It's 4 months later but here's a theory: Everyone has ideals--symbolic concepts of the perfect expression of a value, or the ultimate expression of a virtue. Ideals help us orient ourselves in reality by helping us understand what desirable behaviour is. However, ideals are also harsh, in a way, because we can never truly be perfect enough to measure up to them. The mere existence of ideals judges us and brings to light our insufficiency by comparison. I think the kinds of relationships people have with their ideals can be roughly characterized as positive or negative. We can relate to our ideals as teachers, or guiding lights, that always show us the way forward by indicating where we can improve--a positive relationship that finds expression in people who accept who they are right now, but are always learning, growing, and trying to improve. Or, we can relate to our ideals as adversaries that seek to shame us and hold us to impossible standards--a negative relationship expressed in people who embrace resentment, react poorly to useful criticism and seek to accept themselves by being rebelling against the idea that more could be expected of them. Take the latter type of person (let's call him Projector) and add unconscious projection to the mix. Maybe Projector has a negative relationship with the ideal of integrity, and they come across a man who seems to possess authentic moral force and strength of character (Let's call him Bob). Projector does not see a person when they look at Bob. Instead, through projection, Projector sees the ideal of integrity, and feels judged by Bob (who, as a man of integrity, is probably not in the habit of making snap judgements of others) and is resentful toward him. Bob can't figure out why Projector keeps directing passive-aggressive comments toward him and talking shit behind his back. He doesn't know that his relationship with Projector has become a battleground on which Projector self-defeatingly denigrates their own ideals. But as a rare man of virtuous integrity, Bob is used to this sort of thing by now anyway ;)
I get that lately quite a bit. It's simply a cognitive bias, thinking all are like you. Untruthful people who lack the courage of honesty can't recognize that feature in another. Honesty and integrity are foreign to them so they just label your behavior must be similar deceptive, for example, like theirs.
Unfortunately, many of us are unconsciously projecting our shadows onto one another which makes for a great deal of discomfort, confusion, and unnecessary anger. Dr. Hollis has a great video about embracing the shadow and Robert Johnson, of course, has a great book called Owning Your Own Shadow, a must-read for the human race.
Is there any doubt that "Projection" cannot have the same definition among both Communists (because history may be guiding their perspective, and history must be expected to guide their perspective in the future) and also ALL non-Communists (because they think of the future as A [*SPECIFICALLY*] New Employer who Has the Right to have forgotten to meet his new employees [or any of his new employees] [in a successful tour-de-force against sanity], and they believe that it's not Groups who go to heaven and hell together, but rather That They, as INDIVIDUALS [whose prayers protect them temporarily from mental hospitalization], are each judged separately [AT THE END of the mortal lifespan which they imply that they have] [this means that there is no room in their culture for anyone to consensually interact with anyone else])?
if one actually wakes up from the hypnotic state that is projection it is literally being born again. And you'll have a hell of a laugh. And your life is now saved. Thanks, Doc!
@@lisa5hot its easy, if you are in a domain of unknown physically or mentally and you have expectations than that’s the projections. For example if you meet a person of the opposite gender or the same there will be a set (preprogrammed) of expectation (like a movie playing in your head) than that’s the projection. And from there you have to become conscious of those thoughts so the frame of thought you have is based upon reality and not fiction.
This makes more sense than other explanations. Projection is when we feel some quality is in another based on some past encounter(s) with some person(s) that was memorable or painful. When we anticipate having to encounter some person like those who were painful, we may then try to draw in a surrogate to practice defending ourselves. We project on to the hapless victim our wrath or manipulation in order to gain confidence for the upcoming battle with the real enemy. If would be nice to hear about how we can defuse these situations when we are the victim of projections..
We can also project our own fears or potentials on the other. Everything that we are not conscious of in ourselves we project into the outside world. Let's say somebody annoys us. We can ask what does this person do or what qualities they display that I may want to have more of or less of? Just being aware that we might be projecting something on the other person can partly dissolve the projection and help us own our shadow or reclaim our potential.
Projection is what help us to connect with new people and situations. It makes them more familiar. But at some point it can become a trap that we want to stay in. Oxana from the Jung Society.
In the case where their projections were their confessions , is it common for them to not remember what they said shortly afterwards ? If yes and it’s common for not to remember, then does that mean they forgot entirely what they even was doing for such an extended amount of time ? And perhaps that maybe explains the temporary memory loss of voicing initial projections? Is my text making sense ?
Thank you. I feel it's very difficult to get into anyone else's experience. I only have my impression of another person, which I can gradually refine over time, but my knowledge will never be complete. Isn't all of human society a projection, more or less? Words, pictures, ideas, countries, beliefs, cultures? A typical human reality is human projection; and we don't realise we're doing it?
Nice breakdown. I think I tend to Skew projections together with having Stereotypes or Intuition* about another persons potential behavior.. Often times being somewhat "Right", but knowing statistically and by experience, I could be wrong. I'd say these habits are Needed, but also see ways it can become a problem. This video should be in a Life handbook somwhere lol along with some of the current Dalai Lama's talks.. Practices of Self Control and understanding that can be applied to many situations in Life for the sake of Awareness.
