She's such a good girl. Very brave and strong; very loving you can tell she'll be. She didn't yell or throw a fit because she didn't have a mom or a mom replacement to hold onto nor did she fus over not having a nipple close by. Either one of these make most baby long tails freak the fuck out, especially when they find themselves with a "human", no monkeys, in a new home and without their mother. All she did was lipsmack or the equivalent of asking you to be friendly with her and requesting nourishment and protection there through her request to be friendly. "Please be my friend I have none anymore" was exactly what this sweet little girl was asking you in a time of great despair for her. How can you antagonize her and ignore her please for help and compassion? I know she's cute when she runs around, but knowing she's hurt and scared should have way overshadowed any pleasure or amusement you got from her cute waddle. She needs a monkey mother and you obviously aren't going to be that type of owner for her which really sucks and is exactly why human beings should NEVER own monkeys. You don't understand their needs because you're a selfish, egotistical, species-centric, narcissistic, clout-chasing, pretentious, pathetic, broken human being and not a fucking monkey. This poor, exceptional, sweet girl is doomed for as long as you keep her and probably worse when you inevitably give her up which you absolutely will as soon as it gets "too hard" you weak, unreliable shitpile.
If the monkey felt comfortable, safe and protected with you, she wouldn't run. She would be jumping with joy that you are there. Baby monkeys are not hard to figure out. Baby monkeys run and hide from the things and people they are afraid of. And they are most likely afraid because that person has ROUTINELY hurt and abused them. If she were in a cage, she would be pushed into a corner trying to make herself invisible. But out in the house, she will try and run to safety. No one believes this is a game. Not for the monkey. And I imagine whatever you are doing that we can here in the background, just adds to her panic. And that is what you intended.
I could not stop crying this was so cruel and uncalled for to torment this innocent little baby.It makes me wish I could stand up to its tormenter and see how badass they would be then..All of you that buys and sells these baby monks are sick..The fear and uncertainty in her little eyes is heart breaking and all she knew how to do was run and lip smack at her abuser..All I want to say is whoever did this and posted it to social media "SHAME ON YOU" karma has away of coming back and biting ppl like you in the arse and one day when you are least expecting it you will get yours..
That monkey is genuinely terrified, this person is clearly tormenting it, who knows what goes on when the camera is off. You don't need to be a scientist to understand its body language and behaviour.
Could you people who cares about this little one, place a video in which you are caressing the little one instead of frightening. This little one deserves love and caring!
he does about.this animal EXCEPT to make sure he can earn the maximum money out of their misery Monkeys are not his pets -- they are his props
Cuz the pos is abusive to that monkey. Its alone, so naturally they cling to someone ...other animal...humans. this monkey chose nothing. Hes abusive as hell to that baby
I don't think this baby monkey is yours either. I can't see you dressing her in cute pink frilly clothes and either you have been very mean to her or abused the hell out of her and that is why she runs from you...she looks so scared so you were either doing something mean to scare her right now.. either you're wearing something on you that is making you look scary to her or you're making mean faces that are frightening her but you certainly aren't reassuring her at any point and you sure are not helping her
Gina Powell yeah I wish we could get people to realize that for proper emotional development, baby monkeys require even more time, love, affection, patience and attention, than an infant child does. We're talking about animals who spend their first few months of life being carried everywhere, and kept in constant 24/7 physical contact with mom.
It is clear, by the comments of those who want to do unspeakable things to this monkey, that these are people you'd want to keep a close eye on and definitely not trust to be alone with children. This video has sparked an deep-seated evil frenzied response that gives me chills.
I don't know what's wrong with me I love animals especially my 3 dogs they are a part of my family dogs are so loyal you cant help but love and protect them. Also I would give my life away before even 1 hair on my daughter head is harmed. But there is something about these little monkey rats then I just want to kick around like a football. I do know why
Bullshit the baby is insecure. Not once does she show that she wants to be picked up.. Stop having these beautiful animals for pets. They don't belong with you they belong in the wild.
