You guys, I have been lied to all of my life and I am just now figuring out that some of the people closest to me did the lying. I can never stop red pilling, I can never go back.
Jenni Case Bless you Jenni. That red pill doesn't go down easy, but take solace knowing that thoughtful and discerning people like yourself will be what saves our great republic.
Jenni, your generation should find The John Birch Society ( that has long been the opponent of socialism and communism most smeared and attacked by the Communists and the neo-conservatives. JBS is an organization seeking to keep our independence from the Communist design of a world government and seeking to preserve our Constitution and enforce it upon government to limit government to the few specific powers delegated to it. We don't want an unlimited government.
This is one of America's greatest Patriots! He's the guy that knows everything you need to know about America and the real deal going on. He will be remembered and recognized as the great scholar he is!
@@JerseyMike6O9 The easy answer is "he would have to say something first." But it's easy enough to listen in far enough to say that "conservatives have principles." And that "There is no 'the future'."
@@devinwegner56 What are you talking about,He didn’t say anything in this video? He spoke about people by name so it should be very easy for you to discredit at least one thing he said over an hour long speech.
Yet he excepted his other calling as Satan , front man. This guy is a lucifarian worshipper. That's no surprise to me. America , besides England, or any other European country is Full of Devil worshippers. And they are loyal to this Devil.
I thought the most important thing David said was: "Conservatives need to move 10% away from the positive to the negative - we are at war and its a war from within."
Read The Machiavellians by James Burnham. Pursue local solutions. County and States ignoring the federal is the way forward if you want to be free. We could elect 535 Republicans to Congress and it wouldn't help for very long if at all.
@imdahG I voted for Trump and don't regret it, but his worshiping of Israel is concerning. Israel have their hands in every part of our government. Their so many people with dual Israeli citizenship with lifetime appointments in major depts of our government like the state dept, dept of defense, dept of national security, and more. They are not just secretaries either they are in major decision making offices. Although many of the new democrats are anti Israel, I can't pretend to agree with their pie in the sky socialist ideas. Trump needs wake up and stop listening to his daughter and son in law.
This speaker will only lead a side track to the main issue of Israel because look at his name ,he is one of them. Vladimir Lenin: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
kay van the people who hate Jews never step back and consider from whence their hate comes. It’s THE ONLY country I truly trust. The UK has become an authoritarian State enforcing blasphemy laws etc. Germany, Sweden, Australia , France, etc. controlled by Leftist-Globalists. We’re moronic to not defend Israel to the nth degree.They alone stand with us against the radical globalists.
no hes still a neocon you people are seriously deranged. Saul alinksys rules were for organizing the working class. This bafoon never says anything about that.
Only problem is, there is no such thing, nor will there ever be, a limited government. Governments ALWAYS seek to grow their power. It's simply the neuroscience of human beings: power is a literal drug that turns people into power addicts, and has all the trappings of dealing with a drug addict. Unfortunately, humans as a whole, are far too egotistical to acknowledge this fact, and love to portend that we are rational. This, despite a large body of research that shows we are completely ruled by our primitive instincts FIRST, and look for rationalizations later. Whenever we come across a logical axiom that is actually integrated into society, it's usually only acknowledged for a short time, and because it's implications happen to align temporarily with the attempt to fulfill a primitive want. All centralized government is (as opposed to local, decentralized, grass-roots organization), is a primitive, veiled desire to dominate others whilst appearing civilized; it is a tacit agreement on the completely irrational and destructive notion that "might makes right".
@@EnFuegoDuo There needs to be a full year of high school devoted to the nature and dangers of government. Plus a full year on human nature alone. But government will make sure such a thing never happens. When you realize this is why Jefferson said we need a revolution every 20 years, it doesn't seem so tongue-in-cheek after all. The problem is, it will never be the people against the government, no matter how often a revolution is carried out: it will be some people against other people. Because even from the very start of this country, only a small percentage even cared enough, let alone understood what was needed. They would still be fighting the apparently brainless majority, who are bought out and motivated by some faction that wants to maintain control. Only the knowledgeable and truly just can ever be free, but since they're a very small minority, there are not enough, and they won't bind together to forge an exclusive society, so that it won't be polluted and taken over by the unjust. We're doomed on this Earth to suffer the fruits of stupidity, because it's the only norm that will ever be. Even the Just don't have it in them to be exclusive, and work on raising a generation of educated youth, and create a perpetual society of intelligence, because they know there is always a Lucifer born into their lineage, to incite the potentially lazy and foolish. It's a sad fact that people are wilfull, and some like to create havoc in the midst of peace and plenty, just because they can. A world that runs smoothly is too "boring" for them.
"The very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer." ~ Saul Alinsky Just in case you wanted more clarity on who Alinsky was really inspired by.
So, Alinskyism, is a religion. I am beginning to understand. "Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed." ~ Barry Goldwater "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." ~ Barry Goldwater Not electing Goldwater, may actually have been the end of the Republic...
