Mormonism, Homosexuality, Parenting Tips & More (Patreon Q&A)

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
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  • @dashelledisna6239
    @dashelledisna6239 Рік тому +755

    Not yall roasting my name and question🤣 but thank yall. I asked this question in Glory Vegas but remember there was no wifi for the phone🤣. Thanks for answering "COUSINS" . YES eden and I as 1st born of 4 natural leaders🙏🏽

    • @Peachyladee
      @Peachyladee Рік тому +7


    • @pholoso8884
      @pholoso8884 Рік тому +5


    • @tttaaannn1
      @tttaaannn1 Рік тому +39

      Your question was amazing! I didn’t even realize I needed the answer. In other words thank you for asking your question.

    • @dashelledisna6239
      @dashelledisna6239 Рік тому +13

      @@tttaaannn1 aww thanks so much. And this is coming from someone(me) who isnt a parent yet🤣

    • @emsyourlife
      @emsyourlife Рік тому +2


  • @LilMsHoneyBee
    @LilMsHoneyBee Рік тому +473

    What I like about The Perrys:
    1) Ya'll are hilarious!
    2) Ya'll are well-studied ("be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.", II Timothy 2:15)
    3) Ya'll are wise ("he who wins souls is wise, Prov. 11:30b)
    I am inspired 💗

  • @gemmaaccurso4495
    @gemmaaccurso4495 Рік тому +463

    “Demons can write too, they got pencils too” 😂😂😂
    Jackie I love you haha

    • @isntlifebetter
      @isntlifebetter Рік тому +6

      Yes I yelled when she said that!

    • @Tifinywalker
      @Tifinywalker Рік тому +2

      Lol right.. that part .😂

    • @LizaLavolta
      @LizaLavolta Рік тому +6

      If we got through a pencil shortage this year instead of toilet paper I am blaming DEMONS!

  • @nicolec4106
    @nicolec4106 Рік тому +143

    Born and raised as a Mormon and stopped going to the church ever since I left to go to college (2017). When I was in high school “something” told me that I needed to seek another church. Long story short 6 years and baptized as a Christian later , god revealed to me his marvelous plan. That “something” was the Holy Spirit and it was a 6 year journey to get saved. God placed specific people in my life for this reason.
    My family is still Mormon, majority of my friends are Mormon I pray for them.

    • @shanbraz6011
      @shanbraz6011 Рік тому +2

      What a blessing. Have you gotten a change to read unveiling grace? If not, it’s worth a reas

    • @noname0935
      @noname0935 Рік тому +1

      don't stop praying! God will deliver them in His time, His timing is perfect!

  • @ruru9400
    @ruru9400 Рік тому +151

    I love the conversation that Preston had with the Mormon guy because I'm sure many others on that plane were listening to that conversation quietly and a seed was planted. 🤗

    • @katmh16
      @katmh16 10 місяців тому +2

      My thoughts exactly when he mentioned that it was a long plane ride and they covered many subjects 🙏

  • @ezradavid5877
    @ezradavid5877 Рік тому +206

    Being able to just discuss with a random stranger about the gospel is a grace I definitely need to be strengthened in me. We gotta preach this gospel, We really have to.

  • @tarditjatji1428
    @tarditjatji1428 Рік тому +577

    I was a mormon; and when I found out how demonic it was I ran to Jesus of the Bible (Because the Mormon Jesus is not biblical) and How the Lord opened my eyes was amazing! I am so grateful that I have been delivered from religious and Occult spirits. Now I pray for other Mormons could have their eyes open.

    • @ciaarruhh
      @ciaarruhh Рік тому +8

      I think there is just one Jesus…

    • @guitocivil4451
      @guitocivil4451 Рік тому +30

      Im still a member of the Church please share more about your experience. This is my greatest struggle. I feel that LDS folks follow the same Christ as everyone else. I really want to know how I can see this differently (sincerely)

    • @tarditjatji1428
      @tarditjatji1428 Рік тому

      @@guitocivil4451 First I'd advice you to pray! Pray sincerely, forget everything the church has taught you and ask God to reveal to you the truth. Then read the bible Alone (dont read the BOM whilst you are on this quest), preferably do not read the one you get from the LDS. Begin by reading the book of John, then Mark and Exodus. There are many "foundational" truths that are different to LDS doctrine. Pay attention to God's form and how he interacts with Moses and all the other prophets, then compare that to Joseph Smiths "testimony" of how God appeared to him.
      Keeping in mind the scriptures that God is not a Man, that he should lie (Numbers 23:19) this scripture alone goes against Mormon Doctrine.
      I hope this gives you something to start with. Do your own research on the lives of the founders of the LDS church from outside sources, and ask yourself if these men's lives are like those that are in the bible who God interacted with. How many sources outside the LDS church can prove the locations, and decendents of the people the BOM speaks about? There is so much to unravel if you give yourself the right mind to do it. Why doesnt the LDS church encourage independent research?
      GALATIANS 1:8 says: But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
      So the Angel Moroni who preached a different gospel than that of the bible is cursed according to Galations 8:1