You are not helping her to survive and I mean no offense to you but you should learn more about BABY monkeys and what their needs are emotionally as well as physically. In other words, it is just as important to treat her the right way and take care of her needing affection and all as it is to feed her properly...this WILL NOT teach her to survive what you are doing....if you want to teach her to survive then the very most important thing you can possibly do with a baby this young is to build up confidence and security for it...scaring it and chasing it when it is afraid is the very worse thing you could possibly do..she needs to feel like she can come to you for safety and comfort and all as she would her mother in the wild...once she knows that she can depend on you and that everytime she feels scared or tired or lonely that she can come to you and you will hold her and love her and cuddle her then she will begin to build up her confidence about the rest of the world...if she has no confidence then the moment you release her she will die in the wild..i promise you that..i have worked with these animals for over 20 years and though I know all of this probably sounds silly to you if you really care about her or her well being then you will do these things..or even better since you obviously do not understand what their needs are then you should turn her over to someone who does such as a sanctuary so they can properly prepare her for release..even if you treat her very well as a pet (and NOT chase her and scare her) she still will not be prepared to live in the wild....she will not know how to find the proper foods..she will not know what are dangers for her in the wild and the most important thing is that she is a female and wild female pigtail macaques are born to their mothers and they live with their mothers, and the other family members and her troop for their whole lives...often a troop will not welcome a new and strange female into their troop...and she will die if she does not become part of a troop..they cannot survive all all!! If she were a male it might work out better as males move to different troops once they are mature and then move to a new troop every 4 or 5 years and the new troops will eventually accept a new male as that is in their nature...but not a new female. If a sanctuary were taking care of her and preparing her for release into the wild they would do it with other monkeys that are orphan so that they can either form their own troop or as a group of other hand reared monkeys into a troop that was hand reared and is now in the wild so that they will accept will not have that ability. Like i said you probably think it is bullshit and sounds silly but if you really do care about her survival and wellbeing then you will learn much more about what her needs are beginning with what I said about loving her and showing her affection and gentleness and that she can run to you always like she would her own mother..and she will build will also learn much about how they must be prepared to be returned to the is a lot of sanctuaries people work for years to prepare monkeys to return to the wild...but more likely than all of this you will continue to chase her and scare her and call it fun (for YOU but it is not fun for her and if you really believe it is as you told someone above then you know even less than I thought about monkeys and care absolutely nothing for her at all..she is just an entertainment for you and you are not truly concerned for her wellbeing..they are extremely smart and you really should look at her and think of her right now as the same as a very young little human girl and they have almost the exact same needs right now. I wish you well and hope you do the right thing by her.
Well said Gina. I certainly hope this person listens to all of this information you and others have very kindly given. You guys have spoken the truth and I hope this person learns from it.
they need some pots and pans and smash them together and chase the monkey while they play this game. Show the monkey its just for fun and not in danger
Poor baby looks scared. Are you sure she likes this "game"? The lip smacking I believe is outta fear not fun. I'm not judging either I'm just sharing my little bit of knowledge on monkeys. ✌🏻️❤️🐵💋
You are correct..she is exhibiting fear..and I think he knows this as well but this baby monkey is more for his entertainment than he is concerned for her wellbeing...I may be incorrect in saying that and I really hope that I am. I hope he heeds what I said below
+Din Rima +Gina Powell Gina; I read what you posted below. Din Rima; I noticed you got some very good constructive criticism on this babies needs. I too see that this baby is very afraid and confused. Please use this constructive criticism to your advantage to give this sweet little baby what she needs and deserves. With that said I look forward to seeing another video of her with you giving her a lot of affection. Let the Bonding Begin!
The little animal is confused and scared. He or she doesn't equate being chased as fun. As someone else has suggested in these comments, pick it up and show it some affection. It's a baby, its mother is not around and like any baby, animal or human, it wants to feel secure and loved.
Dumb question but how do y'all know the monkey is scared and not just scampering around? He's not screaming or fighting like you see in some of these videos and he seems pretty calm when he is approached. I don't know, I am just asking.
Because of its reaction and knowledge of how they act when they are actually playing and scampering looks much different than the behavior of this many different regards...
Interestingly, though, the little monk often stops and waits for the camera to catch up. He reacts calmly when it is nearby and even reaches out to touch it.
Zib Ish no but watch the babies MOUTH HE is clicking his lips and that is a sign of stress. If had witnessed this l would picked that baby up and slapped the camera out the person's hand fear is not always shown as screaming like you see in horror movies it has many forms. This baby clearly shows he does not like being chased by the camera.
You probably know this but the mouth movements it makes, like wordless muttering, are what monkeys do to each other to show they are friendly. Also looking at a monkey in the eye for a long time is seen as a threat. In the bathroom the monkey looking around the room wasn't it being cool with the situation, it was very specifically avoiding eye contact as much as possible whilst keeping you in it's peripheral vision. Your total silence and I'm assuming accompanying lack of expression and excessive eye contact makes you inscrutable to the monkey, it doesn't know what your intentions are.
If anyone knew anything about monkeys they would know that it is not scared. It may be a little confused of why its owner is following it either a camera but it is not scared.
Diane Coleman the guy shouldn’t have the mfer as you referred to it in the first place. So I’ll bet if that monkey could talk he say I wouldn’t want to be running around that MFER ladies house.
Lip smacking means it's trying to surrender and wants to know what to do cause it's confused why it's being chased. Baby's this size are supposed to be clinging onto a mother or adult in it's family.