Mr. Horowitz is a truly national treasure who has a life long wisdom. We must acknowledge and confront threats from the socialist and radicals in this country. We must motorize the people with a common bond. Instead of religion, race, gender, or economic class, we must come together to confront radicals and protect our constitution and democracy.
constitution is a gun free zone sign to these people, it means nothing, and democracy. you wanf to play nation wide popularity contest w people that want to kill you?
Well, how about Sowell? PhD in economics from UChicago. It's not as if the department of sociology at UChicago was solely responsible for grooming Alinsky's mind.
Byzantios1 he was schooled by Frank Nitti & sees himself as an “enforcer.” A tragic failure who hated his father so he made himself another. He’s not hard to figure...
@@TickleMeElmo55When Thomas Sowell was in college and after he got his job workimg for the U.S Government, he was a Marxist, despite studying under Milton Friedman.
Saul Alinsky recommended blaming your enemies for the crimes you yourself commit as a convenient way to deflect blame. Do you think Adam Schiff read that book too???
BB, the Constitution, Bill of Rights were murdered on 1-01-2012 by the signature of then puppet president at that time. Barak Obama. I don't blame him personally. He was doing what he was groomed, designed, programmed to do. For the Deeper Deep State? At any time, we can (as Americans) be arrested without cause, held indefinitely and executed. It's that simple. Few people know it, because we were too busy being entertained. Too busy getting ours, making excuses for our behaviors. And making it a really bad idea to make a judgement or question someone else's behavior. (PC society) which is now in full motion. Please check out Chuck Missler, Walter Veith, the Hegalian Dialectic, Jesuits, the Vatican's true motivation. But most important John 14:6. This gentleman talks about how the conservetive's allocated 54 million for ACORN. This is the heart of the Hegalian Dialectic. Psalm 146:3&4
The so-called rational Democrats, and some Republicans are much more subtle and are playing the incrementalism game. Two steps forward and one step back, still means progress {Progressivism).
YES!!! Now I won't fall asleep and miss this excellent information. 1.25% makes him sound like a real speaker with something to say that people should listen to.
He sounds like I would, after losing my ability to recall simple words and names. When it comes to that point, you need to write your speeches and don't be ashamed to just read them.
Instead of being responsible and getting an education , some people partied and blew money on wine and women. Now that they don't earn as much , they are told they are victims . There was a big pile of money and someone took your share.
Instead of "liberals" or "progressives," we should call them Frankfürters (capitalized, umlaut optional) because their ideas come from the Frankfurt school. Come on, they're always calling people "tea baggers," which is actually a sexual reference, so it's not like we're being any meaner than them.
deepvoodoo Why you saying ok? This girl is a marxist and is the second time I catch her in a comment saying that "marxists dont take frankfurt school seriously" yet they dont take Marcuse and all the others seriously but they do exactly everything they were told. Never say "ok" to a marxist they are always lying.
Funny thing. Back during those times, we had a SDS computer in college. I was told to call it the XDS to avoid references the Students for Democratic Society and violence from them. I did not follow politics back then, but now understand the purpose of unlimited democracy: elect a dictator/oligarchy. No to representative Alexandra Ocaio-Cortez, senator Bernie Sanders, and most Democrats and RINO's.
Even Hitler petted his dog a time or two. Do you think we should change our perspective of him for that? Horowitz is not sorry for the immeasurable harm he brought to this country,…he just thinks that changing name tags buys him an ‘OK’ from the body politique.
not even close yet, but we may just get there if we lose this election, and have to suffer through 4 more years of even worse. The Right has permanent brain damage from 40 years of subtle Leftist programming, and they're still fast asleep. They still think they can win by being nice and cooperating, as democrats continue to administer the 2 tiered justice system.
They're lying to the teachers 2 and telling them that our education system is still not terrible and way lower than some third world countries my daughter teaches fourth grade and she is totally indoctrinated in the education propaganda and lies and she thinks I don't know what I'm talking about when I State the facts it's not the typical child that doesn't think your mother and father know anything this is different because now they don't think you even can tell that the education system is failing the kids that are leaving the high schools today and colleges it's quite obvious just take a look at Common Core math how they've complicated simple math problems now
the Kingdom IS here, it is the Kingdom of Christ. It has been here @2000 years. Daniel 2:31 “My king, as you were watching, a colossal statue appeared. That statue, tall and dazzling, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was terrifying. 32 The head of the statue was pure gold, its chest and arms were silver, its stomach and thighs were bronze, 33 its legs were iron, and its feet were partly iron and partly fired clay. 34 As you were watching, a stone broke off without a hand touching it,[h] struck the statue on its feet of iron and fired clay, and crushed them. 35 Then the iron, the fired clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were shattered and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors. The wind carried them away, and not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. 36 “This was the dream; now we will tell the king its interpretation. 37 Your Majesty, you are king of kings. The God of heaven has given you sovereignty, power, strength, and glory. 38 Wherever people live-or wild animals, or birds of the air-He has handed them over to you and made you ruler over them all. You are the head of gold. 39 “After you, there will arise another kingdom, inferior to yours, and then another, a third kingdom, of bronze, which will rule the whole earth. 40 A fourth kingdom will be as strong as iron; for iron crushes and shatters everything, and like iron that smashes, it will crush and smash all the others.[i] 41 You saw the feet and toes, partly of a potter’s fired clay and partly of iron-it will be a divided kingdom, though some of the strength of iron will be in it. You saw the iron mixed with clay, 42 and that the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly fired clay-part of the kingdom will be strong, and part will be brittle. 43 You saw the iron mixed with clay-the peoples will mix with one another[j] but will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with fired clay. 44 “In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be left to another people. It will crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself endure forever. 45 You saw a stone break off from the mountain without a hand touching it,[k] and it crushed the iron, bronze, fired clay, silver, and gold. The great God has told the king what will happen in the future.[l] The dream is true, and its interpretation certain.”
