the usual luteal phase symptoms. If you come across some valuable information about this - please share it here.
For me its weird because I got extremely painful boobs, almost like they were on fire. The pain was radiating all around and i got that as one of my first symptoms with my son. But then at like 15m postpartum it came as a pms symptom for a few cycles and then disappeared again. Now im 22m postpartum and this is our first month ttc. Those painful, burning boobs are again my only and biggest symptom. So i dont know if I am or not. Tests are still very negative so probably not but its hard to know when your hormones shift postpartum. Great video, I wish I saw it earlier, I love the realism ❤️
I am glad to hear you enjoyed the video. I am eager to hear if you are pregnant again. And yes - post partum can for sure add some changes to our experiences :)
Hi Carmen. I really love watching all your videos. Thank you for sharing your personal experience. My husband and myself are trying to conceive and have been trying for almost 1year. Please could you give some advise or information regarding having a baby at age 35 keeping the possible changes in your cycle or hormone in consideration 🙏
I just found out im pregnant i just hope everything goes well
Hoping for you that all goes well. That is very exciting.
With my first pregnancy I must’ve implanted early. I did track and pinned down my ovulation but I had a very heavy feeling in my uterus from 4 dpo. Nothing other than that but it was a strange feeling. Almost like I was about to get my period. I tested positive 11 dpo..
So here I am wondering if you can implant as early as 4dpo
Same I had a heavy feeling in my vag 5DPO I knew something was in there
Not true my wife Peed 1012 times more per day before implantation and she did not increase her fluid intake. As soon as your body knows that you’re pregnant, it creates more blood volume.
More saliva
Heart burnt
Sensitive nipples
11Dpo positive test
Acne spots on neck
Uterus fullness bladder pressure
Frequent urination
Thank you so much for this video! It was so informative and encouraging. I am sorry for the loss of your previous pregnancies and pray for success with your future pregnancy. Your amazing and I Love your videos. God Bless you and your family. ❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️
Thank you. I appreciate your kinds words.
Excellent video! Concise... accurate....and factual!
My first symptom of pregnancy was a blow out on my face, I woke up with more than just one whitehead on my face, which had never been a monthly issue.. lol
Progesterone goes up and can mimic pregnancy symptoms so it could be that
Heart burn and gosh the food taste AMAZING ! But definitely heart burn!!!
im 15 mins in and you still haven’t started talking about the symptoms that you had…
I purposefully structured the video differently to the usual format of this type of video. Please use the timecodes to skip ahead if you only want to hear the symptoms.
When did she get to the point?😂😂
I found the beginning confusing, we shouldn’t use past period history to predict when our period would come- but use a period tracker? Which tracks period history to predict future periods lol
I don't advocate for the use of period trackers to predict ovulation. I only recommend them in so far as they are used as a tool to log information for women to have an awareness of their cycles.
Sorry about the confusion. I cover tracking in more detail in other videos.
Mhmmm. Idk yet, but I’ve had nausea for almost a week and it’s not time to take a test yet. But every smell makes me want to vomit. And I’ve been dealing with mild cramps as well.
I really like your feedback and put out on symptoms.
I think I am pregnant.. however nothing is showing positive yet.. I also have missed my period by 5 days already now m. I haven’t had any blood.. I have had tons of cramping off and on the past week and pre period I never cramp..
I do get sore boobs for every period.. however this time no so sore boobs..
Like you said every woman is different and our symptoms will vary.. also age is a big factor.
I just feel pregnant- something is very different this cycle than my normal, my cycle is pretty accurate as well.
Oh also, I get headaches all the time. So that wouldn’t be a sign I’m pregnant.
Thank you for this video
hey love, were you pregnant?
Hey, did you find out you are pregnant?
@@wonderingsoul8021 no. Ended up being a False positive on all the tests I took.
I did more tests after and found out I can’t have babies anymore.
@@Jaye11 I'm so sorry to hear that
@@wonderingsoul8021 it’s ok.. I’m getting older .. just odd how your body will display symptoms of being pregnant without really being pregnant.
It was hard at first when I did all the testing .. but now I am okay- I have come to terms with it
I’ve been trying for 2 years I’m 21 years old , I have regular cycle I get my period around the same time every month and still nothing 😢
Aaah that's tough. Remember though it takes 2 to make a baby. So if you're sure you're ovulating and your luteal phase is sufficient then it might be worth investigating things on your partners side.
Sending care in this time of waiting and wanting.
I got an evaporation line bc I forgot to throw it away, don’t make this mistake LOL
Thank you so much for this video it is so on point and true if I were to recommend a video on pregnancy it’d be this one everything u said is true. Our symptoms are very unique. We know our own bodies and what unusual and what’s not like u said
With my first pregnancy my boobs weren’t sore before my period and that’s how I knew I was pregnant 🤣 I always got sore boobs before my period without it fail so when they weren’t sore I knew something was up ❤
Mine was the opposite...you can pinch my nipple an bite it an I wouldn't feel it,or course if they gotta hella hard yeah...
My boobs were like bricks an hurt sooo fuckin much an then I figured it out..❤️
Mines is the other way around i never get sore boobs before my period but now all of a sudden their aching hmmm 🤔 🤷🏽♀️
Thank you so much for the video ignore those stupid hatred comments that saying the video is too long
Thank you
If I may ask. Was your issue low progesterone? I just found it that could be a problem.