@@lisa5hot As an absolute novice in this field but with plently of personal experience, I would say look at repeating patterns in your life, particularly in interpersonal relationships. What comes from within will likely be evinced by looking at the emotions and circumstances that seem to repeat, that feel and act out in a similar fashion
A presumption is made consciously, a projection is made unconsciously. The first is also opened to change, usually people who project do so also because of a cognitive bias, in other words they tend to ignore/avoid prof that invalidates their projections. In some ways it may be a defensive mechanism but it may horribly backfire - this is why some people tend to ignore thats that invalidate their beliefs/points of view, because they suffer from a cognitive bias and they are projecting their impressions/beliefs/issues onto other things.
I encointered Australian brown snake yesteday and ... Now (as an Enlightened person) , I know , ... that all that toxicity is inside me ... from my nonintegrated shedow, and NOT in that small beautifull browny creatire there. I am going to hug it !!! Thanks !
I'm somewhat confused. Is the seeking of the familiar - that which we experienced as children - in interpersonal relationships (and often unconsciously finding it), is this an outcome of projection?
Is it possible that after an "abusive" childhood I want to help a child only concerning my own gender and around the age bad stuff at my home happened (fights, pressure etc)? I get emotional fulfillment doing this and I feel great about the child is this me projecting my own insecurities?
Well, you also know how it´s like being in that position, in that age, being of that gender. It´s a part of empathy, and not ,per definition, a bad thing at all.
I'm reading the comments, and wondering does this always have to be a negative distortion, or is this a mechanism of communication? It seems unavoidable, influenced most by expectations, intentions and awareness. I'd be interested to hear thoughts on this.
There's too often people that want to project their opinion about life and the way other should be living there life on to other people. "working" on other people rather than "working" on themselves first before judging.
I've often wondered about whether what I perceived as "projection" was purely "projection", or a means to make a record of the way the person wanted things to be recorded and remembered contrary to the reality of facts to the contrary. Back in 1993 I was staying at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis Tennessee with a group of attorneys for Dr. Dan Orchic of the Shea Clinic's deposition. I have a photo of the boys, Dickie Scruggs, my partner, Fred Krutz, attorney for Florida Pneumatic, Tom Tardy, attorney for ATSCO, and Price Coleman, attorney for Rockwell International, taken in the lobby. It was a fine evening, and we went for dry-rub bar-b-que and then drinks. Finally, after probably too good a time, Dickie and I get in the elevator to go up to our respective rooms, and he turns to me and says, "baby, you know you don't make your bed where you make your bread" as if declining some offer that I had made, which if course, I had not. In fact, I had actively assisted him earlier at making the acquaintance of a young woman he wanted to meet by introducing myself and asking her to join us, which she did. Even describing this odd conversation, my eyebrows raise and my eyes get larger; at the time I recalled how he and our office manager, Carla Todd, had traveled to New York City together and came back talking of eating strawberries with champagne, something she had never done, and certainly something I was not interested in doing with him in private or public. I didn't say much in response, thinking the drink was talking through his mouth, and was grateful when the elevator reached my floor, and I was able to leave his company. The next morning, we met in the lobby before going to the plane and he was aloof and surly, I shrugged it off. While waiting for me he'd purchased for himself a beautiful, leather multi-colored braided belt. I love multicolor and went and purchased one for myself which seemed to aggravate him even more. Six years later, though it had happened before, none were quite as extraordinary as the next encounters or relevant to what would become our history, I was seven months pregnant and working away despite being high-risk with placenta previa and an incompetent cervix from cancer surgery in 1989. He told me that I had to take maternity leave. I didn't want to do that, but he was my senior partner, and said that he was only thinking of my health. As I was packing my briefcase intending to work from home as necessary, he came into my office, recently redone with light wood and blue carpet (not what I would have chosen) and sat across from me telling me that I had made a good choice to take maternity leave now and that I would be fully paid with no more responsibilities. Again, my eyebrows lift and my eyes get wide, but to this I responded, "I didn't want to take maternity leave, you made me". He didn't say anything and left what I later learned would be someone else's office and been for quite some time. The last time he faced me as his partner and employee was in January of 1997, my daughter was three months old, and I had arrived back to the firm before Christmas, six weeks after my child's birth, to find another attorney, my former secretary, Annette Clark Stringfellow's, uncle, Wynn Clark sitting behind my desk. I had terminated her employment, but later learned that she had stayed on the payroll. I still have the tape recording that I made that day where I can hear the tones of his voice telling me that I don't work there anymore and to take it up with Dick. I walked down the street and Dick was on vacation I was told, despite it being the day of the firm Christmas party, and went to pick up my 1996 bonus check that was routinely issued to cover the taxes on undistributed firm income that would come out on the K-1's. The woman who handled the accounting department said she couldn't give me the check and I asked why. She gave no verbal response, but instead slid the check over to me with the little square stick-um on that said, "Hold per RFS" and signed CB, Charlene Bosarge, his secretary. It was for $110,000, virtually matching the sum of undistributed income tax that would be hanging over my head and assets and now the additional burden of having no way to pay it except by liquidating my home and maybe then, not even enough. So, it was with this backdrop, after calling him on vacation and telling him what had happened with him telling me bluntly that he was on vacation and had no time to deal with that, that we met in the side room off the bar at Mary Mahoney's restaurant in Biloxi, where again, he spouted what was a projection of the reality he wanted to present. He didn't discuss the value of my shares, only my employment and that if I wanted the $110,000 check I'd have to sign a new agreement. Then he said, "this is what you wanted, you've been wanting to open your own office". Again, my eyebrows raised and my eyes got large, and I said, no that's not what I want. I want my job back". And what about the contract that's already in place? He ignored all that I said. Writing the script around me. Projecting what he wanted into our conversations and then into my life, so that no one would believe much of the truth at all.