We would not be here without revolution. Democracy, Constitutional government or opposing idealogical differences would not exist without revolution. Current technology and media extends the possibility for change towards minority groups without extreme acts of aggression and violence as it has in the past. A few isolated incidents can be reigned in by a mutual respect for law and order ,due process, and good faith in our Constitution. Rules for radicals was made for this age.Warranted or not, Community activism is more effective than ever. Conservatives have to do some soul searching and regrouping if they expect to survive in this new age of identity politics .They can't rest on their laurels anymore.
Amen at 30:40 - there are Makers and Takers. (False) Identity Politics wasn't really touched upon in this vid, but looking forward to hearing more about what Mr. Horowitz has to say on all things. 70% of millionaires are first generation - noting that one for further theme development. Rathering worrisome about the realization about NASA and Islam: Thank you Mr Horowitz and Hillsdale College. Necessary listening for anyone with real hope for the United States' future. Confusius: "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name."
Here what I don’t understand, if this movement is godless, atheist, believes in no afterlife, then what drives them to revolt knowing they may not see the fruit of their so-called utopia? A promise of a tomorrow they’ll never see? In other words, what’s in it for them?
I’m not saying I know the answer to your question but perhaps you might listen or read some material by Jordan Peterson, dealing with man’s tinkering with despotic ideologies( Marxism, fascism or other) and postmodernism or anarchism. These may be differing but they tie together.
@@michellehayden6612, I’ll send some suggestions now. I’m a digital incompetent so I can’t quite remember how to paste videos. Jordan Peterson is a Canadian Jungian therapist, author and lecturer noted for his fight against speech and thought regulation. If you UA-cam search ( Jordan Peterson postmodernism), you’ll find many videos discussing the topic. Three I might suggest, “Postmodernism Neomarxism/Diagnosis&Cure”, Postmodernism in a Nutshell”, “postmodernism How and Why”. I think the answer is that those indoctrinated into Marxism or postmodernism, believe conventional societies structure things for power alone. God and religion are false facades, that may not really exist! They who tear down and rebuild have the true and superior morality! Gad Saad, at his Channel, probably discusses all this.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers was a blatant rip off of Robert Heinlein's book The Puppet Masters, which was really about communists. This fella is correct, and so was the book.
@Jake Johnson Well Christ said it best when he called out the children of Cain (John 8:44), who was the first communist. He didn't produce anything good and killed the one that did and was rewarded.
A little side note I was on a flight with Hayden when he was married to Jane Fonda Hayden yelled at the stewardesses cursed them threw his arms around he was rude and an over all jackass
How is that working out for you? He is doing a great job with all the Russians in the Whitehouse helping him, we're now paying for the wall, failed twice to repeal and replace Obamacare, and will be deporting himself to Moscow when impeachment starts.
Doesn't everyone commit crimes because they think doing so will help them reach a happier place? It's only an excuse to commit crime, these people are still responsible for their actions and should be treated as criminals.
I came across this video, hoping to find some one had created an audio book, of rules for radicals. I did, but it's over seven hours, so I purchased the book. After I studied it I* may* view this 1 hour video I stress may because I get Hillsdale's propaganda in print via the USPS, a quick scan of the comments may mean I'll never rerun to this video, even though I have book makmarked it. So many of the comments are tired old boiler plate stuff repeated by the intellectually lazy, is less than inspiring.