Musta Krackish it’s not? Do you have any info on what it does mean? Assume you agree with OP? I’m no expert , just stuff I’ve read over the years.... I think Blake is correct, lip smacking is either a gesture of friendship, or of submission to a higher ranked individual, both of which would be okay for a baby monkey interacting with its new owner in a new home. If it were a gesture of fright ( which I believe Blake is also correct with the “fear grin”, tongue flicking gestures) you would not see so many alphas lip smack to lower ranked monkeys in social interactions. Actually, I think researchers have identified a particular type of lip smack peculiar to the pigtailed Macaque, called “LEN”, which in an acronym including “lips” and “neck” ( not sure what the E stands for). Anyway, this baby also does a fair amount of scratching which is indicative of nervousness, but that is a fair cry from fright from some abusive behavior... that’s just my 2 cents (and 2 or 3 more I guess, looking at the length of my comment!).....
You take care of your little girl real good. You keep her clean and feed her well ,I'm sure you even go to vet and have her're most likely a better mom then the ones in the wild.They can be very cruel to their babies. Keep up the good work . There's a reason why baby monkeys don't make it a year old.
@Nicholas Ovel It's easy to judge, but maybe and we don't know. Could of seen it in a cage for sale felt sorry and now trying to get it used to them. Let's just say those that caused the abuse do your torture.
@@mariab6136 stop replying that shit to every comment. that person is taking good care of the macaque, better than it would receive by its own family in the wild
@@MybeautifulandamazingPrincess Solo uno sciocco può dire che la scimmia sta meglio qui che non in libertà! In Italia è vietato tenere le scimmie, che possono stare solo in rifugi o giardini zoologici. Questo divieto dovrebbe applicarsi in tutto il mondo. Così finirebbe il traffico illegale di primati !! le scimmie non sarebbero in vendita nelle gabbie dei mercati, e non cadrebbero nelle mani di persone come questa del video. Un grande codardo che terrorizza un animale indifeso solo per prendere soldi dai clic! Dove hai gli occhi? Sotto le scarpe? Non vedi che la scimmia scappa e non sa dove nascondersi! Lei è spaventata !!! Non può graffiare perché ha dei vestiti !! Tutte le scimmie quando hanno PAURA muovono rapidamente le labbra, come fa in 4.40 +++ stop replying that shit to every comment +++ Only a fool can say that the monkey is better off here than in freedom! In Italy it is forbidden to keep monkeys, who can only stay in shelters or zoos. This prohibition should apply worldwide. Thus would the illegal trafficking of primates end !! monkeys would not be sold in the market cages. And monkeys would not fall into the hands of people like the one in this video. A great coward who terrorizes a defenseless animal just to take money from clicks! Where do you have eyes? Under the shoes? You don't see that the monkey runs away and doesn't know where to hide! She is scared !!! He can't scratch because he has clothes !! All the apes when they are afraid move their lips quickly, as she does in 4.40 +++ stop replying that shit to every comment +++ tu
@@MonkeyYiYi Shame on you for having a baby monkey!..They belong in the wild, and it's cruel exploiting them for money.. This baby and yours should be running wild, jumping, and swing from trees.. Shame on you!!! It's cruelty!!!
I would also like to suggest a game called "crazy car". You get a remote controlled car. Attach the monkey to the top of the car, with his head over the front of the car so the monkey get's the best view. You drive the car around, this way and that way to stimulate the monkey. Be careful not to crash into anything because the monkey's head will be what hit's first. Do not get the car sped up and ram it into the wall. If you have blocks you can set up your own little walls to crash through. This ride on the radio controlled car will be very exciting and stimulating for the monkey and no doubt something that the monkey will look forward to. Have fun but be careful.
You (the person taking the video)have a devious mind. I wouldn't trust you around children. It's clear you like to see her vulnerable and scared. Well, there are consequences to everyone of your sinister actions. I pray that weighs heavy on your mind when you are planning your abuse. You are an open book to all the decent people that are commenting.
If a have a pet monkey, and the monkey bites you, you are entitled to discipline the monkey. One way is to make up stocks that hold the monkeys head, and hands. You then take a plastic knife, pull it back and release it so that it stings the monkey's keyster. We'll call that an attention getter. "That's an attention getter" as Jackie Gleason said when he gave some kids a boot in the keyster. This will not physically hurt the monkey but it will advise the monkey that it's behavior was unacceptable and needs to be changed. Clear and unambiguous communication with the monkey is a must. This is one way to do it. You then apply ice to the monkey's keyster by putting it in a tight diaper, this will cool his keyster down, and you place the monkey into a small cage where you can keep an eye on him. If the monkey was especially bad, you may place the small cage at the top of the stairs or the edge of a table. If the monkey behaves and lays down to rest, nothing will happen. If they monkey doesn't behave then the cage may not remain where it is. That is something you have no control over. It is up to the monkey what happens. Monkeys are very intelligent creatures, so they say, I'm sure they will make the right decision and just lay down, be quiet, and reflect upon their poor behavior.
