She couldn't be too threatening. She's still on You Tube and hasn't complained about fighting to keep her information on You Tube. She must be a gatekeeper of some sort. Or, veil it as fiction.
Thank you! I’m sitting here not trusting ANY of these people because a) I feel once you peel back this onion and realize everything you’ve been taught is a lie, you’re no longer readily trusting anything these “experts” say. And b) I fail to see why government crooks obsessed with keeping power allow these people to go online and blab their secrets. I think this is ALL coordinated and I don’t know who tf to trust besides my damn self. Don’t get me wrong, I really like this woman. It just doesn’t all mesh with me. I still feel like I’m being deceived in some way...
While she's at it, if she can give a message to the CIA to tell politicians to quit blaming our doctors for the opium epidemic (the CIA has caused drug running Afghanistan opium to be processed in Central America and dumped on our population to fund their black ops projects) we in the healthcare community would greatly appreciate it. Now, our doctors are afraid to even order a Vicodin for elderly people in nursing homes who have painful pathological fractures because of this blame game. When the elderly (or anyone) is in severe pain, we have trouble getting them to move. When they won't move, they develop large bed sores that literally eat through their muscle and fat all the way down to their bones where they develop painful infections that lead to sepsis or blood poisoning and they die. That's no way for your grandmother to die! They also get contractures of their muscles and pneumonia when they won't move due to uncontrolled pain. This is your grandparents! Tell the oversight agencies to back off the doctors who treat their pain. There were a few bad apples physicians, but they are long gone. The young people were dropping like flies because fentanyl was being cut into the heroin in the illegal drug trade and fentanyl pills hitting the streets in the illegal drug trade, not pain clinics treating chronic pain patients with conditions you can't even imagine and your elderly grandparents in nursing homes, leave them alone. Tell the oversight agencies to leave our doctors and pain clinics alone, our elderly and other chronic patients are suffering terribly when this was never their fault.
Because it doesn’t really pose a threat? There’s so much other stuff to police anyway I think completely silencing any truth seeking media would be enough to cause a civil war on the elite or until we become as communist as China. Trust only yourself and question everything. :)
The only problem I have with any of you comments is that when you kill an enemy with a sniper rifle, especially one that can pick up the vein on a leaf across a valley, your war gets very personal as you sight for a head shot at 2500 yards. In addition, there are no wars that are fought by gentlemen. As a former combat veteran I can say that war is the stupid and most inhumane way that politicians and leaders have ever come up with to do to other humans. And they've been doing it since time immortal.
Very important, but I do not know why the speaker jumped from the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 to the nineties and to Bin Laden, and thus she jumped from the eighties, where the Marine headquarters in Beirut was bombed in 1983 in which a 240 Marine was killed, which is a huge loss. Then in the same year, the American embassy annex in Beirut was bombed, where the The CIA official was killed in the bombing, in addition to forty others killed, as were the French. Then America sent an official to become head of the CIA, and he was kidnapped and killed? Aren't these events worth remembering? Isn't it terrifying enough? Where is the CIA's ingenuity? Who dares to kill hundreds of Americans in Beirut during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon? It was said that Iran and Hezbollah are responsible for this? Are Iran and Hezbollah more ingenious than the CIA? i don't think so..
Annie (at the end of talk) posed the great question "...was any of this (acts of war) necessary?" Fact is that there is always a reason behind everything. Sometimes the reason is obvious but often not so to the observer. Fact is; the sole purpose of waging aggressive wars is, and always has been, the pillage of the wealth of foreign peoples nations. The blonde lady touched on the answer which has been comprehensively exposed by guy's like John Perkins book "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", Naomi Klein's book, "The Shock Doctrine", Oliver Bullough's book "Money Land", Noreena Hertz book "The Silent Takeover", etc. etc........ There are huge profits to be made out of waging wars and installing corrupt dictators who obligingly hand over his nations assets to the kleptocrates running the brutal Corporatocracy Empire from Washington HQ.
@@GETJUSTICE4U My website is kind of like a great big pile. I'm not sure what to do about that, I would be too much work to organize it but the archives are organized by broadcast date. You can do an 'F' search for Perkins and Klein for instance. I read both those books and the one Perkins wrote after that. These are books that change your life. There's lots more shows that aren't one there. I only started putting them online in 2007.
@@piratetvfstvI see Naomi Klein as a Noam Chomsky on steroids regarding the corporatocracy. But, then she is more specialised. Edit: took a quick look at the site, needs time to digest. Do you have any other media platforms?
@@GETJUSTICE4U I just started a Pirate TV FB page. They are all the same. The Website is the most comprehensive. You can watch them on Free Speech TV, 8pm PST weekdays.
Annie is a wonderful journalist and CIA asset who is in place to show us what we are getting for our money. She has a gift for keeping a positive attitude about activities that are otherwise mighty negative. I sincerely thank you Annie for helping make this medicine go down's a necessity to know these things and try to keep them in context.
METAL HEAD saying that you can label anyone a terrorist is the kind of thing a terrorist would say.... juuuust kidding. Your point is of course spot on
The establishment will always call revolutionary acts as terrorism. Fear is definitely in the tool bag. Look how the Dems are *plausibly* running a right wing warmongering segregationist and all around creep, Joe Biden. This husk of a man is the best they can do in the most important presidential election in our lives, and they concede, because a President Sanders would help primary these fakes out.
I tell ya Annie Jacobsen is one helluva of Journalist. I have seen a number of her talks here on UA-cam and man does she ever get it right. In a world of fluff pop journalism her depth and insights just Rock.. !!! Thank you Annie :)
Except for the fact that she left out the part about Osama bin Laden being a CIA asset named Tim Osman back in the 80's. Being the astute investigative reporter she is, you'd think she would've brought that up in her presentation here.
This makes it very apparent that high authorities were rewarding communism, in fighting with marked targets, living at home and killing people who were as "outsiders", they through it all killed their own people stateside--- onward into the future the civilians in these power countries are being sought after, world population chop down their only ultimate goal
SOG stands for Studies and Observation Group. They were Special Forces troops who conducted reconnaissance "across the fence" in the countries that harbored the NVA. Many of them ended up in Delta Force as original cadre.
