You Could Die Tomorrow

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • In memory of Aminah Assilmi. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.
    Please pray for our sister Aminah Assilmi, who spoke at my college on Monday, and passed away on Thursday. Also, they need help paying for her final expenses, so insha'Allah, if you can, donate through the above website. May Allah accept from her, forgive her sins, and grant her Paradise in the hereafter. Subhanallah, this is a sign for all of us. Life is short, death is a certainty, and tomorrow is not guaranteed. You could die tomorrow. What have you prepared? Are you ready to face your Creator? What do you have to show for your life, and can you be sure that any of it will be accepted? To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return.


  • @arabcent1
    @arabcent1 10 років тому +3

    I hope to God that makes my sister aminah assilmi in paradise in the Supreme paradise

  • @udapsmathram200
    @udapsmathram200 8 років тому +3

    May Allah bless u brother

  • @sajidamohd1975
    @sajidamohd1975 9 років тому +3

    May Allah swt reward you brother. It was beautiful...

  • @Renesmee15Jake25
    @Renesmee15Jake25 8 років тому +4

    Peter that was great recitation that you did. Mashallah!!

  • @fatimaCarina1
    @fatimaCarina1 10 років тому +7

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder. May Allah grant you Jannatul Firdowz aamiin.
    .....! Yaa Allah , Make us die as believers.. Aamiin.

  • @Mabd1202
    @Mabd1202 12 років тому +2

    Ya Allah Make my Iman Strong so that I can be a good muslimah. I almost cry when I heard the last verse from the Quran because Many of us, Including me, We don't really appreciate Just being a Muslim. It's a gift that's very hard to get and Only God gives to those who are sincere and Honest. How many of us Get up in the morning and start the day saying Alhamdul'Allah that I am a Muslim and i made the day so I can make more Ajr? Not Me. so please Make du'aa for me and for Yourselves and Family.

  • @cherish933
    @cherish933 14 років тому

    to me a muslim women she insPired me so much to study islam ...inshallah Allah(swt) will reward her for her efforts !

  • @fadj59
    @fadj59 10 років тому

    I have been wat ching. AMINA ASSILMI for a while since 2010. I was sadened to learn of her untimely death in a motorcar accident.
    Not only could we as Muslim learn a lot from her lec tures but also how she handled opposition in becoming a Muslim but also the way she treated her family and living the Quran in such a way that her husband who divorced her ecame a Muslim as well as her bloodrelations who opposed her.
    Amina we salute you and may there be many more Aminas. May Allah SWT grant you Jannatul Firdows Insha Allah
    Fadiah Johnson Cape Town Soutn Africa

  • @sofinab8
    @sofinab8 12 років тому +1

    Your Arabic recitation is very good Masha'Allah

  • @jmqi8
    @jmqi8 14 років тому

    Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. My best friend's mom died unexpectedly as well. May Allah (swt) grant them a place in jannah.

  • @fadj59
    @fadj59 10 років тому +2

    May Allah Swt grant you Jannatul Fifdows. Insha Allah
    Fadiah Johnson Cape Town South Africa

  • @nafism6969
    @nafism6969 13 років тому

    very nice video.
    very nice.
    i love seeing young muslim men and women making Islam the love of their life.
    this is the love of our life.

  • @iraqnroll90
    @iraqnroll90 12 років тому

    Bismillah al rahman alrahim...Masha'allah, i just wanted to say that you are a better muslim than many who are born into this religion. Alhamdulilah you are a wonderful addition to this great religion. You are most lucky because Allah has hand picked you to be a muslim, keep up the great work brother. Inshallah all the best for you in this life, and the hereafter. (i shall read her the fatiha and pray that she is finally at peace)

  • @fajarromadhon5611
    @fajarromadhon5611 7 років тому +1

    i like the advice at your last part of this video.

  • @gaznawiali
    @gaznawiali 8 років тому

    Salaam brother Peter. This was so sad. I just discovered your channel after watching the conver(t)sation event and I just came across this video of sister Aminah. I had no idea she had passed away. My grandad passed away a week ago.
    I pray Allah strengthens us all and that He accepts all your work. May He give you every good thing in this dunya and especially in the akhira. I hope you, sister Aminah, all my brothers and sisters and our deceased friends and relatives are given an easy hisaab and are admitted to janatul firdaus. ameen.