So getting power through the ballot box by voter fraud is getting power? Not anymore! Now! We know what band joe they are founding it? War is what they want? Wat is what they will get and gun confiscation is not going to go their way! Unless? They want a hot lead lunch? That’s my opinion. Also! Since the duped so called sell out American’s think Socialism is so great? Why don’t they ask the millions of dead Chinese if Communism is so great? We who know how many Commie examples through history. That know this new old Commie fad flowing through America by Any means. Especially, through brain washing our kids. With George Soros billions de-education programs and Commie indoctrination programs. To help divide this country! Our own kid’s are the enemy within. We have to un brain wash them by better communication. Like disowning them! 👍🤔😜 As far as my situation? It worked! Then by association with pro American friends and the 2nd Amendment indoctrination. They woke up! Why the 2nd Amendment was put in the Constitution in the first place? What kind of Government we have conducted by the So called Socialist Commie Globalist Democrat Party! That they are the enemy of America, freedom and liberty! Always have been. Many of our families and relatives have given their lives through history to keep our freedoms and liberties! I myself! Will it let them die for nothing! 👍🇺🇸🗽😎
I am dealing with a brainwashed 83 year old mother and two adult brainwashed children that went through colleges in the United States and I didn't realize how brainwashed they were until I brought up a couple facts of the things that are going on today and I was called a bigot and all the other names that you hear President Trump being called I am now the enemy because I'm speaking the truth but they think I'm an idiot to about what's going on in the United States and what has been going on especially in the last presidency
8/15/20.. this guy nailed it.. where living it., BLM, ANTIFA, Moa. Lennon. Other funded Anarchist groups I hope and pray . they don’t succeed.. btw.. just started praying
If you are a Christian do you see the Biblical world view on the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman Genesis 3:15, also scripture that says there was man who went out and planted seed but while men slept an enemy went out and planted seed
I would have loved to hear this speech... however... mumbling and then louder and such... Bummer!!! Re-tape this Conversation so we can appreciate the message
Like others below, I'm also a former recovering liberal leftie. This is so helpful. I have much gratitude for David Horowitz.
Former recovering liberal leftie... That is great
Me too!
Very heartening to hear, thank you for sharing!🌸🍃👍🏻
Um abraço do brasil
@Waterman How did your transformation begin? What caused you to question your former "leftie" beliefs? Thanks in advance.
You guys, I have been lied to all of my life and I am just now figuring out that some of the people closest to me did the lying. I can never stop red pilling, I can never go back.
The red pill is great, but indeed you will never see the world and people around you the same.
Jenni Case Bless you Jenni. That red pill doesn't go down easy, but take solace knowing that thoughtful and discerning people like yourself will be what saves our great republic.
Red pill is great. I've come around in the last few years myself. Just be careful and not take the whole bottle
Jenni, your generation should find The John Birch Society ( that has long been the opponent of socialism and communism most smeared and attacked by the Communists and the neo-conservatives. JBS is an organization seeking to keep our independence from the Communist design of a world government and seeking to preserve our Constitution and enforce it upon government to limit government to the few specific powers delegated to it. We don't want an unlimited government.
Brilliant presentation.
David is a great American.
Horowitz is the gold standard of the Conservative movement. Invaluable.
Thanks Hillsdale College For This Informative Video From David Horowitz.
This is one of America's greatest Patriots! He's the guy that knows everything you need to know about America and the real deal going on. He will be remembered and recognized as the great scholar he is!
Thank you Hillsdale and David Horowitz the info is priceless.
And I join you most vociferously.
Basically everything this guy said was either unsubstantiated, untrue, or not worth talking about.
@@devinwegner56 Name one thing he said that you can verify he lied about.
@@JerseyMike6O9 The easy answer is "he would have to say something first."
But it's easy enough to listen in far enough to say that "conservatives have principles."
And that
"There is no 'the future'."
@@devinwegner56 What are you talking about,He didn’t say anything in this video? He spoke about people by name so it should be very easy for you to discredit at least one thing he said over an hour long speech.
Horowitz and Hillsdale are two of the greats. Can't begin to tell you how Much I've learned from these two. Life changing.
Growing up socialist, and leaving the fold late in life, Horowitz has been a great help.
+Will Best What was it that eventually changed your mind? How long a process was it? Just curious...
+Music Teacher Guy What was it that eventually changed your mind? RE left crimes
How long a process was it? about 10 years
< Leaving leftism for cuckservatism.
If you’re not a leftist when you’re 20 you have no heart. If you’re still a leftist when you’re 40 you’ve got no brain.
Frightening and enlightening. Thank you.
Wow, this guy really put together a lot of stings with dangling ends for me. Really well done. Thank you!
"The issue is never the issue" that's a direct quote from Alinsky's book.
He missed his calling as a brain surgeon
Yet he excepted his other calling as Satan , front man. This guy is a lucifarian worshipper. That's no surprise to me. America , besides England, or any other European country is Full of Devil worshippers. And they are loyal to this Devil.
+Eugene Turnage Don't mistake us for Switzerland
Snark Jacobs Read Revelation 18:1-24kjv America fit nicely in that profile. You do see them right ????
@@contendingforthefaith9897 True on that for sure.
"He who is unfit to serve his fellow citizens seeks to rule them."
~ Ludwig von Mises
I thought the most important thing David said was: "Conservatives need to move 10% away from the positive to the negative - we are at war and its a war from within."
Read The Machiavellians by James Burnham. Pursue local solutions. County and States ignoring the federal is the way forward if you want to be free. We could elect 535 Republicans to Congress and it wouldn't help for very long if at all.
Whoa! I just discovered modern David Horowitz. MUCH ENJOYED. THANK YOU.
I love David Horowitz. I put a clip of him in one of my vids and I recently did a vid on alinsky
“A threat that has to be met”, I like that.