I was thinking about that multi-colored belt, and think I have the date to which I refer, 1993, incorrect. I recall bringing it home to my home, not where I live now, but to the home I purchased in June or July of 1994 before I married that November located at 1016 La Fontaine Street. I became pregnant in January of 1996, so it is a short window of time between the summer of 1994 and January of 1996 that this occurred. I am leaning toward 1994, before I married, but after I bought my home. I have the original photograph to which I refer, I have my journals, and for events like this one, the court file will show the date this deposition was noticed. I do not look at those things as I write here because, they, in my opinion, cloud the purity of what was significant enough to remember with all of the other things chronicled on a day-to-day basis. In a more formal setting, I will do so and meticulously check for dates in the timeline, likely adding those "other details", but not here. I am also not editing this comment to make that correction, lest people think that I edited more than this thought. There is no need to edit any of the other words there, it is like I can see the situations before me today and relive each conversation, even with the young woman in the bathroom that night who I asked to join us. What happened here, and my perception of what was happening, is what is important, not a date, unless that date has importance to the events that follow or came before, which it might. As an absolute aside, Fred Krutz represents Google here in the State of Mississippi. I wonder if there are any perks and fringe benefits with that job?
If we don't become conscious we can keep our projections for a very long time and spend a lot of energy of trying to make them "stick". Oxana from the Jung Society
thank you Dr. Hollis. does the self or god image projects itself onto a n individual or society in the same way as you described? I'm reading Dr. Edinger's The Creation of Consciousness at the moment....kinda confusing lol
I am not clear about your question, but if I read it correctly, Jung considered the Self a metaphor for the organic whole, the guiding, unifying, directing energies of the organism, with the ego as a secondary phenomenon, capable of addressing the tasks of the outer world, but also dividing itself from the intentionality of the Self, producing "neurosis." The god image is, according to Jung, an apprehension of an energy transcendent to the individual self; however, the specific contours of that image is a function of time, place, context, and idiosyncrasy. Jung often thought of his role being to "treat" the disturbed imago Dei, as in Answer to Job, especially when it is often substituted for the energic encounter which gave rise to the image in the first place. Confusing the image of the encounter with the experience of the encounter itself is idolatry. I hope this helps in some way. James Hollis
It's better not to use the world "projection" because people dont pay attention most of times we can only say : just because you woudnt do something it doesn't mean no one would.You are assuming everyone is YOU.
I still don't understand projection after watching this. Are expectations the same as projection? I thought projection is when you think someone else has the same motivations (positive and negative) for doing things the way you do. But that can't be right. Can anyone point me to a clearer explanation?
You can also check it at the Jung Lexicon. Scroll down on the page To me projection is seeing in others both positive and negative qualities that I didn't fully integrated and claimed within myself. Oxana (Jung Society of Washington)
Well, Jim, I would say that expectations often come with a projection. For example, I may see that someone I've known for awhile is capable of being a great artist but they never pick up a brush or a pen to write b/c maybe they don't have the confidence or even ability to do so and maybe I do but I've been putting it off in myself. Does that make a little sense?
Sir, your insights are so thoughtful, meaningful and profoundly reflects deep dive experiences lighting forms of values judgment about complex subject matter beholding psyche forces full circle connecting spectrums of thinking spheres influencing functional feeling frequency signalling action potentials towards / away / against silent subtle subliminal shifts between turning points of views and beyond causing effects resulting across sides balanced surfaces scanned horizons emergent sensation perception dealings blocked by emotional vectors triggering events related programming aspects affective power dominant high order Cognitive Airspace Environment Embodied Neural Networks Monitoring ground Unified earth information grid.
I feel projected on to the point I have lost my sense of individuality. I feel confused and cant do anything. I cant think and I am suicidal. Women are grouping together to emasculate me. Not random women but the women I've known throughout my life who have rejected me in school. Their doing everything to ruin my business relationships. I've lost my identity being projected on by 10 people. They've taken away my inner voice.