  • @imani25
    @imani25 14 років тому

    i am really sorry to hear about your friend, i pray that ALLAH SWT grants her the highest heaven and forgive all her sins, she was very lucky to have a friend like you, ina lilahi wa ina ilayhe rajiroun

  • @kaltundeeqa
    @kaltundeeqa 13 років тому

    Awosome Video brother! this is very sad may Alah grant her into paradise(jannah) Ina illahi ani aleyhi raji'oon

  • @eljos85
    @eljos85 10 років тому +1

    Mashallah The beautiful words of Allah (SWT),
    may Allah T'a3alah reward you...

  • @ahlan96
    @ahlan96 13 років тому

    Hey Mashallah you have a beautiful voiceee may Allah grant you paradise im so happy that Allah has guided you subhannalah praise to Be God who takes his servants into the light and gives them mercy, may Allah reward you with these videos Brother

  • @zaki301
    @zaki301 14 років тому

    you right brother .
    Allah (SWT) he doesn't choose the sick over the healthy and the old over the young and the the ignorant over the knowledge , one it comes to death .
    For our sister we ask allah to grant her a better place and better family in jenna ,ameen .

  • @missounasr
    @missounasr 14 років тому

    enna li ALLAH wa enna ilayhi raje3oun
    ya ALLAH Make us die
    guided, not astray,
    obedient, not averse,
    repentant, not disobedient or persisting

  • @fdada100
    @fdada100 11 років тому +1

    Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

  • @nuffsaid1429
    @nuffsaid1429 14 років тому

    Salaam,mashallah this was such a simple but necessary reminder about the goal in dunyah. Jazaka Allah khair :)

  • @وعداللاميحجباراتلندن

    My Allah be Mercy with her . Sorry for my Englisch I Cant belive she die OMG .I love her so much

  • @onlyme373
    @onlyme373 14 років тому

    Masha'Allah , great video... you actually made me think about death and hereafter and i rarely think about it because its a scary thought

  • @syedifraz2674
    @syedifraz2674 8 років тому +1

    so beautiful

  • @muslimslife
    @muslimslife 14 років тому

    JazakaAllahu khier brother

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому +1

    "You either believe the prophets and 4000 years of God's message, or you believe one man alone, and his word alone."
    Indeed. Why deny all of God's prophets from Adam (as) to Muhammad (saws), just to follow one man alone, Paul of Tarsus?

  • @JC7Musica
    @JC7Musica 14 років тому

    @dawahaddict: Good to see you again! The language is the medium, not the message.

  • @keeplarge
    @keeplarge 14 років тому

    Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon

  • @redcoloredstars
    @redcoloredstars 13 років тому

    Interesting that the same relief you feel that Sister Aminah was a good Muslim before she died is the same sorrow I feel that she wasn't reconciled to God through Jesus. We believe different things about God, but we share an urgency about people coming to the truth before they die.

  • @Newf2islam
    @Newf2islam 14 років тому

    Masha Allah keep up the good work

  • @daniediandradevand
    @daniediandradevand 11 років тому +1

    she said on
    may Allah reward her jannatul firdaus

  • @weppi91
    @weppi91 13 років тому

    Awesome video! May Allah grant her Jannah inshaAllah not like what some of these people commenting below wish for. Anyhow, who is the reciter at the end of the video? I love his voice MashaAllah!

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому


  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    The prophets of God have always been consistent in their message: worship God alone with no partners. Do not disobey God by worshipping Jesus (as) in His place. Worship the God that Jesus (as) worshipped.

  • @BintAlHaq
    @BintAlHaq 14 років тому


  • @rniidee
    @rniidee 6 років тому

    اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لها وَارْحَمْها وَعَافِها وَاعْفُ عَنْها وَأَكْرِمْ نُزُلَها وَوَسِّعْ مُدْخَلَها وَاغْسِلْها بِالْمَاءِ وَالثَّلْجِ وَالْبَرَدِ وَنَقِّها مِنْ الْخَطَايَا كَمَا نَقَّيْتَ الثَّوْبَ الْأَبْيَضَ مِنْ الدَّنَسِ وَأَبْدِلْها دَارًا خَيْرًا مِنْ دَارِها وَأَهْلًا خَيْرًا مِنْ أَهْلِها وَزَوْجًا خَيْرًا مِنْ زَوْجِها وَأَدْخِلْها الْجَنَّةَ وَأَعِذْها مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ أَوْ مِنْ عَذَابِ النَّارِ

  • @aminaf93
    @aminaf93 12 років тому


  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @rayoflightcanada I've never heard anything like that. Are you sure about that one?