Laos and Cambodia didn't exactly "harbor" the NVA, though. It was a bit more complicated, and there were clashes between the national forces and the NVA. The North Vietnamese were determined to maintain the Truong Son trail in the border areas of Laos and Cambodia, with or without the support of the countries' governments. Their leaders certainly knew about it but were at best hesitant to resist the NVA in any meaningful way. Both Laos and Cambodia also had their internal struggles, with different factions vying for power.
She covers such unsettling topics...yet her voice is so supremely relaxing! She's like the voice of Mother, the ship computer in 'Alien', whilst counting down the ship's self-destruct!
She misses the fact that those forty year old “para military” operators started as an 18 year old recruit. They are made through experience and training, not sprung full grown from the head of Zeus.
Edwin Black's War Against the Weak was well known before the book ever hit the bookstores. Not only did it receive a large amount of advance publicity from the publisher and the author, but it had War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create A Master Race already become a cause célèbre among historians of science working in the field of the history of eugenics, many of whom had been contacted by Black during the course of the book's preparation. It was billed as a far-reaching revision of our understanding of eugenics that would “tear away the thickets of mystery surrounding the eugenics movement around the world.” The author's central thesis is that Nazi racial hygiene and its ultimate manifestations in the Holocaust were imported lock, stock and barrel from the USA, and that, indeed, it was US ruling elites who hatched the idea of creating a master Aryan race by selective breeding and then passed it along to the Nazis. More specifically, Black argues that the *Rockefeller Foundation* (RF) and the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW) funded much of the American-based movement, both at home and abroad, and so sat in the driver's seat guiding Nazi racial hygienists along their fateful path. EMBO reports. Governments are now in *LOCKSTEP* with the Rockefeller Foundation's plan for the world, published in May 2010. We are in *LOCKDOWN* as recommended in that plan. !!! THE SPIKE PROTEIN IN COVID VACCINES IS PUTTING YOU AT SERIOUS RISK, ACCORDING TO THE SCIENCE
29:46 Neither of the weapons have magazines. You know its all packaged malarkey for mass consumption from her opening friend scope can see veigns in a leaf and most notable knife story...When you have to be silent."I'm a secret agent , assassin , so secret, that's why I'm showing this rifle and knife that I just so happen to have with me."That's not operational secure.That's "Mall Ninja"
When she was saying the guy was holding his gun wrong that it was "almost like a prop" That would probably be true considering the guy on the right doesn't even have a clip in his gun.
Neither of the weapons have magazines. You know its all packaged malarkey for mass consumption from her opening friend scope can see veigns in a leaf and most notable knife story...When you have to be silent. "I'm a secret agent , assassin , so secret, that's why I'm showing this rifle and knife that I just so happen to have with me." That's not operational secure. That's "Mall Ninja"
Worlds Worst UA-cam Channel I agree it sounds like she was letting a bullshit artist live out his fantasy- or she’s so easily impressed that she doesn’t question the source. In the book “The Man Who Knew: The Story of John P. O’Neill” the subject would openly tell women in cocktail lounges in NYC that he was an FBI agent; even the bartender knew. A couple of his girlfriends in the book recall thinking he was just another guy lying and trying to impress them when he disclosed that at their introduction. The fact of the matter was he WAS INDEED the head of the counterterrorism intelligence task force in NYC!
Okay, I see how this works. 1) You write a rule that says you don't kill. (2) You write another rule that you do kill. (3) You tell the world rule number (1). You follow rule number (2).
President Trump flew into Phoenix. My friend jack was having a picnic and the phone rang and he told his friend that he would probably fly right over as he is an aviation man and is very familiar with winds and certain flight paths and figured he would come in over north Phoenix low enough to wave at heading south. So the nieghbor came over excited to see AF-1. He's a mechanic and pilot...and loves planes. Soon drones began to appear around his house. And he said they made no noise and were large enough to hold real nasty weapons. They watched the picnic for a minute and ran facial recognition And just watched old fat guy with weenies on a grill ...and kids playing about and some rather amazed nieghbors. I'm glad they have that capability. The eagle still has claws. Grandfather was in the law dept of the Pennsy and President Hoover had an unscheduled secret service delay. So they pulled in and secret service handed 38 Smith and Wessons to the law dept whom formed a flying squad around him . All these men were strangers. But Hoover is an old mining engineer and beelined to Gramps to talk . As he is the son of senator Clark who is the only man to build a railroad to his Montana mine. And he did it again in Clarkdale built the rail spur to perkinsville. Which I surveyed 1972-1973 USGS...Gramps was born in St Joseph Mo. Great Grams told me Mr Howard carried Jesse James casket with Bill Bixby in the coffin. I think she said Bixby. She was telling me the whole town was in on it and Jesse James changed his named... Gramps doesn't look like anyone in the a lot of money went out to cover up this and create identities and silence a lot of people. He was a British agent and was in on 4 assassinations and he shot John Wilkes Booth for mouthing off in Texas. History is strange . So I have a picture of Gramps yukking it up with Hoover . They even gave him a pistol and badge and were swearing to shoot each other and handed out badges and laughed . Hoover had his badge on too. What is the connecting force ? How could they pass out badges and guns to strangers....well they were all 32°- 33° Masons.. Whatever is said and done among them is buried deep in the ocean of silence.
Looking forward to the remainder of the lecture. Quick point. Col L. Fletcher Prouty, Air Force liaison for OSS/CIA and, as such, handled ALL air assets for the Agency. He tells of post-war Okinawa being massively stocked with invasion materiel for Honshu Island assault. After surrender those supplies were not needed for Japanese purposes. Prouty, in a casual conversation with Harbormaster asked when the shipments would begin to the States. He was told that half was going to Seoul, and the other to Haiphong. Col Edward Lansdale was in charge of the terror campaign to drive Catholic North Vietnamese to Buddhist South Vietnam with a series of well-placed plastic satchel bombs. Ho Chi Minh was encouraged to war against French at the same time DeGaulle was an ally and compatriot. Treachery at the highest. Lansdale was the on-hand torturer of Yamamoto’s driver to reveal the various stashes of the Yamashita ‘Golden Lilly’ treasure of THOUSANDS OF TONS of bullion and unknown amounts of art and gems. The recovered treasure never made to US Treasury. Instead it funded the ‘black budget’ of Dulles/CIA/Rockefeller/300. Fast forward: Black Eagle Trust Gold Bond Issue details the secret events involving that same vast gold hoard leading up to the hoax of Sept 11, WTC/Pentagon/Carlyle/MI6/CIA/Mossad. Absolutely the key to subsequent events and essential look into the run-up to permanent war/permanent peace/permanent enslavement.