Sorry to hear that, but do know you have the strength to reject them as well if they can't see how genuine you are. If you need a friend I'm here. This was 5 months ago so I hope to hear from you and that you are fine.
Yes. Projection is like planting a seed of doubt about who you are and it grows in you and you believe it. If you're scapegoated a lot, YOU MUST STUDY this topic further! You'll lose your senses thinking you are evil because others want to see their shadow in you.
any kind of wrong conclusion about the person sitting on the opposite end is a projection for example if you have not asked that person whether gaming or cooking or travelling is his or her hobby and still keeps gifting them related stuffs is a form of projection, not that they will always answer you correctly or honestly ,but asking them is the first step is this what you prefer or you like then i can spend my resources for that if you are actually in reality close enough and not in imagination
So what is hard for me to figure out is whether someone doesn’t like me or I don’t like them. Maybe I’m thinking too hard about it but someone will engage in repetitive behavior (like ignoring me when I’m speaking to them) but then they be friendly and over time I grow sort of resentful of them. I’m wondering if they just don’t like me or I don’t like them because of their behavior, it’s weird and hard to explain because I used to believe I liked everyone, wrong! Lol
The only thing in any relationship we have in any control is our sense of self. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No can make you feel bad about yourself without your consent" All we can do to have self-worth is say to oneself, "I am taking my life on, and doing the best I can." That is all life asks of us. When we remember these things, the behaviors of others have less power in our lives.
Is there any doubt that "Projection" cannot have the same definition among both Communists (because history may be guiding their perspective, and history must be expected to guide their perspective in the future) and also ALL non-Communists (because they think of the future as A [*SPECIFICALLY*] New Employer who Has the Right to have forgotten to meet his new employees [or any of his new employees] [in a successful tour-de-force against sanity], and they believe that it's not Groups who go to heaven and hell together, but rather That They, as INDIVIDUALS [whose prayers protect them temporarily from mental hospitalization], are each judged separately [AT THE END of the mortal lifespan which they imply that they have] [this means that there is no room in their culture for anyone to consensually interact with anyone else])?
Projections = predictions, expectations or priors. Optimized projections, predictions, expectations = Syntropy. Syntropy is dual to increasing entropy, the 4th law of thermodynamics. Teleological physics is dual to non-teleological physics Projections predictions or expectations are used to track targets, goals and objectives. The subjective is dual to the objective, the subjective becomes the objective, target tracking.
Thats simple not true,,, quite often the MORE you get to know someone,, they are in fact VERYYYY different from us,,,and worse than we thought = NOT projection,, Yeshua tells us, know who you are dealing with, People unconscious, leave alone. Have to argue w James on his content. Not every time we critque a person, institution is prjection,, thats what some Jungains believe, Critque is healthy,, its when you are UNAWAREEEEEE of things inside you that you will tend to project. Things we deny about ourself. Understanding what /who The Other is, this does not equate to projection.
maybe our racist american society should hear this message ,our ignorance about others and blaming or fearing is a terrible specter in this land of greed &war,when will we ever learn
My right ear feels lonely.
@Mobin92 I believe it makes sense,right ear is lonely
When I use a microphone ,I don't hear a thing there is an audio issue.
My left
Projection! 😂🤪😂
I just kept on pushing in my right earbuds 😅
Why do some get so many negative projections sent toward them when living with integrity?
Perhaps the conditions they live in make them oppress even good things such as integrity, or it's caused by something else
It's 4 months later but here's a theory:
Everyone has ideals--symbolic concepts of the perfect expression of a value, or the ultimate expression of a virtue.
Ideals help us orient ourselves in reality by helping us understand what desirable behaviour is. However, ideals are also harsh, in a way, because we can never truly be perfect enough to measure up to them. The mere existence of ideals judges us and brings to light our insufficiency by comparison.
I think the kinds of relationships people have with their ideals can be roughly characterized as positive or negative. We can relate to our ideals as teachers, or guiding lights, that always show us the way forward by indicating where we can improve--a positive relationship that finds expression in people who accept who they are right now, but are always learning, growing, and trying to improve. Or, we can relate to our ideals as adversaries that seek to shame us and hold us to impossible standards--a negative relationship expressed in people who embrace resentment, react poorly to useful criticism and seek to accept themselves by being rebelling against the idea that more could be expected of them.
Take the latter type of person (let's call him Projector) and add unconscious projection to the mix. Maybe Projector has a negative relationship with the ideal of integrity, and they come across a man who seems to possess authentic moral force and strength of character (Let's call him Bob). Projector does not see a person when they look at Bob. Instead, through projection, Projector sees the ideal of integrity, and feels judged by Bob (who, as a man of integrity, is probably not in the habit of making snap judgements of others) and is resentful toward him.
Bob can't figure out why Projector keeps directing passive-aggressive comments toward him and talking shit behind his back. He doesn't know that his relationship with Projector has become a battleground on which Projector self-defeatingly denigrates their own ideals.