  • @amanita1703
    @amanita1703 12 років тому

    ما شاء الله صوتك جميل و تلاوتك جيدة و شكرا على الفيديو

  • @gardezian
    @gardezian 8 років тому +2

    great job Peter love you brother !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Crazyass94
    @Crazyass94 13 років тому

    @MyZionistSoul I am not Muslim but I do believe they should be respected for their beliefs. We should all respect each other. Have we not all one Father? I'm a Jew and that's the philosophy I follow when I encounter the different denominations that worship the G-d of Israel. We are all brothers and sisters and we may not agree on everything but we all deserve respect.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @coolerabdullah He doesn't seem interested in the truth, just his false beliefs. Isn't incredible how Shaytan can get a person so emotionally attached to kufr that they refuse to even think about reality, even when the truth is right in front of them? Subhanallah. Surely Allah guides as He wills.

  • @Renesmee15Jake25
    @Renesmee15Jake25 8 років тому

    Where can I find this recitation of sureh Al Imran (verse 102 at the end of this video?) Whose recitation is it? Could someone please tell....

  • @albanianwarrior475
    @albanianwarrior475 8 років тому +1

    How did you learn Arabic?
    Can you make a video on that?

    • @_asmaamah
      @_asmaamah 8 років тому

      Arabic is like any other language. You need to learn the alphabet, common words and basic sentences, then you can go forward with the process step by step. Check the internet for some websites or try to find a tutor. Good luck! :)

    • @albanianwarrior475
      @albanianwarrior475 8 років тому

      Asmaa M. Abdellatiff Thanks

  • @nerzhuln6
    @nerzhuln6 13 років тому

    its sunnah tooo...and for the uniformity in praying.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @citizenofheaven320 Hi citizen. So, I'm having some trouble understanding all of that. Can you help me understand?
    So, is Jesus (as) your God?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    Excellent. The Injeel is the Gospel, or Good News, that Jesus (as) communicated to his companions. The Bible is a collection of writings, the New Testament of which contains a number of writings, mostly by a man named Paul, not Jesus (as). The four Gospel ACCOUNTS are not the Gospel that was given to Jesus (as) by God. They are just accounts, inconsistent with each other, and copied from each other. There wee other Gospel accounts, such as the Gospel of Thomas. Why is it not in the Bible?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @zangir2007 "If there is only ONE PATH why didn't God created us in that path?"
    There are many paths, but only ONE right path, and that is the path of Islam (submission to Allah's will). We were all born in a natural state of Islam, but during our youth we are taught one way or another. When we reach maturity, it becomes our responsibility to find the truth. If you are sincere and make the effort, Allah will guide you insha'Allah.

  • @hinde64
    @hinde64 11 років тому

    What you're saying here is interesting is it real? Can you explain please?

  • @Naytardo
    @Naytardo 11 років тому

    High on Lifeforce.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    Hi Texas,
    God Himself has declared that He has no son. He says this in the Qur'an. Jesus (as) never said, " I AM the Son of God" so, unless you are talking about someone else, you should know that important fact. As Muslims (which means those who submit to God's will) we are able to love Jesus (as) the way God wants us to, without breaking God's commandments. According to the Bible, Jesus (as) recited from Deuteronomy what he said was the greatest commandment. Remember what it was?

  • @MultiBurger1
    @MultiBurger1 9 років тому +2


  • @JC7Musica
    @JC7Musica 14 років тому

    If Islam is for all mankind, why is there the need to say things and recite prayers in the Arabic language? Why not just say it in English or the native language of the speaker? God understands all languages on Earth, all mankind and their languages are equal, are they not?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @citizenofheaven320 Dude, what are you talking about?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    Let me clarify. Yes, of course God is capable of whatever He wills. I understand that you believe the New Testament writers were inspired by God, thus making the text perfect an infallible. This, however, does not answer my question. What is your PROOF that God actually DID inspire it? Hypotheticals are irrelevant. From my study of the Bible, it seems fairly obvious that it was not inspired by God, sins there are so many errors and contradictions. How do you explain this fact?

  • @TheRationalizer
    @TheRationalizer 13 років тому

    No, I didn't say there should be NO punishment - I said there shouldn't be punishment by burning people, in addition to this punishment in hell is eternal and therefore infinitely unjust.
    The guy in the video is trying to make beautiful the concept of torturing people in fire for eternity, it's disgusting.