She's such a good girl. Very brave and strong; very loving you can tell she'll be. She didn't yell or throw a fit because she didn't have a mom or a mom replacement to hold onto nor did she fus over not having a nipple close by. Either one of these make most baby long tails freak the fuck out, especially when they find themselves with a "human", no monkeys, in a new home and without their mother. All she did was lipsmack or the equivalent of asking you to be friendly with her and requesting nourishment and protection there through her request to be friendly. "Please be my friend I have none anymore" was exactly what this sweet little girl was asking you in a time of great despair for her. How can you antagonize her and ignore her please for help and compassion? I know she's cute when she runs around, but knowing she's hurt and scared should have way overshadowed any pleasure or amusement you got from her cute waddle. She needs a monkey mother and you obviously aren't going to be that type of owner for her which really sucks and is exactly why human beings should NEVER own monkeys. You don't understand their needs because you're a selfish, egotistical, species-centric, narcissistic, clout-chasing, pretentious, pathetic, broken human being and not a fucking monkey. This poor, exceptional, sweet girl is doomed for as long as you keep her and probably worse when you inevitably give her up which you absolutely will as soon as it gets "too hard" you weak, unreliable shitpile.
You said it exactly the way it is.thank you for your words of knowledge, understanding,and compassion for these innocent creatures..❤
Well said
If the monkey felt comfortable, safe and protected with you, she wouldn't run. She would be jumping with joy that you are there. Baby monkeys are not hard to figure out. Baby monkeys run and hide from the things and people they are afraid of. And they are most likely afraid because that person has ROUTINELY hurt and abused them. If she were in a cage, she would be pushed into a corner trying to make herself invisible. But out in the house, she will try and run to safety. No one believes this is a game. Not for the monkey. And I imagine whatever you are doing that we can here in the background, just adds to her panic. And that is what you intended.
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I could not stop crying this was so cruel and uncalled for to torment this innocent little baby.It makes me wish I could stand up to its tormenter and see how badass they would be then..All of you that buys and sells these baby monks are sick..The fear and uncertainty in her little eyes is heart breaking and all she knew how to do was run and lip smack at her abuser..All I want to say is whoever did this and posted it to social media "SHAME ON YOU" karma has away of coming back and biting ppl like you in the arse and one day when you are least expecting it you will get yours..
That monkey is genuinely terrified, this person is clearly tormenting it, who knows what goes on when the camera is off. You don't need to be a scientist to understand its body language and behaviour.
Poor little thing... she’s so stressed, looking for an exit constantly running away from you. It’s a game to you - it’s survival to her
Pero esto lo hacen en todos los canales y no es motivo de alarma😮 debe ser muy tímido 😢
Desperate to get away from you.
She looks so scared. She clearly needs her mother.
Bring in the komodo for good measure!
Could you people who cares about this little one, place a video in which you are caressing the little one instead of frightening. This little one deserves love and caring!
he does about.this animal EXCEPT to make sure he can earn the maximum money out of their misery
Monkeys are not his pets -- they are his props
question is why is it running from you??
Cuz the pos is abusive to that monkey. Its alone, so naturally they cling to someone ...other animal...humans. this monkey chose nothing. Hes abusive as hell to that baby
Why makes me wonder that also but the answer is pretty obvious I'm sorry to say
This is absolutely heartbreaking.
Nice. So you're just scaring it! Mean! :-(
He is scared because he knows that there is a grand dinner tonight and he is on the menu.
AND that’s just his diaper.
She looks panic
Report it
I don't think this baby monkey is yours either. I can't see you dressing her in cute pink frilly clothes and either you have been very mean to her or abused the hell out of her and that is why she runs from you...she looks so scared so you were either doing something mean to scare her right now.. either you're wearing something on you that is making you look scary to her or you're making mean faces that are frightening her but you certainly aren't reassuring her at any point and you sure are not helping her
Gina Powell yeah I wish we could get people to realize that for proper emotional development, baby monkeys require even more time, love, affection, patience and attention, than an infant child does.
We're talking about animals who spend their first few months of life being carried everywhere, and kept in constant 24/7 physical contact with mom.
+Brett Perry Yes, you are absolutely right and poor baby in the complete dark!
Gina Powell and her tail is in her diaper! How uncomfortable!
you can tell that poor baby is scared of the owner
This baby just need his mom!
Ya he would be much more disciplined with his mom
And if his mom was gone he needs to go to a Sanctuary that knows how to take care of such a beautiful creature
It is clear, by the comments of those who want to do unspeakable things to this monkey, that these are people you'd want to keep a close eye on and definitely not trust to be alone with children.