But as a rare man of virtuous integrity, Bob is used to this sort of thing by now anyway ;)
@@suigeneris3347 I’m a Virgo rising and my younger sisters are always projecting negative things onto me and jealous coworkers too!
@@suigeneris3347 I am also a sag rising. I can see similarities in what you said with myself. Very interesting.
I get that lately quite a bit. It's simply a cognitive bias, thinking all are like you. Untruthful people who lack the courage of honesty can't recognize that feature in another. Honesty and integrity are foreign to them so they just label your behavior must be similar deceptive, for example, like theirs.
Unfortunately, many of us are unconsciously projecting our shadows onto one another which makes for a great deal of discomfort, confusion, and unnecessary anger. Dr. Hollis has a great video about embracing the shadow and Robert Johnson, of course, has a great book called Owning Your Own Shadow, a must-read for the human race.
Thank You for this! I will be looking into this,
Is there any doubt that "Projection" cannot have the same definition among both Communists (because history may be guiding their perspective, and history must be expected to guide their perspective in the future) and also ALL non-Communists (because they think of the future as A [*SPECIFICALLY*] New Employer who Has the Right to have forgotten to meet his new employees [or any of his new employees] [in a successful tour-de-force against sanity], and they believe that it's not Groups who go to heaven and hell together, but rather That They, as INDIVIDUALS [whose prayers protect them temporarily from mental hospitalization], are each judged separately [AT THE END of the mortal lifespan which they imply that they have] [this means that there is no room in their culture for anyone to consensually interact with anyone else])?
This was wonderful. Thank you
We create the world in our own image
if one actually wakes up from the hypnotic state that is projection it is literally being born again. And you'll have a hell of a laugh. And your life is now saved. Thanks, Doc!
How do you know if you’re projecting?
@@lisa5hot its easy, if you are in a domain of unknown physically or mentally and you have expectations than that’s the projections. For example if you meet a person of the opposite gender or the same there will be a set (preprogrammed) of expectation (like a movie playing in your head) than that’s the projection. And from there you have to become conscious of those thoughts so the frame of thought you have is based upon reality and not fiction.
You literally pass the hardest boss fight almost ever human has experiences, congrats on the win!!!
You won’t laugh you’ll be destroyed and it takes a lot of courage to rebuild your life
You won’t laugh you’ll be destroyed and it takes a lot of courage to rebuild your life
James Hollis and Jung are real OGs
Sigmund Freud as well.
Hollis, excellent lecture. He is a one and only human being. Wish l found him a lot earlier in my life.
The way you explained it, I understand it so much better. Thankyou
Very good explanation. Thanks.
Great video. Really covered it in a clear and concise way!
Just here to say.. The music in the intro is amazing. Love that guitar LOL
Yeah it’s a real bop!
This makes more sense than other explanations. Projection is when we feel some quality is in another based on some past encounter(s) with some person(s) that was memorable or painful. When we anticipate having to encounter some person like those who were painful, we may then try to draw in a surrogate to practice defending ourselves. We project on to the hapless victim our wrath or manipulation in order to gain confidence for the upcoming battle with the real enemy. If would be nice to hear about how we can defuse these situations when we are the victim of projections..
We can also project our own fears or potentials on the other. Everything that we are not conscious of in ourselves we project into the outside world. Let's say somebody annoys us. We can ask what does this person do or what qualities they display that I may want to have more of or less of? Just being aware that we might be projecting something on the other person can partly dissolve the projection and help us own our shadow or reclaim our potential.
I was once accused for projecting, because I was accusing someone else for projecting. Is that even possible?
Projection is what help us to connect with new people and situations. It makes them more familiar. But at some point it can become a trap that we want to stay in. Oxana from the Jung Society.
he used the reverse card from UNO on you 😂
@@johnnyparsnips7641 That was deep
In the case where their projections were their confessions , is it common for them to not remember what they said shortly afterwards ? If yes and it’s common for not to remember, then does that mean they forgot entirely what they even was doing for such an extended amount of time ? And perhaps that maybe explains the temporary memory loss of voicing initial projections?
Is my text making sense ?
Thank you. I feel it's very difficult to get into anyone else's experience. I only have my impression of another person, which I can gradually refine over time, but my knowledge will never be complete. Isn't all of human society a projection, more or less? Words, pictures, ideas, countries, beliefs, cultures? A typical human reality is human projection; and we don't realise we're doing it?
Nice breakdown. I think I tend to Skew projections together with having Stereotypes or Intuition* about another persons potential behavior.. Often times being somewhat "Right", but knowing statistically and by experience, I could be wrong. I'd say these habits are Needed, but also see ways it can become a problem. This video should be in a Life handbook somwhere lol along with some of the current Dalai Lama's talks.. Practices of Self Control and understanding that can be applied to many situations in Life for the sake of Awareness.
Raul M.