  • @rayoflightcanada
    @rayoflightcanada 14 років тому

    @dawahaddict yes heard it so many times...I just cant was Hadith...once i found out I will send you the source

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @citizenofheaven320 Mmmm sorry, that just doesn't make sense to me.
    I mean, even according the Gospel accounts in the Bible, Jesus (as) never claimed to be God or told people they had to believe he was God or son of God to go to heaven, and he never told them that their deeds don't matter. On top of that, the Bible is not a reliable source for information on Jesus (as), let alone Adam (as). Plus, God is just and fair, and what you said doesn't sound just or fair at all. Does it make sense to u?

  • @Hkhhgrlv
    @Hkhhgrlv 14 років тому

    Ena le Allah , wa Enna eliyeh raje'oun ,,
    may Allah grant her paradise , and all passed away Muslims
    some video related :
    no one knows his turn when ?
    what did we prepare to that day ?
    O Allah , , grant us the mercy and patience in dying moments
    ya Allah , grant us tranquility when we come first inside the grave; alone =(
    this page couldn't be passed easily
    lots of tears have fallen here ,,

  • @rubeliusashton793
    @rubeliusashton793 8 років тому

    As a part of being Muslim, we have to believe in Jesus the Christ and all other messengers, otherwise we are not Muslims, and we do follow his commands. ..
    We don't drink alcohol as he commanded, do you?
    We don't eat pigs as he commanded, do you?
    We make circumcision as he commanded, do you/ your father brother son etc?
    We follow his commands in the bible,
    Holy Mary covered her hair, our daughters sisters wives follow her, what about you?
    May Allah bless your heart and give you the strength to ask and read. ..

  • @TheRationalizer
    @TheRationalizer 13 років тому

    Fire is the most disgusting way to punish anyone for anything anyway, even a few seconds of pain from fire is horrendous, I know because I have experienced it myself.
    2:81 Those who commit evil and are wrapped in sin will be the inmates of the fire! They shall stay in it forever.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    I don't think you have examined the facts yourself. Have you read the Qur'an? Have you examined the facts of it? If you had, you would understand what I mean. We know who wrote the Qur'an. God wrote it. If you think it was someone other than God, then write a book like it, or even a single chapter, and call all your helpers, other than God.
    God has sent many prophets and messengers, such as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (as). Muhammad (saws) was the last. Don't you admit that God can send prophets?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    You just can't answer my questions it seems. If you don't believe in the Gospel, you're not much of a Christian.

  • @Hkhhgrlv
    @Hkhhgrlv 14 років тому

    @zangir2007 Allah doesn't enforce people to obey him ,, Allah shows all the paths ,,
    u have ur own freedom to choose ur lifestyle;
    but don't forget !, Allah told you : there will be a payment for everything u have done here.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    Why do you choose to ignore rather than to learn? I studied Christianity, and that's why I am not a Christian. A very basic look will reveal it as a flawed theology. It's funny that you mention the Jews, because they agree with the Muslims the God is One, and that Christians have, sadly, fallen into idolatry by worshipping the Messiah Jesus (as) the son of Mary.
    Like God Himself says:
    "Produce your proof if you are truthful."

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @Texas75023 Dude, this just isn't true. Ask you reverend. The Bible is a collection of writings, you must know this to be true. How can you just ignore all of what God puts right in front of your face and continue blindly believing in falsehood? Blind faith can be a trick of the Devil so beware.

  • @engineering4logic
    @engineering4logic 13 років тому

    @TheRationalizer Allah is indeed the most merciful but at the same time the creator of the heavens and the earth is severe in punishment. Allah created our soul and to him is our return. What you are doing is that you are running away from the main point. Is it not a fact that your soul was indeed created and that it is in human being's nature to worship God? Heaven and hell were created so that no injustice is done and that every one is rewarded for his good and bad deeds.

  • @karolakarola5375
    @karolakarola5375 6 років тому

    Date of death is decreed anyway

  • @rayoflightcanada
    @rayoflightcanada 14 років тому

    @citizenofheaven320 I have a feeling you are Lucifer!(إِبْلِيس), the creator of heavens the earths knows we are all week and we will sin, so you have to sin and ask for forgiveness...there is a teaching in Islam says if you don’t sin god will terminate humanity and will bring a new people who will sin and ask for forgiveness.... I hope you understand the lesson! Shalom Yerushalayim

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @Texas75023 Once again, produce your proof. If you can't produce your proof, then why do you believe? Jesus (as) was a Muslim and he prayed to Allah. You will find him saying this in your Bible. Jesus (as) was not God or worthy of worship, and you will never find him saying it in the Bible.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @Texas75023 I've already proven to you that the Torah was changed. I can spend hours explaining it in detail, but I definitely gave you enough videos to last you all day. If you don't watch them, then obviously you don't want proof, and you're just here to be annoying. If you ask for proof of the corruption of the Bible or Torah again, after it has been provided to you repeatedly. I will block you insha'Allah.

