Amaranthe - Amaranthine (Alina Lesnik, Rob Lundgren & Marco Paulzen Cover)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kain1932
    @kain1932 7 років тому +4

    I seriously can't see how anyone could dislike any of your work cover or written by you :)

  • @VatardGaming
    @VatardGaming 7 років тому +24

    Holy shit, this was beautiful. I didn't think anybody would match Amaranthe, but you guys were right there with them. I don't see how anybody could thumbs down this. Amazing.

  • @TheMugbearer
    @TheMugbearer 7 років тому +15

    Now I need to hear Alina and Rob to cover Amaranthe's Burn With Me, and my life will be complete, and I will cry the tears of love and joy as I do with this cover. Good job guys!

  • @AlinaLesnik
    @AlinaLesnik  8 років тому +81

    Thank you for all those kind comments! It was a pleasure to read what you are thinking about this collaboration since it was something really special to me! So do you have any other UA-camr in mind you would like to see in a collaboration with me?

    • @LaJolieSelection
      @LaJolieSelection 8 років тому +1

      No particular UA-camr in mind but I'm thinking about a rapper. For a Within Temptation, And We Run cover !

    • @mattjclay
      @mattjclay 8 років тому +9

      You should collab with Minniva.

    • @kevinhenderson1933
      @kevinhenderson1933 8 років тому +1

      Magical Pet -- No rap......not a fit with this type of music (really not a fit with ANY kind of music, in my opinion). There is "outside the box"......and then there's crazy talk. No H8. :)

    • @kevinhenderson1933
      @kevinhenderson1933 8 років тому +2

      A hearty vote for a collaboration/duet with Minniva !! With David Oliveras, or Quentin Cornet (or both) doing the axe-work ! But, would request that this super-collab. NOT have a growl guy. Just a request ! :-)

    • @WOLF-mf1kp
      @WOLF-mf1kp 8 років тому +1

      you are so cool i love so much

  • @sbeattie4263
    @sbeattie4263 7 років тому +5

    you have one of the best female voices I have ever heard..amazing work keep it up

  • @guerreroluz5939
    @guerreroluz5939 7 років тому

    This specific song has something special that I don't know what... The voices, the feeling, the way they sing it... I don't know but it is so addictive to my ears!

  • @fachrizalyans
    @fachrizalyans 7 років тому +2

    Never get bored listening your voice, thank you Alina

  • @reactwithelena
    @reactwithelena Рік тому

    You have such incredible, heartfelt, and versatile vocals! I've had the pleasure of listening to several of your covers, including Crystaline, and each rendition is not only spot on, but also magically enhanced and transformed by your own colorful vocals and "magic touch"! Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts and the inspiration!

  • @Nexus42
    @Nexus42 8 років тому +18

    Amazing! You should headbang more often, Alina, it definitely shows your commitment and passion to the music. ^__^ It's also really fun to do.

  • @av4l4riononyoutube72
    @av4l4riononyoutube72 6 років тому +3

    Man, this is wonderful and even better than the original. I really can't stop listening to it! Einfach der Wahnsinn!

  • @bluwng
    @bluwng 8 років тому +5

    Great production, killer song, epic vocals and beautiful lady

  • @metalhead6777777
    @metalhead6777777 5 років тому

    26 dislikes are the ones that suck at music. One of the best multi covers on UA-cam.

  • @Runamuck-vq2pe
    @Runamuck-vq2pe 2 роки тому +1

    Holy hell... That was incredible 🔥🔥🔥

  • @andresarcv
    @andresarcv 8 років тому


  • @krzysztofsu6966
    @krzysztofsu6966 6 років тому

    Najlepsza!!!!! Brawo!!

  • @donnymcguire1713
    @donnymcguire1713 5 років тому

    This is the first song I heard by Ameranthene and its awesome. You and rob did an awesome proformance. I love this song.

  • @fabioprandonicomposer243
    @fabioprandonicomposer243 8 років тому

    Insanely well done work with super great artists. Amazing

  • @strauz3313
    @strauz3313 8 років тому

    Is even better than the official video.... Very nice job! 2:48 best part absolutly ...

