Rick就是我30年前的英文啟蒙老師! 遇見他之前我讀過何X仁、長X鹿,但程度始終停留在How are you!直到他,才讓我的英文有十足的進步。 因為課堂上只會有一位精通雙語的英文教師,使我不再有閃躲的機會,讓我必須學著擁抱英文! 而每週兩天,每次兩小時的聽說練習,加上隨機問答的方式,提升我們的聽力與口說,讓我們習慣於英語對話的環境。課後也會跟他聚聚會,打打球,拉近彼此的距離!使我們不再畏懼與外國人對話,讓我勇於獨自出國旅行! 而與外國人的互動,想不到也影響了我的下一代,五年前,我帶著家人踏上家庭第一次美國之旅,當時中班的小女兒看著我好幾次用英文自然的與外國人交談後。在一次的午餐,她鼓起勇氣跟我說:爸爸,我想要跟服務生拿一張衛生紙,請問我要怎麼用英文說?當時我的心裡滿是悸動,給了她一句May I have a tissue? 看著她開心的帶著姊姊跑過去找服務生,並得意的拿到一張餐巾紙回來,當下我那個興奮之情難以言喻!而小女兒至今仍記憶猶新,時不時還會很得意的跟我炫耀! 給Rick教導,是我爸媽對我最划算的投資,課程結束後,我不需再花任何時間去英文補習班,就這樣讓我一路受用到大學,我有比別人多的時間加強其他課業。 因此我沒有跟多數家長一樣,讓我的女兒們讀雙語幼稚園,因為我認為只有ACES才可以提供最有效的英文學習,因此3年前,大女兒即使已經在小學學習1年多的英文,我仍堅持帶著她們兩個來到ACES從頭開始學英文! 現在看著她們敢試著用簡單的英文與ABC的表哥對談,她們也不排斥看英文版的電影時,讓我一直深信到ACES學英文是個正確的決定! 說來好玩有一天我在想,要跟Rick開個玩笑,跟他說華人有一句諺語叫一日為師,終生為父,所以他也算我的父親,而我女兒要叫我爸爸,Grandpa,所以她們看到他是不是要叫他Grand teacher,但我還沒機會跟他說,想不到半年前的聚會,他就跟別人介紹我女兒們是他的Grand students!哈!
@tychien2000 Thanks for sharing the interesting stories about how you and your daughter learned to speak English. Don't be afraid of making mistakes and don't feel ashamed when making mistakes. Only those whose native languages are not English tend to criticize and make fun of people for imperfection in English grammar and accent.
@@terryhsieh7236Yap! I totally agree with you. But, I'm still afraid of he yells at me "he, she, it verb add s. You have to tape for twenty times." Ha! Ha!
@@tychien2000 If a passenger on any American airline asks for a "blanket" by saying "carpet", the flight attendant will probably figure out what the passenger really asks for. It is unlikely that the passenger will get a treatment like the Chinese passenger on the Cathay Airline during a flight from ChengDu to HongKong on May 21, 2023.
我現在29歲,以前就是在他開的英文補習班上學,我很開心原來他還在台灣致力於英文教育,看到他還健康活躍真的開心! Hello Rick! I am one of your students back in 2004. My class teacher is Adam Golt btw. It is great to see you being active and healthy at the moment. I remember there’s one time you drove me home after you took us to watch the Spider-Man movie. Thank you for the English teaching system you and your partners have created. I am now abroad using proper English and improving on myself. Tape recording and talking to myself really did help somewhat😂
I was one of the students from ACES like loooooooooong time ago like 10 years ago. My teachers was Max from 汐止. I gotta tell yall ACES is the best cram school in Taiwan. All the teachers they're vey strict and patient. They would encourage and when you made a mistake. i think罰錄 is one of the best lol. I was from regular class and graduated from advance class. Those memoies n hard works are very valuable for me. I love ACES and be proud MAX.
I would like to give a BIG SHOUTOUT to Rick and ACES! I am one of the OG students from the Donghu branch, where I started learning English over 20 years ago. It's incredible to think about how far I've come since then. I am turning 30 this year! Back in the day, Max was a first-year teacher and my class teacher at ACES. And Rick was Max's mentor, who supervised his teaching every week in the classroom during our lessons. So basically, we had one lesson with Max and the other with Rick weekly during my first year at ACES. Looking back, it's clear that Rick was an awesome teacher himself without a doubt, and what was even better is that he did an amazing job guiding and demonstrating his teaching skills to Max to become a fantastic teacher. ACES has an incredible English education system that's authentic yet localized. They teach English to local kids in a way just like how North American parents/teachers instruct their kids to pick up their native tongue. Students at ACES learn vowels, pronunciation, sentence structure, tenses, and grammar rules within an efficient and organized module. Most essentially, all teachers at ACES speak Mandarin so they do understand Taiwanese students' struggles when learning a second language. I truly believe that this system is the key to helping Taiwan become a bilingual society. I'll never forget how ACES helped me on my English learning journey. And I'm even proud to say that I worked as an English language educator in Taiwan for almost 7 years. Now, I'm the marketing director of an international design media platform, and I owe much of my success to the foundation that ACES helped me build. Thank you, ACES, and thank you, Rick!
