Thanks for compiling these. The wahoo footage stands out as the most shocking to me given the relative framing with the flying birds and the beach, and the sudden instant explosion, followed by the secondary expansion. Absolutely mind-boggling.
Sound travels great distances in the ocean. I can't imagine how horrible this must have been for sensitive marine life, such as whales, even hundreds of miles away.
Fun fact. SpongeBob's home, Bikini Bottom, was named for Bikini Atoll where the U.S. conducted nuclear tests from 1946 to 1958. References to the destructive nuclear tests are littered throughout the show.
Gld you mentioned this. I have been binge watching documentaries about nukes recently (thanks to Oppenheimer). The nukes we have now will make these ones look like a picnic. Scary.
After the Castle Bravo incident the military got a bit spooked of what else might get mixed up in a thermonukes second stage if it's surrounded by dense hydrogen and such so they only used ordinary nukes around water since, hence the lower yields.
A 'low' yield for a nuclear weapon is still an awful lot of explosion. The last test here at _only_ 10 kilotons still represents ten thousand tons of high explosive, which would be roughly equivalent to the 'Thousand Bomber Raid' of WWII. Not to mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki count as 'low' yields these days.
They were still doing Duck and Cover drills when I was high school during the air raid siren tests once a month. It never failed...after the drill was over, somebody would ask ''What do you do in case of fallout?'' The smartass would then reply ''Reinsert and shorten stroke''. We had a Chrysler hemi powered air raid siren about 10 miles away. The sound of that thing was terrifying and would make your hair stand up.
У нас было не так, но были и убежища и плакаты по гражданской обороне, уроки по обучению пользованию средствами защиты, средствами из индивидуальной аптечки и тп. Никаких сирен у нас не было, детство прошло гораздо спокойнее. А вот вам бы сейчас задуматься: сейчас гораздо страшнее. Если ТОГДА предполагалось, что при обмене ударами жизнь на Земле закончится, даже ракеты Томагавк появились потому, что ваши военные узнали, что какая-то значительная часть ваших пилотов не собирается лететь по полётному заданию, считая себя смертниками, то СЕЙЧАС ваши ребята прикидывают "а может стОит пальнуть? Кто-то же всё равно выживет". А такие сумасшедшие торги ведут точно не к миру. Как бы кто не смеялся над Байденом и в какой коррупции он и детки бы ни были замешаны, за одно ему спасибо: он ВСЕГДА на вопросы о войне отвечал "нет-нет, войны с Россией мы не хотим". Это к вопросу у кого маразм - у него или у тех подонков, которые подсчитывают как они смогут оставаться у власти после ядерной войны. У нас нет людей, кто бы всерьёз считал, что можно разменяться. У нас ядерная война рассматривается как конец. Всё. Окончание истории.
@@Ingenuus32 Мне 70 лет. Нас учили, что Советы были злыми монстрами. От старых привычек нелегко избавиться. Политикам нужны враги, реальные или нет, чтобы получать деньги на военное финансирование. Моя семья приехала из Румынии в США в 1930 году. Они говорили, что русский народ никогда не был монстрами, но их политики часто ими были. Мой дед попал в плен во время Первой мировой войны и был отправлен в Сибирь мерзнуть и голодать. Сейчас кажется, что у русских жизнь лучше, чем у американцев. Время многое меняет. Ты и твоя семья никогда не были моими врагами. Правительства лгут. Они искажают правду. Мы узнали, что русский моряк отказался выпустить ядерную торпеду во время Карибского кризиса 1962 года. Василий Архипов. Его действия спасли вас, меня, наши семьи и все, что мы знаем, потому что его действия остановили Третью мировую войну. Мы узнали, что правительства лгут, мошенничают, крадут для достижения своих злых целей.
