Mindfulness Meditation by Deepak Chopra

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @david.walters
    @david.walters 4 роки тому +32

    You! Yes you reading this right now. No not some random person but YOU! I'm sending this message to YOU! Everything that has hurt you is over. Every test you've been put through, you have survived. You might not be exactly where you were aiming to be but today marks the start of your new life. Your mindset shifted to such a high level that it vibrated on a frequency that brought you right here. The universe has a way of taking you exactly where you want to be, at the perfect time and all that is required, is for you to align your mind. NOW, you're on the right track. Watch this over and over until it sinks in and share it with the people you want a better life for and heal and grow together. You're blessed and the new chapter of your life just started! No more negativity. No more sadness. Forgive yourself and learn to love who you've always been so you can sore to the highest level of yourself. This is awesome and I'm so excited for what's about to happen to you over the next few days. Wow! You really made it to this place.

    • @thebeautifulhumanproject7249
      @thebeautifulhumanproject7249 4 роки тому

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher 4 роки тому +1

      The Beautiful Human Project
      Everything, both perceptible and imperceptible - that is, any gross or subtle OBJECT within the material universe which can ever be perceived with the cognitive faculties, plus the SUBJECT (the observer of all phenomena) - is to what most persons generally refer when they use the term “God”, since they usually conceive of the Primeval Creator as being the Perfect Person, and “God” (capitalized) is a personal epithet of the Unconditioned Absolute. However, this anthropomorphized conception of The Absolute is a fictional character of mythologies.
      According to most every enlightened sage in the history of this planet, the Ultimate Reality is, far more logically, Impersonal Absolute NOTHINGNESS (otherwise called “The Tao”, “The Great Spirit”, “Brahman”, “Pure Consciousness”, “Eternal Awareness”, “Independent Existence”, “The Ground of All Being”, “Uncaused Nature”, “The Undifferentiated Substratum of Reality”, “The Unified Field”, et cetera).
      In other words, rather than the Supreme Truth being a separate Blissful, Supra-Conscious Being (The Godhead Himself or The Goddess), Ultimate Reality is Eternal-Existence Limitless-Awareness Unconditional-Peace ITSELF.
      Because the Unmanifested Absolute is infinite creative potentiality, “it” actualizes as EVERYTHING, in the form of temporary cyclical universes. In the case of our particular universe, we reside in a cosmos consisting of space-time, matter and energy, without, of course, neglecting the most fundamental dimension of existence (i. e. conscious awareness - although, it is, being the subject, by literal definition, non-existent).
      Just as a knife cannot cut itself, nor the mind comprehend itself, nor the eyes see themselves, The Absolute cannot know Itself (or at least objectively EXPERIENCE Itself), and so, has manifested this phenomenal universe within Itself for the purpose of experiencing Itself, particularly through the lives of self-aware beings, such as we sophisticated humans. Therefore, this world of duality is really just a play of consciousness within Consciousness, in the same way that a dream is a person’s sleeping narrative set within the life-story of an ‘awakened’ individual.
      APPARANTLY, this phenomenal universe was created with the primal act (the so-called “Big Bang”), which started, supposedly, as a minute, slightly uneven ball of light, which in turn, was instigated, ultimately, by Extra-Temporal Supra-Consciousness. From that first deed, every motion or action that has ever occurred has been a direct (though, almost exclusively, an indirect) result of it. Ultimately, no thing exists.
      Just as all the extant energy in the universe was once contained within the inchoate singularity, Infinite Consciousness was NECESSARILY present at the beginning of the universe, and is in no way an epiphenomenon of a neural network. Obviously, discrete consciousness is entirely dependent on the neurological faculty of individual animals (the more highly-evolved the species, the greater its cognitive abilities).
      “Sarvam khalvidam brahma” (‘all this is indeed Brahman’). There is NAUGHT but Eternal Being, Conscious Awareness, Causeless Peace -
      and you are that!
      This ‘Theory of Everything’ is more succinctly expressed as the mathematical equation:
      E=A͚ (Everything is Infinite Awareness).
      HUMANS are essentially this Eternally-Aware-Peace, acting through an extraordinarily-complex biological organism, comprised of the eight rudimentary elements - pseudo-ego (the sense of self), intellect, mind, solids, liquids, gases, heat (fire), and ether (three-dimensional space).
      Everything which can be presently perceived, both tangible and immaterial, including we human beings, is a culmination of that primary manifestation. That is the most accurate and rational explanation for “karma” - everything was preordained from the initial spark, and every action since has unfolded as it was predestined in ETERNITY, via an ever-forward-moving trajectory. The notion of retributive (“tit for tat”) karma is just that - an unverified belief. Likewise, the notion of a distinct, reincarnating “soul” or “spirit” is, substantially, a fallacious belief.