Hi there. Yeah - low progesterone and/or thyroid issues are very common causes of miscarriages. That wasn't the issue for me. Mine was theorized to be that my uterus wasn't fussy enough (as in implanted all fertilized eggs) leading to 4 losses that were random cell abnormalities (we did see a genetic counselor it wasn't genetic factors).
Sorry for the very high level explanation.
Is it possible to feel small symptoms after conception but before implantation due to hormonal changes that occur after sperm meets egg ??
Some people say that have symptom changes, but in all my reading I have not found any evidence that suggests that there are hormonal changes that occur that early.
It’s crazy to think how we can just know sometimes. My husband and I are ttc at the moment, but we were pregnant once before we actually started trying. I had this very vivid dream about being pregnant and I told my husband I needed to take a test. I was on birth control and we didn’t expect it, but I was pregnant. It didn’t stick, but it was crazy how I could just tell. I wonder if this time around I will be able to tell before or not?
This is brilliant and very interesting! Also.. I was wondering if you are ASD. Just have a feeling.
Did you notice a difference in how your cats treated you? Did they become clingy?
my kitten with me but not sure if i’m pregnant
Very informative ❤
So sorry about the chemical pregnancies
I never really have white discharge now I’m having white discharge so I’m scared lol
Thanks for this video. My fiancé and I have been trying to get pregnant for 5 months and still nothing, I have been taking HivoNutra fertility gummies and still haven't gotten a positive pregnancy test. Is there anything you could tell us that could help us out?
I like the honest and realisitic style, yes I'd also heard many times people reporting symptoms from the dpo 2, dpo 3, it's nice to hear that before the hcg the symptoms or lack of are irrelevant. what would happen if you had a very stressful event on day 1 dpo and 2? Does that mean you've blown the chance for that cycle? xx,
I am glad the style resonated with you. I doubt that a very stressful event on DPO 1 and DPO 2 would "blow your chances" since the most common way that stress impacts conception is if you stress before ovulation and it delays or prevents ovulation. I hope you can have a peaceful rest of the cycle and fingers crossed for you.
Not "blow" but it does lower your changes. You can compare it to students during the exam period many are stressed and pull all nighters etc. After the exam period they become ill etc. Because the body finally rests and allows it to become ill because it's "safe". If you're in fight-flight mode, high cortisol levels. You're body is saying "now is not s good time to get pregnant" because of "danger around" fighting everything off.
Also a lot is hormone regulated so it can take a while to go back to normal. Also again as a protective mechanism to still "stay alert".
Ny periods are irregular so i dont know which to go with. I had my monthly on Christmas Eve (2023) to new years then it stopped then it showed up again on the 3rd throught the 9th of January.
I’ve been cramping, nasal congestion n now my nose open up like really sensitive. Nausea, Morning Sickness & metallic taste am I pregnant
I had my period on 26th of may, we started having sex fron 2nd of jun, on 9th of june i feel like implementation like pooking on my one-side of lower belly from next day after i started having back pain, and many other symptoms came after except my brest it’s normal no pain. today is 18/6/2022 i am thinking to do pregnancy test is it right time to do it?
Any updates?
Any update..I feel same like u.Please let me know the update..
What could be the reason when I saw a falt line after 20 minutes
I wouldn't consider a line after 20 minutes unless the test said it is still accurate after 20 minutes. It can just be dye showing up. Personally, to avoid the mind game of wondering - I don't look at tests outside of the time given on the instruction paper.
Wow!!! I love your presentation!!
I appreciate you ❤ for being honest ❤❤
hii hope you have a time answering my question please? With all of that symptoms have u ever checked your cervix? I've been wanting a baby so bad but that symptoms about cervical position was always in the way and now every cycle I'm being paranoid and stressed. thank u in advance!
Sorry to hear it is causing you such stress. I have lots of videos on my channel about tracking my cycle. I personally do not use my cervical position as a tracking marker - I use my basal body temperature and cervical fluid as primary markers and then other secondary markers.
Is it possible to get pregnant 3days after ovulation
No. Only the 5 days before and within 24 hours after. If the egg isn’t fertilized in 24 hours, it dies.
Loved watching this
I have no pregnancy symptoms with negative results six times and I've seen my period twice but my lower is a lil bit swollen and hard.... What could it be?
I am sorry, I don't know what that could be.
Could be fibroid . Just do ultrasound to check where the problem is coming from .
THANK YOU u made so much sense to me
I am glad to hear.
What was ur age at the Time of conception? if u cn share that.... It would be a help for people like us, struggling for successful pregnancy.
Age 29 for 2 of them. Age 30 for the others.
@@carmenfourie5346 thanks I'm 37 nd had 7 missedabrtion s. Is my age could be a prblm?
Try going to a naturopathic doctor for thyroid and progesterone
One of the best videos 👍🏾
Does ovulation kit show ovulation in early pregnancy?
Best to use a HSG test for pregnancy since ovulation kits test for LH not HCG. I have read you can get a positive LH test when pregnant, but probably best to use the tests as they were designed to be used :) I have no personal experience with this.