    • @KingMike-un5vz
      @KingMike-un5vz Рік тому

      They are very racist and know good n the hell that Black people are Israelites. But called us spawn of satan lol smh i saw there documentaries

    • @cynthiahoyi3925
      @cynthiahoyi3925 Рік тому +19

      @@ciaarruhh well, technically there’s a lot of Jesus because the name is popular just like Sarah or Jack, but you are right that there’s only one Jesus CHRIST. However, what the person was referring to is that the book of mormon distorts Jesus. What The mormons believe about Jesus is different to what is in the bible, so if you have never been exposed or fully exposed to the bible then you may fall into that trap. ❤️

  • @ItsMeMissRuby
    @ItsMeMissRuby 10 місяців тому +11

    Extrovert here 🙋🏽‍♀️ My introverted husband literally asked me one time “are you uncomfortable with silence?” 😂😅
    That one question taught me so much about myself & my insecurities. God has been teaching me the value of stillness & silence since then. 🙏🏽
    Oh, and because hubby loves me he helps me out a lot in this. When we’re at a dinner table and a moment of awkward silence occurs, and he notices me itching to fill the void, he nudges me as if to gesture: it’s ok to let the moment breathe babe 😂😩😩

  • @aimee2571
    @aimee2571 Рік тому +39

    When Preston said that the LGBTQ+ question wasnt for him after he said all that bout the mormon rlly shows me how powerful each persons experience and past is important now to help pthers to Christ.

  • @sarahzuniga2261
    @sarahzuniga2261 Рік тому +90

    I think silence can also be a trauma thing from childhood. I say this from personal experience because anytime my dad would be upset with me. He wouldn't talk to me. But when he talked to me he talked in great lengths and lectures. So I think that's why some people find silence hard because maybe that was a form of discipline or punishment.

    • @kaye4099
      @kaye4099 Рік тому +8

      good point, I have never looked at it like that

  • @OjurereofGod
    @OjurereofGod Рік тому +89

    Part of the reasons why I like Jackie is because she has the gift of sarcasm😂😂

    • @eden6768
      @eden6768 Рік тому +1

      A leader once mentioned to me that sarcasm is rooted in bitterness. I thought about it and realized it is true. Since then I try to be mindful of avoiding sarcasm.

    • @kristhomas8295
      @kristhomas8295 Рік тому +2

      @@eden6768it depends on if it’s done tastefully and it depends on the relationship you have with someone.
      This is a podcast with her best friend and husband, the sarcasm is playful and acceptable here.

    • @christinelong2407
      @christinelong2407 Рік тому +6

      I would say she has more dry humour than sarcasm

    • @GoldenGraham25
      @GoldenGraham25 Рік тому

      @@christinelong2407: I can see that.

  • @douglasbradley9927
    @douglasbradley9927 Рік тому +41

    The fact that y’all pay SO much attention to your children spiritually and naturally is MIND BLOWING!!!! I applaud y’all 👏🏽💙 Especially with what Preston said about his son. Not receiving adequate male affection and affirmation created a desire in me to reach out to men sexually to gain those things. Love y’all!! This is good!!💙💙💙