      Whatever state in which we currently find ourselves, is the result of two factors - our genetic make-up at conception and our present-life conditioning (which may include mutating genetic code). Every choice ever made by every human and non-human animal was determined by those two factors ALONE. Therefore, free-will is purely illusory, despite what most believe.
      As a consequence of residing within this dualistic universe, we experience a lifelong series of fluctuating temporal pleasures and pains, which can take the form of physical, emotional, and/or financial pleasure or pain. Suffering and pain are NOT synonymous.
      Suffering is due to a false sense of personal 'doership' - the belief that one is a separate, independent author of one’s thoughts, emotions, and deeds, and that, likewise, other persons are autonomous agents, with complete volition to act, think, and feel as they wish. Another way of stating the same concept is: suffering is due to the intellect being unwilling or unable to accept life as it manifests moment by moment.
      There are five SYMPTOMS of suffering, all of which are psychological in nature:
      1. Guilt
      2. Blame
      3. Pride
      4. Anxiety
      5. Regrets about the past and expectations for the future
      These types of suffering are the result of not properly understanding what was explained above - that life is a series of happenings and NOT caused by the individual living beings. No living creature, including Homo sapiens, has personal free-will. There is only the Universal, Divine Will at play, acting through every body, to which William Shakespeare famously alluded when he scribed “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
      The human organism is essentially a biopsychological machine, comprised of the five gross material elements and the three subtle material elements, listed above.
      The ANTIDOTE to all mental anguish is to firstly discern pain from suffering, then to achieve complete relief from that miserable state of existence, by abandoning the erroneous belief in personal authorship, and abiding in the primordial sense of being (the unqualified “I am”, which is one's core identity). This is the very same peace which is experienced each night during the dreamless phase of the sleep cycle. This 'resting imperturbably as Flawless Awareness' can be practiced on a regular basis, until it is fully assimilated and integrated into one's life.
      Every person, from time immemorial, has been either intentionally or unwittingly seeking such causeless peace, most commonly by practicing one of the four systems of YOGA (religion), or else in creating wealth, or in psycho-physical pleasures. That peace of mind is often referred to as “happiness”, “joy”, or “love”, and often presumed to be a temporal state, since many assume, incorrectly, that continuous peace is unavailable in this life. Fortunately, that is not the case - it is eminently possible to live one's life acquainted with unbroken peace of mind, if destined.
      Following DHARMA (frameworks of authentic religion and societal duties) is not guaranteed to achieve that desired tranquillity of mind, but even so, it is beneficial for individuals, since it establishes a structure which enables one to more easily elevate oneself beyond the mundane, animalistic platform (i. e. the base pursuits of eating, sleeping and mating). Intrinsic to dharma is the division of the adult male population into the four classes of society and the inherent role of girls and women in society, as fully elucidated in latter chapters of this Holy Scripture.
      So, now that you understand life, and the reason why we are suffering here in this (ostensively) material universe, you are now able to be liberated from all mental suffering, RIGHT?
      WRONG! It is imperative to approach an authentic spiritual master to assist you to come to the above realization, by slowly undoing your past conditioning. Just as you have been conditioned over an entire lifetime to think one way, you need to be re-conditioned to think another way (in alignment with your essential identity as The Divine). For one who has himself for a teacher, that man has a veritable fool as his teacher.
      Even if you adhere closely to the precepts of a competent teacher, you may still not come to a full understanding of life, but if you are sincere, humble and dedicated, you will definitely find more peace in your daily life - all of which was DESTINED to occur, of course.
      Furthermore, if you are suitably-qualified and it was ordained, you may be fortunate enough to receive discipline from one of the EXCEEDINGLY rare fully-enlightened masters residing on earth at any given time (perchance, even the current World Teacher himself), and subsequently realize the aforementioned fundamental concepts, by diligently studying authoritative doctrines (especially the most accurate and complete of all extant Scriptures, this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”), serving your guru with great reverence and devotion, and by deliberately avoiding undue harm to oneself, to other individuals, to society as a whole, and to the natural environment, including other life forms.
      Most beneficially, you are urged to become VEGAN, since carnism (the ideology which supports the use and consumption of animal products, especially for ‘food’) is, apart from illegitimate (non-monarchical) governance and feminism, arguably the most destructive existential practice.
      Best wishes for your unique, personal journey towards unalloyed peace and HAPPINESS!