@@kimmer6 скорее люди, склонные лгать, мошенничать и красть - стараются пролезть в правители. Мне 46, мой дед воевал с нацистами, мы в СССР называли их фашистами, какая-то разница есть, но нам всегда было наплевать. Я знаю были румынские подразделения в составе частей, напавших на нашу страну, но наши воевали не с румынами, как с народом, а с боевыми подразделениями, и народ врагами не считали да и не считаем. Да в общем и немцев с их остеррейхом, или как у них там было, и японцев с их "отрядом 731". У нас всегда, по крайней мере при СССР, разделяли с кем мы враждуем, народ или шайка у власти. И про врагов, внешних, внутренних точно так же утверждали как Вы: они нужны (условно назовём это как "миру капитала") для того, чтобы производить и сбывать оружие. К счастью в Штатах пришёл к власти Трамп и показал, насколько газета "Правда" когда-то была близка к правде (🤣) буквально заставляя европейцев раскошеливаться на расходы в пользу НАТО. По поводу Василия Архипова: он скорее не "отказался" выпустить торпеду с ядерной боеголовкой, а остановил командира подводной лодки, который собирался это сделать. Он был на лодке не командиром, но старше командира по званию и должности. А прямого приказа от руководства страны у командира подводной лодки не было. Было указание на то, что в случае повреждения подводной лодки в результате обстрелов ("дырка в корпусе", как сказано в википедии) возможно применение. Этот случай не единичный, в 83м году не запустил ракеты по США советский офицер Станислав Петров, он оценил и сопоставил факторы, предположив ложное срабатывание системы оповещения о старте ракет с территории США, и передал свои сомнения по цепочке командованию. Указывается, что в общем на одном его сообщении "запуск ракет" и не могло быть запущено ответа, т.к. там анализируется куча данных, но тем не менее, считается, что этот человек также спас Планету. К слову одно это (запуск ракет, который может быть осуществлён, лишь в ответ на запуск со стороны США) не является ли одним из доказательств, что СССР лишь оборонялся в "холодной" войне? Ладно, не будем о грустном. Вам здоровья и долгих лет, пусть они будут не скучными, но не нервозными и безопасными. И Вам и Вашим близким!
@@MRblazedBEANS Yes it's THAT! It's a little known side effect of waterborne nuclear blasts. They can produce some very large hailstones. Castle Bravo produced 50 to 100 lb hailstones once the mushroom cloud cooled.
In the "Size comparison" video, I used footage of “Trinity”, “Mike” and “Tsar” explosions because I knew the exact size of the fireball and cloud in the video. In addition, these are the most famous tests. Therefore, I doubt that I will make another similar video. but I'll think of ideas.
I recently watched a video about the theoretical detonation of a nuke at the bottom of the marianas trench and what the result would be on the surface. As it turns out, the result would be pretty much unnoticable. It turns out that 7 miles down the ocean would absorb the blast easily do to the massive pressures at that depth.
All the dead sea life these must have caused, and then other fish would have eaten the remains and passed on a cancerous dominos effect through the chain, people would have ingested some of the fallout over the years.
People lived there. I think the pacific islanders are still trying to sue the US government because so many of them ended up sick or having kids with birth defects. It's still happening today
Nice shots! I wonder how many Documentaries use "Wahoo" footage for "Baker" given it's much better quality. Depending on the definition of "underwater", one could include "Redwing: Seminole" since it was detonated inside a water tank. Was done due to ground coupling studies though and not an underwater effects test.
I remember the underwater/inside-sub camera shot from Trinity and Beyond, and to this day, I still think that footage is not real and/or staged. The bubbles and inrush of water seem way to sudden. Any why would the camera rock back and forth, assuming it's fixed in position? The frame of reference wouldn't move like that. Perhaps how subs react to atomic weapons may have remained classified, hence why that footage may be staged for a "release.". Just my opinion.
Maybe this class of weapon is fake. B and C weapons are banned, but not A weapons. I came to the conclusion space is fake, so why wouldn‘t they go through the same effort to fake A weapons.
We have lived in an unprecedented time of peace, because free nations have prevented a Depraved Communist Soviet Union from putting one of these, on 🫵🏻 head…
One interesting observation can be made from the films itself: American films are rich in color and are clear, Soviet color film shots are very faint (almost black-and-white) and full of traces of dust and other dirt. Quite telling...
If you slow the video down to 1/4 speed, at 1:57 you can stop it frame by frame and see the instantaneous flooding of the target submarine. Pretty cool, and chilling if you think about how fast a Submariner's life gets snuffed out at those depths.
I am researching where to find the copyright owner if this footage so as to be able to gain permission to use it in a documentary film as well as obtain as high a resolution video copy of the film footage as is possible.
"to test the effects of nuclear weapons..." Let's see- blown up, burned up, or contaminated with radiation. Didn't they learn from Hiroshima and Nagasaki???
All underwater nuclear tests?? Maybe that depends on your interpretation. What about the tests carried out by the French at Moruroa Atoll between 1966 and 1996? They tested in the lagoon and then, after a protest from New Zealand, carried out testing in bore holes under the Atoll.