I mistakenly used to think David was a neocon, now I know he is an American hero
@imdahG I voted for Trump and don't regret it, but his worshiping of Israel is concerning. Israel have their hands in every part of our government. Their so many people with dual Israeli citizenship with lifetime appointments in major depts of our government like the state dept, dept of defense, dept of national security, and more. They are not just secretaries either they are in major decision making offices. Although many of the new democrats are anti Israel, I can't pretend to agree with their pie in the sky socialist ideas. Trump needs wake up and stop listening to his daughter and son in law.
@imdahG Leftism is an illness for sure.
This speaker will only lead a side track to the main issue of Israel because look at his name ,he is one of them.
Vladimir Lenin: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
kay van the people who hate Jews never step back and consider from whence their hate comes. It’s THE ONLY country I truly trust. The UK has become an authoritarian State enforcing blasphemy laws etc. Germany, Sweden, Australia , France, etc. controlled by Leftist-Globalists. We’re moronic to not defend Israel to the nth degree.They alone stand with us against the radical globalists.
no hes still a neocon you people are seriously deranged. Saul alinksys rules were for organizing the working class. This bafoon never says anything about that.
Great insight into what we are facing. You have to understand this before you can properly deal with these people
thank you Hillsdale.
Better than rapist thieving government that steals everything through military force.
Only problem is, there is no such thing, nor will there ever be, a limited government. Governments ALWAYS seek to grow their power. It's simply the neuroscience of human beings: power is a literal drug that turns people into power addicts, and has all the trappings of dealing with a drug addict.
Unfortunately, humans as a whole, are far too egotistical to acknowledge this fact, and love to portend that we are rational. This, despite a large body of research that shows we are completely ruled by our primitive instincts FIRST, and look for rationalizations later.
Whenever we come across a logical axiom that is actually integrated into society, it's usually only acknowledged for a short time, and because it's implications happen to align temporarily with the attempt to fulfill a primitive want. All centralized government is (as opposed to local, decentralized, grass-roots organization), is a primitive, veiled desire to dominate others whilst appearing civilized; it is a tacit agreement on the completely irrational and destructive notion that "might makes right".
@@EnFuegoDuo There needs to be a full year of high school devoted to the nature and dangers of government. Plus a full year on human nature alone. But government will make sure such a thing never happens. When you realize this is why Jefferson said we need a revolution every 20 years, it doesn't seem so tongue-in-cheek after all.
The problem is, it will never be the people against the government, no matter how often a revolution is carried out: it will be some people against other people. Because even from the very start of this country, only a small percentage even cared enough, let alone understood what was needed. They would still be fighting the apparently brainless majority, who are bought out and motivated by some faction that wants to maintain control.
Only the knowledgeable and truly just can ever be free, but since they're a very small minority, there are not enough, and they won't bind together to forge an exclusive society, so that it won't be polluted and taken over by the unjust. We're doomed on this Earth to suffer the fruits of stupidity, because it's the only norm that will ever be. Even the Just don't have it in them to be exclusive, and work on raising a generation of educated youth, and create a perpetual society of intelligence, because they know there is always a Lucifer born into their lineage, to incite the potentially lazy and foolish.
It's a sad fact that people are wilfull, and some like to create havoc in the midst of peace and plenty, just because they can. A world that runs smoothly is too "boring" for them.
What EVERYONE NEEDS to know !!!!!
"The very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer." ~ Saul Alinsky
Just in case you wanted more clarity on who Alinsky was really inspired by.
So, Alinskyism, is a religion. I am beginning to understand.
"Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed." ~ Barry Goldwater
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." ~ Barry Goldwater
Not electing Goldwater, may actually have been the end of the Republic...
Mr. Horowitz is a truly national treasure who has a life long wisdom. We must acknowledge and confront threats from the socialist and radicals in this country. We must motorize the people with a common bond. Instead of religion, race, gender, or economic class, we must come together to confront radicals and protect our constitution and democracy.
constitution is a gun free zone sign to these people, it means nothing, and democracy. you wanf to play nation wide popularity contest w people that want to kill you?
Saul Alinsky, graduate in sociology, University of Chicago: the apple never falls far from the tree, does it.......
Well, how about Sowell? PhD in economics from UChicago. It's not as if the department of sociology at UChicago was solely responsible for grooming Alinsky's mind.
Byzantios1 he was schooled by Frank Nitti & sees himself as an “enforcer.” A tragic failure who hated his father so he made himself another. He’s not hard to figure...
@Elisha And a follower of Lucifer.
The best part is how he studied under the Chicago mob's Frank Nitty aka the enforcer.
@@TickleMeElmo55When Thomas Sowell was in college and after he got his job workimg for the U.S Government, he was a Marxist, despite studying under Milton Friedman.
Amazing what you learn when you LISTEN!
Saul Alinsky recommended blaming your enemies for the crimes you yourself commit as a convenient way to deflect blame. Do you think Adam Schiff read that book too???
Narcissists are very good at scapegoating to deflect from their failures.
I love my CONSTITUTION and our laws..never been to jail and I love God...