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher 4 роки тому

      Awakened Sun
      🐟 01. PREFACE:
      oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya
      cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
      tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ
      “I was born in the darkest ignorance,
      and my spiritual master opened my eyes
      with the torch of knowledge.
      I offer my respectful obeisances unto him.”
      Although this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity” (“F.I.S.H”) may appear to be religious propaganda, it is actually a highly-scientific treatise, based on easily-verifiable FACTS. You will not find any nonsensical dogmas herein, such as belief in a Supreme Creator God, a separate individual soul, a spirit which reincarnates from one body to another, retributive karma, eternal damnation/salvation, original sin, virginal births, the bogus (so-called) “law” of attraction, heaven, hell, nor angels and demons. Neither will you read any vague, sentimental precepts which plague the vast majority of so-called “spirituality”. At least 99.9% of all religious teachings are either irrational, illogical, and/or absurd.
      This is a superlatively logical and cogent document, attempting to present the most ACCURATE concepts known to man at the time of composition, regarding life, the problem of suffering, morality, societal organization, and the human search for unalloyed peace and happiness.
      In “F.I.S.H”, the lower-case form of the word “consciousness” refers to localized consciousness, whilst the capitalized word refers to Infinite Universal Consciousness, which is the ineffable Ground of Being.
      This distinction is purely a convention of language, since there is ultimately ONE Reality, and helps distinguish the individual mind and intellect from Absolute Awareness.
      Each paragraph has at least one word CAPITALIZED to emphasize a particular point, and because some media do not permit the use of italicization and boldening of text.
      The reason some English terms have their Sanskrit equivalents parenthesized is because the overwhelming majority of persons who study advanced spiritual topics (particularly non-duality), have at least delved into Vedanta, and so, many Sanskrit terms are already familiar to them. Also, the language of ancient Bhārata (Northern India) contains far more PRECISE terms in regards to classical physics and metaphysics.
      Chapter 02 is “a” brief explanation for life, not THE explanation for life. However, it is quite accurate, and sufficient for most all contemporary spiritual practitioners, just as the creation stories of the major religious traditions were adequate for the average person in ancient societies. Even the greatest buddha who ever lived does not understand life absolutely, I would posit.
      “How can a created object ever know anything about pure subjectivity? A created object can never ever understand the nature of the Source or the basis on which the created phenomenal universe functions.” Ramesh Balsekar (06/08/2000)
      Regarding the title of this Holy Scripture, “final” is used according to the secondary definition of the word, that is, in the adjectival sense of ‘conclusive’ or 'definitive', and NOT implying that it is the last authentic Scripture ever to be published. “Instruction sheet”, because it was originally a far more concise document, fitting on a single sheet of A4-sized paper, attempting to explain life, and giving precepts regarding the most important aspects of human society, such as government, religion, law, diet, etiquette, marriage, sex, and social class.
      “The Book(let) of Life and Living” would perhaps be a more appropriate title for this new work.
      Note that this revised Holy Scripture deals far less with PRESCRIPTIONS, but is mostly concerned with DESCRIPTIONS - that is, describing how life operates, rather than dispensing precepts, as religious teachings tend to do.
      According to some of the most enlightened persons in history, a philosophical argument is to be AUTOMATICALLY rejected if it is composed using poor grammar and/or syntax (and, to a lesser degree, poor spelling). After all, how would it be possible to know for certain what a person’s argument even is, unless it was written in concise and legible language? Therefore, despite being the recipient of a poor government education system, I have endeavoured to compose this work to the best of my ability, in regards to the rules of English grammar, et cetera.
      Unlike most Holy Scriptures, “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity” has been, and will continue to be evolving throughout the lifetime of its author. Therefore, after reading your particular copy of “F.I.S.H”, you may wish to search for the latest available edition. This third revision was first published on my fifty-fourth birthday (30/11/2019) so, hopefully, there will be many more updates to come (assuming I am not assassinated by some demonic government, which appears to be the destiny of many genuine prophets, sad to say).
      In regards to the QUOTATIONS at the end of each chapter, Lord Jesus Christ states:
      “Every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household, who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.”
      Matthew‬ ‭13:52‬.
      “He who speaks nothing but TRUTH is lying on the lap of God.”
      Rāmakrishna "Gadadhar" Chattopadhyay,
      (AKA Śri Rāmakrishna Paramahamsa),
      Indian Spiritual Master.