  • @lopeztheheavy1569
    @lopeztheheavy1569 Рік тому +7

    Love the discussion here on Mormonism. As a former Mormon myself, I think it’s really important to help Christians understand what Mormons believe so that we can better evangelize to them.
    I have to say that the Mormon you had that conversation with, Preston, gave you some misinformation-likely not intentionally. Most Mormons don’t know their own doctrine or history very well. Myth, folklore, and personal interpretation pervade the LDS community.
    I learned this first hand on my Mormon mission. Mormon missionaries aren’t just tasked with converting people to Mormonism. They also teach fellow Mormons in the congregation that they’re assigned to. There’s 2 reasons why this is done: 1. to help reactivate less active members of the congregation; 2. to ensure that all members of the congregation understand the fundamentals of the Mormon doctrine. However, in each case, it’s done under the guise that the missionaries are practicing for when they teach non-Mormons.
    Missionaries go through rigorous training on Mormon doctrine and continue their studies daily-they’re up to snuff on their doctrine. Throughout my mission, I found that many actively practicing Mormons did not know the basics of their doctrine. From what I’ve observed, this is likely due to many hearing the information a handful of times throughout their life, misremembering, not studying their materials critically, and coming to their own conclusions and interpretations. It also doesn’t help that LDS leaders themselves have their own interpretations and doctrines and will disagree with one another. “Today’s revelation is tomorrow’s heresy,” a phrase that is common from ex-Mormons who have observed this fracture in LDS leadership.
    That being said, I’d like to correct the info that Mormon on the plane gave you. A summary of the misinformation:
    - The Book of Mormon (BoM) was not translated in a day
    - The BoM was not claimed to be written by an angel
    - The reason why Mormons see the BoM as necessary
    - Why Mormons believe God’s church was lost and needed restoring
    In going over this, I hope it helps you understand Mormonism better and how to speak God’s word to what Mormons believe.
    Let’s start with Joseph Smith. Joseph grew up during the second great awakening of Protestantism. It was a period of religious zeal, conversions in the hundreds, and tensions between different denominations.
    According to what the LDS church teaches, at age 14, Joseph was confused about which church to join. Following the admonition given in James 1:5-6, he went into the woods and asked God to know which church was ‘true’. He claims that God and Jesus appeared to him in a pillar of light to answer his prayer. They told him that none of the denominations were true, that they were an abomination to God, and to join none of them.
    Some time later, Joseph is visited several times by an angel named Moroni. Moroni told Joseph that there were gold plates buried nearby that contained ‘the fulness of the gospel’. Moroni told Joseph that at the right time, God would use Joseph to translate the plates so that the fulness of the gospel could be restored to the Earth. He then went on to quote several passages of the Bible (out of context) that foretold of this restoration. He also told Joseph that when he received the plates, he was not to show them to anyone.
    At 17, Moroni lead Joseph to where the gold plates were buried. Joseph retrieved them along with a device called the Urim and Thummim which would allow Joseph to translate the plates.
    The translation took 3 months. Joseph would sit on one side of a curtain with the plates and the Urim and Thummim and would read the translation aloud. On the other side of the curtain sat his scribe, Oliver Cowdery, who wrote down everything Joseph dictated.
    During these 3 months, Joseph ‘learned’ about priesthood authority, which is essentially the authority to represent God, act in his name, and lead and administrate his church. Joseph claims that John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John all appeared to him and Oliver. They passed the priesthood authority on to them both, after which Joseph and Oliver baptized each other. Mormons claim that there is an unbroken line of priesthood authority beginning with Adam, passed down to the 12 apostles, passed on to Joseph and Oliver, and passed down to present day Mormons.
    From here, Joseph had everything he needed to go and ‘restore’ God’s one, true church on Earth. He called 12 apostles to help him lead the church and they ratified him as the modern-day prophet and head of the church. You can read most of what I covered here on the LDS church’s website: This narrative can also be found in the 4th set of scripture Mormons believe in, which is called The Pearl of Great Price.
    Also, 11 others were allowed to see the gold plates before they were “taken up back to heaven”. There are 2 sets of testimonies from these witnesses in the beginning of each copy of the BoM, found here: and here:
    OK, let’s dig into some of the details I just covered.
    In order for there to be a ‘restoration’ of God’s church, there had to be a falling away. Joseph taught that once the last apostle of Christ died, the authority to lead God’s church was lost. He goes on to say that the Christians from then on had no authority to teach or lead and that their doctrines and interpretations were corrupt. They refer to the period between the last apostle of Christ and Joseph Smith as The Great Apostasy.
    Mormons also don’t grasp what’s taught in 1 Cor. 12:12-27 on the different parts of the church that make up the body of Christ. While Christian denominations can accept each other as valid members of the body due to shared core beliefs (the Trinity, the resurrection of Christ and salvation through him, the Bible being God’s word, etc), Mormons believe that a church must have the correct interpretation on all matters in order to be God’s church.
    Along with that, they believe in the concept of ‘continuing revelation’ wherein God continues to appoint officials on his behalf to reveal his truth and will to the world. Therefore, if that official is on the Earth, then those who follow that official are obeying the Lord.
    Additionally, Mormons see the Bible as insufficient to know all that God has for us to know. They believe that through its many interpretations over the centuries that the original meanings and truths were lost. This is part of the reason why they see need for the Book of Mormon which they refer to as Another Testament of Christ.
    The Book of Mormon is asserted to be the scriptures of ancient Israelites that crossed the Atlantic, settled Central and South America, and their history and interactions with God. The BoM is composed of entries from several different prophets from the time of the Tower of Babel, through roughly 400 AD. The second to last prophet in the BoM is named Mormon. He was instructed to compile all of the writings of the prophets before him onto a set of gold plates. This is where the BoM gets its name. Mormon’s son, Moroni (the same Moroni that visited Joseph), finished the compilation after Mormon died and then buried the plates where God instructed him to. You can read the LDS church’s official intro/summary of the BoM here:
    The LDS church asserts that the Book of Mormon is necessary for 2 reasons.
    1. it gives a lens through which to properly interpret the Bible, thereby settling the debates between Christian denominations.
    2. its authenticity proves that Joseph Smith is an actual prophet of God and further proof that God restored his church through Joseph.
    I hope this clarifies the details of the Mormon church’s history and what they believe. There’s much more that could be said: other beliefs that have come out of Mormonism, the actual events of what happened with Joseph Smith as opposed to the LDS’s official accounts, and the mountain of evidence that stands against the validity of both the BoM and Joseph Smith’s claim to be a prophet.
    I’ve been a Christian for 6 years now and explaining Mormonism to Christians is always an endeavor. Their theological language is similar to ours, there’s common misinformation about Mormons in the mainstream, and Mormons themselves are usually not reliable sources for explaining their own beliefs.
    I hope this has been helpful to you. If you have questions about what I’ve written here or other aspects of Mormonism, I’d be happy to continue a dialogue with y’all!