Awesome Post
This was an extremely informative! Thank you so much 😊
Wow thank you. Very helpful. I have a lot to learn about how to use my mind better.
very very brilliant
but if you're able to talk about it, and recognise that you're doing it then it becomes conscious.
Sgt. Amazing Name how do u know when you’re projecting?
@@lisa5hot As an absolute novice in this field but with plently of personal experience, I would say look at repeating patterns in your life, particularly in interpersonal relationships. What comes from within will likely be evinced by looking at the emotions and circumstances that seem to repeat, that feel and act out in a similar fashion
> "Fire In The Belly" by Sam KEEN (secret tip 4 U )
Great presentation
What's the distinction between "presumption" and "projection?"
A presumption is made consciously, a projection is made unconsciously. The first is also opened to change, usually people who project do so also because of a cognitive bias, in other words they tend to ignore/avoid prof that invalidates their projections. In some ways it may be a defensive mechanism but it may horribly backfire - this is why some people tend to ignore thats that invalidate their beliefs/points of view, because they suffer from a cognitive bias and they are projecting their impressions/beliefs/issues onto other things.
That was really well explained, thanks :)
Thank you
Thanks for the beautiful explanation 😘
I encointered Australian brown snake yesteday and ...
Now (as an Enlightened person) ,
I know , ... that all that toxicity is inside me ... from my nonintegrated shedow,
and NOT in that small beautifull browny creatire there.
I am going to hug it !!!
Thanks !
I'm somewhat confused. Is the seeking of the familiar - that which we experienced as children - in interpersonal relationships (and often unconsciously finding it), is this an outcome of projection?
Yes if they had abusive parents they’d unconsciously want to fill that slot with a abusive partner 🤦♂️
Is it possible that after an "abusive" childhood I want to help a child only concerning my own gender and around the age bad stuff at my home happened (fights, pressure etc)?
I get emotional fulfillment doing this and I feel great about the child is this me projecting my own insecurities?
Sounds rapey
Yes. It's a known fact that people often have an instinct to "save" children if they were abused themselves.
@@RippleDrop. I have also heard that people who are abused often become abusers. What do you think about this ?
Well, you also know how it´s like being in that position, in that age, being of that gender. It´s a part of empathy, and not ,per definition, a bad thing at all.
I'm reading the comments, and wondering does this always have to be a negative distortion, or is this a mechanism of communication? It seems unavoidable, influenced most by expectations, intentions and awareness. I'd be interested to hear thoughts on this.
There's too often people that want to project their opinion about life and the way other should be living there life on to other people.
"working" on other people rather than "working" on themselves first before judging.
@@FinesseMuse Thanks! Just what I needed read.
We positively project too. Good things we don't own on ourselves, we glorify in others
I've often wondered about whether what I perceived as "projection" was purely "projection", or a means to make a record of the way the person wanted things to be recorded and remembered contrary to the reality of facts to the contrary.
Back in 1993 I was staying at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis Tennessee with a group of attorneys for Dr. Dan Orchic of the Shea Clinic's deposition. I have a photo of the boys, Dickie Scruggs, my partner, Fred Krutz, attorney for Florida Pneumatic, Tom Tardy, attorney for ATSCO, and Price Coleman, attorney for Rockwell International, taken in the lobby. It was a fine evening, and we went for dry-rub bar-b-que and then drinks. Finally, after probably too good a time, Dickie and I get in the elevator to go up to our respective rooms, and he turns to me and says, "baby, you know you don't make your bed where you make your bread" as if declining some offer that I had made, which if course, I had not. In fact, I had actively assisted him earlier at making the acquaintance of a young woman he wanted to meet by introducing myself and asking her to join us, which she did. Even describing this odd conversation, my eyebrows raise and my eyes get larger; at the time I recalled how he and our office manager, Carla Todd, had traveled to New York City together and came back talking of eating strawberries with champagne, something she had never done, and certainly something I was not interested in doing with him in private or public. I didn't say much in response, thinking the drink was talking through his mouth, and was grateful when the elevator reached my floor, and I was able to leave his company. The next morning, we met in the lobby before going to the plane and he was aloof and surly, I shrugged it off. While waiting for me he'd purchased for himself a beautiful, leather multi-colored braided belt. I love multicolor and went and purchased one for myself which seemed to aggravate him even more.
Six years later, though it had happened before, none were quite as extraordinary as the next encounters or relevant to what would become our history, I was seven months pregnant and working away despite being high-risk with placenta previa and an incompetent cervix from cancer surgery in 1989. He told me that I had to take maternity leave. I didn't want to do that, but he was my senior partner, and said that he was only thinking of my health. As I was packing my briefcase intending to work from home as necessary, he came into my office, recently redone with light wood and blue carpet (not what I would have chosen) and sat across from me telling me that I had made a good choice to take maternity leave now and that I would be fully paid with no more responsibilities. Again, my eyebrows lift and my eyes get wide, but to this I responded, "I didn't want to take maternity leave, you made me". He didn't say anything and left what I later learned would be someone else's office and been for quite some time.