One thing nobody that studies these ever mentions is the effects of underwater explosions on the shorelines of the nearest land. Did they cause tsunamis? If so how large? I can't imagine that that large of explosions didn't affect nearby islands at all. The blast should have pushed a huge bubble of atomic gasses and steam in the area of the blast, and the water collapsing back in should have caused tsunamis for thousands of miles. Maybe small, maybe large, but there should have been an effect. What was it?
It was certainly studied but from what I understand no underwater detonation has ever caused a "tsunami" wave more than trivial height - well within protective range of normal coastal defences. Even the tsar bomb could have only released something like 0.015% the energy of the 2011 Japanese tsunami. The actual explosion might get close to the energy output but the nuclear reaction only sustains it for a millionth of a second. An earthquake releases it for far longer. It's for this reason Russia's Poseidon torpedo which they claim can totally destroy whole islands (including a direct threat to submerge the UK somehow) is considered to be a joke and bad propaganda meme. Sure, if you set one off in the bay of a port you can cause some serious infrastructure damage, but nowhere near as much damage as an ordinary airburst weapon would cause. The real horror of underwater nuclear detonations is the radiation. They are extremely dirty bombs and if you are going to detonate them on someone's coastline, it's done purely as a spite weapon, meant to poison the water, kill the local marine life and leave the beaches as a no-man's land. So sorry to the Russians but no, Poseidon would not hit New York with a 200m tidal wave as claimed. But it will be an environmental disaster on an unprecedented scale.
@@CountScarlioni Thank you! Its hard to find that info. Been wondering for a while. I didn't know how much water was displaced by a blast, and what happened when the cleared area refills. I could picture a wave being made though. I can definitely see the radiation being bad. An air burst sends the radiation every way, underwater it has only one place to go.
My father, Ray A Johnsen was a naval officer on the ship that brought the first bomb to bikini atoll, called Baker, and operstion cross roads, in 1946. He almost didn't get to go, because the FBI found that his wife's aunt, had joined the Communuist party in seattle in 1937. He was outside on the ship, whe it went off 11,000 yards away, and wound up dying of cancer, in 1987. I am now in the process of putting a claim in for his death, under a US Program for sons and daughters of people who died because of those tests. They say I will recieve the 75K, about november of this year. They also said there is a bill in congress to souble that amount. If you think your father or Mother was at those tests, you should look into it....good luck...
Something that you could never test in real life but that I would LOVE to see is: detonating something like the Tsar Bomba (50 Megatons) out in the Pacific Ocean. Like 2 or 3Km below the surface with several more Km to go to the bottom.
Thanks for compiling these. The wahoo footage stands out as the most shocking to me given the relative framing with the flying birds and the beach, and the sudden instant explosion, followed by the secondary expansion. Absolutely mind-boggling.
Sound travels great distances in the ocean. I can't imagine how horrible this must have been for sensitive marine life, such as whales, even hundreds of miles away.
Did they care you could smoke in hospitals carrying babies an put your baby out a window as a form of day care playpen
Exactly, fuck everything!
Bring us back that awesome time 🤫
And yet they still exist 👍🏻
@@nigel900 Not sure what your point is.
@@jemez_mtn Then Re-Read👈🏻
1:47 That upside down cone that magically appears above the detonation is probably the most terrifying part about this.
Wilson clouds
Fun fact. SpongeBob's home, Bikini Bottom, was named for Bikini Atoll where the U.S. conducted nuclear tests from 1946 to 1958. References to the destructive nuclear tests are littered throughout the show.
@@mrpedro2168you must be Forest Gumps child with Jenny
Here's another, Spongebob Squarepants uses these old nuclear bomb tests as explosion footage for scenes that require explosion footage.
That is true.
@ConfusingArchive Yes, more specifically the Crossroads: Baker shot
Crazy that as far as nukes go, the ones in this video were all quite small
Oh yeah, those bombs back then were a firecracker compared to what we have today!
@@vincentlussier8264 I’m pretty sure even by that point they had bombs in the megaton range
Gld you mentioned this. I have been binge watching documentaries about nukes recently (thanks to Oppenheimer). The nukes we have now will make these ones look like a picnic. Scary.