Military Assistance Command..Vietnam...Studies and Observation Group... .....MACV. SOG...MISSY..oh and ..YES its necessary .thing is ..its ment to be no holds barred we have never ending actions ..because of the continuous flow of $$$ to those in it right the 1st time and never worry about them again
She acts like she's the 1st civilian to ever talk about this, the naiveté is Strong in this one... try 70+ years. In the 70's & 80's these guys were Everywhere... :>/ And her continued reference to "gentlemanly war" was outdated after WW2. It's hard to believe she's around my age...unbelievable...
It might not be right but it's legal.We have been doing this before the civil war.Look up the Federal case of Duran vs Holland."There are some people in the absence of legitimate government,are too dangerous to ignore and too guilty to not go unpunished." President James.K.Polk
Not only is she well researched, highly intelligent and trained, but one of the side benefits of listening to interviews by Annie Jacobsen; she's not only fairly easy on the eyes (fairly attractive) but her voice is like an autotuned, soothing ASMR, very pleasing and easy to listen to while still following the conversation. Incredible woman! Great interview. Was fascinating also to hear more tidbits on stuff like what really happened with Che Guavara, Cuba and JFK and so on.
disagree. she leaves out or omits key points. felix rodriguez, who is pictured with Che also tortured and killed DEA agent kiki camarena while running the CIAs mexican drug operation. she mentions kgb poisoning but neglects the CIA poisoner in chief sidney gottlieb. her book is a glossy nytimes whitewash.
A lot of haters in the comment section, I actually think she is very good at staying neutral in her politics while writing, she has done her research well and if she was misconstrued by a source it still makes for a good story
All we will ever really get to know is that they can and will do any and all manner of crimes anywhere they wish to. Oh, and we get to know that there’s nothing we can do about it.
4 роки тому+2
The CIA is an offshoot of the OSS. The OSS is an offshoot of British intelligence, mainly MI5 and 6. Late 1800's the international banking cartel and the city of London really went to work on the the nations of the world to stir things up and consolidate power . They pitted east versus west, communism versus democracy. They littered every country with intelligence organizations that appeared to work for their respective countries, but reality are all controlled by the crown, city of London , banks. They foster competition between each intelligence agency to deceive and control them. Once the bolsheviks took over Russia they invaded invaded almost every country with spies and agents. There were the young Turks, the young French, the young this and that in each country which were communist groups undermining politics in every country, with the backing of wallstreet banks, city of London, the crown and the international banking cartel. NKVD, cheka, KGB , stasi, etc were brought to Europe and the USA after wars 1and 2 and put in the OSS and CIA. American imperialism started after ww2 with the aid of these agents brought in. Some say the CIA is a communist agenda organization. Draw a triangle and put the mossad at the top, CIA and MI6 at the other 2 points and you will have the top 3 agencies that city of London, the crown and the international banking cartel use to promote their agenda. Now you know who James bond works for.
I wanted to tell Jean Falco who the Dulles' worked for up above, but she couldn't even spell their name straight. Wouldn't you say the Dulles' worked for the U.S. Judeo-Christian Right Wing (some people call the JewSA) once the central banks took back control of the U.S. treasury under Wilson and the Catholic Church's bank in the Vatican after WWI? Assuming you know the third Dulles brother was a priest.
Yeah ordered the killing of so many his lips got tired & wore out his voice box. But that could have been fom late diagnosed syphilis or thoat damage from chronic cocaine abuse. But hopefully stopped him from the lame squaking of that saxaphone.
The lady at 47:20 really does not get it, about what war and other actions are really all about. Wars, as well as covert actions, are about the national interest, which are stopping subversion, economics, money, trade, and natural resources. Trade has always been protected by the Admiralty and Navy, and they are connected to the Port Authority. Intelligence has its roots there. It is all about protecting the countries economic interests at home and abroad, and making sure that other nations live up to treaties and agreements made by their governments. Every nation, of any size, has this in place. If the US did not have this, today, it would quickly fall to another nation.
I was listening to Annie as I was falling asleep listening to "Annie Jacobson, 'Surprise, Kill, Vanish'". What I heard was so shocking, that I completely woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I was going to post a comment, but they are turned off and I can imagine why. I have not listened to this video, yet, but I wanted to post my comment here. Now. She said that every President had a code name for the CIA assassins from Kennedy to O'bama, with one exception. Bill Clinton. She said that they came to him with a suggestion to "take someone out", and he wouldn't have any part of it and never wanted anything like that to come up again. BILL CLINTON! Anyone who has done the most minimal research on Clinton has to know he has a "body count" of at least 50 know victims. The most famous being, "The Boys on the Tracks". It was through Annie's work on the book, "Operation Paperclip" that I became familiar with the Nazi relocation scenario here in the U.S. In reading her WIKI bio, and I know not everything posted everywhere is true, but I think I gleaned enough to see red flags about her. Something ain't right with her.
Being 74 years old I had friends that went to Rhodesia to fight the Mau Mau Rebellion after Vietnam, do you know or have anything to say about this time frame?
Yea,that's where everybody ends up doing something,totally unrelated 2 thier former projects,psychological cool off,or personal debrief.Fade out after retirement,S O P. THE WHEEL.
What is a CAT team’s radius of operation? We know that there are snipers who can neutralise targets at distances over two miles. How is it that no Presidents have been so retired early? Has NO ONE ever considered it? (I have no idea who this question is directed at.)
I like how she actually repeated the Russian poisoning propaganda, ‘well they poisoned people in the 1950s and so it must be them because look! They still poison people! Pathetic. The audience seems to be swallowing the regurgitated propaganda as well. Anyone who doesn’t realize that there is a war happening right under their noses is not paying attention. This is not just about a virus.
Wish she hadn’t concentrated so much on Waugh. He has a great part of the history, but there is already a full biography of him out since 2003. It would have been interesting to hear from some of Reagan era Central America guys, and some of the guys from the GWOT.
Well there was that little thing called WWII. It was in all the papers for a while, but maybe you missed it, or you were out that day, they talked about it. WWI too, if I'm gonna be Picky
@@Masterhughesproductions Now it can be told, I tell people if you have integrity the government is not the place to be, your conscience could kill you.