    • @reneechaplin8686
      @reneechaplin8686 Рік тому +1

      Awesome! I am LDS also & while listening to Preston’s encounter with this LDS member, I kept saying, no, that’s not really what is taught in the Mormon church. But I did appreciate how respectful Preston was with him. That was so thoughtful. But I also appreciate your response & corrections made in regard to that conversation. I hope more people will take the time to read your response. Thank you!👍❤️🧡💙💚💛💜🩷🩵🤎🤍💕🙏🏼😊

    • @pickflowers
      @pickflowers Місяць тому +1

      Thank you for sharing. Very helpful

  • @charitywilliams4451
    @charitywilliams4451 Рік тому +94

    Wow the way you both beautifully articulated the characteristics/personalities of your Children has helped unlock something in me. I’m most definitely like Sage. I wish this was nurtured in me as a kid, rather than being looked upon negatively as being over sensitive.

    • @MsRockstar013
      @MsRockstar013 Рік тому +3

      Yes! I feel the same way

    • @AllTheBeautyThings
      @AllTheBeautyThings Рік тому +4

      Same! I’m extremely sensitive and when I was a kid, I cried a lot or pouted. lol Now it’s rare that I cry because I was made to feel that I’m too emotional or sensitive. My husband accepts my feelings and emotions. So I can unravel in front of him and not feel crazy afterwards.

    • @almmason7
      @almmason7 Рік тому

      Same here, but I've learned I have the spiritual gift of empathy. I feel deeply for others can't even watch a commercial w/ out crying sometimes. But this gift isn't talked about much. It annoys people because I can always see others side to why they did something wrong and justify it. But the temptation is to not go through the right process of forgiveness to when someone hurts me. 😊

  • @clevernamehere
    @clevernamehere Рік тому +39

    I especially loved the talk about the kiddos... After two years in prison I'm finally getting my daughter back in my life and now that my life is God centered I've definitely been contemplating what this version of motherhood will be like and what new roles I will have. This was very helpful. I am so excited for this long awaited journey to begin.

  • @rebekahmiller8699
    @rebekahmiller8699 Рік тому +19

    Jackie's reaction to her husband and the way that he loves their son was the reaction y'all were wanting when Preston praises her face. What a sweet time, thank you for sharing everything you have with us

    • @annesther726
      @annesther726 Рік тому +6

      Lol good point! It came naturally because it wasn't forced!

  • @jae_leMora
    @jae_leMora Рік тому +50

    I don’t know why but when y’all spoke about sage my eyes FILLED with water. I relate to her and wish someone would’ve prayed that for me.

  • @joyh.729
    @joyh.729 Рік тому +125

    Through the miracle of technology, it is such a *privilege* to be able to get a glimpse into what God did for you two both as individuals but also as a couple and THEN to see how you both steward the gift of parenthood. To go on this (virtual) journey with you and your family has been such a beautiful testimony of what God can do when we make the decision to give him our lives. I remember when you the footage from when you 2 were just dating, and now look! Although I know that you experience trials and trouble like everyone else, please know that your lives are so beautiful, your family an inspiration and we are sooo grateful that you share some of that with us. Both of your teaching gifts are 🔥🔥. KEEP shining!!!🙏🏽❤

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 Рік тому

      You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨

  • @rlyn1175
    @rlyn1175 Рік тому +10

    Mormons came to our house and we read their "testament" and compared verse to verse to the Bible, including the one Preston mentioned. All in love. They were just kids and I hope we were able to plant seeds. They kept coming back until they realized we were trying to convert them and were never going to cave.

    @RONISMITH Рік тому +44

    The way you both speak about your children is beautiful... In terms of how you're taking time to analyse their unique nature's, gifts and abilities, and, prayerfully assisting them in their growth and development.

    • @tinicoleofficial
      @tinicoleofficial Рік тому +1

      I love to see it & hear it especially being someone who grew up around adults who didn’t esteem their kids in a positive way & acted like their children are a burden

  • @lexijustasiam895
    @lexijustasiam895 Рік тому +19

    Jackie & Preston are Wonder Twins (married folks often begin to resemble each other over time)! 😉Love this beautiful couple in Christ! 🤎🤍✨

  • @doxeyashlie
    @doxeyashlie Рік тому +14

    I really appreciated your expression about how attentive you are toward your children. Jackie the way you identify their sin struggles, as well as their gifts and how they coincide simultaneously with one another…was a delight to hear.

  • @xchorro
    @xchorro Рік тому +27

    hearing you guys talk about your kids is so sweet and beautiful. i’m so excited to be a father in like 10 years 🤣

  • @NikeCortez14
    @NikeCortez14 Рік тому +6

    The description of introverts being able to pick apart someone without even having a conversation and its possiblity for judgment was spot on.