BB, the Constitution, Bill of Rights were murdered on 1-01-2012 by the signature of then puppet president at that time. Barak Obama. I don't blame him personally. He was doing what he was groomed, designed, programmed to do.
For the Deeper Deep State?
At any time, we can (as Americans) be arrested without cause, held indefinitely and executed. It's that simple.
Few people know it, because we were too busy being entertained.
Too busy getting ours, making excuses for our behaviors. And making it a really bad idea to make a judgement or question someone else's behavior. (PC society) which is now in full motion.
Please check out Chuck Missler, Walter Veith, the Hegalian Dialectic, Jesuits, the Vatican's true motivation.
But most important John 14:6.
This gentleman talks about how the conservetive's allocated 54 million for ACORN.
This is the heart of the Hegalian Dialectic.
Psalm 146:3&4
We can add Omar and others to that radical list..
AOC, Pressley, Tlaib
Indeed all four & the list goes on & on
The j!had squad!
@@annabellefritz3647 Nancy Pelosi bosses. aka:The Squad.
The so-called rational Democrats, and some Republicans are much more subtle and are playing the incrementalism game.
Two steps forward and one step back, still means progress {Progressivism).
this is more relevant now than it was nine years ago. awake!
“The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”
Great insight. Thank you. I advocate starting a local chapter of the John Birch Society.
I read alinskys book while in a v.a. Rehab in the early 90,s, i wasn't at all political but found the book and was intrigued by its dedication.
What conclusion did u come to?
do yourself a favor and increase the speed to 1.5
really appreciate the advice. helped a bunch.
Thank you! I was questioning Hillsdale having this guest... will give it a good listen based on the comments....
2X is better. Beginning of the video is absolutely PAINFUL at regular speed, but so far, so good.
They certainly rigged the last one for the house & we know that
Love him
Wow! What a eye opener! How to obtain the booklet he showed!
Watch Buckley question Alinsky. He gets exposed for what he is, not what he pretends to be.
"The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution."
All Gov. Workers Should Be Constitutional Conservative Patriots be They: Democrats or Republicans With Truth at All Times!!!
Busy? Kick the speed up to 1.25. Perfect!
YES!!! Now I won't fall asleep and miss this excellent information. 1.25% makes him sound like a real speaker with something to say that people should listen to.
Thanks. He seems more awake that way.
He sounds like I would, after losing my ability to recall simple words and names. When it comes to that point, you need to write your speeches and don't be ashamed to just read them.
How could anyone with a soul vote for Obama or Hillary with knowledge of Alinsky and their relationships with his philosophy? It's beyond perverse.
HR5736, by the traitor Obama, then HR 1111 as a final INSULT !
Outstanding. Thank you!
Instead of being responsible and getting an education , some people partied and blew money on wine and women. Now that they don't earn as much , they are told they are victims . There was a big pile of money and someone took your share.
Instead of "liberals" or "progressives," we should call them Frankfürters (capitalized, umlaut optional) because their ideas come from the Frankfurt school. Come on, they're always calling people "tea baggers," which is actually a sexual reference, so it's not like we're being any meaner than them.
deepvoodoo Frankfurt School is hardly taken seriously by actual Marxists.
Julia Riber Pitt okay, but actual Marxists can actually be called Marxists. I'm talking about the posers, conformists and hypocrites.
deepvoodoo Why you saying ok? This girl is a marxist and is the second time I catch her in a comment saying that "marxists dont take frankfurt school seriously" yet they dont take Marcuse and all the others seriously but they do exactly everything they were told. Never say "ok" to a marxist they are always lying.
esmifrado okay.
deepvoodoo Cute, but when he said what you're saying "okay" to, he was right.
Can't hear him . HAVE volume on high .
Is it just me or is the audio awful? Please fix so more can hear this.
@0:00 This is where this video starts!! (You Tube will not let me link except at the end of the speech!! Sad... ) IMHO
Funny thing. Back during those times, we had a SDS computer in college. I was told to call it the XDS to avoid references the Students for Democratic Society and violence from them. I did not follow politics back then, but now understand the purpose of unlimited democracy: elect a dictator/oligarchy. No to representative Alexandra Ocaio-Cortez, senator Bernie Sanders, and most Democrats and RINO's.
😳Freedom isn’t free! 👍🇺🇸😎
Serious question: How do you convince normies that the Left is not liberal without being accused of conspiracy theories?
Very insightful, especially about feminists.
I have to be honest, this is one of those videos that make me wish UA-cam had a 3x speed setting.
Why watch?
Green deal is just another name for UNAgend21it changes frequently..
Great analysis.
Even Hitler petted his dog a time or two. Do you think we should change our perspective of him for that? Horowitz is not sorry for the immeasurable harm he brought to this country,…he just thinks that changing name tags buys him an ‘OK’ from the body politique.
The government MUST be limited along with the world bodies
32:10. he is trying to recall Patrician and Plebian
I was hoping for questions at the end.