After the Castle Bravo incident the military got a bit spooked of what else might get mixed up in a thermonukes second stage if it's surrounded by dense hydrogen and such so they only used ordinary nukes around water since, hence the lower yields.
Terrifyfing weapons, even at low yields.
A 'low' yield for a nuclear weapon is still an awful lot of explosion. The last test here at _only_ 10 kilotons still represents ten thousand tons of high explosive, which would be roughly equivalent to the 'Thousand Bomber Raid' of WWII. Not to mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki count as 'low' yields these days.
You obviously haven't seen my mother with a slipper in her hand
@@benpinder889 What makes you think that?
@@karlmoody4891 What?
I consider myself a bit of a UA-cam Atomic test video connoisseur, yet some of these were new to me. Thanks for posting!
They were still doing Duck and Cover drills when I was high school during the air raid siren tests once a month. It never failed...after the drill was over, somebody would ask ''What do you do in case of fallout?'' The smartass would then reply ''Reinsert and shorten stroke''. We had a Chrysler hemi powered air raid siren about 10 miles away. The sound of that thing was terrifying and would make your hair stand up.
У нас было не так, но были и убежища и плакаты по гражданской обороне, уроки по обучению пользованию средствами защиты, средствами из индивидуальной аптечки и тп. Никаких сирен у нас не было, детство прошло гораздо спокойнее. А вот вам бы сейчас задуматься: сейчас гораздо страшнее. Если ТОГДА предполагалось, что при обмене ударами жизнь на Земле закончится, даже ракеты Томагавк появились потому, что ваши военные узнали, что какая-то значительная часть ваших пилотов не собирается лететь по полётному заданию, считая себя смертниками, то СЕЙЧАС ваши ребята прикидывают "а может стОит пальнуть? Кто-то же всё равно выживет". А такие сумасшедшие торги ведут точно не к миру. Как бы кто не смеялся над Байденом и в какой коррупции он и детки бы ни были замешаны, за одно ему спасибо: он ВСЕГДА на вопросы о войне отвечал "нет-нет, войны с Россией мы не хотим". Это к вопросу у кого маразм - у него или у тех подонков, которые подсчитывают как они смогут оставаться у власти после ядерной войны. У нас нет людей, кто бы всерьёз считал, что можно разменяться. У нас ядерная война рассматривается как конец. Всё. Окончание истории.
@@Ingenuus32 Мне 70 лет. Нас учили, что Советы были злыми монстрами. От старых привычек нелегко избавиться. Политикам нужны враги, реальные или нет, чтобы получать деньги на военное финансирование.
Моя семья приехала из Румынии в США в 1930 году. Они говорили, что русский народ никогда не был монстрами, но их политики часто ими были. Мой дед попал в плен во время Первой мировой войны и был отправлен в Сибирь мерзнуть и голодать.
Сейчас кажется, что у русских жизнь лучше, чем у американцев. Время многое меняет. Ты и твоя семья никогда не были моими врагами. Правительства лгут. Они искажают правду. Мы узнали, что русский моряк отказался выпустить ядерную торпеду во время Карибского кризиса 1962 года. Василий Архипов. Его действия спасли вас, меня, наши семьи и все, что мы знаем, потому что его действия остановили Третью мировую войну. Мы узнали, что правительства лгут, мошенничают, крадут для достижения своих злых целей.
@@kimmer6 скорее люди, склонные лгать, мошенничать и красть - стараются пролезть в правители. Мне 46, мой дед воевал с нацистами, мы в СССР называли их фашистами, какая-то разница есть, но нам всегда было наплевать. Я знаю были румынские подразделения в составе частей, напавших на нашу страну, но наши воевали не с румынами, как с народом, а с боевыми подразделениями, и народ врагами не считали да и не считаем. Да в общем и немцев с их остеррейхом, или как у них там было, и японцев с их "отрядом 731". У нас всегда, по крайней мере при СССР, разделяли с кем мы враждуем, народ или шайка у власти. И про врагов, внешних, внутренних точно так же утверждали как Вы: они нужны (условно назовём это как "миру капитала") для того, чтобы производить и сбывать оружие. К счастью в Штатах пришёл к власти Трамп и показал, насколько газета "Правда" когда-то была близка к правде (🤣) буквально заставляя европейцев раскошеливаться на расходы в пользу НАТО.