  • @maitumeloramonkga8182
    @maitumeloramonkga8182 Рік тому +25

    I love this, i love hearing Jackie talk about homesexuality it always opens my eyes and gives me content for the next time i have to make such a conversation because we are at a point where the church is confused on this issue and need a whole lot more of wisdom and understanding ❤ thank you two for these podcasts

  • @rebeccabhandari8241
    @rebeccabhandari8241 Рік тому +15

    Me learning about myself through your analysis of the kids 😭

  • @vanessaguerreroo
    @vanessaguerreroo Рік тому +41

    Wow. Y’all always humble, educate and flourish me. Praise God for the work He’s doing through y’all. Thank y’all love yall!

  • @pholoso8884
    @pholoso8884 Рік тому +24

    I love the intentional parenting, it's alot of work but it's so worth it. God bless you guys.

  • @naturalfitgirl80
    @naturalfitgirl80 Рік тому +17

    THESE conversations and questions are so necessary, so on time and so needed! Intentional parenting is beautiful and I love the way you guys just explained how each of your children are different. Praying over your children is a must. Thank ya'll so much for sharing ♥

  • @Alyssa-lr2gr
    @Alyssa-lr2gr Місяць тому +1

    I don’t know if you actually read the comments, but I need to just let you know your content has been such a blessing to me. I was a witch for over a decade. I met Jesus and got saved. Obviously the Word of God is my strength and foundation, however I wanted to let you know that your content helps to strengthen my walk with Jesus. You have a true gift for explaining scripture in an easy to understand way. Thank you for what you do. Sincerely.

  • @Tinawise12
    @Tinawise12 Рік тому +5

    Will there be a part 2 to this!? The parenting tips was incredible. Wow. To hear them speak so highly of their children is so impeccable. Need more parents tips.

  • @naturalnapes
    @naturalnapes Рік тому +7

    I loved the last part of this episode because I can identify with Jackie. I’m also very very empathetic. When Jackie spoke about praying for resilience and perseverance for her daughter I felt that. Thank you both for sharing your stories and being transparent. ❤

  • @isntlifebetter
    @isntlifebetter Рік тому +8

    I love this! This really has me interested in learning the proper way to defend our faith. I don't think we as Christians have been properly trained on asking ourselves why we believe what we believe and when approached how to speak those truths in a factual way vs just saying the evidence of tongues or arguing ideas.

  • @henning439
    @henning439 Рік тому +5

    I don't like long videos. I like videos of less than 10 minutes. But I listen to this one till the end without being bored for a second. Keep up the good work!

    • @kadoshlife
      @kadoshlife Рік тому

      Maybe you should work on your patience. And I understand that most people are not that way at all. And I’m so grateful for their longer videos.
      Can’t hardly get anything out of even a half an hour.

  • @carriebyers9529
    @carriebyers9529 Рік тому +3

    I listened to this episode about a week ago, paying particular attention to the LDS conversation. Today, two LDS missionaries stopped at my door, and I was able to have a much more coherent convo than ever before. Ordained timing! Thank you for your Spirit led influence. Blessings!

  • @Rhenadhis
    @Rhenadhis Рік тому +6

    I just cried at how beautifully you described your children and the active parenting you do to nurture and guide them through their gifts. I'm Sage, and in her mother's words, "i feel things deeply which makes the degree of my suffering unique," so i will be praying for her to be able to regulate her emotions through her trials as her mama does the same. This was soooooo beautiful

  • @dudukgagamedi5881
    @dudukgagamedi5881 Рік тому +4

    Sarafina was shot 5 houses from my mom's house in the 90s. I also love that movie. It makes me happy to know that this South African movie shot in Orlando East Soweto is one of Jackie's favorite movies 😍

  • @maxina1236
    @maxina1236 Рік тому +8

    it’s wonderful to hear you both reflect on your children. To have parents who take the time to know them and with that knowledge guide them to greatness is very beautiful. God bless you

  • @LaShekaDBeaman
    @LaShekaDBeaman Рік тому +13

    Y’all really help me love and understand God more! Amen!

  • @DatsWhatSheSaidTV
    @DatsWhatSheSaidTV Рік тому +10

    its otherworldly how the Lord uses the both of you, thank you for your obedience to him - how blessed we are to reap from that. God Bless you both & your family

  • @ceecee99
    @ceecee99 Рік тому +8

    Jackie I have so much respect for you and your husband’s ministry. I can LITERALLY see growth! Y’all walking it out for real for real ❤🙏🏾

  • @renekasmith7749
    @renekasmith7749 Рік тому +17

    🤣🤣🤣 the opening sent me! Love it and this podcast and both of you!

  • @Amarisg93
    @Amarisg93 Рік тому +14

    Can’t even say how many times I replayed the last couple minutes of this video. “The fathers bosom. The only begotten” 😆 love this family

  • @ckks0nyoutube
    @ckks0nyoutube Рік тому +8

    Just make it 1-hr with the Perry’s every so often
    ‘Now go with GOD!’ I had never waited long enough to bar that

  • @whenyouwishuponastar6643
    @whenyouwishuponastar6643 Рік тому +3

    Wow!! What a blessing that our identities are not based on what we do, think or feel, but they are based on who created us and the universe!! Amen! That touched me today.

