འགོ་བ་སྤེན་པ་ཚེ་རིང་གིས་སྨར་ཚང་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་ལ་བསྙོན་འཛུགས་བྱས་པ་ལ། འགྲོ་མགོན་གངས་རི་ཀརྨ་པས་གསལ་བཤད།

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024
  • His Holiness the twelfth Gangri Karma Rinpoche (born 1964) is an exceptional Buddhist scholar and Dharma practitioner and the present lineage holder of the Martsang Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, having received the teachings in a direct unbroken line from the founder, Choje Marpa (1135-1203). His Holiness has extensively studied the four major traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and has established schools in Tibet, Taiwan and the UK, where he now resides. His Holiness is recognized as the reincarnation of the eleventh Gangri Karma Rinpoche (1910-1960), by H.H. Fourteenth Dalai Lama and His Holiness Sakya Trizin.
    The Martsang Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism was founded by Choje Marpa Sherab Yeshe (1135-1203) based on the authentic teachings of the Buddha’s sutras and tantras. Choje Marpa was born in Markham, East Tibet, and studied at Sangpu, the great monastic college of the Kadampa tradition. Subsequently, Choje Marpa studied with Phagmo Drupa Dorje Gyalpo (1110-1170), receiving and mastering the profound secret Kagyu teachings. In 1167, Choje Marpa returned to Markham, where he founded the Tashi Sho monastery and established the Martsang Kagyu tradition as a union of the Kadampa, a part of Sayka lineage and Kagyu lineages.
    殊勝尊貴的活佛-瑪倉法王第十二世貢日噶瑪仁波切出生於景色秀麗的西藏芒康地區,為當今藏傳佛教瑪倉噶舉派第三十八任傳承持有者; 承自瑪倉噶舉法脈創始者曲傑瑪巴謝樂怡希(1134-1203)代代嫡傳從不間斷的法脈。法王精研熟讀佛法與博通藏傳佛教四大教派經籍,其著作被收藏於印度達蘭薩拉的西藏圖書館; 著作之一的『瑪倉菩提道次第廣論』除了深入淺出有系統地圓滿學修道次第的體系,總結所有經義以及各宗派觀點,在對於佛法中最為甚深的難點空性更有獨特實修見解; 各修行要訣,依著次第和盤托出,是一切修行者修持的珍貴指南。法王作育英才, 西元1993年返回西藏芒康建立百年以來,芒康內第一所提供教育、醫療的佛學學院與孤兒院,教授佛法與西藏醫學。自西元2008年後長居於英國長達十年深居簡出整理傳承上師們的修行心要、瑪倉大手印前行、瑪倉大手印、那洛六法與著『瑪倉菩提道次第廣論』、『瑪倉廣論精髓』、瑪倉噶舉各本尊修法儀軌與薈供儀軌等等。在西方國家漸漸培養出許多優秀的佛學老師或行者,堪為現代傑出的佛學學者與佛法實踐行者。