По поводу Василия Архипова: он скорее не "отказался" выпустить торпеду с ядерной боеголовкой, а остановил командира подводной лодки, который собирался это сделать. Он был на лодке не командиром, но старше командира по званию и должности. А прямого приказа от руководства страны у командира подводной лодки не было. Было указание на то, что в случае повреждения подводной лодки в результате обстрелов ("дырка в корпусе", как сказано в википедии) возможно применение.
Этот случай не единичный, в 83м году не запустил ракеты по США советский офицер Станислав Петров, он оценил и сопоставил факторы, предположив ложное срабатывание системы оповещения о старте ракет с территории США, и передал свои сомнения по цепочке командованию. Указывается, что в общем на одном его сообщении "запуск ракет" и не могло быть запущено ответа, т.к. там анализируется куча данных, но тем не менее, считается, что этот человек также спас Планету. К слову одно это (запуск ракет, который может быть осуществлён, лишь в ответ на запуск со стороны США) не является ли одним из доказательств, что СССР лишь оборонялся в "холодной" войне?
Ладно, не будем о грустном. Вам здоровья и долгих лет, пусть они будут не скучными, но не нервозными и безопасными. И Вам и Вашим близким!
Human insanity can be as frightening as spectacular.
I wonder if most of those impact splashes in the Soviet test are falling fish.
Mud from the crater it left at the bottom.
@@N238E Hail stones. Blasting the water up into freezing air does that.
The fish got vaporized homie
@2fathomsdeeper for sure not that
@@MRblazedBEANS Yes it's THAT! It's a little known side effect of waterborne nuclear blasts. They can produce some very large hailstones. Castle Bravo produced 50 to 100 lb hailstones once the mushroom cloud cooled.
Can you make more scale videos. Using empire state buildings and such.
In the "Size comparison" video, I used footage of “Trinity”, “Mike” and “Tsar” explosions because I knew the exact size of the fireball and cloud in the video. In addition, these are the most famous tests. Therefore, I doubt that I will make another similar video. but I'll think of ideas.
I recently watched a video about the theoretical detonation of a nuke at the bottom of the marianas trench and what the result would be on the surface. As it turns out, the result would be pretty much unnoticable. It turns out that 7 miles down the ocean would absorb the blast easily do to the massive pressures at that depth.
All the dead sea life these must have caused, and then other fish would have eaten the remains and passed on a cancerous dominos effect through the chain, people would have ingested some of the fallout over the years.
People lived there. I think the pacific islanders are still trying to sue the US government because so many of them ended up sick or having kids with birth defects. It's still happening today
Crossroads Baker is considered to be the first nuclear disaster.
Nice shots! I wonder how many Documentaries use "Wahoo" footage for "Baker" given it's much better quality.
Depending on the definition of "underwater", one could include "Redwing: Seminole" since it was detonated inside a water tank. Was done due to ground coupling studies though and not an underwater effects test.
Surprised the underwater shots were such low yield. They always looked much larger.
They didn't need to be. Why? Water is much denser than air.
Hydraulic effect, plus seawater vaporized into steam and then condensing at high altitude.
I feel bad for all the sea animals 😞🐳🐬🦭🐟🐠🐡🦈🐙😥
The nuclear tipped anti submarine missile at the end was cool
Ikr way to close underwater atom bomb tests with a bang
In your research did you not find anything about French underwater nuclear tests in Polynesia.
They tested underwater bombs there as recently as 1996
No, these were underground nuclear tests.
@@nukesblog oh ok
And to think these are "only" measured in kilotons...
I believe he meant megaton throughout this video
@@SabethDrake The first two randomly chosen of the bombs listed that I googled were 4.7kt and 20kt respectively according to wikipedia.
@@SabethDrake Hydrogen bombs are the ones measured in MT, but not a single hydrogen bomb was tested under water yet.
You have to imagine all the millions of fish killed from these experiments.
You have to!
goed voor klimate bravo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember the underwater/inside-sub camera shot from Trinity and Beyond, and to this day, I still think that footage is not real and/or staged. The bubbles and inrush of water seem way to sudden. Any why would the camera rock back and forth, assuming it's fixed in position? The frame of reference wouldn't move like that. Perhaps how subs react to atomic weapons may have remained classified, hence why that footage may be staged for a "release.". Just my opinion.
Maybe this class of weapon is fake. B and C weapons are banned, but not A weapons.
I came to the conclusion space is fake, so why wouldn‘t they go through the same effort to fake A weapons.