  • @rebeccaestrada4946
    @rebeccaestrada4946 Рік тому +2

    Nephi is a person. The book of Mormon reads like the Bible in the sense that there is a time when Jesus isn't there, then he comes and preaches when he is crucified. The Saints from the LDS church go hard for Christ. I love them. They are some riteous people. So lovely.

  • @Oreoluwa
    @Oreoluwa Рік тому +7

    Probably my best episode yet. Y'all keep getting better like fine wine. Thank you for this fam! x

  • @thapelopatrick1173
    @thapelopatrick1173 Рік тому +5

    Sarafina🇿🇦.... Being a South African, for me that movie is an all time classic ....

  • @crystal9626
    @crystal9626 Рік тому +12

    What Preston said about showing love to their person is beautiful. This is what's missing from most families. Yes, hold him and love him hard. May God bless your family to do awesome things for His kingdom.

  • @dabike_
    @dabike_ Рік тому +17

    It's how Jackie hypes Preston when he's talking for me😂 She be like yeah yeah yeah

  • @Brikapri
    @Brikapri 11 місяців тому +1

    Aaw I loved when y’all were talking about your children and how Dad comforted baby boy when he got overwhelmed. My husband recently passed and left behind our two boys and I often worry about wether or not I’ll be enough. As a woman I pray to God to strengthen me and help me steer them in the right direction when they may feel overwhelmed in life. God bless y’all and your family. New sub here❤️

  • @butterflybri3168
    @butterflybri3168 Рік тому +1

    Whew that explanation of leadership was more for me than my child. Observing the situation, discerning the person, and deligating the task based on their nature ✍🏽‼️

  • @CorazonSentido
    @CorazonSentido 4 місяці тому

    The whole podcast was great but
    the parenting portion was so beautiful! Such great and wise parents this was amazing to reflect on. Thank you!

  • @LadyG1
    @LadyG1 Рік тому +4

    My husband does the same to me, compliment me at the most random times and people get on to me because I don’t say omg thank you so much. Like k, we understand us. We’ve been US for quite sometime, 22 years. We get this

  • @carimurray1933
    @carimurray1933 Рік тому +1

    De’Shayle…that question brought out so much introspection for me in regards to how I am acknowledging and building my children’s spiritual gifts. It took the Perry’s down a beautiful spiral. Thank you!! “God is seeking a Godly scene!”!!!

  • @DaveCutzHair
    @DaveCutzHair Рік тому +12

    Man when Jackie started talking about the foolish things confounding the wise made me cry OMG

    • @bethburleson6684
      @bethburleson6684 Рік тому +1

      Me too. A treasure inside an “unexpected” vessel. So beautiful.

  • @Awille123
    @Awille123 Рік тому +2

    How u guys were talking about your childing and parenting and being so observant of them, i just want to say, is BEAUTIFUL 💙

  • @Agnesmontecinosmunoz
    @Agnesmontecinosmunoz Рік тому +45

    “It PROBABLY WAS AN ANGEL, just not the kind of angel THEY THINK” 🥲 Jackie’s so funny, she articulates what we all think but than with a gifted funniness:)💘

    • @kingsfold
      @kingsfold Рік тому

      Practicing Latter-day Saint here. There are some fundamental inaccuracies in how our church was characterized in this video. I take no offense, because it’s tough to get the whole accurate story of a whole religious movement during a conversation on an airplane; but just for an example, The Book of Mormon was not “written” in one night from a dictation of an Angel visiting Joseph Smith. It was actually translated (with a series of scribes) over the space of about two months from engravings on ancient metal plates. This was my first experience with this podcast but I wish that the hosts had done a little more homework on the actual origins of the Church rather than “some guy on an airplane.” All good though. God bless.

    • @kadoshlife
      @kadoshlife Рік тому

      He may have gotten the exact timing wrong, but the point was, it was very short period of time that the supposed prophecy was written.
      Being an ex Mormon from a family, who is Luciferians, freemasons, and has been hidden in the occult within the Mormon church since the days of the pioneers and goes all the way back to Joseph Smith’s time, I can assure you that Mormonism is an antichrist false religion.
      In the temple movie, Lucifer turns to the audience and says if these people in this temple on this day, do not live up to these covenants, then they will be under my power… In that moment you enter into a covenant with Lucifer of exactness. Which is exemplified on the compass and the square worn on the temple garment on the nipples . Which initiations, when that temple garment is given initiates, one into the rights of Freemasonry.
      To enter into a covenant of exactness is antichrist. And it is why Mormons are so shamed and so miserable, and why the state of Utah is the highest prescriptive state of anti-depressants, because of the curse that they live under, which is anti-Christ. EXACTNESS IS ANTICHRIST! These covenants undo the mercy and grace and the blood of Jesus, and what was done on the cross. Therefore, the Mormon Jesus is another, Jesus, who is Lucifer. And Maroni who is a golden idol that sits on the top of all of the temples is most certainly a fallen angel. Whom Joseph worshiped.
      There will be an interview coming out soon on my channel with a man who saw Joseph Smith in Hell. And no, it wasn’t for polygamy, it was because of the mass deception and lies that he led so many people into because he wanted to be like God. Just like Lucifer, which was why he was cast out of the heavens, and felt like lightning.