The last time he faced me as his partner and employee was in January of 1997, my daughter was three months old, and I had arrived back to the firm before Christmas, six weeks after my child's birth, to find another attorney, my former secretary, Annette Clark Stringfellow's, uncle, Wynn Clark sitting behind my desk. I had terminated her employment, but later learned that she had stayed on the payroll. I still have the tape recording that I made that day where I can hear the tones of his voice telling me that I don't work there anymore and to take it up with Dick. I walked down the street and Dick was on vacation I was told, despite it being the day of the firm Christmas party, and went to pick up my 1996 bonus check that was routinely issued to cover the taxes on undistributed firm income that would come out on the K-1's. The woman who handled the accounting department said she couldn't give me the check and I asked why. She gave no verbal response, but instead slid the check over to me with the little square stick-um on that said, "Hold per RFS" and signed CB, Charlene Bosarge, his secretary. It was for $110,000, virtually matching the sum of undistributed income tax that would be hanging over my head and assets and now the additional burden of having no way to pay it except by liquidating my home and maybe then, not even enough.
So, it was with this backdrop, after calling him on vacation and telling him what had happened with him telling me bluntly that he was on vacation and had no time to deal with that, that we met in the side room off the bar at Mary Mahoney's restaurant in Biloxi, where again, he spouted what was a projection of the reality he wanted to present. He didn't discuss the value of my shares, only my employment and that if I wanted the $110,000 check I'd have to sign a new agreement. Then he said, "this is what you wanted, you've been wanting to open your own office". Again, my eyebrows raised and my eyes got large, and I said, no that's not what I want. I want my job back". And what about the contract that's already in place? He ignored all that I said. Writing the script around me. Projecting what he wanted into our conversations and then into my life, so that no one would believe much of the truth at all.
I was thinking about that multi-colored belt, and think I have the date to which I refer, 1993, incorrect. I recall bringing it home to my home, not where I live now, but to the home I purchased in June or July of 1994 before I married that November located at 1016 La Fontaine Street. I became pregnant in January of 1996, so it is a short window of time between the summer of 1994 and January of 1996 that this occurred. I am leaning toward 1994, before I married, but after I bought my home. I have the original photograph to which I refer, I have my journals, and for events like this one, the court file will show the date this deposition was noticed. I do not look at those things as I write here because, they, in my opinion, cloud the purity of what was significant enough to remember with all of the other things chronicled on a day-to-day basis. In a more formal setting, I will do so and meticulously check for dates in the timeline, likely adding those "other details", but not here.
I am also not editing this comment to make that correction, lest people think that I edited more than this thought. There is no need to edit any of the other words there, it is like I can see the situations before me today and relive each conversation, even with the young woman in the bathroom that night who I asked to join us. What happened here, and my perception of what was happening, is what is important, not a date, unless that date has importance to the events that follow or came before, which it might.
As an absolute aside, Fred Krutz represents Google here in the State of Mississippi. I wonder if there are any perks and fringe benefits with that job?
Actions speak louder than words.
Great synopsis with practical examples. Very well done.
It doesn't apply to everything. Does it?
If we don't become conscious we can keep our projections for a very long time and spend a lot of energy of trying to make them "stick". Oxana from the Jung Society
1st step HONEST self reflection
thank you Dr. Hollis. does the self or god image projects itself onto a n individual or society in the same way as you described? I'm reading Dr. Edinger's The Creation of Consciousness at the moment....kinda confusing lol
I am not clear about your question, but if I read it correctly, Jung considered the Self a metaphor for the organic whole, the guiding, unifying, directing energies of the organism, with the ego as a secondary phenomenon, capable of addressing the tasks of the outer world, but also dividing itself from the intentionality of the Self, producing "neurosis."
The god image is, according to Jung, an apprehension of an energy transcendent to the individual self; however, the specific contours of that image is a function of time, place, context, and idiosyncrasy. Jung often thought of his role being to "treat" the disturbed imago Dei, as in Answer to Job, especially when it is often substituted for the energic encounter which gave rise to the image in the first place. Confusing the image of the encounter with the experience of the encounter itself is idolatry.
I hope this helps in some way.
James Hollis
My right ear doesn't understand it.
It's better not to use the world "projection" because people dont pay attention most of times we can only say : just because you woudnt do something it doesn't mean no one would.You are assuming everyone is YOU.
How about the question: what is not projection?
He is elegant
Communities hate individuals
in your heart
I still don't understand projection after watching this. Are expectations the same as projection? I thought projection is when you think someone else has the same motivations (positive and negative) for doing things the way you do. But that can't be right. Can anyone point me to a clearer explanation?
You can also check it at the Jung Lexicon. Scroll down on the page To me projection is seeing in others both positive and negative qualities that I didn't fully integrated and claimed within myself. Oxana (Jung Society of Washington)
Well, Jim, I would say that expectations often come with a projection. For example, I may see that someone I've known for awhile is capable of being a great artist but they never pick up a brush or a pen to write b/c maybe they don't have the confidence or even ability to do so and maybe I do but I've been putting it off in myself. Does that make a little sense?