I’m an English teacher and also a parent of ACES. I truly inspired by Rick’s teaching philosophy . So I only chose ACES to be my son’s cram school and he did make big progress after attending the class.
Thank you, Rick. I was one of your students in Donghu, first in your class and then in Max’s class. You inspired me to keep learning the language, and I eventually became an English teacher myself. I even started a UA-cam channel teaching English, which now has almost half a million subscribers. Thank you for everything you’ve done for Taiwan.
Rick was my sister’s English teacher at Modawei English school. After Rick established ACES, my sister and I both studied English there. Now, I’m an elementary school English teacher. Can’t agree more with the dilemma Rick mentioned in the video. The government should pay more attention and fund to the starting point (kindergarten, elementary school) of English learning. If not, Bilingual 2030 will be just another castle in the air.
Oh my god, Rick! Bumping into my former teacher here is such a crazy coincidence!😂 I don't know if he remembers me, I'm the girl whose father tore her homework and was called into the office and cried about it XD! I went to ACES after an all-English kindergarten through elementary school till early junior high. Back then it helped me coast through English classes and I had no idea how much of an impact it had on my life. A few (quite a few) years later I was working in London and now heading to NY. I've been asked if I was native many times and I think ACES contributed tremendously to that. How quaint to see Rick still teaching and barely even aged.🤣
Hey Teddy, glad that you filmed and uploaded this video with Mr Rick. His experience of living and working in Taiwan should be written and probably as autobiography published too!
It’s a wonderful thing. I did a similar thing in Taichung 20 years ago. It took 10 minutes to take a foreign friend who couldn’t find his way to Taichung Railway Station~😅you are a great teacher👍👏💪
One thing, I admire my German English teacher is that he knew we don't have enough English resources early time in Taiwan environment, so he would say, relax, just speak, don't afraid to make mistakes and feel free to ask questions. And that really helps me a lot.
遇見他之前我讀過何X仁、長X鹿,但程度始終停留在How are you!直到他,才讓我的英文有十足的進步。
而與外國人的互動,想不到也影響了我的下一代,五年前,我帶著家人踏上家庭第一次美國之旅,當時中班的小女兒看著我好幾次用英文自然的與外國人交談後。在一次的午餐,她鼓起勇氣跟我說:爸爸,我想要跟服務生拿一張衛生紙,請問我要怎麼用英文說?當時我的心裡滿是悸動,給了她一句May I have a tissue? 看著她開心的帶著姊姊跑過去找服務生,並得意的拿到一張餐巾紙回來,當下我那個興奮之情難以言喻!而小女兒至今仍記憶猶新,時不時還會很得意的跟我炫耀!
說來好玩有一天我在想,要跟Rick開個玩笑,跟他說華人有一句諺語叫一日為師,終生為父,所以他也算我的父親,而我女兒要叫我爸爸,Grandpa,所以她們看到他是不是要叫他Grand teacher,但我還沒機會跟他說,想不到半年前的聚會,他就跟別人介紹我女兒們是他的Grand students!哈!
@tychien2000 Thanks for sharing the interesting stories about how you and your daughter learned to speak English. Don't be afraid of making mistakes and don't feel ashamed when making mistakes. Only those whose native languages are not English tend to criticize and make fun of people for imperfection in English grammar and accent.
@@terryhsieh7236Yap! I totally agree with you. But, I'm still afraid of he yells at me "he, she, it verb add s. You have to tape for twenty times." Ha! Ha!
@@tychien2000 If a passenger on any American airline asks for a "blanket" by saying "carpet", the flight attendant will probably figure out what the passenger really asks for. It is unlikely that the passenger will get a treatment like the Chinese passenger on the Cathay Airline during a flight from ChengDu to HongKong on May 21, 2023.