    • @Tinyteacher1111
      @Tinyteacher1111 4 роки тому

      Wow! I sure needed this today! Thank you so much!🙏

    • @tross8863
      @tross8863 3 роки тому

      Wow, I feel like I fell into a world of weiner and whiners 🤣🤮

  • @ChitchatwithApril
    @ChitchatwithApril 4 роки тому +5

    I am so grateful for your generosity Dr Deepak. I’m always surprised when I see yet another upload. I shouldn’t be. I guess it’s that’s just how grateful I am.

  • @peacefulmind4
    @peacefulmind4 4 роки тому +7

    Everyone who sees this: You’re beautiful, and never give up your dreams, you are on this world for a reason!
    Beautiful Audio..

  • @aravindananjundappa7734
    @aravindananjundappa7734 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Dr. Chopra helps me to understand life and live it better

  • @annamcgovern5616
    @annamcgovern5616 Місяць тому

    Thank you ❤

  • @musiquerelaxationnature2337
    @musiquerelaxationnature2337 4 роки тому +1

    Salut drôlement plaisant votre video grand merci 🙏❤️🙏❤️

  • @ManMindMoney
    @ManMindMoney 3 роки тому

    उपलब्धियां आलोचनाएं एक दूसरे की साथी है उपलब्धि बढ़ती है तो अवश्य ही आपकी आलोचनाएं भी उतनी ही होंगी🖋️✨💯

  • @drwebercoaching
    @drwebercoaching 3 роки тому

    Hey good video, I like to thank you welldone

  • @jasonlopez7253
    @jasonlopez7253 4 роки тому +1

    I love you deepak!

  • @HealingWaves
    @HealingWaves 4 роки тому +3

    “meditation nourishes your awareness that you are the Self, then you can relax and have fun in this Divine Play.”
    ― Bert McCoy
    Infinite Love Beautiful Soul! ✨❤

  • @superfitatpowerhouse4006
    @superfitatpowerhouse4006 3 роки тому

    Good stuff. It really does help

  • @claudiaclaudia9310
    @claudiaclaudia9310 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you to everyone who made possible Daily Breath
    God Bless you!

  • @panosnanos2877
    @panosnanos2877 4 роки тому

    Very helpful. Thanks.

  • @vendingmachinemasterpiece6824
    @vendingmachinemasterpiece6824 4 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @Defy27
    @Defy27 4 роки тому


  • @elizabethlao17
    @elizabethlao17 4 роки тому


  • @silviareginaribeirotenorio6894
    @silviareginaribeirotenorio6894 4 роки тому