Also IDF, Mossad, Delta Force, DEVGRU, GRU, NKVD, SPETSNAZ, as well as a high ranking officer in the Girl Scouts, Special Assassination Squad. Yep, your Super Secret Squirrel Analysis is Spot On
So funny. The U.S. trains and/or supplies random folks with weapons and funding, and later the U.S. gets attacked with their own weapons or decides to have a war with them.
War is a all out destroy 1. The enemy forces, including C3, 2. The enemy peoples will to fight war, 3. The enemy's capability to fight war. The quicker it is over the better. Get a clue ,option 2 is when diplomacy fails. Option 3 is to preclude option 2. Simple facts.
Went through Eugene Or 1979 on an 8000 mile bicycle tour. I stayed at Mike Conners house . He was a waiter and was watching the stranger on the back porch disassemble and grease the crank. He was so amazed at how I did it he learned how and when I came back through a year later had a used bike shop just south of the tracks and river road. Then he got a real bike shop in the bus mall and he and Aleeta ran it forever and lived happily ever after. That's how things go in Eugene. Very unique city
I'd like some info on the pic at the 30 minute mark, if looks like neither of the men have magazines in their rifles and are carrying cordless tools too, what's going on there?
You think you’re importantly asking the question of necessity Annie? For humanity’s sake, woman, where is your own moral outrage that such preemptive killing is only in defence of a bully nation’s economic imperialism?!
On that Afghan Face photo, what's that thing under the American's rifle that he's holding with his off hand? It almost looks like a cordless power tool.
The man in the rear has a reciprocating saw. The man in the foreground is holding an angle grinder. I would think they are being used as breaching tools.
"I will shatter the CIA into a million pieces and scatter it to the wind"--- JFK RIP Sir!
@MÅGÅ TÊÅRS ARË HÜMÅÑ NÏRVÃNÃ the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers told the CIA to take him out.
Wish to God he had done it...I was in Special Ops in Vietnam; we answered to Air America.
Also nobody ever talks about when he fired the head of the CIA he just so happened to be the head of the investigation of Kennedy's assassination
The woman in the video is a CIA agent!!!!! The host shouldnt trust her and what she sais.
@James Woolley thank God Almighty David Rockefeller is where he needs to be!!!! The world is free from one satanist!!
I mean good gosh, her voice and a glass of wine will set the mood ☺️
i was just thinking that i couldn't watch this BECAUSE of her voice. I find it irritating
I find it exhilarating
@@threatassessment606 I'm not alone LOL! She could whisper in my ear any time 😂
It's amazing how different human beings are, I found it annoying.
Her voice doesn’t match the content she’s speaking of. My head gets confused. 🤪
incredible work!!...but I must say this: FINALLY!!!! A woman's voice I can actually enjoy listening to.
She couldn't be too threatening. She's still on You Tube and hasn't complained about fighting to keep her information on You Tube. She must be a gatekeeper of some sort. Or, veil it as fiction.
Common sense isn't dead apparently. Insightful, underrated comment
Thank you! I’m sitting here not trusting ANY of these people because a) I feel once you peel back this onion and realize everything you’ve been taught is a lie, you’re no longer readily trusting anything these “experts” say. And b) I fail to see why government crooks obsessed with keeping power allow these people to go online and blab their secrets. I think this is ALL coordinated and I don’t know who tf to trust besides my damn self. Don’t get me wrong, I really like this woman. It just doesn’t all mesh with me. I still feel like I’m being deceived in some way...
While she's at it, if she can give a message to the CIA to tell politicians to quit blaming our doctors for the opium epidemic (the CIA has caused drug running Afghanistan opium to be processed in Central America and dumped on our population to fund their black ops projects) we in the healthcare community would greatly appreciate it. Now, our doctors are afraid to even order a Vicodin for elderly people in nursing homes who have painful pathological fractures because of this blame game. When the elderly (or anyone) is in severe pain, we have trouble getting them to move. When they won't move, they develop large bed sores that literally eat through their muscle and fat all the way down to their bones where they develop painful infections that lead to sepsis or blood poisoning and they die. That's no way for your grandmother to die! They also get contractures of their muscles and pneumonia when they won't move due to uncontrolled pain. This is your grandparents! Tell the oversight agencies to back off the doctors who treat their pain. There were a few bad apples physicians, but they are long gone. The young people were dropping like flies because fentanyl was being cut into the heroin in the illegal drug trade and fentanyl pills hitting the streets in the illegal drug trade, not pain clinics treating chronic pain patients with conditions you can't even imagine and your elderly grandparents in nursing homes, leave them alone. Tell the oversight agencies to leave our doctors and pain clinics alone, our elderly and other chronic patients are suffering terribly when this was never their fault.
Because it doesn’t really pose a threat? There’s so much other stuff to police anyway I think completely silencing any truth seeking media would be enough to cause a civil war on the elite or until we become as communist as China. Trust only yourself and question everything. :)
Fruit for thought Anne Teller, Julian Assange is persecuted and she is not?
Her voice surprises,gets you relaxed 😌 then she kills with that 🖊 pen. Then she vanishes.
Annie jacobsen should do her own podcast. Its amazing. And amazing woman.
The only problem I have with any of you comments is that when you kill an enemy with a sniper rifle, especially one that can pick up the vein on a leaf across a valley, your war gets very personal as you sight for a head shot at 2500 yards. In addition, there are no wars that are fought by gentlemen. As a former combat veteran I can say that war is the stupid and most inhumane way that politicians and leaders have ever come up with to do to other humans. And they've been doing it since time immortal.
@Aleksa Kole that's exactly what it is, a failure of our "leaders " to reach common ground. They should be held accountable for their failures
Should there be a push to not enlist in the military?
Your an idiot.
Annie is one of the most fascinating journalists I have ever listened to. 💥🙏
Very important, but I do not know why the speaker jumped from the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 to the nineties and to Bin Laden, and thus she jumped from the eighties, where the Marine headquarters in Beirut was bombed in 1983 in which a 240 Marine was killed, which is a huge loss. Then in the same year, the American embassy annex in Beirut was bombed, where the The CIA official was killed in the bombing, in addition to forty others killed, as were the French. Then America sent an official to become head of the CIA, and he was kidnapped and killed? Aren't these events worth remembering? Isn't it terrifying enough? Where is the CIA's ingenuity? Who dares to kill hundreds of Americans in Beirut during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon? It was said that Iran and Hezbollah are responsible for this? Are Iran and Hezbollah more ingenious than the CIA? i don't think so..
