Juan Diego Florez - La Fille du Regiment - Ah mes amis
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- Juan Diego Florez sings what has become his signature showpiece aria, that of the infamous 9 high C's: "Ah mes amis...pour mon ame" from Donizetti's La Fille du Regiment.
From a Paris recital in 2004.
well this is one of the best voices i heard ..i cant get enough of listening to juan..every night i get home i get cup of tea..and listen to him ..Bravo juan
Purists may have some issues to critisize Juan Diego. But remember that even Pavarotti was booed during a performance of Don Carlo, and there were even some people who said Alfredo Kraus did not have a "drama sense" on stage. Well, I am not a purist, and I just thank the Lord for artists like Luciano, Juan Diego, Plácido, Alfredo, Callas, and many others. And having them in the digital sound era is another gift from the Gods that we all mortals should enjoy deeply.
Juan Diego Florez is without a doubt one of the most brilliant tenors of all time. Take a moment to enjoy his one of a kind talent instead of judging him. After all he earned his fame.
I heard him in recital in Valencia in May - he included AH MES AMI. The audience demanded and got four or five encores. Another triumphant night for Sr. Florez.
Ayer estuvo aquí en Jaén cantando Juan Diego Flórez. La verdad es que fue un privilegio incomparable contar con su presencia aquí en España.
De igual forma que nosotros los españoles nos sentimos orgullosísimos de que por todo el mundo nos hayan representado tenores como: Plácido Domingo, Alfredo Kraus, José Carreras, Jaime Aragall... los peruanos deberían estar igualmente orgullosos de ser compatriotas del que a día de hoy es uno de los mejores tenores del mundo.
In an era of rapidly diminishing returns from the latest frauds Juan Diego Florez is the real thing the best high lyric tenor ever with a thriling top and amazing skill at fiortura. Wow
I saw Mr. Florez sing this very difficult aria in recital in Berkeley, CA and then sing it again as an encore!
Gabba porque me cortas el aclamo del publico! Para mi eso es tan necesario para mi alma! No me basta oir esto hasta su final...porque yo quiero participar con el publico y ver esa cara tan tierna recibir los gritos!
His technique is flawless! He drops his jaw at the right time; he has forward resonance, and good control of his air!!!
Wow, I'm sooooooooooo mesmerized; it's spellbinding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Juan Diego makes me feel like I'm living in a Golden Age.
I've heard other tenors sing this, and I think, aside from the maestro, Pavarotti, none of them come close to Juan Diego Florez's interpreation. Bravo!
Bravo! I just saw him at the MET in Barbiere Di Siviglia and it was amazing, again Bravo Juan!
juan diego es el mejor interprete de esta aria,lo hace con tanta facilidad que uno piensa que la puede hacer pero nada que ver esa es una de las arias mas dificiles del vel canto por no decir la mas dificil, sin duda el es su mejor interprete.
Fantastic. C's with super ease and clarity. In many ways his voice reminds me very much of his mentor Palacio, but overall his voice is more pleasing to my ear. And he has a charming air.
Me preguntaba porque habian bajado este video, menos mal que lo han vuelto a subir, gracias de nuevo
Florez is perfect for this particular part, in my opinion. His pronounciation of the French language is unreproachable. There is musicality and, yes, richness of tone, which many people look for in high notes. And a good actor, too! Generous, not overdone. I like him.
I like Roberto Alagna, too, but after listening both interpretations on UA-cam, I prefer this one (for the moment ;-)
His fellow Spanish-speaking colleague of an era before him, Alfredo Kraus was one of the best Tonio's to see and hear. Florez leaves him floundering! What a beautiful true leggiero voice and a perfectly mastered technique on top of a really believable interpretation of the role. Such ease. Such perfection! Bravo bravo!
no entiendo porque en otro videos lo critican q no canta bien en vivo o cosas asi. Yo quisiera saber si la gente que opina aqui ha estudiado para estar criticando deberian poner en sus comentarios que son calificados para opinar. Yo no soy peruano ni quiero serlo pero este tipo es maravilloso, su voz es especial, teniamos rato sin escuchar un tenor de esta calidad.hay otros que en lo personal me gustan como villazon pero diego da un sentimiento a la cancion muy lindo no critiquen trogloditas
Soooo good i cant get enough of his voice Thank you for posting this *S*
Great singing and incredible charisma!! Watch the reaction of the female violinist (bottom left corner) between 6:15 and 6:18. She is smitten!! And so is the audience!! Bravo!!!
Y pensar que quería ser rockero o cantar pop...Por qué siendo un grande aún lo critican? Es un buen Tenor desde lejos, pero si los que critican no cantan ni en la ducha...solo escuchen y aprenda...Viva el Perú!
Those high Cs are magic.
Juan Diego u are the best lyric Tenor with ur child voice!! thats the diference betwen PAvarotti and Juan Diego!!...:D
The tenor Pavarotti dubbed as his successor. Brilliant.
just fenomenal!
Yeah, what an spectacular voice!
Luigi had one of the most naturally beautiful tenor voices ever, without any pretense. He also had great technique...he was one of the best.