This video has sparked an deep-seated evil frenzied response that gives me chills.
I don't know what's wrong with me I love animals especially my 3 dogs they are a part of my family dogs are so loyal you cant help but love and protect them. Also I would give my life away before even 1 hair on my daughter head is harmed. But there is something about these little monkey rats then I just want to kick around like a football. I do know why
Is there any word on what happened after you guys contacted the authorities/
Bullshit the baby is insecure. Not once does she show that she wants to be picked up.. Stop having these beautiful animals for pets. They don't belong with you they belong in the wild.
At the end it does try actually watching it
They're ugly not beautiful
It's absolutely terrified.
im helping her to survive
You are not helping her to survive and I mean no offense to you but you should learn more about BABY monkeys and what their needs are emotionally as well as physically. In other words, it is just as important to treat her the right way and take care of her needing affection and all as it is to feed her properly...this WILL NOT teach her to survive what you are doing....if you want to teach her to survive then the very most important thing you can possibly do with a baby this young is to build up confidence and security for it...scaring it and chasing it when it is afraid is the very worse thing you could possibly do..she needs to feel like she can come to you for safety and comfort and all as she would her mother in the wild...once she knows that she can depend on you and that everytime she feels scared or tired or lonely that she can come to you and you will hold her and love her and cuddle her then she will begin to build up her confidence about the rest of the world...if she has no confidence then the moment you release her she will die in the wild..i promise you that..i have worked with these animals for over 20 years and though I know all of this probably sounds silly to you if you really care about her or her well being then you will do these things..or even better since you obviously do not understand what their needs are then you should turn her over to someone who does such as a sanctuary so they can properly prepare her for release..even if you treat her very well as a pet (and NOT chase her and scare her) she still will not be prepared to live in the wild....she will not know how to find the proper foods..she will not know what are dangers for her in the wild and the most important thing is that she is a female and wild female pigtail macaques are born to their mothers and they live with their mothers, and the other family members and her troop for their whole lives...often a troop will not welcome a new and strange female into their troop...and she will die if she does not become part of a troop..they cannot survive all all!! If she were a male it might work out better as males move to different troops once they are mature and then move to a new troop every 4 or 5 years and the new troops will eventually accept a new male as that is in their nature...but not a new female. If a sanctuary were taking care of her and preparing her for release into the wild they would do it with other monkeys that are orphan so that they can either form their own troop or as a group of other hand reared monkeys into a troop that was hand reared and is now in the wild so that they will accept will not have that ability.
Like i said you probably think it is bullshit and sounds silly but if you really do care about her survival and wellbeing then you will learn much more about what her needs are beginning with what I said about loving her and showing her affection and gentleness and that she can run to you always like she would her own mother..and she will build will also learn much about how they must be prepared to be returned to the is a lot of sanctuaries people work for years to prepare monkeys to return to the wild...but more likely than all of this you will continue to chase her and scare her and call it fun (for YOU but it is not fun for her and if you really believe it is as you told someone above then you know even less than I thought about monkeys and care absolutely nothing for her at all..she is just an entertainment for you and you are not truly concerned for her wellbeing..they are extremely smart and you really should look at her and think of her right now as the same as a very young little human girl and they have almost the exact same needs right now. I wish you well and hope you do the right thing by her.
Well said Gina and I absolutely agree! Right now she so..... needs a mother who will shoe her affection and protection!
Well said Gina. I certainly hope this person listens to all of this information you and others have very kindly given. You guys have spoken the truth and I hope this person learns from it.
I will paypal you a $100 USD if you chase it around your house while you are wearing a scary mask and make loud growling monster sounds.
This monkey is terrified. Its no game.
they need some pots and pans and smash them together and chase the monkey while they play this game. Show the monkey its just for fun and not in danger
Poor baby looks scared. Are you sure she likes this "game"? The lip smacking I believe is outta fear not fun. I'm not judging either I'm just sharing my little bit of knowledge on monkeys. ✌🏻️❤️🐵💋
You are correct..she is exhibiting fear..and I think he knows this as well but this baby monkey is more for his entertainment than he is concerned for her wellbeing...I may be incorrect in saying that and I really hope that I am. I hope he heeds what I said below
+Din Rima +Gina Powell
Gina; I read what you posted below.
Din Rima; I noticed you got some very good constructive criticism on this babies needs. I too see that this baby is very afraid and confused. Please use this constructive criticism to your advantage to give this sweet little baby what she needs and deserves. With that said I look forward to seeing another video of her with you giving her a lot of affection. Let the Bonding Begin!
+DianneMarian There u go!! Poor baby girl!