That is when she probably was a CIA operator herself. And she has chosen not to talk about this. Yet....
You are so easy to listen to. An hour flies by and I'm left wanting to hear more. Just discovered you and I'm hooked!
Annie (at the end of talk) posed the great question "...was any of this (acts of war) necessary?"
Fact is that there is always a reason behind everything. Sometimes the reason is obvious but often not so to the observer.
Fact is; the sole purpose of waging aggressive wars is, and always has been, the pillage of the wealth of foreign peoples nations. The blonde lady touched on the answer which has been comprehensively exposed by guy's like John Perkins book "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", Naomi Klein's book, "The Shock Doctrine", Oliver Bullough's book "Money Land", Noreena Hertz book "The Silent Takeover", etc. etc........
There are huge profits to be made out of waging wars and installing corrupt dictators who obligingly hand over his nations assets to the kleptocrates running the brutal Corporatocracy Empire from Washington HQ.
Right on. Had several of these on many times. Check out for a more extensive history.
@@piratetvfstv Many thanks, will do.
@@GETJUSTICE4U My website is kind of like a great big pile. I'm not sure what to do about that, I would be too much work to organize it but the archives are organized by broadcast date. You can do an 'F' search for Perkins and Klein for instance. I read both those books and the one Perkins wrote after that. These are books that change your life. There's lots more shows that aren't one there. I only started putting them online in 2007.
@@piratetvfstvI see Naomi Klein as a Noam Chomsky on steroids regarding the corporatocracy.
But, then she is more specialised.
Edit: took a quick look at the site, needs time to digest. Do you have any other media platforms?
@@GETJUSTICE4U I just started a Pirate TV FB page. They are all the same. The Website is the most comprehensive. You can watch them on Free Speech TV, 8pm PST weekdays.
Annie is a wonderful journalist and CIA asset who is in place to show us what we are getting for our money. She has a gift for keeping a positive attitude about activities that are otherwise mighty negative. I sincerely thank you Annie for helping make this medicine go down's a necessity to know these things and try to keep them in context.
War on terror lol you can label anyone a terriost ANYONE
METAL HEAD saying that you can label anyone a terrorist is the kind of thing a terrorist would say.... juuuust kidding. Your point is of course spot on
That’s exactly what the gooberment does--to anyone who disagrees with them
yeah like someone that has a different idea on how to manage their own natural resources
The establishment will always call revolutionary acts as terrorism. Fear is definitely in the tool bag. Look how the Dems are *plausibly* running a right wing warmongering segregationist and all around creep, Joe Biden. This husk of a man is the best they can do in the most important presidential election in our lives, and they concede, because a President Sanders would help primary these fakes out.
@@paulmccarter908 Status Quo Joe to rescue the oligarchy from Bernie's revolution!
"The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America's Secret Government" by David Talbot
Amazing book
what does the Constitution say about intelligence agencies?
@@lennylobstar2692 Type your question into your web browser's search line.
@@lennylobstar2692 Nothing. Like most everything else was either created by the executive or legislative branches.
Better not tell zTRUMP
I tell ya Annie Jacobsen is one helluva of Journalist. I have seen a number of her talks here on UA-cam and man does she ever get it right. In a world of fluff pop journalism her depth and insights just Rock.. !!! Thank you Annie :)
Except for the fact that she left out the part about Osama bin Laden being a CIA asset named Tim Osman back in the 80's.
Being the astute investigative reporter she is, you'd think she would've brought that up in her presentation here.
Vietnam: let's send some 18 year olds to go fight the guerilla assassins we trained. Should be fine
Just one thing John, are you sure you didn't mean Afghanistan?
This makes it very apparent that high authorities were rewarding communism, in fighting with marked targets, living at home and killing people who were as "outsiders", they through it all killed their own people stateside--- onward into the future the civilians in these power countries are being sought after, world population chop down their only ultimate goal
That's why it's always been called the infant-ry. They use infants as cannon fodder.
Ed Mays
Could be any war US is or has been involved in since the Vietnam war. Always create the enemy first then ...
Read The Secret Team by L Fletcher Prouty. You’ll get these same facts by someone who helped run it.
SOG stands for Studies and Observation Group. They were Special Forces troops who conducted reconnaissance "across the fence" in the countries that harbored the NVA. Many of them ended up in Delta Force as original cadre.
Correct. It first stood for Special Operations Group but the name was soon after changed to make SOG appear less interesting for journalists.
Laos and Cambodia didn't exactly "harbor" the NVA, though. It was a bit more complicated, and there were clashes between the national forces and the NVA. The North Vietnamese were determined to maintain the Truong Son trail in the border areas of Laos and Cambodia, with or without the support of the countries' governments. Their leaders certainly knew about it but were at best hesitant to resist the NVA in any meaningful way. Both Laos and Cambodia also had their internal struggles, with different factions vying for power.
The team that's pictured and said to have only two left makes ya wonder how many were killed because they knew to much ?
She covers such unsettling topics...yet her voice is so supremely relaxing! She's like the voice of Mother, the ship computer in 'Alien', whilst counting down the ship's self-destruct!
She's got a hot kind of sexy voice, very feminine yet very relaxing.
remember..1. .the mermaids were also trying to lure Odysseus ashore to run his ship into the rocks....2. A woman can never serve 2 Masters
I don't trust her.
She misses the fact that those forty year old “para military” operators started as an 18 year old recruit. They are made through experience and training, not sprung full grown from the head of Zeus.
yeah im sure she is unaware of that complex notion....
Head of Zeus!? 😂 Never heard that saying before. Actually a pretty good description. 😅
@@sandurfen5498 She’s the one that said it. Not me.
You mean Athena?
Everyones gangsta until the CIA come knocking at the front door.
Just telling their truths. Criminals aren't popular among most people.
What was the Freudian slip at 21:26? (and then the momentary fluster in the form of a stand bump)
But seriously, why was the 70’s/90’s Freudian?