Seems like a great video; but, I'm off in search of a copy with better audio... :(
Preach it!!!
not even close yet, but we may just get there if we lose this election, and have to suffer through 4 more years of even worse. The Right has permanent brain damage from 40 years of subtle Leftist programming, and they're still fast asleep. They still think they can win by being nice and cooperating, as democrats continue to administer the 2 tiered justice system.
I wish there was a decent sound engineer who would have moved the microphone closer. I really want to hear what he has to say.
You never really here about conservatives going liberal, it’s not usual… that should say enough within itself.
Good point
wonderful talk and funny too. It is a war.
There no telling what he signed or what they put in front of him..
I love America ,I hate slavery and control....
Education A Prime Target for Improvement!!! Ex.30 yr old High School Grad. Who Doesn't Know What the Little mark on a Ruler Are!!!
They're lying to the teachers 2 and telling them that our education system is still not terrible and way lower than some third world countries my daughter teaches fourth grade and she is totally indoctrinated in the education propaganda and lies and she thinks I don't know what I'm talking about when I State the facts it's not the typical child that doesn't think your mother and father know anything this is different because now they don't think you even can tell that the education system is failing the kids that are leaving the high schools today and colleges it's quite obvious just take a look at Common Core math how they've complicated simple math problems now
Don't feel bad I knew a guy
A full grown man working as a carpenter that couldn't read a ruler either.
Well, that worked...
...I'm still subscribed!
...will wait to be sure, but thanks, YT.
What book is he holding up at 45:16?
the Kingdom IS here, it is the Kingdom of Christ. It has been here @2000 years.
Daniel 2:31 “My king, as you were watching, a colossal statue appeared. That statue, tall and dazzling, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was terrifying. 32 The head of the statue was pure gold, its chest and arms were silver, its stomach and thighs were bronze, 33 its legs were iron, and its feet were partly iron and partly fired clay. 34 As you were watching, a stone broke off without a hand touching it,[h] struck the statue on its feet of iron and fired clay, and crushed them. 35 Then the iron, the fired clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were shattered and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors. The wind carried them away, and not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
36 “This was the dream; now we will tell the king its interpretation. 37 Your Majesty, you are king of kings. The God of heaven has given you sovereignty, power, strength, and glory. 38 Wherever people live-or wild animals, or birds of the air-He has handed them over to you and made you ruler over them all. You are the head of gold.
39 “After you, there will arise another kingdom, inferior to yours, and then another, a third kingdom, of bronze, which will rule the whole earth. 40 A fourth kingdom will be as strong as iron; for iron crushes and shatters everything, and like iron that smashes, it will crush and smash all the others.[i] 41 You saw the feet and toes, partly of a potter’s fired clay and partly of iron-it will be a divided kingdom, though some of the strength of iron will be in it. You saw the iron mixed with clay, 42 and that the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly fired clay-part of the kingdom will be strong, and part will be brittle. 43 You saw the iron mixed with clay-the peoples will mix with one another[j] but will not hold together, just as iron does not mix with fired clay.
44 “In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be left to another people. It will crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself endure forever. 45 You saw a stone break off from the mountain without a hand touching it,[k] and it crushed the iron, bronze, fired clay, silver, and gold. The great God has told the king what will happen in the future.[l] The dream is true, and its interpretation certain.”
We would not be here without revolution. Democracy, Constitutional government or opposing idealogical differences would not exist without revolution.
Current technology and media extends the possibility for change towards minority groups without extreme acts of aggression and violence as it has in the past. A few isolated incidents can be reigned in by a mutual respect for law and order ,due process, and good faith in our Constitution.
Rules for radicals was made for this age.Warranted or not, Community activism is more effective than ever.
Conservatives have to do some soul searching and regrouping if they expect to survive in this new age of identity politics .They can't rest on their laurels anymore.
Amen at 30:40 - there are Makers and Takers.
(False) Identity Politics wasn't really touched upon in this vid, but looking forward to hearing more about what Mr. Horowitz has to say on all things.
70% of millionaires are first generation - noting that one for further theme development.
Rathering worrisome about the realization about NASA and Islam:
Thank you Mr Horowitz and Hillsdale College. Necessary listening for anyone with real hope for the United States' future.
Confusius: "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name."
Here what I don’t understand, if this movement is godless, atheist, believes in no afterlife, then what drives them to revolt knowing they may not see the fruit of their so-called utopia? A promise of a tomorrow they’ll never see? In other words, what’s in it for them?
I’m not saying I know the answer to your question but perhaps you might listen or read some material by Jordan Peterson, dealing with man’s tinkering with despotic ideologies( Marxism, fascism or other) and postmodernism or anarchism.
These may be differing but they tie together.
@@arvidlystnur4827 thank you so much! Is there any videos you recommend?
No problem. I’ll edit in some suggestions sometime tomorrow.
I’ll send some suggestions now.
I’m a digital incompetent so I can’t quite remember how to paste videos.
Jordan Peterson is a Canadian Jungian therapist, author and lecturer noted for his fight against speech and thought regulation.
If you UA-cam search ( Jordan Peterson postmodernism), you’ll find many videos discussing the topic. Three I might suggest, “Postmodernism Neomarxism/Diagnosis&Cure”, Postmodernism in a Nutshell”, “postmodernism How and Why”.