  • @saraw7050
    @saraw7050 Рік тому +5

    I enjoy y'all's interaction so much that I could just listen to y'all talk all day. Thank you for helping my understanding of things and for giving me more ways to make the bible applicable to my life and to those around me. I appreciate you sharing your experiences, your family and your hearts with us. God Bless Always!

  • @jenniferrobinson6780
    @jenniferrobinson6780 4 місяці тому

    Beautiful session guys!
    Love the father's hands at the end! 💝

  • @crystalmonroe2621
    @crystalmonroe2621 Рік тому +4

    Thank you for the question about cultivating our kids. It was so needed and the answers were beautiful 😢

  • @kingsfold
    @kingsfold Рік тому +6

    Practicing Latter-day Saint here. There are some fundamental inaccuracies in how our church was characterized in this video. I take no offense, because it’s tough to get the whole accurate story of a whole religious movement during a conversation on an airplane; but just for an example, The Book of Mormon was not “written” in one night from a dictation of an Angel visiting Joseph Smith. It was actually translated (with a series of scribes) over the space of about two months from engravings on ancient metal plates. This was my first experience with this podcast but I wish that the hosts had done a little more homework on the actual origins of the Church rather than “some guy on an airplane.” All good though. God bless.

  • @aleailustrisimo6478
    @aleailustrisimo6478 Рік тому +14

    Jackie is such a mood 😂😂😂

  • @ls_kay
    @ls_kay Рік тому +2

    I'm from South Africa I got so excited when Jackie put Sarafina up there with her top four RESPECT

    • @sontoziqubu531
      @sontoziqubu531 Рік тому +1

      I'm waiting for her to bring Glory to SA.

  • @kjnewmansr
    @kjnewmansr 10 місяців тому

    “WHAT IF I HAD THAT?” I’m deep in thought right now! 🙏🏼
    Thank you guys for the transparency.

  • @hannahpennington1386
    @hannahpennington1386 Рік тому +1

    I’m not one of the special members but I really enjoy y’all’s videos so much. I’ve been struggling hard core on “good works” debate and Preston just explained it so clearly in about a minute. 🤦‍♀️ It seems confusing because Romans is like it ain’t about your good works and then here comes James and he’s like wait a minute you gotta do good works. I’ve been stewing on this for like 3 months now so thank you for explaining so simplistically. God used the side note for me. 💛

    • @careser9071
      @careser9071 Рік тому

      I struggled with this for a little while after reading both Romans and James but realized that both books overlapped in the idea that we are not saved by our works but our works should be a fruit of our faith I believe Acts 26:20 shows Paul explaining this

  • @wayNAY87
    @wayNAY87 Рік тому +24

    Looking forward to the enneagram discussion next season

  • @LadyTrucker43
    @LadyTrucker43 Рік тому +4

    This was so great ! Hearing about the difference of your children and how you guys are raising them is amazing! I just loved it . Ty

  • @Abiceant
    @Abiceant 4 місяці тому

    Hearing you both talk about how you help to cultivate your children’s gifts, I realize I never had that growing up or even anyone to call out those spiritual gifts. This is has left me lost when it comes to cultivating my spiritual gifts that I can use in the body of Christ. I would love an episode harping on spiritual gifts in the kingdom of God and how to cultivate those gifts in the body, and even temptations and sin that could breed from those gifts if not cultivated properly. This was such a wordy statement lol, but I realize that it might be easy to confuse natural talents with spiritual gifts (if there is a distinction?)

  • @ablackgal
    @ablackgal Рік тому +3

    So glad when this podcast surpasses 30 mins! ❤

  • @kallielainia
    @kallielainia Рік тому +5

    "Demons got pencils too" took me OUTTTT 😂 I can't wait for the enneagram episode.

  • @IvyElizabeth918
    @IvyElizabeth918 Рік тому +2

    I’m 10 minutes in, but definitely want to hear about the enneagram thing! When I was in the world, I had an ex who was very much into that and we took different online assessments and whatnot.. I don’t remember how it went too much, but yeah! Demons got pencils too 😩

  • @mwcppublishing5890
    @mwcppublishing5890 Рік тому +1

    People will be people and answer from their own feelings and experiences. I love you guys. And living and having grown up in St. Louis it is always refreshing to hear you two speak so candidly on actual issues. Plus you both are hilarious! So I always view that as an inside joke of love between you two. You don't have to play a game with each other. You allow each other to be who you are. I appreciate that and love you both!

  • @lovernedwards5888
    @lovernedwards5888 Рік тому +4

    28:29- wow
    40:03- wow
    The entire episode- mind blowing, thank you for being a teacher in my life

  • @msangieluzu
    @msangieluzu 11 місяців тому +1

    I like Jackie even more , she mentioned SARIFINA ❤🙌🏿

  • @nursed.porchae990
    @nursed.porchae990 10 місяців тому

    What a beautiful ministering testimony. I pray God gives me this grace to share him in this loving way

  • @ihemechidozie5482
    @ihemechidozie5482 Рік тому +2

    I am always blessed and educated when I listen to you both. Thank you and God bless you guys and the family.