Kitty kitty Meow meow you should judge because this person is as clueless as a fish outta water when it comes to that poor baby monkey
+Elliot Arnold You are exactly right!! ugh....
The little animal is confused and scared. He or she doesn't equate being chased as fun. As someone else has suggested in these comments, pick it up and show it some affection. It's a baby, its mother is not around and like any baby, animal or human, it wants to feel secure and loved.
Dumb question but how do y'all know the monkey is scared and not just scampering around? He's not screaming or fighting like you see in some of these videos and he seems pretty calm when he is approached. I don't know, I am just asking.
Because of its reaction and knowledge of how they act when they are actually playing and scampering looks much different than the behavior of this many different regards...
Interestingly, though, the little monk often stops and waits for the camera to catch up. He reacts calmly when it is nearby and even reaches out to touch it.
The monkey has no reason to fear the person with the camera. If it is scare it should get over it pretty quickly after nothing happens.
Zib Ish jsjssjsnnsnsbbjdkowuhsxbjskmaahhb bsbjak Dumb kkkkkkkk
Zib Ish no but watch the babies MOUTH HE is clicking his lips and that is a sign of stress. If had witnessed this l would picked that baby up and slapped the camera out the person's hand fear is not always shown as screaming like you see in horror movies it has many forms. This baby clearly shows he does not like being chased by the camera.
Too funny, run baby run!! Joann.
Poor baby. I want to just pick her up and show her it's OK.
I want to pick it up and make it scream in absolute terror!
GT Morrow what if u were the baby and u got abused?
GT Morrow I wanna pick it up and smack it up side the head a few times and make it scream 😂🤣😂🤣
@@angelgirl7473 lol ewww kill it
Why? She doesn't seem distressed in any way.
Poor little thing, he is scared like hell!!! This little cute baby monkey is not some toy but living animal and our duty is protect him not scare!!!
You probably know this but the mouth movements it makes, like wordless muttering, are what monkeys do to each other to show they are friendly. Also looking at a monkey in the eye for a long time is seen as a threat. In the bathroom the monkey looking around the room wasn't it being cool with the situation, it was very specifically avoiding eye contact as much as possible whilst keeping you in it's peripheral vision.
Your total silence and I'm assuming accompanying lack of expression and excessive eye contact makes you inscrutable to the monkey, it doesn't know what your intentions are.
As has been said, you are scaring the hell out of that baby monkey. Pick it up and give itsome love. Don't torment it like that!
this seems so cruel, I can't watch anymore
Nothing like scaring the hell out of a 3 pound monkey baby. Yea that’s cool, a real man.
You need a remote control 48V shock collar
Israel Wolstein Do they come in size X-Tra Small? If so, I'll tell you what you can do with your shock collar...
You're scaring her.sit on the floor with her.. Show some love.. She is so cute!!
What's her name?
That wee one's nappies are smeared with mushed boom-booms Get scrubbin'.
Babies run away from what scares them. Especially when they grimace. That's not a smile. That's terror.
this is sad love poor thing sad deal
That is the cutest monkey I have every seen.
Few people here in the comment section are reported.
people who're support any kind of animal abuse should be in jail for the rest of their life.
Choke on a God damn baby seal hamburger you emotional idiot
Fuck u.....GAL Ben Moshe
So should people who care about animals more than humans.
@@jdl2180 Right on. Finally a sensible comment against these animal loving hippocrites.
report yourself then you dumb shit why would you even watch this if you love them so much..
If anyone knew anything about monkeys they would know that it is not scared. It may be a little confused of why its owner is following it either a camera but it is not scared.
There poor thing is lil smacking in absolute terror!
Question. Can those drones people have carry a baby monkey harnessed onto it?
John T. Wolfbanger good question... might be fun to find out!
Pobre animal longe de sua mãe e da natureza... está sendo torturado com essa perseguição.... está assustado.
Deixe o animal em paz
She is so afraid, poor monkey. Make her feel loved, and not trying to hide, and afraid like she is . I am so sorry for her!
She's not being abused just not very happy. I still wouldn't have that mfer running loose in my house.
Diane Coleman the guy shouldn’t have the mfer as you referred to it in the first place. So I’ll bet if that monkey could talk he say I wouldn’t want to be running around that MFER ladies house.
Baby monkies DONT RUN they cling!!!! Even to enemies!!! So if this baby is running it literally has to be the most terrified thing EVER!!!
Lip smacking he wants nothing to do with this person
@Blake Brown COMMENTO DA SAPIENTINO!! si vede bene che la scimmia scappa!!! ma li hai gli occhi o no?
Lip smacking means it's trying to surrender and wants to know what to do cause it's confused why it's being chased. Baby's this size are supposed to be clinging onto a mother or adult in it's family.