  • @gusku2007
    @gusku2007 8 років тому +1


  • @omarsharif927
    @omarsharif927 4 роки тому

    Those awesome beautiful clean clear vocals gives me chills love it

  • @IvanPetrov-rs1kq
    @IvanPetrov-rs1kq 4 роки тому

    Thank you Alina for giving us so much joy with this beautiful song.

  • @Downbythebay22
    @Downbythebay22 6 років тому +2

    16 seconds and you've completely earned the like and subscribe! Incredible voice!

  • @Spetsnaz666
    @Spetsnaz666 3 роки тому

    Amaranthe , holy cow .. Awesome ! Это вышка!

  • @DolivaresMusic
    @DolivaresMusic 8 років тому +20

    this is wonderful!!

  • @RehnStillnightOfficial
    @RehnStillnightOfficial 8 років тому +8

    gave me chills!! 😍 amazing!!

  • @danielmoreira1950
    @danielmoreira1950 7 років тому

    Sublimely beautiful. Very addictive to listen to.

  • @phils.pix1
    @phils.pix1 8 років тому +3

    Absolutely Amazing !

  • @richiej316
    @richiej316 Рік тому

    Few years ago now i heard this cover aand helped me discover Amaranthe. Still a fan today ❤😊

  • @evagimenez6184
    @evagimenez6184 8 років тому

    So many time since I heard this song... Well done!

  • @MrHoustonmichael
    @MrHoustonmichael 3 місяці тому


  • @ЕвгенийФеоктистов-т3ф

    Обалденный кавер. Спасибо вам огромное!!!

    @FROSTBlTTEN 8 років тому

    This is incredible!!! I'm a huge fan of amaranthe and you knocked it out of the park!! Fantastic job!!!! 3 thumbs up!

  • @daywalker18
    @daywalker18 8 років тому

    Wieder mal wie immer wunderschön...

  • @noguimocomoco...948
    @noguimocomoco...948 7 років тому

    Guau..😍 que impresionante voz tienen amiga saludos desde mexico

  • @melanieendevoets9171
    @melanieendevoets9171 3 роки тому

    You guys did their song justice. Amen. 🖤

  • @aegnorindas306
    @aegnorindas306 8 років тому

    Beautiful as always. Good job

  • @copewy22
    @copewy22 7 років тому

    awesome job love your version of this song.

  • @dantexian64
    @dantexian64 8 років тому

    Woohoo der Song kracht so Richtig gut.
    Super Arbeit, 1000x Danke dafür

  • @bloodywolftr
    @bloodywolftr 8 років тому

    Great music & great vocals. Video and sound editing also is rocking. Tnx guys for putting this together.

    • @AlinaLesnik
      @AlinaLesnik  8 років тому +1

      Thanks for your kind words! Was a lot of fun!

    • @bloodywolftr
      @bloodywolftr 8 років тому +2

      @Alina Lesnik Official After I have written my message,I felt like it is missing something.I
      had to impress my feelings about it.Especially loved the part seeing you
      headbanging in between!Catched it yeah :) Timed duet with Rob is
      another special part.And Marco roaring like a thunder hits the ground.If
      I wanna be fair about the sounding and performing amarenthe's original
      is much weaker than yours.This is so powerful,and with soul.This is my taste.You will be the one of
      the best woman vocals in the metal history if you keep it this
      way.Totally amazing!Alina,I wish you the best with your band in the next
      projects.Last note : I have listened this non stop yesterday about maybe 2 hours loop with Gear VR,it was like i was in the concert hall,and i am next to the stage.All beautiful stuff with details.

    • @AlinaLesnik
      @AlinaLesnik  8 років тому +1

      Wow thats a compliment! your words mean a lot to me and its a wonderful feeling to know that you enjoy listening to my voice that much! It always reminds me why I am doing this all! I want people to become passionated, to feel and enjoy every moment of life! Thank you Aykut!

    • @bloodywolftr
      @bloodywolftr 8 років тому

      Thank you very much Alina ;)

  • @mcar76
    @mcar76 6 років тому

    Just wow! Absolutely awesome cover!