You’re high
Agreed. If you go frame by frame, it looks like a super phony transition. There is no way that is real.
Thanks for sharing
For some reason i thought there were a lot more than 8 underwater tests! Thanks for the education !
So that's why SpongeBob and friends become mutant
One thing I don’t ever hear anyone mention:
There were images of that in the film footage from the Crossroads Baker test.
4:19 that was only 9 kiltons.
Imagine what 10 > 50 Megatons would’ve been like!
No wonder Godzilla came out of the ocean…holy cow!
Is there any footage of able?
With all the testing over the years, how are we still alive?
We have lived in an unprecedented time of peace, because free nations have prevented a Depraved Communist Soviet Union from putting one of these, on 🫵🏻 head…
One interesting observation can be made from the films itself: American films are rich in color and are clear, Soviet color film shots are very faint (almost black-and-white) and full of traces of dust and other dirt. Quite telling...
If you slow the video down to 1/4 speed, at 1:57 you can stop it frame by frame and see the instantaneous flooding of the target submarine.
Pretty cool, and chilling if you think about how fast a Submariner's life gets snuffed out at those depths.
Im a simple man, I see video of big booms in water, I click.
Thanks so much!
Operation Godzilla.
In Godzilla Minus One, the US government didn't know that Godzilla was there during the Baker test in Operation Crossroads
@@fathan_fachri Maybe, Maybe not. Never suspend suspicion.
Awesome video!
I am researching where to find the copyright owner if this footage so as to be able to gain permission to use it in a documentary film as well as obtain as high a resolution video copy of the film footage as is possible.
Send me a letter on my e-mail. It's in the "about channel" section.
I will send you a preview catalog.
"to test the effects of nuclear weapons..." Let's see- blown up, burned up, or contaminated with radiation. Didn't they learn from Hiroshima and Nagasaki???
All underwater nuclear tests?? Maybe that depends on your interpretation. What about the tests carried out by the French at Moruroa Atoll between 1966 and 1996? They tested in the lagoon and then, after a protest from New Zealand, carried out testing in bore holes under the Atoll.
It's amazing how costly and damaging these are while being so ineffective and inefficient at destroying ships. So wasteful
I really didn't expect a ship half a kilometer away to survive, but it did.
@@malcolmt7883I guess it's because it's only been hit by water, admittedly lots of it, and not a typical nuclear shock wave.
look like tnt explosion up pulling water vapor follow up and fizzle like a soda pop
Were tsunamis not created by these tests?
And we asked ourselves Why the Climate is changing ?
Baker,joe 17 and joe 42 looks very impressive but this one 4:20 is the greatest.
A silence for those living lives in the sea...its not right. Every life has the right to live.
3:38 why is everything in russia a tongue twister in a what now archipelago? say that 3 times fast.
Where did you get that last soviet underwater test footage? Never seen it before.
Scary and fascinating! 👍💣
Surfs up 🌊
They are not even using the big ones (MT) but the "small" ones (KT)
you might be missing the Vela incident as it was probably a underwater nuclear test
No. The satellite reported a double flash, which could be characteristic of an atmospheric nuclear explosion.
Major shouts to the narrator ❤
ka boom happy new year
what u r seing is under all ilands
1:56 To think this was the last sight that has greeted tens of thousands of men who've served on submarines.
How much radiation did those blasts add to the ocean?
*Some animals may have been harmed during the testing in this film*
Yep, including Inocent humans suffering from cancer.
How much wildlife was killed
What about the French underwater tests ?
France conducted only nuclear tests in the atmosphere and underground.
The plural of damage is *damage*
Damages is a legal term only.
Strong men playing with their toys & killing 10s of millions of sea creatures & polluting the oceans.
i'm guessing there's a no swimming zone when these people play with these thing's
And the French atomic tests?
One thing nobody that studies these ever mentions is the effects of underwater explosions on the shorelines of the nearest land. Did they cause tsunamis? If so how large? I can't imagine that that large of explosions didn't affect nearby islands at all. The blast should have pushed a huge bubble of atomic gasses and steam in the area of the blast, and the water collapsing back in should have caused tsunamis for thousands of miles. Maybe small, maybe large, but there should have been an effect. What was it?
It was certainly studied but from what I understand no underwater detonation has ever caused a "tsunami" wave more than trivial height - well within protective range of normal coastal defences. Even the tsar bomb could have only released something like 0.015% the energy of the 2011 Japanese tsunami. The actual explosion might get close to the energy output but the nuclear reaction only sustains it for a millionth of a second. An earthquake releases it for far longer.