I think the answer is that those indoctrinated into Marxism or postmodernism, believe conventional societies structure things for power alone. God and religion are false facades, that may not really exist! They who tear down and rebuild have the true and superior morality!
Gad Saad, at his Channel, probably discusses all this.
It's all they got.
A New Testament principle. “Rightly dividing the words of truth”
Im against big government and for the 2nd Amendment and freedom and less federal reserve...... Things that strike fear in a Marxist.
Radicals=power and control
Invasion of the Body Snatchers was a blatant rip off of Robert Heinlein's book The Puppet Masters, which was really about communists. This fella is correct, and so was the book.
@Jake Johnson Well Christ said it best when he called out the children of Cain (John 8:44), who was the first communist. He didn't produce anything good and killed the one that did and was rewarded.
Wow what a genius!
There is a clear balance between the workers demanding better treatment, and communism.
Many leftists go right, never the reverse.
MiguelCortez)Note 36.55 --37.51. Fast forward to today May ,23,2023...
I knew that left-radicals spoke a foreign language! Thank you for verifying. BTW, I know how to "square the circle": pray the Rosary.
Thx u sir!
A little side note I was on a flight with Hayden when he was married to Jane Fonda Hayden yelled at the stewardesses cursed them threw his arms around he was rude and an over all jackass
I would do that as well, if I were married to Hanoi Jane.
Trump for President 2016!!!
it happened
Sheff Casadie He did it..He did it..I thought we were doomed..But he did it...Liberalism has now become obsolete...The nightmare is over
How is that working out for you? He is doing a great job with all the Russians in the Whitehouse helping him, we're now paying for the wall, failed twice to repeal and replace Obamacare, and will be deporting himself to Moscow when impeachment starts.
Don Brown "He" did nothing. "We the people " did. Some dick will say "blahblah" about the electoral college. The real mouth breathers of this country.
microbob Buy a vowel.
No green deal have a great day ...
If youtube offered a 300% playback speed this guy would still be talking too slow. I agree with his points though
He has a brilliant mind but is a terrible speaker.
Doesn't everyone commit crimes because they think doing so will help them reach a happier place? It's only an excuse to commit crime, these people are still responsible for their actions and should be treated as criminals.
I came across this video, hoping to find some one had created an audio book, of rules for radicals. I did, but it's over seven hours, so I purchased the book. After I studied it I* may* view this 1 hour video I stress may because I get Hillsdale's propaganda in print via the USPS, a quick scan of the comments may mean I'll never rerun to this video, even though I have book makmarked it. So many of the comments are tired old boiler plate stuff repeated by the intellectually lazy, is less than inspiring.
So getting power through the ballot box by voter fraud is getting power? Not anymore! Now! We know what band joe they are founding it? War is what they want? Wat is what they will get and gun confiscation is not going to go their way! Unless? They want a hot lead lunch? That’s my opinion. Also! Since the duped so called sell out American’s think Socialism is so great? Why don’t they ask the millions of dead Chinese if Communism is so great? We who know how many Commie examples through history. That know this new old Commie fad flowing through America by Any means. Especially, through brain washing our kids. With George Soros billions de-education programs and Commie indoctrination programs. To help divide this country! Our own kid’s are the enemy within. We have to un brain wash them by better communication. Like disowning them! 👍🤔😜 As far as my situation? It worked! Then by association with pro American friends and the 2nd Amendment indoctrination. They woke up! Why the 2nd Amendment was put in the Constitution in the first place? What kind of Government we have conducted by the So called Socialist Commie Globalist Democrat Party! That they are the enemy of America, freedom and liberty! Always have been. Many of our families and relatives have given their lives through history to keep our freedoms and liberties! I myself! Will it let them die for nothing! 👍🇺🇸🗽😎
I am dealing with a brainwashed 83 year old mother and two adult brainwashed children that went through colleges in the United States and I didn't realize how brainwashed they were until I brought up a couple facts of the things that are going on today and I was called a bigot and all the other names that you hear President Trump being called I am now the enemy because I'm speaking the truth but they think I'm an idiot to about what's going on in the United States and what has been going on especially in the last presidency
I knew it, the film "The Body Snatchers" was about communist! Good to hear someone else say it.
8/15/20.. this guy nailed it.. where living it., BLM, ANTIFA, Moa. Lennon. Other funded Anarchist groups I hope and pray . they don’t succeed.. btw.. just started praying
If you are a Christian do you see the Biblical world view on the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman Genesis 3:15, also scripture that says there was man who went out and planted seed but while men slept an enemy went out and planted seed
Rules for radicals by definition a radical does not follow rules !!?? The title could not be even more wrong lol
Divide and conquer!!!!!!!
I would have loved to hear this speech... however... mumbling and then louder and such... Bummer!!! Re-tape this Conversation so we can appreciate the message
Sara Linda Simmons, go to "Settings" on this UA-cam player above. Increase play speed to 1.5. Voila'!