사피엔스 315강

  • Опубліковано 11 лют 2025
  • [친해영tv]
    315강 p. 263 1/3
    At the dawn of the third millennium, the future of evolutionary humanism is unclear./ For sixty years after the end of the war against Hitler it was taboo to link humanism with evolution and to advocate using biological methods to upgrade Homo sapiens./ But today such projects are back in vogue./ No one speaks about exterminating lower races or inferior people, but many contemplate using our increasing knowledge of human biology to create superhumans.
    are back in vogue 다시 유행하다
    be in vogue 유행하고 있다
    con·tem·plate [kάntǝmplèit, -tem-/kɔ́n-] vt.
    ① 찬찬히 보다, 정관하다, 관찰하다.
    ② 잘 생각하다, 심사숙고하다.
    315강 p. 263 2/3
    At the same time, a huge gulf is opening between the tenets of liberal humanism and the latest findings of the life sciences, a gulf we cannot ignore much longer./ Our liberal political and judicial systems are founded on the belief that every individual has a sacred inner nature, indivisible and immutable, which gives meaning to the world, and which is the source of all ethical and political authority./ This is a reincarnation of the traditional Christian belief in a free and eternal soul that resides within each individual.
    gulf [gʌlf] n. (pl. ~s) 만, 큰 간격, 현격《between》
    ten·et [ténǝt, tíː-] n. 주의(主義); 교의(敎義)(doctrine). 원칙
    rè·incarnátion n. 󰇆 다시 육체를 부여함; 󰆴 화신(化身), 재생, 환생; 󰇆 영혼 재래설(再來說).
    315강 p. 263 3/3
    Yet over the last 200 years, the life sciences have thoroughly undermined this belief./ Scientists studying the inner workings of the human organism have found no soul there./ They increasingly argue that human behaviour is determined by hormones, genes and synapses, rather than by free will - the same forces that determine the behaviour of chimpanzees, wolves and ants./ Our judicial and political systems largely try to sweep such inconvenient discoveries under the carpet./ But in all frankness, how long can we maintain the wall separating the department of biology from the departments of law and political science?
    un·der·mine [ʌ̀ndǝrmáin] vt. …의 밑을 파다, 약화시키다
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