It's for this reason Russia's Poseidon torpedo which they claim can totally destroy whole islands (including a direct threat to submerge the UK somehow) is considered to be a joke and bad propaganda meme. Sure, if you set one off in the bay of a port you can cause some serious infrastructure damage, but nowhere near as much damage as an ordinary airburst weapon would cause.
The real horror of underwater nuclear detonations is the radiation. They are extremely dirty bombs and if you are going to detonate them on someone's coastline, it's done purely as a spite weapon, meant to poison the water, kill the local marine life and leave the beaches as a no-man's land. So sorry to the Russians but no, Poseidon would not hit New York with a 200m tidal wave as claimed. But it will be an environmental disaster on an unprecedented scale.
@@CountScarlioni Thank you! Its hard to find that info. Been wondering for a while. I didn't know how much water was displaced by a blast, and what happened when the cleared area refills. I could picture a wave being made though. I can definitely see the radiation being bad. An air burst sends the radiation every way, underwater it has only one place to go.
Always wondered what a big nuke detonated at the bottom of the marianas trench would look like from the surface 💥
Not a ripple would be seen. There is enough pressure down there to contain a nuclear blast.
what about a hydrogen bomb?
@@jclemme1You know this to be fact I take it? Or is this pure guesswork?
Imagine the nuclear contamination poisoning the oceans and seas
Imagine all the cancer in the world...
Ohh... wait...
No mention of the French tests.
France did not conduct underwater tests.
@@nukesblog That would explain it then.
How is this allowed
This happened many years before you existed.
It really is lunacy what we did to our home planet.
An what did we learn
And now we are all eating food containing and drinking this irradiated water.
and people wonder why we find weird creatures swimming around.
How what Word has say
Sea Creatures and Fishes said: what the hell the human are doing here in our water house with these fuckin TNTs or Radioactives 😭😭😭
what about the french test at Mururoa Atoll
My father, Ray A Johnsen was a naval officer on the ship that brought the first bomb to bikini atoll, called Baker, and operstion cross roads, in 1946. He almost didn't get to go, because the FBI found that his wife's aunt, had joined the Communuist party in seattle in 1937. He was outside on the ship, whe it went off 11,000 yards away, and wound up dying of cancer, in 1987. I am now in the process of putting a claim in for his death, under a US Program for sons and daughters of people who died because of those tests. They say I will recieve the 75K, about november of this year. They also said there is a bill in congress to souble that amount. If you think your father or Mother was at those tests, you should look into it....good luck...
ı did not know they compansate officers who got radiation in army.
for asbostos yes.
2:00 No, they were nuking Godzilla
So funny to hear how he pronounces "Tchernaya guba" (wrong)
I can't believe they named it Wahoo
there that black tnt smoke clouds
What about the fishes and another animal 💔
I wish the U.S. didn’t cancel the deep water test...... always was curious about what that woulda looked like....
my great gpa was on the wigwam one crazy they got videos of this shit
So basically,most ships and submarines can survive a nuclear or hydrogen bomb.
Cannot imagine how many fishes came afloat belly up.☹
All wildlife undersea past away. Sadness....
And were only talkin bout kilotons imagine a 40 megaton you can blast my whole country away
Remember no fish was died during this test.
All these tests without any regards to marine life and the environment!
very sad.. they kill innocent fish
Including humans with cancer.
Imagine under water Tsar.
They said they were safe but didnt tell you about the village on an Island 80miles away which was wiped out by slabs of falling whale blubber
We men are wretched creatures
Do you mean megatons? Nuclear weapons are measured in megatons. Older atomic weapons are measured in kilotons
Something that you could never test in real life but that I would LOVE to see is: detonating something like the Tsar Bomba (50 Megatons) out in the Pacific Ocean. Like 2 or 3Km below the surface with several more Km to go to the bottom.
Why??? So killing marine lifes ok....lets test one in your back garden then.....thought not
How old are you?!
@@Brocambro1 thought same... 👍
_Thank you!_
_Very interesting and educational!_ 🇷🇺👍
Fishing with TNT is prohibit.
My species disappoints me.
Was that Godzilla???!
I wonder how many animals died for their test
America and Russia detonated atomic bomb in sea but what about the aquarian species how many fishes turtles shark many were killed by them