  • @FireBride
    @FireBride Рік тому +7

    Interesting conversation about the Mormon Church my sister had me go a couple times when we were younger and I always felt the vibe of zero African-American people but yeah you're insight about them not going to scriptures confirm that the prophet is a true prophet was very enlightening God bless you all

  • @lauratellez1520
    @lauratellez1520 Рік тому +1

    You guys are so entertaining but so impactful!! God bless!! Love the conversation about how you each affirm your children ❤

  • @ngathanyaggah3191
    @ngathanyaggah3191 9 місяців тому

    I hope the camera pulls out wide enough so we can see that beautiful portrait behind you. I can tell it’s amazing!

  • @paulawade2223
    @paulawade2223 10 місяців тому

    Lol that's better. About time Jackie. I'm one of the ones who said that🤷‍♀️

  • @BlckgalAnointed
    @BlckgalAnointed Рік тому +12

    The first minute Convo 😂😂😂😂 I think it's funny when she doesn't say thank you because it's the way they operate *the quirks of they relationship*

  • @alliA09
    @alliA09 Рік тому +5

    “To just be TEMPTED actually signals that we are born after Adam and NEED A SAVIOR.” CAN I GET AN AMEN

  • @liglisachae7238
    @liglisachae7238 Рік тому +2

    This was an excellent conversation! The observations of each of your children and where to target your prayer concerning them is something I wish I was more mindful of as I wS raising mine. My kids are grown, but can still apply.

  • @psalms50_5
    @psalms50_5 Рік тому +4

    I love the movie Sarafina. Also great points on the Morman conversation. I always questioned if he was lead by a fallen angel.

  • @daylinschweizer1760
    @daylinschweizer1760 10 місяців тому +3

    Nephi sounds a lil too close to Nephilim... 👀👀

  • @xchorro
    @xchorro Рік тому +1

    i identify with sage so much 😂 she’s so young but it’s such a hard thing to process. knowing i’m such an emotional person that my emotions can very much take a hold of me and make everything feel so dramatic and up and down like waves! it’s a blessing being able to be there for people and just listen to people but it sucksss when it’s more so tearing you down. i’m so self aware i tear myself down at times but i’m trying to learn how to love myself and this “different” personality of mine 🤣

  • @corystuart3422
    @corystuart3422 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Preston and Jackie for sharing your hearts and home with me. I get some laughs, some cries, some disagreements and some teaching every time I watch you. Btw I love your customary greeting, "Hey Saints and Aints."

  • @salimtwene5605
    @salimtwene5605 Рік тому +2

    33:17 I felt God answering my questions about my character as a extravert in y’all’s podcast
    Thank you for your honesty

  • @olgas9970
    @olgas9970 Рік тому +1

    It's so inspiring the amount of love i hear when you are talking about your children

  • @1922mistyblue
    @1922mistyblue Рік тому +1

    Praise God for you both. I enjoyed the conversation about the children and evangelism.

  • @BeautifulBekah28
    @BeautifulBekah28 Рік тому +2

    Outside of the Godly wisdom I soak up from your channel, I absolutely LOVE the dynamic between you two! You guys are such a blessing!!

  • @jnr039
    @jnr039 Рік тому +2

    This was such a great episode! Thank you for continuing to speak the TRUTH.

  • @chrislacy1990
    @chrislacy1990 Рік тому +15

    (30:30) Thank y’all for answering my Patreon question. I’mma check out the movies I don’t recognize.

    • @bennieatta
      @bennieatta Рік тому +1

      Such a good question! ima have to steal that 😉👏🏾

  • @essie5262
    @essie5262 Рік тому

    😂 I hear "I don't know whether to feel encouraged or discouraged" very funny Preston....but love the work. God bless you... am honesty always blessed and refreshes by your teachings❤ more 🙏 Grace!

  • @Key3de
    @Key3de Рік тому +2

    My heart, when they start talking about parenting and how observant and discerning the Spirit is teaching them to be regarding their kids, my heart literally swelled gratitude to God.
    Because who else redeems a person so wholly it affects their offspring? Who else makes dead sinners come alive and imbues them with an understanding so deep it transforms the knowledge of self-image, the quality of our understanding of the world, and our interactions with the people around us?
    Thank You, God. And thank You Jackie and Preston for living lives that make us see God. 🤍

  • @majorphenom1
    @majorphenom1 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for sharing 🙏🏾
    His grace and mercy be upon you all and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯

  • @Tasheba_Brown
    @Tasheba_Brown Рік тому

    I appreciate that parenting conversation because I have been praying to God about how to train my daughter up in the way that she should go. Asking God to order my steps when it comes to parenting her. I really want to do it God's way but also do it well.

  • @courtbycourt
    @courtbycourt Рік тому +2

    "Okay, she's declaring a thing." I am crying.

  • @DesireeStamat
    @DesireeStamat 5 місяців тому

    Mr. Hollands Opus was so good! The Beautiful Boy scenes made me cry.