Mr. Rick 真是一位優秀又愛台灣的美籍老師,政府要推行2030年雙語教育,應該採納他的意見。👍👍👍
@@ez3422 要是台灣能將美語設為國語,接軌國際及全面競力將是世界一流。
@@wupotung 要都能变成白种人竞争力会更强
@@wupotung duck不必,你這是文化大革命啊
Mr. Rick 應該當教育部推動全民雙語的全權負責人
Hello Rick! I am one of your students back in 2004. My class teacher is Adam Golt btw. It is great to see you being active and healthy at the moment. I remember there’s one time you drove me home after you took us to watch the Spider-Man movie. Thank you for the English teaching system you and your partners have created. I am now abroad using proper English and improving on myself. Tape recording and talking to myself really did help somewhat😂
Rick!! 天啊 我10歲就去ACES補習 現在都25了🥹
他似乎記憶錯誤 80年代是台灣經貿最強 貴為亞洲四小龍之首 台灣最富有發達時代 台北也沒炒房問題 藝術文化事業盛行尤其是華語流行音樂風行亞洲及全球華人! 即使7,80s年代也從沒有過他說的宵禁curfew? 因為日間經濟活動頻繁 台北商業應酬飲食及夜生活發達至凌晨 全球貨櫃碼頭排名前列之高雄市到處可見新蓋商務酒店旅館舞廳夜總會 滿大街進口豪車數量為台灣之最 新馬泰菲港日韓遍佈台商台幹及鄉下阿公阿嬤旅遊團 桃園機場進出旅客天天暴滿尤其是80s中期開始返鄉中國探親及商務旅客暴增 因此才會興建二航廈... 現在執政者刻意經營宣傳假象台灣進入“民主”始自第一任總統民選時間作為開始 企圖抹黑之前國民黨廉能專業政府時代是戒嚴獨裁黑暗時期!
31 年前我還在 中華商場 忠棟2樓 打工
I was one of the students from ACES like loooooooooong time ago like 10 years ago. My teachers was Max from 汐止. I gotta tell yall ACES is the best cram school in Taiwan. All the teachers they're vey strict and patient. They would encourage and when you made a mistake. i think罰錄 is one of the best lol. I was from regular class and graduated from advance class. Those memoies n hard works are very valuable for me.
I love ACES and be proud MAX.
I would like to give a BIG SHOUTOUT to Rick and ACES! I am one of the OG students from the Donghu branch, where I started learning English over 20 years ago. It's incredible to think about how far I've come since then. I am turning 30 this year!
Back in the day, Max was a first-year teacher and my class teacher at ACES. And Rick was Max's mentor, who supervised his teaching every week in the classroom during our lessons. So basically, we had one lesson with Max and the other with Rick weekly during my first year at ACES. Looking back, it's clear that Rick was an awesome teacher himself without a doubt, and what was even better is that he did an amazing job guiding and demonstrating his teaching skills to Max to become a fantastic teacher.
ACES has an incredible English education system that's authentic yet localized. They teach English to local kids in a way just like how North American parents/teachers instruct their kids to pick up their native tongue. Students at ACES learn vowels, pronunciation, sentence structure, tenses, and grammar rules within an efficient and organized module. Most essentially, all teachers at ACES speak Mandarin so they do understand Taiwanese students' struggles when learning a second language.
I truly believe that this system is the key to helping Taiwan become a bilingual society. I'll never forget how ACES helped me on my English learning journey. And I'm even proud to say that I worked as an English language educator in Taiwan for almost 7 years. Now, I'm the marketing director of an international design media platform, and I owe much of my success to the foundation that ACES helped me build. Thank you, ACES, and thank you, Rick!
謝謝Aces!謝謝 Rick!孩子在Aces東湖上課,正規三,她的英文進步非常多,謝謝你們的用心和付出!
I’m an English teacher and also a parent of ACES. I truly inspired by Rick’s teaching philosophy . So I only chose ACES to be my son’s cram school and he did make big progress after attending the class.
Thank you, Rick. I was one of your students in Donghu, first in your class and then in Max’s class. You inspired me to keep learning the language, and I eventually became an English teacher myself. I even started a UA-cam channel teaching English, which now has almost half a million subscribers. Thank you for everything you’ve done for Taiwan.
Great interview. Rick France is an amazing guy. I worked for him for 7 years. It was the most rewarding time of my career. Miss you Rick!
Rick! 好驚訝看到他所以點進來看影片! 小兒就是在ACES從小一讀到小六,然後沒有再額外加補習什麼的,就在升國一的暑假取得全民英檢中級證書。英語聽力、口語更是強項…真的很感謝ACES! 雖然知名度完全無法跟連鎖補習班比,但卻能給孩子打下扎實的英文底子!看到樓上有人說會做惡夢又要被罰錄音,我大笑😂好懷念陪孩子去上課的那段時光啊!