  • @TheWorldTeacher
    @TheWorldTeacher 4 роки тому +1

    Everything, both perceptible and imperceptible - that is, any gross or subtle OBJECT within the material universe which can ever be perceived with the cognitive faculties, plus the SUBJECT (the observer of all phenomena) - is to what most persons generally refer when they use the term “God”, since they usually conceive of the Primeval Creator as being the Perfect Person, and “God” (capitalized) is a personal epithet of the Unconditioned Absolute. However, this anthropomorphized conception of The Absolute is a fictional character of mythologies.
    According to most every enlightened sage in the history of this planet, the Ultimate Reality is, far more logically, Impersonal Absolute NOTHINGNESS (otherwise called “The Tao”, “The Great Spirit”, “Brahman”, “Pure Consciousness”, “Eternal Awareness”, “Independent Existence”, “The Ground of All Being”, “Uncaused Nature”, “The Undifferentiated Substratum of Reality”, “The Unified Field”, et cetera).
    In other words, rather than the Supreme Truth being a separate Blissful, Supra-Conscious Being (The Godhead Himself or The Goddess), Ultimate Reality is Eternal-Existence Limitless-Awareness Unconditional-Peace ITSELF.
    Because the Unmanifested Absolute is infinite creative potentiality, “it” actualizes as EVERYTHING, in the form of temporary cyclical universes. In the case of our particular universe, we reside in a cosmos consisting of space-time, matter and energy, without, of course, neglecting the most fundamental dimension of existence (i. e. conscious awareness - although, it is, being the subject, by literal definition, non-existent).
    Just as a knife cannot cut itself, nor the mind comprehend itself, nor the eyes see themselves, The Absolute cannot know Itself (or at least objectively EXPERIENCE Itself), and so, has manifested this phenomenal universe within Itself for the purpose of experiencing Itself, particularly through the lives of self-aware beings, such as we sophisticated humans. Therefore, this world of duality is really just a play of consciousness within Consciousness, in the same way that a dream is a person’s sleeping narrative set within the life-story of an ‘awakened’ individual.
    APPARANTLY, this phenomenal universe was created with the primal act (the so-called “Big Bang”), which started, supposedly, as a minute, slightly uneven ball of light, which in turn, was instigated, ultimately, by Extra-Temporal Supra-Consciousness. From that first deed, every motion or action that has ever occurred has been a direct (though, almost exclusively, an indirect) result of it. Ultimately, no thing exists.
    Just as all the extant energy in the universe was once contained within the inchoate singularity, Infinite Consciousness was NECESSARILY present at the beginning of the universe, and is in no way an epiphenomenon of a neural network. Obviously, discrete consciousness is entirely dependent on the neurological faculty of individual animals (the more highly-evolved the species, the greater its cognitive abilities).
    “Sarvam khalvidam brahma” (‘all this is indeed Brahman’). There is NAUGHT but Eternal Being, Conscious Awareness, Causeless Peace -
    and you are that!
    This ‘Theory of Everything’ is more succinctly expressed as the mathematical equation:
    E=A͚ (Everything is Infinite Awareness).
    HUMANS are essentially this Eternally-Aware-Peace, acting through an extraordinarily-complex biological organism, comprised of the eight rudimentary elements - pseudo-ego (the sense of self), intellect, mind, solids, liquids, gases, heat (fire), and ether (three-dimensional space).
    Everything which can be presently perceived, both tangible and immaterial, including we human beings, is a culmination of that primary manifestation. That is the most accurate and rational explanation for “karma” - everything was preordained from the initial spark, and every action since has unfolded as it was predestined in ETERNITY, via an ever-forward-moving trajectory. The notion of retributive (“tit for tat”) karma is just that - an unverified belief. Likewise, the notion of a distinct, reincarnating “soul” or “spirit” is, substantially, a fallacious belief.
    Whatever state in which we currently find ourselves, is the result of two factors - our genetic make-up at conception and our present-life conditioning (which may include mutating genetic code). Every choice ever made by every human and non-human animal was determined by those two factors ALONE. Therefore, free-will is purely illusory, despite what most believe.
    As a consequence of residing within this dualistic universe, we experience a lifelong series of fluctuating temporal pleasures and pains, which can take the form of physical, emotional, and/or financial pleasure or pain. Suffering and pain are NOT synonymous.
    Suffering is due to a false sense of personal 'doership' - the belief that one is a separate, independent author of one’s thoughts, emotions, and deeds, and that, likewise, other persons are autonomous agents, with complete volition to act, think, and feel as they wish. Another way of stating the same concept is: suffering is due to the intellect being unwilling or unable to accept life as it manifests moment by moment.
    There are five SYMPTOMS of suffering, all of which are psychological in nature:
    1. Guilt
    2. Blame
    3. Pride
    4. Anxiety
    5. Regrets about the past and expectations for the future
    These types of suffering are the result of not properly understanding what was explained above - that life is a series of happenings and NOT caused by the individual living beings. No living creature, including Homo sapiens, has personal free-will. There is only the Universal, Divine Will at play, acting through every body, to which William Shakespeare famously alluded when he scribed “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
    The human organism is essentially a biopsychological machine, comprised of the five gross material elements and the three subtle material elements, listed above.
    The ANTIDOTE to all mental anguish is to firstly discern pain from suffering, then to achieve complete relief from that miserable state of existence, by abandoning the erroneous belief in personal authorship, and abiding in the primordial sense of being (the unqualified “I am”, which is one's core identity). This is the very same peace which is experienced each night during the dreamless phase of the sleep cycle. This 'resting imperturbably as Flawless Awareness' can be practiced on a regular basis, until it is fully assimilated and integrated into one's life.
    Every person, from time immemorial, has been either intentionally or unwittingly seeking such causeless peace, most commonly by practicing one of the four systems of YOGA (religion), or else in creating wealth, or in psycho-physical pleasures. That peace of mind is often referred to as “happiness”, “joy”, or “love”, and often presumed to be a temporal state, since many assume, incorrectly, that continuous peace is unavailable in this life. Fortunately, that is not the case - it is eminently possible to live one's life acquainted with unbroken peace of mind, if destined.
    Following DHARMA (frameworks of authentic religion and societal duties) is not guaranteed to achieve that desired tranquillity of mind, but even so, it is beneficial for individuals, since it establishes a structure which enables one to more easily elevate oneself beyond the mundane, animalistic platform (i. e. the base pursuits of eating, sleeping and mating). Intrinsic to dharma is the division of the adult male population into the four classes of society and the inherent role of girls and women in society, as fully elucidated in latter chapters of this Holy Scripture.
    So, now that you understand life, and the reason why we are suffering here in this (ostensively) material universe, you are now able to be liberated from all mental suffering, RIGHT?
    WRONG! It is imperative to approach an authentic spiritual master to assist you to come to the above realization, by slowly undoing your past conditioning. Just as you have been conditioned over an entire lifetime to think one way, you need to be re-conditioned to think another way (in alignment with your essential identity as The Divine). For one who has himself for a teacher, that man has a veritable fool as his teacher.
    Even if you adhere closely to the precepts of a competent teacher, you may still not come to a full understanding of life, but if you are sincere, humble and dedicated, you will definitely find more peace in your daily life - all of which was DESTINED to occur, of course.
    Furthermore, if you are suitably-qualified and it was ordained, you may be fortunate enough to receive discipline from one of the EXCEEDINGLY rare fully-enlightened masters residing on earth at any given time (perchance, even the current World Teacher himself), and subsequently realize the aforementioned fundamental concepts, by diligently studying authoritative doctrines (especially the most accurate and complete of all extant Scriptures, this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”), serving your guru with great reverence and devotion, and by deliberately avoiding undue harm to oneself, to other individuals, to society as a whole, and to the natural environment, including other life forms.
    Most beneficially, you are urged to become VEGAN, since carnism (the ideology which supports the use and consumption of animal products, especially for ‘food’) is, apart from illegitimate (non-monarchical) governance and feminism, arguably the most destructive existential practice.
    Best wishes for your unique, personal journey towards unalloyed peace and HAPPINESS!