Por supuesto no hay comparaciòn... ambos son maravillosos!!! En sus estilos
Obviamente Florez aun no logra perfeccion en el canto como Kraus pero esta camino a ello segun opinion de expertos. Hay cosas para corregir pero definitivamente y sin discusion es EL MEJOR TENOR LIGERO DEL MUNDO DESDE HACE VARIOS AÑOS y va camino a ser unos de los mejores de la historia, espero cuide mucho su repertorio y no cante operas q no son para su voz, siguiendo la experiencia profesional de Kraus, por eso canto hasta 2 meses antes de morir.... VIVA EL PERU Y VIVA FLOREZ
Possibly the best "Ah, mes amis" after Kraus.
Mr Florez doesn't seem to have that many competitors among his colleagues, I do hope that he won't let this to his head and keeps these high standards throughout his carrier.
On ne peut pas empêcher un coeur d'aimer, et lui, je l'aime assurément.
Belle présentation, belle présence agréable en scène, bon comédien, chaleur du timbre dans l'aigu. Ce personnage, c'est tout à fait lui, le jeune fou amoureux, idéaliste, enthousiaste. Quel plaisir de le voir et de l'entendre.
Est-ce bien Georges Prêtre comme chef d'orchestre? J'aime bien aussi le travail de monsieur Prêtre
He makes the salute with left-hand! :)
Wonderful singing otherwhise.
Nada supera a supremacia de um primeiro tenor !
He is moving into Verdi. There's a uTube posting with his Duke sung at Teatro Calloa. He is scheduled to sing that part in Dresden this summer and Madrid next. This is all good.
An exciting performer with great range and excellent voice. Not certain that I can get used to his interpretations but the man does have talent.
solo con en el tiempo se puede saber eso y creo que va en muy buen camino el señor florez
siento orgullo por este peruano!!! VIVA EL PERU CARAXO!!!
Juan Diego es increible!!! Y Pavarotti tambien ambos en sus estilos!!!
@ramirinnn Please notice that I said HIGH LYRIC TENOR which is another way to say leggero. Also notice that we fully agree on the greatest of his gift and I assume his perfection of his art. With Juan Diego we are watching and listening to a singer of true historical importance.
And you should be! He is just incredible!!!
sei un grandissimo! e pure bello!
....además de saber quien fue Gaetano Donizetti, y sobre que estandar de voces compuso esta magnífica ópera "La hija del Regimiento" (y por ende ésta gran aria) y se dará cuenta del por que Juan Diego Florez es uno de los mejores en la historia en cantarla.
estoy de acuerdo con usted, justed puede tener sus gustos muy personales y es respetable pero lo que si no puede decir es que su voz no tiene brillo y armonicos cosa que la voz de florez es algo que resalta sobre muchas y le recordamos que talvez no tenga tanto cuerpo como pavarotti u otros porque el es un tenor ligero osea voz aguda y virtuosa por asi decirlo y pues si no le gusta realmente no comente ni vea videos de el
Es la mejor versión que he escuchado de esta aria... la de Alfredo Kraus me gusta, pero a mi gusto es mejor la versión que hace Juan Diego. La de Pavarotti tambien es muy buena.
Agreed. It is a mistake to say that this aria makes or breaks a tenor. One can become a great tenor but never have the vocal agility to be able to sing 9 high Cs in a row. This aria is only for tenors with very light and agile voices, like Florez and the 1960s Pavarotti.
Seria bueno incluir con el video la ovacion y el saludo del tenor
kraus es kraus , larga vida a kraus , soy peruano pero a florez le falta muxo por recorrer y quizas no lo logre , kraus es muxo ams que un tenor , es un icono de la vida y la vida musical
Is this guy too cute for words or what? And what a voice -- I think I'm in love -- LOL! No, I KNOW I'm in love with him!!!
No dudo que posee una voz bonita, pero es un tenor de cámara, creo que le estan dando más valor del que en realidad tiene. Tenores como él hay a cientos, mientras que Kraus es y será siempre uno de los mejores, por no decir el mejor
Yo no confundo terminos, soy soprano lírica ligera coloratura, y mi marido es tenor lírico ligero. Por eso sé que Florez a pesar de tener una bella voz, eso nunca lo he negado no es ni llegará a ser tan grande como lo fue Alfredo Kraus, y Kraus sí cantó la fille de una manera espectacular, miren y comparen.
First time I have ever heard him, am I wrong, or is this the best living tenor?
(cont) Re: Florez - it's not the issue of range, but of voice "size" or vocal weight. This is a concert, but the main job of an opera singer is perform roles in live operas. Operas are performed unamplified, but orchestration is different for different roles. Smaller (lighter) voices can project over a quieter orchestra, but larger voices are needed when the orchestra is louder. Hence, voices in opera are divided not just by range but also by "vocal weight" (people also use "size").
@fraisierdesvosges Thumbs up! he's one of the greatest!!!!!