Musta Krackish it’s not? Do you have any info on what it does mean? Assume you agree with OP? I’m no expert , just stuff I’ve read over the years.... I think Blake is correct, lip smacking is either a gesture of friendship, or of submission to a higher ranked individual, both of which would be okay for a baby monkey interacting with its new owner in a new home. If it were a gesture of fright ( which I believe Blake is also correct with the “fear grin”, tongue flicking gestures) you would not see so many alphas lip smack to lower ranked monkeys in social interactions. Actually, I think researchers have identified a particular type of lip smack peculiar to the pigtailed Macaque, called “LEN”, which in an acronym including “lips” and “neck” ( not sure what the E stands for). Anyway, this baby also does a fair amount of scratching which is indicative of nervousness, but that is a fair cry from fright from some abusive behavior... that’s just my 2 cents (and 2 or 3 more I guess, looking at the length of my comment!).....
What a cutie, eyes are bid and beautiful....
Every behavior and facial expression this baby demonstrates tells me it is SCARED of whomever is filming!!!!!
At least this one is allowed to walk normally . Congratulations to you
This is THE CUTEST VIDEO. Thanks yiu
Yeah real cute That little monkey infant is just scared she doesn't know what to do and that's so cute
You take care of your little girl real good. You keep her clean and feed her well ,I'm sure you even go to vet and have her're most likely a better mom then the ones in the wild.They can be very cruel to their babies. Keep up the good work . There's a reason why baby monkeys don't make it a year old.
This is sad dude, why are you scaring him/her?
The baby looks like his escaping a spycho .
I don't think this baby has a dirty diaper, it looks to me like they didn't cut a hole for its tail and it has it curled up in the diaper
Absolutely...if the baby has a tale its hurting all squished up in there.
Lol you have him so wondering if your gonna grab him or not, looks funny, run forest run
She's scared and running AWAY from you, not towards you which is their usual behavior. ..WHYYY?!?
@Nicholas Ovel It's easy to judge, but maybe and we don't know. Could of seen it in a cage for sale felt sorry and now trying to get it used to them. Let's just say those that caused the abuse do your torture.
@@mariab6136 stop replying that shit to every comment. that person is taking good care of the macaque, better than it would receive by its own family in the wild
Solo uno sciocco può dire che la scimmia sta meglio qui che non in libertà!
In Italia è vietato tenere le scimmie, che possono stare solo in rifugi o giardini zoologici.
Questo divieto dovrebbe applicarsi in tutto il mondo. Così finirebbe il traffico illegale di primati !! le scimmie non sarebbero in vendita nelle gabbie dei mercati, e non cadrebbero nelle mani di
persone come questa del video.
Un grande codardo che terrorizza un animale indifeso solo per prendere soldi dai clic!
Dove hai gli occhi? Sotto le scarpe? Non vedi che la scimmia scappa e non sa dove nascondersi! Lei è spaventata !!! Non può graffiare perché ha dei vestiti !! Tutte le scimmie quando hanno PAURA muovono rapidamente le labbra, come fa in 4.40
+++ stop replying that shit to every comment +++
Only a fool can say that the monkey is better off here than in freedom!
In Italy it is forbidden to keep monkeys, who can only stay in shelters or zoos.
This prohibition should apply worldwide. Thus would the illegal trafficking of primates end !! monkeys would not be sold in the market cages. And monkeys would not fall into the hands of
people like the one in this video.
A great coward who terrorizes a defenseless animal just to take money from clicks!
Where do you have eyes? Under the shoes? You don't see that the monkey runs away and doesn't know where to hide! She is scared !!! He can't scratch because he has clothes !! All the apes when they are afraid move their lips quickly, as she does in 4.40
+++ stop replying that shit to every comment +++ tu
Everybody shut up, he might be new to her, it doesn't mean that she is a bad person
Some people in the comment gallery thinks the monkey is terrified. It definitely isn't. If it was it would've been screaming & running much faster.
he's terrified of her.
His running away from u!!! Hum🤔
*Probably because the baby monkey is not familiar with the new life. My monkey baby clung to me and didn't leave*
Shut the fuck up niga
@@MonkeyYiYi Shame on you for having a baby monkey!..They belong in the wild, and it's cruel exploiting them for money.. This baby and yours should be running wild, jumping, and swing from trees.. Shame on you!!! It's cruelty!!!
@@MonkeyYiYi oooooooooooooooooooo
@@MonkeyYiYi rrffttff@xzzzzeehhyttty eeeeqqw
*I'm afraid it's a little hard to catch if the monkey baby doesn't follow you*
1:54 he pushed the baby away to keep the "game" going. Not cool.
Yep I noticed that too..and he actually did it more than once
Pobre animal
I would have flicked it with my thumb and forefinger.
A flick like that to the nose is fine, not going to hurt the monkey but it's an attention getter.