  • @latesukiyaki
    @latesukiyaki 12 років тому

    Sister Amanih is now with the Father, the God, Allah, whom Jesus prayed to. So how can that be different? Oh Oh yeah you believe in a trinity that was INVENTED by men, championed by Athanasius and approved by the pagan king. This is the truth, so why you do not know this?

  • @mohdansher
    @mohdansher 13 років тому

    @DictaduraNo123 Dear Friend. Peace be on you. I assume you are a Christian & let us first assure you that we muslims consider Jesus as one of the mightiest messengers of God. Please research why people like Sister Aminah Assilmi, Brother Yusuf Estes etc. who were strong advocates of Christianity reverted to Islam, maybe that will guide you to have a better understanding of all the wrong notions you have about Prophet Mohd (pbuh) and Islam...please also go through Dr. Zakir Naik's videos.

  • @engineering4logic
    @engineering4logic 13 років тому

    @DictaduraNo123 You should realize that islam is the only religion in which the creator and not the creation is worshiped. God repeatedly asks in the Quran that why do people not reflect in the signs of the creator. Yes, it is the truth that heaven and hell are facts because justice will be done to the ones who were opressed. And, the final prophet muahmmad (s.a.w.) whom you utter lies about was the most kind, honest and loving person that was present during his lifetime. Research it urself.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    You sound so silly man seriously. If you could, you would be defending the Bible's validity with evidence. You and I both know that the Bible is not God's word. Why do you insist on sticking to it? What you are doing is contrary to the teachings of Jesus (as). You have to make a choice between following Christianity and following Christ. You can't do both.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    There are no such things as Mohammedans. That's a made up word. You are relying on the Bible, which is not a trustworthy source. You have no guarantee at all that anything from it is true. Can you really prove that Jesus (as) said that? No, you cannot. On the other hand, we can prove that the Qur'an is the word of God, because unlike previous prophets, whose miracles can no longer be witnessed, the Qur'an is itself a continuous miracle and a proof. Did you know that?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    Texas, just leave. You obviously have no interest in accepting the truth, just bothering others.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    Lol dude all you are doing is showing us all that you have no proof. I just sent you hours of video with all the proof you need that the Bible is corrupted. Anyone else reading this, I can forward you what I sent Tex if you like.
    Now Tex, once you finish watching all of that, insha'Allah I can send you just as much proof that the Qur'an is the word of God, the God of Abraham, the God that Jesus (as) prostrated to.

  • @JolinHard
    @JolinHard 4 роки тому

    Follow Jesus.

    @SAMIRADUVALL 11 років тому

    Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

  • @miguel72990
    @miguel72990 11 років тому +2

    Islam is more than a religion, is a way of life.. whether you like it or not :). Muhammad (saws) is God's last prophet, announced by all the other prophets. You are FAR from knowing or being in the position to judge what is from God and what is not. And, may peace be upon you. UNDERSTAND?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому +1

    Jazakum Allahu khair sister. Alhamdulillah, I'm grateful that we got to benefit from her talk that day. She was really awesome masha'Allah. I had hoped that we would have her back again. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому +1

    @joshmb24 Hey Josh, thanks for commenting :-)
    I'll give it to you straight. As Muslims, we believe that there is absolutely none worthy of worship except God alone. The way that Christianity raises the status of Jesus (as) to being a partner with God is considered the greatest sin, which is called shirk in Arabic. Shirk (idol worship) breaks the first commandment, which you are probably familiar with as a Christian. Jesus (as) never taught others to worship him. He worshipped God alone, right?

  • @nasiralhuda11
    @nasiralhuda11 11 років тому +2

    Brother, ,,, I love you cause Allah,,,may Allah bless you forever

  • @JC7Musica
    @JC7Musica 14 років тому

    @dawahaddict: "The translation of the meaning of words are not equal to the Qur'an." What matters is what is meant from the heart of the worshipper, not the language. For a worshipper who is a non-Arabic speaker, those foreign words have no meaning to him/her. It's Arabic-centric, when God has no favorites among languages or people.