Sir, your insights are so thoughtful, meaningful and profoundly reflects deep dive experiences lighting forms of values judgment about complex subject matter beholding psyche forces full circle connecting spectrums of thinking spheres influencing functional feeling frequency signalling action potentials towards / away / against silent subtle subliminal shifts between turning points of views and beyond causing effects resulting across sides balanced surfaces scanned horizons emergent sensation perception dealings blocked by emotional vectors triggering events related programming aspects affective power dominant high order Cognitive Airspace Environment Embodied Neural Networks Monitoring ground Unified earth information grid.
You look for traits and observe with facts, I don't wholly agree Doctor, Many factors bring healthy conclusions and smart decisions !
I feel projected on to the point I have lost my sense of individuality. I feel confused and cant do anything. I cant think and I am suicidal. Women are grouping together to emasculate me. Not random women but the women I've known throughout my life who have rejected me in school. Their doing everything to ruin my business relationships. I've lost my identity being projected on by 10 people. They've taken away my inner voice.
Sorry to hear that, but do know you have the strength to reject them as well if they can't see how genuine you are. If you need a friend I'm here. This was 5 months ago so I hope to hear from you and that you are fine.
Yes. Projection is like planting a seed of doubt about who you are and it grows in you and you believe it. If you're scapegoated a lot, YOU MUST STUDY this topic further! You'll lose your senses thinking you are evil because others want to see their shadow in you.
any kind of wrong conclusion about the person sitting on the opposite end is a projection for example if you have not asked that person whether gaming or cooking or travelling is his or her hobby and still keeps gifting them related stuffs is a form of projection, not that they will always answer you correctly or honestly ,but asking them is the first step is this what you prefer or you like then i can spend my resources for that if you are actually in reality close enough and not in imagination
So what is hard for me to figure out is whether someone doesn’t like me or I don’t like them. Maybe I’m thinking too hard about it but someone will engage in repetitive behavior (like ignoring me when I’m speaking to them) but then they be friendly and over time I grow sort of resentful of them. I’m wondering if they just don’t like me or I don’t like them because of their behavior, it’s weird and hard to explain because I used to believe I liked everyone, wrong! Lol
The only thing in any relationship we have in any control is our sense of self. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No can make you feel bad about yourself without your consent" All we can do to have self-worth is say to oneself, "I am taking my life on, and doing the best I can." That is all life asks of us. When we remember these things, the behaviors of others have less power in our lives.
Is there any doubt that "Projection" cannot have the same definition among both Communists (because history may be guiding their perspective, and history must be expected to guide their perspective in the future) and also ALL non-Communists (because they think of the future as A [*SPECIFICALLY*] New Employer who Has the Right to have forgotten to meet his new employees [or any of his new employees] [in a successful tour-de-force against sanity], and they believe that it's not Groups who go to heaven and hell together, but rather That They, as INDIVIDUALS [whose prayers protect them temporarily from mental hospitalization], are each judged separately [AT THE END of the mortal lifespan which they imply that they have] [this means that there is no room in their culture for anyone to consensually interact with anyone else])?
Projections = predictions, expectations or priors.
Optimized projections, predictions, expectations = Syntropy.
Syntropy is dual to increasing entropy, the 4th law of thermodynamics.
Teleological physics is dual to non-teleological physics
Projections predictions or expectations are used to track targets, goals and objectives. The subjective is dual to the objective, the subjective becomes the objective, target tracking.
My wife is saying my depression is to do with woman
My left ear is silent.
On ne projicira on mrzi za pravo
I've become triggered by the repeated use of the word triggered.
Thats simple not true,,, quite often the MORE you get to know someone,, they are in fact VERYYYY different from us,,,and worse than we thought = NOT projection,, Yeshua tells us, know who you are dealing with, People unconscious, leave alone. Have to argue w James on his content. Not every time we critque a person, institution is prjection,, thats what some Jungains believe, Critque is healthy,, its when you are UNAWAREEEEEE of things inside you that you will tend to project. Things we deny about ourself. Understanding what /who The Other is, this does not equate to projection.
maybe our racist american society should hear this message ,our ignorance about others and blaming or fearing is a terrible specter in this land of greed &war,when will we ever learn
Yes America is the problem. WE should be like the rest of the World which is almost entirely diversified and racially integrated. Oh wait, nevermind.
you anthropomorphise ... societies cannot feel or hear, only people do those things...
Well said, Sgt.
You're a dumbass.
. *??? Do MEN or WOMEN 'PROJECT' more [often] ???*
. hhhmmmmmmmm.....I wonder................
All do. Equally. It's a human thing, not a gender issue.
Poor quality video requires reupload
Not quite right
Utter bullshit
Always look for the new in everyone.
explains Democratic party and media... thank you sir.
Linda Saia 👍🏽
😂 Projection is a human tendency, not a political acclimation!