錄音惡夢就是從莫大衛開始的😂 畢竟Rick以前是莫大衛的老師,後來才自己出來開ACES
呵呵,很有趣的經歷,希望這份善緣能一直持續下去! 祝, 學安 :)
I totally agree with Rick's opinions of English education in Taiwan. His thoughts are practical, useful and farsighted.
@@jinjinyang6229 非常同意。
至少起頭了 你又做了什麼
Rick was my sister’s English teacher at Modawei English school. After Rick established ACES, my sister and I both studied English there. Now, I’m an elementary school English teacher. Can’t agree more with the dilemma Rick mentioned in the video. The government should pay more attention and fund to the starting point (kindergarten, elementary school) of English learning. If not, Bilingual 2030 will be just another castle in the air.
Rick is cool! Thanks for your amazing contribution to English education in Taiwan.
首席的英文補習班老師❤ 🎉 辛苦了 台灣人在早年就這麼慷慨照顧這位老師
感 謝你對雙語教育的想法~也說出了實際教學的問題~3Q
Oh my god, Rick! Bumping into my former teacher here is such a crazy coincidence!😂 I don't know if he remembers me, I'm the girl whose father tore her homework and was called into the office and cried about it XD! I went to ACES after an all-English kindergarten through elementary school till early junior high. Back then it helped me coast through English classes and I had no idea how much of an impact it had on my life.
A few (quite a few) years later I was working in London and now heading to NY. I've been asked if I was native many times and I think ACES contributed tremendously to that.
How quaint to see Rick still teaching and barely even aged.🤣
Mr. Rick 英文講的很清楚,速度適中,應該是很棒的老師。
把grand students翻成學孫也太精準了吧 超好笑😂😂😂
Aces is an amazing school. People should be sending their kids there.
Hey Teddy, glad that you filmed and uploaded this video with Mr Rick. His experience of living and working in Taiwan should be written and probably as autobiography published too!
永遠有養活自己的最後一招 不論如何
我不認識Rick, 但從這個訪談, 發覺他是個很棒的人,也是一個很棒的老師, 我會宣傳他的補習班, 相信小孩在他的補習班會快樂的學會英語
totally agree rick about he says the right time we should give kids right pronunciation. this suggestion should be adopted.
It’s a wonderful thing. I did a similar thing in Taichung 20 years ago. It took 10 minutes to take a foreign friend who couldn’t find his way to Taichung Railway Station~😅you are a great teacher👍👏💪
thank you for sharing these precious teaching experience and sorting out a lot of problems!
很棒的訪談,Rick 對台灣有很多的貢獻
Thank you , Rick. You're a decent and beautiful person and teacher. It's such a blessing for Taiwan to have you here.
Aces is really a wonderful school
Thanks you all love Taiwan
very touching interview film.🥰
One thing, I admire my German English teacher is that he knew we don't have enough English resources early time in Taiwan environment, so he would say, relax, just speak, don't afraid to make mistakes and feel free to ask questions.
And that really helps me a lot.
I went to ACES, it’s really amazing. It’s the reason why I got into Harvard
Teddy 滿喜歡你的影片,想建議每部片結束前可以多留幾秒片尾,情緒上比較不會錯愕,哈
Really enjoyed listening to Rick's stories. So inspiring! :)
Such a great video❤
好生動!太棒了! 說得太好,幼稚園應該要有英文老師才對~~
我非常認同Mr. Rick 對英語教學的看法。
I looked his web site, he is a decent person and doing all the right things possible for this land.
Very beautiful story ❤
Wonderful story!
來31年了 哇靠~
Great Interview of a great guy! :)
I totally agree with Rick.
My Respect Mr. Rick .
Wow! We miss you and Bob
原因就是因為雙語從以前就不是國家既定政策, 因此無法投入大量預算在義務教育, 國中小階段就只是一周有幾堂英文課而已.. 雙語對台灣絕對是好處較多,但你也可看得到許多人用一些莫名其妙的理由在反對..
@@huangcc72 就是沒錢啊
@@stwrock 你嘛好啊, 有總統候選人提出義務教育全面雙語政策的政見, 就被一堆無腦的批評的要死, 義務教育可不含大學.
@@huangcc72 蠻認同的..
是的, Rick老師说的对, 语言要从小开始学!
我家小孩也是上ACES 3年, 英文基礎非常好, 但MIKE老師太凶了, 到現在還有陰影...