  • @naurekk
    @naurekk 12 років тому +1

    I made a silly comment on this months ago which I regret and am sorry for. I am not religious but I found your message to be a good reminder for everyone to step back and think about the things that have real meaning in their life and to become what is important to you. Even to prepare for tomorrow by being good today is important, for you may not have 60 more years to prepare. Thank you.

  • @Noorlatgamer
    @Noorlatgamer 11 років тому +1

    I came across her videos a few days ago and am profoundly affected by her talks and her death. I couldn't believe she passed away. Its left me really down.
    Thank you so much for uploading this and for your advice to distribute her videos so she can get the ajr.

  • @ahmeds027
    @ahmeds027 14 років тому +1

    wow takathur, is one of my fav surahs coz tats a lil bigger surahs i learned n adored my Salah with as a teen
    ma as salam

  • @JC7Musica
    @JC7Musica 14 років тому

    @fatma759: Hello, you don't need a language to talk to God and for God to understand you.

  • @couscousandhumus
    @couscousandhumus 12 років тому +1

    Thank you for the reminder brother. jazakumullah khair

  • @TheRationalizer
    @TheRationalizer 13 років тому

    If god is kind then it wouldn't burn anyone in fire as a punishment, it is disgusting. Give it a try, hold your hand in a hot flame for 1 whole second, feel the agony as your skin peels from your hand.
    Now imagine it all over your body, for 10 seconds, or 10 minutes, 10 years.
    Now imagine it forever. Nobody who has ever lived deserves that pain for eternity, no matter what they have done.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    @latinojuan Hey wow long time! The confusion here is over the word prayer. Watch my video "Prayer in Islam" for clarification. You can pray to whenever you want, wherever you want, in whatever language you want, and that's one kind of prayer (dua). But the Salah, the daily worship, that is only done in Arabic, because we pray in exactly the way that the Salah was revealed to Muhammad (saws), and we recite Qur'an in the prayer. The translation of the meaning of words are not equal to the Qur'an.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    The Bible? No sir. The true Torah (instruction) given to Moses (as) and the true Gospel (good news) given to Jesus (as) are the Word of God. The Pentateuch (Five Books of "Moses") and the Gospel Accounts are not the same as the Torah and the Gospel. The Pentateuch is a part of the larger Tanakh or Old Testament, and the Gospel Accounts are part of the larger New Testament, which together make THE BIBLE. So in the Bible, you will find fragments of the truth mixed with falsehood. Clear yet?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    ...the Bible know which books were "inspired" as you claim (still without evidence, or without acknowledging the evidence to the contrary) and which books were not?
    Like I said, you still haven't explained to me what evidence you think there is for the inspired quality of the Gospel Accounts. My faith in God tells me that if a book comes from Him, it would not have contradictions. The Gospel accounts conflict with each other. How do you explain this, just for yourself?

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    You are right that the Qur'an was not revealed all at once, but in pieces. I don't know why you would see that as negative in any way. However, on the rest you have made some mistakes. The Qur'an was ever edited or revised annually, it was recited annually. There was no editing that went on because you can't edit the word of God.
    "Writing a book is not a miracle."
    Well said. I would say that about the entire NT. So why do you accept Luke over Thomas? How did the people who put together...

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    Ok Tex, I'm ready to think. I have some questions about Christianity that you're going to have to clear up though. Do you think you can do that?
    My first question is why you personally feel that the New Testament is a reliable source. Before I was Muslim, I was leaning towards Christianity. One of the main issues that completely turned me off was learning about how the Bible was put together, man-made not God-made. So how do you as a Christian reconcile this?
    Thanks in advance for your answer.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    The Qur'an is without a doubt the Word of the One Who created you and me. Don't ignore these words. The Torah and the Gospel are certainly revealed words of God, but we do not have these revelations today, only fragments mized with innovation. The Quran is the only 100% pure revelation from God. If you doubt the Qur'an, then read it and find an error, and most certainly you wont be able to find one. If you think it's from other than God, then make a single chapter like one chapter of Quran.

  • @dawahaddict
    @dawahaddict  14 років тому

    There are no such things as Mohammedans, just Muslims, like me, and all of God's prophets. Christ (as) wasn't a Christian, and Muhammad (saws) wasn't a Mohammedan. They were Muslims, submitting to their Lord.
    Where did you get the idea that Jesus (as) claimed to be God? Of course he would never do that. Jesus (as) was God's servant and prophet. Have you read even the Gospel Accounts in the Bible? Jesus (as) never makes a clear and unequivocal statement that he is God or should be worshipped...