Sólo he visto este video de él, mientras lo veía mi maestro de canto, y él coincidía conmigo en lo que dije, y me animó a escribirlo. Aunque lo que me decidió fue que viendo un video de José Bros dijeran que este no era bueno, y puestos a elegír me quedo con Bros. Por otra parte creo que tengo todo el derecho a opinar
Totalmente de acuerdo con eso... espero que Florez no equivoque su repertorio como, siendo lo únuico que se le podría criticar- ocurrió algunas ocasiones con Kraus, por ejemplo interpretando a Canio/Pagliaccio
You're correct, he did. I have never heard Pavarotti mention Florez as his successor, especially since they are completely different tenors. Florez will probably never sing any Puccini and very little Verdi, which is what made Pav famous.
Hay una entrevista en la que él mismo, es decir, Juan Diego Florez, comenta que es lirico ligero.
@LordHettrick Oh, it's definitely heavy!! I tried to sing Nessun Dorma(it's on my channel), but I don't think I fully did it justice. I just love that aria, but it's very difficult!
@zucchini2007 Many famous singers were booed in Italy, especially at La Scala at one time or another - the audience there can be extremely demanding and perfectionist. In a particular performance Pavarotti cracked on a note. If you want to see a singer today boeed at La Scala search for "Alagna booed at La Scala" - you can decide for yourself if the singer deserved it.
Tenia que ser peruano =D.. vamos Perú!
My mistake, I read somewhere that they were married and saw them in an interview and they acted like a couple. Either way, they are now a media package, so splitting them up anytime soon probably won't happen.
si, asi es... a pesar q kraus cuido siempre eso...HASTA LOS GRANDES SE EQUIVOCAN PUES ...saludos
We want to hear you sing!
because luigi is peruvian also! they both are great peruvians!
quien intenta comparar a Pavarotti con Florez, es que no entiende nada, pero, como opinar es gratis.
Without doubt the best tenor of the new generation. I particularly adore him in La Cenerentola /watch?v=haoM8J4hG1g
He tingut el privilegi de veure'l en persona a Barcelona un parell de cops. Indescriptible. Fa fer un munt de "bisos", a més.
@tuliviejo02 en estos foros no vas a encontrar opiniones muy doctas, asi que no hagas oido a criticas absurdas, es imposible negar la calidad de Juan Diego Florez, pero si te digo, sin ser una autoridad en el tema, que Villazon no es muy bueno!!! es mi opinion! Saludos desde Chile!
Where was this? truly amazing
Al cucuchi1 que se cree gran conocedor de la opera le digo dos cosas: Para apreciar la opera no se necesita ser un gran conocedor de ella, y la otra, soy mexicano y prefiero 1000 veces que en mi pais admiren a este tenor peruano que a los narcos y capos mexicanos
@cjha1978 si Pavarotti era dramatico, entonces porque huia de Otello?...esa obra para dramatico o hendeltenor le afecto las cuerdas vocales!
It was before Florez had appeared.
Why didn't this guy ever sing Nessun Dorma??? I want to hear him sing it!
Because they're married. Do you really think Villazon would want someone as good looking as Florez singing with the most beautiful soprano (who happens to be his wife) making a connection on stage together!
@petion2010 True! Thanks!!
esa aria es de elllllll
estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo rafo me cae
depende si se debe hacer las articulaciones....el que lo necesita los hace JDF, las hace antes de cantar, mientras calienta, despues no las necesita, SI NO MIRALO.
@TheEternaut Pavarotti was booed?? I don't believe it!
Depends on the repertory. There is no such thing really as the "best tenor" - there are many great tenors, each great in his own repertory. He is a leggiero tenor, and he is probably the most famous today in the Bel Canto repertory (primarily Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti operas), but he doesn't sing much Verdi, and he cannot touch Puccini as his voice is too light for these roles. Then there are good lyric tenors today like Beczala, Polenzani, Vargas, etc.,
"Heavy" and "difficult" are not synonymous. This aria is even more difficult than Nessun Dorma -- starting from the fact that it has 9 high Cs. I'd imagine most of the singers who sing Nessun Dorma could not even hit notes in this aria, there is a reason you'll never hear this aria in a crossover concert - none of the crossover singers could even hit the notes. "Heavy" refers to the vocal weight of the voice. In simpler terms the bigger/louder the orchestra the heavier the voice needs to be.
@cjha1978 No tengo ánimos de discutir, pero Pavarotti fue un tenor LÍRICO. Un tenor DRAMÁTICO es mucho más oscuro, como es el caso de Plácido Domingo, no es una voz muy común.
Donizetti lived in Paris.
Gedda is apparently still alive though. ;)
y pavarotti tambien..palabra mayor!
@joseluis3 does he really say it:-) ? It is possiblee he is right:-)
Good lyric tenor got the right notes. I heard a bit sharp pitch attack. When will be aged - notes should be more covered.
il mondo "dietro una tastiera" fa diventare chiunque grande maestro... qualcuno ha commentato "....povero bambino, voce immatura... insignificante"... jajajajjaajja Secondo me sentiva un'altro... o sarà Sordo?, no, probabilmente non ha idea di quello che dice. NON l'ha mai sentito dal VIVO
No sé mucho de ópera, en qué reside la calificación de 'sobresaliente', 'grandioso' o 'malo'
du vrai nanan!