Edwin Black's War Against the Weak was well known before the book ever hit the bookstores. Not only did it receive a large amount of advance publicity from the publisher and the author, but it had War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create A Master Race
already become a cause célèbre among historians of science working in the field of the history of eugenics, many of whom had been contacted by Black during the course of the book's preparation. It was billed as a far-reaching revision of our understanding of eugenics that would “tear away the thickets of mystery surrounding the eugenics movement around the world.” The author's central thesis is that Nazi racial hygiene and its ultimate manifestations in the Holocaust were imported lock, stock and barrel from the USA, and that, indeed, it was US ruling elites who hatched the idea of creating a master Aryan race by selective breeding and then passed it along to the Nazis. More specifically, Black argues that the *Rockefeller Foundation* (RF) and the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW) funded much of the American-based movement, both at home and abroad, and so sat in the driver's seat guiding Nazi racial hygienists along their fateful path. EMBO reports.
Governments are now in *LOCKSTEP* with the Rockefeller Foundation's plan for the world, published in May 2010. We are in *LOCKDOWN* as recommended in that plan. !!!
Did she mention that she has written a book?
that's pretty funny
certainly hawking one ....
The CIA is the modern-day equivalent of the Roman praetorian guard😎
CIA whistleblower John Stockwell wrote a book called that: The Praetorian Guard: The U.S. Role in the New World Order
Exactly. Keyword: Roman 😉
Great watch, listen and wotta treat at the end there...was not expectin' that. Cheers!
Neither of the weapons have magazines.
You know its all packaged malarkey for mass consumption from her opening friend scope can see veigns in a leaf and most notable knife story...When you have to be silent."I'm a secret agent , assassin , so secret, that's why I'm showing this rifle and knife that I just so happen to have with me."That's not operational secure.That's "Mall Ninja"
Wounder why he was holding the cordless grinder? Other dude had a sawzall
Breach... Breach ...Breach
Frank Dux? lol
RIP Billy Waugh!
When she was saying the guy was holding his gun wrong that it was "almost like a prop" That would probably be true considering the guy on the right doesn't even have a clip in his gun.
Neither of the weapons have magazines.
You know its all packaged malarkey for mass consumption from her opening friend scope can see veigns in a leaf and most notable knife story...When you have to be silent.
"I'm a secret agent , assassin , so secret, that's why I'm showing this rifle and knife that I just so happen to have with me."
That's not operational secure.
That's "Mall Ninja"
Worlds Worst UA-cam Channel I agree it sounds like she was letting a bullshit artist live out his fantasy- or she’s so easily impressed that she doesn’t question the source. In the book “The Man Who Knew: The Story of John P. O’Neill” the subject would openly tell women in cocktail lounges in NYC that he was an FBI agent; even the bartender knew. A couple of his girlfriends in the book recall thinking he was just another guy lying and trying to impress them when he disclosed that at their introduction. The fact of the matter was he WAS INDEED the head of the counterterrorism intelligence task force in NYC!
Okay, I see how this works. 1) You write a rule that says you don't kill. (2) You write another rule that you do kill. (3) You tell the world rule number (1). You follow rule number (2).
Only the US follows these rules. China and Russia follow the rule of humanity. LMAO
Love her work.
President Trump flew into Phoenix. My friend jack was having a picnic and the phone rang and he told his friend that he would probably fly right over as he is an aviation man and is very familiar with winds and certain flight paths and figured he would come in over north Phoenix low enough to wave at heading south. So the nieghbor came over excited to see AF-1. He's a mechanic and pilot...and loves planes. Soon drones began to appear around his house. And he said they made no noise and were large enough to hold real nasty weapons. They watched the picnic for a minute and ran facial recognition And just watched old fat guy with weenies on a grill ...and kids playing about and some rather amazed nieghbors. I'm glad they have that capability. The eagle still has claws. Grandfather was in the law dept of the Pennsy and President Hoover had an unscheduled secret service delay. So they pulled in and secret service handed 38 Smith and Wessons to the law dept whom formed a flying squad around him . All these men were strangers. But Hoover is an old mining engineer and beelined to Gramps to talk . As he is the son of senator Clark who is the only man to build a railroad to his Montana mine. And he did it again in Clarkdale built the rail spur to perkinsville. Which I surveyed 1972-1973 USGS...Gramps was born in St Joseph Mo. Great Grams told me Mr Howard carried Jesse James casket with Bill Bixby in the coffin. I think she said Bixby. She was telling me the whole town was in on it and Jesse James changed his named... Gramps doesn't look like anyone in the a lot of money went out to cover up this and create identities and silence a lot of people. He was a British agent and was in on 4 assassinations and he shot John Wilkes Booth for mouthing off in Texas. History is strange . So I have a picture of Gramps yukking it up with Hoover . They even gave him a pistol and badge and were swearing to shoot each other and handed out badges and laughed . Hoover had his badge on too. What is the connecting force ? How could they pass out badges and guns to strangers....well they were all 32°- 33° Masons.. Whatever is said and done among them is buried deep in the ocean of silence.
whatever decision, remember the ripple effect.
Can you do Secret history of the UN next?
The Ford/Rumsfield/Cheney photo is sickening.
And yet we’re told that 9/11 was NOT an inside job, conducted, in part, by Cheney and Rumsfeld.
13:40. SOG stands for Studies and Observations Group.
Yet when citizens are treated fairly and respectively people dont come up with such plots
Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag... come on, Anne!!
Jim Morrison s father was the creator of same said document..........
Doesn't matter. it was just a reference
Like Annie Jacobsen for sure knows the Gulf of Tonkin was a psych op, dude she's probably been on the alien ship they were really there to destroy
Looking forward to the remainder of the lecture.
Quick point. Col L. Fletcher Prouty, Air Force liaison for OSS/CIA and, as such, handled ALL air assets for the Agency. He tells of post-war Okinawa being massively stocked with invasion materiel for Honshu Island assault. After surrender those supplies were not needed for Japanese purposes. Prouty, in a casual conversation with Harbormaster asked when the shipments would begin to the States. He was told that half was going to Seoul, and the other to Haiphong. Col Edward Lansdale was in charge of the terror campaign to drive Catholic North Vietnamese to Buddhist South Vietnam with a series of well-placed plastic satchel bombs. Ho Chi Minh was encouraged to war against French at the same time DeGaulle was an ally and compatriot. Treachery at the highest.
Lansdale was the on-hand torturer of Yamamoto’s driver to reveal the various stashes of the Yamashita ‘Golden Lilly’ treasure of THOUSANDS OF TONS of bullion and unknown amounts of art and gems. The recovered treasure never made to US Treasury. Instead it funded the ‘black budget’ of Dulles/CIA/Rockefeller/300.