  • @phoenixrei1615
    @phoenixrei1615 8 років тому

    This is my favourite song! and you guys nailed it! !! Fantastic!

  • @Smurfaliscous
    @Smurfaliscous 7 років тому

    I have the original of this song on my phone and I listen to it regularly and there were a couple times listening to this when I forgot I was listening to a cover! This is an amazing job, keep it up!

  • @ceibarraa
    @ceibarraa 7 років тому +1

    Amazing voices!! I love this cover ♥ kisses from Peru

  • @carlosbaron8636
    @carlosbaron8636 8 років тому


  • @hotwill100
    @hotwill100 8 років тому

    Love this song. your voice makes this 100% more beautiful. keep up the good work and keep up the collaborations.

  • @Drethrake
    @Drethrake 7 років тому

    Goddess on high.
    I believe your voice has been found.
    And your knight beside!
    This song is amazing!
    Do more duets like this! It's just amazing, mesmerising.
    I have fallen into a trance.
    This music shows the Talent!
    The talent that transcends the boundaries of time and space!

  • @annep-t2d
    @annep-t2d 8 років тому +2

    love,love,love song💗💗💗💗💗💗

  • @Oleksandr.Taranenko
    @Oleksandr.Taranenko 5 років тому

    Такая мощная и такая нежная одновременно, моё уважение, ребята, вы сделали почти невозможное :)
    Спасибо за работу!

  • @awentriskel2374
    @awentriskel2374 8 років тому

    Great cover!; excellent voices, collaboration.....all! :)

  • @guitaraddict88
    @guitaraddict88 8 років тому

    Absolutely amazing you guys!! More collabs please!!!

  • @Electroventure
    @Electroventure 7 років тому +1

    MY GOD you have an EXCELLENT voice!

  • @TheJoyofFingerDrumming
    @TheJoyofFingerDrumming 5 років тому

    Fantastic cover!!! Loved it, also nice surprises from the male vocalists as well!

  • @JuhaPasanen
    @JuhaPasanen 7 років тому

    You are my Amarinthine

  • @murtadhakareem5862
    @murtadhakareem5862 Місяць тому

    That is the cover i need, believe me.

  • @jmm5106
    @jmm5106 7 років тому

    That was the best cover song ever!

  • @stardust1354
    @stardust1354 7 років тому

    Oh my gosh I'm in love!

  • @smiljicdragan
    @smiljicdragan 5 років тому

    Great work. You are amazing.

    @DYLANJJK94 7 років тому

    Breath TAKING!

    @LUBLUVIDEO 6 років тому

    Wauuu - thanks - best cover ! stunningly

  • @pierred4729
    @pierred4729 7 років тому

    I always listen this song when I write my poems. It is a very beautiful video :3

  • @andrewm7289
    @andrewm7289 8 років тому

    Amazing, I love your voices.

  • @valentinocollu1936
    @valentinocollu1936 8 років тому


  • @Михаилов-б13
    @Михаилов-б13 8 років тому


  • @beauthylesliek
    @beauthylesliek 6 років тому

    this rocks! you should make a band! you guys are awesome!

  • @JezzGuitarLokal
    @JezzGuitarLokal 4 роки тому

    OMG!!!! GREAT!!!!

  • @Paradoox666
    @Paradoox666 8 років тому

    you have done an amazing job, BRAVO

  • @PixhittGames
    @PixhittGames 8 років тому

    Outstanding! Greetings from Brazil! Nice work! U are very talented.

  • @sebastianlenz5214
    @sebastianlenz5214 7 років тому

    grade eben über robs seite drauf gestoßen, das hier und rose for epona sind bisher meine favoriten =) pitch perfect gänsehautmäßig gesungen!

  • @Grouuumpf
    @Grouuumpf 8 років тому

    Very nicely done, as usual

  • @JhonyOliveira379
    @JhonyOliveira379 7 років тому

    Woooow it's a great cover!!

  • @legameplay2697
    @legameplay2697 8 років тому +1

    Linda voz Lindo conjunto,Alina você e Linda!

