mandla poetry performance for We Belong's 2021 Youth Summit: 'Inherent Traveller'

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Transcript:
    Some of us are smaller than others.
    Split in two.
    Made of many.
    I come from a breakaway line, a splintered cell
    And the journeys that came before me are
    Entanglements beyond my comprehension,
    Moreso, the ones I have taken.
    All of us have always been wandering around.
    Pillaging a place to call home,
    A piece of land becomes a list of deeds
    And her story is written into the battles fought in the name of her ownership
    I have always been foreign.
    I have always been foreign
    Dissidence runs through my blood
    I was born in Bulawayo...
    Ukubulala is to kill
    Why death is a city’s namesake?
    I want to know
    The entire history of the world
    Fill me in on every nook and cranny -
    The reasons behind each tradition
    And everything we’ve come to unlearn
    As we travel through ourselves.
    Names are power in every language,
    Knowing who I am is tied up in those before during and after
    I am an imprint
    A remnant
    Tracing the steps on my own is like rowing nowhere near the water.
    My tribe is Ndebele
    I left Zimbabwe before I could even speak,
    I keep saying I’m from there mostly for myself
    I am Zimbabwean because I can go there to find those who came before me
    But I am not just from Zimbabwe,
    I’ve left pieces of myself everywhere I have wandered in and out of
    I’m from every moment I have ever encountered.
    I don’t remember my first journey.
    We are one of the smallest groups, perhaps because we are split in two.
    1823: Mzilikazi revolts against Shaka, flees the Zulu Kingdom and led his followers North
    Through Mozambique,
    Botswana to Zambia,
    Mzilikazi conquered his way to Zimbabwe, stealing women and children from tribes too weak to his power to build his Ndebele empire
    I am not really from anywhere.
    I can only be where I am,
    I don’t feel good about knowing this but this is how I have come to exist.
    I am a remnant of those who walked before me
    We are one of the smallest groups,
    Maybe it’s because we’re split in two
    Perhaps because we lost roughly 20,000 in two years
    Named after a colonial mispronunciation
    In Matebeland, there was
    A moment of madness
    I want to understand, ngiyafunda
    We don’t have a word for it in my language
    The rain that washes away the chaff,
    An estimated number of deaths
    Gukurahundi, watered down to a moment of madness -
    We get caught up in the red tape
    The implicate intricacies of being someone
    Who’s here but doesn’t yet belong
    I was born to be a dissident,
    Ngiyazifundisa ukuthi