Fast forward: Black Eagle Trust Gold Bond Issue details the secret events involving that same vast gold hoard leading up to the hoax of Sept 11, WTC/Pentagon/Carlyle/MI6/CIA/Mossad. Absolutely the key to subsequent events and essential look into the run-up to permanent war/permanent peace/permanent enslavement.
I'm impressed, got your ducks in a row. Korea went really about the same way but was more obfuscated.
Military Assistance Command..Vietnam...Studies and Observation Group...
.....MACV. SOG...MISSY..oh and ..YES its necessary .thing is ..its ment to be no holds barred we have never ending actions ..because of the continuous flow of $$$ to those in it right the 1st time and never worry about them again
She acts like she's the 1st civilian to ever talk about this, the naiveté is Strong in this one... try 70+ years. In the 70's & 80's these guys were Everywhere... :>/
And her continued reference to "gentlemanly war" was outdated after WW2. It's hard to believe she's around my age...unbelievable...
Ya, but she saw a vein on a tree leif using a special weapon !!! 😂😂😂😂
SHIKSA, ,,,, Not,,, 👥👤
@George ONeal never forget Michael Hastings and Gary Webb.
From the thumbnail I thought she was sitting at a piano, and this was gonna be a CIA sing-a-long
Talk to your member of congress and vote no for them if they vote no on blocking such executive orders. Now I am a target right?
Darrell Conwell If any of our votes counted then maybe you’d be a target
It might not be right but it's legal.We have been doing this before the civil war.Look up the Federal case of Duran vs Holland."There are some people in the absence of legitimate government,are too dangerous to ignore and too guilty to not go unpunished."
President James.K.Polk
Not only is she well researched, highly intelligent and trained, but one of the side benefits of listening to interviews by Annie Jacobsen; she's not only fairly easy on the eyes (fairly attractive) but her voice is like an autotuned, soothing ASMR, very pleasing and easy to listen to while still following the conversation. Incredible woman! Great interview. Was fascinating also to hear more tidbits on stuff like what really happened with Che Guavara, Cuba and JFK and so on.
disagree. she leaves out or omits key points. felix rodriguez, who is pictured with Che also tortured and killed DEA agent kiki camarena while running the CIAs mexican drug operation. she mentions kgb poisoning but neglects the CIA poisoner in chief sidney gottlieb. her book is a glossy nytimes whitewash.
I could listen to her read the phone book.
She does have a fantastic voice
Eh, fumble 'er bawty n bits
Nasaly and whiny.
She narrates her own books.
Like Roz in Frasier
Great presentation. Glad I found this video.
A lot of haters in the comment section, I actually think she is very good at staying neutral in her politics while writing, she has done her research well and if she was misconstrued by a source it still makes for a good story
Annie Jacobsen, great work, very impressive. Thank you for sharing.
All we will ever really get to know is that they can and will do any and all manner of crimes anywhere they wish to. Oh, and we get to know that there’s nothing we can do about it.
The CIA is an offshoot of the OSS. The OSS is an offshoot of British intelligence, mainly MI5 and 6.
Late 1800's the international banking cartel and the city of London really went to work on the the nations of the world to stir things up and consolidate power .
They pitted east versus west, communism versus democracy. They littered every country with intelligence organizations that appeared to work for their respective countries, but reality are all controlled by the crown, city of London , banks.
They foster competition between each intelligence agency to deceive and control them.
Once the bolsheviks took over Russia they invaded invaded almost every country with spies and agents. There were the young Turks, the young French, the young this and that in each country which were communist groups undermining politics in every country, with the backing of wallstreet banks, city of London, the crown and the international banking cartel. NKVD, cheka, KGB , stasi, etc were brought to Europe and the USA after wars 1and 2 and put in the OSS and CIA. American imperialism started after ww2 with the aid of these agents brought in. Some say the CIA is a communist agenda organization.
Draw a triangle and put the mossad at the top, CIA and MI6 at the other 2 points and you will have the top 3 agencies that city of London, the crown and the international banking cartel use to promote their agenda. Now you know who James bond works for.
I wanted to tell Jean Falco who the Dulles' worked for up above, but she couldn't even spell their name straight. Wouldn't you say the Dulles' worked for the U.S. Judeo-Christian Right Wing (some people call the JewSA) once the central banks took back control of the U.S. treasury under Wilson and the Catholic Church's bank in the Vatican after WWI? Assuming you know the third Dulles brother was a priest.
Annie gives great presentations.
Taking down 7 countries in 5 years even recently asked on the Floor of Congress , Washington DC.
Well done, Ms. Jacobsen.
I can see why Bill Clinton wouldn't have any need for such an organization .
"Targeted Killings" are the Clintons' forte.
Mena Arkansas
@@pieluvr7362 Don't know what you drink but, this one's on me friend. Cheers!
Yeah ordered the killing of so many his lips got tired & wore out his voice box.
But that could have been fom late diagnosed syphilis or thoat damage from chronic cocaine abuse. But hopefully stopped him from the lame squaking of that saxaphone.
Of course!Clinton was getting his willie wet in the Oval Office 😂😂
Gate keeper talking bs
SOG - I thought it was Study and Observation Group.
The lady at 47:20 really does not get it, about what war and other actions are really all about. Wars, as well as covert actions, are about the national interest, which are stopping subversion, economics, money, trade, and natural resources. Trade has always been protected by the Admiralty and Navy, and they are connected to the Port Authority. Intelligence has its roots there.
It is all about protecting the countries economic interests at home and abroad, and making sure that other nations live up to treaties and agreements made by their governments. Every nation, of any size, has this in place. If the US did not have this, today, it would quickly fall to another nation.
I was listening to Annie as I was falling asleep listening to "Annie Jacobson, 'Surprise, Kill, Vanish'". What I heard was so shocking, that I completely woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.
I was going to post a comment, but they are turned off and I can imagine why. I have not listened to this video, yet, but I wanted to post my comment here. Now.
She said that every President had a code name for the CIA assassins from Kennedy to O'bama, with one exception. Bill Clinton. She said that they came to him with a suggestion to "take someone out", and he wouldn't have any part of it and never wanted anything like that to come up again. BILL CLINTON! Anyone who has done the most minimal research on Clinton has to know he has a "body count" of at least 50 know victims. The most famous being, "The Boys on the Tracks". It was through Annie's work on the book, "Operation Paperclip" that I became familiar with the Nazi relocation scenario here in the U.S. In reading her WIKI bio, and I know not everything posted everywhere is true, but I think I gleaned enough to see red flags about her. Something ain't right with her.