  • @ninaadams2181
    @ninaadams2181 4 роки тому +1

    This is the fourth meditation that has the same narrative. Each meditation has a different title and released on a different day, but the narrative is identical. It's a bummer that this happens. Especially when the title of the meditation indicates there is a different subject & might contain something new to learn, but it doesn't...same thing, rinse and repeat.

    • @ChitchatwithApril
      @ChitchatwithApril 4 роки тому +1

      Interesting. Weirdly, I have missed the last four meditations. The beginning of this one is refreshing and somewhat different from his previous meditation that I listened to. I agree. I do say that they are fairly repetitive in nature if like you said even the same recording. But for me, sensationalism that other UA-camrs have with their meditations is getting quite old for me. I guess I’m back to basics. So I don’t mind some repetition. I’m so grateful he’s serving his audience at all. He certainly doesn’t need the money. Or the fame.

    • @scotttea2048
      @scotttea2048 2 роки тому

      Maybe it's intentional.

  • @thebeautifulhumanproject7249
    @thebeautifulhumanproject7249 4 роки тому


  • @ayushfigser1398
    @ayushfigser1398 4 роки тому +1

    Mera channel dekho 13 years ka ladka sbko motivate krta hai

  • @tross8863
    @tross8863 3 роки тому

    Hard to believe someone can actually listen to this! Make a person want to rip their own hair out!

  • @linnykenneyleather
    @linnykenneyleather 4 роки тому

    the mouth noises are too distracting for me. maybe use a pop screen on your mic or stand back a little?

  • @doraalzate2702
    @doraalzate2702 4 роки тому