You have done a good job of scaring this little baby, I hope you do a better job of feeding her and keeping her clean! Do you ever cuddle her?
This is shameful
Yes an owner playing hide and seek w their pet... Such shame
Smart monkey . He popped in his diaper and lead his owner to bathroom to wash and change him
It's bum seems squashed filthy rotten. The shit acid is eating it alive. The trembling shows the little fellows joy.
Did you have the kitchen knife with you when you chase it to the toilet?
Try talking to him or her...put some effort into that sweet baby...smh...give it love and stop scaring the poor thing
Shut the fuck up
Gee, how often do you hit it, to make it that scared of you???
A macaquinha está sentindo medo!! 🐒😢😢😢😢
It looks like he’s scared was that when you first got him?
This is utterly heartbreaking 💔
Oh grow up.its just a dumb ass monkey
Oh...! Wear pamperd
Kkkkk tadinho ficou assustado....😀🐒😟
Clearly the monkey is not the only thing in this place that is stollen!
Keep that toilet lid closed!
You hit him on his nose. How strong you are....
Pobre bebé. Ya debió tener el pañal bien cagado de miedo y al estúpido lo único que le importa es grabar. Y no lo abraza para darle seguridad.
No hay que abrazarlos,solo sacarlos de su hábitat les causa un daño terrible,son animales salvajes y la ignorancia es muy atrevida.
Any Pit bull dog in the home ???
The poor thing is so scared!!😠
Very sad life for this little innocent animal. Where are the trees, where is nature ? 😢
será que eu sou o único brasileiro que está assistindo esse video?
Não. Eu sou brasileira.
Náo eu tbm istou ..e sou brasileira
Eu também sou brasileira e assisto estes vidios de macacos, adoro os filhotinhos, quando não são maltratados.
Looks like a Zot f knows who would want to keep that critter in the house.
Awe I wish I could love her n hold that poor baby so cute n scared
This is adorable. I have to laugh at the people yelling about abuse. She's exploring and doing what babies do, making sure mom and dad are there.
Heor sheo is so. Scared of you, whgy is iit. Running
I like this one it's actually quiet not screeching like most of these brats do.
That poor baby is scared.
Adorable baby monkey and I love this baby so much.
Step on the rat
I would also like to suggest a game called "crazy car". You get a remote controlled car. Attach the monkey to the top of the car, with his head over the front of the car so the monkey get's the best view. You drive the car around, this way and that way to stimulate the monkey. Be careful not to crash into anything because the monkey's head will be what hit's first. Do not get the car sped up and ram it into the wall. If you have blocks you can set up your own little walls to crash through. This ride on the radio controlled car will be very exciting and stimulating for the monkey and no doubt something that the monkey will look forward to. Have fun but be careful.
You (the person taking the video)have a devious mind. I wouldn't trust you around children. It's clear you like to see her vulnerable and scared.
Well, there are consequences to everyone of your sinister actions. I pray that weighs heavy on your mind when you are planning your abuse. You are an open book to all the decent people that are commenting.
Just plain sad
get a life
If a have a pet monkey, and the monkey bites you, you are entitled to discipline the monkey. One way is to make up stocks that hold the monkeys head, and hands. You then take a plastic knife, pull it back and release it so that it stings the monkey's keyster. We'll call that an attention getter. "That's an attention getter" as Jackie Gleason said when he gave some kids a boot in the keyster. This will not physically hurt the monkey but it will advise the monkey that it's behavior was unacceptable and needs to be changed. Clear and unambiguous communication with the monkey is a must. This is one way to do it. You then apply ice to the monkey's keyster by putting it in a tight diaper, this will cool his keyster down, and you place the monkey into a small cage where you can keep an eye on him. If the monkey was especially bad, you may place the small cage at the top of the stairs or the edge of a table. If the monkey behaves and lays down to rest, nothing will happen. If they monkey doesn't behave then the cage may not remain where it is. That is something you have no control over. It is up to the monkey what happens. Monkeys are very intelligent creatures, so they say, I'm sure they will make the right decision and just lay down, be quiet, and reflect upon their poor behavior.
It Support I love this idea!!!
Just say I agree😭😭😭😭
She looks afraid of you. Plz stop chasing her round. Pick her up an love her she misses her Mummy.... Common plz!!
Din Rima think about what you are doing please
@@spudin81 what difference does that make?
Because it's wrong....
They are just playing. If she was terrified she'd be crying and calling for momma.
Eso es maltrato animal. Deberían quitarselo.
5 minutos de perseguir a ese pobre bebé con tanto miedo.
Aci lo ycieron mi rreyna lik
Nothing like looking at a scampering "rat" in diapers... scooting a big rat...
stamp on it, it wont run away then