Being 74 years old I had friends that went to Rhodesia to fight the Mau Mau Rebellion after Vietnam, do you know or have anything to say about this time frame?
This is John O. Brennan she's talking about here !!!! While he's one of the modern day culprits, he's still part of the machine.
I Was Number 1000 To Like!
How old are you??
@@renesonse5794 We all need our little victories, don't be a dark cloud on a sunny day.
@@samsmom400 If you consider that a sunny day, you need to get out more.
@@renesonse5794 you’re just a little ray of sunshine ...
Great book. Operation paperclip was also wild. She is an excellent writer. Looking forward to the next one. Keep up the awesome work.
I think she mean Studies and Observations Group not Operations Group
great channel! Great videos!
Some disturbing facts about Nobel prize winner.
at least the guy on the guitar is pretty good
She should write a book...
I'd love to see Annie and Cathy O'Brian give a speech together.
That would be amazing
Fucking post office , lmao...
Yea,that's where everybody ends up doing something,totally unrelated 2 thier former projects,psychological cool off,or personal debrief.Fade out after retirement,S O P. THE WHEEL.
What is a CAT team’s radius of operation? We know that there are snipers who can neutralise targets at distances over two miles. How is it that no Presidents have been so retired early? Has NO ONE ever considered it? (I have no idea who this question is directed at.)
Rumour has it her friend worked in a Home supply store.
As a targeted individual I can see how alot of this is to take us to a different truth..
wym targeted
Her information is what she was given access . Who were her gatekeepers and why was she was given access to it?
@cyndy t Are you saying, she deliberately ignored that point? If so, why?
Why is the audience laughing. Maybe they should study the Phoenix Project.
Was this lady born yesterday?
What term is used these days for double-speak?
Prez Dimbulb
Its called "being a president"😂
Project Mockingbird
I would buy tickets for her 'project mockingbird' comedy special.
I like how she actually repeated the Russian poisoning propaganda, ‘well they poisoned people in the 1950s and so it must be them because look! They still poison people! Pathetic. The audience seems to be swallowing the regurgitated propaganda as well.
Anyone who doesn’t realize that there is a war happening right under their noses is not paying attention. This is not just about a virus.
What does this mean ?
Wish she hadn’t concentrated so much on Waugh. He has a great part of the history, but there is already a full biography of him out since 2003. It would have been interesting to hear from some of Reagan era Central America guys, and some of the guys from the GWOT.
"Reagan wouldn't let us do what we wanted to do." - from a former CIA guy.
She never mentions the connection with D.S....very suspicious.
@@sanctifyme4543 “You’ll find no more wretched hive of scum and villainy in the entire galaxy” like the Department of State.
After all this killings, have we ever won a war, except the one with England?
Well there was that little thing called WWII. It was in all the papers for a while, but maybe you missed it, or you were out that day, they talked about it.
WWI too, if I'm gonna be Picky
how about she tell's you things that anybody can look up
@Kevin Tewey how about you dont know who your talking to, wise guy ,ive seen more that that little girl has. and i didnt read about it.
@@Masterhughesproductions Now it can be told, I tell people if you have integrity the government is not the place to be, your conscience could kill you.
@@mattja52 your 110 percent right in fact having a conscience and working in the government may get you shot anyway.
Her body language tells she is 100% military. Most likely very high rank.
Also IDF, Mossad, Delta Force, DEVGRU, GRU, NKVD, SPETSNAZ, as well as a high ranking officer in the Girl Scouts, Special Assassination Squad.
Yep, your Super Secret Squirrel Analysis is Spot On
I am not sure, but I think, I think, Mrs Annie, you know much better!!!
She feels the same way about you
So funny. The U.S. trains and/or supplies random folks with weapons and funding, and later the U.S. gets attacked with their own weapons or decides to have a war with them.
War is a all out destroy 1. The enemy forces, including C3, 2. The enemy peoples will to fight war, 3. The enemy's capability to fight war.
The quicker it is over the better.
Get a clue ,option 2 is when diplomacy fails.
Option 3 is to preclude option 2.
Simple facts.
My son went to Iraq I respect him he was just a puppet Patriot!
25:30 MARSOC was not around until 2006.
Went through Eugene Or 1979 on an 8000 mile bicycle tour. I stayed at Mike Conners house . He was a waiter and was watching the stranger on the back porch disassemble and grease the crank. He was so amazed at how I did it he learned how and when I came back through a year later had a used bike shop just south of the tracks and river road. Then he got a real bike shop in the bus mall and he and Aleeta ran it forever and lived happily ever after. That's how things go in Eugene. Very unique city
Nice song for the close. Not an easy situation Hopefully we will start operating from the position of Love instead of fear.
All these acronyms are getting out of hand
I'd like some info on the pic at the 30 minute mark, if looks like neither of the men have magazines in their rifles and are carrying cordless tools too, what's going on there?
Shes in the CIA.
You think you’re importantly asking the question of necessity Annie? For humanity’s sake, woman, where is your own moral outrage that such preemptive killing is only in defence of a bully nation’s economic imperialism?!
This is all public relation's for the CIA.
In 1998 I met a man in Panajel Guatemala who used the name Larry Rose. He drank a lot. Then he talked about his real name. E Howard Hunt.
whos that??
@@stella-vu8vh a famous CIA agent that was involved in the Kennedy assassination and over saw the Watergate breakin.
On that Afghan Face photo, what's that thing under the American's rifle that he's holding with his off hand? It almost looks like a cordless power tool.
The man in the rear has a reciprocating saw. The man in the foreground is holding an angle grinder. I would think they are being used as breaching tools.
@@josephgioielli Thanks. I saw the reciprocating saw on the afghan, but the angle grinder looked different than the ones I'm used to. I see it now.
Leon panetta would never be not allowed to work for the CIA
She's describing Bill Paxton's character in 'True Lies'😆 She got bamboozled
In a perfect America Mike Rowe would be president, and Annie Jacobsen would be his Press Secretary, or given liberal access to his time.
Anyone who suggests that war is a gentleman’s game is out of their fucking mind