  • @LordBhathory
    @LordBhathory 8 років тому

    Wow guys!!!! Keep up the awesome work -.3

  • @СергейРосс-т5с
    @СергейРосс-т5с 8 років тому

    That was awesome!!!

  • @samikoivisto7705
    @samikoivisto7705 8 років тому

    Really amazing!

  • @imationxd209
    @imationxd209 8 років тому


  • @dgecombat
    @dgecombat 6 років тому


  • @juanaarguello1098
    @juanaarguello1098 8 років тому


  • @coleichemisicrede8997
    @coleichemisicrede8997 8 років тому

    Great cover, as always! Your voices sound amazing together :)

  • @jennareiser-brown8439
    @jennareiser-brown8439 7 років тому

    holy you guys were great !!!!!!!!

  • @mattjclay
    @mattjclay 8 років тому

    Why have you done this? I can't stop listening to this. I end up clicking on this video everytime i scroll through my subscriptions. Thanks for stealing my life.

  • @jensrudolph324
    @jensrudolph324 3 роки тому


  • @josuecubero
    @josuecubero 8 років тому


    @DYLANJJK94 8 років тому

    Ooh! I need a sparkly eyed or eyes emoji for yoir part Alina and It was nice seeing Rob and now Marco is on my list as well of all these genres and singers i listen to, Like my favourite Russian, Daria Sergeryevna Stavrovich aka Nookie of The Slot.... Whoa.... What a mouthful. :D

    • @AlinaLesnik
      @AlinaLesnik  8 років тому +1

      Thank you Dylan! Rob and marco are really amazing singers and persons! I will do a lot more projects with them for sure in future! Thanks for you kind words :-)

  • @IoanaEllyn
    @IoanaEllyn 8 років тому

    I love it so much!!! Bravo!!! ❤

  • @njflyersfan74
    @njflyersfan74 6 років тому

    Very well done!

  • @Noone-rb8di
    @Noone-rb8di 5 років тому

    This is awesome!

  • @wiyorockeron6403
    @wiyorockeron6403 6 років тому

    buenas desde donde estoy, ciudad de Luque, País: Paraguay, no sé si entiendes el español, solo quería decirte que tienes un bellisimo talento junto con tus compañeros, eres grandiosa y muy bella, saludos!

  • @mrswats
    @mrswats 8 років тому +2

    WOAH this is awesome!! Keep going like this, pleeeeeease!

  • @scharliescheen3109
    @scharliescheen3109 8 років тому +1

    i said it on Robs channel already, this song is so damn beautiful! i'm now going to check out what else you got on your channel! glad you joined him for that, happy i found you! \m/

  • @krzysztofcierlak
    @krzysztofcierlak 8 років тому


  • @TheAbbe89
    @TheAbbe89 8 років тому

    Well done! :) Keep up the good work. Best regards from Sweden

  • @jsergiodl
    @jsergiodl 8 років тому

    Best song in channel! Amazing cover!

  • @MarivthyelCelestialWaterDancer
    @MarivthyelCelestialWaterDancer 8 років тому

    Awesome ! Great job guys u rock :)

  • @KeinPlan756
    @KeinPlan756 8 років тому

    Es ist so wundervoll, es klingt einfach....unglaublich. Ich liebe diese Stimme.
    (Wenn man das orginal synchron mitlaufen lässt, bekommt man eine Unglaubliche Harmonie

    • @AlinaLesnik
      @AlinaLesnik  8 років тому

      Vielen lieben dank! Freut mich sehr ^^

  • @eikthesheik
    @eikthesheik 4 роки тому

    This is so good!

  • @Fabxorus
    @Fabxorus 8 років тому

    great cover guys!!!

  • @cems1220
    @cems1220 8 років тому +2

    Nice cover !!!

  • @theeniggma22873
    @theeniggma22873 5 років тому

    PERFECT 👏👏👏

  • @mariasantos7155
    @mariasantos7155 7 років тому +2

    Impressionante ♡♡

  • @anntko7626
    @anntko7626 4 роки тому

    Вау!!! Это было очень круто!!! Вы молодцы!!!